Showing posts with label Ad Dustor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ad Dustor. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Mohamed Salama is a regular columnist in Jordan's Ad-Dustour, a fairly well-known mainstream news site.

Lately he has been on an antisemitic kick.

On Sunday he wrote a column entitled "The Jews: .a wicked race." He doesn't even pretend to be talking about "Zionists."

In that article he writes:
The Protestant thinker Martin Luther described the Jews as a vicious race, persecuting people with usury, plunder and robbery, while the overall view of them was negative in Europe. And in the United States of America, President George Washington, the first American president, described them (i.e. the Jews) as the most dangerous  external enemy against his country.. Were they right and why?!. not the only one who believed that the Jews had a malicious role in the wars of Europe, in overthrowing its hegemony and in dividing it and dragging it into deep-rooted enmities. There are thinkers who believe that the first and second world wars had the Jews playing a major role in them. Palestine, and after the end of WWII they announced the establishment of their state on the land of Palestine, and the malice in both cases is related to money and their control over the financial system, which was the main center of Britain before Germany competed with it, and then France to a lesser extent. It alone is unique in its hegemony over the two parties rolling for power in the United States, which are..the Republican Party and its Democratic rival, and from within it is monopolizing the decisions that concern the entire Middle East in the hands of the Jews today..America today, like Europe almost a hundred years ago, cannot refuse to implement the interests of the Jews. .This is what the most controversial US President, Donald Trump, said a few weeks ago..and he added...that their loyalty (i.e. the Jews) is not to America but to Israel, and described them as full of treachery and betrayal..and he is now facing charges of corruption, theft, assault on the Capitol building, etc.
...Were Luther and Washington right in calling [Jews] malicious and dangerous?!
The answer is simply yes..Malice leads to bloody endings and danger threatens everyone in the Middle East..As long as Israel is in this geographical area, the cycles of open wars, violence and terrorism in all forms will not stop except with the demise of Israel once and for all.
"Anti-Zionism" and Jew-hatred, all tie up in bow.

But as powerful as the Jews are in Sundays' column, today Salama added in a new column that the Jews were about to be toppled:
The Jews of the world have reached a crushing height and immoral corruption, in which they stole the wealth of the world. Their global financial system has come to control America, and has spread corruption on the ground, so they have become, through their political, social and financial organizations, tools of sabotage and destruction..Do you see that we are witnessing their descent from the throne of economy and money, and thus from politics?!.
...The Jews of the world have reached a crushing height and immoral corruption..and the end of Israel will be with the removal of the global Jewish cover from any case, the government of Netanyahu and his extremist coalition is behind the height and corruption..and will be behind its demise once and for all.
When Jordanians read these sort of insane antisemitic rants, with not a word published in any Arabic media disagreeing with the hate, how can anyone be surprised that Jordan is one of the most antisemitic countries in the world?

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Sunday, August 28, 2022

Because no one else is doing it....

Amad (Palestinian): The Popular Struggle Front accuses Israel of stealing the organs of Palestinians who were killed during terror attacks,

Ad Dustour (Jordan): "Palestine is an Arab Palestinian from the sea to the river, and there is no place for the Jews in it, and they have to go back to where their fathers and grandfathers came on one black night.. to land on our shores as locusts landed, to eat the vegetation."

Freedom and Justice Gate (Egypt): Asks why the UAE, in allowing a synagogue to be built in its territory, is "embracing of the enemies of Islam."

Alsaa (Jordan): The Holocaust industry continues: this  time against the Argentinian president.

Al-Ahram (Egypt): The UN's recognition of the American Zionist Movement as an advisory NGO is the "whitening" of Zionism and shows support by the UN of "systematic racist policies practiced by Israel against the Palestinian people."

Sama News (Palestinian): A poll of Palestinian academics shows that 94.9% support the position of Abbas not to apologize for the Munich massacre vs. only 0.02% who opposed it.  85.9%, agreed that Israel perpretates "holocausts" against Palestinians, while 7.1% opposed the use of this term.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Sunday, August 21, 2022

I can't keep up with the sheer amount of antisemitic hate being published by Palestinians (in Palestinian and Jordanian media) over the past few days in response to the German criticism of Mahmoud Abbas' Holocaust trivialization. Here are some from just the last 24 hours.

Al Mal News says that the Nakba is worse than the Holocaust, since the Holocaust only lasted a few years but the Nakba is still ongoing. The title of the article is, "Nazi racism and Zionism are two sides of the same coin."

Rashid Hassan in Ad Dustour manages to throw in lots of antisemitic memes in a short space:

The Jews blackmailed Germany, forcing them to pay thousands of billions of dollars in compensation for the so-called “Holocaust”..!! Their ally was Hitler, who deported them to Palestine to get rid of the Jewish problem...the Jewish mess with Europe, and dragged it into global wars...
On the other hand, it is necessary to point out a very important issue, namely: that the majority of Jews who immigrated to Palestine from Europe, 96 %.. they are not Semites, especially those who emigrated from Poland, Latvia, Australia, Germany and Russia..the enemy leaders know this fact..but they ignore it, and continue to forge and fabricate as they used to..!!
History has taught us that the Jews are bound to treachery..they do not respect a covenant or agreement, and the experience of the Messenger, peace be upon him, with them..the best evidence..they plotted against him..they intended to kill him..and his will to the caliphs after him was: to expel them from the Arabian Peninsula. 
At Al Watan Voice, we see this by Dr. Samir El Dada:
 But it is not strange for the Zionists to take advantage of the tragedies of Jews and even non-Jews in the Second World War in the worst way and blackmail all the countries of the world, especially Europe, especially Germany, and subject those countries to their control and influence and impose astronomical royalties (they call them compensation) that exceeded one trillion dollars..... and none of these countries would dare to grumble and would have to pay a little under the threat of the sword of anti-Semitism, and this approach is still the chicken that lays the golden eggs for the Zionists and by which they rule the world.
At Palestinian site Raya, Akran Atallah says that Germany is "bullying" the Palestinian people who have "been subjected to the worst process of expulsion and deportation in the modern era."

Akbar El Youm says that Palestinian suffering is equivalent to the Holocaust, and asks, "Should the Palestinian people wait for the gas ovens for Germany and the world to believe that the Israeli Holocaust must stop?!"

 In a nice example of psychological projection, Nihad Abu Ghosh writes in that Jews cannot share victimhood with anyone else.
What provokes Israel, then, is not the denial of the Holocaust, but the questioning that the Jews are the only or main victims of the Holocaust, and then doubting that the current State of Israel is the legal, political and moral heir to the victims of the Holocaust, even though this state was established at the expense of the Palestinian tragedy, and it has continued until now. The oppression of the Palestinian people, the occupation of their land and the confiscation of their national rights, and then putting a finger on the bleeding wound, which is that the victims of the Holocaust were turned into torturers for other victims.
He ends off by saying that Israel uses the Holocaust to excuse its using Jewish supremacy to keep Palestinians as practically slave labor.

This article in Ammon News uses the incident in Germany to say at one point that "Dalal al-Mughrabi for us is more important than Joan of Arc as an image and expression, and you considered her a 'terrorist.'"

Another Ammon News article says, "The Holocaust was as it was, and the consequences for the Jews were and the consequences for the Palestinians, which is what the world must acknowledge so that the equation of the Holocaust is equal between the incident and the result and between the phenomenon and its aftermath." Meaning the Palestinians were equal victims as the Jews from Nazi Germany. 

That article goes on to say that the Germans should apologize to Palestinians for indirectly causing the Nakba.

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This was predictable.

Columnist Hamada al-Farana at Jordanian news site Ad Dustor writes:
The Palestinian Arab people were the most affected peoples in the whole world from the results of the Nazi fascist European massacres against the Jews for several fundamental reasons:

Get out the popcorn. 

First, because we, as Arabs, Muslims and Christians, our culture does not allow us to accept collective punishments against humans, and to treat them with contempt, hatred, or hostility, on the basis of religion, nationalism, sect, or their positions and convictions.

That's great! That means that they do not hate Jewish Zionists because of their nationalism, positions or convictions!


Secondly, because Jews and Judaism are part of our Arab people and nation. Judaism is one of the monotheistic religions that complements Christianity and Islam, even if the diligence and diversity differ among them. The difference between Jews and Judaism on one side and the Zionist movement on the other, is the difference between Islam and Muslims from the two organizations Al-Qaeda and ISIS.

Well, only a slight contradiction between two adjoining paragraphs. 

Thirdly, the Palestinians paid a heavy price because of the Holocaust, as Zionism and the colonial countries of Europe exploited the Nazi massacres against the Jews, and worked to displace and resettle them in Palestine, and to establish a Jewish state for them on the land of the Palestinian people...

Fourth, and this is the most important, that the Palestinians paid the price of the European massacres of the Jews, so Palestine was colonized, half of its people were expelled outside their homeland, and they were subjected to displacement and exile, and massacres were committed against them. 

Yup. The biggest victims of the Holocaust wasn't six million Jews, but the Palestinians whose leader supported the Nazis. 

For these reasons, we sympathize with the tragedy of the Jews in Europe, and we reject, as Arabs, Muslims and Christians with the Palestinians, those Nazi fascist crimes against the Jews, just as we reject and condemn, at the same time, with the same force, the massacres of the Israeli colony and its daily crimes against the Palestinian people, including killing, destruction, persecution, besieging and starvation.

I like the "starvation" part. I haven't found any examples but it can't hurt to throw that in. 

 And just as the civilized international community did by chasing down the chased down the Nazis and prosecuted them for what they did against the Jews, the leaders of the international community and human rights institutions, and those with living consciences should try Israeli criminals in accordance with fair values ​​and human rights, and not to evade just and equitable punishment.

What the Palestinian President said, what he expressed, and what he meant, is the core of the bitter truth that needs to be addressed by the European and German people.
So we have Holocaust minimization, Holocaust distortion and Holocaust inversion, as mainstream Arab political opinion.

Hamada al-Farana is a former minister of Jordanian parliament and has been a member of the Palestinian National Council since 1984.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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