Friday, January 05, 2007

  • Friday, January 05, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
From an analysis by the Jerusalem Post's Khaled Abu Toameh:
Mubarak's biggest fear is that the Gaza Strip, which is entirely under the control of armed militias, could turn into a major base for global jihad and other terrorist groups.

Reports about al-Qaida terrorists who have infiltrated the Strip through the border with Egypt have left Mubarak and his top security officials extremely worried. These terrorists, who apparently work in cooperation with elements in Egypt's banned but powerful Muslim Brotherhood, are said to be very active among the Beduin population in Sinai.

Mubarak's merciless crackdown on al-Qaida cells in Sinai has forced some of the terrorists to flee to Gaza, where they have been welcome to use the training camps established on the ruins of some former settlements. The Egyptians fear that these terrorists will eventually return to Egypt to carry out attacks.

The absence of IDF troops along the Philadelphi Corridor, the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, has put Mubarak's regime at risk. The weapons smuggling industry that has flourished there in the aftermath of disengagement poses a serious threat, not only to Mubarak's regime but also to that of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

Some PA security commanders are convinced the Egyptians are not doing enough to combat the smuggling. According to these commanders, the main reason for this is Mubarak's fear that the weapons, including tons of explosives, could end up in Cairo if they don't make their way to the Gaza Strip.

Notice the throwaway phrase "training camps established on the ruins of some former settlements."

The entire world never ceases to describe Israeli settlements as "obstacles to peace." Yet those horrendous Gaza settlements plus the Israeli investment in the industrial zone in Gaza gave thousands of Palestinian Arabs money and jobs.

Their being replaced by terrorist training camps is not the fodder of the thousands of pundits, politicians and reporters who could not bear the existence of Jews in Gaza. No one is coming forward and saying that perhaps the Palestinian Arabs' lives were better when the Jews were there. No one is describing the replacement of beautiful communities with grenades and rockets as a step backwards. There may be some tsk, tsking at what a shame it is that PalArabs can't get their act together but no one will admit that Israel's presence in Gaza was the golden age for average Palestinian Arabs there.

No, these know-it-alls learn nothing from the disintegration of Gaza and still insist that Israel must leave the West Bank as well.

For whose benefit? Certainly not for the average Arab there. Because Gaza today is what the West Bank will become if Israel leaves. Yet the only Arab voices that are being heard are the politicians and the terrorists. For a regular Arab who just wants to provide for his family to say otherwise makes him a "collaborator" subject to instant deadly "justice."

True peace can only come from a complete overhaul of Palestinian Arab society, from the corrupt and terrorist government through the inciteful media and the hate taught in schools, a complete change from the culture of death that celebrates mayhem and murder. The idea that Israeli concessions will bring peace while the society is so thoroughly screwed up is a joke.

But the West likes to solve problems quickly, and this penchant together with the virulent Jew-hatred endemic throughout Arab societies combine to create pressure on the only entity whose presence stabilizes the situation. This is, as can be seen in Gaza, a recipe for disaster, far worse than the "evil" of Jews living their lives in territories that Jews have held sacred for millenia.

Who in the West is willing to admit it?

UPDATE: See TCSDaily for a similar point.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

  • Thursday, January 04, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
I only recently discovered Maan News, which appears to be so far the best place to see breaking news in the territories.

But only in Arabic.

The English site was down during 'Eid and the New Year and only came back up today. But the English site contains very different news and opinions than the Arabic site.

First, look at the main picture on the Arabic site, which reflects the major news of the day - Hamas and Fatah killing each other and dozens dead and injured:

Now look at picture on the English site:

Israeli oppressors!

The Arabic site details the deaths of at least 7 people from infighting, the English site mentions only one.

The Arabic site includes a nonsensical editorial extolling Saddam and blaming the Zionists/"Chosen People" who control America for his death. (It also has a poem about him.) The article adds that the Jews are encouraging Shiite/Sunni violence.

The English site doesn't mention a word about Saddam or the PalArab grief over his death.

In other words, the Arabic site reflects the true way that Palestinian Arabs think, and the English site is nothing but propaganda.

Just like Wafa. Just like the Palestine News Network.
  • Thursday, January 04, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Boker Tov, Boulder points to a news story from yesterday that Keith Ellison will swear on a Koran that belonged to Thomas Jefferson. Anne points out that in all probability, Jefferson read the Koran to learn how to combat the Barbary Pirates, who he had been informed followed the Koran.

This may or may not be true - Jefferson was a very well-read man and he owned a large number of books about religion. But what we do know is that he owned the Koran translated by George Sale around 1741. An 1881 edition is available on Google Books and it is fairly interesting.

Sale wrote essentially an entire book as an introduction to the Koran's translation, and while he is sympathetic with Islam he by no means subscribed to it: his commentary was written as a believing Christian.

So for example we can see this passage, where Sale looks upon Islam's being spread by the sword as proof that it is not a divine religion: (p. 35)

So while it may be a very smart move politically for Ellison to swear on Jefferson's historic Koran, one wonders if he knows what is actually in the text that he will be placing his hand on.
  • Thursday, January 04, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
From "The News" (Pakistan):
By Farrukh Saleem
Imam Ali Ibn Abi Taleb: "If God were to humiliate a human being He would deny him knowledge"

The League of Arab States has 22 members. Of the 22, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar and Oman are 'traditional monarchies'. Of the 22, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Tunisia, Algeria and Somalia are 'Authoritarian Regimes' (Source: Of the 22, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Morocco and Somalia are among the 'world's most repressive regimes' (Source: A special report to the 59th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights). Of the 330 million Muslim men, women and children living under Arab rulers a mere 486,530 live in a democracy (0.15 per cent of the total).

A mere two hundred and fifty miles from the 'League of Dictators' HQ in Cairo is the only 'parliamentary democracy' in the region; universal suffrage, multi-party, multi-candidate, competitive elections. Israel's 6,352,117 residents are 76 per cent Jewish and 23 per cent non-Jewish (mostly Arab).

Israel spends $110 on scientific research per year per person while the same figure for the Arab world is $2. Knowledge makes Israel grow by 5.2 per cent a year while "rates of productivity (the average production of one worker) in Arab countries were negative to a large and increasing extent in oil-producing countries during the 1980s and 90s (World Bank; Arab Development Report)."

Facts cannot be denied: The state of Israel now has six universities ranked as among the best on the face of the planet. Hebrew University Jerusalem is in the top-100. Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Tel Aviv University and Weizmann Institute of Science are in the top-200. Bar Ilan University and Ben Gurion University are in the top-300. The Arab League does not have a single university in the top-400 ( One in two Arab women can neither read nor write (remember, "If God were to humiliate a human being He would deny him/her knowledge").

Israel's universities are producing knowledge. Israeli society is applying that knowledge plus diffusing knowledge produced by others. On the other hand, within the Arab League, repressive regimes have erected religious, social and cultural barriers to the production as well as diffusion of knowledge.

Look at how knowledge is abandoning the Arab world: Between 1998 and 2000 more than 15,000 Arab physicians migrated. According to the World Bank, "roughly 25 per cent of 300,000 first degree graduates from Arab universities emigrated. Roughly 23 per cent of Arab engineers, 50 per cent of Arab doctors and 15 per cent of Arab BSc holders had emigrated."

Israel, on the other hand, has more engineers and scientists per capita than any other country (for every 10,000 Israelis there are 145 engineers or scientists). Israel ranks among the top-7 countries worldwide for patents per capita.

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Israel's pharmaceutical giant, is the world's largest producer of antibiotics (Teva developed Copaxone, a unique immunomodulator therapy for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, the only non-interferon agent available).

Facts are hard to deny: Most members of the Arab League grant Muslim women fewer rights -- with regards to marriage, divorce, dress code, civil rights, legal status and education. Israel does not. Spain translates more books in a year than has the Arab world in the past thousand years (since the reign of Caliph Mamoun; Abbasid, caliph 813-833).

Six million Israelis buy 12 million books every year making them one of the highest consumers of books in the world. Israel has the highest number of university degrees per capita in the world; the Arab world has the lowest. Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other country (109 per 10,000 Israelis); the Arab world -- next to nothing.

Results are for everyone to see: The average per capita income in Israel is $25,000 while the average income within the League of Arab States is $5,000.

The writer is an Islamabad-based freelance columnist. Email:
  • Thursday, January 04, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
This morning's Peaceful PalArab News shows that six to ten were injured during two Fatah funerals. Maan says it was from people shooting in the air; Wafa seems to imply Hamas shooting at the funeral.

Also, one was killed and six more injured, two critically, in Fatah/Hamas clashes in Jabaliya.

The Wafa PA news agency was itself attacked as well.

My count is at 217 violently killed by other PalArabs since late June, 12 this year.

As a bonus, Maan News has a poetry section, and one poem is called "Long dark O Saddam." Obviously an autotranslate program cannot do such a poem justice, but here is a taste from the much, much longer poem. The last line makes it all worth it.
When darkness disappear?
متى سنفرح لسقوط الامطارWhen would rejoice in rainfall
ومتى سنعد الايام ونراقب حركة الاقمارAnd when we will produce the days and watch the movement of satellites
وكيف سنكون يوما ثوارHow we will be days revolutionists
وكيف سنحقق الانتصارHow we will achieve victory
ظلم وقسوة في الجوارThe injustice and cruelty in the neighborhood
استعباد وظلم للثوارThe enslavement and oppression of the insurgents
سقوط لاعظم الجبابرة والاحرارThe fall of the greatest giants and the Liberals
متى سيزول الظلامWhen darkness disappear

كثر السؤال والكلامRumors question and talk
حزنت عليه دماؤنا والعظامSaddened by the blood and bone
جرحت القلوب وذبحت بالسهامWounded hearts and butchered dart
لذهاب الحسامGo to the sword.
سقط القائد المقدامCommander fell venture
وفرحت النفوس الضعيفة وفكت اللثامAnd happy weak and tore down light
ما عاد للسر وجود وكثر طيران الحمامThe general returned to the presence of many airline bathroom
ما عدنا نرفع رأسنا وبتنا كالنعامWhat we raise our heads and we ostriches
فقدت البشرية الشموخ والعظمة بفقدان القائد والاب والامامLost Chammokh human greatness and the loss leader, father and Imam
قائد ثورتنا سقط وما عاد لنا الا الركامCommander of the Revolution fell and returned to us only rubble
ركام قواد ورؤساء هذه الايامThe ruins of the commanders and heads these days

When darkness disappear?
ونفضل الرجل والقائد على الكراسي والحساباتThe preferred men and the commander in the seats and Accounts
طال الظلام يا اعز القوادLong dark you dearest pimp

UPDATE: 3 dead so far today, including a senior Fatah dude:
A senior Palestinian security officer and Fatah loyalist were killed Thursday in an assault on his house by Hamas gunmen, Palestinian officials said.

The officer, Colonel Mohammed Ghayeb, had appeared on Palestine TV just moments before his death and appealed for help. Ghayeb's wife was seriously wounded in the attack, in which Hamas fired assault rifles and rockets at the building.

Ghayeb was the chief of the Preventive Security Service in northern Gaza, and his killing was expected to trigger revenge attacks by the men under his command.

A Hamas policeman was also killed in the northern Gaza Strip refugee camp of Jabalya when members of a Hamas police unit attacked the house of a senior Fatah official. Hamas said its forces were shot at first.
And another person, seemingly a civilian protesting the death of the Colonel, was killed by Hamas this evening. Also, no one knows how many people died with Ghayeb in the house as ambulances can't get there. Unconfirmed reports say 7 more - including his brother and two daughters.

The counts are now at least 220 since Summer Rains and 15 for the year.

UPDATE 2: JPost reporting 5 were killed in the house (including the two daughters) and a Hamas man outside, so 4 more added to the counts: 224 and 19.

Right before midnight, a Hamas terrorist was killed by those infamous "unknown gunmen" in the Balata refugee camp near Nablus - in the West Bank. They also burned some cars and shops there and in Jenin, and shot at a house and burned another car in Tulkarem. . So violence is spreading outside Gaza now. 225 and 20.

UPDATE 4: One more person died from injuries at the Ghayeb house yesterday - it may be the brother. 226 and 21.
  • Thursday, January 04, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
The highly anticipated annual list from MEMRI (see last year's here and the Spring 2006 edition was classic):
"I think if the U.S. did not exist some of us would have invented it. … It is because we are used to hanging all our problems and catastrophes on America. … We add Israel to America." — A former Kuwaiti oil minister, Ali Baghli, Kuwaiti daily Al-Seyassah, March 30

On her winter vacation to Saudi Arabia in December, a professor at Brandeis University whose work has been promoted by the Saudi Embassy in Washington, D.C., Natana DeLong-Bas, gave an interview to Asharq Al-Awsat.

"I do not find any evidence that makes me agree that Osama bin Laden was behind the attack on the twin trade towers," she said of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

To any observer of the Middle East, such a statement comes as no surprise, even from a university professor.

In an article for the September 10 edition of the New Sunday Times, "Did the U.S. Stage a Lie on 9/11?" the vice chancellor of the University Sains Malaysia, Dato Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, also questioned the official version of the attacks. And the Malaysian cleric Hussain Ye appeared on Peace TV on November 1 and said there was no proof Muslims were involved in the attacks and that Jews are guilty.

An article in the November 22 edition of the Syrian government-controlled newspaper Tishreen said a former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, was connected to the September 11 attacks.

The article also criticized those who blamed Syria for the assassination of a Lebanese government minister, Pierre Gemayel. The Syrian minister of expatriates, Bouthaina Shaaban, instead blamed American Embassy employees in Beirut, as well as Israel, for the Gemayel assassination in the October 12 issue of Asharq Al-Awsat.

Conspiracies surrounding Darfur also abounded in 2006. In an address before the U.N. General Assembly on September 19, President al-Bashir of Sudan said that what was really happening in Darfur was a Zionist plot to dismember Sudan and plunder its resources.

The "American-Zionist interest in Sudan" is not to prevent genocide in Darfur but to get control of oil and uranium, Muhammad Salahuddin wrote in the Saudi daily Arab News on August 10. And "American-Israeli" "fabricated lies" about Darfur are part of a Zionist conspiracy to control the "Nile basin to the Euphrates River," the Sudanese writer Muhammad Keshk wrote in the Syrian government-controlled daily Al-Thawrah on December 14, while America is "encouraging the Christians of south Sudan to break away from Sudan," Hassan Tahsin wrote in the Arab News of June 23.

Anti-Semitic conspiracies also continued unabated in 2006 in the Arab press. In the Iraqi magazine Al-Shabaka Al-Iraqiyya of March 13, the article "Look for the Jews" blamed Jews for the cartoons of Prophet Muhammad published in Europe and for the destruction of the Buddha statues in Afghanistan in 2001 and the Samarra mosque in February.

The Egyptian cleric Hazem Sallah Abu Ismail, a former Islamic lecturer in America, appeared on Saudi Al-Risala TV on April 14 and discussed U.N. documents that purportedly showed that "82% of all attempts to corrupt humanity originate from the Jews." Six weeks later, Uwe Frisecke of Lyndon LaRouche's Executive Intelligence Review said on Lebanon's New TV that Jews spread AIDS, SARS, mad cow, and other diseases. The children's Web site of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood devoted a section of its April issue to "murdering children — part of the Jewish religion."

Conspiracies about Guantanamo Bay were also common last year. Following the suicide of a Saudi man at Guantanamo, the man's father told the Arab News on June 19 that Zionists and neoconservatives in the American administration had masterminded his death.

"In countries and cultures where governments and the media have regularly colluded to hide the truth from their citizens, mistrust of authority is pervasive," the British foreign and Commonwealth office minister for the Middle East, Kim Howells, wrote of the Arab press in the London Arabic daily Al-Hayat on October 19. As 2007 begins, one can only hope that the conspiracy theories from the Arab press will lessen. This, however, is unlikely.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

  • Wednesday, January 03, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ahmadinejad said that he feels that Israel will soon collapse.

Let's do a quick comparison on some major economic indicators for Israel and Iraq (from the CIA World Factbook):

Israel Iran
GDP per capita $25,000 $8,400
Unemployment rate 9% 11.2%
Population below poverty line 21% 40%
Gini index (rate of inequality between richest and poorest) 34 43
Inflation 1.3% 13.5%
Industries high-technology projects (including aviation, communications, computer-aided design and manufactures, medical electronics, fiber optics), wood and paper products, potash and phosphates, food, beverages, and tobacco, caustic soda, cement, construction, metals products, chemical products, plastics, diamond cutting, textiles, footwear petroleum, petrochemicals, textiles, cement and other construction materials, food processing (particularly sugar refining and vegetable oil production), metal fabrication, armaments

And these numbers are from 2005 and earlier. 2006 was a spectacular year for the Israeli economy, especially considering a war and constant political turmoil.

Meanwhile, Iran has a 40% poverty rate. Even though Iranians outnumber Israelis by 10-1, Israel has more cell phones!

Which country seems more likely to collapse?
  • Wednesday, January 03, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Besides the two deaths reported yesterday (a 57-year old mechanic found dead and a "work accident") in the PalArab self-death watch, there were two bodies found today: a 14 year old boy who was beaten and shot in the Nuseirat camp, and a 40-something woman who was beaten to death in Jabaliya. Our count since Operation Summer Rains is at 209; our 2007 count is at 4.

Keep in mind that I monitor about 5 PalArab news sources and typically stories like these only show up in one. If brutal murders are only mentioned incidentally the way typical newspapers would mention minor traffic accidents you can be sure that I am missing many other Arab killings in the territories. In addition, the main "human rights" website that used to be pretty consistent in reporting these incidents (as examples of "misuse of weapons and security chaos") has itself given up, with no updates for over a week now. Another "human rights" organization that tried to list all internal PalArab deaths by gunfire has not updated its list since November.

And B'Tselem only lists deaths that they can say are related to the intifada.

UPDATE: It appears that three members of the PA police were killed as they tried to storm a "militant" house suspected of housing the kidnapped AFP photographer. (Two dead mentioned in the story linked, a third mentioned in Maan News Arabic article.) Abbas blamed Hamas who denied it.

Meanwhile, a Fatah terrorist was killed in northern Gaza and a woman bystander was killed as well (same Haaretz article.)

So our numbers are now 214 since Summer Rains and 9 dead already this year.

UPDATE 2: Another woman killed, counts up to 215 and 10.
A bodyguard for the PA Interior Minister decided to moonlight as a bombmaker, since that is a respectable side job for a government aide. Unfortunately his bomb blew up and this evening, he succumbed to his injuries. So we are now at 216 and 11, making this New Year quite explosive.
  • Wednesday, January 03, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
In a culture that worships violence, in a place where killers are lionized, in an area where manlihood is defined by murder and mayhem - is it any wonder that the next generation is growing up so dysfunctionally?

It is the plastic toy gun season again. Eid Al-Adha brings the money and the children rush to the shops to purchase the gun they have had picked out for months. But these are not just any guns. Born, and being raised, under military occupation is rearing a generation of sophisticates in the weapons business. (Notice that the author doesn't mention the fact that there are terrorists with guns and rockets on every street corner, and tries to blame the PalArab love of guns on "occupation". -EoZ)

Omar is a child from the northern West Bank's Nablus. He chose a plastic M16 for 150 shekels collected from his uncles for Eid Al-Adha. His sister chose the same.

Mohammed Salah Abu Wardeh from Nablus' Balata Refugee Camp chose a Kalashinkov, designed to resemble the real thing. The name is emblazoned on its side and although his mother told him that just two days ago the neighbor children were injured playing with toy guns, he bought it anyway.(Does this mean that these "toy guns" shoot BBs or the like? No matter! - EoZ)

The plastic guns are omnipresent in camps, villages, towns and cities on holidays. In the northern West Bank's town of Assira Al-Shamaliya the football field becomes a military theatre. Yousuf Al-Sawalhi, a student at Nablus' Al-Najah University, said that every young child carries a plastic weapon on the first day of Eid.

Hussein Kamel is a school counselor in Nablus and says that the phenomenon is linked to the political situation and the news children watch everyday, on the television and in front of their homes and schools. Kamel says that he is concerned that the new generation will grow up violent after seeing nothing but suffering and playing nothing but death.

Notice that the parents are the ones buying these toy weapons for their children. But the word "responsibility" does not seem to translate to Arabic very well.
  • Wednesday, January 03, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Arabic Maan news agency has an interview on the "inside story" of the terrorists who launch rockets towards Israel. The autotranslate is very poor so I will try to quote it and correct it as best as I can, but the article makes the terrorists sound heroic, as usual:
The cat-and-mouse game between Israel and the Palestinian Arab rocket launchers has resumed after a short lull.

A group of Palestinians, three to four young men in the prime of their lives, prepare their missiles to be fired at Israeli targets and then must disappear in seconds into Gaza outside the reach of the Israeli army, which monitors their missiles as they are shot on their way to settlements in the western Negev, but it was too late for Israel to respond.

Maybe the Palestinian rockets are primitive but they certainly leave the Israeli army without recourse, and they impose terror and fear on the population of the south of the country. The members of the Palestinian cells are not intimidated by Israel and its army and always find enough time for press interviews that turned them into TV stars in Europe and other continents.

In this context found the commander of a group of missiles, known as Abu Hamza, had enough time to give the French news agency, "a. B, "an interview which he spoke of how their work and fear of the Israeli army, separated as much as possible for the cat and mouse game between the two parties to the conflict.

The bearded commander of the cell Abu Hamza "has just launched seven rockets, the Israelis tried all ways of aircraft and aircraft unmanned aerial vehicles and helicopters and land invasions in order to stop the firing of rockets but to no avail and we raise the level of our ongoing and now we can launch our far beyond, which will help us to a range of sites somewhat further away from the battle lines where aircraft can reach us."

Despite the differences and conflicts between the Palestinian factions, it did not affect the cells firing rockets, which carries out its functions in collaboration and coordination among the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and Islamic Jihad groups in the central efforts of the firing of rockets at Israeli targets, in contrast with what comes from the political dispute in the street. The atmosphere of friendliness and love dominates between the cells firing rockets.

Came to the press interview commanding one field commander Abu Hamza and another known as Abu Jabal and revealed for the first time before the press modus operandi as Abu Hamza "is our men erected
missile platforms and withdraw rapidly. There is a group responsible for the firing of rockets and the second secures the protection of the launch."

They cannot fire the rockets towards any specific targets. They know that the range is between 10-20 kilometers but where the rockets hit is up to God.

Abu Hamza and Abu Jabal say they have "consistently employed great efforts and time to identify a time of launching rockets. They prefer the early morning hours or the early hours of the evening for the implementation of the bombing operations. Abu Hamza says "the hours morning or evening are the hours in which the movement of the Israelis is greatest, as well as Jewish holidays are our favorite tool for a religion. We are trying shelling during and well as when we know from the media on the visit of the commander or the Israeli official trying to do of aerial bombardment. "
UPDATE: AFP has the article in English - but translates "Jewish holidays" as "public holidays," something that the autotranslate would not have gotten wrong. So AFP apparently purposefully mistranslated the interview so as not to add a religious dimension to the Islamic Jihad/Fatah terrorists.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

  • Tuesday, January 02, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
The MEMRI blog reports
On January 1, 2007 the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF) announced the imminent release of new computer software called "Mujahideen Secret." According to the advertisement for the software (see below), it is "the first Islamic computer program for secure exchange [of information] on the Internet," and it provides users with "the five best encryption algorithms, and with symmetrical encryption keys (256 bit), asymmetrical encryption keys (2048 bit) and data compression [tools]."

This is probably good news.

The best encryption algorithms take years to create, and they are made public so cryptographers can try to find flaws. If the terrorists don't trust Western encryption and they wrote their own, almost certainly it has enough holes that the West's code-breakers will blow it open in a few days.

It is also entirely possible that the entire program was written by Western espionage services to begin with and it has a backdoor built in and is being marketed to the terrorists.

Either way, chances are that the big Internet sniffers at the NSA can recognize when messages are being passed with this encryption and the very existence of such messages automatically makes the endpoints suspect, so they will then know what to watch.

So - hooray for Islamist encryption!
  • Tuesday, January 02, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
From "Palestine News Network:"
In a show of solidarity with the executed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, hundreds of Palestinian homes have put his picture on their walls. Many already had them as Hussein was considered a hero to many, seen as one of the few world leaders who would stand up to the United States. He was also generous morally and financially to Palestinians in general.

Photography studios in the northern West Bank's Nablus are reporting dozens of young men coming in asking for copies of existing images of Hussein in different sizes to frame for their homes.

At the Cairo Studio in central Nablus City some customers are bringing in small pictures of the late Iraqi President asking for them to be enlarged for display.

With tens more copies distributed in meetings, it is still not enough. The Nawwas Restaurant in eastern Nablus' Balata Refugee Camp, the photo of large-scale wooden image of Hussein is being photographed, and those photos are being enlarged.

Dozens of young men have asked for the traditional Palestinian embroideries to be done in the image of Hussein. This is what happened with the passing of the late President Yasser Arafat and the assassinated Hamas founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.

As we've mentioned before, you can tell a lot about a society by looking at who they consider heroes.
  • Tuesday, January 02, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
From YNet:
Just when you thought the Iranian leadership could stoop no further: A top advisor to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claimed in an interview with Iranian website Baztab that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler's parents were both Jewish and that Hitler himself was one of the founders of the State of Israel.

In the interview, translated by MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) Mohammad-Ali Ramin, a chief aide to Ahmadinejad, told Baztab that Hitler's paternal grandmother was a Jewish prostitute and his father even kept his Jewish name until finally changing it to Hitler when he was 40.
I dunno, I think the Ahmadinejad/ape theory holds a bit more water.

Monday, January 01, 2007

  • Monday, January 01, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Who else would think of raising fish - in the desert?
KIBBUTZ MASHABBE SADE, Israel — The day’s coppery last light reflects off the backs of sea bass swimming in fish ponds lined in neat rows on this desert farm.

Fish farming in the desert may at first sound like an anomaly, but in Israel over the last decade a scientific hunch has turned into a bustling business.

Scientists here say they realized they were on to something when they found that brackish water drilled from underground desert aquifers hundreds of feet deep could be used to raise warm-water fish. The geothermal water, less than one-tenth as saline as sea water, free of pollutants and a toasty 98 degrees on average, proved an ideal match.

“It was not simple to convince people that growing fish in the desert makes sense,” said Samuel Appelbaum, a professor and fish biologist at the Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research at the Sede Boqer campus of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

“It is important to stop with the reputation that arid land is nonfertile, useless land,” said Professor Appelbaum, who pioneered the concept of desert aquaculture in Israel in the late 1980s. “We should consider arid land where subsurface water exists as land that has great opportunities, especially in food production because of the low level of competition on the land itself and because it gives opportunities to its inhabitants.”

The next step in this country, where water is scarce and expensive, was to show farmers that they could later use the water in which the fish are raised to irrigate their crops in a system called double usage. The organic waste produced by the cultured fish makes the water especially useful, because it acts as fertilizer for the crops.

Fields watered by brackish water dot Israel’s Negev and Arava Deserts in the south of the country, where they spread out like green blankets against a landscape of sand dunes and rocky outcrops. At Kibbutz Mashabbe Sade in the Negev, the recycled water from the fish ponds is used to irrigate acres of olive and jojoba groves. Elsewhere it is also used for irrigating date palms and alfalfa.

The chain of multiple users for the water is potentially a model that can be copied, especially in arid third world countries where farmers struggle to produce crops, and Israeli scientists have recently been peddling their ideas abroad.

Dry lands cover about 40 percent of the planet, and the people who live on them are often among the poorest in the world. Scientists are working to share the desert aquaculture technology they fine-tuned here with Tanzania, India, Australia and China, among others.

Each farm could run itself, which is important in the developing world,” said Alon Tal, a leading Israeli environmental activist who recently organized a conference on desertification, with the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification and Ben-Gurion University, that brought policy makers and scientists from 30 countries to Israel.

A whole village could adopt such a system,” Dr. Tal added.

At the conference, Gregoire de Kalbermatten, deputy secretary general of the antidesertification group at the United Nations, said, “We need to learn from the resilience of Israel in developing dry lands.”

Israel, long heralded for its agricultural success in the desert through innovative technologies like drip irrigation, has found ways to use low-quality water and what is considered terrible soil to grow produce like sweet cherry tomatoes, peppers, asparagus and melon, marketing much of it abroad to Europe, especially during winter.
Imagine thousands of Israelis, more than eager to teach their innovations, fanning out from Yemen to Morocco, teaching people how their lives can improve, how they can not only grow their own food but export it, how their economies can grow from industries other than oil.

Imagine how much Western investment would be attracted to industries that Israelis could start in Arabia, employing tens of thousands of Arabs.

Imagine how much better life would be in Arab countries if they didn't teach their children that Jews and Zionists are evil, if they didn't incite their people to hate, if they would accept the idea that a Jewish state in their midst at peace with them can make their own lives better. is very, very hard to imagine all this.

So who will benefit? Countries like Tanzania, India, Australia and China. The Arab world will be left behind yet again, because of their stubbornness and misplaced "pride."

(Other "Israel saving the world" articles here and here.)
  • Monday, January 01, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
This story came out yesterday and got a fair amount of play in the J-sphere:

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip: The recent fighting between Hamas and Fatah militants did not just play out in the streets of the Gaza Strip. The rival groups also pummeled each other over the airwaves, calling each other's fighters "mercenary death squads," "child killers" and even "Zionists."

The harsh rhetoric, coupled with the stations' ability to quickly rally their armed supporters in the streets, has led to fears that the local disc jockeys could fan the flames of the recent violence into a full-blown of civil war.

"If we wanted, we could burn down Gaza," said a smiling Ibrahim Daher, director of Aqsa Radio, the voice in Gaza of the Islamic militant group Hamas.
"Radio is in every house, every car and every street. It can cause a revolution or quell one. That's a dangerous role," said Salah al-Masri, director of Al-Quds Radio, funded by the radical Islamic Jihad militant group.

"I bet you, in a few hours, I can orchestrate a protest. The question is what kind. We can launch a protest against the Israeli occupation, or at (Abbas), or fire rockets," he said.
The subtext is that Palestinian Arabs have a hard time thinking for themselves. If the radio tells them to do something, a large number will unthinkingly do it.

This is apparent throughout the Arab world. The "Arab street" is a myth largely because the governments that control the media can make the "street" do anything they want them to do. One only has to look at how Egypt manipulated their people to support Camp David in the late 70s and then turn around in an instant to turn them back against Israel. Massive rallies appear out of nowhere whenever the current dictator decides it would help nudge the West in whichever direction he wants.

The word "sheep" comes to mind because I saw a very telling, and very sad, posting at yesterday, the the site's slogan is "Sheep are for `Eid."

The posting was from an Islamic woman in a polygamous marriage who says that she would prefer if her husband would have an affair rather than take on another wife.

While the two have little to do with each other, there is a fundamental problem with people who do things and accept things without any critical thought. Those people are nothing more than pawns, and too often they are accidental players in a very deadly global game.

(This of course is not only an Arab or Muslim problem. Too many people even in the West will unquestioningly accept truths without the slightest bit of skepticism. But the problem is far worse in places where there is simply no opportunity to think independently while remaining safe.)
  • Monday, January 01, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Fatah and Hamas might be fighting and lots of other groups may be building their own armies, but Palestinian Arabs are united on one topic: that Saddam Hussein was their hero.

According to Hamas' Ramattan "news" agency, every single PalArab group condemned his execution, including Fatah, Hamas, the Popular Front, the Democratic Front, Islamic Jihad, and the the Abu Rish Brigades.

It is always gratifying to see that they can agree on something.

Meanwhile, a "mysterious explosion" (which means "work accident") in Gaza killed two PalArabs in Gaza City and seriously injured three others, bringing my count of violent PalArab self-deaths since Summer Rains to 205.

UPDATE: Maan News (Arabic) points out that not all have been vocal in condemning Saddam's execution:
The Palestinian leadership is silent ... Abu Mazen does not want to anger Kuwait and Ismail Haniya does not want to antagonize Iran.

UPDATE 2: Death count at 207 as the first from the New Year becomes known - a 57 year-old car mechanic with many gunshot wounds, and Ramattan reports:
The killing of a Palestinian and injuring two others mysterious explosion in the north of the Gaza Strip - 2/1/2007 13:0-
  • Monday, January 01, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here's an object lesson in how activist "journalism" can create lies out of whole cloth.

Stephen Lendman, who writes for far-left rags like Counterpunch, claims to have unearthed evidence from a French book by the late Uri Dan that claims that Ariel Sharon assassinated Yasir Arafat. The Palestinian Arab has been highlighting this story, although it has barely created a ripple in the West.

Let's look a little closer at what Lendman writes:
Former Longtime Confidant Accuses Ariel Sharon of Assassinating Yasser Arafat - by Stephen Lendman

Longtime and now recently deceased confidant to former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Uri Dan, published a book in France that may have been his 2006 one titled Ariel Sharon: An Intimate Portrait in which he accused the former prime minister of assassinating Palestinian Authority (PA) President Yasser Arafat by poisoning him.
OK, Lendman is saying straight out that Dan accused Sharon of assassinating Arafat. Here's Lendman's evidence:
Dan claimed Sharon got approval from George Bush by phone early in 2004 to proceed with his plan after he told the US president he was no longer committed to "not" liquidating the Palestinian leader who then was under siege and practically incarcerated in what remained of his Ramallah compound, most of which had already been destroyed by the Israelis in a lawless act of retribution against him.
So his evidence is that Sharon felt that he was allowed to kill Arafat. That's it. He adds stupid irrelevant (and well-known) facts to buttress this idiotic argument:
Based on his record during his tenure as Texas governor, when he authorized more death row inmate executions than any US governor in history (and was called by some the Texecutioner), this revelation should come as no surprise. It's even clearer based on Ariel Sharon's boast once about his relationship with George Bush saying: "We have the US president under our control."
Of course Lendman, completely out of evidence and completely unbound by journalistic integrity, throws in a complete fabricated quote from Sharon (and he doesn't even get the fabricated quote right!)
Arafat died in Paris on November 11, 2004 at age 75. He was taken there on October 29 that year and hospitalized for treatment for an undiagnosed illness that began developing in April and became serious enough for him to need special care. It may have already been too late when he arrived as he slipped into a coma on November 3 and remained in that state till his death eight days later from what was explained at the time as complications from a blood disorder. Indeed it may have been true if his blood was poisoned by a substance able to work slowly and from which no cure was possible at least once the former Palestinian leader arrived in Paris.

To those knowledgeable about Israel's history since it became a state in 1948 and earlier, this revelation, if true, should come as no surprise.

In other words, Uri Dan said no such thing (and Lendman isn't even sure if he has the right book!) but that's enough for this ersatz "journalist" to make wild, unfounded accusations.

Even funnier is that all of this information had been widely available in 2004:
But Uri Dan, a Sharon confidant, wrote in November 2004 that he remembered meetings in 1982 held by Sharon, then defense minister, in his Tel Aviv office "in which he asked the heads of the Mossad when they would finally carry out Prime Minister Menachem Begin's order to eliminate Arafat."

In September 2003, Sharon's vice prime minister, Ehud Olmert, said of Arafat that "killing him is definitely one of the options." He added: "We are trying to eliminate all the heads of terror, and Arafat is one of the heads of terror."

There have been reports in the Israeli press of a secret cabinet decision made in late 2003 to eliminate Arafat, which Dan describes as "a deliberately vaguely worded decision to remove Arafat, since he was an obstacle to peace." Officials have hinted that operational plans were drawn up to eliminate Arafat, although they say no action was taken.

Under American pressure, Sharon agreed simply to isolate Arafat in his Ramallah headquarters after the Israeli military operation to retake control of the West Bank in the spring of 2002.

But Sharon himself said he informed President George W. Bush on April 14, 2004, that he no longer felt bound by his promise to Bush in March 2001 not to harm Arafat, Dan says.

"President Bush replied that it would perhaps be best to leave Arafat's fate in the hands of the Almighty. Sharon said that one should sometimes help Him."

It is no surprise then, Dan concluded, that many Palestinians "are spreading a conspiracy theory that Israel poisoned Arafat."

Now, if Sharon had ordered the assassination fo Arafat it wouldn't bother me in the least, but Lendman has uncovered no evidence at all. That doesn't stop him from publishing it everywhere he can find, thinking he has a scoop, and it doesn't stop the paranoid PalArabs and their terror supporters from taking the story and running with it.
The Ma'an "news" agency added a detail:

>Another writer, Amnon Kabilok, wrote a revision of the book which is entitled 'Sharon,' in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. He inquired how Uri Dan knew about the sickness of Arafat and its causes and symptoms months in advance of the deceased's symptoms appearing.

Amnon said that while reviewing a book by Uri Dan, he received the news that the author of that book has passed away. He also said that he struggled to get a copy of the book, which he finally obtained with the help of a French friend.
So this Kabilok was writing a revision of Dan's book, apparently without meeting Dan (who only died last month), but he didn't have a copy of the book he was revising. Yes, this all makes sense!

This is the state of terror journalism - know the facts before you look for evidence, and then make the "evidence" fit the facts. (Of course, this seems to be the state of mainstream journalism as well.)

So now the PalArab press is filled with new accusations that they claim Sharon's friend and confidante stated.

And they are, simply, lying.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

  • Sunday, December 31, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
1936 was a rough year for the Jews of Palestine. There were Arab riots, strikes and many terror attacks.

But the Jews did not whine nor did they quit. They fought mightily to live their lives to be as normal as possible even in situations where a bullet could come from anywhere and end any of their lives.

In one representative article in the Palestine Post, we see that Hebrew University was going forward with plans to expand even though students and faculty had been murdered by Arabs that year (All articles here are from the December 31, 1936 Palestine Post):

In the end of the year, the famed conductor Arturo Toscanini came to Jerusalem (at his own expense) to conduct in what was considered a hugely important cultural event to the Palestinian Jews as the coming out of the Palestine Orchestra. (Notice thatneither the ads nor the articles even mention Toscanini's first name; he was that well-known and revered that it was simply not necessary.)

Sadly, the bulk of the article is not available in the Palestine Post archives, but it is clear that the concert series was a smashing success. (One letter writer to the Post did complain about the actions of the press photographers at the previous week's concert, though.)

The Haifa concert on New Year's Eve was sold out:

Haifa residents could enjoy a traditional New Year's party afterwards:

And due to popular demand, an additional concert was scheduled for Jerusalem:

TIME magazine described one concert:
As a full Palestine moon rode one evening last week over Tel Aviv, exclusively Jewish city, the Hebrew Sabbath ended and thousands of Jews began to move toward the Levant Fair Grounds. There they packed the Italian Pavilion to capacity to hear great Arturo Toscanini lead Palestine's first civic orchestra through its first performance. Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope, the British High Commissioner, brought with him a party of notables. Open-shirted German immigrants gathered in rowboats on the adjacent Yarkon River. A few Arab fishermen paddled quietly toward shore, listened respectfully outside the pavilion walls which are still pitted by Arab bullets.

Inside those walls Arturo Toscanini was proving again his art, and allaying the fears of those who had heard the orchestra rehearse. A week prior it had been ragged, particularly in winds & strings. But the great master made the Brahms Second come out so clear and controlled. Schubert's Unfinished Symphony sing with such freshness that the audience could forget the flocks of frightened sparrows which swooped and twittered above their heads. There was no raggedness when, partly as a taunt to Nazi Germany, he led them through a scherzo by Jewish Felix Mendelssohn.

The Palestine symphony was grateful to Toscanini for coming all the way to make its debut a success. But all Tel Aviv knew and did not forget that Violinist Bronislaw Huberman was the man who made its debut a possibility. Touring Palestine in December 1935. Huberman, a Polish Jew, was impressed by the attendance and enthusiasm of natives & exiles who came to hear his violin concerts. He determined to build for them an orchestra at Tel Aviv, their brave new cultural capital, and resigned his Vienna teaching post to do so. Already in Palestine, or easily available all over Europe, were scores of refugee Jewish musicians. It was easy to get, as permanent administrators of the new orchestra's trust fund, such influential Jews as Financier Israel Sieff of London, Belgian Industrialist Dannie Heineman. Palestine's Lieut. Col. Frederick Hermann Kisch. Palestine's top-notch lawyer, Solomon Horowitz. Dr. Albert Einstein took the honorary presidency of the U. S. branch of the organization.

The Palestine Symphony Orchestra now numbers 72. Germans make up about half the number, the rest are Poles and Russians. Six are natives of Palestine which has several competent music schools but welcomes the new orchestra as its only permanent symphony. So many first-desk musicians are playing in it that critics expect the Palestine Symphony to rank soon among the first four orchestras in the world. Impresario Huberman is proud to have engaged for the forthcoming season such guest artists as Violinist Adolf Busch and Cellist Pablo Casals. After Toscanini takes the orchestra to Jerusalem, Haifa, Cairo and Alexandria this season, Issay Dobrowen, former conductor of the San Francisco Symphony, Hans Wilhelm Steinberg, onetime director of the Frankfort Opera, and Michael Taube, former leader of famed German ensembles, will replace him on Jewry's proudest podium.

For a people who desire and celebrate life, a few terror attacks will not break their will. In many ways, it makes them more determined than ever to live their lives exactly the way they want to.

For people who are raised in a culture of death, however, one will be hard-pressed to find any similar stories.

Friday, December 29, 2006

  • Friday, December 29, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
The controversy over Keith Ellison's desire to use a Koran to swear in as a member of Congress has raised a number of criticisms, most notably (and controversially) from Dennis Prager. A very good roundup of all points of view can be seen in the Wikipedia article on the topic.

From everything I've read, Prager is wrong and inconsistent in many areas of his article. Most of them were addressed by Eugene Volokh. But there is one aspect of this story that I haven't seen mentioned.

The purpose of the book that some (not all) public officials swear on is to show the seriousness of the oath, not as an affirmation of the contents of the book. The use of a Bible or Koran or Tanakh is tangential to the point of the oath - which is, in this case, to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Here is the text with the words in italics not being necessary:
I do solemnly swear (affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
If Ellison believes that the Bible is a corrupt and incorrect document, which is what Islam states at least in reference to the Old Testament, then insisting that he take the above oath on a book he doesn't believe in is much worse than his swearing to uphold the Constitution on a book that he believes passionately in. In other words, his swearing on a book he doesn't believe in has the same import to him as swearing on a comic book.

The fear that some have about Ellison is whether he, as a Muslim, has the ability to uphold the Constitution. There may or may not be contradictions between Ellison's flavor of Shari'a and the US Constitution, and that is a reasonable question to ask (just as some worried that JFK would put his Catholicism above his patriotism.) But his swearing on a Koran has nothing to do with that - on the contrary, it indicates that at least to him, the two are not mutually exclusive, a conclusion that could not be made if he was forced to "swear" on a book he has no belief in.

Slightly more problematic is the idea that he will replace "So help me God" with "Allahu Akhbar." While I have no problem with the words "God is great" themselves, it is very troubling to think that the very words that have been shouted to accompany the murders of thousands of Americans and other innocents worldwide should be uttered in Congress. This is not a logical argument but an emotional one, but it is one that I cannot personally let go so easily.
  • Friday, December 29, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today's Times of London printed a letter from the Iranian ambassador to Britain. Iran is upset that the Times watered down their hysterical rhetoric, and, frankly, so am I.

It would be much better for readers to see the spit flying out of the Iranians' mouths when evaluating the merit of their arguments. (Calling it censorship is, of course, nuts - editors have the right to edit. But the Times edits seriously downplays the insanity of the argument.)

Here's the letter that the Times published, along with a reconstruction (in bold) of the parts that Iran sent based on this IRNA article:

Sir, Iran (letter, Dec 26) is a signatory to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and has categorically rejected development, stockpiling and use of nuclear weapons on ideological and strategic grounds, while on December 11 the Prime Minister of Israel boasted about his regime's nuclear weapons appeared to admit that his country had nuclear weapons, although his aides later denied this.

For decades the international community, especially countries in the Middle East, has been aware of Israel’s nuclear arsenal, but the reversal of the hypocritical policy of “strategic ambiguity” has posed a serious threat to the security of the region.

On the other hand, those governments which have pushed the Security Council to take measures against Iran’s peaceful nuclear programme have systematically prevented it from taking any action against Israel for refusing to abide by the NPT to nudge Israel towards submitting itself to the rules governing the nuclear non-proliferation regime.

There is a famous Persian saying that 'Truth is bitter whether you like it or not.' The root causes of all the troubles and miseries are Israel's long and dark catalogue of atrocities, such as occupation, aggression, militarism, state-terrorism, crimes against humanity. It is these which pose a uniquely grave threat to regional and international peace and security.
Chargé d’Affairs
Embassy of Iran
London SW7

Babaei's screed seems almost reasonable in the way the Times presented it. Only in its original context can one see that his main point was the last paragraph, where he blames everything from Arab poverty to Saddam Hussein and the Saudi kleptocracy on Israel.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

  • Thursday, December 28, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
This was an interesting exercise. I tried going through all my posts and found dozens that I liked - it is much harder to pick only a few than I expected.

It was worthwhile, though - because looking at my posts from months ago, many of which I had forgotten about, allowed me to evaluate my posting style a little more objectively and I must say that I am proud of this blog. I found relatively few posts that look incorrect or silly in retrospect - on the contrary, I think almost all of my longer essays could be posted today with little loss of relevance.

So I am arbitrarily choosing only some posts that people created trackbacks to in their own postings.

Thanks for reading!

The most moral army in history
Some of those female prisoners
The problem with the BBC
The perfect weapon
Using Israel's morality as a weapon
Building an economy under fire: The Jews of 1939
  • Thursday, December 28, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Some details on the meeting Olmert had with Abbas, from the Forward:
The meeting — long expected, oft postponed and arranged in secrecy — was the first between the two since Olmert became prime minister. Strikingly, Olmert made a point of treating Abbas as a head of state. A red, green, black and white flag waved next to the blue-and-white Israeli one in the parking lot of Olmert’s residencethe first time the Palestinian banner has been displayed at an Israeli institution. Olmert greet Abbas as “Mr. President” — dropping the Israeli insistence on the lesser title “chairman” for the head of the Palestinian Authority.

The symbols were aimed at announcing that Olmert regards Abbas as a negotiating partner. “The prime minister stated very clearly that he is reaching out to those in the Palestinian Authority who support a two-state solution and achieving [it] through dialogue,” Olmert spokeswoman Miri Eisin told the Forward this week. “We are trying… to show the Palestinian people that there are more benefits to non-violence.

And we all know how non-violent the past month was!

And we all know how committed to peace Fatah is!

Jameel is right - they tell jokes about Israel in Chelm.

Let's hope that Israel can find leaders who aren't quite as funny.
  • Thursday, December 28, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Judeopundit opines on Hezbollah perfume.
Jameel at the Muqata has the best title of the morning.
Omri elaborates on a past Nobel Peace Prize winner.
Smooth enlightens us to another source of PalArab terror funding.
  • Thursday, December 28, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Let's all jump into the Wayback Machine and travel far, far back into the shrouded and mysterious past. Let us unearth the words and deeds of the previous generations and try to learn from the ancients.

Yes, let's decipher the yellowed and crumbling newspaper known as Ha'aretz from November 27, 2006:
Olmert said Sunday during a visit in the Negev that "the State of Israel is so strong that it can allow itself some restraint in order to give a chance to a cease-fire."

"All of these things ultimately could lead to one thing - the opening of serious, real, open and direct negotiations between us," Olmert said. "So that we can move forward towards a comprehensive agreement between us and the Palestinians."

"Even though there are still violations of the cease-fire by the Palestinian side, I have instructed our defense officials not to respond, to show restraint, and to give this cease-fire a chance to take full effect," he said during a ceremony at a high school in the Bedouin town of Rahat, adding "the government of Israel will not miss this opportunity for calm."

Palestinian Authority security forces began deploying along the Gaza Strip's border with Israel on Sunday, in order to prevent Palestinian militants from firing Qassam rockets at Israel in violation of the cease-fire.

A short time earlier, Abbas ordered the heads of Palestinian security forces to ensure that Gaza militants respect the truce, Palestinian officials said.

Three Qassam rockets hit Israel in the first few hours after a truce between Israel and Palestinian militant factions in the Gaza Strip went into effect, causing no damage or injuries. Hamas and Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh said all major militant factions in the Gaza Strip had reaffirmed their commitment to the truce, Reuters reported.

It was not immediately clear whether there was an explicit order by Abbas to use force to stop rocket fire by militants.

A senior official in Jerusalem said Israel would wait several hours to see if the attacks were isolated breaches or a full-scale violation of the agreement before deciding whether to respond.

Despite the claims of responsibility for the rockets, a spokesman for the Hamas-led Palestinian government, Ghazi Hamad, said all the armed groups had committed to the agreement, and any violations were rogue acts.

"There is a 100 percent effort to make this work, but there is no guarantee of 100 percent results," Hamad said.

Defense Minister Amir Peretz said Sunday morning that any attempt to fire into Israeli territories would be considered a breach of the cease-fire and treated with severity.

According to Peretz, Israel is interested in quiet, but would not accept attacks on its citizens.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

  • Wednesday, December 27, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
WAFA reports on the latest PICCR ("Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizens’ Rights") monthly report, which inexplicably is not on their website (neither is last month's.) But their numbers track pretty closely to mine, so assuming overlap that means I missed at least one and my count of Palestinian Arabs violently killed by each other since late June stands at 203.

PICCR breaks it down to 28 killed in Gaza and 6 in the West Bank.

Even though PICCR was established by that giant of human rights, Yasir Arafat, it appears to take its job as an independent auditor of PA institutions seriously. It blames the government and the "security forces" squarely for the lack of a judicial process in the territories.

It is a shame that their website is so poor, because very few groups and NGOs seem to take a real interest in internal PalArab problems and instead spend their time trying to find ways to blame Israel for everything. WAFA itself is a PA mouthpiece and never reports on most of the murders in the territories, even though its Arabic site updates its news stories every few minutes.
  • Wednesday, December 27, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
I can't even quote this drivel.

The upshot is that we shouldn't condemn NK because they bring Jewish books with them to Iran and give them to the dwindling Persian Jewish community (which he mislabels as "Arab.")

Perhaps his next column will praise Hamas for the great work it does with orphans.

Thoroughly sick.
  • Wednesday, December 27, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
A tiny news item in Arutz-7:
Arab terrorists threw a pipe bomb at Rachel's Tomb late Wednesday afternoon. The bomb caused no injuries or damage. Army forces are searching for the terrorists.
A similar news brief was printed in YNet, I could find no mention in the Jerusalem Post nor Haaretz yet.

Let's look at some context.

If a Koran gets desecrated anywhere in the world, it makes headlines. If a Jew would throw a pipe-bomb at the Al Aqsa Mosque, the supposed third-holiest site in Islam, it would cause deadly riots and possibly a war.

But a pipe-bomb aimed at Judaism's third-holiest site barely rates a paragraph even in the most religious-Zionist publication in Israel. No one will make a big deal over it, there will be no angry editorials or calls for holy war or condemnations or apologies.

Even though quantitatively and qualitatively, it is equivalent to a Jew attacking the Dome of the Rock.

The reason for the lack of interest is simple: it is because there have been countless attacks on Rachel's Tomb. It is no longer news. It is no big deal that, yet again, some Arabs tried to destroy or damage an enduring symbol of Judaism. It falls below the radar of our consciousness.

But because of its banality, because of the sheer number of similar and constant attacks on not just Israel but Judaism from adherents of Islam, all of us eventually get numbed to the fact that this is an outrage.

By virtue of the sheer number of similar outrages done by Arabs day in and day out, the Arabs end up getting a free pass from the world who no longer expect them to act any better. Attacks such as this can happen without any fear of consequence, and the Palestinian Arab community as a whole supports and cheers such attacks while the world yawns.

To the average Joe who skims the headlines or watches the news on TV, this morning's attack against a major shrine in Judaism never happened. And as a result, the average person can be forgiven for assuming that each side is equally wrong, that each side does bad stuff, that it is everybody's fault. There is simply no easy way to know the truth.

Where the press fails is in not showing context. If you put it in quantitative and qualitative terms, by any measure, you can see that what the Palestinian Arabs are doing is hundreds of times worse than the worst that the Israelis are doing. Rachel's Tomb is not a Zionist outpost, it is a holy shrine for Judaism. And we are not even mentioning the crimes done constantly against the Tomb of the Patriarchs, Joseph's Tomb or the site of the Second Temple.

If someone repeats the same crime every day without consequence, eventually nobody cares. Until the victim finally decides to do something about it.

Then he becomes the "aggressor" who is instigating a "cycle of violence."
  • Wednesday, December 27, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
An Egyptian-American blogger takes me to task and lumps me in as an example of racism in Zionist blogs:
Moving on to the Zionist (Atheists and Jews) bloggers, I happened to notice that they are regular visitors to the Egyptian and Arab blogs. One can't help noticing their hateful, racist and fascist statements towards Arabs and Muslims. They constantly claim antisemitism if you disagree with their statements. Some claim that Arabs and Egyptians on the blogs are lying about the Zionists and Israel, others freely label anyone who criticizes as a terrorist. The most used argument is that Egyptians and Arabs are not tolerant towards Jews in general.
Of course, I am always interested in any valid criticism, so I looked to see what examples she came up with to prove that I'm one of the Evil Racist Zionists.

And the answer? I didn't wish my readers a merry Christmas or a happy Eid!

Tworset self-righteously shows that she wished her readers a happy Chanukah, therefore proving her multi-culti bonafides.

I suppose she was too blinded by her hate to notice that I never wished my readers a happy Chanukah, either.

But since she has now established both that she is as loving and tolerant as anyone else, one wonders why a previous entry of hers seems to blame all American Jews for the "war on Christmas:"
In which country do 3% of the population set the agenda for 97% of the remaining majority? Please don't blame Muslims for wanting to practice their religion and culture when you allow vocal Jewish fascists for forcing their icons and religion on the rest of us. Lets be quite clear that "Christ" is being taken out of Christmas is not because of "Islamofascists" or Nasrallah or Iran. The de-Christianization and the increasing Judaicization of America is because of one subsect group alone--the vocal Jews with Judaism and arrogance as dual chips on their shoulders.
But I'm sure that her "happy Chanukah" was very, very sincere.

Since the proof of my fascism and racism was my terrible omission of seasonal gretings, then according to this very tolerant and loving mom, crimes of omission must be proof of racism. By that standard, I wonder why she didn't comment on this lovely little item:
The snow has already settled on the mountains further north, but the Christians of the Iraqi city of Mosul are scared to put festive decorations outside their homes this year. Their ancestors settled here in the 1st century AD, yet as teacher Jamal Fadi has discovered, some of their Muslim neighbours want this Christmas to be their last.

"A letter was delivered to my door with two bullets placed on top of it," said Mr Fadi, 32, standing watchfully in the neat garden of his two-storey villa. "It said: 'Leave, crusaders, or we will cut your heads off.' They want us to go from Mosul completely."

After months as a nervous bystander to the spiralling civil war between Sunni and Shia Muslims, Iraq's Christian minority now faces the spectre of sectarian violence coming to their traditional home city. They fear that al Qaeda-backed zealots within the Sunni community, which forms the bulk of Mosul's one million population, want to end nearly 1,500 years of co-existence with an onslaught of ethnic cleansing.
But the Jews who supposedly want the stop Christmas are the bigots, right, Tworset?

Now, of course criticizing a blog for not mentioning something is absurd. And criticizing a blog as racist and fascist without any evidence is the cyberspace equivalence of slander.

I would argue that her little screed about Jews is far more hateful and far less accurate than anything I have ever posted here, and if she wants to actually disprove or argue with anything I have actually written, I welcome her to.

And if she is reading this: a belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I have been resistant to calling Jimmy Carter an anti-semite, but articles like this make me wonder:
In hindsight, Carter book seen
as part of an awkward pattern

By Neal Sher
December 26, 2006

NEW YORK, Dec. 26 (JTA) — It was the spring of 1987 and the Office of Special Investigations, the Justice Department’s Nazi prosecution unit, which I headed at the time, was in the midst of one of our most productive and historic periods.

On April 27, as a result of an in-depth OSI investigation and despite resistance at the State Department, Austrian President and former U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim, who had served as an officer in the Nazi army, was barred from setting foot ever again on U.S. soil.

One week earlier, after eight years of bruising litigation, we deported to the Soviet Union one Karl Linnas, who had been chief of a Nazi concentration camp in Estonia. To do so, we had to outmaneuver concerted attempts to block the deportation by Patrick Buchanan, the Reagan White House’s communications director, and my boss, U.S. Attorney General Ed Meese.

A month later, OSI announced the loss of citizenship and removal from the United States of a former Chicago resident. Martin Bartesch admitted to our office and the court that he had voluntarily joined the Waffen SS and had served in the notorious SS Death’s Head Division at the Mauthausen concentration camp where, at the hands of Bartesch and his cohorts, many thousands of prisoners were gassed, shot, starved and worked to death. He also confessed to having concealed his service at the infamous camp from U.S. immigration officials.

In Bartesch’s case, OSI researchers uncovered iron-clad documentary evidence of his direct, hands-on role in the Nazi genocide. Among the SS documents captured by American forces when they liberated Mauthausen was what we described as the Unnatural Death Book, a register of prisoners killed, along with the identity of the SS guard responsible for the murder.

So powerful was this evidence that, in postwar trials conducted by the U.S. military, the book served as the basis for execution or long prison sentences for many identified SS guards.

An entry on Oct. 20, 1943, registers the shooting death of Max Oschorn, a French Jewish prisoner. His murderer was also recorded: SS man Martin Bartesch. It was a most chilling document.

Bartesch’s family and “supporters,” seeking special relief, launched a campaign to discredit OSI while trying to garner political support. Indeed, OSI received numerous inquiries from members of Congress who had been approached.

After we explained the facts of the case, however, the matter inevitably was dropped; no one urged that Bartesch or his family be accorded any special treatment.

Well, there was one exception — Jimmy Carter.

In September 1987, after all of the gruesome details of the case had been made public and widely reported in the media, I received a letter sent by Bartesch’s daughter to the former president. Citing groups that had been exposed for their anti-Semitism, it was an all-out assault against OSI as unfair, “un-American” and interested only in “vengeance” against innocent family members.

It’s axiomatic that the families of every person prosecuted under the criminal or immigration laws are affected and subjected to hardship. It was obvious, I thought to myself, that no reasonable person could genuinely believe that the Bartesch case was worthy of special dispensation.

On the contrary, it would be a perversion of justice to accede to the family’s demands and grant Bartesch relief to which no one else would be entitled. Not even the staunchest and most sincere devotee to humanitarian causes could legitimately claim that an SS murderer who deceived authorities to obtain a visa and citizenship was somehow deserving of exceptional treatment.

That’s why I was so taken aback by the personal, handwritten note Jimmy Carter sent to me seeking “special consideration” for this Nazi SS murderer. There on the upper-right corner of Bartesch’s daughter’s letter was a note to me in the former president’s handwriting, and with his signature, urging that “in cases such as this, special consideration can be given to the families for humanitarian reasons.”

Unlike members of Congress who inquired about the facts, Carter blindly accepted at face value the daughter’s self-serving (and disingenuous) assertions.

As disturbing as I found Carter’s plea, and although his attempted intervention has always gnawed at me, I chalked it up at the time to a certain naivete on the part of the former president. But now, in light of Carter’s most recent writings and comments, I am left to wonder whether it was I who was naive simply to dismiss his knee-jerk appeal as the instinctive reaction of a well-meaning but misguided humanitarian....
Maybe Carter is a misguided humanitarian, but one must wonder why a large proportion of his humanitarian efforts go towards humans who hate Jews.
(H/T Zionist Spy)


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