Showing posts with label Zionist project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zionist project. Show all posts

Monday, July 10, 2023

On Sunday, I saw a tweeter quoting a 2019 Hanan Ashrawi tweet:

This is a ridiculous theory, so I responded:

Somehow, between 1921 and 1948, under full British control, Zionists managed to build a prosperous economy and effective governance.  

Palestinians have had since 1994 with more autonomy than Jews had.  And yet they blame Israel for their failures. 
As usual when I strike a nerve, I got a lot of angry responses , nearly all of which are the usual mindless anti-Israel drivel. But a few people made one reasonable point.

So I answered that point and elaborated on my initial tweet.

The only reasonable response to this has been that the Zionists had large amounts of capital from the Jewish diaspora.

This is true - and it proves my point. Jews didn't depend on anyone else to build their nation. They funded it themselves, they drained the swamps themselves, they built their government themselves, they built cities from scratch themselves, they built an economy themselves. They had no foreign aid, no NGOs giving advice, and the British didn't allow them to do a great deal.

Now let's look at Palestinians since 1994. 

They've received tens of billions of dollars - from the EU, from the Arab world, from the US. They have more NGOs advising them than anyone else on Earth does. They have an automatic UN majority for political support. They got the world to recognize their "state" before it exists. 

And yet they haven't built squat. Three decades later they are dysfunctional, corrupt, divided, and immature. All those billions were wasted instead of invested. Instead of working to build, they are spending all their political capital to fight Israel in international fora. 

The most honest Palestinian government comes from the Hamas terrorists. At least they don't pretend - they want Palestine to be a stage towards a pan-Islamic ummah. The PA tells the world it wants peace but it admires and financially supports terrorism. 

Neither Hamas nor the PA have shown the slightest interest in building a real independent nation - only the trappings of one. Neither have shown any interest in making the lives of their people better. Their goals are the same: blame everything on Israel and work to destroy it. 

Everyone knows all of this. But it is a convenient fiction for the West to pretend that the PA actually cares about its people and actually wants an independent state. The PA focus on "return" shows that its goals lie elsewhere. 

So, no, Israel isn't the reason the Palestinians have a dysfunctional and corrupt statelet.

The Jews built Israel despite the difficulties, the Palestinians avoid building a state despite the financial and political support of nearly the entire world. 

Adults take responsibility for their actions. Palestinians do not. Instead they blame all their problems on others.

Any objective observer can see that they are the ones who have architected their own problems by making poor decisions for decades and never abandoning Arafat's "stages" program to destroy Israel.

If the Palestinians were serious about peace and building a nation, they'd have no better partner than Israel. 

But leaders that responded to  a peace plan in 2001 with a terror spree that they remain proud of today are not leaders. 

They are antisemites.

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Thursday, March 23, 2023

As I've been reporting, ever since the Abraham Accords were announced, some Arab commentators have sounded the alarm, saying that this is the beginning of a new "Abrahamic" religion meant by Jews to destroy Islam.

Those fears were multiplied by the opening of the multifaith Abrahamic Family House in Dubai.

Now the head of the Egyptian Islamist Nour party is putting all the pieces together:

Sameh Bassiouni, head of the Supreme Committee of the Nour Party, said that the world order is now promoting the model of the so-called “Abrahamic House.” It is not a call for peaceful coexistence,  as the supporters claim, or the deceived repeat. It is a tactical phased step to domesticate future generations through multiple and disparate devotional rituals in one complex under the deception of the unified Abrahamic creed.

In an article published by Al-Fath on its website, Bassiouni stressed that the deception of the Abrahamic religion is a prelude to dissolving the concept of Islamic faith and identity in Arab-Islamic countries, and then pushing for a federation of the alleged Abrahamic states in the region. This will dissolve the concepts of the unity and cohesion of the homeland. 
Then the door opens wide to achieve the fixed strategic Zionist plans to implement the Talmudic dream of a Jewish state "from the Nile to the Euphrates" without objection from future generations in the Arab Islamic countries.
It is all so clear now!

I wish that Israel was half as strategic as the Arabs think it is.

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Monday, December 26, 2022

A Palestinian environmentalist who loves his land

The problem with hyperbole is that it eventually loses its effectiveness - and to keep it going, one has to keep upping the ante.

The UK-based Al Araby, which publishes in English as "The New Arab," has an editorial whose headline declares that "The Zionist occupation is a threat to humanity."

Sounds ominous! 

It starts off with the usual supposed crimes against Palestinians - "the ethnic liquidation of the people of Palestine,"  that somehow keeps growing; "destruction of the economy, cutting off livelihoods, and reducing job opportunities to a minimum" (even though record numbers of Palestinians have well-paying jobs in Israel,)  "destroying the health sector and limiting the Palestinian’s access to appropriate and urgent medicine," even though it is the PA that no longer allows Palestinians to be treated in Israeli hospitals - except for their own VIPs.

But that's hardly enough for an op-ed. So the newspaper editors have to add that Israel is trying to eliminate Palestinians from existence by "destroying the Palestinian environment, by uprooting trees, confiscating lands, and polluting water and soil."

Given that Palestinians burn Israeli lands, burn tires in protests and ruin the groundwater, this is as absurd as the previous accusations. But here is where the editorial makes its leap:

It is clear that the disastrous repercussions of the Zionist project/occupation affect all human, animal, plant and environmental life, which represents a threat to all of humanity, which struggles to survive in light of other environmental threats. Therefore, it can be said that the liberation of Palestine from this cancerous project is a human necessity as much as it is a Palestinian necessity.

Whoa! So Israel's supposed crimes against the Palestinian environment is threatening to destroy the entire world! Therefore, this mainstream, moderate UK-based paper says, every country must work together to destroy Israel in order to save the world!

Now, that's a new take!

Every bizarre accusation against Israel starts off just as fringe and as untethered to truth as this one, but in a couple of decades, with enough Big Lie type repetition, it is entirely possible that Amnesty and Human Rights Watch will adopt this narrative as well. 

It's happened before.

Of course, the English language edition did not publish this editorial. Arabs know when they are spewing nonsense that would make them lose their friends if they were reading themselves. It will take a couple of years of conditioning from SJP and JVP, and then the New York Times congratulating itself for publishing such a provocative op-ed. Only then will this new narrative of Jews trying to destroy the world be mainstream enough to spread it without fear of looking like idiots. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Sunday, December 25, 2022

"Death to Israel"

El Bashayer reports:

On Friday, a demonstration took place in the Sitra area of ​​Bahrain, rejecting the holding of Hanukkah activities in the country, and all forms of normalization with the Israeli entity, and in support of the Palestinian cause.
"Chanukah is a Zionist project and normalization program"

Palestine Today reports that the demonstration was repeated today, and managed to cancel a Chanukah event tonight.

 Sunday evening, a massive demonstration took place in Bahrain to condemn the normalization of Manama with the Israeli occupation.

Activists circulated on social media, video clips, the moment a mass demonstration began near Bab Al Bahrain, denouncing normalization and holding Hanukkah events in the country. 

The participants raised banners denouncing the condemnation and slogans of "Death to Israel".

The demonstration led to the cancellation of the first Hanukkah activities scheduled to start this evening at Bab Al Bahrain.
Here's video with plenty of chants of "Death to Israel."

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Friday, December 23, 2022

Even I am sometimes amazed at the level of paranoia by some Palestinians. 

Earlier this month, there was a report that Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Morocco have held meetings to discuss setting up a common cyber defense platform.

Salim Younis Al-Zari'i, columnist at Palestinian news site Amad, says this can only mean one thing: the Abraham Accords countries are anti-Palestinian and anti-Arab.

His logic?

Doesn't this meeting reveal that the family systems of some Arabs continued to identify themselves with the policy of the Zionist entity hostile to the Arab peoples, at the forefront of which is the Palestinian issue? Moreover, does this not reveal that those countries joined the Zionist entity and adopted its hostile position against the Arab countries and peoples? Who else are the common enemies of the Zionist entity and those countries? Does it mean that in light of this, those countries will confront the enemies of the Zionist entity, who are the Palestinian people and its armed forces, Syria, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and every free Arab people that refuses to be subordinate to the imperialist powers? Are these states ready to be tools in the service of the Zionist project in Palestine and the region? Isn't that what it looks like in the light of the behavior of those countries?
He's saying that the only enemy that the four countries have in common must be only Israel's enemies, meaning the Palestinians and their allies.

It's bizarre. The biggest hacking powers today that are trying to infiltrate most other countries would be China, Russia and Iran, all of which are threats to all the Abraham Accords countries. What on Earth do Palestinians have to do with this?

They really think the whole world revolves around them.

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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Hamas has announced that the Zionist project has been defeated by...Algeria!

The official spokesman of Hamas, Sami Abu Zuhri, said that Algeria managed to stop the Zionist project that seeks to divide the Palestinians, since they hosted a meeting between Hamas and Fatah where they pretended to agree to unify - something that they have agreed to every year or two over the past decade.

You see, it isn't that Hamas and the PA hate each other. It is that Israel manages to keep them apart. Otherwise, it would be all roses and champagne.

Mabrouk on defeating the Zionist entity!

Meanwhile, the Muslim Scholars Association in Lebanon - which include both Shittes and Sunnis - stated that they blessed the terror attack in Ariel yesterday - praising the murders of Jews, as representatives of all  Muslim religious leaders. And then they announced that  “the usurping Zionist entity is a temporary entity whose destiny is to disappear, and this is God’s promise to us. The demise is imminent and very soon, Allah willing.”

They've been predicting this for over 70 years, but this time for sure!

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Friday, September 09, 2022

Abdullah Al-Ashaal is a former Egyptian presidential candidate and former assistant to the Egyptian Foreign Minister. He calls himself an "ambassador" although I am not sure if he ever held such a position.

His anti-Zionist credentials are impeccable - he argues, today, that Egypt should abrogate the 1977 peace treaty with Israel.

It is no surprise that he is also a raging antisemite,  the type of antisemite that the media and the Left doesn't want to acknowledge because it comes from Arabs.

In Rai Al Youm, he starts off an article with a list of "facts" that is as good a summary of mainstream Arab antisemitic beliefs as any I've seen:

1. Israel was built on myths and lies, and its relationship with Palestine is based on falsifying history and the Torah. Therefore, supporting Israel became a biblical duty for them.

2. The Jews control minds by monopolizing news sources and the media, as the Zionist project tamed the Arab media so as not to reveal the facts, benefiting from the fact that the Arab media is the media of the Arab regimes and governments, and when the Arab countries are divided over Israel, the Arab media is divided, as is electronic media. This is why websites spread and Israel agrees with the Arab regimes in silencing the Arab voice, chasing down and blocking websites. It has become a struggle between those who struggle for freedom of expression and Israel who blurs the facts and spreads lies and fraud.

3. The Zionist project monopolized the media, including social media, and imposed on it the prevention of awakening European and Arab public opinion to Israel's crimes.

4. European politicians and media are subject to Zionist blackmail and that the center of Zionist activity is in Britain, due to Britain's central role in the creation of Israel. Therefore, criticism of Israel is considered anti-Semitic, even if the criticism is directed by a Palestinian victim of the Zionist project.

This is daily antisemitic incitement in Arab media. And Al-Ashaal is not a marginal figure; he publishes in popular websites and is seen on TV.  

The scandal isn't endemic Arab antisemitism. The scandal is that the Western media ignores it.

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Thursday, August 18, 2022

Arabi21, a pan-Arab news channel, published an unusual op-ed by Abdullah Al-Ashaal, a former Egyptian presidential candidate and former assistant to the Egyptian Foreign Minister. He is described as an ambassador, but I cannot find to where.

Al-Ashaal argues that Egypt should abrogate is peace treaty with Israel - and that Sadat was under Zionist influence when he decided not to destroy Israel completely in the Yom Kippur War.

His delusions are apparent throughout the article:

"Israel is not an ordinary country, but rather the spearhead of the Zionist project and was planted in this particular region to destroy Egypt."

"Israel insisted on forcing Egypt to violate the principles of international law in many of its provisions" of the peace agreement.

"If Sadat had better planned the October War with the best of the Egyptian military,.... the end of Israel would have been the October War, but there is a contradiction between the management of the war in the first week and the setback [in following weeks.]"

"The [peace] treaty does not prevent Egypt from supporting the resistance, nor does it prevent Arab solidarity and the restoration of the joint Arab defense treaty. Egypt can, at its own will, amend the peace agreement...A state may review or cancel some provisions of the treaty or suspend some of its provisions."

He says he is writing a book about how terrible the peace treaty is. 

Al-Ashaal is apparently still living in 1975.

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Friday, July 15, 2022

Israel is a leader in lab-grown cultured meat. But according to at least one academic, this is symbolic of Israeli colonialism.

Yes, really.

Efrat Gilad is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Jewish Studies at the University of Bern. She wrote "A Colonial Legacy of Cultured Meat" describing how Israel's meat industry, including its recent leadership in lab-grown cultured meat, is really all just a history of Jewish colonialism.

Without the politics, the article would be a pretty good overview of the history of the meat industry in Palestine since Ottoman times. But instead, it is a screed about how evil Jews have upset the wonderful balance of nature in Palestine by introducing a meat-based diet into the region.

You see, native Palestinians didn't consume much meat. But the evil Ashkenazi Jews who selfishly returned to Palestine to save their lives from pogroms brought with them a love of meat, and that transformed the country into something it was never meant to be.

In Europe, Jews had been associated with the cattle trade since the Middle Ages. But in Palestine, consuming meat depended on Palestinian peasants and regional Arab breeders. Jewish actors (importers, butchers, religious authorities, urban officials) tried to gain more ground in the country’s meat trade. In the 1930s, Jewish cattle dealers began to import cattle from Europe, relying on their old continental networks. By shipping in animals from overseas, Jewish dealers expanded Palestine’s regional trade into a transcontinental trade. This ...allowed Jewish dealers to penetrate the country’s meat trade by importing to Palestine European bovines three times the size of local species.

...Tel Aviv, for example, was the settlement’s most important city financially, demographically, and also in terms of meat consumption. Its emerging meat infrastructures – especially its slaughterhouse built in 1931 – facilitated the expansion of the city, and by proxy, the entire Jewish settlement.

Rather than a land of milk and honey, settlers hankered for meat as the material manifestation of arriving at a utopia of prosperity and plenty. Increasing Jews’ access to meat in Palestine under British rule may have been against economic ideals, but still served the Zionist goal: the expansion of the settlement and the colonization of Palestine.
I suppose that their draining the malaria-infested swamps was also a colonialist interference to destroy the natural beauty of Palestine.

Gilad goes on to describe the austerity period after the War of Independence when there was very little meat, and Israeli attempts to create vegetable-based substitutes, as a precursor to today's cultured meat industry. She includes this marvelous cartoon from Maariv in 1949:

“We have been informed of the invention of “artificial meat” in our country, and it was produced from mushrooms and eggplant..” - “What kind of animal is this?” - "It's an artificial cow!"

But she absurdly interprets a brief history of the Israeli meat market by the Tnuva conglomerate as evidence of how Israelis hate Palestinians:

On its website, the company recalls how it entered the meat business: Until 1948 meat supplies depended on “Arab agriculture and nomadic Bedouins. But with the creation of the state, this main source of meat disappeared”. Echoing the hegemonic Israeli stance, Tnuva’s website reduces Palestinians to a “source of meat” and their forced exodus to a “disappearance”.
If you write a history of meat that doesn't center Palestinian suffering, you must be a racist colonialist pig.

In short, when Zionists import beef, it is colonialist. When they try to create ersatz substitutes, it is colonialist. When they lead the world in cultured meat, it is colonialist.

Anti-Zionist glasses are a requirement for academia

Her very thesis that meat is an alien part of the Middle East diet brought in by colonialist European Jews is another manifestation of viewing the world through anti-Zionist glasses. The consumption of meat in Arab countries today roughly corresponds with wealth, not historic diet habits. The per capita consumption of meat in Gulf states - almost all of it imported - is not much different than that of Israel. 

And guess who consumes the most meat in the Arab world?  Palestinians, by far

No doubt, Gilad would blame Israel for irrevocably ruining the diet of the natives.

As countries become richer, they buy more meat. It has nothing to do with colonialism. It has everything to do with the crazy idea that people like meat. 

Ascribing Jewish colonialist and racist motives for what is a consumer preference and economic issue is just a more sophisticated  - and academically approved - version of antisemitism. 

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Sunday, November 09, 2014

It continues to amaze me how Westerners refuse to believe that Palestinian Arabs are antisemitic, and claim that they are only anti-Zionist.

A website called "Intifada-Palestine" has an article by loony far-left writer Brandon Martinez which includes these gems:

Brandon Martinez, a shining scholar for the "Palestinian cause"
Like Americans and Britons, most Canadians believe that World War I and II were quintessential “good wars” fought to secure “freedom and democracy” and other such flimsy fantasies. Most people reared in Canada’s degraded education system foolishly believe that this country’s participation in WWI and WWII was “the right thing to do” and that the outbreak of such wars was “inevitable.” Without doing one scintilla of actual research, the gullible masses can tell you why these fratricidal wars that caused the deaths of untold millions of people were “necessary” and “just.”

Do any of these ignorant zombies stop for a moment to think about what they are promoting? The “necessity” of an enormous bloodbath that plunged much of the world into pandemonium? Following WWII, Canadian society has evidently devolved into a brain-damaged loony-bin filled to the brim with parrots and yes-men incapable of independent thought or critical analysis.

...The brainwashed masses will say that “Nazism” was a grave and pressing danger and had to be stopped. But only if one is viewing the world through British or Jewish spectacles does that suggestion have any merit. As far as much of the global East and South were concerned, British imperialism was a far greater threat than anything posed by Hitler’s regional ambitions. From the perspective of the Arabs of Palestine and the Middle East, Jewish Zionism and its British imperial patrons was a worse adversary than Hitler’s Germany by a long shot.

... Neither WWI nor WWII were “good” or “just” wars by any stretch of the imagination. On the contrary, they were both catastrophic blunders that set the whole of Europe and Asia as well as parts of the Middle East and North Africa ablaze. The Second World War in particular delivered the world into the hands of the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire, thereby sealing the eternal fate of humanity as drone-like economic cogs and geopolitical cannon fodder for American, British and Jewish interests.
As long as people write against Israel and Jews, their lunatic writings can be featured in slick "pro-Palestinian" publications.

Not surprisingly, other authors that happily contribute to this website that features such antisemitism include Ali Abunimah, Ramzy Baroud, Jonathan Cook, Juan Cole, Richard Falk and Ben White,



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