ACTING as spokesman, 28-year- old camp leader Mahmoud Rashid, a former railway employee in Palestine, told us with an intensity often found among inmates of concentration and refugee camps: "If things keep on as at present and war should break out, the Arabs will fight on the side of Russians."You Americans are not neutral, as your government claims, but you are pro-Israel and are giving more aid to tiny Israel than all Arab countries combined."Do you think it wise for America to lose the friendship of 70 million Arabs and 400,000,000 Moslems to secure the friendship of 10 million Jews scattered all over the world?"Another Palestinian refugee at the same briefing session, a former commando leader in Israel- Arab war, declared:"The fight against Israel is not just a fight of the Moslem Arabs against the Israeli. I am a Christian Arab and I say it is the of all Christians everywhere to drive the Jews from the Holy Land, for we must not forget that it the Jews who crucified Christ.".
At the end of the article, we read:
HERE ARE some popular beliefs among the Arabs and it is these beliefs which are likely to determine future Arab behavior, whether the beliefs have any basis in fact or not:
Israel Is out to build a modern Jewish empire stretching from Baghdad to Alexandria. This is the reason for their subsidizing thousands of Jews from all over the world to come to Israel when the country is already too small to support the Jews already there.
America is determined to see that Israel survives and prospers because the millions of Jews in America--(1) control the press, (2) control the radio, (3) control the movies, (4) control the government, and (5) control the United Nations.
Most Arabs believe the above they cite these convictions to explain why their side of the Arab- Israel conflict is not given more publicity in the American press and over the American radio and why America gives far more aid to Israel than to the Arab countries. The anti-Zionism of the Arabs is as intense as the earlier anti-semitism of the Nazis.
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