Showing posts with label Al Resalah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Al Resalah. Show all posts
Sunday, January 29, 2023
Sunday, January 29, 2023
Elder of Ziyon
#PayForSlay, 2008 Terror, 2014 Terror, Al Resalah, celebrating terror, glorifying terror, hamas, opinion poll, pay for slay, supporting terror
This video is enough to prove that there is no moral equivalence between the sides. Not even close.
It is worth reminding people that surveys done after major terror attacks show that Palestinians overwhelmingly support specific terror attacks on Jewish civilians. And the more "Jewish" they are, the more they support their deaths.
In 2008, 83.5% of Palestinians approved of the massacre of eight yeshiva boys at Mercaz Harav. In 2014, 80% said they support recent attacks including the massacre of four rabbis in a Har Nof synagogue.
There is no reason to think that the number supporting this latest attack on Jews outside a synagogue have any less support than those other attacks.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Elder of Ziyon
Al Resalah, Avera Mengistu, Ethiopian Jews, hamas, Hamas war crimes, Itamar Ben-Gvir, Palestinian propaganda, Prisoners, racism
Israeli pundits are falling over each other to explain why Hamas chose to release the video showing that captive Avera Mengistu is alive, when they normally don't give proof of life without demanding something in return.
But Hamas media has its own analysis, which is probably more accurate because, well, they are controlled by Hamas.
Majid Al-Zibda writes in Hamas' Al Resalah that Hamas is trying to exploit supposed Israeli racism against its Ethiopian Jewish population at a time when Israelis are already divided.
By publishing the video message of the soldier [sic] Mengistu, the Palestinian resistance succeeded in scoring a point in its favor in the context of its ongoing psychological battle with the occupation. On the one hand, it provoked Netanyahu's extremist government, which is keen not to raise the issue of the captured soldiers in light of the exacerbating internal conflicts it faces, and at the same time this message deepens sectarian conflicts within the entity by provoking the sect of "Falasha Jews" to whom the soldier "Mengistu" belongs, and who suffer from a state of deliberate marginalization from the occupation governments.
Other reasons are given: as a response to Itamar Ben Gvir's crackdown on Palestinian prisoner perks,
as a message to the incoming IDF Chief of Staff (which is explicit in the video,) to stoke Israeli hope that Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul might still be alive as well.
But stoking racism really seems to be Hamas' main goal. This video released by Hamas' Felesteen newspaper, "Who Is Avera Mengistu," claims that Israel negotiated for the return of other soldiers but not Mengistu, because they are racist and he is black. (Mengistu was never a soldier.)
The video also says that "racist rabbis" never accepted Ethiopians as Jewish.
Hamss has tried the race card before, tweeting in 2015 that Israel doesn't care about people of color.
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Monday, December 05, 2022
Monday, December 05, 2022
Elder of Ziyon
Abraham Accords, Al Resalah, anti-normalization, bahrain, conspiracy theories, hamas, Jews control the world, judaization, normalization
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Bahrain's one synagogue |
Al Resalah, which is a Hamas news site, is upset over Israeli President Isaac Herzog visiting Bahrain - not so much for the visit itself but for all the terrible things they predict will happen in its wake.
The headline says that Bahrain is opening up a loophole for Israeli espionage in all Gulf states, and here's how.
The main part of the scheme is based on a rumor that Bahrain was creating a Jewish neighborhood. As described last September:
In an interview with Lebanese radio station Al-Nour on 4 August, Yousef Rabie, a member of the Bahraini opposition party Al-Wefaq, reiterated his warning to the people of Bahrain about the kingdom’s plans to change the country’s identity.Rabie accused Al-Khalifa of attempting to “Judaize Bahrain” in light of the surge in employment of recently naturalized Jewish foreigners or locals in administrative jobs.Moreover, Rabie highlighted the increase in land purchases by international Zionist organizations in Bahrain, which was echoed by the spiritual leader of Al-Wefaq, Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassem, in his sermon on 4 August.Bahrain Mirror has reported that the project for the Jewish “quarter” or “neighborhood” in Manama is being carried out by the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities, and will be complete within the coming two years. As a result, 40 percent of Manama’s national Muslim identity will be compromised in order to make way for the Jewish portion of the capital, which will become a major tourism destination for Israelis.Ayatollah Qassem called on Bahrainis not to sell land to Jews, stating “whoever sells land or a house is not selling soil and stone, but rather a homeland, a people, a nation, history and dear sanctities. He is betraying Islam.”
After the Jews buy the land, they will attempt to become Bahraini citizens. Then all hell will break loose, because when the Jews obtain a Bahraini passport, they will be allowed to travel to all Arab countries.
Not only that, but these Jews and Israelis will then be able to invest, trade and sell land in other various Gulf countries, according to the rules of trade in the Gulf Cooperation Council.
This could represent a security loophole for Israelis to enter different countries, specifically Iran and Lebanon, taking advantage of the social and sectarian ties that unite a number of Bahraini residents with these countries.
So Bahrain can be the Trojan horse that allows Jews to infiltrate and take over the entire Gulf!

Tuesday, November 08, 2022
Tuesday, November 08, 2022
Elder of Ziyon
2022 terror, Al Resalah, celebrating terror, glorifying terror, hamas, Israel under attack, justifying terror, media silence, NGO silence, No Israel No News, resistance, supporting terror, terror attack
Resistance activities continued in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem against the occupation forces and settlers during the last 24 hours.The Palestinian Information Center "Muetta" monitored 29 acts of resistance in the West Bank and Jerusalem during the last 24 hours, most notably 3 shootings against the occupation forces, confronting settlers' attacks and destroying their vehicles.
Even Israeli media doesn't report on most of these incidents.
Muetta listed the "acts of resistance" during October:
Shootings 144A stabbing or attempted stabbing 3Run over or try to run over 3Operations planting or dropping explosive charges 36Destruction of military vehicles and equipment 46Burning military installations, machinery and places 9Throwing stones 631Throwing a Molotov cocktail 57Shooting firecrackers 27Encounters of many forms 754Resisting settlers’ attacks 218Demonstrations and rallies 69Drone 2Total 1999
There are dozens of Palestinian terror attacks daily. They brag about it. Yet the media only takes notice when Israel responds.

Thursday, August 25, 2022
Thursday, August 25, 2022
Elder of Ziyon
Al Resalah, football, gaza, hamas, Liverpool, Manchester United, Mohamed Salah, pallywood, propaganda, soccer
Hamas-affiliated website Al Resalah features this video.
It shows a very sad Gaza child. He is crying. He is inconsolable. The music is dramatic. What happened to this poor child?
Was his brother killed by the Israelis? Was his father jailed? Is he starving?
Then, the camera pans to what he is crying about....
His large, wall mounted color TV is showing that Manchester United defeated his favorite Liverpool team, and its star Mohamed Salah, 2-1.
Life is so cruel for Gaza kids.
Notice how easy it is to create Pallywood-style propaganda with nothing more than a mobile phone. This is no less absurd than hundreds of similar videos and photos of Gaza children who are prompted to act for the cameras to tug at Western heartstrings.

Friday, August 19, 2022
Friday, August 19, 2022
Elder of Ziyon
Al Resalah, antisemitism, conspiracy theories, hamas, hypnotism, Ilhan Omar, Israel, Jews control the world, mind control, Nimr Yassin Madhoun, Zionist propaganda
But one has to wonder, how do the Jews manage to hypnotize the world? What evil means do they use? How does this work? Can I learn how to do it, too?
A Hamas news site answers all these questions.
Al Resalah has an article by Nimr Yassin Madhoun where we are told:
Since the convening of the first Zionist conference in 1897, and the Zionist movement developed the methods of its psychological operations,understanding it was necessary to control the American and European societies.The Jewish psychological operations are divided into three stages: the first is the stage before the establishment of the state (Israel), where the psychological operations were based on the sayings, including “anti-Semitism” (the Holocaust).The second stage followed the establishment of the state of the entity. Its sayings are in harmony with the nature of the usurpation of the land, such as "a land without a people and a barren desert"As for the third stage, which followed the October 1973 war, and after the dramatic developments that occurred after that war and the international changes, Israel relied on new statements that keep pace with the changing regional situation, such as: "The danger of creeping Islam."The State of Israel attaches great importance to psychological operations, and it harnesses scientists and psychiatrists to study the Arab-Islamic milieu, and to conduct experiments that enable specialists to intellectually control the minds of Arab peoples, especially the Palestinian people, to kill the Arab will, discourage their morale and combat efficiency, and maintain control.The occupation has a high ability to use global media and social media, through which the poison is delivered to penetrate a coherent social environment to become disjointed and conflicted socially, organizationally and politically, and rumor is one of the most important means of psychological operations used by the occupier....The coordinator’s page was in Arabic, to perform the task and enter the minds of the Palestinians in their language, dialect and their eastern Arabic form, so that the occupier appears in the role of an honest advisor and spreads obsessions in the Palestinian heart and mind .
And here I thought Israeli hasbara was not very good. Hamas (and Omar) thinks it is so brilliant that it controls the minds of the Arabs and the West!

Friday, August 12, 2022
Friday, August 12, 2022
Elder of Ziyon
Al Resalah, gaza, gaza beach, life after wartime, Operation Breaking Dawn
Al Resalah's headline is, "Palestinians enjoying their time on the seashore of Gaza City after life returned to normal and the Israeli aggression stopped."
Nearly all of Gaza was untouched by Israeli weapons, and the Gazans know it, even though the Israel haters (in Western and Arab media) try to pretend that there was massive devastation and permanent psychological damage.

Monday, July 04, 2022
Monday, July 04, 2022
Elder of Ziyon
Al Resalah, anti-normalization, Beit Hanina, Beit Hanina Community Center, Can't have nice things, East Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem Arabs, judaization, Mazen Al-Jabari, normalization
These will be the first public pools built in Jerusalem for the Arab population. Much of the funding is coming from the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation.
Anti-Israel activists have complained for years - with some justification - that Israel is not providing enough services to its Arab population. Here is an attempt to address that concern. So are they happy?
Of course not.
Here is how Al Resalah is reporting this story:
Jerusalem researcher: The occupation is establishing a Judaizing sports center to impose normalization in Jerusalem
Jerusalem researcher Mazen Al-Jabari says: "The Judaization Sports Center will be built on Palestinian lands confiscated by the occupation,...According to Al-Jabari, the occupation municipality is one of the tools of the "Israeli" government, as it works to Judaize the Holy City and normalize the situation there, pointing out that the completion of the sports project will hit youth projects in Jerusalem, especially as it will provide services for free, where swimming pools and modern playgrounds.He stressed to Al-Resalah that the goal of the Judaization project is to undermine the relationship of Jerusalemites with their youth and sports centers and to normalize Jerusalemite youth with Jewish centers, and thus the occupation municipality succeeds in changing the character of the Old City.Regarding the occupation’s recent activity in Judaizing sports, Al-Jabari mentions that through the sports movement and the great demand for it, the occupation sees it as an important entrance to attract young people to normalize and integrate them into the "Israeli" sports machine.
As usual, everything the Jews do is awful. The haters just need to figure out the reasons why.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Elder of Ziyon
Al Resalah, conspiracy theories, judaization, media bias, Nasser Hadmi, PalArab lies
From the first moment of the occupation of Palestine, the city of Jerusalem, with its inhabitants, was coveted by the "Israeli" occupier. All ways are permissible for them to steal its Islamic and Arab identity. They tried to obliterate the Arabic language and change the habits and behaviors of citizens until they flooded some neighborhoods with drugs by providing them at low prices.The drug problem began to appear clearly since the eighties, but it multiplied greatly with the immigration of Russian Jews that began in the early nineties, when many of them worked in the promotion of heroin and cocaine, until it deliberately reached young Jerusalemites.As part of the occupation’s policy of changing the features of Jerusalem’s landmarks and Judaizing it, it worked to destroy its youth by flooding the city’s markets with drugs after they were being sold openly, ....threatening the lives of about twenty thousand young men from Jerusalem.Jerusalem researcher Nasser Hadmi says that the occupation has been keen to destroy the social fabric in Jerusalem and target young people as they are the hope of the future, especially after he saw that they are the biggest obstacle in confronting its Judaization plans and attacking and appropriating Al-Aqsa Mosque.Hadmi believes that the occupation found drugs to be one of the effective means to destroy the social fabric and neutralize the youth of Jerusalem from their cause by ignoring their spread among them, and also facilitated their circulation by reducing their punishment for those with whom drugs are seized.
That's some strategy!
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