Showing posts with label self-defense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self-defense. Show all posts

Monday, April 17, 2023

In 2001, Barbara Perry wrote a book called "In the Name of Hate: Understanding Hate Crimes." Chapter 7, "Permission to Hate: Ethnoviolence and the State" says:

[H]ate-motivated violence can flourish only in an enabling environment. In the United States, such an environment historically has been conditioned by the activity-and inactivity-of the state. State practices, policy, and rhetoric often have provided the formal framework within which hate crime-as an informal mechanism of control-emerges. Practices within the state-at an individual and institutional level-that stigmatize, demonize, or marginalize traditionally oppressed groups legitimate the mistreatment of these same groups on the streets. This chapter examines the ways in which state rhetoric, policy, and practice provide the context for violence against minorities.
She brings examples of how political figures, by invoking or dog-whistling tropes against oppressed groups, enable hate crimes against the same groups.

The theory seems to have merit. After all, when bigotry is normalized, then the environment is riper for people who want to act in a bigoted way. They don't feel like they are outliers and they believe that there would be fewer consequences for their actions. 

There was a cottage industry of people warning that Donald Trump's alleged bigotry would increase hate crimes, and then magically finding such correlations. (The increase in hate crimes began in the second term of the Obama administration, but for some reason no one seems to blame him.) 

Relatively few people noted that there was a similar increase in hateful speech from the Left in the same time period - much of it directed at Trump voters.

To be sure, hate from the Left doesn't usually translate into direct hate crimes, while far-Right hate sometimes does. But hate is always directed at the Other - and it is just as reprehensible when the Other is black or gay, or whether The Other is Republican or live in flyover states.

A major barrier to having feelings of hate is that no one wants to believe that they are bigots. They want to believe that their hate is a righteous hate towards a group of people who richly deserve it. It just so happens that groups like Black people, gays, or women are easily categorized and hate towards them is more easily analyzed than hate for political opponents. However, the emotions are the same, and just as destructive - the same feeling of superiority versus the Other and the same imperative that the Other not have the same rights as those of the hater. 

Which brings us to modern hate of Jews.

Jews are indeed a defined group with a rich history of victimhood. Outside of the fringe that are white supremacist or neo-Nazi, people don't want to think of themselves as having the label "antisemite.". The Holocaust is still in living memory and no one wants to be on the side of the Nazis. 

But lots of people are itching for an excuse to hate Jews without being called antisemitic, indeed while claiming that they are against antisemitism. They want someone to give them permission to hate in a way that they can still look themselves in the mirror - or better yet, to consider themselves paragons of morality.

The UN, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and other "human rights organizations" have been happy to jump in and provide exactly that permission. 

Have you ever noticed that the thorough, multiple debunkings of the "apartheid" slander against Israel get no attention? It is partially because the modern antisemites aren't looking for real reasons to hate Israel and Israeli Jews - they are looking for permission to act on the hate they already had beforehand. Once an Amnesty or a UN gives them that permission, by giving Israel a label of "racist" or "Jewish supremacist," they can pretend that their hate is not toxic Nazi-style bigotry but righteous moral indignation. They have no desire to look beyond the modern slanders of accusing Jews of moral crimes - they have "experts" on their side, and that is all they need to legitimize this new bigotry. The 200 page papers don't need to be read or analyzed; they are meant to simply give permission for the masses to hate Jews eight decades after Auschwitz. 

This is the same permission that Barbara Perry noted for bigotry on the Right. NGOs fulfill the functions of the Perry's state-supported hate - in fact, they are in some ways more respected because they position themselves as having no political agenda, only a moral one. 

Apologists might argue that this Leftist antisemitism, if they even admit it exists, is still much less serious than far-Right antisemitism. The neo-Nazi antisemites are more likely to have guns and to directly murder Jews, while the Leftist antisemites are merely boycotting Israel. If you define the consequences of antisemitism merely by counting the bodies killed directly by the bigots, they would have a point.

However, we have seen in recent years that while the Leftist version of the world's oldest hatred might not directly attack Jews, it encourages Palestinians and Iranian proxies to attack them - and gives them their own moral cover.

They have created an additional false intellectual framework that claims that Palestinian terrorism is legitimate self defense, and that Israel has no right to defend itself or its citizens from Palestinian terror. They push lies that US military aid to Israel has no oversight and that US arms are being used for war crimes - with the intent to destroy Israel's ability to defend Jews from Palestinian terror. They fund "charities" and Palestinian NGOs that are tightly tied to, and often fronts for, terror groups like the PFLP. 

This is simply another layer of looking for, and finding, permission to hate and dehumanize.

Jews killed by right-wing crazies in a synagogue in the US are just as dead as Jews killed by Palestinian Jew-haters while driving in their cars in Judea or exiting their synagogue in Jerusalem. But the Left doesn't consider the latter to be victims of antisemitism - the cognitive dissonance would be too painful  So they construct yet another castle in the sky, backed up by academics, pretending that the Palestinians who openly admit and publish their hatred for Jews don't really hate Jews and that they are the victims, not the dead Jews. 

The entire house of cards of Leftist justifications for hating Jews (and only Jews) in Israel would collapse in an instant if the "progressive" anti-Zionists would spend five minutes looking at the critiques of the "apartheid" slanders and absurd arguments justifying murdering Jews. Or ten minutes to compare Israel's supposed "crimes" with the acts of any other country in the history of warfare. But truth isn't their goal - they only want to have permission to engage in the same kind of bigotry that they claim is exclusive to the Right. Facts get in the way of their deep desire to put those uppity Jews in their place.

Today, in the streets of London, you can get a crowd of thousands to openly cheer the idea that Palestinians have the right to target and murder Jews, and only Jews, in Israel. They just change the word "murder" to "resistance" and terrorism magically transforms from a crime against humanity into a heroic action. 

These bigots have permission from the UN, from Amnesty and HRW, from The Nation and Electronic Intifada, from Peter Beinart and Marc Lamont Hill and dozens of other "intellectuals,"  to hate Jews - and from there to incite the murder of Jews.

People wonder how the Holocaust could have happened. How, centuries after the Age of Enlightenment that normalized the concepts of human rights and equality,  could an entire country be so brainwashed to hate Jews? How could such a hate be not only accepted but enthusiastically promoted by ordinary Germans? 

The intellectual groundwork for such an event is being put in place in front of our eyes today. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



There was a most interesting communication between Israel's  Diaspora Affairs and Combating Antisemitism Minister Amichai Chikli and Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur for the Palestinian territories.

Albanese had recently tweeted that "Israel has a right to defend itself, but can't claim it when it comes to the people it oppresses/whose lands it colonizes." The clear implication is that Jews who are killed by Palestinians have no right to self defense as long as the murderers can claim that they are oppressed by Israel. 

Chikli wrote a pointed and detailed response to the UN, demanding that Albanese be fired.

 Over 3000 years ago, the moral imperative not to kill was established as the most fundamental commandment given to humanity within the framework of the Ten Commandments - one of the most authentic human rights charter. Throughout history, the importance of the right to life and the prohibition of murder have been developed by philosophers such as John Locke, and has been incorporated into many official documents. One of the most prominent milestones in this context is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, whose Article 3 declares that ''Everyone has the Right to life, liberty and security of person." 

Against the background of this long process of establishing the universal right to life for all individuals, I am writing to express my profound shock, condemnation and dismay at the recent comments made by formal UN employee and special rapporteur, Ms. Frances. Albanese. Ms. Albanese's reprehensible, irresponsible and terror-inciting remarks made earlier this week called into question Israel's very right to defend the lives of its citizens. 

Ms. Albanese's statement is not only outrageous but also explicitly denies the right to life and personal security of many Jewish citizens of the State of Israel. Her comments contradict the basic core foundational human rights upon which the United Nations is built, setting a dangerous precedent. It is also unacceptable for a UN representative to make such a statement, even if she thinks that part of the country is disputed territory. 

I would like to draw your attention to a concerning matter regarding Ms. Albanese's recent remarks. It appears that her words may have been intentionally influenced by the recent horrific terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians: Just last week, a British-Israeli mother, Lucy Dee, and her two teenage daughters, Maia and Rina Dee, were brutally murdered in the Jordan Valley by a Palestinian terrorist who deliberately rammed their vehicle and then shot them at point blank range. Ms. Albanese's statement seems to suggest that Lucy Dee and her daughters, three innocent human beings driving on a holiday, were not deserving of the right to be protected by the State of Israel. 

This statement is especially troubling, as it casts a dark shadow on Ms. Albanese's basic human compassion, and her ability to uphold the principles of the United Nations and carry out her duties as a representative on its behalf. 

Regrettably, this is not an isolated instance of Ms. Albanese's relentless, systematic and irrational bias against Israel and display of antisemitism. As a representative who should be applying intemational law equally for all, irrespective of their faith, background or geographic locality, this is deeply concerning. 

A particular, troubling example is her speech at a Hamas-sponsored conference in Gaza in November 2022, during which she urged her audience to "resist". Moreover, in recent years, Ms. Albanese has also accused the "Jewish Lobby" of controlling United States and Europe, supported the BDS campaign against Israel, compared Israelis to the Nazis and refused to condemn Palestinian terrorism.

Ms. Albanese's actions and statements clearly violate the impartiality and objectivity requirements outlined in the UN Code of Conduct for Special Rapporteurs. Her clear and persistent display of antisemitic rhetoric, hostility and prejudice towards Israel demonstrates that this particular rapporteur does not uphold these values. The United Nations is failing to uphold its own commitment to protecting fundamental human rights for all and applying equal treatment of all its member states by allowing Ms. Albanese to continue to spew hatred, antisemitism and incite violence. Her blindly one-sided anti-Israel mandate is unacceptable and clearly goes against the principles of the United Nations. 

Therefore, I strongly urge you to take prompt action and terminate Ms. Albanese, position's permanently. It is s essential that the United Nations uphold its own principles and convey a resolute message that antisemitism and support for violence and terrorism have no place within its organization. In this context, I would like to refer to Chaim Herzog's powerful speech at the United Nations General Assembly on November 10, 1975, stating that "It is indeed fitting that the United Nations, which began its life as an anti-Nazi Alliance, should, 30 years later, find itself on its way to becoming the world center of anti-Semitism". We very much hope that it is still possible to change this sad situation. 

Yours respectfully, 
Amichai Chikli 
Minister of Diaspora Affairs and Combating Antisemitism 
Albanese did not respond to any of these points. Instead, she composed the equivalent of a schoolyard taunt:
I wonder how the 3000-year-old "moral responsibility [sic] not to kill" can be reconciled with the thousands of Palestinians killed since 2007 in oPt (4k out of conflict; 4.4k in-conflict, i.e. in Gaza: 2008/9, 2012, 2014, 2018/9, 2021, 2022).
She is saying that Israel is hypocritical on two levels: one by not adhering to the same human rights standards that Chikli is saying she is guilty of violating, and secondly of not upholding Jewish laws itself in killing Palestinians. 

Even though Albanese has already distinguished herself with her blatant bias and tacit support for Palestinian terror, this is fairly astonishing. By not defending her own words justifying Palestinian "resistance," she is saying that Palestinian terror is not even worth discussion - because Israel is worse. 

In her moral universe, two wrongs make a right. 

It is clearly a false charge. The vast majority of those killed by Israel were either legitimate targets or collateral damage when Israel was attacking legitimate targets in wartime. Some were tragic accidents. 

One is not liable for those deaths under either Torah law or the Geneva Conventions

Palestinian terrorists, including the killers of the Dee mother and daughters, are guilty of murder in their deliberate targeting of uninvolved civilians; And Palestinian terror is illegal under both of them.

Albanese ignores or condones Palestinian murders while condemning Israel's defensive wartime actions - and she cynically invokes Jewish law to make her case, including that Jews (and only Jews)  do not have the right to defend themselves against those who claim "oppression." 

In Albanese' perverted moral calculus, Israeli Jews cannot claim to be oppressed by those who daily call for them to be ethnically cleansed from their homes. Only Palestinian lives matter and Palestinian murders are "legitimate resistance;" Jewish Israelis do not have the right to claim either self defense or oppression, which is the golden ticket needed to kill anyone on the other side.

This is another case where Albanese's own words cross the line from "anti-Zionism" into antisemitism. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Sunday, April 09, 2023

EU High Representative Josep Borrell issued a press release about the latest escalations of violence in Israel:

The EU is deeply concerned by the grave escalation of violence in recent days in Israel, the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Lebanon.

Last night again, deadly terrorist attacks have occurred in Tel Aviv, one of them killing an Italian tourist. The EU expresses its total condemnation of these acts of violence. This must cease.

This upsurge in violence follows days of tension and clashes at the Holy Sites, including the intervention and the use of force by Israeli police inside the compound of the Al Aqsa mosque.

The EU condemns the violent incidents which have happened in the Holy Sites and reminds that the status quo of all the Holy Sites must be preserved.

We also condemn the indiscriminate rocket attacks on Israel from Gaza and the territory of Lebanon. We condemn unreservedly the terrorist attack which killed two Israelis and left one seriously injured.

Israel has the right to defend itself. At the same time, any response must be proportionate.

The EU calls for an immediate end to the ongoing violence. Everything must be done to prevent the conflict from spreading.

We urge all parties to exercise maximum restraint, to avoid further escalation and promote calm for the ongoing religious holidays.

Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur for the "occupied Palestinian territories," tweeted a link to this statement but then added caveats on where and how Israel has the right to defend itself:

The loss of life in the oPt & Israel is devastating, especially at a time that should be of peace for all, Christians, Jews, Muslims. Israel has a right to defend itself, but can't claim it when it comes to the people it oppresses/whose lands it colonizes.
A later tweet makes it clear that her statement limiting Israel's right to defend itself refers to doing anything to defend Jews outside the 1949 armistice lines.

Which means that she considers Maya and Rina Dee, two sisters who were murdered while they were traveling with their mother, to have been legitimate targets of Palestinian terrorists, since they were killed by Palestinians - who have every right to massacre any Jews they can find.

It also means that even when Palestinian terrorists murder Jews in Israel, they are justified - and Israel has no right to defend itself in that case. This includes defending Jewish children.

This makes her statement that "Israel has the right to defend itself" meaningless - because as long as its attackers call themselves "oppressed" by Israel then that "right" goes out the window. Palestinian rockets from Gaza? Gazans are oppressed by Israel! Rockets from Lebanon and Syria? They are shot by Palestinians who are not allowed to "return" to Israel!  Suicide bombs in Tel Aviv? Perfectly justified! 

And Palestinians attacking Jewish targets outside Israel is likewise justified. 

In short, Israel does not have the right to defend itself from terrorism, anywhere in the world. 

According to Albanese, Jews worldwide must allow themselves to be slaughtered as long as their murderers define themselves as "oppressed."

It is a curious position for a supposed defender of human rights to take. But it makes perfect sense if she does not consider Jews to be human. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Tuesday, December 27, 2022

From Ian:

How did black, Jewish communities go from friendship to tension? - opinion
The events over the last couple of months involving the black and Jewish communities have triggered a lot of thought-provoking questions and concerns. During my entire time working for Jewish non-profits, leaders of these organizations encouraged us to use the strong history of solidarity between black and Jewish communities as part of our outreach.

When educating Jewish university students, we always discussed the special relationship between Dr. Martin Luther King and Rabbi Heschel. We used quotes from influential black leaders to showcase how these figures were supporters of Zionism at a time when Israel was vulnerable.

Looking back now, I realize that historically, the relationship between both communities is a lot more complicated, and today is no different. While black and Jewish solidarity during the civil rights movement sounds beautiful, those stories don’t resonate with my generation because it’s not our reality anymore. Historically the black and Jewish communities supported one another, but clearly, things are different now.

So what happened? How did we get here?
Since the civil rights movement, different events have caused friction between our communities, which have dampened the good relationship which black and Jewish people once shared. Over time, antisemitism and racism have infested both groups. In addition, various events, like the Crown Heights riots, created tension. Hate also spewed from extremist groups and organizations like the Nation of Islam, causing more friction.

Today, black nationalists like Louis Farrakhan and his followers are normalizing antisemitic rhetoric. And now, prominent figures like Kanye West openly spreads antisemitic conspiracy theories while promoting extremists from the Black Hebrew Israelite community who openly support Hitler and the Nazis on the streets of New York.

The black and Jewish communities have, in the past, worked together as vulnerable groups to fight for equality. Over the years, they lived as neighbors in segregated neighborhoods in the US.

Their alliance had some profound moments. Jewish philanthropist Julius Rosenwald teamed up with Booker T. Washington to create schools for black children in the south. Rosenwald donated $70 million to build 5,000 schools for black children.

Black colleges also stepped in during World War II to rescue Jews from Germany. After the Nazis took power, the US failed to take immediate action, thus administrators from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) saved 50 Jewish-German scholars by hiring them.

Lyn Julius: Making sense of the great Mizrahi exodus
Sixty years ago, Algeria declared its independence from France after a bloody war that is thought to have claimed over a million lives. In the course of throwing off the French colonial yoke, Algeria divested itself of 800,000 “white settlers” or pieds noirs. But along with the settlers went 130,000 native Algerian Jews.

There was a reason for this: Within a year of independence, it was clear that there would be no place for non-Muslims in the new Algeria. Indeed, the country’s constitution stipulated that only those with a Muslim father or grandfather could acquire Algerian citizenship.

The Jewish refugees, who held French citizenship, were “repatriated” to France, where they had never lived. One of them was Shmuel Trigano, then 14-years-old. Within two days and with two suitcases in hand, his life changed forever. Uprooted from the only home he had ever known, he was left permanently scarred.

However, it was only relatively recently, when he saw Palestinians brandishing the keys to homes they had left in 1948, that Trigano realized there was a political dimension to his trauma.

“We also had keys,” he says of the 900,000 Jews forced to flee Arab countries. “But we were too modest. We did not make claims—and because we were silent, we allowed a false narrative to fill the vacuum.”

In order to counter what he calls a massive distortion of the facts, Trigano set about applying the tools of his trade as a professor of sociology. He constructed a conceptual framework to make sense of the post-1940s Jewish exodus from 10 Arab countries over a period of 30 years.
David Collier: Gazan scams the anti-Zionists – antisemitism makes people dumb
A Gazan has just scammed anti-Zionists out of £1000s. Pete Gregson, the Scottish man who ran the campaigns has even just admitted it. The truth here is that this is a cycle; The lies of anti-Israel propaganda creates anti-Zionists, anti-Zionism embeds antisemitism, and antisemitism makes people targets for scams. And trust me on this, the people in Gaza and the West Bank are fully aware of it.

A Gazan scammer – the backstory
Keeping this part short: Those who read this blog will know that throughout 2022, I ran several articles on the relationship between Pete Gregson, an active antisemite from Scotland, and a Gazan by the name of Mohammed Almadhoun. Gregson put out an endless stream of fundraisers to help Almadhoun and even ran the Gaza- Edinburgh twinning campaign alongside him. I went digging (as did one or two friends), tracking down Almadhoun and all his claims. It took a while, we had to dig deep – and I even ended up speaking to an Egyptian surgeon referenced in one of the campaigns (who denied ever operating on Almadhoun). My research showed beyond doubt that not only did Almadhoun’s family have ties to both Islamic Jihad and Hamas, but that the fundraising campaigns were a scam.

A Christmas Eve notice and the Boxing Day email
Pete Gregson carried on with his campaigns, ridiculing my research and standing by his Gazan ‘friend’. Until on Christmas Eve the latest campaign was suddenly closed. Then yesterday (Boxing Day), Pete Gregson personally sent an extraordinary email to all those that had contributed. It began like this (full email – see image) :
“It greatly pains me to admit to our having been victims of a humongous scam “

He even openly admitted that I had been right:
Gregson explains that he now knows that Almadhoun, the Gazan scammer will ‘tell lies with impunity if he can scam money‘
Let Jews Arm Themselves to Keep Their Synagogues Safe
Since 2018, there have been three violent attacks on worshippers at American synagogues; numerous others were attempted, threatened, or successfully foiled by law enforcement. Under these circumstances, Jewish communities have adopted various protective measures, including arming themselves. State laws in Maryland and New York, however, specifically prohibit carrying weapons in houses of prayer. Stuart Halpern and Tevi Troy argue against such regulations:

Legally speaking, the laws appear to violate the Second Amendment guarantee of the right to bear arms. Indeed, the New York law was challenged on that basis, and the Maryland law may face a legal challenge as well. But the laws could also be subject to a First Amendment challenge, as they could be seen as an unreasonable burden on the free exercise of religion. After all, if you can’t worship safely because of the threat of anti-Semitic violence, how can you be free to practice your religion?

Legalities aside, there is a larger problem here: these laws may be well-meaning, but the fact remains that, if enacted, potential victims will comply with the law, while their potential attackers won’t. As a result, the attackers will remain armed and dangerous, while potential protectors will be disarmed and limited to the run, hide, and fight directives of local synagogue security committees. These committees do great work, but they necessarily tell congregants, as a last resort, to throw a siddur (Jewish prayer book) at an attacker. A siddur, alas, is a poor substitute for a gun in a firefight.

The 3,000-year-old Jewish tradition has examined the tension between sanctity and safety in the synagogue. In the book of Exodus, the Almighty offers instructions for building a sacrificial altar—what would become a central component of the holy sanctuary. The Israelites are told that it is not to be made of hewn, or carved, stone. Using a sword—a weapon—in the construction of a ritual object, the Bible makes clear, would profane what is meant to be sanctified. Yet the Jewish tradition also recognizes instances of violence as necessary in defense of holy places. The book of Kings recounts how the rebellious Joab, after a failed coup, tries to avoid capture from King Solomon by grasping the sanctuary altar. Solomon ordered him executed there nonetheless.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

By Daled Amos

Francesca Albanese, the "UN Special Rapporteur Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territory Occupied Since 1967" observes the strictest standards of objectivity and impartiality.

And this makes sense.

After all, that august body -- the UN Human Rights Council -- has a code of conduct that says explicitly that mandate-holders are expected to:

Uphold the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity, meaning, in particular, though not exclusively, probity, impartiality, equity, honesty and good faith; [emphasis added]

Going a step further, just take a look at Albanese's actual job application for the position of Special Rapporteur, helpfully dug up by Times of Israel (whose article is the basis of this post)

Case closed.

So what are we supposed to do when she herself openly admits that contrary to what she wrote on her application form, Albanese actually does hold prejudiced views:

So, what are these prejudiced views that Albanese now admits to having before applying to be UN Special Rapporteur?

In 2014, Albanese posted to her Facebook account, decrying the "Israel Lobby" "Jewish Lobby":

America and Europe, one of them subjugated by the Jewish lobby, and the other by the sense of guilt about the Holocaust, remain on the sidelines and continue to condemn the oppressed — the Palestinians — who defend themselves with the only means they have (deranged missiles), instead of making Israel face its international law responsibilities

In another post in 2014, Albanese wrote to the BBC that

The Israeli lobby is clearly inside your veins and system and you will be remembered to have been on the big brother's side of this orwellian nightmare caused once again by Israel's greed. [emphasis added]

She hid that last post after Times of Israel asked her about it.

Just last year, Albanese attacked both Jewish and Israel lobbies

It’s not so much the Jewish lobbies that influence the policies of European and North American states towards Israel. Rather it is the existence of pro-Israeli political-economic lobbies in France, England, Germany, Italy and the United States that defend the international business of security and arms sales to allow better explain the silence of Western governments during the last war in Gaza (as in the previous ones). [emphasis added]

Also, Albanese is a big fan of Hamas:

All this preceded her claiming on her application that she held no prejudices that would hamper her in fulfilling her position. 

Clearly, Albanese was less than truthful when she denied her prejudice -- and she clearly is not abiding by the strictest levels of objectivity and impartiality.

This, of course, makes her the ideal Special Rapporteur for the UN.

And her lack of objectivity combined with her support for Hamas terrorists who murder innocent civilians has led her to claim that Israel has no legal claim to self-defense:

Israel cannot claim self-defense while illegally occupying and while directing an act of aggression against another country,” she said. “Those who have the right to self-defense are the Palestinians."

Here is the video:

There is a right to oppose this occupation....The occupier cannot say he is defending himself

We can expect Albanese to push these ideas -- that terrorist attacks on civilians are lawful and that Israel does not have the right to defend itself from terrorist attacks -- during her term as Special Rapporteur.

After all, as we have already seen, objectivity and impartiality will not stop Albanese from pushing her personal agenda.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Sunday, November 27, 2022

Earlier today I wrote about how Arab media is celebrating Arabs in Qatar refusing to speak with Israeli reporters. 

I want to emphasize that Arabs have every right not to be interviewed by whomever they want, that isn't a human right. But the stories coming out of Qatar include Arabs kicking Israelis out of taxis and ganging up on/bullying (presumed) Israelis. That is what I am pointing out as a violation of Israeli human rights. (And let's be honest - lots of Arab Israelis came to Qatar and we haven't heard any issues with them.)

It turns out that it isn't only Arabs cheering and justifying Arabs ganging up on Jews.

Sarah Leah Whitson, formerly of Human Rights Watch and who now runs her own "human rights" organization, tweeted, "A good reminder that Israel's 'peace' with dictatorships (aka Abraham Accords) is not peace with the Arab people. And yeah, no justice, no peace."

Besides the idiocy of saying that Israel shouldn't make peace with dictatorships (who, exactly ,is eligible in the Arab world?) her "no justice, no peace" is a flippant way to justify treating Israeli Jewish professionals as subhuman. Which is a curious thing for a human rights expert to say.

Daoud Kuttab tweeted this justification for Arab antisemitism, heartily endorsed by Peter Beinart:

"Every action has a reaction?" Really? So Israel is justified in fighting back when Hamas shoots rockets? Israel can try to arrest those who kill Jews and try to hide in Area A? Please. Israel is never justified in protecting its citizens when Palestinian Arabs attack according to these masters of creating rules for Israel that do not apply to anyone else. You will never hear Kuttab or Beinart justify Israeli defensive moves to protect the lives of her citizens, saying "every action has a reaction." 

The hypocrisy is obvious to everyone except for those who aren't already stuck in the mire of hate towards Israel, where Arabs have no responsibility for their actions yet Israel must be compared to a "turn the other cheek" ideal that literally no other country is expected to come close to reaching.

These hypocrites - all of whom swear up and down they are not antisemitic - always somehow manage to find the one exception to their own stated moral codes. It's awful that gays want to visit the World Cup must stay in the closet, but Israeli Jews who visit should expect abuse.

It's their own fault - for being Israeli.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Monday, October 31, 2022

On October 29, AP reported:

The U.N. Mideast envoy said 2022 is on course to be the deadliest year for Palestinians in the West Bank since the U.N. started tracking fatalities in 2005, and he called for immediate action to calm “an explosive situation” and move toward renewing Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.

Tor Wennesland told the U.N. Security Council that “mounting hopelessness, anger and tension have once again erupted into a deadly cycle of violence that is increasingly difficult to contain,” and “too many people, overwhelmingly Palestinian have been killed and injured.”  
What Mr. Wennesland, and the media at large, ignores is that the overwhelming majority of those killed were in the midst of violent actions at the time, and most were members of armed terrorist groups. 

Adin Haykin has been maintaining a huge Twitter thread of those killed this year, with photos and documentation. The real story isn't the record number of Palestinians killed, but the number of Palestinian attackers.  

Nearly all those killed were either in the midst of attacking or were members of known terror groups. Out of 121 killed (one died of a heart attack,) I only count six who might have been innocent - killed while the IDF was going after attackers, or one killed when he ignored warning shots and kept approaching the soldiers, for example. As his documentation shows, even most of the women and children killed this year were in the midst of attacking Israeli soldiers or civilians. (Reporter Shireen Abu Akleh is very much an anomaly in this list.)

This is a year of attacks unprecedented since the second intifada. And Israel has no need to apologize for killing the terrorists before most of them manage to reach Israeli civilians. 

One other data point: before May 2021, the number of attacks using small arms were quite small, only a couple a month. The number of shooting attacks tracked by the Shin Bet have dramatically increased since then; here are the statistics over the past 12 months:

And here's the trend of Palestinian pipe bombs tracked by the Shin Bet:

This is what the UN and the media are not telling you. 

Here is Adin Haykin's thread:

1. Bakir Muhammad Musa Hashash
opened fire on IDF troops
2. Falah Musa Shaker Jaradat
attempted a stabbing attack
3. 'Omar Muhammad 'Abd al-Majid As'ad
reportedly died of a heart attack hours after being released from detention
4. Adham Jamal 'Abd a-Rahim Mabrukah
5. Ashraf Muhammad 'Abd al-Fatah Mbaslat
6. Muhammad Raed Hussein Dakhil
A cell of the Islamic Jihad that was eliminated on the way to a terrorist attack
7. Muhammad Akram 'Ali Abu Salah
was a military operative of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades
8. Nihad Amin Yunes Dar al-'Is (Barghuthi)
9. Muhammad Rizaq Shehadeh Salah
killed after throwing Molotov cocktails
10. Ahmad Hikmat Ahmad Seif
Fatah operative, threw Molotov cocktail
11. Shadi Khaled 'Ali Nijm
12. 'Abdallah Ahmad Diab al-Husari
PIJ operatives
13. 'Ammar Shafiq 'Issa Abu 'Afifah
reportedly ran away from a soldier's interrogation
14. Yamen Nafez Mahmoud Khanafsah
DFLP, threw Molotov cocktails
15. Karim Jamal Muhammad Isma'il al-Qawasmi
stabbed policemen
16. 'Abd a-Rahman Jamal Muhammad Qassem
Hamas stabbed 2 Border Police
17. 'Alaa Muhammad 'Abd al-Qader Shahham
18. Nader Haitham Fathi Rayan
PIJ operative
19. Sanad Muhammad Khalil Abu 'Atiyyah
20. Yazid Nidal Sa'ed a-Din a-S'adi
PIJ operatives
21. Ahmad Yunes Sidqi Atrash
Hamas, threw Molotov cocktails
22. Khalil Muhammad Khalil Taleb
23.Seif Hifzi Muhammad Abu Libdah
24.Saaeb Taysir Muhammad 'Abahrah
PIJ operatives
25. Hanan Mahmoud 'Abd a-Ra'uf Khaddur
Killed in the exchange of fire of the Islamic Jihad that eliminated:
26. Ahmad Naser 'Abd a-Rahman a-S'adi
27. Muhammad Hussein Muhammad 'Adel Qassem
PIJ operative
28. Ghadah Ibrahim 'Ali Hassan
She was shot at the legs after she spring towards the IDF soldiers who told her to stop
29. Muhammad 'Ali Ahmad Ghneim
Fatah rioter
30. Maha Kazem 'Awad a-Za'tari
stabbed a Border Police officer
31. Qusai Fouad Muhammad Hamamreh
Fatah operative
32. Muhammad Hassan Muhammad 'Assaf
PLO rioter
33. Shaas Fouad Nayef Kamamji
34. Mustafa Abu al-Rab
35. Shaukat Kamal Abed,
Fatah operative,
36. Lutfi Ibrahim Lutfi Labadi
37. Ahmad Muhammad Fathi Masad
An Islamic Jihad 
38. Yihya 'Ali 'Abd al-Hafez 'Udwan
39. Mahmoud Sami Khalil 'Aram
40. Mu’tassem Muhammad Atallah
Hamas attempt stabbing
41. Thaer Khalil Muhammad Mislet
42. Shireen Nasri Anton Abu Akleh
A journalist who was killed in an exchange of fire between the IDF and the Islamic Jihad
43. Dawood Muhammad 'Abd a-Rahman Zbeidi
Jenin commander of the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade
44. Amjad Walid Hussein Fayed
PIJ operative.
45. Gheith Muhammad Rafiq Ziad Yamin
46. Zeid Muhammad Sa'id Ghneim
Al Aqsa Martyr's Brigade
47. Bilal Rafiq Tawfiq Qabha
Islamic Jihad 
48. Ghufran Harun Hamed Warasnah
attempted stabbing
49. 'Odeh Muhammad 'Odeh Sadqah
Fatah threw a Molotov cocktail
50. Samih Jamal Muhammad 'Amarneh
PIJ operative
51. Mahmoud Fayez Mahmoud Karajah
52. Yusef Naser Hassan Salah
53. Baraa Kamal Ahmad Lahlouh
54. Layth Salah Muhammad Is'id (Abu Srur)
Islamic Jihad cell
55. Nabil Ahmad Salim Ghanem
Fatah infiltrator
56. Muhammad 'Abdallah Salah Suliman
57. Muhammad Maher Nafe'a Mar'i
58.Kamel 'Abdallah Kamel 'Alawneh
59. Rafiq Riyad Rafiq Ghanam
Al Aqsa Martyr's Brigades operative
60.'Abd a-Rahman Jamal Suliman Subuh
61. Muhammad Bashar Nimer 'Azizi
62. Hussein Hassan Ibrahim Qawariq
called on to stop moving toward their location and fired warning shots into the air. When he failed to heed their warnings, he was shot.
63. Amjad Abu Alia,
planned riot
64. Derar Riad Saleh al-Kafrini
65. Muhammad Ibrahim Kamal al-Shaham
Attempted stabbing
66. Ibrahim al-Nablusi
67. Islam Sabouh
68. Hussein Jamal Taha
69. Mu’man Yassin Jabber
70. Salah Tawfiq Sawafta
Injured during a riot
71. Wasim Nasser Abu Khalifa
72. Muhammad Arayisha
A Fatah al Aqsa Martyr's brigade operative
74. Fadi Ghattas
Stabbing attack
75. Taher Muhammad Zakarna
76. Yazan Afana
77. Samer Khaled
Al Aqsa Martyr's Brigade operatives
78. Muhammad Musa Muhammad Sabaana
79. Haytham Hani Mubarak
used a hammer to attack a soldier
80. Younes Ghassan Taya
81. Hamad Mustafa Abu Jalda
al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade
82&83. Ahmad and Abdelrahman Abed
84. Odai Trad Hisham Salah
73. Nidal Jum'ah 'Abdallah Ja'afrah
Stabbed civilians with a screwdriver
85. Muhammad Abu Juma'a
stabbing attack
86. Mohamed Abu Kafia
Fatah, car-ramming attack
87. Saed al-Koni,
Al Aqsa Martyrs "lions" brigade
88. Abed Hazem
89. Ahmad Alawnah
90. Mohammad al-Wanna
91. Tarek Al-Shaqfa

Al Aqsa Martyrs brigades
92.Basel Qassem Basbous
93. Khaled al-Anbar
Fatah, ramming attack
94. Muhammad Hashem Abu Naaseh
95. Fayiz Khaled Damdum
Threw Molotov cocktail and IED
96.Mahmoud Al-Sous
97.Ahmed Dagharmeh
PIJ operatives
98. Alaa Zaghal
Al Qassam "lion" brigade
99. Mahmoud Samudi,
PIJ rioter, was hit along with 88,89,90,91
100. Osama Adawi,
Hamas rioter
101. Mehdi Ladado
DFLP rioter
102. Salama Rafat Sharayah,Fatah rioterImage
103. Adel Ibrahim Adel Daud
Hamas rioter
104. Majahed Ahmed Muhammad Daud
Fatah activist
105. Mateen Chabaya
PIJ operative
106. "The doctor" Abdullah Ahmed Abu teen

Al Aqsa Martyr's Brigade operative
107. Kis Emad Ahjala
Hamas operative
108. Udai Tamimi
Committed multiple shooting attacks.…
109. Tamer al-Kilani
"Lion's Den" commander
110.Ali Antar
111. Ham Uday Qayam
112 Wadi al-Huh
113. Ham Uday Sharaf
114. Mashal Baghdadi
"Lion's Den" and Fatah operatives
115. Salah al-Rahim Briki
PIJ operative
116. Mahmoud al-Tamimi
Threw IED
117. Rabi Arfa Rabi
Hamas infiltrator
118. Muhammad F Uday Nouri
Fatah rioter
119. Imad Abu Rsheid
120. Ramzi Sami Zabara
"Lion's Den" and PA security force opretives
121. Mohammed Kamel Jabari 

Committed a shooting attack in Kiryat Arba which killed one Israeli
122. Barakat Mousa Odeh
Car ramming attack…

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