Showing posts with label administrivia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label administrivia. Show all posts

Friday, September 01, 2023

This week I hit  - and surpassed - 55,555 Twitter followers.  

Here are my best posts of this week.

Teaching Israel to children, "warts and all"? No! Teaching the truth? Yes!

Human Rights Watch report on Palestinian "children" killed proves it prioritizes anti-Israel propaganda over real human rights

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Jews' Place of Wailing, Jerusalem, 1842, William Henry Bartlett

For those who mark Tisha B'Av, have an easy and meaningful fast.

I will not be posting until Thursday afternoon. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Thursday, May 25, 2023

Ruth and Naomi, Ary Scheffer 1856

Chag sameach to all who celebrate Shavuot!

See you after Shabbat!

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Wishing all who celebrate a chag sameach! 

I will be offline until Thursday night.


Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Wishing my readers a chag kosher v'sameach! Have a wonderful Passover!

I will not be back online until Saturday night/Sunday morning. 

(Which is as good a reason for aliyah as any!)

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Thursday, November 21, 2013

It is that time of year again, where we will the celebrate the best Hasbara (Israel advocacy) with the 2014 Hasby Awards! Here is the latest list of nominees.

As with last year, we have a number of categories.

Here are the rules, such as they are:
  • Fell free to nominate in any category as many examples as you want in the comments. Please include URLs!
  • Self-nominations (or seconds) are welcome.
  • Only nominees that are seconded will be in the running. (Probably.) You can second them in the comments as well. The ones listed here must also be seconded. 
  • If you have other categories, feel free to suggest them along with at least one nominee. Some others are listed in last year's nominations page.
  • Last year's winners are no longer eligible for awards in the same category they won.
    It is obvious that I am not good at remembering specific videos/incidents over the past year, so please help me fill those in!
  • I decide who wins, but there will also be People's Choice awards based on a poll.
  • I'll put out a press release when the winners are announced, because some of the nominees last year asked me to.
  • I reserve the right to decide if a nominee is appropriate and will pare down the number of nominees if needed.
  • Please, no extraneous comments on this thread, only nominations, seconds and category suggestions. I will delete them. 
  • This thread is not for voting. That will come later. If your favorite candidate is already seconded, don't comment further.
  • If someone can offer me a decent venue to give the awards as I did last year and in 2010, I'll be happy to give the awards out live! (I'll be in Israel from December 16-24, back on the East Coast before and after.) But if you do offer me a venue, you'll probably also be subjected to a speech. 
And the categories are:

BEST PRO-ISRAEL TWEETER (Last year's winner: Avi Mayer)

David HaIvri
Martin Kramer
Arsen Ostrovsky (seconded)
Margie in Tel Aviv (seconded)
CiFWatch (seconded)
No Camels (seconded)
William Daroff (seconded)


Douglas Murray (seconded)
Melanie Phillips (seconded)
Gatestone Institute(seconded)
Charles Krauthammer (seconded)
Walter Russell Mead (seconded)
Jihad Watch
Brett Stephens (WSJ) (seconded)


Caroline Glick (seconded)
Martin Kramer (seconded)
Daniel Gordis (seconded)
Evelyn Gordon (seconded)
Sarah Honig (seconded)
Khaled Abu Toameh (seconded)


Algemeiner  (seconded)
Israel HaYom (seconded)
Jewish Press (seconded)
Tablet (seconded)
JPost (seconded)
The Tower (seconded)
No Camels
Israel21c (seconded)

BEST MAINSTREAM MEDIA WATCHDOG (Last year's winner: Honest Reporting)

CAMERA (seconded)
BBC Watch (seconded)
CiF Watch  (seconded)
Mideast Media Sampler at Legal Insurrection (seconded)
Huffington Post Monitor (seconded)


MEMRI  (seconded)
Palestinian Media Watch (seconded)
NGO Monitor (seconded)
UN Watch (seconded)

BEST PRO-ISRAEL BLOG (PRESENT COMPANY EXCLUDED) (Last year's winners: Daphne Anson and Missing Peace)

Israellycool  (seconded)
Israel Matzav (seconded)
Augean Stables
Sultan Knish
This Ongoing War (seconded)
Jews Down Under (seconded)
Sultan Knish
Atlas Shrugs
Daled Amos 
Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers (seconded)
5 Minutes for Israel (seconded)
IsraelSeen (seconded)


Israel Apartheid Week 2013 - The Real Truth
How to Answer Anti-Israel Slurs (reluctantly)
Created in Israel - Part of Your Life
Israel: 65 years of achievement
Pat Condell - Patronizing the Palestinians (seconded)
A Song for Jerusalem (Latma) 
Pro-Israelis wipe the floor with paranoid anti-Israel campaigners
"I'm an Israeli Soldier" (Latma) (seconded)
Jonathan-Simon Sellem, seul, manifeste contre la "nakba" à Yafo (Jaffa)
Naftali Bennett on CNN (seconded)
Boycott Israel by Ari Lesser (seconded)

BEST PRO-ISRAEL SOCIAL MEDIA PAGE (Facebook, Pinterest, Vine, Scribd, Google+, YouTube...)

IDF (idfnadesk) on YouTube (seconded)
StandWithUs (FB, YouTube) (seconded)
Sussex Friends of Israel Facebook (seconded)
Einat Wilf's Facebook (seconded)
Corey Gil-Shuster's "Ask an Israeli/Ask a Palestinian" project


Ron Prosor at the UN
Bibi Netanyahu at Bar Ilan (seconded)
Bibi Netanyahu at the UN (seconded)

BEST "OWN GOAL" (Anti-Zionists acting so stupid they disgust even disinterested parties)

"Shoot the Jew" at Wits University
Iran's Fake Stealth Fighter
Max Blumenthal, in entirety
Jimmy Carter
ISM Oakland attacking a girl writing a pro-Israel message in chalk (seconded)


Will we ever be forgiven the Holocaust? (Howard Jacobson) (seconded)
There is nothing remotely progressive in today's left wing loathing of Israel (Brendan O'Niell) (seconded)
Edein Atias HY'D at Israel Matzav
It's a pretty simple choice: freeom or oppression. Take your pick (Alan Howe)


Ed Klinger's note on the BDS MacBook (seconded)
Brighton BDS Counter-protest (seconded)
David G's NYT Op-Ed Index 2012 (seconded)
A New Shoah: The Untold Story of Israel's Victims of Terrorism by Giulio Meotti (book)
IDF Girls Gone Wild (parts 1, 2, 3) (seconded)
UN interpreter hot mic  (seconded)
Video: Boycott Israel by Ari Lesser

Friday, August 23, 2013

I have never been too good in using tags on my posts, and I don't have time to go through over 17,000 posts to categorize them, but lately I've been making an attempt to place tags on at least most newer posts.

I have a new automatically generated page, called a Table of Contents, that organizes my posts from recent months by category. It isn't perfect (the lower-case tags after the upper-case ones, for example) but you might find it a useful way to browse posts you might have missed. (Some also got miscategorized, through a weird Blogger bug, apologies.)

Let me know if it is useful.

Also, this week I was inspired by Bar Refaeli's response to Roger Waters' call for boycotting Israel. I've been playing with this idea for a poster series welcoming BDSers to boycott certain Israeli products, starting with supermodels. In this case I chose Esti Ginzberg, who also served in the IDF. But it can aply to computer chips, pharmaceuticals, software...(Click to enlarge.)

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The EoZ website was getting worse and worse. Page-load times were horrendously slow and, most recently, Internet Explorer users could no longer comment using Disqus.

A lot of junk scripts accumulated over the years on the page, and I was not able to successfully excise them to figure out what was causing the problems.

Therefore, today, I started from scratch, keeping the basic design but building it from the ground up.

So far, it appears (using most of the online speed test sites) that things are much faster than they were, and IE comments seem to work again.

Unfortunately, I decided to let SpongeBob go. I know a lot of people loved him but he was (along with the blog name itself) an impediment to people taking the blog seriously.Yes, that was the point of using him to begin with, but he outlived his usefulness.

Let me know how the site is working for you, or if something is broken (or missing).

In other EoZ news, I am going on a business trip this week to  a certain Nevada city known for gambling, drinking  and debauchery. So blog posts will be more sporadic, and possibly unintelligible. I imagine there will be some open threads rearing their ugly heads as well.

Monday, November 19, 2012

It has been a very busy few days, here from the safety of the US. Two of my posts went viral and I have been getting tens of thousands of hits.

I've been blogging far more than usual and not getting much sleep, as I try to find stories and angles that the many excellent pro-Israel bloggers and journalists might be missing.

I just wanted to take a short time out to thank you for your support.

Thank you to those who are reading the blog.

Thank you to those who are tweeting, re-tweeting, Facebook Like-ing (the "dead child" story was "Liked" over 2300 times!), submitting my stories to Reddit and emailing them around. This is crucial, especially when you send messages to reporters and news outlets who are clearly writing untruths and half-truths. I have been  at least partially responsible for three media corrections this week, but it could not have happened without the support of thousands of readers, new and old.

Thank you to those who are sending me stories. I hope I remember to credit all of you. It makes my life a lot easier and it makes this website much, much better for everyone. And apologies if I could not get to your story idea; I simply do not have enough hours in the day.

Thanks to Ian for his daily linkdumps!

Thank you to those who have given me kind words, compliments and great feedback, both publicly in the comments and tweets and privately via email. It really means a lot to me.

Finally, thanks so much to those who chose, on their own, to donate to the blog. When people decide on their own to help me out without prompting, it is especially precious and when a donation comes in while I am running on fumes, it gives me a lot of new energy!

It is wonderful and humbling that my hard work is appreciated and being disseminated, even making it to the New York Times, to CNN and to many other media outlets. Naturally, one day I'll be so big that they will be honored to appear on my site :)

Most of all, we cannot forget the big picture. Let us hope for a real, permanent peace, so that this blog is no longer necessary, except for jokes and viral videos...

עוֹשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם בִּמְרוֹמָיו, הוּא יַעֲשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם עַלֵינוּ, וְעַל כָּל יִשְׂרָאֵל וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן

Friday, November 16, 2012

I hope that my you have noticed that I added a Twitter widget to the right side of my webpage, showing tweets and retweets from Israeli officials and spokespeople. It is a good place to keep up with what is happening - even when I am not online.

You should follow my Twitter feed as well, there is plenty there that I do not have a chance to post. Follow me on Twitter, too!

In fact, many of you have done just that. I gained about a hundred followers over the past three days, pushing my follower count to over 3000!

I also got mentioned in the New York Times Lede column for a tweet I sent out:

Which also goes to show how absurdly biased Al Jazeera correspondents are.

The blog has been getting lots of hits as well, doubling its normal traffic.

One tip that can be very helpful: when you see an anti-Israel image online, on a blog or tweet, you can check to see if it is really a new image or a recycled one by using Google Image Search. You can drag the image to the search box in or you can use the Firefox and Chrome plugins to search from the image itself. Already the anti-Israel crowd has been caught many times posting fake images of dead babies from Syria or elsewhere.  (h/t O)

Anyway, it is getting close to Shabbat where I am. I wish all my readers a Shabbat Shalom in the truest sense of the words.

Here is the text of the prayer for the welfare of the Israeli army that is said in many synagogues every week, and which has a special poignancy this Shabbat as Israel prepares for a likely ground invasion:

מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ אֲבוֹתֵינוּ אַבְרָהָם יִצְחָק וְיַעֲקֹב הוּא יְבָרֵךְ אֶת חַיָּלֵי צְבָא הֲגַנָּה לְיִשְׂרָאֵל, הָעוֹמְדִים עַל מִשְׁמַר אַרְצֵנוּ וְעָרֵי אֱל-הֵינוּ מִגְּבוּל הַלְּבָנוֹן וְעַד מִדְבַּר מִצְרַיִם וּמִן הַיָּם הַגָּדוֹל עַד לְבוֹא הָעֲרָבָה בַּיַּבָּשָׁה בָּאֲוִיר וּבַיָּם. יִתֵּן ה' אֶת אוֹיְבֵינוּ הַקָּמִים עָלֵינוּ נִגָּפִים לִפְנֵיהֶם. הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא יִשְׁמֹר וְיַצִּיל אֶת חַיָלֵינוּ מִכָּל צָרָה וְצוּקָה וּמִכָּל נֶגַע וּמַחְלָה וְיִשְׁלַח בְּרָכָה וְהַצְלָחָה בְּכָל מַעֲשֵׂה יְדֵיהֶם. יַדְבֵּר שׂוֹנְאֵינוּ תַּחְתֵּיהֶם וִיעַטְרֵם בְּכֶתֶר יְשׁוּעָה וּבְעֲטֶרֶת נִצָּחוֹן. וִיקֻיַּם בָּהֶם הַכָּתוּב: כִּי ה' אֱלֹ-הֵיכֶם הַהֹלֵךְ עִמָּכֶם לְהִלָּחֵם לָכֶם עִם איבֵיכֶם לְהוֹשִׁיעַ אֶתְכֶם: וְנאמַר אָמֵן:

Monday, November 05, 2012

Finally, it looks like my house has Internet back. (And cable will come in handy as we watch the election results tomorrow night!)  Still have a backlog of stuff to do at work so not sure when I'll be back to blogging as often as I used to, but things are getting better.

Meanwhile, some links: from Ian:

Sunni-Shia conflict: Major feature of ME politics By Barry Rubin
The Region: Once upon a time, Arab nationalism ruled the Middle East. We are now in the era of Sunni Arab identity and especially of Sunni Arab Islamism.
“We are not just talking here about theological differences but a battle between individual leaders, organizations, and states for power and primacy. Of course, though, they will compete in proving that they are the true leaders in the anti-Israel struggle. And the same point applies regarding opposition to the United States.”

JPOST Editorial: Peace divide
"The capacity to make peace depends on changing perceptions – including the national narratives we tell ourselves and our peoples. The fallout from Abbas’s Channel 2 interview is yet another dismal indicator that the Palestinian people have yet to be prepared by their leadership for such a change."

A note to a stiff-necked people By David Mamet
"Will you tell your children that a liberal government will increasingly marginalize, dismiss and weaken the support for and the safety of the Jewish state?
Will you tell them that, in a state-run economy, hard work may still be applauded, but that it will no longer be rewarded?"

The Palestinians’ UN ploy is just the latest stalling tactic By Daniel Taub (Israel’s ambassador to Britain)
There is no path to statehood for the Palestinians except through negotiation with Israel

Senior Israeli defense official: Egypt's Morsi won't talk to us
Amos Gilad described Morsi's government as a 'terrible dictatorship,' but stressed that Israel must safeguard the peace treaty with Egypt 'at any cost.'

Israel successfully tests upgraded Iron Dome with longer interception range
New system can stop medium-range missiles held by Syria and Hezbollah; defense minister says whole country will have missile protection within a few years

October saw highest number of Gaza rockets since June
116 rockets and 55 mortar shells caused five casualties, Shin Bet statistics show

U.N. Representative (Richard Falk) Wants To Create A World Capital In Istanbul

Honest Reporting: Vote for the Dishonest Reporter of 2012

PMW PA TV song misrepresents Israeli cities as "Palestine," at festival under auspices of PA PM Fayyad

Israel, Microsoft set to sign cooperative agreement
Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz met with Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer Monday morning in Jerusalem to discuss a strategic cooperation agreement to promote Internet Cloud Technology.

Money will help keep Israeli students tops in tech
Intel’s president came to Israel to announce a $5 million tech education program, while a Canadian philanthropist is giving top tech students $30,000 Canadian in scholarship money

EMC opens EMC Labs in Israel
Data-storage equipment maker EMC Corp said it was opening an EMC Labs in Israel aimed at developing innovative technologies for storage, security and big data.

Refusenik’s Translated Memoir Offers Rare Glimpse Into Soviet Oppression
“Unbroken Spirit, Mendelevich’s memoir, vividly describes the inner workings of Soviet justice and its harsh penal system. The memoir, originally published in 1987 in both Russian and Hebrew, only recently has been translated into English. In a later-added epilogue, the author recalls one westerner’s encouragement to pursue an English speaking audience: “Your story is critical for Jews on this side of the ocean. You can’t imagine the disastrous toll that assimilation is taking on Jewish communities here.”

Re-enactment of WWI Battle of Beersheba
95 years ago, the Ottoman-controlled city of Beersheba fell to troops from Britain, Australian and New Zealand, in a battle that helped bring an end to the Ottoman Empire and the First World War.

Israel Daily Picture: Let's Go to the Videotapes
A Collection of the Earliest Films from the Holy Land


Turkey puts Israel on trial (Commentary)
For anyone who believes that the Turkish government is more interested in peace than in inciting hatred toward Israel, Turkey’s decision to host a puppet trial of Israeli leaders should put such notions to a rest.

The Saudis are bulldozing Islam's heritage. Why the silence from the Muslim world?

Pig tissue could provide solution for heart damage
Although it doesn’t sound very kosher, scientists at Haifa’s Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have used pig tissue to create a thick “scaffold” for heart muscle that supports human stem cells, preserves the infrastructure of natural blood vessels and are made from extracellular matrix proteins.

Five Things I Learned at my First Anti-Zionist Conference (Heeb)

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Things remain the same at the Elder compound. No way for me to get to work physically so working from home with the same painfully slow Internet connection on my phone.

While I have seen the AT&T commercials touting how their iPhones allow one to surf and talk at the same time, I really never listened to them. I found it hard to believe that anyone would not be able to do that on a smartphone nowadays. But Verizon's iPhone (provided by my job) indeed cannot do both at once, so when I need to speak on the phone, I lose the Internet, even when using it for W-Fi tethering.

And my T-Mobile Google Nexus Galaxy phone, which I love, is having serious Internet issues so that is not an option for Wi-Fi tethering, at least not now.

When an average web page takes two minutes to load, it means that I simply cannot blog as fast as I normally do. It also means that  I will tend to favor stories that are easy to blog - a minimum of links and photos.

So until my home Internet provider is back online, posting will remain light.

Meanwhile, here are today's links from Ian.

The Islamists' Need to Feel Wronged by Nonie Darwish
"When anyone dares to say jihad means violence, or when violence is committed in the name of Islam, the so-called moderate Muslims are outraged but manage to look the other way. The more some Muslims terrorize, while others stand by in denial, the more they confuse, soften and weaken their victim. While one face of Islam is doing the terror, the other face tells the world, we love peace, so please don't you dare judge us by our terrorists because if you do, we will riot, kill, and burn. Both faces of Islam work together; one cannot survive without the other."

Israel admits to top-secret operation that killed senior Fatah commander in 1988
Special ops mission commander recounts killing terror mastermind Abu Jihad — with the help of a box of chocolate and a soldier dressed as a woman
"Abu Jihad (“father of the struggle”), whose real name was Khalil al-Wazir, was deemed a security threat. He was the mastermind of the infamous Coastal Road massacre, a 1978 attack on an Israeli bus near Tel Aviv that killed 38 Israelis and wounded another 70. As military commander of Fatah, he unified fragmented factions of the PLO, enabling the movement to better fight Israel in the First Intifada."
"Lev and another soldier who dressed up as a woman pretended they were a vacationing couple. He carried a large box of bonbons, and his other hand was hidden by the box — except that there weren’t any chocolates inside, but rather a gun with a silencer."

Dieudonné’s movie ‘L’Antisemite’ deserves our gratitude
L’Antisemite has torn away the pretextual camouflage. Now it is finally clear: cocktail chitchat against Israel leads directly to cocktail Molotovs against neighborhood synagogues and, most recently, a Jewish school massacre.

Netanyahu, Hollande to visit Toulouse killing site
Leaders to tour school where terrorist shot dead rabbi and three children; victims’ relative says he prefers debate over vengeance

Protest planned for Israel Philharmonic concert at Disney Hall

Ireland: It seems we are very selective about what makes us angry in this country
"WELL, that was a very revealing week. Had I called Uganda a "cancer" after the revelations about missing Irish Aid money there, by now, I'd be hanging from my thumbs, while the various press-quangoes consulted Torquemada on how to deal with heretics, and numerous columnists would be sharpening their blades on my ribcage.
Instead, Vincent Browne called Israel a cancer, refused to apologise, and the affair -- such as it was -- was over by the weekend. As far as I can see, neither 'The Irish Times', 'The Sunday Times' nor the 'Sunday Independent' even mentioned the story."

The Alan Dershowitz Syndrome
Prominent Jews like the Harvard lawyer have spent years criticizing Obama. So, why are they endorsing him?

Former Democrats Abroad Israel Chair: Obama Soured U.S.-Israel Relations

MEMRI: Grand Mufti of Lebanon: The Jews Orchestrated 9/11 and Were Behind Anti-Islam Film
Lebanese Priest: "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" Called to Destroy Christianity

BBC Watch: BBC’s Jon Donnison continues to airbrush Hamas terrorist activity

CIF Watch: Rachel Shabi has “fresh hope” that the Jewish state may cease to exist

Morsi removed affirmation of Arab peace plan from U.N. speech
“Morsi's remarks, as prepared for delivery and distributed by the Egyptian mission to the United Nations on Sept. 26, included an endorsement of the Saudi-initiated Arab plan, which would exchange pan-Arab recognition of Israel for Israel's return to the 1967 lines and a solution to the Palestinian refugee issue.
It also included a recommitment to Egypt's prior international agreements, which include the 1979 peace accords with Israel.
Morsi removed these two elements in his spoken remarks, instead endorsing Palestinian statehood without noting whether his vision would accommodate Israel.”

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood says new constitution must be based on Islamic Shariah law

Egyptian night owls decry government efforts to impose curfew
State faces backlash from nocturnal Cairo residents after making move to conserve electricity

Tunisia, a Sad Year Later
A year later, we have no democracy, no trust in elected officials, no improved constitution. Human rights and women’s rights are threatened. The economy is tanking.
"Tourism is dwindling. Who wants to vacation among bands of bearded savages raiding embassies, staking their black pirate flag over universities or burning trucks carrying beer? Meanwhile, our government and puppet president watch, without arresting these Salafist extremists."

Norwegian Islamist held for offering to ‘protect’ Jews with AK-47
Security stepped up at main Oslo Synagogue after comment posted to Facebook

European Jewish Association calls for protection of Ukrainian Jews
Move follows unprecedented electoral gains of anti-Semitic, ultranationalist Svoboda party

Italy, Land of Islam
Education minister Profumo proposed that Islam be taught in public schools alongside Catholicism. Nazification of Israel ruled free speech.
"Meanwhile, the Italian judges are apologetic about hatred. Ucoii, the largest Islamic organization in Italy, published an ad in many mainstream newspapers entitled “Nazi Bloodshed Yesterday, Israeli Bloodshed Today". An Italian court ruled that the Nazification of Israel came under “freedom of expression” and was not a case of incitement to hatred."

Thousands of Texas Christians Rally for Israel
Thousands of Christian Zionists came together at a Texas megachurch on Sunday night to rally in support for Israel, the San Antonio Express-News reported.

Victim of Burgas Attack Celebrates 25th Birthday, Looks to Future
The Algemeiner spoke with Daniel on his 25th birthday, an event hosted by the One Heart One Hope Foundation. An especially sweet occasion considering that only a few months earlier he was nearly killed by a terrorist attack on his tour bus in Burgas, Bulgaria that killed seven others.

IDF Blog: Infographic: Last week, 32,800 Tons of Goods Entered Gaza

Jewish groups begin Sandy relief efforts
Union of Reform Judaism, Jewish Federations of North America establish aid funds

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Power has returned to the Elder Manor, but not phone/internet/cable. As a result, I am surfing and blogging with a very, very slow connection through a cell phone, so blogging will remain lighter than usual - especially since I need to do my regular day job through that same slow connection.

Here's one tree that fell nearby. There seem to be at least one or two trees toppled on every block.

Meanwhile, here are today's links from Ian:

Israeli strike on Iran would be a relief to the Middle East, Netanyahu tells French paper
Prime minister in France to discuss Iranian nuclear threat, attend memorial ceremony for Toulouse shooting victims
“Iran is not popular in the Arab world, far from it, and some governments in the region, as well as their citizens, have understood that a nuclear-armed Iran would be dangerous for them, not just for Israel,” he said.

The storm that united a nation by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
We are capable of being positive and unified, even while we contest some of the great political issues of our day. We can be one people while we entertain vastly different opinions. And we can have one heart even when we are of a different mind.
May G-d watch over America always, and may those who have suffered in Hurricane Sandy find solace and a blessing.
Meanwhile: Hurricane Sandy a ‘divine slap on the face of U.S. arrogance,’ Toronto Islamist website declares
'Heroic' Iran, 'resistive' Syria behind Sandy, pro-Assad group claims

Washington’s Failure to Rein in UNRWA
General Assembly resolution 194 of December 11, 1948, offers two options, repatriation and resettlement, to achieve the reintegration of the Palestinian Arab refugees “into the economic life of the Near East.” Yet, U.S. Department of State documents from 1949 through the early 1950s reveal that despite the lip service paid to repatriation, Washington and its allies effectively equated reintegration with the resettlement of the refugees in the neighboring Arab states.

Ha'aretz Poll roundup:
The Haaretz Poll Travesty, NIF Funding, and the Durban Strategy
Journalistic Sham: Haaretz Acknowledges Misleading ‘Apartheid’ Survey Report
Haaretz changes tack on major story that alleged widespread ‘apartheid’ attitudes in Israel

The case for President Obama’s reelection By Alan Dershowitz
The Obama administration has strongly supported Israel’s security by helping to construct the Iron Dome, by backing Israel’s responses to rocket attacks from Gaza and by coordinating closely with its military.

[I think I made my thinking clear! - EoZ]

Lévy: Jews of Diaspora and Israel are under attack
Prominent French-Jewish intellectual says the Jewish people are facing a twin threat of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.

UK Jews complain to Church of England over ‘anti-Semitic’ vicar
"Reverend Stephen Sizer is “an avid reader and publicizer of websites that are openly and virulently anti-Semitic, and Rev. Sizer has himself descended into making anti-Semitic statements,” according to the complaint, lodged by the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the community’s main representative organization."

CIF Watch: Glenn Greenwald admits that “anti-Semitism plays a role in some hostility toward Israel”.

PMW: PA TV visits family of terrorist prisoner Ibrahim Hamed, responsible for murder of 46

'PLO leader backs Jordan annexation of W. Bank'
New proposal suggests establishment of a Palestinian-Jordanian confederation, Kaddoumi tells 'Al-Quds Al-Arabi.'
A repeat of 1985? The Hussein-Arafat Accord, 11 February 1985

Gaza Rocket Attacks Close Beersheba Schools for a Day

Economist reporter: GAZA economy fastest growing in the world
For example in 2011 the Gazan economy grew by a whopping 27 % , that makes it the fastest growing economy in the world.

Senior Bahrain official to visit Gaza, open new schools
Royal Charity Organization head Mustafa al-Sayed to lead delegation to Strip this week; visit follows Qatari emirate’s visit last week

End of the Line for HLF
The United States Supreme Court has decided not to accept appeals from the five Holy Land Foundation officials convicted of illegally funneling more than $12 million to Hamas, essentially concluding the case.

Syria Rebels 'Clash with Army, Palestinian Fighters'
Fierce clashes broke out before dawn Tuesday in a major Palestinian refugee camp south of Syria's capital, pitting rebels against troops backed by pro-regime Palestinian fighters, activists and a watchdog said.

Egyptian court dismisses suit against president to amend peace accord with Israel
Complainants had claimed Egypt’s revolution obligates leaders to review all previously signed agreements
Three members of Egypt’s revolutionary youth movement filed a lawsuit Monday against President Mohammed Morsi, Prime Minister Hisham Kandil, and foreign minister Muhammad Kamel Amr, demanding the leaders amend the Camp David Peace accords with Israel. But the case was swiftly dismissed in an Egyptian court on Tuesday.

Women's council demands authorities find girl 'kidnapped' in Matrouh
Egypt's National Council for Women calls on Interior Ministry and security forces to locate missing 13-year-old who was allegedly married off; denounces child marriages

Somali comedian shot dead after poking fun at al Shabaab
Gunmen assassinated a well-known comedian and musician who poked fun at al Qaeda-linked Shabaab insurgents in the Somali capital Mogadishu, police and colleagues said Tuesday.

Rome provincial council calls to ban websites promoting Jew-hatred
Move, in cooperation with Jewish community, follows anti-Semitic attacks on neo-Nazi website

‘Forward’ Cartoon Mocks Zionism Through Anne Frank DNA Experiment

Dutch soccer fans to be punished for anti-Semitic songs
FC Utrecht director says racism will not be tolerated; ADO Den Haag banned eight fans banned in April for ‘Hamas, Jews to the gas’ chants

A would-be new leader of Israel’s Arabs urges full integration with Israel
Bedouin politician Aatef Karinaoui launches a Knesset bid, slamming Arab MKs and calling for an ‘Arab Spring’ to provide a fresh direction for his community
It is hard to envisage an Arab Knesset member declaring that “if something were to happen to Israel, this democracy that protects everyone, the whole Middle East would be doomed.”

Israel's Technion, iCreate to jointly incubate start-ups
Having signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU), Israeli university Technion and the International Centre for Entrepreneurship and Technology (iCreate) of India are now set to jointly incubate few start-ups from both the countries.

High-tech diplomacy puts Israel and UK on the same page
The UK is very keen to promote relationships between Israeli start-ups and British entrepreneurs, ignoring the politics that usually frame the relationship between the two countries

Monday, October 29, 2012

I continue to await the full force of Hurricane Sandy, headed pretty much directly at stately Elder Manor, and things will start to get really interesting this afternoon. I'm going on the assumption that my power will go out at one point between now and tomorrow morning.

So I'm queuing up as many posts as I can for tomorrow as the winds increase.

Oddly, my Google Nexus Galaxy phone has a built-in barometer. I don't understand why that would be considered a feature for a phone, even a smartphone, but I have been watching the numbers go down...and down....and down since yesterday. It was around 1000 mBar last night, but at 10:30 AM it was at 985, at 2:00 PM it is down to 972, at 3:45 it fell below 967. (I'm not adjusting for height above sea level.) (963 at 4:45.)

There is a neat map of US barometric pressure here.

Meanwhile, here are some links from Ian:

Peace Calling No Answer (video)
Concerned that U.S. policies toward Israel and Palestinians are hampering, not helping the peace process, an organization of Rabbis and peace advocates turn to Hollywood for a new script...a trilogy of satirical videos of which this is the third. Real Peace Middle East
via Daphne Anson

Douglas Murray: Palestinian Terrorists on the Payroll
British taxpayers are helping to pay the salaries of jailed bomb makers.
"Many British taxpayers, struggling to pay their family's way through a recession, might rightly wonder why their money is going to pay as much as £2,000 a month to people serving the longest sentences—those who have targeted Israeli buses and other civilian targets with suicide bombers, for instance. That is higher than the average wage in nearly all of Britain. You might be forgiven for wondering, if you were a struggling teaching assistant in the North of England, why failing to tick "suicide bomber" on your careers form should have left you so much worse off than a terrorist in the Middle East."

The Region: A friend who acts like an enemy is an enemy By Barry Rubin
"Here’s the issue: A number of supposed allies of the United States don’t act as friends. In fact, they are major headaches, often subverting US goals and interests. But to avoid conflict and, for Obama, to look successful to the domestic audience, Washington pretends that everything is fine."

From under the bus: A response to Efraim Halevy
"Halevy’s airbrushed “history” leaves out Republican then-president Nixon’s extraordinary backing of Israel in the Yom Kippur War, and Ronald Reagan’s formalization of strategic cooperation with Israel, which created the web of ties between the Pentagon and IDF and the progressive strengthening of Israel’s military capability still in effect today. He omits Republican presidents who fought bitterly against the United Nations’ “Zionism is Racism” resolution — and finally got that resolution repealed — and ignores then-president George W. Bush’s diplomatic cover for the Second Lebanon War."

Palestinian Elections: Which Fatah Won? by Khaled Abu Toameh
"Abbas's term in office expired in January 2009, but this has not stopped him from continuing to cling to power. In wake of the results of the local elections, it has become obvious that Abbas does not have a mandate -- even from his Fatah faction -- to embark on any significant political move, such as signing a peace treaty with Israel or applying for membership for a Palestinian state in the UN.
Instead of going to New York next month to ask for Palestinian membership, Abbas should stay in Ramallah and work toward reuniting and reforming Fatah before his political rivals drive him and his veteran loyalists out of office."

Egyptian authorities reportedly seize 1.7 million documents proving Jewish ownership of assets in Cairo
"Elaph, a Saudi-owned news site, reported that Egyptian police received notice that the packages were being held at a shipping company in the Nasser City district of Cairo. Upon arriving at the scene, police found over 1.7 million documents dating back to the 19th century, dealing with Jewish ownership of assets in Cairo. The documents, according to the security source speaking to the Saudi site, weighed over two tons."
Covered on EoZ over a week ago: Egyptian police: Attempt to smuggle Jewish property papers out of Egypt

The Strike on Sudan: A Lesson for Iran?
"A weekend paper showed two maps - a map marking the distance from Israel to Khartoum, and a map showing the distance from Israel to Iran. Significantly, the distance to Khartoum is quite a bit further and so, in this airstrike, Israel is sending another message to Iran."

Iran, Argentina set to meet in Geneva over 1994 Jewish center bombing
Buenos Aires demands the extradition of 8 terror suspects, including Iranian defense minister and former president

Historian slams Germany for ignoring anti-semitism
German-Jew Dr. Julius H. Schoeps accuses the Bundestag of shelving report documenting Jew-hatred in the country.

Honest Reporting: TV Host Refuses to Back Down After Calling Israel a “Cancer”
On Tuesday 23 October, Irish broadcaster Vincent Browne referred to Israel as a “cancer” during his live show on TV3 channel’s Tonight With Vincent Brown.

Argentine National Library cancels anti-Israel event
The Argentine National Library has canceled its program “The Ethical Trial of the Israeli Occupation and Colonization of Palestine,” The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported.

New Warsaw museum preserves 1,000 years of Jewish life
Museum of the History of Polish Jews aims to join the ranks of Yad Vashem and the US Holocaust museum, but does not focus only on tragedy

Remaining Jews in Gondar to be brought to Israel
By next September, all remaining eligible Ethiopian Jews in the Jewish Agency camp in Gondar, Ethiopia, will be brought to Israel and the camp will be closed • The Jewish Agency is preparing them for life in Israel.

BrightSource gets $80 million more for California solar plant
The Ivanpah solar power plant, being built using technology developed in Israel, will be the largest in the world

Friday, September 28, 2012

I wasn't keeping track, but this "Work accident!"  post from Wednesday was my 15,000th post on this blog.

Which is sort of...crazy. Cool, but crazy.

My 10,000th post was in February 2011; my 5000th in November 2008.

I have had dozens of other  "work accident' posts documenting Arab terrorists blowing themselves up over the years. In 2007 and 2008 I even had the annual Splodie Awards for the best examples of terrorists dying spectacularly by their own hands or the hands of their much beloved brethren.

The amount of text I've posted is about 70 megabytes. To compare, I am told that the 26-volume 1911 edition of Encyclopedia Britannica was only 25 MB of text.

Thanks to my readers, commenters, contributors and especially thanks to those who have been sending in donations. (It's not too late....)

Friday, September 21, 2012

This ended up being the biggest week the blog ever had - even though I didn't post at all for the two days of Rosh Hashanah!

It seems that my initial post of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons went viral, and that became my most-read post ever - 34,000 hits so far and counting. A popular Persian-language site linked to it, accounting for a large number of those hits. I banked on the media not publishing them, and there was a huge desire by people worldwide to see what the big fuss was about. (My previous record post was only from last month, but this tripled it. And it even surpassed the 27,000 that have read my "Apartheid Week" posters so far.)

My other big post of the week was the photo of masked Hamas terrorists with their message of peace which also got picked up in a number of popular websites.

Other popular posts were my piece on Romney and the PLO (which got linked to at The Daily Beast,) my own original Mohammed cartoon, and Juan Cole's libeling me as an accessory to murder. (Nothing says you've arrived like having a third-rate truth-challenged professor slander you.)

And it is almost the first day of autumn, which means I will be asking for donations again next week. Hey, everyone else is sending you tons of solicitations for the holidays...

I'm going away for Shabbat so this will be my last post until very late Saturday night, at least.

Shabbat shalom!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Two and a half years ago I wrote a quick review of the Google Nexus One which I bought as soon as it was released without waiting for a review. In the end, the phone served me well; the updates fixed a lot of the early glitches and it was a fine phone except for its memory limitations.

But the phone was not quite good enough for my new commute, where I am trying to blog on a netbook using the phone as a hotspot - the connection was intermittent. So I upgraded to the Google Nexus Galaxy last week.

So far, it rocks. It is running the latest Android OS - "Ice Cream Sandwich." The voice to text abilities are quite good, I can now speak continuously and it will transcribe it pretty well, as such things go. It is thin, with a large screen; I like the facial recognition unlock feature. And, so far, it has worked great during the commute.

I know that the Galaxy 3 just came out this week, but I am a fan of stock Android that gets updated immediately, so at the moment I believe I have the best phone on the market for me. (Although it appears that the battery life is not quite as good as I was hoping.)

I hadn't been to any movies lately, but I saw Men In Black 3 today. Yeah, I know, everyone has seen it already. But I noticed a mezuzah on the door of K's old apartment after he disappears in a time warp, which I thought was a nice touch.

I didn't realize that the writer was a religious Jew, Etan Cohen, who is now a hot writer in Hollywood. But the mezuzah wasn't his idea, it was the director's.

Cohen also wrote a number of Beavis and Butthead episodes as well as the really great dark comedy Tropic Thunder.

And he was born in Efrat, in Israel - so what's not to love?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

I upgraded the Disqus comment system to Disqus 2012. I figure it can' t be any worse, can it?

So far it looks better but I'm having problems viewing the admin screen from Chrome. Let me know if you like it.

In other news, people keep complaining about how slow this site is. I don' t have time to revamp it, but you can see different dynamic views of the blog by choosing a magazine-type view, a sidebar-based view or what Google calls "classic"

The downside is that there are no comments, there is no sidebar, none of the gadgets or widgets and no Spongebob. (And I won't get StatCounter statistics when you visit, although I think I would get Google Analytics.)

But if you visit a few times a day and don't need to comment, you can use these dynamic pages anytime. It might save you some time.

Monday, May 14, 2012

A couple of years ago, I started a new job.

At the time, I wrote
I recently started a new job, and it will not afford me the ability to post as often as I have been.
However, it turns out that the opposite occurred: I could find lots of time during the day to throw in some posts, and in fact my output roughly doubled!

Alas, the days where I can post 9 or 10 posts a day are history. Because I just started another new job - with a much longer commute and longer working hours, as well as a huge amount of work that needs to be done.

I will continue to blog when I can, mostly in the early morning and then queuing the posts at intervals during the day, but they will be less frequent and generally less time-intensive. Tweeting and email will also go way down the priority list.

So I apologize for not being able to keep up the torrid pace of posting I maintained for the past 30 months.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Woo-hoo! And nearly half of them (477,000) came in 2009 alone...



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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For 20 years and 40,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.


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