Showing posts with label Opinion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Opinion. Show all posts

Thursday, February 27, 2025

By Forest Rain

Batman weeps: A mother’s fight, two little lions, and a nation forever changed

How much impact can a person have on the world when they are only given four years to live?

Words shape reality. They give form to our emotions and channel their power. That’s why I believe it is so important to articulate what we feel in response to the murder of Shiri, Ariel, and Kfir Bibas.

I’ve seen it written that Ariel loved Batman. I didn’t know him, so I don’t know how deep that love ran. Did he dress up as Batman often, or was the video we’ve seen of him in his Batman costume from one Purim? I don’t know.

I do know that the image of Batman crying for the little boy who is no longer here felt like a stab in my heart.

Painting by Elisabetta Furcht 

Ariel—his name itself carries weight. A combination of "Arieh" (lion) and "El" (God), it is one of the many names of Jerusalem. A powerful name for a little boy who might have dreamed of being a foreign superhero—only to become a symbol for an entire nation.

So much horror has unfolded. Why, among all the pain, has our nation focused so intensely on this one family?

If we limit our emotions to pity or even rage at their murderers, we do a disservice to ourselves and to the Bibas family. There is more here. Within this terrible loss, there is also a gift.

Ariel and Kfir were the youngest hostages taken by the Gazans, but they were not the only child hostages.

Other babies were murdered. Rescue teams found families burned alive in an embrace—parents shielding their children with their own bodies, older siblings covering the youngest in a desperate attempt to protect them.

We saw Shiri’s terror, captured on camera. That split second of horror as she found herself alone, surrounded by the invaders, with no one to help her or her babies. Other Jewish mothers had that same moment, but we didn’t see them live on TV.

We saw Shiri again on video, in Gaza, wrapped in a blanket, still clutching her two boys as she was dragged into captivity. Carrying a four-year-old and a nine-month-old is difficult even in normal circumstances. How long did she hold them in her arms? How long before she no longer could?

Now, in death, she carries them still. They were buried together, forever locked in that embrace.

And Yarden? We saw his abuse. The beating as he was ripped from his family. The starvation in the tunnels. His torment when his captors told him that his beloved wife and babies were dead—and then shoved a camera in his face, forcing him to beg for them to be returned to him.

Now, we see his dignity and heroism. In the instructions he gave us—to tell the world what was done to his babies. In the way he articulates his love for them. In his wonder and appreciation that our Nation is trying to wrap him in love. And in his quiet acknowledgment that this enormous love, is not the simple love of his beloved, the only love he really wants.

The Bibas family captured our hearts because they are special. But also because they have become symbols that help us live with our own trauma.

The mind cannot comprehend the enormity of what we have experienced—what we are still experiencing. There are not enough tears for all the children. For all the broken families. For all the survivors struggling not to be swallowed by the abyss.

But we can cry for Ariel and Kfir. Little lions who will never grow up. (Kfir is the Hebrew word for lion cub.)

It is easy to call the murder of babies evil. The very idea of a grown man choking an infant to death fills us with revulsion. It is paralyzing to imagine men mutilating the body of a dead child—to frame the murder in a way that serves their twisted narrative. The dead child feels no pain. But what does it take for someone to look at the lifeless body of a baby and still feel that it is necessary and good to smash it?

We need to think of Ariel and Kfir because we cannot take into our hearts the evil unleashed on so many others. The children tortured in front of their parents before being butchered. The children forced to watch their parents being tortured before they too were killed. The children found tied together and burned.

The soul screams, and the mind shuts down. It’s too much. We don’t want to know. We can’t take it all in.

But these things happened. And the world needs to know.

That is why Shiri, Ariel, and Kfir are so important. And Yarden too.

For their family and friends, they remain their private, individual selves. But for the rest of us, they are symbols—symbols we desperately need.

They allow us to grieve. We cry for them while crying for all the others.

They force the world to see what evil looks like. There is no nuance, no excuses. Babies versus baby killers is an equation no one can ignore.

Shani Louk, in her grace and light, dancing at the Nova, contrasted with the hideous image of her twisted, half-naked body paraded in a pickup truck—men cheering, children spitting on her—made it impossible to ignore the sickness in Gazan society.

The Bibas family clarifies this evil further.

Some have attempted to excuse the horrors Gazans brought to the Nova might as generalized violence of men against women, an outburst of bloodlust, facilitated by terrorists on drugs with the opportunity to do whatever they want to the enemy population. The Bibas family puts the evil in hyperfocus, in a way that is impossible to define other than what it is - the deliberate destruction of Jewish families. A hatred so deep that it erases all empathy, making it impossible to see a baby as a precious form of life. Giving no respect for a mother battling to protect her cubs. The evil that strangles and mutilates babies is not a fluke in the system, it is the system. It is a building block in a society that seeks the destruction of ours.

Batman became a superhero after a terrible event in his childhood. His pain drove him to want to prevent others from suffering. He didn’t have any special magical abilities. He developed tools that enabled him to serve the people of his city, and most of the time he did it alone.

What a terrible, all-too-familiar burden.

Shiri and Yarden just wanted to be parents. Ariel and Kfir just wanted to be themselves—happy, exploring, growing boys, wrapped in the love of their family.

Who wants to become a symbol? Particularly not one born in trauma and horror. No one wants to embody the battle between good and evil, life and death.

But that is what they have become.

I cannot undo what was done to them. I cannot ease their suffering.

But I can be grateful for what they have given us—a way to express the emotions that are too vast for our small nation to contain. A defining truth, for us and for the world, of right and wrong, good and evil. The ultimate line that must never be crossed. Proof that no justification or excuse can ever make it acceptable to allow monsters to live on our doorstep.


Buy EoZ's books  on Amazon!

"He's an Anti-Zionist Too!" cartoon book (December 2024)

PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism (February 2022)



Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Disclaimer: the views expressed here are solely those of the author, weekly Judean Rose columnist Varda Meyers Epstein.

We’ve all heard of people spurning God when tragedy strikes. They say things like, “God didn’t help me when I needed help. Therefore he doesn’t exist,” or, “If there were a God, He wouldn’t have made the Holocaust,” or, “If there is a God, He’s not a loving God but a cruel God and I refuse to worship him.”

But the Israeli Jews taken captive on October 7 experienced no such crisis of faith. They turned to, rather than away from God, embracing Jewish law as best they could. The hostages understood that their persecution was due to the fact that they were Jews. So they doubled down. Because the Jews are a stiff-necked people.

It doesn’t matter where you start out as a Jew. When push comes to shove, we know what to do. Many of the hostages were disconnected from religion prior to being kidnapped. Keith Siegel, for example.

Growing up in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Siegel attended a Conservative synagogue with his family. But after 40 years on a secular kibbutz, Keith had pretty much forgotten any of the prayers he’d learned as a child. This is not to say that Siegel had turned away from God. He probably just hadn’t thought much about religion or God during those years.

But held captive in a Gaza tunnel, Keith Siegel began saying the Shema, an affirmation of faith: “Hear oh Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.”

Siegel knew that what had happened to him, had happened to him because he was a Jew. It shifted something inside of him, something that called out to him in the haze of the endless starvation and torture, and the constant dread of death. Keith Siegel reached out to the one God he’d almost forgotten, and pledged allegiance. “Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad.”

With plenty of time alone with his thoughts, Siegel reviewed his slim knowledge of Judaism. He knew the blessing for bread. It was really the only blessing he remembered. So he began saying the Hamotzi blessing at meals.  “We had a pita bread for every meal, that was the first thing I would eat after I said the bracha (blessing),” said Keith.

One day, Keith caught a glimpse of an Israeli TV show after his captors happened to switch the set on. The program was about something like good places to eat in Tel Aviv. Siegel heard one participant make the "borei minei mezonot," blessing said over baked goods and pasta before taking a bite. Keith decided that from then on, he too would make this blessing, whenever he ate anything other than pita bread.

Someone else might have thought that wrong. That you cannot say the mezonot blessing over, for example, a grape or a date. But with his mezonot, Keith Siegel was connecting to God with the only resources God gave him. “I thought it was appropriate,” he said. “But it was the only [blessing] I knew.”

It was what Keith Siegel had. These were the tools of his survival: the shema, the hamotzi blessing, and now, the mezonot blessing. These things comforted and strengthened him. They were his pathway to God.

When Keith Siegel was finally freed after 484 days in captivity, his family recognized that something remarkable had happened, that cleaving to God was what had kept him alive. His daughter Shir spoke about it.

 “Dad searched for his Jewish identity while in captivity, and he found it in small prayers. He started saying blessings over food, like ‘Borei Minei Mezonot,’ which he had never said before, and ‘Shema Yisrael,’ which he had never recited in his life.

"He said that amidst all that hell, he wanted to remember that he was Jewish, that there was meaning to his people and to the place from which he came, and that strengthened him greatly.”

Ah, there it is right there, that backbone Jews get when between a rock and a hard place, life and death, the Inquisition and the Holocaust or a tunnel in Gaza. It only stiffens our resolve and our necks, which is why they never succeed in getting rid of us.

“After he returned,” continued Shir. “I asked him what he wanted us to do for our first Shabbat meal together. I imagined he’d want some dish he loves or a good challah. He replied, ‘You know what I want most of all? A kippah and a Kiddush cup.’”

“Who is like Your people, Israel?” (Samuel 7:23)

Keith Siegel is not the only freed hostage who turned to, instead of away from God. There are many such stories. And we will have plenty of time to tell them.

In fact it will be a delight to take our time in telling the stories, knowing that the enemy will have it rubbed in their faces for years to come. This is what happens when you try to kill the Jews.

It isn’t possible. You can’t do it. Because we’re a stiff-necked people, who, in intolerable situations will always seek to reclaim that spark in the soul that the Arab enemy so desperately wants to extinguish.

But never will.

Buy EoZ's books  on Amazon!

"He's an Anti-Zionist Too!" cartoon book (December 2024)

PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism (February 2022)



Monday, February 24, 2025

By Forest Rain

"I could never strangle a baby!"

Many around the world began to grasp the depth of Gazan depravity when it was revealed that baby Kfir Bibas, just 10 months old, and his four-year-old brother Ariel were brutally murdered by Gazans (not just Hamas) while being held hostage in Gaza sometime in November 2023. The Bibas children were taken alive, along with their mother Shiri, during the “Al Aqsa Flood” invasion of Israel on October 7, 2023.

Other children—and even babies—were slaughtered in the attack. Other mothers were taken hostage and forced to watch their children suffer. Other fathers lived through the devastation of being unable to protect their families. But the Bibas family's horror was caught on camera. We saw it happen—live, in living color.

The depravity Gazans unleashed on Israel was not new. We have witnessed it before: the cold-blooded murder of babies, the rape of women, the beheading of men, people torn apart with bare hands. What set this apart was the magnitude—and the location: Israeli kibbutzim within the pre-1967 borders.

This horror should not have been a surprise. But for many, the kidnapping, murder, and mutilation of the Bibas children was an ice-cold bucket of water, shocking them awake to the evil on Israel’s borders.

And that awareness is a good thing. To address reality, we must first recognize it.

For decades, we all pretended that Arabs didn’t really mean what they said when they declared their intent to wipe Israel off the map. But Hamas, Fatah, Gaza, and the Palestinian Authority have always been clear. Their charters, their education systems, their religious institutions—every aspect of their society is not built to uplift themselves but to destroy the Jewish state. Their goal is to turn Israel into “Palestine.”

Now, many of those recently awakened to the depth of this depravity have realized that this threat to Jewish life cannot be allowed to continue. The existential threat to Israel is not just a threat to Jews—it is a threat to Christians, to the Western world, to civilization itself.

And that awareness is a good thing. To address reality, we must first recognize it.

This understanding has led many to declare that Gaza—Hamas—is Amalek. That Amalek must be destroyed.

With this, I agree.

But some take it further, arguing that Gaza and Hamas are not human—that they are a mutation, a different species, something we could never be.

With this, I vehemently disagree.

That statement makes me angry. Really angry.

I had to think hard to understand why. And then it hit me: because to address reality, we must recognize it. And getting this wrong puts our lives in danger. I have had enough hostage-taking and brutal terrorism for a lifetime. We cannot live like this anymore.

Who Was Amalek?

Amalek originates from Esau, the twin brother of Jacob. According to Genesis 36:12, Amalek was the grandson of Esau through his son Eliphaz and a concubine named Timna. This makes him a direct descendant of Isaac and Abraham, just like Jacob (Israel).

The Amalekites first attacked the Israelites in Exodus 17:8-16, striking the weak and weary as they fled Egypt. Because of this cowardly, unprovoked evil, the Torah commands Israel to remember Amalek and wipe out his memory. Amalek represents the embodiment of pure evil—the enemy that targets the defenseless and seeks the destruction of the Jewish people.

Since then, genocidal Jew-hatred has been understood as a recurring manifestation of Amalek. Haman, the Nazis, Hamas—all are embodiments of this spirit of Amalek.

At the same time, Jews and Arabs share a common ancestor: Abraham. The Jewish people descend from Jacob (Israel), while Arabs trace their lineage to Ishmael, the son of Abraham and Hagar. Meanwhile, Amalek comes from Esau, Jacob’s brother. Whether tracing from Esau or Ishmael, both Jews and Arabs ultimately come from the same grandfather.

Evil Is a Choice

The Torah teaches that all people are created in the image of God. It explains our shared ancestry, but it also makes something else very clear: some people choose evil.

Gaza’s culture has created an evil society—one that glorifies death, thrives on violence, and is ruled by fear. This cannot be fixed. Like Amalek, it must be wiped out.

But that is not to say that Gazans are inherently different from birth. They are not a genetic mutation.

If any of us were raised in their society—exposed to their education, media, and religious indoctrination—we would be just like them.

It is comforting to believe otherwise. Comforting to think that we are superior by nature, that we could never fall to such depravity. Comforting to believe that we could never strangle a baby.

Who wants to wrap their mind around that horrible, revolting image? But that false comfort blinds us to the true source of danger.

The difference between us and them is not in individual human potential. The difference is in society, values, and culture.

We are not superior as individuals. But we ARE superior.

We are superior because our culture is superior.

They do not believe they are doing evil. They believe they are doing good. That is a hard thought to swallow, isn’t it?

We have a different understanding of good and evil because, even those of us who are not religious live by the laws and values of the Torah.

We choose life—they choose death.

We build—they destroy.

That is what makes us different. That is why we cannot become like them. That is why we couldn’t strangle a baby.

But if we lived in the society of Amalek—we could.

And only if we understand this can we make the changes necessary for survival.

Because the society of Amalek cannot be allowed to live. If it does, we won’t.

Jews are supposed to be a light to the nations. That means providing an example of good and evil. We choose good. We always have.

Now, it is time to point out the evil and stamp it out.

Buy EoZ's books  on Amazon!

"He's an Anti-Zionist Too!" cartoon book (December 2024)

PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism (February 2022)



Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Disclaimer: the views expressed here are solely those of the author, weekly Judean Rose columnist Varda Meyers Epstein.

I should be overjoyed that Donald Trump won the election. But the truth is, I’m angry. Even deep into February. Still angry.

I had thought, ‘Finally, finally, American Jews will wake up and stop voting Democrat, the party that hurts Israel.’  Instead, overwhelmingly, the Jewish vote once again went to the Democratic candidate, this time Kamala Harris. But really, it could have been any Democrat, an addlepated Biden or anyone at all.

It’s not like the Jewish vote made a difference to the outcome, a landslide for Trump by all accounts. But to me, the American Jewish vote felt like a betrayal of our people. Many Jewish lives had been lost as a result of the policies and dirty machinations of the Biden Harris administration. Had she won, Harris would have been far more hostile to Israel, and infinitely more dangerous to the Israeli people.

It was aggravating. Couldn’t they see it? The Biden Harris administration did not get our hostages home. They gave money to Hamas. They gave money to Iran. They slow-walked arms to Israel and even forced Israel to give aid to the people who murdered and raped them.

The Biden Harris administration did all manner of terrible things to Israel. As such, I expected my people to stand up for me. Heck. I expected them to stand up for themselves. Forget about the cost of bacon or tampons in boys’ bathrooms. What about their Jewish grandchildren’s ability to safely step onto a college campus?

Instead they posted memes about Kfir Bibas, but voted for Harris. Maybe they thought that sharing those memes meant they could vote however they liked and it wouldn't matter. Because posting memes of Kfir made them good Jews no matter what else they did. Except that Biden and Harris did exactly nothing for the Bibas family. They didn't fight for them. They didn't make the effort to ascertain their wellbeing. They didn't speak about the Bibas family often and at length or make them a household name. 

Doug displays a stunning breadth of knowledge on the Jewish holiday known as Hanukkah

We may not yet know when or how or even if it happened, but Shiri, Ariel, and little Kfir, as of this writing, are believed to be coming home to Israel in body bags tomorrow. Could we reasonably expect that Biden and Harris could have done something different that would have changed the outcome? Like not send money to Iran and Hamas to begin with? Of course! But their constituents didn't think about or do anything about that. They didn't pressure the administration. Instead, they just shared lots and lots of memes of little red-headed Kfir, then went out and voted for Harris.

I think of all the anxious calls I received from Jewish family and friends in the wake of October 7, and how much effort I expended in order to update and reassure them. How could they have voted this way? Did they really care anything at all about my kids in uniform? 

It’s impossible. If they cared about me and my family or their people at all, it seemed to me they would have voted for Trump. But they cared more about voting for a Democrat than doing what their family and friends in Israel prayed they would do, speak up for Israel and for their people with their vote.

It must be said that not all American Jews voted Democrat. The orthodox didn’t. But they’re a tiny minority within a minority. By and large, the Jewish vote went to the party that shed Jewish blood

From The Jewish Vote in 2024 (emphasis added):

 . . . At bottom, the story of the Jewish vote is really a tale of two communities—the ultra-Orthodox, who vote like Evangelicals and are about 10 percent of the total Jewish population, and secular Jews, who constitute 85 percent of the total and who vote more solidly for Democrats than any demographic besides blacks, with whom they are now virtually tied. . .

. . . More than 85 percent of American Jews (who are neither ultra-Orthodox nor Modern Orthodox) are solidly in the liberal camp and show little sign of abandoning the Democratic Party. In fact, the National Election Pool’s exit poll promoted by CNN (the one that showed that 79 percent of Jews voted for Harris) probably underrepresents the percentage of secular Jews who voted for her, since that poll included votes in Florida, where a sizable number of Modern Orthodox Jews reside. A poll by the Jewish Electorate Institute showed that Reform-affiliated Jews voted for Harris at a rate of 84 percent, with Conservative-affiliated Jews only slightly behind, at 75 percent. The same poll found that 74 percent of Orthodox Jews (Haredi and Modern Orthodox) voted for Trump.

Even when you add the pro-Trump observant Jews into the mix, American Jews still voted for Harris in greater percentages than any other major religious group in America. Catholics voted 41 percent for Harris; Protestants gave her 37 percent; Mormons came in at 25 percent, and Muslims only at 20. The only “religious” group that surpassed Jews in their support for Harris were described in the Washington Post poll as “voters with no religion” who voted for Harris over Trump 72 to 25 percent—a ratio that actually puts them behind Reform and Conservative Jews in their ardor for Harris.

For the most part, American Israelis voted much like the orthodox Jews of America. We voted for Trump, because Trump is good for Israel. It really is that simple. Why this simple fact didn’t matter to our American co-religionists—or at least didn’t take precedence over more domestic issues—was and remains unfathomable to me.

Because we had a frickin’ massacre here. I mean, wake the hell up! Is it only me who is walking around with steam coming out my ears over the Jewish vote?

Doug and Kamala doing Jewy-stuff in Jerusalem

“Hi - American Israeli here,” wrote Stuart Schnee. I had wanted to speak to American Israelis about the US election, and the self-described book “shepherd” and book publicist was happy to oblige me.

I explained to Schnee that I was writing about our feelings as American Israelis—how we felt about relatives and friends who did not vote with Israel in mind in the recent presidential election.

“Ah. I am not the right guy,” wrote Schnee. “My family voted with Israel in mind.”

I blinked. What a lovely, unexpected answer. I felt happy for a brief moment. But I wanted to know how he felt.

“How did that make you feel?” I asked.

“I can say that I am proud and appreciate it,” wrote Schnee. “They are all loyal Americans, and at the same time Israel was part of the consideration for much of my family (and they didn't all vote the same!!)”

“Interesting,” I commented.

It was like a light had come on. I saw what he meant. In their own way, even if they didn’t agree with us, Stuart Schnee’s relatives had indeed voted with Israel in mind. They cared about Israel.

Okay, but what about in the run up to the election. Did he do anything in an attempt to give them an insider’s perspective? “Did you leave them alone, or try to persuade those who didn't see it your way? Or. . . I guess you don't get all hot-headed about this stuff?”

“I used to,” wrote Schnee, “but over the years I have seen that in the US one has very little influence.”

“Are you pleased with the way American Jewry votes?” I asked. “Do you think they are well informed?”

Schnee was matter of fact. “I fully understand why Jews still vote Dem even when it seems like it isn't such a great match any more. Even Jews I know who have started voting GOP - they don't always agree with every policy the GOP champions.”

She knows a thing or two about yarmulkes.

I posed the same question to Batya Spiegelman Medad, an expat American living in Shilo, a woman who has no problem stating her mind. “Do you have relatives who expressed concern for you after October 7, then proceeded to vote for a candidate you felt was bad for Israel?”

“Yes, for sure. The vast majority of my relatives vote religiously for Democrats, and a few have shown concern—in one case very strong, sincere concern and support—for Israel, but they don't recognize that the party they support endangers the survival of the State of Israel. I never initiate political discussions with them, nor with American friends. I write very clearly what I think on Facebook and my blog Shiloh Musings. I try not to argue with anyone or respond to the negative things they write, but I won't mute my opinions,” said Medad.

“Does it make you angry to know they voted for someone who you feel poses a danger to Israel? Or rather, how does it make you feel? I don't want to presume you're angry,” I said.

“Angry? I'm beyond anger; it saddens me,” said Medad. “I'm so different from my family. Actually, I'm the ‘rebel.’ I took the 1960s in a different direction, becoming a Torah observant Jew, demonstrating for Soviet Jewry as my version of civil rights and then making aliyah with my husband two months after our wedding.

“When one tried to discuss American elections, I said that for me the important issues for choosing which party to vote for in the presidency depends on two things only, defense/security and economics. They don't get it.”

“But you kept it to yourself. You said nothing to them. It's just politics, and politics shouldn't come between relatives?” I asked. “Or you just didn't see the point? Something else? Does it feel like you're carrying it around? Does it make you uncomfortable to correspond/speak with them?”

“There's no doubt that many of my family have seen/read my opinions,” said Medad, “but I'm not going to argue directly with them. Without facebook, I'd lose all contact with most of my family, and I don't want that. If anyone asks a question, I answer.

Medad continued, “The problem is that most Americans have chosen to listen/read only one type of news media. They don't think/compare to make their own decisions. They repeat the lies they've heard and aren't open to hearing something else.

“It must be so confusing for most American Jews to have heard what happened to innocent Israelis on Oct 7, 2023, and then be told that Israel is guilty,” added Medad. “But there are left-wing Israelis, even bereaved families from the southern kibbutzim, who can't accept that their political opinions about peace with their Arab neighbors is a dangerous lie. They're sticking together to make sure nobody shakes their ‘conceptzia.’”

Chanuka joy

I went next to Susan Tova Mann Hirsch, a retired teacher (44 years) of children with special needs and asked her to weigh in. “Did you have relatives who expressed concern for you in regard to Oct. 7, but then voted in a way you felt was contrary to Israel's interests? Do you feel American Jewry is well informed about Israel and geopolitics?”

“My one sister expressed a lot of concern about my living here in Israel after Oct. 7; however, she still voted for Harris,” said Hirsch. “I still have lots of friends and family in America and I feel they are poorly informed (and educated) about Israel and the geopolitical situation in our part of the world. Most see no problem with granting the so-called Palestinians with a state of their own. They really don’t understand what is going on here and the issues/problems faced by Israel.”

“How does that make you feel?” I asked.

“That if my family members really cared about my safety (and the safety of all Israelis),” continued Hirsch, “they would do more to support Israel. They really didn’t/don’t understand how much more dangerous it would have been for Israel if Harris and her crew would have been elected.”

“Well, but can you tell me what emotion it makes you feel, for example, understanding, betrayed, patient, despairing, resigned, angry, sad?” I pressed.

“A tad angry, but more resigned that they truly don’t understand and/comprehend what really is happening here.”

Bear hug from Bibi! 

Last but not least, I spoke with Israel Pickholtz, a genealogist friend. Knowing he shares my sentiments on the subject, I got right down to it. “How do you feel about the fact that even after Oct. 7, American Jewry still largely voted for Harris?” I asked

“There is definitely a disconnect between caring about Israel and actually voting that way,” said Pickholtz.

“What do you think causes that disconnect, and is there anything regular people can do to help them reconnect?” I asked.

“Let's give them the benefit of the doubt,” he said. “They must have great faith to believe that we will survive despite the US government.

He quoted Esther 4:14: "רֶוַח וְהַצָּלָה יַעֲמוֹד לַיְּהוּדִים מִמָּקוֹם אַחֵר" “Relief and salvation will come to the Jewish people from another place . . .”

I finished the verse in my head, “. . . and you and your father’s house will be lost.”

“We will survive,” said Pickholtz. “They?”

“Is there anything we can or should do to address this?” I asked.

“Keep reminding them that they are on the wrong side of Jewish history.”

Oh, I will. But I guess I’ll have to start reminding them in a quieter voice. The angry tone of my written social media screeds doesn't seem to be having the desired effect. If my words have had any impact at all it was to to alienate my faraway loved ones. They think I don’t understand them and what is important to them. They’re right. I don’t understand why their people don’t come before all other considerations. That is the wide chasm that divides us, a divide that may prove too wide to bridge.

Buy EoZ's books  on Amazon!

"He's an Anti-Zionist Too!" cartoon book (December 2024)

PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism (February 2022)



Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Arbel Yehoud with her partner Ariel Cunio, still captive in Gaza, and their rescue puppy, Murph
Disclaimer: the views expressed here are solely those of the author, weekly Judean Rose columnist Varda Meyers Epstein.

When Eli Sharabi appeared on our screens wasted, skeletal, like an apparition from the Holocaust, it broke our hearts. We knew he’d been through a Holocaust without having heard the details. And like so many other survivors of the previous Holocaust, Eli was to learn what he’d hoped against hope was not true: no one in his immediate family was waiting for him. Eli Sharabi’s wife was gone. His two daughters were gone. His home was gone. Even his dog was gone—on October 7, Hamas shot Eli Sharabi’s four-legged friend dead, too.

Before the release of Eli Sharabi, there was Arbel Yehoud, squeezed on every side by masked Hamas terrorists armed to the teeth. She was terrified. No one had explained what was happening to her now, and she was sure that this time she would not manage to cheat death as she had for over a year. But Arbel did survive and she did get out.

Arbel’s partner, of course, is still suffering, still locked away in Gaza—we hope—because the alternative is death. But Arbel’s dog Murph is not suffering, and not locked away for some indeterminate period of unending time. Murph was shot dead by Hamas terrorists on October 7. 

Emily Damari impressed us all with her spunky personality still shining through after going through hell. With good humor, Emily gave us the victory sign despite her missing fingers. Hamas had shot her in the hand. They sewed it up crudely, without anesthesia, in unhygienic conditions, but Emily survived.

Emily Damari’s dog Choocha did not. Like so many other faithful family dogs on that black day in October, Emily’s dog had been shot dead.

What are we supposed to make of terrorists whose hate for Jews runs so deep and so black that even their pets must be eliminated? Do Nukhba “fighters” and the “just regular Gazan folk” who poured across the border to slaughter Jews, see these dogs as having a taint by association with their Jewish masters, or did the terrorists simply murder them for sport?

Here we see a dog come bounding out of a house towards the October 7 attackers, hoping to protect his owners, only to be immediately mowed down with a barrage of bullets


He staggers along through several shots

Did they murder the dogs to shut them up so they wouldn’t alert their owners to the horror that was about to descend upon them? Or did the murderers perhaps murder these beloved family pets to inflict maximum pain on their Jewish owners? Who knows?

At last he succumbs, after a final bullet takes his life.

Perhaps the murderers murdered these voiceless, intelligent creatures because in their brand of Islam, dogs are impure and spread impurity and may therefore be mistreated and killed at will. Especially, if you happen to be a monster that craves blood. Maybe it doesn’t matter whose blood is shed, blood is blood, and all of it makes terrorists happy. They see red and it gives them joy. And it didn’t begin on October 7.

In November 2022, Tayseer Abu Sneineh, the mayor of Hebron and a convicted murderer of six Israelis, announced a 20 shekel bounty—about $5—to anyone who captured or killed a stray dog. The Arab residents of that town proceeded to go on a wild shooting spree, torturing and killing dozens of dogs. Judging by the subsequent flood of footage and photos on social media, the Hebron dog massacre was probably less about the money than the easy attainment of a license to kill. This appalling episode suggests that PA and Hamas-ruled Arabs do indeed enjoy spilling the blood of living things, in particular, Jews and dogs. 

It’s reasonable to wonder what Islam has to say about killing dogs, creatures unable to defend themselves from a maniac with a gun. Well, it’s not that the Quran says it straight out: “Kill dogs.” But it comes pretty close. According to one Hadith, for every day that a Muslim keeps a dog as a pet, he loses a part of his heavenly reward:

[Ibn ‘Umar] said:

“I heard [Mohammed] say: ‘Whoever keeps a dog, except a dog that is trained for hunting or a dog for herding livestock, his reward will decrease each day by two Qirats.’”

. . . What is the meaning of Qirats? When the companions asked [Mohammed] about its meaning he said: “Equal to two huge mountains.”

Raising a dog or keeping a dog decreases our good deeds.

When keeping a dog for any of the reasons known in shariah then you should prepare a separate place for it [as] dogs shouldn’t enter the house.

Muslims are permitted to keep dogs for practical reasons like hunting, herding, and serving as watchdogs. Unfortunately, abuse of these smart, sensitive animals is widespread. “I volunteer at the Gush Etzion Municipal Pound,” relates Efrat resident Leora Hyman. “We get dogs from the surrounding area. We have had dogs and puppies come in with no ears. Their ears are hacked off. I have heard that it's done so when the dogs are guarding outside in the rain, the rain and the wind will get into their ears and bother them so much, so they won't fall asleep. One puppy came in with no ears, cigarette burns and a knife wound.

“I adopted one of those puppies and he could never get over his trauma of being in a small place,” said Hyman. “If he were in a small space he would become aggressive. If he saw Arab workers, he would bark at them even though he was friendly to everyone else. Always.

“Other puppies have come in and not been so traumatized, but their ears are gone and they struggle in the rain and wind. I bought my dog an ear covering for walks in the rain.”

It’s painful to hear about and witness such cruelty, but even more difficult to understand why the world would cheer on a motley crew of dog killers. Sure, we understand that the world hates Jews. But dogs??

You’d think that all the students and others protesting Israel’s “genocide” of “innocent” Gazans, in addition to supposedly caring about the Gazan people, would also care about animal rights. What would these green-smoothie-drinking college campus protesters say were we to show them the clips and photos of Hamas terrorists shooting defenseless creatures dead on October 7? There’s no lack of such photographic evidence. The terrorists filmed the whole thing themselves with their GoPro cameras.

Would the protesters make excuses of some sort for this show of barbarism—the cold-hearted murder of harmless pets? Surely pets have no religion and no political bent for which they might reasonably be slaughtered. Or is killing a dog somehow different when it happens while ridding the world of colonialist Apartheid Jew occupiers? 

Can excuses be made in such a case? Or even denials? Can one reasonably claim that the GoPro footage was edited?

There was no outrage at the gang-raping and genital mutilation of Jewish women on October 7. There was no outcry as Jewish women in captivity continued to be sexually abused by their captors. But there was also no outcry and no outrage at the murdering of several of man’s best friends.

Could it be that when a man is Jewish, man’s best friend is nothing but a conniving Jew?

Buy EoZ's books  on Amazon!

"He's an Anti-Zionist Too!" cartoon book (December 2024)

PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism (February 2022)



Tuesday, February 11, 2025

By Forest Rain

Psychological Warfare 101: Humiliating the Enemy

Hamas can release hostages any day of the week. They’ve proven this before—hostages have been returned on Thursdays, for example. So why do they choose to release hostages on Shabbat?

Because it’s not just about returning captives. It’s about humiliating the Jewish nation.

This is psychological warfare at its core: using our love for family to break our connection to God and the land He gave us.

This is a religious war. Pay attention.

Some will say: “The hostages’ lives are in immediate danger. God will understand.” Or, “Who cares about religious rituals right now? The main thing is getting them back.” These arguments sound reasonable—at first. But let’s look at the facts.

  1. Hostages have been released on other days—in other words, it is entirely possible to arrange releases without desecrating Shabbat.
  2. Why do we have no demands? Since when does Hamas dictate all the terms? When we insist, we can apply pressure—as we did in the case of Arbel Yehud.
  3. Even if some of us aren’t religious, our enemies are. In their worldview, everything is about honor and shame. When the Jewish state fails to demonstrate that Judaism matters to us, our enemies see weakness. They believe that our claim to this land is illegitimate and, in their eyes, our behavior proves them right.

Not demanding respect for our own religion is a victory for those who seek to sever our connection to this land.

Any way you look at it, allowing this to happen is wrong.

This is a religious war. Pay attention.

Buy EoZ's books  on Amazon!

"He's an Anti-Zionist Too!" cartoon book (December 2024)

PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism (February 2022)



Sunday, February 09, 2025

By Forest Rain

We need to talk about being angry

This is for the nice people, angry that Hamas cruelty has made them hate

I know a lot of nice people. Really nice people. Some of them have expressed anger that the barbarism and cruelty of Hamas has made them hate – and they do not want to hate.

Most of us were taught to be kind. To love. Not to hate. In some of our families even expressing anger was considered inappropriate. Being raised this way creates people who are very gentle and nice.

The problem is, what do you do when you are confronted with evil?

Many of us end up having difficulty recognizing the situations when it is necessary to destroy evil – because we do not want to recognize them. The violence and harshness necessary to destroy evil is repugnant to people who were taught to be nice. We are “nice”. “We don’t do things like that.”

And this conditioning is so deep that we forget that if evil is ignored, it grows. That letting evil slide because the actions necessary to stop it aren’t “nice” creates evil that is stronger and more dangerous.

That is what righteous anger is all about. It’s not anger for the sake of being angry. It’s anger, even rage, evoked from the recognition of injustice and evil.

Like the anger we felt at seeing men of Israel starved, as Nazis starved Jews when there was no Israel to protect them.

Like the anger we felt at the look of terror in Shiri Bibas’s eyes when she was ripped from her home with her two babies in her arms.

The question is, do we have enough love for our own in order to set aside our fear of harsh emotions, feel the rage, and put it to use?

Turning the other cheek is not a Jewish idea. Jews believe in justice and that God helps those who help themselves.

Turning the other cheek is an idea that can work when confronting people who come from the same cultural and ethical background and can be shamed into setting aside cruelty and violence. That was how Mahatma Gandhi shamed the British Empire.


Rage is the difference between the IDF soldiers on the battlefield and the highest ranks of IDF Command (who are now being replaced for their failure to attain victory). Our soldiers saw the results of the October 7th invasion. They saw their sisters defiled and thrown aside like rag dolls. They saw homes destroyed, babies burned, and fathers who couldn’t save their wives and children. They felt the rage and they knew what was necessary. That is why they fought on when friends were killed. That is why when injured in battle, many of them went to the hospital, recuperated and RETURNED TO THE BATTLEFIELD.

Our soldiers do not love war. They love us enough to do what it takes to make sure this doesn’t happen again. They love us enough to sacrifice themselves to rescue hostages and redeem the dignity stolen from our nation.

They saw what happened and they understood that Amalek must be destroyed. Those who did not see with their own eyes could pretend that they did not know. That the perpetrators are not Amalek. That it is ok to allow them to live – and fight another day.

Those who were there, and saw, know better - and frankly, I don’t think we are anywhere near angry enough.

When confronted with evil it is necessary to feel anger. Even rage. That is the energy that must be channelled, to create justice. To make sure that NEVER AGAIN is more than an empty slogan.

Dear nice people, you are lovely. But it isn’t “nice” to let evil survive.

Ignoring evil because confronting it necessitates violence, harshness, or unpleasantness means that you are not just allowing it to grow, you are excusing it, strengthening it.

And that isn’t nice at all.

Buy EoZ's books  on Amazon!

"He's an Anti-Zionist Too!" cartoon book (December 2024)

PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism (February 2022)





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