Showing posts with label David Miller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Miller. Show all posts

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Remember David Miller, the disgraced former academic who was fired from his position at Bristol University for his antisemitism?

He was defended by hundreds of academics and Jews as being merely "anti-Zionist."  But Miller keeps on proving them wrong with episode after episode of undeniable antisemitism. 

This week, he did it again. 

Miller got very upset over a tweet by Hen Mazzig,. Mazzig wrote:
If you are not Jewish, just because you don’t understand why something is antisemitic doesn’t mean its not. It means you need to educate yourself of the tropes, conspiracies, and hate Jews face.
Miller responded:

If you are not Jewish, do not be cowed by racial supremacists who want to hector you into political subservience. 

Judeophobia barely exists these days. 

Educate yourself about Zionism and the tactics used by its adherents.

Zionist propagandists like Hen Mazzig rely on 'standpoint theory' to fool naïve liberals and leftists into buying their lies. 

They say only Jews can define Judeophobia, based on their 'lived experience'. 

This is a denial of reality.

Standpoint theory relies on the bizarre notion that people are magically qualified to speak about things via accident of birth, rather than observing material realities. 

Real anti-racism is rooted in looking at the facts.

The facts:

1. Jews are not discriminated against.

2. They are over-represented in Europe, North America and Latin America in positions of cultural, economic and political power.

3. They are therefore, in a position to discriminate against actually marginalised groups.
Miller easily slides between "Jews aren't discriminated against" to "Jews are a monolithic group that oppresses others." 

Amazingly, he is still being defended.

He then followed up with a thread to defend his position where he showed that Jews are not discriminated against in the workplace, and in fact make more money (for example)  than other groups, so therefore there is no antisemitism. He also bizarrely distinguishes between "discrimination" and "hate crimes," defining "discrimination" strictly within the context of the workplace and ignoring that attacking Jews directly as Jews is the worst form of discrimination there is. 

Like all Jew-haters, Miller relies on redefining his terms. In short, he is saying that there cannot be antisemitism since Jews control the world!

The ADL's global survey of antisemitism asks a number of questions whose answers indicate that the respondent has antisemitic attitudes. So, for example, 29% of French people agree that "Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust" and 45% of Spanish people agree that "Jews have too much power in the business world."

David Miller would certainly agree with many of those survey questions - he pretty much says it in his social media.. There is no doubt that Miller agrees with more than half of the ADL's list of antisemitic statements:

Jews are more loyal to Israel than to [this country/to the countries they live in]
Jews have too much power in the business world
Jews have too much power in international financial markets
Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust
Jews don't care what happens to anyone but their own kind
Jews have too much control over global affairs
Jews have too much control over the United States government
Jews think they are better than other people
Jews have too much control over the global media
Jews are responsible for most of the world's wars
People hate Jews because of the way Jews behave
Since Miller's opinions are classically antisemitic, mirroring what the Protocols of the Elders of Zion say, and he also claims to be against all forms of racism, he simply redefines "Judeophobia" in ways that disqualifies his own antisemitism.

Now that he has outed himself even more, I wonder whether his defenders from 2021 are feeling a bit squeamish about signing letters that say he is a "highly regarded scholar" or that insist that he is not antisemitic. 

Given the amount of self-deception that people are capable of, I doubt it. 

I created my own Miller-style power map:



I just want to add a bit about standpoint theory.

In theory, it should be possible to detect and analyze racism and bigotry without being a member of the victimized group. But in reality, many attacks on groups rely on the same sort of "facts" that Miller uses to defend his own hate.

It is possible that the Confederate flag can be displayed without it being intended to be a racist symbol, just as a swastika can be displayed purely because someone admires its iconography. One can find evidence that some slaves were treated well. Bigots like Miller defend these kinds of things because, objectively, they are not offensive. 

That is because offense is inherently subjective. 

Miller cannot know how offensive it is for someone to say that Jews have no rights to Jerusalem without knowing how central Jerusalem is to Jews. Objectively, it is simply a piece of real estate no different than any other. Subjectively, it is the heart of every Jew.

In fact, this is how bigots always justify their hate. They simply claim they are "asking questions" or "making observations" and there is not a bigoted bone in their bodies, nosiree. They are just asking about whether the Holocaust happened or whether Black people are inherently less intelligent than whites. They are simply observing whether there are more Jews in banking and the media than other groups. Surely, bigots like Miller claim, no one can be offended by objective investigations into these matters, can they? 

In reality, studying racism, bigotry, misogyny and antisemitism must rely on the feelings of the victims, because the attacks are often targeted to hurt those feelings. There is only one reason to compare today's Jews to Nazis - to deliberately hurt Jews. 

To be sure, the ones defining what is offensive must be reasonable members of the group, and the majority of members of the group, not the outliers who find offense under every rock. Most Jews understand that attacking Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state is just a new twist on antisemitism, as are dog-whistles about "rootless cosmopolitans" or "New York bankers" or "powerful Zionist media." Non-Jews might not recognize these for what they are, which is why the plurality of victims must be the ones who define what is an attack. 

Insisting that bigotry can be observed objectively is simply a way justify that bigotry.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Monday, November 14, 2022

David Miller, the crazed Jew-hater academic whose antisemitism got him fired from Bristol University, and whose slavish support for his Iranian paymasters and against freedom for women in Iran has turned off even his most ardent Leftist fans,  has written an article about the dangers of "hasbara."

His venue is the Hezbollah newspaper Al Mayadeen.

As with everything else Jewish, Miller sees nothing but conspiracies - dark, sinister conspiracies by the evil Hasbarists, controlled by Israel, working in concert for nefarious aims.

The Zionist entity has a myriad of ways to target audiences outside occupied Palestine. One time-honored approach is to send settler colonists from Palestine to spread the word as “Schlichim” or “emissaries” in what is referred to incorrectly as the “diaspora”, a term which implies, falsely, that all Jews have some connection to Palestine.  
Yeah, why should daily prayers yearning to return to Zion indicate that Jews have a connection to Israel?

Miller gives lots of bogus examples of this Israeli-controlled Hasbara Central, including Digitell, conferences in Israel for pro-Israel activists that I attended. No, I never followed any instructions from Digitell; we shared ideas and data. How awful!

If you read his screed closely, you can see how most Israeli hasbara initiatives fell apart after a short time. If they were so all powerful, why don't most of them exist anymore?

In reality, every pro-Israel activist does their own thing. We are not instructed by anyone what to write about. There is no Hasbara Central. 

When analysis turns into conspiracy theory, you know that the accusation is simple Jew hatred.

But Miller's final paragraph is most amusing:
There is no point in engaging with Zionist trolls. They are not interested in rational or good-faith debates.
Translated, this means, "You cannot win arguments with Zionists. They have proven that I am an antisemite many times and I cannot defend myself. So I want to make sure that the modern antisemites like me don't try to engage in public debate, because invariably it makes us look like idiots."

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Friday, June 10, 2022

This curdles David Miller's blood

David Miller, the disgraced academic whose attacks on Jewish students got him fired from the University of Bristol last year, wrote a follow-up to his antisemitic thread last month that doubles down on his hate of Jews.

Even though he was heavily criticized for saying in that thread that Chabad Lubavitch was an extremist group that had "occupied" and built "settlements" in Palestine as early as 1777, he responded that Chabad is behind virtually all "price tag" attacks and has advocated murdering non-Jews - both of which are absurd lies.  Miller's out of context and cherry picked examples (like "The King's Torah" controversy) are of people whose links to Chabad are either nonexistent or tenuous.

One of his tweets defending calling Chabad a violent, extremist and racist group  includes a link to a video of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe launching a youth group, "Tzivos Hashem." Miller describes this video as "blood-curdling" and proof that the group is "dedicated to waging war against non-Judaism."

Blood-curdling? Only if the sight of Jews in beards and Jewish children singing makes you blanch.

The video explains exactly what Tzivos Hashem is and why it has that name - in its own words to children, "You see, this Army is very special! You children are its soldiers and officers, and the Commander-in-Chief is G-d Himself. That’s why it’s called the Army of Hashem. By learning the Torah and keeping its Mitzvos, you are fighting the battle against the Yetzer Horah (the Evil Inclination) to bring peace and light into the world."

When the Rebbe says that the "army" would wage war against "non-Judaism ['nit Yiddishkeit'] and the Evil Inclination," Miller absurdly interprets "non-Judaism" as meaning a war against all Gentiles. (He doesn't quote the "evil inclination" part.) The purpose of the group is to instill pride in Judaism and to strengthen Jewish children's education and observance, and the Rebbe's phrase was obviously meant that it will help children withstand secular influences as they grow up - not to fight non-Jews!

Only a true, dyed in the wool antisemite can watch that video, take that phrase out of context, and then claim that this youth group is "dedicated to waging war against non-Judaism." 

I can't wait to hear how Miller interprets Chabad's "Mitzvah Tanks."

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Sunday, May 22, 2022

David Miller, the British professor fired for antisemitism last year, was defended at the time by a large array of well-known intellectuals.

One letter of support said, "We oppose anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and all forms of racism." It was signed by many prominent academics including Noam Chomsky, Ilan Pappe and Judith Butler. Here' s one page of its signatories.

Another letter of support came from prominent leftist Jews including Norman Finkelstein, Rabbi David Mivasair and Tony Greenstein.

I think it is time to give these people a chance to show their support for Miller again. Because last week he went full antisemite on Twitter, and no sane person could think that he was only attacking "Zionists."

Here are excerpts of his thread:

There seems to be some confusion about who the occupation for Palestine began. Jonathan @Freedland appears to believe it started in 1967. But it didn't.

So did the occupation begin in 1948 - the #Nakba - when thousands were massacred and 750,000 expelled? No, not then either.

Did the occupation begin in 1909? That was when the first ‘Kibbutz’ was created in Umm Juni, by Arthur Ruppin, the head of the Zionist Organization office in Palestine.... 

No, not 1909: what about 1878? ‘Petah Tikva’, often described as the ‘Mother of settlements’, was created then with financial help from Baron Edmond de Rothschild. but, it did not begin then, either. 

What about 1815 when a settlement was created in Hebron by the extremist Chabad-Lubavitch sect (which originated in Russia/Ukraine)? Today it is headquartered in Brooklyn, New York City. Here is what it says about Hebron.

But no, it may have been earlier: Russian Chabadniks had created settlements in Safed from 1777.

Things you should know about Chabad-Lubavitch: It's a supremacist organisation at the extreme end of the settler movement. According to Shin Bet ( Israeli intelligence agency) it’s responsible for about 80% of ‘price-tag’ revenge attacks on Palestinians.
(Here he links to a video from that authoritative source on Judaism, Iran's PressTV.

So, in conclusion: The settlement and occupation of Palestine has been a long time coming. The descendant's [sic] of the earliest settlers are still there continuing the #Nakba through violence and land theft. Time to end the occupation. 
David Miller is saying that the continuous return of Jews to Eretz Yisrael over the centuries is all evil Zionist settlement and occupation. 

No one would mistake the Chabadniks from the 18th century for modern Zionists. They moved to the Holy Land for the same reasons Jewish groups have been moving to Palestine since the Second Temple was destroyed - because that is the center of Jewish religious life. 

In the 13th century many prominent French rabbis moved to Palestine. Nachmanides moved to Israel in 1267. The Arizal, Rabbi Isaac Luria, moved to Tzfat in 1579. Many Chassidic leaders and their followers  moved to Tzfat and Tiberias in the 18th century. 

Miller also cannot distinguish Chabad from any other religious Jews. Chabad isn't responsible for 80% of "price tag" attacks - that's completely absurd, and the Shin Bet never said that. To Miller, any Jew wearing a kippah is the same. 

Miller is saying that any Jew who moved to Eretz Yisrael in the centuries before modern Zionism is an illegal settler and occupier. His link to PressTV's video about Chabad (which also conflates Chabad with all religious Jews)  shows not only his ignorance and lack of critical thinking abilities when it comes to Jews, it proves his own hatred of Jews who are public about their observance.

He is saying that not only the Jews who moved to Israel from elsewhere are stealing Palestinian land, but the Jews who lived there beforehand and their descendants are also illegal thieves of the land. Even the PLO and Iranian leaders say that Jews who lived in Israel before 1917 are "Palestinian" and can stay when the other Jews are ethnically cleansed - but that opinion is too pro-"Zionist" for David Miller.

So it is time to explicitly ask Noam Chomsky and Judith Butler and Norman FInkelstein if they still think that David Miller has no antisemitic tendencies. Do these academics who claim so loudly that they are against antisemitism denounce David Miller's clear hatred for Jews, not Zionists?

Pick names from the hundreds of academics and Jews who defended him from the links above, and tweet asking them what they think of someone who calls Jews who moved to Palestine for religious reasons, centuries before modern Zionism, "thieves." 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Tuesday, May 17, 2022

On Sunday, David Miller - the antisemitic professor from Bristol University who spins conspiracy theories that are identical to those of the Goyim Defense League, and who was fired after saying that Jewish students were "pawns" of the Israeli government, which incidentally is hell bent on taking over the world - returned to Twitter after a prolonged absence with a cryptic tweet that seems to say that the Zionist  UAE forced him off the platform:

Anyway, Miller says he has been working on his latest anti-Israel project. He is allying with Iran's PressTV to produce original short anti-Israel clips of 2 minutes or less, taking short sections of interviews and other stories on PressTV, all of which are aimed at the only Jewish state.

His YouTube channel, "Palestine Declassified," has so far attracted practically no one. But some of the brief reports that pretend to be exposes of Zionist evil use a very interesting graphic design.

Here is a screenshot from part one of their short video on the "nakba:"

Sinister looking barbed wire in front of Al Aqsa Mosque is not a subtle message. But what are those threatening looking blocks of text? 

Let's zoom in:

It's Hebrew, from the Torah!

Yes, David Miller, together with Iran's state run PressTV, produces anti-Zionist videos that try to subconsciously tell people that the Jewish scriptures are evil and sinister.

Nah, nothing antisemitic about that!

The ironic part is that the section of the Torah shown is about the splitting of the Red Sea and God destroying the Egyptian army. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Monday, October 11, 2021

Islamist site 5Pillars writes:

Civil society organisations and activists in the UK and overseas are threatening to organise a mass boycott of the University of Bristol unless it reverses its dismissal of Professor David Miller for his outspokenly critical stance on Israel and its supporters.

In a letter sent to the university today, they accuse the university of caving in to the demands of the pro-Israel lobby and violating the freedom of speech that is necessary for intellectual enquiry.

In doing so, they say, the university is no longer a safe space for students and staff.
Of course, David Miller attacked Jewish students in class, making it no longer a safe space for them. The academic freedom to attack one's students is fairly iffy, even for Jews and even at Bristol.

At least this year.

The letter justifies his actions, saying "his comments offended some of those whom his work identifies as racists, upholders of an apartheid regime and perpetrators of systematic oppression." 

When they say they want to "boycott" the university, they of course don't mean that because such a boycott would not be noticed by any halfway decent school. What they really mean is that they are threatening to "cancel" the university. The letter says:

We hereby serve notice that unless Prof Miller is reinstated, we intend to bring the full force of civil society and public opinion to bear on your institution for as long as it takes to redress this injustice. This will include persuading national and international students and academics to boycott Bristol University because it cannot be relied upon to guarantee freedom of expression for racial and religious minorities, as well as political dissent which offends its targets.
It is a threat. Which is the only language that Israel-haters understand. 

The signatories include such luminaries as "Rabbi Ahron Cohen, Neturei Karta" and "John Tymon, Football Against Apartheid."

Thursday, March 25, 2021

A group of over 200 Jews have signed a letter to support Bristol University professor David Miller.

This came as the House of Lords debated his antisemitic actions, including his accusing Jewish students of being part of an anti-Islamic, pro-Israel lobby group. Excerpts of the debate:

Lord Parkinson of Whitley Bay (Con) (responding for the Government)

Universities are independent and autonomous organisations. Accordingly, the Government have not intervened directly in this case, but we consider that the University of Bristol could do more to make its condemnation of Professor Miller’s conduct clear to current and future students. Students also can and should inform the police if they believe that the law has been broken. Professor Miller has expressed some ill-founded and reprehensible views and the Government wholeheartedly reject them.

Lord Austin of Dudley (Non-Afl)

Academics do have freedom of speech, including to criticise Israel, but Professor Miller does not have the right to attack Jewish students as being part of an Israel lobby group that makes Arab and Muslim students unsafe. Bristol should not be employing someone to teach students wild conspiracy theories about Jewish people. His behaviour has resulted in Jewish students being subjected to weeks of harassment and abuse. Bristol must support its students and take this much more seriously.

Lord Parkinson of Whitley Bay (Con)

The noble Lord gets to the nub of the issue with his questions. Academics of course have the right to espouse views that many might find offensive, perhaps even idiotic, and universities should be places where such views can be rigorously and vigorously debated. What makes this case concerning is Professor Miller’s comments about his own students, suggesting that their disagreement with his views is because they are political pawns of a foreign Government or part of a Zionist enemy, which has no place in any society. The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of anti-Semitism draws the important distinction between legitimate criticism of the Government of Israel and their policies and holding Jews collectively responsible for them. We are glad that the University of Bristol has adopted that definition and we hope that it will consider it carefully.

Lord Mendelsohn (Lab)
Miller's supposed anti-Zionism is indistinguishable from antisemitism. The most famous example is this chart created by his Spinwatch group that purports to show relationships between disparate Zionist and Jewish organizations in Britain, all allegedly controlled by Israel,  all to give the false impression that they are all part of a massive unified front - in Miller's case, to attack Muslims and support Israeli racism.

This the exact same logic that the antisemites when they enumerate all the Jews who are involved in the media or government, pretending that of course all Jews have the same underlying motivations to take over the world. 

Miller has another database of prominent Jewish and Zionist organizations that he considers part of the Israel lobby. Included in the list is Peter Beinart (where he is accused of promoting the Iraq war and is associated with AIPAC) and J-Street (whose crime is supposedly supporting sanctions on Iran in 2010.)

Sadly, I am not on the list.

Even the rabidly anti-Israel Jewdas noted how absurd Miller's Jewish conspiracy web is, noting, "The first thing to note is that David Miller is, to use the academic term, bad vibes. He is Director of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies, which has been accused of spreading conspiracy theories about the white helmets. His website Neocon Europe uncritically published the writings of a neo-Nazi. Miller’s writings on Jewish institutions contain few outright falsehoods, but they are embarrassingly conspiratorial, significantly overstating the influence and aims of various organisations."

The response from Miller's supporters was to assume that Jewdas has now joined the enemy:

This is as much proof as you need of the underlying antisemitism behind the defenders of Miller. If even the most anti-Israel Jewish group is uncomfortable with Miller, instead of thinking that perhaps there may be something to these accusations, the socialist Jews are all thrown into the same bucket as the most right-wing Kahanist.

It is embarrassing that there are so many Jews who are willing to loudly and openly support Jew-hatred. Unfortunately, nowadays it is not surprising. 
Jews supporting David Miller doesn't make Miller look good. It only makes his craven Jewish supporters look very bad.



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