Showing posts with label drive the Jews into the sea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drive the Jews into the sea. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

A columnist for a newspaper in Mecca writes about Israel's accomplishments - and ties them to Edy Cohen, the prolific Israeli Arabic tweeter whose writings are avidly followed by a huge Arab audience.

Over twenty years ago, we had a teacher of Canadian nationality who gained our trust easily and we all loved him, and because of this trust, he was able to enter my brain and bring me down from my ivory edifice in order to teach me the difference between the truth and what people want to be true.

We were in a discussion about the Arab-Israeli conflict, and he was very frank, so he told me: You are amazing! You love Saddam and he sent missiles to you, and you hate Israel and it did nothing to you!! I said yes it is a matter of principle, how dare you compare the two?

I was struck by the extent of astonishment in his eyes as he muttered, "poor thing, he thinks the universe revolves around him," and then said to me: "You are the victim of decades of strange information and flimsy justifications, no doubt you grew up knowing that everyone wanted to kill you.

"Listen to me well son!! If the Americans and the Israelis wanted to conspire against a country, a people, or a nation, then surely you wouldn't be here!"

...Then I asked him why America is helping Israel, and he said: Because Jews have been begging the world to put an end to the historical persecutions they faced from European societies, the last of which was what they were subjected to at the hands of the Germans in the Holocaust, and all they cared about was a piece of land where they could live in peace, and on this basis they addressed the world with a logical and rational speech of peace.

"As for your side, you had Gamal Abdel Nasser on the Voice of the Arabs radio station explaining to the world daily how he would throw the Jews into the sea, and promising the Arabs that he would return Palestine to the Arab countries.

"You were stuck in a strange ecstasy and submission behind that new Arab religion.

"Two years later, Abdel Nasser woke up to a sky full of Israeli planes, and instead of liberating Palestinian Jerusalem, he had to look for someone to liberate the Egyptian Sinai!"

A few years ago, there was a breakthrough in the relationship between the region and Israel that was not expected by everyone.

It's the Edy Cohen phenomenon. I really don't know if it was just one person working on his own?! Or an integrated social research center?! Perhaps an entire floor in the Israeli Mossad building under the name of Edy Cohen!! What we do know is that he is the owner of a Twitter account with more than half a million followers, speaks Arabic fluently, understands the dialects of some regions, knows the streets, neighborhoods, alleys, customs, social traditions, tribes, villages of each tribe and their food, knows the weather conditions, what falls in terms of rain.

He has become a more reliable source of information than some local media. We have to admit that it is a miracle that should receive due attention and study.

Edy Cohen was born in Lebanon and studied his early years there, then his father was killed at the beginning of the civil war, so he left Lebanon, leaving with his family for Israel and obtaining a doctorate.

He is fluent in Arabic and Hebrew. He was able to do with  the Arab youth with his microscopic culture what all the media did not do together. I am almost certain that more than 80% of his followers are from the Arab youth.

He has managed to turn the old adage “laughter is the best medicine” into a powerful tool of diplomacy and understanding.

Cohen's unique blend of humor and sarcasm allowed him to tackle sensitive topics in an engaging, non-confrontational way. His recipe for success is no secret, attracting young Arabs who might otherwise shy away from discussions about the intricacies of Arab-Israeli relations, and his ability to make people chuckle while making them ponder his logical ideas.  His jokes and witty speeches have a way of disarming even the most skeptical of audiences, paving the way for open dialogue and mutual understanding.

As if he was saying to them: "Look, I am one of you, I know more about you than you know about yourselves." It was a soft penetration in every sense of the word. He did not talk about weapons, economic struggles, or politics. He is talking about simple aspects of social life and uses humor to attract Arab youth.

It is Israel's latest innovation that we have to admit that it precedes us by hundreds of years, and we take a simple glimpse of some numbers in Israel in order to know our position under the sun: -

- Out of the top 500 universities around the world, Israel has seven universities, while the Arab countries combined do not have one.

- Israeli research centers are ranked 3 in the world.

- In 2007, Israel was the fifth country in terms of arms exports, after America, Britain, France and Russia, and in 2012 it became the second after America.

- Israel ranks 3rd in the list of countries with the most education for its citizens, according to the OECD countries index.

- Israel has more patents registered in the United States than Russia, India and China combined, and the population of these countries is 300 times that of the population of Israel.

It also made a revolution in modern medicine. Israel is a world leader in medical patents and ranks second in space sciences.

More than 90% of Israeli homes use solar energy to heat water, which is the highest percentage in any country.

Since its founding, Israel has won the second largest number of Nobel Prizes, measured by national income.

I do not say this out of praise or admiration for the Hebrew state, although it deserves it out of justice and fairness, but I was amazed that we continue with  the sixties' rhetoric and Abdel Nasser's slogans.

This sect that thinks the universe revolves around us throws their failure, laziness, and disappointment on Israel, as Israel conspires against them and incites the world against them wherever they go. Instead of working and spending money on research centers and institutes of technology, they still adhere to the jealous brother syndrome, as all his brothers are doctors, philosophers, and leaders except him, because he is afflicted with the evil eye. .

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Sunday, August 08, 2021

Back in 2014, I looked at the origins of the phrase "drive the Jews into the sea," because some have claimed that the expression was a hoax by Jews  and Arabs never used that phrase in reference to Jews in Israel.

I found solid evidence that it was used after 1948, and then saw that the phrase was documented in the book "O Jerusalem" as having been used first by a Jerusalem police chief Kamal Irekat, adopted by the infamous Mufti of Jerusalem and then used by Fawzi el Kaukji, an Arab League field commander.

Yisrael Medad looked at the issue and found a British memo from August 1948 from Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin:

It is quite untrue to suggest that we have let the Arabs down or failed in any obligations towards them. We did not urge them to intervene by force in Palestine, nor did we promise them support if they did so. They went in of their own accord, in most cases without telling us beforehand. Very small measure of military successes which they achieved shows that their forces, while capable perhaps of occupying friendly territory, were not prepared for and incapable of undertaking major military operations, which would have been necessary to achieve the announced object of the Arab states, namely to drive the Jews into the sea.
I wanted to see if I could find an earlier version in contemporary newspapers.

An AP dispatch from June 10, 1948, said that Jews were amused at Arab claims that they already had thrown Jews into the sea:

This article from the News York Daily News in April 1948 quotes Fawzi al Kaukji directly:

An AP analysis from February 8, 1948, uses quotation marks for the phrase referring to Arab leaders in 1947:

The earliest quote I can find is from AP from a December 19, 1947 dispatch, quoting "Arab informants:"

That is a lot of different sources for an identical expression. It sounds like this was a common Arab response to the 1947 partition plan.

Medad also found this cover of an Egyptian pamphlet literally titled "Throw the Jews into the sea" before the 1967 war:

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

From The New York Times:
In a surprising televised monologue, a senior member of the Saudi royal family and former ambassador to Washington accused Palestinian leaders of betraying their people, signaling an erosion of Saudi support for an issue long considered sacrosanct.

... Prince Bandar offered a rambling and selective history of the Palestinian struggle, saying that the Palestinians “always bet on the losing side.”

His survey, interspersed with archival images and footage, cited the contacts between Haj Amin al-Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem and an early Palestinian nationalist leader, and the Nazis in the 1930s, adding, “we all know what happened to Hitler and Germany.”

While there is broad agreement that Mr. al-Husseini collaborated with the Nazis against Zionism, historians differ on the significance of his relationship with Nazi leaders.
First of all, the Mufti's contacts with the Nazis were during the Holocaust in the 1940s, not in the 1930s. Even the photo of Hitler and the Mufti that the NYT published was from a 1941 meeting.

Secondly, the Mufti was a rabid antisemite for his entire life. He wasn't against "Zionism," he was against Jews - just like the Nazis he collaborated with. 

The New York Times is engaging in Holocaust minimization.

The US Holocaust Museum summarizes the Mufti's antisemitic statements on Nazi radio:

Al-Husayni spoke often of a "worldwide Jewish conspiracy" that controlled the British and US governments and sponsored Soviet Communism. He argued that "world Jewry" aimed to infiltrate and subjugate Palestine, a sacred religious and cultural center of the Arab and Muslim world, as a staging ground for the seizure of all Arab lands. In his vision of the world, the Jews intended to enslave and exploit Arabs, to seize their land, to expropriate their wealth, undermine their Muslim faith and corrupt the moral fabric of their society. He labeled the Jews as the enemy of Islam, and used crude racist terminology to depict Jews and Jewish behavior, particularly as he forged a closer relationship with the SS in 1943 and 1944. He described Jews as having immutable characteristics and behaviors. On occasion, he would compare Jewishness to infectious disease and Jews to microbes or bacilli. In at least one speech attributed to him, he advocated killing Jews wherever Arabs found them. He consistently advocated "removing" the Jewish homeland from Palestine and, on occasion, driving every Jew out of Palestine and other Arab lands.

Even during that meeting with Hitler the word "Zionist" was never used - just "Jews." 

[Mufti:] The Arabs were Germany’s natural friends because they had the same enemies as had Germany, namely the English, the Jews and the Communists....The Arabs could be more useful to Germany as allies than might be apparent at first glance, both for geographical reasons and because of the suffering inflicted upon them by the English and the Jews.

The Fuhrer replied that Germany’s fundamental attitude on these questions, as the Mufti himself had already stated, was clear. Germany stood for uncompromising war against the Jews. That naturally included active opposition to the Jewish national home in Palestine, which was nothing other than a center, in the form of a state, for the exercise of destructive influence by Jewish interests. Germany was also aware that the assertion that the Jews were carrying out the functions of economic pioneers in Palestine was a lie. The work there was done only by the Arabs, not by the Jews. Germany was resolved, step by step, to ask one European nation after the other to solve its Jewish problem, and at the proper time to direct a similar appeal to non-European nations as well.
Hitler's opposition to a Jewish state came directly from his hate of Jews - exactly like the Mufti.

The Mufti is a hero to Palestinians and considered their first leader. 

The tie between antisemitism and anti-Zionism has never been clearer than these words from Adolf Hitler. 

The Saudi royal accurately noted the mistakes of Palestinians including allying with Hitler. The New York Times then tries to minimize those ties as being merely "anti-Zionist."

What a joke the New York Times has become.

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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Matthias Küntzel in the Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs:

A thirty-one-page booklet in Arabic entitled Islam and Jewry, published in Cairo on August 18, 1937, served as an effective propaganda tool. 11 As far as we know, this publication is the first written evidence of Islamic antisemitism. In 1938, the Berlin-based publishing house Junker und Dünnhaupt released it under the title Islam–Judaism: Call of the Grand Mufti to the Islamic World in 1937, explicitly attributing that screed to al-Husseini for the first time. 12 In subsequent editions released by the Nazis during World War II, the Mufti continued to be named as the author. Whether al-Husseini was in fact the sole initiator and author of this pamphlet remains an open question.

While classical Islamic literature treats Muhammad’s struggle with the Jews as a minor episode in the life of the Prophet, now “Muhammad’s conflict with the Jews [was being] portrayed as a central theme in his career and their enmity to him given a cosmic significance.” 13 The anti-Jewish verses of the Qur’an were generalized and considered valid for the twentieth century. Finally, for the first time, religious tropes were combined with elements of conspiracy theory. Since Muhammad’s days, according to Islam and Jewry, the Jews have constantly been trying to “destroy Muslims.” The brochure concludes:

[T]he verses from the Qur’an and hadith prove to you that the Jews have been the bitterest enemies of Islam and continue to try to destroy it. Do not believe them, they only know hypocrisy and cunning. Hold together, fight for the Islamic thought, fight for your religion and your existence! Do not rest until your land is free of the Jews. 14

Here, the Muslims are presented as eternal victims in order to legitimize new forms of aggression more reminiscent of the policies of the Nazis than the attitudes of the Prophet. In September 1937, days after its publication, the booklet reached a wide audience through its distribution at the National Arab Congress in Bludan, a health resort in Syria, fifty kilometers northwest of Damascus.

The Spread of Islamic Antisemitism

This first pan-Arab congress, held from September 8–10, 1937, was organized by al-Husseini. He also “provided the funds to rent the two largest hotels in Damascus and Bludan and grant a large number of penniless participants rooms without charge.” 15 No wonder, then, that the congress attracted 411 attendees, although only 250 were allowed into the hall of the Grand Hotel of Bludan, where the congress took place. The Mufti could not attend because he was in hiding in Jerusalem after a failed July 1937 attempt by the British authorities in Palestine to arrest him. 16 In October 1937, he fled to French-controlled Beirut. Nevertheless, the delegates named him honorary president of the assembly.

The congress was not a public event; even newspaper reporters were not allowed inside. However, Colonel Gilbert MacKereth, the British consul in Damascus at the time, arranged for a person in his confidence to attend. Based on the reports of the spy, MacKereth described the event as “a manifestation of Judeophobia.” He referred to “a startlingly inflammatory pamphlet entitled ‘The Jews and Islam,’ which was handed to each member of the congress on his arrival. It had been printed in Egypt.” Annex V of MacKereth’s memorandum, written by his confidante, bears the title “Description of a violently anti-Jewish Pamphlet printed in Cairo for the Palestine Defense Committee there, which was given to each of the persons attending the Bludan congress.” The summary of the pamphlet’s contents presented in an annex to the report leaves us with no doubt that he was referring to the Cairo publication of August 1937. 17

The Nazis viewed Islam and Jewry as an especially valuable tool. During the war, Berlin printed and disseminated this text nearly unchanged in several languages and editions. For example, there is proof that in 1942, the Spanish authorities confiscated some 1,500 copies of “a German propaganda pamphlet in the Arabic language called ‘Islam and the Jews’” that had been sent to the German consulate in Tangiers. According to the German Foreign Ministry, these brochures were to have been distributed “unobtrusively” in Spanish Morocco. “Unobtrusive” is the key word here. The Muslims would have laughed at an SS officer openly distributing an Arabic text pretending to speak in the name of Islam. But this was indeed what was happening. The Nazis disguised themselves as Muslims and falsified Islamic scripture so as to lend credibility to their murderous hatred of Jews.

The Spanish authorities responsible for Tangiers, however, frustrated this plan. They were of the opinion that “the distribution of such propaganda directed against the Jewish elements in Spanish Morocco could not be permitted” and had all copies confiscated and destroyed. 18 In 1943, another 10,000 copies of the same pamphlet were printed in Zagreb, capital of Germany’s Croatian satellite, this time in Serbo-Croatian (Islam I Zidovstvo), and distributed in Bosnia and Croatia. 19

Though the precise details of the pamphlet’s dissemination are unknown, Islam and Jewry might well be regarded as the forerunner to Sayyid Qutb’s notorious text Our Struggle with the Jews of the 1950s. David Motadel regards Islam and Jewry as “one of the most significant examples of this kind of religiously charged anti-Jewish propaganda dispersed among Muslims,” 20 while historian Jeffrey Herf deems it “one of the founding texts of the Islamist tradition, one that defined the religion of Islam as a source of hatred of the Jews.” 21

The timing of the publication of Islam and Jewry, in August 1937, is also revealing. It proves that Islamic antisemitism took hold when the flight and expulsion of the Palestinian Arabs (1948) and Israeli rule over Gaza and the West Bank (1967) were still in the distant future. This fact alone contradicts the widespread assumption that Islamic antisemitism developed as a response to alleged Israeli misdeeds. It was not the behavior of the Zionists that prompted the publication of this hostile text, but rather the fact that a first attempt had been made in the summer of 1937 to agree on a two-state plan. Islam and Jewry accordingly culminates in the following call: “Do not tolerate the Partition Plan, for Palestine has been an Arab country for centuries and shall remain Arabic forever.” This pamphlet was intended to theologize the territorial conflict between Jews and Arabs in order to destroy the first important attempt at a compromise—which had initially been met with a degree of approval from some moderate Arabs.

The antisemitic Mufti of Jerusalem is, of course, an icon for Palestinians today. His influence remains.



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