According to Hamas' Ramattan "news" agency, every single PalArab group condemned his execution, including Fatah, Hamas, the Popular Front, the Democratic Front, Islamic Jihad, and the the Abu Rish Brigades.
It is always gratifying to see that they can agree on something.
Meanwhile, a "mysterious explosion" (which means "work accident") in Gaza killed two PalArabs in Gaza City and seriously injured three others, bringing my count of violent PalArab self-deaths since Summer Rains to 205.
UPDATE: Maan News (Arabic) points out that not all have been vocal in condemning Saddam's execution:
The Palestinian leadership is silent ... Abu Mazen does not want to anger Kuwait and Ismail Haniya does not want to antagonize Iran.
UPDATE 2: Death count at 207 as the first from the New Year becomes known - a 57 year-old car mechanic with many gunshot wounds, and Ramattan reports:
The killing of a Palestinian and injuring two others mysterious explosion in the north of the Gaza Strip - 2/1/2007 13:0-