Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! |
Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! |
A penalty of imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months or a fine not exceeding twenty dinars shall be imposed on whoever:1- Publishes something printed, written, picture, drawing or symbol that may offend the religious feeling of other people or insult their religious belief. or2- uttering, in a public place and within earshot of another person, a word or sound that would offend the religious feeling or belief of that other person.
First photo of the Temple Mount |
Since the 19th century, the Al-Aqsa compound has been governed by a Status Quo arrangement, a modus vivendi that prevents discord among conflicting parties. Accordingly, Al-Aqsa’s administration belongs to a Muslim institution, the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf, which is under the custodianship of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. This custodianship has repeatedly been reaffirmed and recognized by the international community, including the United Nations, UNESCO, the Arab League, the European Union, Russia, and the United States, and was officially recognized in the 1994 peace treaty between Israel and Jordan.
After many disputes among European states in the 19th century for control over various holy sites in Jerusalem, the Ottoman Empire issued a series of decrees to regulate the administration of Christian holy sites by determining the powers and rights of various denominations in these places. The most important of these decrees was an 1852 firman by the Ottoman Sultan Abdulmejid I, which preserved the possession and division of Christian holy sites in Jerusalem and Bethlehem, and forbade any alterations to the status of these sites. This arrangement became known as the Status Quo.In 1878, the Status Quo was internationally recognized in the Treaty of Berlin, which was signed between European powers and the Ottoman Empire following the conclusion of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878. Article 62 of the treaty stated that: “It is well understood that no alteration can be made to the status quo in the holy places.” Article 62 of the Berlin Treaty extended the Status Quo to include all holy places and not only Christian sites. The Status Quo arrangement is a unique and delicate legal system that contains a specific set of rights and obligations that were created over centuries of practice and are now considered binding international law. It therefore supersedes any and all aspects of domestic law.
The Sublime Porte having expressed the intention to maintain the principle of religious liberty, and give it the widest scope, the Contracting Parties take note of this spontaneous declaration.In no part of the Ottoman Empire shall difference of religion be alleged against any person as a ground for exclusion or incapacity as regards the discharge of civil and political rights, admission to the public employments, functions and honours, or the exercise of the various professions and industries.All persons shall be admitted, without distinction of religion, to give evidence before the tribunals.The freedom and outward exercise of all forms of worship are assured to all, and no hindrance shall be offered either to the hierarchical organization of the various communions or to their relations with their spiritual chiefs. ...The rights possessed by France are expressly reserved, and it is well understood that no alterations can be made in the status quo in the Holy Places.
Until August 2000, and despite occasional breaches and escalations, the Status Quo functioned relatively smoothly, with the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf collecting small fees from non-Muslims and tourists, who were allowed to enter the holy site provided they followed the rules of the Waqf....[Now,] Temple Mount groups and Israeli extremists enter from al-Magharbeh Gate as well, and the Waqf is prohibited from preventing them from entering the site. The Waqf can no longer prevent Israelis in military fatigues from entering, although this act is banned per the mosque’s regulations.
Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! |
Fathi al-Shibli, head of the People's Voice Party and the official spokesman for the Gathering of Libyan Parties, said that Libyan Jews are Libyan citizens, with no difference between them and any other Libyan citizen in terms of rights and duties.He added in his statement: “There is a Libyan Arab, there is a Libyan Tariq, there is a Libyan Tabawi, and there is a Libyan Berber, all of whom are components of the Libyan people..and all of them have the right to live and citizenship..we never differentiate between them.”Al-Shibli continued: “Judaism is a heavenly religion that we Muslims recognize and respect.He concluded by saying: “As for the position on the Zionist movement, that is another matter.”
In November, 1945 there was a vicious, three-day pogrom against the Jews in Tripoli: 120 Jews were murdered, hundreds more were wounded, and at least five synagogues were completely destroyed. The rioters not only destroyed and looted the city’s synagogues, but they also ruined hundreds of homes and businesses as well.Again in 1948, coinciding with the declaration of the State of Israel, anti-Semitism escalated and rioters killed 12 Jews and destroyed 280 homes. This time, though, the Jews fought back and prevented even more deaths and injury. As a result of the rampant anti-Semitism, 30,972 Jews immigrated to Israel.A new law in 1961 required a special permit to prove Libyan citizenship. Virtually all Jews were denied this permit. By 1967 the Jewish population had decreased to 7,000. Following Israel’s Six Day War, antisemitic rioting began again. The King of Libya, as well as Jewish leaders, urged the remaining Libyan Jews to emigrate. An Italian airlift saved 6,000 Jews and relocated them to Rome, though they were forced to leave behind homes, businesses and possessions. In 1969, when Muammar al-Qaddafi came to power, there were only 100 Jews remaining in Libya. His government confiscated all Jewish property, cancelled Jewish debt and made emigration for Jews legally prohibited. Some Jews still managed to get out. By 2004 there were no Jews left in Libya.
Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! |
The Director General of the Department of Islamic Endowments and Affairs of the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh Azzam Al-Khatib, described the year 2022 as the worst and highest in terms of violations by the Israeli occupation and extremist settlers of the Holy Mosque.Al-Khatib said in a statement yesterday, Thursday, that "the intensity and pace of the raids increased during this year, bringing the total number of Jewish extremists who stormed from the Mughrabi Gate side of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque to 48,238 extremists."He pointed out that the unprecedented provocative actions included prayers, prostrations, and the performance of public Talmudic rituals, chants, singing, and dancing inside the courtyards, in addition to raising Israeli flags inside the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque on Jewish occasions and holidays during this year.
For context, the average Friday sees about 50,000 Muslims visiting the holiest Jewish site. Their provocative actions include multiple prostrations, raising Hamas flags, singing, summer camps, screaming at Jewish visitors, studying, playing soccer and volleyball, gymnastics, throwing stones and storing weapons.
But hey, we don't need to care about the feelings of Jews.
The Palestinian Presidency condemned the continued storming of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque by settlers, under the protection of the Israeli occupation police .Today, Tuesday, presidential spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeineh said that the settlers' continued storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque, under the protection of the occupation forces, comes within the framework of the Israeli escalation against our people, their land and their holy sites, and an attempt to impose a new fait accompli that we will never allow .He warned that the continuation of these escalatory practices against our Islamic and Christian holy sites would lead to more tension and violence and an explosion of the situation.
Clearly this is the biggest problem for the Palestinians, given that this is a daily headline in their newspapers.
Luckily, Wafa included a video showing what exactly it looks like when "Jewish settlers stormed Al Aqsa" on Tuesday morning.
Be prepared to be shocked at the wanton disrespect for the holy site, as Jews quietly walk about and avoid playing respectful soccer and parkour.
Comments on this video include, "Oh God, take revenge on them."
The Palestinian foreign ministry was also disgusted by this video of families peacefully walking, issuing this statement on Tuesday:
The Palestinian ministry of foreign affairs has warned against the provocative incursions by Jewish extremist settlers on a daily basis into the Old City of Jerusalem and the consecration of Talmudic Judaic prayers in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and its courtyards.
Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! |
Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! |
Non-Muslims do not have to fast in Ramadan. However, they are prohibited from eating, drinking and smoking in public during the fasting hours. This includes chewing gum. Additionally, ensure that you do not:engage in any aggressive behaviourdance or play music in public although you may listen to music quietly with headphoneswear inappropriate clothing in publicswear as blasphemy is considered extra offensive during Ramadanrefuse a gift, or an invitation to join someone at Iftar.
In a chilling scene, herds of settlers have now stormed the Ibrahimi Mosque, the second most important and oldest Palestinian mosque after Al-Aqsa Mosque, and expelled the worshipers from it, desecrated it and danced in it to the sounds of loud music!!Oh God, Muslims live in humiliation, weakness and humiliation that no one knows but You. Oh God, help them and cherish them!!
This barbaric act of desecration is part of the colonization by IsraelIt is antithetical to Judaism and to the ancient traditions of tolerance that were part of Palestine before Zionism. Until 1948 Jews and Muslims worshiped side by side at this ancient holy site in Hebron
Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! |
"Jihad for the sake of Allah for the liberation of Palestine is a private obligation for every Muslim.""The obligations towards Al Aqsa Mosque: Protecting and defending it, chasing away the Occupation, committing jihad, and dying as a martyr for the sake of liberating it.""It is the right of any people captive under foreign occupation to use armed force for their freedom, independence, and right to self-determination.""It is my duty to defend my motherland and not to neglect it; to redeem it with blood, possessions, and with the most precious things we have."“The Jews are foreigners in this land, and Palestine is for its Arab Muslim population.”
The Ministry of Awqaf and Religious Affairs has warned of the danger of reviving “Jewish holidays” inside Al-Aqsa Mosque, and desecrating its sanctity and profaning it through the implementation of provocative rallies, calling for a public mobilization to travel to Al-Aqsa and to confront the settlers’ incursions into it on the eve of the alleged holidays.She stressed that "Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa are a red line, and it is a sacred right that belongs to Muslims and the Jews have no connection with it..."The Awqaf called on the Palestinian people in Jerusalem and all those who can reach Al-Aqsa to intensify their presence in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Rabat there during the festive period to limit the implementation of these incursions and marches.
On Sunday morning, former Knesset member Yehuda Glick visited the Temple Mount and was detained by police after broadcasting the sound of the shofar (a ram's horn, blown daily in the month leading up to Rosh Hashanah, the Day of Judgment) via his cell phone.Documentation from the scene shows Glick broadcasting the shofar blast via what appears to be a YouTube application, and a police officer approaching him just minutes later, and detaining him.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants condemns in the strongest terms the incursions of settlers and extremist Jews into the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, which take place daily and in two time periods under the supervision, organization and protection of the occupying state and its various arms, and the extremist settlement associations that boast daily and reveal their plans targeting Al-Aqsa Mosque and building the alleged temple in its place, including the storming that occurred yesterday, led by the extremist rabbi Yehuda Glick and his feet blowing the trumpet during his storming of the mosque and spreading provocative pictures on several Israeli platforms, in addition to these groups dancing and singing loudly and performing Talmudic rituals in the mosque’s courtyards, and the campaign of targeting and the continuous expulsion of his guards and the Islamic Endowment Department on the way to withdraw more of its powers and obstructing the performance of its legal, religious and administrative duties towards the mosque.The Ministry considers with great seriousness the process of blowing the trumpet and considers it a dangerous escalation in the continuous Israeli aggression on Al-Aqsa Mosque in order to establish its temporal division in preparation for its spatial division, if not an attempt to impose full Israeli control over it and demolish it and build the alleged temple in its place, it considers this escalation an integral part of the Judaization operations Jerusalem, and one of the episodes of its annexation to the occupying state, changing its landmarks and its legal, historical and demographic location, completely separating it from its Palestinian surroundings and linking it to the Israeli depth, as it is an extension of the occupation’s open war on Christian and Islamic holy sites, cemeteries, and archaeological, historical and cultural sites in the Holy City, and falls within an official Israeli policy aimed at resolving the future of the holy city unilaterally and by the power of the occupation and in favor of its expansionist colonial ambitions, which leads to stifling any opportunity for the embodiment of the State of Palestine on the ground with its capital, East Jerusalem.
He stressed that Tel Aviv wants to divide Al-Aqsa in terms of time and space between Muslims and Jews, pointing out that East Jerusalem is exposed to the implementation of Judaization schemes, and Al-Aqsa Mosque is subjected to daily incursions by settlers who practice dancing and striptease (nudity) in the courtyards of Al-Aqsa.
Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! |
Hassan II mosque in Casablanca |
The Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca is one of the largest and most magnificent mosques in the world. This mosque was built half on the sea and half on land. Unlike Al-Aqsa Mosque, there is no restriction on visiting and praying there by Muslims, Jews and Christians. The concept is generous and broad: a house of prayer is meant for everyone. That's why Jews also visit the mosque and pray with their neighbors, out of closeness to others and love of people.The financing of the construction of this mosque, which lasted eight years, was imposed on all Moroccan residents regardless of religion. During Ramadan, the King of Morocco, his son and his government ministers pray at the Hassan II Mosque, and the event is broadcast on Moroccan television networks and other media. 80,000 believers can enter and pray in the prayer hall. Usually, it is an impressive event that is covered by the media and is also appreciated by people of culture.During one of my visits to this mosque, during the MIncha prayer, a Jewish Israeli stood next to me, who put a kippa on his head and prayed quietly. At the end of his prayer, a Muslim Arab approached him and greeted him in Arabic: "God will accept your prayer."This is the face of tolerance in Morocco. In Morocco I have often been asked why there are Muslim Arabs who oppose the visit and prayer of Jews at the Temple Mount: after all we are all monotheists, believe and pray to one God. I answered that I perceived everything to be the fault of Moshe Dayan, who did not establish arrangements for the visits of Jews, but gave the keys of al-Aqsa to the people of the Waqf, and here they are the ones who determine almost everything that happens on the Temple Mount.Since then we have been witness to the cries of "Al-Aqsa is in danger" and come across documents of the Waqf trying to erase every archaeological trace that confirms the Temple. Today, there are archaeologists whose job it is to sort the debris from the Temple Mount sites, and there are archaeological finds that have been discovered in this debris.
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If you want real peace, don't insist on a divided Jerusalem, @USAmbIsrael
The Apartheid charge, the Abraham Accords and the "right side of history"
With Palestinians, there is no need to exaggerate: they really support murdering random Jews
Great news for Yom HaShoah! There are no antisemites!