Ibrahim Abrash, a former minister of culture for the PA, writes in the Palestinian Sada News site another of the never ending antisemitic articles you can find there. It was copied and quoted in many other Arabic news sites.
The title is comparing Israel's policies to the Nazi Final Solution.
We are not about to dig up the history of the Jews in Europe and the world nor enter into a debate about the suffering and persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany during World War II from 1939-1945, but what caught our attention is a phenomenon that Ibn Khaldun had previously touched upon in his well-known introduction, which is that: “The conquered nations resemble the conquering nations,” and what psychologists later confirmed is that the victim imitates the executioner in terms of admiration for his strength and tyranny, which later pushes her, despite what she suffered at the hands of the executioner, to imitate his style of dealing with others, and she herself turns into an executioner who practices the same logic of superiority, tyranny, and types of torture with others who fall under their authority and rule.
This is what we see today in the way the Zionists, victims of the Holocaust, deal with the Palestinian people. In this context, we noticed the great similarity between the “Final Solution Plan” drawn up by the Nazis during World War II to get rid of the Jews in Germany and the “Decision Plan” drawn up by the Zionist right and extremist Smotrich to get rid of the Palestinians and end the conflict.
....The Holocaust, which the Zionists claim killed 6 million Jews, is one of the most important tools of the plan for the preferred description of the Jews for what they were exposed to in Germany, - although Western thinkers and researchers, including the Frenchman Roger Garaudy, refuted with documents and scientific analysis the validity of the number, as he said that the number of Jews in Germany at the beginning of the war was not 6 million: How did the Nazis kill 6 million and millions of people who were rescued remained inside Germany or fled from it to America, European countries and Palestine?
He starts off saying that the Holocaust happened, - and then quotes a famous Holocaust denier saying it didn't happen or was exaggerated.
So in one article, we have Holocaust denial, Holocaust trivialization and Holocaust inversion (saying Jews are the new Nazis.)
Every definition of antisemitism, even the ones drafted by defenders of Palestinian antisemitism, includes Holocaust denial as an example of antisemitism. Yet somehow these drafters of the "progressive" definition stay quiet when someone they support exhibits the very Holocaust denial that they jump to condemn with it comes from the Right.
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There has been a lot of coverage of UNHRC Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese's antisemitic posts on social media, including one post where she said, "America and Europe, one of them subjugated by the Jewish lobby, and the other by the sense of guilt about the Holocaust, remain on the sidelines and continue to condemn the oppressed — the Palestinians — who defend themselves with the only means they have."
But in that same post, Albanese also engaged in a blood libel - falsely accusing Israel of killing a baby.
Meanwhile, Gaza needs help, medicine, food, water. Everything we can give is a small but essential help to save more innocent lives. Like that of little Shayman, who after being born by her dying mother due to bombings, was rescued and kept in an incubator by medical staff in Gaza. The miracle of his life went off when Israel bombed Gaza’s only power supply source, and the Shayman’s incubator stopped working.
I cannot find any mention of any child dying from an incubator losing power in 2014.
Human Rights Watch wrote about the effects of Israel's (unintentional) bombing of Gaza's power plant fuel supply after Albanese's post. Here is everything it said about how the power plant going offline affected hospitals in Gaza:
The shutdown of the Gaza Power Plant ...caused hospitals, already straining to handle the surge of war casualties, to increase their reliance on precarious generators.
Mahmoud Daher, head of the Gaza office of the UN World Health Organization, said that hospitals have been given priority for scarce electricity, with Shifa, the territory’s largest hospital, getting the most, at 16 hours a day. If the fuel required to run generators were to run out, or a generator to fail, a hospital could lose power.
An official at al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City told Human Rights Watch on August 7 that because of electricity interruptions:
We use a large generator for six to eight hours per day, then have to rely on three smaller ones, because the large one cannot be run full-time. If the large one goes, we don’t know how we would repair it, because of the lack of spare parts. It powers the oxygen station, the hospital’s two elevators, and the air conditioners – this amounts to 80 percent of the hospital’s total electricity consumption. When we use the smaller generators, they can only power one elevator, and none of the air conditioners, which makes it difficult for staff to work long hours in the August heat, and dangerous for patients.
If the power outages had shut down incubators, HRW would have mentioned it. If anyone died as a result of such power outages, HRW would have made that the headline. So would have every media outlet.
Albanese's story about "Shayman" and his "dying mother" is a lie. It never happened. It is a blood libel.
Not only that, her relating that story that was not mentioned in any mainstream media proves that Albanese reads and trusts the most fringe, anti-Israel and antisemitic Arab media, and believes even the most outrageous lies about Jews and Israelis implicitly.
So this pattern holds: Francesca Albanese is an antisemite.
UPDATE: GnasherJew found the story that I couldn't find. There was a baby on a respirator, not an incubator. Other news stories say the doctors were watching her closely, and it seems unlikely to me that the oxygen wouldn't be a top priority for generators in a hospital.
The six-day-old baby was born by emergency Caesarean section Friday after doctors at Deir al-Balah hospital in central Gaza managed to save her from the womb of her mother, who died when an Israeli tank shell hit her home.
The mother, 23-year-old Shayma al-Sheikh Qanan, had been eight months pregnant, and the baby was named after her.
But the baby was deprived of oxygen between her mother’s death and doctors being able to operate, which meant she had to be hooked up to a respirator at the maternity ward in Khan Yunis hospital in southern Gaza.
“The baby suffered an oxygen deficiency in the womb after her mother’s heart stopped,” Dr Abdel Karem al-Bawab, head of the maternity ward at Nasser hospital, told AFP Thursday.
“This deficiency caused the baby to asphyxiate unexpectedly, rendering her brain dead,” he said of the tragedy, which occurred Wednesday.
“The ongoing electricity shortages played a role because her oxygen tubes did not work properly and we had to resuscitate her more than once manually.”
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Jason Whitlock is a sports journalist with half a million Twitter followers who is politically conservative. He has been tweeting in defense of Kanye West and getting thousands of retweets:
When will the Bible be de-platformed and canceled? Revelation 2:9: "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." #Kanye
He displays a similar casual antisemitism as Kanye himself, retweeting this:
Whitlock has an online show where he discusses Kanye's words and the reaction, and at one point (8:50) asks his panelists a basic question:
This is where I need help, and somebody jump in here. there seems to be a group of people that they're calling black or Hebrew Israelites and this seems to be very offensive, these people what they believe is very offensive that they're arguing that black people are the original Jews or are the Jews ...again I'm not plain dumb I really don't understand uh why it's offensive, or I'm not even sure what's the logic behind the argument, does anybody know?
Two of the panelists say what they know about the Black Hebrew movement and admit they don't know why this is offensive. One, author Shemeka Michelle, reads a dictionary definition of "semite" and says, sure, it sounds like Black people are Semitic, why is this offensive to Jews?
Finally, former football player TJ Moe says, "My takeaway, again rudimentary understanding, and I don't know if Kanye did this, but a lot of the [Black Hebrew] movement they are not just saying that hey, there's a lost tribe of black people who are Jews too. They're saying you guys are imposters
and that's where it becomes anti-semitic, and that's where I could see them being offended ...He may have actually said it on Tucker, if I remember right, he said I think black people are the real Jews."
So there is a clear element of cluelessness going on here - not only how offensive the idea that Jews who have been persecuted for millennia for being Jewish are being called imposters is, but that if we are imposters than the centuries of expulsions and pogroms and the Holocaust becomes meaningless. Our dead aren't martyrs, they are just dead.
There is another point that is offensive - the idea of truth. There is no evidence that Black people are originally Jews, no matter how many rappers make that claim. To have a group of people come and hijack our history based on clearly false and constructed arguments is not only offensive to Jews but to history.
The conversation notes that Black people have poetically identified with Jews since the days of slavery, which is certainly true. One interesting point again made by TJ Moe was summarized by Whitlock, that Kanye was saying "that Jewish equals oppression, black people have been oppressed for centuries, ergo black people are the real Jews." The poetry of Negro spirituals like "Go Down Moses" has morphed into many Black people literally believing that the Bible is about them.
But even though Whitlock heard these explanations, he himself enthusiastically seemed to reject them - and reject Jews as Jews - in the tweet at the top of this article, written after this video was made.
Also, Whitlock seems to accept without question that Jews control the music industry and are therefore guilty of oppressing multimillionaire rappers. It isn't true that Jews control the industry, and it isn't true that Black performers are treated differently than any other in their contracts.
Whitlock's cluelessness doesn't end there - he cannot understand why Jews are offended by analogies of Black people getting abortions with the Holocaust. He thinks that is valid.
Without bothering to ask a Jew why we are offended by Kanye's clearly hateful statements, he is taking wild guesses based on pure ignorance - and drawing conclusions based on wrong information.
Yes, it is antisemitic to compare the Black experience in America today with the Holocaust. It is antisemitic to blame Jews for unfair contracts in the music industry. It is antisemitic to say that Jewish history is a lie. It is antisemitic to say that Jews are imposters and that some other group is the real Jewish people, based on fake history and lies. it is antisemitic to to pretend that Kanye is being persecuted by a vast Jewish cabal and that he did nothing wrong. And it is offensive to assume that the Jewish outrage at Kanye's words are overblown and unfair without even understanding why they are offensive to begin with.
And it might not be antisemitic, but it is definitely offensive, that so many supporters of Kanye West don't even bother to ask the question of why his words are so hateful and offensive to begin with.
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Columnist Hamada al-Farana at Jordanian news site Ad Dustor writes:
The Palestinian Arab people were the most affected peoples in the whole world from the results of the Nazi fascist European massacres against the Jews for several fundamental reasons:
Get out the popcorn.
First, because we, as Arabs, Muslims and Christians, our culture does not allow us to accept collective punishments against humans, and to treat them with contempt, hatred, or hostility, on the basis of religion, nationalism, sect, or their positions and convictions.
That's great! That means that they do not hate Jewish Zionists because of their nationalism, positions or convictions!
Secondly, because Jews and Judaism are part of our Arab people and nation. Judaism is one of the monotheistic religions that complements Christianity and Islam, even if the diligence and diversity differ among them. The difference between Jews and Judaism on one side and the Zionist movement on the other, is the difference between Islam and Muslims from the two organizations Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
Well, only a slight contradiction between two adjoining paragraphs.
Thirdly, the Palestinians paid a heavy price because of the Holocaust, as Zionism and the colonial countries of Europe exploited the Nazi massacres against the Jews, and worked to displace and resettle them in Palestine, and to establish a Jewish state for them on the land of the Palestinian people...
Fourth, and this is the most important, that the Palestinians paid the price of the European massacres of the Jews, so Palestine was colonized, half of its people were expelled outside their homeland, and they were subjected to displacement and exile, and massacres were committed against them.
Yup. The biggest victims of the Holocaust wasn't six million Jews, but the Palestinians whose leader supported the Nazis.
For these reasons, we sympathize with the tragedy of the Jews in Europe, and we reject, as Arabs, Muslims and Christians with the Palestinians, those Nazi fascist crimes against the Jews, just as we reject and condemn, at the same time, with the same force, the massacres of the Israeli colony and its daily crimes against the Palestinian people, including killing, destruction, persecution, besieging and starvation.
I like the "starvation" part. I haven't found any examples but it can't hurt to throw that in.
And just as the civilized international community did by chasing down the chased down the Nazis and prosecuted them for what they did against the Jews, the leaders of the international community and human rights institutions, and those with living consciences should try Israeli criminals in accordance with fair values and human rights, and not to evade just and equitable punishment.
What the Palestinian President said, what he expressed, and what he meant, is the core of the bitter truth that needs to be addressed by the European and German people.
So we have Holocaust minimization, Holocaust distortion and Holocaust inversion, as mainstream Arab political opinion.
Hamada al-Farana is a former minister of Jordanian parliament and has been a member of the Palestinian National Council since 1984.
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Earlier this month, Israeli media revealed a terrible secret from the Six Day War. Yossi Melman tweeted:
After 55 years of heavy censorship, I can reveal that at least 20 Egyptian soldiers were burnt alive and buried by IDF in a mass grave, which wasn't marked & without being identified contrary to war laws, in Latrun. It happened during the Six Day's War.
Days before the war Egypt's Nasser signed a defense pact with Jordan's Hussein. Egypt deployed 2 commando battalions in the West Bank near Latrun, which was no man's land. Their mission was to raid inside Israel and take over Lod and a nearby military airfields.
Fire Exchanges took place with IDF troops and members of Kibbutz Nahshon. Some Egyptian troops fled, some taken prisoner, and some bravely fought.
At a certain point IDF fired mortar shells and thousands of uncultivated dunams of wild bush in the dry summer were set on fire. At least 20 Egyptian soldiers died in the bush fire "the fire spread quickly in the hot and dry bush, and they have no chance to escape" I was told by Zeen Bloch (now 90 years) who was the military commander of Nachshon, a left-wing Kibbutz.
The next day IDF soldiers equipped with a bulldozer came to the scene, dug a pit, pushed the Egyptian corpses and covered them with soil. Bloch and some Nahshon members watched with horrors as soldiers looted personal belonging and left the mass grave unmarked.
Saleh Abu Muslim, an Egyptian writer in news site Elaosboa is comparing this incident with the Holocaust, which he is not sure really happened anyway.
When the word Holocaust is mentioned, one immediately thinks of the Holocaust against Jews and others by Nazi Germany and its allies led by Adolf Hitler during the Second World War. Because of the genocide and the brutal Holocaust that the Jews were subjected to from 1935 until 1945, whether real or fiction, they are crimes of shame against humanity. Many scholars, historians and others believe that the Holocaust is a trick or a lie that is exploited by the Zionists to achieve their interests and blackmail the Western countries responsible for committing these crimes, and that is why those who deny the truth of the Holocaust by the Jews and their sympathizers are considered anti-Semites. ...
The Jews of the world are weeping and lamenting the burning crimes they were subjected to by Nazi Germany and its allies, and even calling for the prosecution of all those who deny the Holocaust and deny its occurrence, and they demand that Germany pay great financial compensation for the Jews who were exterminated. Yet here are the Israeli occupation soldiers and they practiced the same brutal crime against the prisoners and besieged Egyptian soldiers starting from the 1956, 1967, and 1973 wars. ...After 55 years of blackout, the Israeli authorities now come to us to reveal to us that the Israeli occupation forces in 1967 burned and killed more than 80 soldiers of the Israeli [sic] forces. The Egyptian special forces during the June 1967 war in the Latrun area located between Jaffa and Jerusalem, when those forces were on a special mission to support the Jordanian army in that area. Successive Israeli governments since 1967 to reveal to us this horrific crime after the Israeli forces fired phosphorous shells in the middle of a barren desert area full of weeds and dry trees to be burned...
Let's make some things clear: The burning of the soldiers was an accident. It wasn't from phosphorus shells but regular mortars, according to Melman.
The Egyptian soldiers were valid military targets under the Geneva Conventions. They were not innocent civilians, and they weren't prisoners of war. They were active combatants.
The IDF was absolutely wrong both in burying them and in looting their belongings, no question. Those soldiers should have been punished. And the incident should not have been kept secret for this long.
But comparing that to the Holocaust?
Egyptians have every right to be angry over the incident and to demand answers. But using it as an excuse to minimize the systematic mass slaughter and genocide of millions of Jews is obscene.
And even more obscene is that the editor of the newspaper felt that the writer was making a valid point. And that whenever such an obscene article is published in Arabic, there is no visible pushback from other Arabs.
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