Showing posts with label 2002. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2002. Show all posts

Monday, May 01, 2023

Al Shiraa, a news website that appears to be based in Lebanon, has some earth shattering archaeological news.

What is the truth about the manuscripts of Wadi Qumran, and what was their content, and why did the Jews hide them?

...When these manuscripts appeared, the investigators and scholars began to publish them, and the publication was very slow. Then, what was expected happened. The Israeli authorities worked to prevent access to these manuscripts, and after many attempts, the Israeli authorities allowed access to these manuscripts only to whomever they deem appropriate among the qualified scholars. From the point of view of the Israeli authorities, there were eight, most of them Jews, and they stipulated that none of them should publish a picture of a manuscript or display its text, but only that he could publish his conclusions or publish some paragraphs approved by the Israeli authorities .
If this indicates anything, it indicates that they hide what is behind these manuscripts, so only God Almighty knows it . But by the grace of God, the truth is shining, no matter what they do, the manuscripts contain their hidden books, such as Aknon, Thalil, the commandments of the Twelve Fathers, the commandment of Levi, in addition to the commandment of the Essenes, the system, and it represents the beliefs of this Jewish sect.

This book has two appendices. The first is entitled The War Between the Children of Light and the Children of Darkness. In these manuscripts there is also what is called the Damascus Document, and it talks about hardships that surround the teacher of righteousness. In addition to that are the two books of commandments and hymns of praise and thanksgiving, and some explanatory manuscripts of the Book of Habaquq and the Psalms, and it mentions the hardships that will befall, and there are many fragments and manuscripts Others, such as the manuscript of Lamac, which is written in the Aramaic language of nineteen columns, contain instructions for conducting war between the sons of light and the sons of darkness.

Antiquities experts say that these manuscripts are important because they contain the oldest written text of the Torah and the Jewish religion. Fundamental differences have been revealed between it and what is currently known, and this is the secret that made the government of Israel work to hide many manuscripts, in addition to the manuscripts containing something that destroys the religion into Judaism . and the specifications of the teacher of righteousness , who is supposed to be the central figure of this sect, and it will become clear that he is the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, whom they denied along with his first gospel.

Consequently , it will show the dominance of Islam and that it is the true, final religion for all religions. 
The scholars that hold onto the texts were indeed very slow in releasing them publicly - up until about 1990. They did report to the Israel Antiquities Authority but they were left alone. After a number of controversies, the IAI finally fired the head of the team (a non-Jew) and replaced him with a scholar from Hebrew University, who published all the remaining scrolls by 2002.

 In other words, the Jews were the ones who allowed the world to see the Scrolls, all of which are now catalogued and nearly all available digitally online. There are no secrets, and Israel is not hiding anything from the public.

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Sunday, December 25, 2022

The "UN Special Rapporteur on Occupied Palestinian Territories" has shown, yet again, how little she cares about the truth - and about Jewish lives - in this Twitter thread about the lung cancer death of arch-terrorist Nasir Abu Hmeid (Hamid).

Abu Hamid, Palestinian refugee from Al-Amar Camp, West Bank, was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2002, for alleged involvement in attacks against Israeli forces during the 2nd Intifada. His detention appeared to violate basic human rights standards, including denial of family visits.
Lie #1: He was not a "Palestinian refugee." By definition, a refugee cannot live in the same country they are supposedly refugees from. The definition of refugee is very clear in the UN Refugee Convention. 

Lie #2: He was not sentenced for "alleged involvement in attacks against Israeli forces." He was sentenced to multiple life sentences for his involvement in murdering seven Israeli civilians, not soldiers.

And there is nothing alleged about it. Palestinians openly brag about his so-called "resistance."

Lie #3: While Israel may have sometimes denied family visits for specific technical reasons, but they certainly allowed them. Not only did the family get to visit Abu Hamid and his three terrorist brothers in prison - they would all get together in a single group, with no glass wall between them, laughing and having fun together. I have seen two separate visits documented in photos:

That's only one tweet. 

Albanese links to a letter she co-write about Abu Hmeid in October, that shows how little she cares about fairness and truth. Even though she tries to ensure that no one can call her a liar because she liberally sprinkles her spurious accusations of Israeli mistreatment of Abu Hmeid with "allegedly" and "reportedly," she still manages to show her contempt for Israel and for Israeli civilians, and the lies still shine through:

* She again makes the false accusation that his arrest was for "attacks against Israeli forces." This shows that she believes Palestinian propaganda, where every Israeli civilian is considered a legitimate military target.

* She repeats the lie by saying "On 19 September 2022, the Board postponed the date of the hearing for Mr. Abu Hamid’s case until 6 October 2022, allegedly in light of objections to his release by the families of Israeli soldiers allegedly killed by Mr. Abu Hamid." 

This is not a mistake - she repeats the lie that he did not kill civilians, only "soldiers."

* She writes, "Mr. Abu Hamid has served most of his sentence in Askalan Prison, where he was reportedly subject to detention conditions that do not respect the minimum safety, hygiene or health standards. He was placed in a narrow and overcrowded cell without proper ventilation and deprived of adequate health care."

First of all, the prison name is Ashkelon, not Askalan. Even if you use the Arab name of the city, the prison does not have that name. This shows that Albanese simply does not accept any information from Israel as truth, while she believes Palestinian lies implicitly. 

Secondly, she doesn't couch her accusations of prison conditions with any "allegedly." Albanese states, as fact, that the prison is overcrowded and has improper ventilation. Has the Red Cross said that there is no proper ventilation there? Has she read any Israeli inspection reports? Of course not. 

Palestinians lie about the prison conditions all the time...and yet, when they go on strike for better conditions, we can see the truth.  This extensive list of demands in 2004, during the height of the second intifada, asks for things like allowing second cousins to visit and "to allow all cells to have access to a computer and not only students." But it doesn't demand basic things like better ventilation or less crowded conditions! 

Why not? Because that wasn't a problem even in 2004, let alone today!

Here is more proof, as if any is needed, that Francesca Albanese is a liar. And her refusal to believe a word that Jewish Israelis say while believing the accusations of murderers and their supporters shows, yet again, that her railing against the "Jewish lobby" was not a mistake, but antisemitism is part and parcel of who she is. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Mass murdering terrorist Nasser Abu Hmeid died this morning of lung cancer in Israeli custody.

Abu Hmeid was a member of Fatah, Mahmoud Abbas' ruling party. His entire family is a family of terrorists; four of his brothers are in prison as well.

He was convicted of killing Israelis Eliyahu Cohen, Binyamin and Talia Kahane, Gad Rejwan, Yosef Habi, Eli Dahan and Salim Barakat. He also killed five Palestinian "collaborators."

If anyone deserved the death penalty, it was Hmeid.

But instead of that, for twenty years, Israel kept him in prison - allowing family visits, treating him according to international law. 

Last year he started suffering chest pains, and Israeli doctors diagnosed him with lung cancer. It was spreading fast. Israel hospitalized him multiple times. Last October he refused a surgery because he didn't like the security measures in the hospital for a mass murderer. (He agreed to the surgery in November.)

Israel spent tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of dollars to keep this piece of subhuman garbage alive - even though the survival rate for lung cancer is a mere 16%.

Meanwhile, while Israeli prison officials spent so much time and money to keep this terrorist alive, the Palestinian Authority kept saying that his lung cancer was Israel's fault, and they are now blaming his death on Israel - as they do with every prisoner who dies in custody, even though statistically Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prison have a far lower death rate than people out of prison, and a much lower death rate than prisoners in European countries. 

Al Manar is calling his death "medical homicide" - not just negligence, but claiming that Israel deliberately killed him!

And so is Mahmoud Abbas, while calling him a hero:
President of the State of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas announced to our people, the fighters, and the free people of the world the death of heroic Martyr, prisoner, and commander Nasser Abu Hmeid, who died as a Martyr today as a result of the policy of deliberate medical neglect, ‘slow murder’.
Here is a summary of Abu Hmeid:

* He is a mass murderer who was part of the ruling Fatah party, who helped found the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group during the Oslo process.

* He comes from a family of murderers, who have so far received over $1.5 million in payments from the Palestinian government.

* Palestinian children are taught to lionize and emulate him.

* Abu Hmeid is indeed a hero to Palestinians across the board. as well as to BDSers.

* Despite his villainy, Israel went above and beyond to treat him and keep him alive, spending Israeli taxpayer money for that purpose.

* Even so, the "moderate" Palestinian Authority president and prime minister portray him as a heroic role model for other Palestinians to follow.

* And they lie about his death, accusing Israel of "murder."

* You cannot find a single media outlet under the Palestinian Authority that will say anything negative about Abu Hmeid. And it would be very difficult to find even a single Palestinian from the PA in social media to condemn his murdering civilians.

This is the reality that Western media doesn't report. Palestinians are overwhelmingly in support of the most heinous murderers and terrorists, and their hate for Israel is so great that they will go to any lengths to lie about it.

This is several generations of people brainwashed to hate, taught this hate in their schools and media and by their own leaders. It isn't a situation of "two sides to the story." Only one side acts like this, without any dissent, without any debate even being allowed.

This is an entire culture that is conditioned, as their highest priority, to hate Jews.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Thursday, December 15, 2022

From Ian:

Seth Frantzman: Why Qatar’s involvement in EU scandal may impact Middle East
This kind of bargaining, using money to get influence, appears to have now brought Qatar into scandal in Europe. But Doha has seen this happen before with controversy over the World Cup and also other controversies in the US, and it has generally sailed on without much effect on its overall relations.

The EU scandal seems to reveal that Qatar targeted members of the European Parliament from southern Europe and also people who are involved in human-rights and other left-leaning causes. This means that someone decided that the best people to target in influence peddling were left-leaning voices, those connected to socialist or other similar parties.

But why would these voices be open to dealing with Qatar, a state that openly suppresses gay rights and is authoritarian? This is one of the perplexing aspects of how Doha has portrayed itself over the last two decades, via media such as Al Jazeera, as being different than it is.

Even though Qatar is an authoritarian monarchy that not only backs far-right extremists in the Middle East, but also theocracy and suppresses workers’ rights, it is able to sell itself to left-leaning voices in the West through a complex blend of preying on Orientalist ideas and pretending that its suppression of rights is merely its “culture.”

Once Doha has pretended that its authoritarianism and support for extremists is “culture,” then it claims that any critique of its policies is “Islamophobia.” This tends to buy quiet from critics and also enables its influence to continue.

On the one hand, accusations that Qatar was involved in another corruption scandal are not unique. Many countries try to exploit Western democracy through media influence-peddling and corruption. For instance, for many years, countries sought to influence Washington’s foreign policy by plowing money into think tanks in and around DC. Then those countries would get the think tanks to hire former government officials and get the officials to help lobby for them. This would be passed off as merely “policy” discussions, but the discussions would always have an agenda.

For instance, when it came to Qatar, the goal would be to get think tanks to critique other Gulf states but never critique Qatar. This kind of lobbying isn’t always corruption, because sometimes it can be done openly. A country can plow money into a think tank, or it can have its supporters do this for it. It can also register its lobbyists.
NGO Monitor: Europe is waking up and seeing NGO corruption
What would've happened if they checked?

Had the EU officials checked (i.e., NGO due diligence), the officials and Brussels-based journalists, who also completely missed this story, would have found that the Sekunjalo Development Foundation (SDF) is based in South Africa, and has considerable baggage, including reports of Qatari funding. SDF is the “philanthropic division” of the powerful Sekunjalo Group’s investments and business deals, and related involvement should have raised numerous red flags in Brussels.

Among other entanglements, the group has worked with the Gupta family, which has been deeply implicated in the corruption cases against former South African president Jacob Zuma. And as the owner of Independent Newspapers & Media SA, Sekunjalo was accused of agreeing to Chinese censorship demands on reporting the mass internment of ethnic Uighurs. China is reportedly involved in numerous business arrangements with the South African firm.

ALL OF this information was readily available to the European officials involved with the NGO Fight Impunity, had they bothered to examine the details.

In contrast, as long as NGOs and their funder-enablers view “civil society” as a religion, complete with a halo effect protecting these groups and the funding process from critical analysis, the doors to corruption and abuse will continue to be wide open.

Perhaps this high-level scandal in the EU will finally result in a fundamental and overdue policy change, including regarding the wholesale funding of the small network of Palestinian and Israeli political NGOs, some of which are linked to terror groups. This change should begin with opening up the documents and meeting protocols in which NGO funding is decided, allowing for analysis of possible insider influence and corruption in the grant-making process involving tens of millions of euros.

In parallel, Europe needs to create mechanisms for NGO oversight, ending the free pass that allows these groups to exert political influence without accountability.

Like other major crises, the EU’s corruption scandal linking Qatar funding and the NGO facade is also an opportunity for repairing broken and dysfunctional mechanisms. The “weaponization of NGOs” is not limited to autocratic regimes far from Europe.
German ambassador to Israel praises anti-Israel NGO
In a series of tweets, Germany’s ambassador to Israel, Steffen Seibert, and its envoy to Ramallah, Oliver Owcza, lauded the anti-Israel NGO Ir Amim in comments regarding their tour with the group on Tuesday.

According to a 2021 report by the Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor, Ir Amim slammed Israel’s security barrier while “omit[ing] the context of Palestinian terror attacks and Israeli national security concerns.”

NGO Monitor noted that Ir Amim argues that the security barrier “extracts neighborhoods from the city [Jerusalem] with the goal of reducing the portion of Palestinians” and that the “barrier’s demographic rationale therefore outweighs its security rationale.”

“Ir Amim frequently accuses Israel of attempting to ‘Judaize’ Jerusalem and promotes the Palestinian narrative on the city, including claims that ‘government powers are being handed over to the settler organizations’ and archeological digs have become an important ‘tool in the fight for control’ over Jerusalem,” NGO Monitor said.

Berlin’s ambassador wrote on Twitter on Tuesday: “Accompanying @GerRepRamallah Oliver Owcza on an insightful tour with @IrArmin’s Judith Oppenheimer to focal points like [the eastern Jerusalem neighborhoods of] Silwan & Givat Hamatos.”

Friday, June 03, 2022

NPR has a segment pretending to analyze the very valid reasons why Palestinian terrorists from Jenin try to kill Jews in Tel Aviv cafes by interviewing his gracious host, one uncle of the terrorist who murdered three in a Tel Aviv cafe in April.

NPR justifies terror and humanizes terrorists.

What compelled a young Palestinian man to open fire at a bar in Tel Aviv last month? It was one of several deadly attacks in Israel that has sparked a military crackdown in the occupied West Bank, where a prominent journalist was recently killed covering an Israeli raid. NPR's Daniel Estrin visited the Jenin refugee camp to trace one early spark that ignited the latest flames.

DANIEL ESTRIN: Amin Khazem invites us to his rooftop porch in the Jenin refugee camp. 

From your rooftop, you can see the whole camp.


ESTRIN: What are you growing here? All these rooftop plants, what are these?

KHAZEM: Small oranges.

ESTRIN: Amin is also raising two parrots ...And looking after his 5-year-old grandson, whose T-shirt, shorts and shoes feature the silhouette of an M-16. 
Here, the culture in the refugee camp is a culture of jihad and martyrdom," Amin says. They carry the memories of their families' old villages, destroyed when Israel was created.

KHAZEM: (Speaking Arabic).

ESTRIN: Wow. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine - can't even count how many bullet holes are - oh, on that wall, too.

KHAZEM: From the Israeli army.
In his Twitter thread on the story, Estrin says that the IDF took over Khazem's rooftop in 2002 in Jenin - meaning that the bullet holes are likely from Palestinians shooting at the Israelis, not from the IDF. But he doesn't bother to clarify that in the NPR story.

ESTRIN: Scars from a major battle with Palestinian militia 20 years ago. It was the Palestinian uprising. Young men from this camp were going to Israel to carry out deadly attacks. Israel stormed the camp and destroyed hundreds of homes. Amin's 29-year-old nephew Raad watched all of this when he was this little boy's age. One night last month, Raad wasn't home in the camp.

(SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) UNIDENTIFIED JOURNALIST: A Palestinian assailant opened fire inside a crowded Tel Aviv bar, killing three Israelis.

ESTRIN: Hundreds of Israeli officers and armed civilians launched a manhunt through the streets of Tel Aviv. Officers say they found Raad at dawn and killed him in a firefight.

KHAZEM: (Speaking Arabic).

ESTRIN: Amin says the family was shocked. Raad was a techie. He invested in Bitcoin and was financially stable. But his uncle says neighbors shot Raad in the legs several months ago in a dispute over a loan. He says Raad wanted to shoot them back, but the family convinced him to reconcile. He did, and a week later, he was in Tel Aviv. Did this personal anguish drive him to kill Israelis, knowing he likely wouldn't come back alive?

KHAZEM: (Speaking Arabic).

ESTRIN: Amin denies any connection. He says Israel links Palestinian attacks to personal hardship to undermine the fight for Palestinian rights. Raad's father was a senior commander in the Palestinian security forces, trained by the U.S. to round up gunmen, bring order and prepare the ground for an independent Palestine. But here, Palestinians are fed up with their own security forces who brought no security and no independence.

KHAZEM: (Speaking Arabic).

ESTRIN: He says, "we fell in love with the United Nations Security Council and the International Criminal Court in the Arab states and ended up with delusions. People have reached a dead end. There's no horizon that we we will be liberated without us liberating ourselves." He says the camp is full of guns.
It doesn't take much to realize that Ra'ad was humiliated at not being able to take revenge on being shot by his neighbors, but once his family convinced him not to, he had to regain his honor somehow - and killing Jews is always a reliable method to do that.

In fact, this was alluded to in a video from another of Ra'ad's uncles, who praised the murderer for shooting Israelis instead of his fellow Palestinians - which is what he wanted to do!

Khazem can be seen is in the background of this video of the other raving uncle.

Estrin simply accepted the words of the terrorist's uncle - which is the Palestinian narrative that justifies all murders of Jews as a natural response to Israeli actions. 

Notice that they aren't featuring any interviews with the victims' families. Only the terrorists must be understood and sympathized with. 

(h/t Daniel)

UPDATE: The first picture above has what looks like notone but two swastikas on Khazem's wall. (h/t Ian)

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