On that site they have a handy-dandy almanac of important dates in Palestinian history. Since I am always willing to learn new things, I re-ordered the imporant dates to go by year rather than by month, so we can see all the important dates in Palestinian history, according to Hamas.
I was always wondering about that rich Palestinian Arab history that we hear has been there since time immemorial, so I expected that many gaps of Western knowledge of the history of the land would be filled by a news organization.
Once the almanac is sorted, here are the first entries:
8/12/636 The Romans were defeated by the Muslims in Al Yarmouk Battle, so Palestine has been a part of the Islamic State since then. 7/15/1099 The Crusaders occupied Jerusalem and killed more than 70,000 Muslims around Al Aqsa. 10/2/1187 Saladin restored Jerusalem from the Crusaders. 9/6/1260 The Mamlouks defeated Tattar in Ein Jalout Battle in north Palestine. 4/20/1779 Napoleon called for the Jews all over the world to join his forces so they could enter Palestine easily. 2/7/1799 The French expedition led by Napoleon was initiated in order to invade and occupy Palestine. 5/2/1799 The end of the French expedition after Napoleon had failed to conquer Akka. 8/29/1897 The first Zionist conference was held in Basl, Switzerland, presided by Haim Hertzl, who had chosen Palestine as a homeland for the Jews. 4/27/1909 Sultan Abdel Hameed was dethroned by the Turkish Society members, which marked the end of the Islamic Caliphate because he prevented the Jews from entering Palestine in 1900. 5/16/1916 Sicous-Picot agreement was signed by Britain and France to divide Palestine. 11/2/1917 Britain issued the Balfour Promise to establish the Jewish State in Palestine. 12/9/1917 The British General Allenby occupied Jerusalem. 1/7/1919 The first Palestinian conference was held and Palestine was considered a part of Syria.
It seems a little sparse, perhaps, in the years before 636 and there are some pretty huge gaps between 636 and the Crusades, and from 1260 to Napoleon.
I also don't see any mention of famous Palestinian Arab poets, writers, artists or even warriors. Seems strange.
I'm also surprised - in 1919, Palestine was considered by Arabs to be a part of Syria? For a land with such supposed significance in Arab history? (See here for another example of Palestine being considered a part of Syria - in the 10th century.)
Anyway, the entire fictionalized history of the area is just too good not to share, so forgive me for this long post but if you want to see how thoroughly distanced the Palestinian Arabs are from the truth, this gives a very good indication. I highlighted some items of interest, like massacres disguised as "rebellions" but everyone will certainly find some gems here. I am sure that some other bloggers will have their own comments on this twisted look at history, both by what is highlighted as well as what is missing.
The Romans were defeated by the Muslims in Al Yarmouk Battle, so Palestine has been a part of the Islamic State since then.
Saladin restored Jerusalem from the Crusaders.
The Crusaders occupied Jerusalem and killed more than 70,000 Muslims around Al Aqsa.
The Mamlouks defeated Tattar in Ein Jalout Battle in north Palestine.
Napoleon called for the Jews all over the world to join his forces so they could enter Palestine easily.
The French expedition led by Napoleon was initiated in order to invade and occupy Palestine.
The end of the French expedition after Napoleon had failed to conquer Akka.
The first Zionist conference was held in Basl, Switzerland, presided by Haim Hertzl, who had chosen Palestine as a homeland for the Jews.
Sultan Abdel Hameed was dethroned by the Turkish Society members, which marked the end of the Islamic Caliphate because he prevented the Jews from entering Palestine in 1900.
Sicous-Picot agreement was signed by Britain and France to divide Palestine.
Britain issued the Balfour Promise to establish the Jewish State in Palestine.
The British General Allenby occupied Jerusalem.
The first Palestinian conference was held and Palestine was considered a part of Syria.
The peace conference was held in Paris to lay out the new charts of the world after the First World War.
King-Krine committee began its operations in Palestine to find out about the good intentions of the Arab States.
The rebellion of Al Nabi Mousa or the rebellion of the Twenty broke out.
San Remo conference was held to confirm the Balfour Promise for the Jews to establish their State.
The British Mandate was started in Palestine by appointing Herbert Samuel as the first Supreme Deputy in Palestine.
Herbert Samuel, the British supreme deputy in Palestine, began his efforts to encourage the Jews to buy more land and estates.
The British ministry of settlements took over the authority in Palestine from the foreign affairs ministry.
Jaffa rebellion broke out when the British supported the Jews against the Palestinians.
The Palestinian conference was held in Jerusalem to send a delegation to London to explain the Palestinians' attitude toward the Balfour Promise.
The UN approved the British Mandate in Palestine.
The British government issued the second "White Book" to interpret the Balfour Promise and to assure the Arabs of their good intentions by their Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
The UN approved the British Mandate in Palestine.
The British government issued the Palestinian constitution preceded by a statement of the Balfour Promise.
Herbert Samuel became the first British Supreme Deputy in Palestine.
The British Mandate in Palestine went into effect.
The British Minister of Settlements issued new Palestinian currency, and created a currency committee.
The British minister of settlements announced that the Palestinian currency would replace the Egyptian.
The rebellion of Al Buraq broke out.
The British government appointed a committee presided by the chief judge Walter Shaw and three other members to investigate the reasons behind Al Buraq rebellion.
Three heroes of Al Buraq rebellion were executed
Another "White Book" was issued by the British minister of settlements, Lord Basfield, limiting the number of emigrant Jews to Palestine.
The Islamic conference was opened in Al Aqsa to defend and protect the Holy Shrine in Jerusalem.
The great Jerusalem demonstration broke out to protest the miserable conditions in Palestine.
Mr. Mousa Kathem Al Husseini was shot down as a martyr in the great demonstration in Jaffa.
The first conference of the Palestinian scholars was held and was presided by Al Haj Ameen Al Husseini.
Sheikh Ezzul Deen Al Qassam was shot down as a martyr at Ya'bad woods.
The great rebellion broke out throughout Palestine and ended in October.
Bill British Committee recommended dividing Palestine into an Arab and Israeli State.
The end of the great rebellion.
A Royal British committee, "Bill committee", arrived in Palestine to investigate the reasons behind the great rebellion.
The second great rebellion broke out and lasted till 1939.
Sheikh Farhan Al Sa'ady was executed by the British when he was 80 years old and while he was fasting. He is the comrade of Sheikh Ezzul Deen Al Qassam.
The British deputy in Palestine was notified by the minister of the settlements that the latter had sent a delegation to Palestine to consider the feasibility of the division resolution.
A massacre was carried out by the Israeli forces in the village of Atteel where several women and children were killed, mosques were violated, and copies of the Holy Qur'an were torn up.
An Arab-Islamic conference was held by an Egyptian committee in Cairo to condemn and decry the Balfour Promise.
The Round Table Conference was held in London between some Arab delegations and a Jewish delegation.
The leader of the Second Great Rebellion, Abderraheem Al Haj Mohammed was martyred, and the British soldiers saluted him even though he was dead.
The British government issued the White Book in which they divided Palestine into three regions
The British minister of settlements declared that the Jewish defense organizations are the same as the National Guard in Britain.
The American president Roosevelt announced that the USA would not take any political procedures without referring to the Arab States, and the USA would not be against the Arabs in the Palestinian question.
The American president Harry Truman asked for permission to allow hundreds of thousands to enter Palestine.
An Anglo-American committee was formed to investigate the conditions of the Jews who were persecuted by the Nazis in Europe, and to find out about their socio-economic and political conditions in Palestine.
The American secretary of state deputy Dean Etchison was sent to five Arab States to assure them that the USA would not take any decisions concerning the Anglo-American investigating committee without referring to both Arabs and Israelis.
A conference was held by the Arab leaders in Anshasi, Egypt, to discuss the Palestinian question.
King David Hotel in Jerusalem was blown up by the Argon gangsters result in the killing of 95 Arabs and Jews.
The British government announced that the Palestinian question "cause" would be referred to the United Nations.
The British government asked the Secretary General of the UN to include the Palestinian question in the agenda of the General Assembly meeting.
A group of Al Hagana terrorists attacked a coffee shop at Faja near Btah Tekfa, killing a Palestinian and injuring 17 others; they also put explosives all over the area.
The American president Harry Truman put forward his proposal to the British. The proposal was approved at the Zionist conference in Paris, and it granted the Jews the International Zone according to Bill Proposal, in addition to Al Naqab.
The UN special committee completed its report about Palestine and presented it to the General Assembly of the UN.
The first conference about Palestine was held and attended by Arab and British delegations except the Palestinians.
The British representative at the UN declared that Britain would have to withdraw from Palestine by May.
The UN voted on the division resolution of Palestine
The Supreme Arab Board was formed at the conference held in Bloudan, Syria.
The Holy War Troops (Al Jehad Al Muqades) were formed in Palestine presided by the leader Abdel Qader Al Husseini.
Another massacre was committed by the Israeli forces in Safad.
The arrival of the first troops of the Rescue Army led by Fawzy Al Qaweqjy.
Haim Weisman was promised by the American president Harry Truman that the latter would help the Jews to establish their State with full recognition.
Anthon David, a young Palestinian working as a driver for the American ambassador, bombed the Jewish Agency killing 36 and injuring hundreds.
The UN Security Council approved an American proposal to abolish the division resolution.
Deir Yassin massacre was committed by the terrorist Menachem Begin and his gangsters. More than 250 Palestinian were killed, mainly old people, women and children.
The great leader Abdel Qader Al Hussien was martyred.
The General Assembly of the UN agreed on the truce resolution between the Israelis and the Arabs after the 1948 war.
The executive committee of the Zionist movement elected David Ben Gurion as president and defence director to replace the British.
A conference was held in Amman by several Arab ministers and prime ministers to approve the participation of the Arab armies in the 1948 war or the Rescue War in Palestine.
The Arabs adopted the truce treaty with the Israelis.
The temporal state council of Israel declared the new Israeli State.
The Arab armies, known as Rescue Army, entered Palestine.
The USA recognized the new Israeli State.
The USSR also recognized the new Israeli State.
The first truce treaty was signed by the Arabs and the Israelis after the 1948 war, which was considered as recognition of the new Israeli State.
The Zionist gangsters shot down the UN peace mediator, Count Folk Bernadot.
Palestine was declared independent by the supreme Arab Board.
David Ben Gurion became the first Prime Minister of Israel.
The Israeli forces occupied the village of Um Al Rashrash (Elat) after they had occupied Al Naqab.
Israel was accepted as a member of the United Nations.
Lozan Protocol was signed by Israel and some Arab States such as Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.
The UN formed UNRWA to look after and employ the Palestinian refugees in the neighbouring countries.
David Ben Gurion, the Israeli Prime Minister, declared Jerusalem as the unified capital of Israel.
The two Banks of the Jordan River were unified in one State in a conference held in Jericho.
Sea navigation was prohibited through the Suez Canal.
The Israeli forces committed a massacre in the village of Qebya west of Ramallah, and killed 42 people and destroyed 41 houses.
The Israelis transferred the property of the absentees to the department of development and reckoned its price as a loan.
The Israeli forces attacked the Gaza Strip and shot down 38 martyrs and injured countless others.
Al Azhar Mosque issued a fatwa considering peace with the Israelis illegal and taboo.
The Israeli forces completely withdrew from the Gaza Strip after the Triplex invasion against Egypt.
The Arab League suggested a conference to recognize Palestine as a united entity and nation.
Mr. Ahmed Al Shuqeiry was appointed as a Palestinian representative for the Arab League.
The first National Palestinian Council was held in Jerusalem to establish the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).
The joint defense treaty was signed by Egypt and Syria against Israel.
The Israeli forces attacked Al Samou', a village near Hebron, and killed 18 people, injured 54 people and destroyed 125 houses.
The Israeli fighters raided ten Arab air bases in Egypt, as well as Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.
The Israeli forces occupied the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights.
The Israeli Parliament decided to annex East Jerusalem and authorized the government to carry out this order.
The Israeli minister of interior declared the annexation of some parts of Jerusalem to unify the whole city.
The Security Council issued resolution No. 242 in which Israel was called upon to withdraw from the territories occupied in the June war of 1967.
The UN delegate Yaring began his 15-round peace initiative to settle down the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Al Karameh battle took place when both Jordanian and Palestinian forces repelled and defeated the Israeli forces incurring great losses.
The Attrition War between Israel and Egypt began on the Suez Canal front.
The end of UN Deputy Yaring's initiative. Hoever, he failed to solve the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Al Aqsa Mosque was set on fire by the Australian tourist Michael Rohan, urged by the Israelis.
The attrition war between Egypt and Israel was stopped.
The conflict between the Palestinian forces and the Jordanian army broke out, known as Fitneh.
Ramadan War broke out against Israel on the Syrian and Egyptian fronts.
Oil was used as a weapon against the West by the Arabs in Kuwait by decreasing the production 5% monthly.
The Security Council issued its resolution No. 338 to confirm a cease fire between the Arabs and the Israelis asking them to abide by resolution No. 242.
The American Secretary of State Richard Nixon began his peace initiative to disengage the Syrian, Egyptian and Israeli forces after the Ramadan war.
The PLO was recognized as the sole legal representative of the Palestinians at the Arab Summit Conference in Algeria.
The peace conference was held in Geneva, Switzerland, by the Arabs and the Israelis, patronized by the USA and the USSR.
The forces separation agreement was signed as a result of the Ramadan War.
The Israeli forces began shelling the Palestinian camps in Lebanon.
The General Assembly adopted resolution No. 3210 inviting the PLO to take part in the debate.
Al Rebat Summit Conference was held and the PLO was recognized as the legal representative for the Palestinians.
The civil war began in Lebanon between the Christians and the Muslims.
Yasser Arafat announced that he had not had any hostility toward Israel, and he is keen on establishing a democratic State for both Arabs and Israelis.
The General Assembly of the UN adopted resolution No. 3379, which considers Zionism a racial movement.
An Israeli court allowed the Jews to pray on the mountain of Al Haykal in the Holy Shrine of Jerusalem.
The massacre of Tel Al Za'ater was committed by the Christian Militia in collaboration with the Israeli forces.
The Egyptian president Anwar Sadat was the first Arab leader to enter Israel since it was founded.
Camp David peace treaty was signed by the Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and the Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin under the patronage of the USA president Jimmy Carter.
The peace treaty between Israel and Egypt was signed by President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in Washington, Camp David, under the patronage of the United States of America.
The women of Keryat Arba'a occupied Beit Hadassa in Hebron to revive the Jewish quarters in the city.
The Israeli government allowed the Jews to buy the Arab land and estates.
The Israeli Parliament declared Jerusalem the unified capital of Israel.
The Palestinian occupied territories were ruled by the Israeli civil laws.
The application of civil management in the West Bank and Gaza Strip presided by Menachem Milson.
The Israeli forces began attacking south Lebanon to destroy the infrastructure of the PLO installations.
The Israeli forces entered west Beirut.
Sabra and Shatilla massacre was carried out by the Israeli forces aided by the Christian militia.
Kahan committee submitted a report on the massacre that took place at Sabra and Shatilla indicating that Sharon was responsible for it, so he resigned from the ministry of defense but he remained in the cabinet.
The Israeli forces released 1,145 Palestinian captives for releasing three Israeli soldiers that had been confined by the members of the People's Front--the Headquarters, in Al Jaleel operation.
The Israeli forces adopted the steel-fist policy against the Palestinian protests.
The starting of the Palestinian Blessed Intifadah.
The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) was declared by issuing its first manifestation "statement" about the Intifadah.
Issa'ac Rabin, the Israeli minister of defense, announced his policies of violence and beating against the Palestinian Intifadah.
The Israeli forces closed the Palestinian schools and university.
Several members of the Palestinian police in Gaza and the West Bank resigned.
Mr. Khaleel Al Wazeer (Abu Jehad) was assassinated by the Israeli special force led by Yahoud Parak in Tunis.
King Hussein of Jordan declared the legal disengagement between the two Banks after a 38-year consolidation.
The Charter of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) was declared.
The Palestinian State was declared by the National Palestinian Council held in Algeria. This State consists of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and Jerusalem is its capital. The declaration is an implicit recognition of the Israeli State comprising the rest of Palestine.
The USA decided to take up a dialogue and debate with the PLO.
The Israeli forces arrested Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, accusing him of establishing the Islamic resistance movement "HAMAS".
More than 30 Muslims were shot down as martyrs and 115 were injured by the Israeli forces around Al Aqsa.
The USA drew up a peace initiative to solve the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Madrid peace conference was held by the Arabs and the Israelis, patronized by the USA and the USSR.
Four hundred and fifteen members of HAMAS were deported by the Israeli forces to Marj Al Zuhour in South Lebanon.
Oslo Principles Treaty was signed by the Israelis and the Palestinians.
Mr. Emad Aqel, a prominent member of HAMAS, was shot down as a martyr in a confrontation with the Israeli forces.
Israeli terrorist Goldstein massacred worshippers performing Friday dawn prayers at the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron with the help of Israeli police forces.
Israel and the PLO signed in Cairo the Palestinian autonomy agreement in Gaza and Jericho.
The first troops of the Palestinian police entered Gaza and Jericho.
The first crime of murder committed by the Palestinian police forces against a Palestinian citizen.
Yasser Arafat, the PLO chief, entered Gaza as president of the Palestinian Authority.
The members of the Palestinian Authority took a legal oath in front of Yasser Arafat in Jericho.
The Palestinian Authority forces arrested several Palestinians who opposed the peace process along with members of HAMAS.
The peace treaty was signed by the Israelis and the Jordanians under the patronage of the American president Bill Clinton.
The Palestinian police killed 12 Palestinians and wounded 200 in a protest after Friday's prayers in Gaza.
The first State security court was established by Yasser Arafat, the chief of the Palestinian Authority.
Kamal Khaleel, the leader of Ezzul Deen Al Qassam Brigades, was assassinated in Gaza.
The Palestinian minister of justice, Freih Abu Madein, decided to disarm the Palestinians in order to weaken the Islamic resistance.
The American authorities arrested Dr. Mousa Abu Marzook, the chief of the political wing of HAMAS, at JFK in New York, USA.
Taba transitional treaty was signed by Yasser Arafat and Shamon Perez in Cairo about the execution of the National Authority in the occupied territories.
Mr. Fathi Al Sheqaqy, the chief of the Islamic Jehad, was shot down as a martyr in Malta by the Israeli Intelligence agents.
Mr. Ishha'ac Rabin, the Israeli ex-Prime Minister, was assassinated by the extremist Yegal Amir. This was the first politically-driven assassination in Israel.
Engineer Yahya Ayyash, the leader of the martyr troops of Ezzul Deen Al Qassam Brigades, was assassinated, after a four-year chase, by Al Shabak agents. They detonated an explosive in his mobile phone.
A conference was held in Sharm Al Sheikh to condemn all forms of terrorism, and considered the daring martyr operations against Israeli forces as terrorist acts. They also decided to chase and suppress the resistance movements all over Palestine.
The National Palestinian Council was held in Gaza to abolish the items of the National Charter that are against Israel.
Israeli Likud Party presided by Netanyahu took over authorities in Israel.
A partial agreement was signed by both Israelis and the Palestinian Authority regarding the deployment of forces in Hebron after it had been divided between the two sides.
Mr. Khaled Misha'al, the chief of the political wing of HAMAS, escaped an assassination attempt planned by the Israeli Intelligence agents in Amman.33 members supported it, 13 opposed, and 10 were neutral. An international committee was formed to take over the British authorities in Palestine.
Sheikh Ahmed Yassin was released by the Israeli forces.
Sheikh Ahmed Yassin came back home after having been hospitalized in Amman.
