Showing posts with label Ammon News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ammon News. Show all posts

Friday, July 14, 2023

Arutz-7 published a d'var Torah this week by prominent Religious Zionist Rabbi Melamed, where he encourages Israeli Jews to have more children and for diaspora Jews to move to Israel, because he says the more Jews in the land, the more peace there will be.

In one part of the essay that mentions this week's Torah portion he says, 

Why were the borders of the land reduced in Parashat Masei?

The borders of the Land of Israel are from the [Nile] River to the Euphrates River. However, in practice, in Parashat Masei, when God commanded Israel to occupy the land and settle it, he commanded to conquer only the western side of the Jordan. Because the mitzvot of settling the land must be fulfilled according to the ability of the people of Israel. And since the number of Israel was not sufficient to settle the whole Land of Israel, the mitzvah was to first conquer the more sacred part, to the west of thee Jordan. And only after they multiply, they would be able to gradually expand towards the eastern Jordan and all the territories of the Promised Land of Israel (Ramban Bamidbar  21:21; Malbim ibid.).

Therefore, from the beginning, Israel did not intend to conquer the land of Sihon and Og, and only after they did not accept the peace offer and went to war against Israel, the people of Israel conquered their land. And there was still no intention to settle there, so when the sons of Reuven and Gad asked to cross the Jordan, Moses was very careful about them, but in retrospect he granted their request after they promised to be pioneers in conquering most of the land. In practice, there were not enough  Jews to enter the Western Jordan, and it remained sovereign enclaves of Gentiles there, who caused great trouble to Israel for about four hundred years, as recounted in the Book of Judges.
Rabbi Melamed is saying that God Himself commanded the Israelites to only conquer the land to the west of the Jordan, and not the entire expansive borders, because there simply weren't enough of them to effectively rule a larger area - and even the parts of Transjordan that they settled was a cause of problems since they didn't have enough people. Certainly it is not desirable today to conquer much of the Arab world. 

Arab media is looking at this article and saying,
Rabbi to the Jews: They multiplied so that we fight Egypt and Iraq and control the Nile and the Euphrates 
The extremist Jewish rabbi , Eliezer Melamed, claimed that the borders of the Israeli occupation should extend from the Nile River in Egypt to the Euphrates in Iraq, to ​​repeat the occupation narratives that prove Tel Aviv's desire to dominate the Arab region .  
Which he is hardly saying - he is complaining that we do not have enough Jews to even control the entire area west of the Jordan properly! Nowhere does he call for a war with Egypt and Iraq!

Now, other Arab sites are chiming in about the "racist" rabbi who merely quoted the Torah about the ideal borders of Israel that no one is calling for today. 

Usually, when these kinds of things happen -and they happen pretty often - it is a secular Israeli newspaper that misinterprets the words of some rabbi to make him sound racist. Here, apparently the Arab media themselves decided to interpret the d'var Torah in an entirely wrong way - because they know no one will fact check them.

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Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Jordanian media has consistently been among the most antisemitic in the Arab world. 

Here are two examples from Ammon (Amman) News in the past couple of days.

The first is a pseudo-intellectual article titled "The power and arrogance of the Jews... A recommendation for direction and confrontation" by Dr. Dirar Mufdi Barakat. It starts off with:

What is Jewish hegemony and arrogance? According to the methodology "I shall be and others cannot be," strangeness of course, sterility of values, transcendence over the truth, and over all international norms, and blasphemy of the rights of the Palestinians, people, land and identity, without paying attention to international covenants and agreements and internationalism and organizations, both legal and humanitarian.
The second is a reaction to the Jenin anti-terror operation:

God Almighty says in the decisive revelation: "Neither the Jews nor the Christians will be satisfied with you until you follow their religion)." As usual, the descendants of monkeys and pigs carry out brutal attacks on the Palestinian people with all brutality, extremism and hatred. They do not know the difference between a civilian and a combatant. They kill children, the elderly and women without mercy. They do not have existential legitimacy in the outskirts of Jerusalem, and their criminal actions are not subject to any logic or any religion. How can someone who does not own the land kill the owners of this land?!

The ugliness of these acts is not strange, as they are planning for the Greater State of Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates....
Interestingly, the second article is the complete opposite of the first. The first portrays Jews as a super-intelligent super-villain that runs circles around the weak Arab world; the second says that the brave Palestinians are causing the Jews no end of panic as they cannot figure out how to counter their surprises. 

The common denominator, as always, is hatred of Jews. No pretense of "Zionists" here - they are talking about Jews. 

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Wednesday, April 05, 2023

As I have been reporting (and has been ignored by the mainstream media), the Jerusalem Waqf had - at Jordan's direction - written a memo saying that Muslims are not to stay overnight for the "i'tikaaf" custom at Al Aqsa Mosque. This was agreed during the Aqaba and Sharm el Sheikh summits between Israel and various Arab countries to tamp down tensions at the holy spot.

There was much Palestinian anger over this revelation. The "shabab," the youth who prefer violence to calm, said that the Waqf had no right to do that. The Waqf responded to the criticism earlier this week:

Local reports quoted the director of the Jerusalem Waqf Department, Sheikh Azzam al-Khatib, as saying that the Al-Aqsa Mosque is run by a “responsible institution.” He notes that there are 22 members of the Endowment Council, and says that these members are all scholars and Jerusalemite personalities, and they appreciate the conditions in the city of Jerusalem and the circumstances of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, knowing that some of them have services for more than 50 years in Jerusalem.

He explained that the Waqf appreciates every movement in Jerusalem and in all aspects, and that since 1967, there has been i'tikaaf in the last ten days of Ramadan, in addition to Thursdays and Fridays, because the worshipers come from outside Jerusalem, and from Jordan, Gaza and some Arab and Islamic countries.

He points out that these decisions are not new to the Islamic waqf, and explains that this was the decision of the Waqf Council, and he said that it was “the right decision.”

And when al-Khatib talked about not opening the mosque for i'tikaaf on the rest of the week as well, he said: “This is a political issue that I cannot talk about. There are some things that are beyond our capacity, no more, no less.”

The shabab youth never made any secret about their intentions for i'tikaaf. It was never for quiet reflection and prayer. It was always to attempt to prevent Jews from ascending to the Temple Mount.  Arabic media have made that clear from the start. 

In the wake of popular anger at Israel enforcing the rules that the Waqf agreed to, the Waqf has now changed its tune.

It is now encouraging Palestinian Muslims to violate its own memorandum.

From Ammon News:

The Council of Islamic Endowments, Affairs and Holy Sites in Al-Quds Al-Sharif called on all Muslims, and those who can from the cities and villages of Palestine, to support the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque / Al-Qudsi Al-Sharif, by praying, worshiping, reading the Qur’an, and obtaining the double reward at the first two qiblahs, especially before the end of the blessed month of Ramadan.

In a statement issued today, Wednesday, the council affirmed that Al-Aqsa Mosque has not and will not be closed to those in i'tikaaf, each according to his ability, program and intention, throughout the days and nights of the holy month of Ramadan.

The Council affirms that the protection of Al-Aqsa Mosque is the duty of every Muslim.
Muslims always refer to Jews as people who cannot be trusted because they break any covenant they agree to.

Look who just broke an agreement they signed.

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Monday, October 24, 2022

Egypt's El Balad and Jordan's Ammon News describe an Israeli TV report that some 12,000 Israelis visited Jordan during the Jewish holidays over the past month, as many Israelis felt that it was less expensive than going overseas. Most of these visitors went to Aqaba as a cheaper alternative to Eilat. 

That's a fairly significant number of visitors, and Jordan's tourism sector no doubt benefited a great deal.

But when the TV station wanted to interview a representative of Jordan's Ministry of Tourism, a fairly innocuous request to get some generic quotes, the Jordanian government didn't grant the request.

How childish can they be? They are afraid of being seen, or quoted, on TV along with Israelis in any context. They'll take money from Israeli "settlers" (as the articles described all the tourists) but they won't deign to speak to Israeli TV.

Do they think they are going to destroy Israel through microaggressions? Because that sometimes seems to be the prevailing mentality.

The microaggressions don't end there. 

Both articles headline the fact that Jordan refused to speak to the Israeli news crew, even as they eagerly covered what the news channel had to say about Jordan. They seem to want to give the impression to their readers that they are so strong and mighty that they can refuse a request from the all-powerful Jews. 

It's sort of pathetic.

The news producers didn't lose a minute of sleep over the snub. The story ran without any problems. The mighty Jordanian decision to boycott Israeli TV was taken as par for the course by the Israelis.

Also, neither one of the news outlets deign to mention which Israeli TV station it was that tried to get the interview. As if mentioning a specific channel is a sign of weakness.

And that is the point. Their attempts to appear consequential by refusing to answer a couple of softball questions makes them look even weaker.  

They are utterly clueless.

This immaturity is accepted as part of Arab culture by the world. But nothing will change until people ask - what is wrong with these guys?

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Sunday, August 21, 2022

I can't keep up with the sheer amount of antisemitic hate being published by Palestinians (in Palestinian and Jordanian media) over the past few days in response to the German criticism of Mahmoud Abbas' Holocaust trivialization. Here are some from just the last 24 hours.

Al Mal News says that the Nakba is worse than the Holocaust, since the Holocaust only lasted a few years but the Nakba is still ongoing. The title of the article is, "Nazi racism and Zionism are two sides of the same coin."

Rashid Hassan in Ad Dustour manages to throw in lots of antisemitic memes in a short space:

The Jews blackmailed Germany, forcing them to pay thousands of billions of dollars in compensation for the so-called “Holocaust”..!! Their ally was Hitler, who deported them to Palestine to get rid of the Jewish problem...the Jewish mess with Europe, and dragged it into global wars...
On the other hand, it is necessary to point out a very important issue, namely: that the majority of Jews who immigrated to Palestine from Europe, 96 %.. they are not Semites, especially those who emigrated from Poland, Latvia, Australia, Germany and Russia..the enemy leaders know this fact..but they ignore it, and continue to forge and fabricate as they used to..!!
History has taught us that the Jews are bound to treachery..they do not respect a covenant or agreement, and the experience of the Messenger, peace be upon him, with them..the best evidence..they plotted against him..they intended to kill him..and his will to the caliphs after him was: to expel them from the Arabian Peninsula. 
At Al Watan Voice, we see this by Dr. Samir El Dada:
 But it is not strange for the Zionists to take advantage of the tragedies of Jews and even non-Jews in the Second World War in the worst way and blackmail all the countries of the world, especially Europe, especially Germany, and subject those countries to their control and influence and impose astronomical royalties (they call them compensation) that exceeded one trillion dollars..... and none of these countries would dare to grumble and would have to pay a little under the threat of the sword of anti-Semitism, and this approach is still the chicken that lays the golden eggs for the Zionists and by which they rule the world.
At Palestinian site Raya, Akran Atallah says that Germany is "bullying" the Palestinian people who have "been subjected to the worst process of expulsion and deportation in the modern era."

Akbar El Youm says that Palestinian suffering is equivalent to the Holocaust, and asks, "Should the Palestinian people wait for the gas ovens for Germany and the world to believe that the Israeli Holocaust must stop?!"

 In a nice example of psychological projection, Nihad Abu Ghosh writes in that Jews cannot share victimhood with anyone else.
What provokes Israel, then, is not the denial of the Holocaust, but the questioning that the Jews are the only or main victims of the Holocaust, and then doubting that the current State of Israel is the legal, political and moral heir to the victims of the Holocaust, even though this state was established at the expense of the Palestinian tragedy, and it has continued until now. The oppression of the Palestinian people, the occupation of their land and the confiscation of their national rights, and then putting a finger on the bleeding wound, which is that the victims of the Holocaust were turned into torturers for other victims.
He ends off by saying that Israel uses the Holocaust to excuse its using Jewish supremacy to keep Palestinians as practically slave labor.

This article in Ammon News uses the incident in Germany to say at one point that "Dalal al-Mughrabi for us is more important than Joan of Arc as an image and expression, and you considered her a 'terrorist.'"

Another Ammon News article says, "The Holocaust was as it was, and the consequences for the Jews were and the consequences for the Palestinians, which is what the world must acknowledge so that the equation of the Holocaust is equal between the incident and the result and between the phenomenon and its aftermath." Meaning the Palestinians were equal victims as the Jews from Nazi Germany. 

That article goes on to say that the Germans should apologize to Palestinians for indirectly causing the Nakba.

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Sunday, July 17, 2022

Jordanian media doesn't even try to hide its antisemitism.

Addustour, a major newspaper, has called Jews the devil, said that Jews are the most stubborn enemies of Islam, and only recently that Jews lie about the Holocaust.

On Saturday, columnist Rashid Hassan came up with an interesting alternate history of Palestine:
The White House and the whole world knows that Palestine is the homeland of the Palestinian Arab people, and Biden knows, if he reads history, that the Jews are an invading nation.. They occupied Palestine.. Just as your people, Mr. Biden, occupied America, and exterminated tens of millions of Red Indians -- with Britain's support. ... History has proven that the Palestinian people established a developed state that surpassed Britain and France in civility and progress. and institutions...
Not only have Jews never lived in the region, but  he reminds us of that famous Palestinian state and all its developed institutions!

Meanwhile, in Ammon News, Dr. Bassam al-Amoush tells President Biden that "We know that you and all the presidents who preceded you to the White House are Zionists and slaves to Jewish organizations such as AIPAC, in whose hands anyone who wants to enter the White House will sit to present his pledges towards the occupying state!! "

Yes, all American presidents beg Jews to allow them to gain power. Which is pretty much what David Duke says.

But when Jordanians say it, the media doesn't think it is newsworthy.

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