Showing posts with label hate speech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hate speech. Show all posts
Sunday, July 09, 2023
Sunday, July 09, 2023
Elder of Ziyon
Alan Dershowitz, Amnesty, Amnesty-UK, anti-Zionism is antisemitism, antisemitism, double standards, Freedom of Speech, hate speech, Hypocrisy, incitement, UN Watch
Amnesty International tweeted on Saturday:
Reminder: Everyone has the right to freedom of expression
Because on more than one occasion, Amnesty showed exactly how little it cares about freedom of expression.
Amnesty provides various spaces for rent in its London offices. There are no policies listed on its webpage saying who is allowed to rent their space. Yet in 2018, months after the Jewish Leadership Council made arrangements to rent out space for a debate on UN policy towards Israel, and only days before the planned event, Amnesty canceled the rental agreement and refused to allow the debate to take place.
Their reason? “We reserve the right to withhold permission for our building to be used by organisations whose work runs directly counter to our own. The presence of UN Watch is of significant concern and they have been active in the promotion of the event. We have partners and colleagues – both Israeli and Palestinian – working on the ground and this does put some of their working relationships at risk." They also told the JLC that they did not think it was appropriate to allow speakers who support Jews living in Judea and Samaria while Amnesty campaigns a boycott of "settlement goods."
This means that Amnesty will only rent their space to those whom they do not have any political disagreements with. Which includes antisemitism, since Amnesty-UK did rent their space to an organization that featured a speaker who justified and praised the terror attack murdering Israeli children in the Mercaz Harav yeshiva massacre.
And it is not only Amnesty-UK that only rents out its public spaces to those it agrees with. In 2014, when the Columbia University branch of Amnesty invited Alan Dershowitz to speak, Amnesty International told them to cancel the event, which they did.
Which proves that it isn't that Amnesty opposes pro-settlement speech - but any kind of Zionist speech.
Similarly, Amnesty - so opposed to Zionist speech - has never condemned explicit Arab antisemitism and incitement to terrorism against Jews. This is even though Amnesty admits that incitement and hate speech is not covered by freedom of expression.
This is about as hypocritical as it gets.

Monday, November 14, 2022
Monday, November 14, 2022
Elder of Ziyon
1922, American antisemitism, antisemitism, hate speech, propaganda, racism, social media, What has changed?
From the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, November 13, 1922:
Then, as now, Jews and Blacks are the top targets of hate crimes.
Then, as now, the hate is spread by propaganda - instead of traditional wartime propaganda, it is social media Right vs. Left propaganda.
Then, as now, Jews are discriminated against in college admissions - then because they weren't white enough, now because they are too white.
Then, as now, some Christian groups like Presbyterians lead the charge against Jews, pretending that their hate is based on a twisted sense of morality and ethics.
It's been a hundred years since this was written. What has really changed?

Friday, October 07, 2022
Friday, October 07, 2022
Elder of Ziyon
anti-Zionism, anti-Zionist not antisemitic, antisemitism, censorship, Germany, hate speech, irony, Nazi, propaganda, twitter
Twitter's algorithms don't understand irony.
I recently re-posted on Twitter a poster of mine showing how there is little difference between classic antisemitism and modern anti-Zionism:
I then received a notice from Twitter:
Hello,We have received a complaint regarding your account, @elderofziyon, for the following content:Content ID: 1575269945289719813Reported Content: WAY different. [media]Reported Content URL: https://twitter.com/elderofziyon/status/1575269945289719813In accordance with applicable law and our policies, Twitter is now withholding the reported content in Germany, specifically for sections of German law related to hate speech or unconstitutional content, §§ 86, 86a 130 StGB.For more information on our Country Withheld Content policy, please see this page: https://support.twitter.com/articles/20169222.
Of course the poster on the left is Nazi-era antisemitic propaganda. That's the entire point. Dressing up antisemitism as "anti-Zionism" is trivial, and we've seen so-called anti-Zionists do it every day - often using the exact same sources that the Nazis did.
Similarly, right-wing antisemites get their new material from left wing "anti-Zionist" websites.
Antisemites and so-called "anti-Zionists" now live in a feedback loop where each supports and builds on the other's "discoveries" about how evil Jews/Israel are.
Twitter Germany should get its act together. And the world must realize that modern antisemitism is no different, and draws on the same hate, from the kind that murdered millions.

Friday, September 02, 2022
Friday, September 02, 2022
Elder of Ziyon
Death to Israel, Death to Palestine, google, hate speech, iran, kill jews, propaganda
JTA reports, "The student magazine at the University of Adelaide in the state of South Australia called for 'death to Israel' in an article."
I wondered at how often we hear "Death to Israel" compared to "Death to Palestine."
But that doesn't tell the whole story.
An examination of the "Death to Israel" entries finds hundreds if not thousands of unique cases where Israel haters screamed or published that term. But the "Death to Palestine" search results find only a relative handful of cases.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
Elder of Ziyon
Al Jazeera, Arab antisemitism, Arab History of Zionism, hate speech, Israel, Marwan Bishara, media bias, Palestine, psychological projection
Why Israel hates the Palestinians so muchTo my mind, Israel’s hatred of the Palestinians is shaped and driven by three basic sentiments: fear, envy and anger.Israel fears all that is Palestinian steadfastness, Palestinian unity, Palestinian democracy, Palestinian poetry, and all Palestinian national symbols, including language, which it downgraded, and the flag, which it is trying to ban.
Not only is he delusional in thinking that Israel fears Palestinian unity and democracy - he believes that without Israel there would be Palestinian unity and democracy!
Israel fears Palestinian poetry? Israel translates Palestinian literature into Hebrew! Now, how much Hebrew literature us translated into Arabic?
Palestinian national symbols? Who burns the other's flag again?
Israel is also angry, always angry at the Palestinians for refusing to give up or give in, for not going away; far away.
Um, this describes Palestinians perfectly. They still anticipate the day all Israeli Jews flee in terror.
Israel is also envious of Palestinian inner power and outward pride. It is envious of their strong beliefs and readiness to sacrifice, which presumably reminds today’s Israelis of early Zionists.Zionists, early and contemporary, value life. Sacrifice is sometimes necessary but it is not an inherent value - no Zionists blew themselves up to kill random people eating out. No one envies those for whom life is worthless.
But the most delusional part is this:
Israel is most envious of the Palestinians’ historic and cultural belonging to Palestine; of their attachment to the land, an attachment Zionism has had to manufacture in order to entice Jews into becoming colonial settlers. Israel hates the Palestinians for being so integral to the history, geography and nature of the landscape it claims as its own. Israel has long resorted to theology and mythology to justify its existence, when the Palestinians need no such justification; belonging so effortlessly, so conveniently, so naturally.
Wow. Zionists made up myths to say Jews have a history in the land of Israel. And these myths were so strong that they managed to fool hundreds of thousands of Jews about their own fake history!
Israel has tried to erase or bury all traces of Palestinian existence, even changing the names of streets, neighbourhoods and towns.Apparently, "Nablus" and "Al Quds" are ancient terms while "Shechem" and "Jerusalem" are brand new.
Israel hates the Palestinians for being the living proof that the foundations of Zionism – a people without a land settling in a land without a people – is mythical at best and violent and colonialist in reality. Israel hates them for impeding the realisation of the Zionist dream over all historical Palestine. And it especially hates those living in Gaza, for turning the dream into a nightmare.Yes, Hebrew newspapers are filled with articles about how Israelis are really envious of Gaza.
The premise is laughably wrong: Israel doesn't hate the Palestinians.
It is bored with them. It is indifferent to them. They are an irritant. Israel already tried the peace route - and was rejected and given terror instead. Now Israelis just want to manage the issue, since Palestinians clearly do not want to live side by side with Israelis. Israelis to minimize conflict, because actual peace is not possible with this generation of Palestinians.
Palestinians are irrelevant. They are no longer regarded as serious peace partners by the world. It isn't Israel that hates Palestinians, but the converse. And one reason why they hate Israel is that they live in an honor/shame society, and they want to feel important, not marginalized.
Terror and Gaza rockets are puerile attempts to show that Palestinians still matter. Like a toddler with a temper tantrum, they want attention. And they will do anything they can to feel important and relevant. During wars, Palestinian Arabic articles are filled with photos showing Israelis running to bomb shelters, because they are so proud that they made a difference in some Jewish lives. Pathetically, it makes them feel important and proud.
But Palestinians hate Israel for other reasons.
Palestinians hate Israel because it is successful. Because it really is a democracy. Because it cares more about Palestinian lives than Palestinians do. Because it shows what a tiny nation can accomplish. Because the hated dhimmi Jews defeated them in their avowed specialty - war. Because it now has better relationships with much of the Arab world than the Palestinians do.
Fear, envy and anger - yes, that sums it up pretty well.
UPDATE: There is a joint Israeli-Palestinian project to translate Hebrew literature into Arabic. (h/t Irene)
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Friday, August 05, 2022
Friday, August 05, 2022
Elder of Ziyon
Ahmed bin Hamad Al Khalili, antisemitism, CNN Arabic, double standards, Edy Cohen, genocide, hate speech, Imam Saleh Bin Al-Humeid, media bias, Nassim Yassin, Saudi Arabia
Last week, one of the preachers at the Great Mosque in Mecca, Imam Saleh Bin Al-Humeid, gave an antisemitic sermon, calling for genocide of all Jews.
He said, "Oh Allah, bring annihilation upon the plundering and occupying Jews, for they are no match for You. Oh Allah, bring down upon them Your punishment, from which criminals cannot escape. Oh Allah, we make You our shield against them, and take refuge with You against their evil."
These sermons are televised and approved by the Saudi kingdom.
Popular Israeli expert on the Arab world Edy Cohen launched a one man campaign against Humeid, demanding that he be fired and that the Saudi government apologize for this clear incitement against world Jewry.
His campaign has been noticed and widely publicized in the Arab world - and the backlash has resulted in many major Islamic figures defending Humeid.
The Grand Mufti of the Sultanate of Oman, Ahmed bin Hamad Al Khalili, expressed his solidarity with Humeid on Thursday, saying his Jew-hatred "warmed our hearts."
The head of the Palestine Scholars Association, Nassim Yassin, used similar language, saying "Sheikh bin Hamid warmed our hearts with his support for our cause and our Palestinian people," complaining about Cohen's campaign as "a despicable arrogance, and a clear and unjust injustice against the virtuous Sheikh and our Palestinian cause."
There was a popular hashtag in some Arab countries on Wednesday saying "We are all Sheikh Bin-Humeid."
Notice that, as usual, antisemitism is whitewashed as "support for Palestinians."
This explicit antisemitism has been roundly ignored in international media, but it is not like they aren't aware of it. CNN Arabic has written at least two articles about this controversy so far. As far as I can tell, this is the first time it is being discussed in English, a full week after the offensive sermon.

Thursday, April 14, 2022
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Elder of Ziyon
"pro-Palestinian", antisemitism, DEI, double standards, gaslighting, hate speech, Hypocrisy, Jewish nationalism, memes, Noura Erakat, Poster, University of Illinois
Yesterday, Noura Erakat gave a lecture at the Illinois Global Institute of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, titled, "Unfinished Business: Zionism as Racism and Racial Discrimination."
The lecture was publicized as being co-sponsored by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.
I tweeted how absurd it is that a literal hate speech that characterizes Jewish nationalism - and ONLY Jewish nationalism - as racism should be co-sponsored by an organization that supposedly cares about inclusion. I also created this meme to educate the Diversity office.
Others complained as well.
Finally, after the lecture, the University sent out a mass mailing to all students:
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity Equity & Inclusion was incorrectly identified as a co-sponsor for a campus lecture titled “Unfinished Business Zionism as Racism and Racial Discrimination." As worded, this title does not invite participation and engagement with all members of our Community and does not represent the values of our university.Academic freedom and freedom of expression are bedrock principles of this institution and are necessary for the exploration of controversial, divisive or uncomfortable issues — even those that are in opposition to this university's clearly stated positions and values.Any future lectures in this series will make clear that these are not sponsored by our office nor do the viewpoints expressed represent the university.I am sorry for any additional discomfort or distress some may have felt when it appeared that it was sponsored of endorsed by the office that is charged with helping us turn the aspiration of belonging and inclusion into a universal practice.SincerelySean C GarrickVice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
There is a bit of tone-deafness here from an office of diversity, equity and inclusion. And the description of the lecture still includes the claim that they are a co-sponsor as of this writing.
It is also an attempt at gaslighting. When they say, "Any future lectures in this series will make clear that these are not sponsored by our office nor do the viewpoints expressed represent the university," they know very well that this was the last lecture in the series! It is an empty gesture.
Still, a mailing to all students to distance the university from the hate espoused by Noura Erakat is welcome, and hopefully other universities will be a little more sensitive to the fact that these lectures are not "pro-Palestinian" but hate speech meant to destroy the world's only Jewish state, and offensive to any proud Jew.

Wednesday, May 09, 2018
Wednesday, May 09, 2018
Varda Meyers Epstein (Judean Rose)
Community Standards, Facebook jail, hate speech, Judean Rose, Opinion, Varda
Hate speech has always been
difficult to define. Facebook, caught with its fingers in the cookie jar of our
information, has decided that teaching us what hate speech means is
sufficient penance. But penance or contrition isn’t something Mark Zuckerberg
understands. Giving us at long last a glimpse into Facebook’s mysterious Community
Standards is MZ’s way of saying, “Okay. We stole your information, so here’s
what we’ll give you.”
As if this is a business
Which it most assuredly is not.
For years, private individuals
have reported anti-Israel Facebook pages that threaten Jews with violence and
death, and defame the Jewish people in coarse and disgusting ways. The response
from Facebook support has always been: we reviewed your report and determined
that this page/content does not violate our community standards.
But we were never told what
those standards were.
As far as we were concerned, a
page called Death
to Israel, for instance, violates ALL standards of permitted speech and
human decency, leading us to believe that Facebook’s Community Standards were no
standards at all.
Even worse, when trolls would
report pro-Israel advocacy pages, Facebook would accede to demands to censor
the pages or close them down. It seems that Facebook had initiated a concerted
effort to bolster anti-Israel voices while squelching those of the pro-Israel
community. This repugnant policy smelled all the worse for the fact that
Zuckerberg is Jewish, if in name, only.
After a while, we discovered a
go-around: that if enough people reported those awful antisemitic hate pages, Facebook
would usually take them down. But then they’d go right back up, a few days or
weeks later. They thought that once we won, we’d stop paying attention and they
could allow those pages to tiptoe right back in.
It is a disgusting, disheartening
experience that mirrors the process by which trolls are able to keep pro-Israel
advocates endlessly in jail.
Now Zuckerberg is at long last
being called on the carpet to come clean. In a statement
he issued prior to his testimony before the Senate Judicial Committee, the guy
admitted he was only reassessing Facebook’s hate speech policies because the
media was on him like white on rice.
“… it’s clear now that we
didn’t do enough to prevent these tools from being used for harm as well. That
goes for fake news, foreign interference in elections, and hate speech, as well
as developers and data privacy. We didn’t take a broad enough view of our
responsibility, and that was a big mistake.”
In other words, it was a
mistake only because he got CAUGHT.
One result of this was this
release explaining, at long last, Facebook’s Community Standards. Here’s an
excerpt from the section that defines hate
We define hate speech as a direct attack on people
based on what we call protected characteristics — race, ethnicity, national
origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender
identity, and serious disability or disease. We also provide some protections
for immigration status. We define attack as violent or dehumanizing speech,
statements of inferiority, or calls for exclusion or segregation. We separate
attacks into three tiers of severity, as described below.
Sometimes people share content containing someone else’s hate
speech for the purpose of raising awareness or educating others. Similarly, in
some cases, words or terms that might otherwise violate our standards are used
self-referentially or in an empowering way. When this is the case, we allow the
content, but we expect people to clearly indicate their intent, which helps us
better understand why they shared it. Where the intention is unclear, we may
remove the content.
We allow humor and social commentary related to these topics.
In addition, we believe that people are more responsible when they share this
kind of commentary using their authentic identity.
While some welcomed this
attempt to finally lay out for us what Facebook deems hate speech, this
document did not at all explain why a page called Death to Israel is allowed to
stand, while a page that expresses love for Israel, is not, the minute a troll
reports it.
I tend to be courteous on
public fora. I avoid coarse language, bias, and bigotry. To the best of my
ability, I don’t use insulting language. This approach has served me well. I’ve
been in Facebook jail exactly once, and that was years ago, for a comment I
shouldn’t have made, calling out a woman for claiming to be a Jew when she had
privately admitted to me she was not. I embarrassed her. And I got the
equivalent of a Facebook slap on the hand when the woman reported my comment.
Imagine my surprise then, when
one week ago, out of the blue, I go to Facebook and confronting me is this
This post goes against our community standards.
Only you can see this post because it goes against our
standards on hate speech.
Under this was a comment I only
vaguely remembered from some years ago. It was a reply on a thread and it read:
Seeing things through rose-colored glasses is also
discrimination-an idea you’ve come to with no proof-a generalization about an
entire people. You actually don’t know that most Arabs are not terrorists and
neither do I. I don’t make generalizations one way or the other. Because it is
wrong to do so when you don’t know it for a fact. It is misleading.
I am not frightened of Arabs because I see all of them as
terrorists. I am not discriminating against them. I am frightened of Arabs
because of Arab terror. It is prudent to be cautious, realistic, considering
our reality.
At the bottom of the comment
was a button reading: “continue.”
When I went to the next page,
there was an explanation that I probably didn’t know enough about Facebook
Community standards to realize that this was hate speech, so they were hiding
the post, as a kind of first warning. Only I would be able to see it. That is
if I wanted to. If I wanted to dig through years and years of hundreds of
thousands of comments to find it.
Not that anyone else would be
digging through hundreds of thousands of comments to find it either. Although
clearly someone in a cubicle at Facebook is busily perusing my comment history,
scouring it for something, anything, that would offend the unfathomable
Facebook Community Standards.
I would like to say that this
little lesson from Mark Z. illuminated everything I needed to know about hate speech.
I’d like to say that I learned something about being polite on a public forum,
about being a kind, moral, and loving person. But reviewing the comment deemed
by the Facebook powers that be as “hate speech,” I’m left more confused and
upset than ever.
What I wrote was not hate
speech. It was the opposite of hate speech.
I don’t hate Arabs. I don’t
love Arabs. I am cordial to Arabs in stores and in public places and count some
Arabs among my friends. But I also fear Arabs.
Which is not the same as hate.
The other night, my husband and
I drove to my son’s army base in an out of the way settlement, which had years
ago suffered a brutal infiltration and terror attack. We didn’t know our way
around and it was night. We waited until a Jewish resident was traveling the
last several miles up the lonely highway to the settlement and tagged along
At one point, two cars with PA
licenses passed us, one on the right and on the left. My husband thought they
were about to do a pincer movement to create a barrier on the road that would
trap us, so they could attack us and the Jewish family car ahead of us. It was
just a split second and then the Arabs in those cars appeared to reconsider and
drove on, leaving us unscathed.
Did we imagine it? I honestly
do not know. What I do know: we had to be ready. Things like this can and do
happen in Israel. And it isn’t Jewish Israelis that do these things, but Arabs.
Arabs like the men in these two cars. In the dark, we had very little
information to go on.
In the back of our minds, we
must always be cautious in our dealings with Arabs we don’t know. It’s not
about hate. It’s because of actual things a significant number of Arabs have
done to Jews in Israel.
I try to be fair. I try to be
open in my dealings with all people, no matter their ethnic identity or color.
I don’t hate any people as a group with the exception, for instance, of known
terrorists. My fear on that road was a reasonable fear and it was not even a
little bit powered by hatred.
With the lecture it gave me on
the comment it hid, Facebook taught me exactly nothing about hate speech. What
it did teach me is that Facebook is running around in circles to continue in its Big
Brother ways—making arbitrary and thoughtless rulings on the limits of free
What a shame to waste all that
power and influence when Facebook arguably could have been a force for good.

Sunday, September 01, 2013
Sunday, September 01, 2013
Elder of Ziyon
"pro-Palestinian", California, Campus antisemitism, college campuses, hate speech, IHRA, Jewish Voice for Peace, JVP, Proposition 76
At the "Jewish Voice for Peace" anti-Israel site, they urge their fans to lobby to defeat Proposition 76:
Not at all. It mentions multiple times how important freedom of speech is, and it really only seeks to stop hate speech on campus.
Here are operative parts of the latest draft:
There is really no other way to read it. JVP cannot figure out a way to be "pro-Palestinian" without using thuggish, intimidation techniques - and they seek to protect their right to use hate speech to make their point.
Which tells us everything we need to know about JVP.
(h/t Nitzan, Ian)
The California Assembly is considering Resolution 76, which opens the door to condemning advocacy for Palestinian human rights in California campuses. Arab, Muslim and progressive students of all identities should not be in fear of censure, discipline or reputational smear for criticizing injustice and demanding Palestinian equal rights. Defend campus freedom of speech. Tell your legislator in Sacramento to vote NO on Resolution 76!Does Proposition 76 curtail anyone's right to demand equal rights for Palestinian Arabs?
Not at all. It mentions multiple times how important freedom of speech is, and it really only seeks to stop hate speech on campus.
Here are operative parts of the latest draft:
Be itWhich means that the so-called Jewish Voice for Peace is saying that anti-Israel activists should have the right to stoke fear and intimidate Israelis, Zionists and Jews on campuses.
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate thereof concurring, That the Legislature recognizes the supreme importance of the right to freedom of speech , as protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, and its rightful place on college campuses as a mechanism for the sharing and discussion of diverse ideas and opinions, including those that challenge a person to consider the merits of his or her own positions; and be it further
Resolved, That the Legislature hereby condemns biased, hurtful, and dangerous speech intended to stoke fear and intimidation in its listeners speech that promotes discrimination based on a protected characteristic, such as race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation and identity, medical condition, or political activities or affiliations ; and be it further
Resolved, That the Legislature encourages public post-secondary institutions to ensure that they provide a safe, encouraging environment for exercising the right to freedom of speech and for the vibrant discussion of ideas and opinions from people of all walks of life; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.
There is really no other way to read it. JVP cannot figure out a way to be "pro-Palestinian" without using thuggish, intimidation techniques - and they seek to protect their right to use hate speech to make their point.
Which tells us everything we need to know about JVP.
(h/t Nitzan, Ian)

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