New York City’s effort on behalf of the $250,000,000 national United Jewish Appeal campaign was launched today by 2,500 community leaders at the annual Women’s Division rally held at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Speakers included Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, former Governor Herbert H. Lehman, Max Lerner, and Mrs. Jerome I. Udell, chairman of the Women’s Division in the 1948 campaign.
Mrs. Roosevelt, a member of the American delegation to the United Nations, told the gathering that “we must ask our government to allow the importation of arms into Palestine and to raise its embargo.” The added that “the Arab leaders have done themselves a great harm in saying that they would fight a decision of the United Nations.”
I cannot find the transcript of her speech to the United Jewish Appeal. However, she also spoke there in 1946, where she described the conditions of Jews in the displaced persons camps of Europe, and said:
On the day that I was in the Jewish camp, the main meal was some powdered eggs—scrambled eggs. The people have such a longing to create a sense of home that they would take the powdered eggs from the kitchen and take them back to the one little room that they might have.
You feel a kind of desperation about the dignity of the individual, the right to some privacy. They have done such pathetic things. The remnants of the families try so hard to make a home. I looked at these powdered eggs that were going to be carried back, and I thought, "Oh, Heavens, how horrible—the eggs will be cold when they get them back to their rooms." And yet, they would take them back, simply because—even though you ate and you slept and you sat in the same little place—that little place was home.
There is a building in this camp where children are kept who have wandered in off the road and have no older people with them. One little boy sang for me; he sang a Jewish song. Of course, these children are much smaller than they should be for their age. This little, tiny, curly-haired thing was ten years old, but he didn't look much more than six or seven. The director told me that this little boy had just wandered in with a younger brother one day, and they had been at the camp ever since. He said that this little boy always sang for them. They called him their "singer" in the camp. But he had all the appearance of a worried, old man, because the care of his younger brother and himself weighed on his shoulders.
What those children have gone through is just indescribable.
There was one old woman there whom I don't think I will ever forget, because you looked at her and you felt that this was the end of life, and that life must have been so terrible to bring one at the end to what this poor old thing faced.
It is true they want to go back to Palestine. They want to go back because that represents to them some roots.
Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!
Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.
I decided to do a quick search of headlines that said that Arabs threatened Jews.
April 17, 1920: Arabs threaten to massacre all Jews of Palestine (which included many non-Zionists at the time.)
March 14, 1925: Arabs threaten to attack Jews if they honor Balfour when he visits.
August 11, 1925: Arabs threaten to massacre all Jews in Palestine again (even though the headline says "of Zion movement."
November 23, 1929: Arabs threaten force if Jews continue to worship at the Western Wall.
May 13, 1936: Arabs threaten Jews in Arab countries if they don't get their demands met in Palestine.
June 26, 1936: Bedouin in Transjordan threaten to march across the river to aid their brethren in the "great Arab revolt."
June 30, 1936: Algerian Arabs threaten Algerian Jews.
October 10, 1938: Arab leaders send a telegram to Chaim Weizmann threatening the lives of all Jews in the "East" if Zionists don't accede to their demands, saying it would be the worst calamity in Jewish history.
May 30, 1946: Rulers of Arab states warn Palestinian Jews of plans to have Jews immigrate from DP camps to Palestine. One leader says that if 100,000 Jews enter Palestine after almost being slaughtered in Europe, then the Arabs would slaughter all 100,000 of them.
Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!
Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.
Ninety-one people were killed in the King David Hotel bombing of
July 22, 1946. Fifteen of them were Jews. One of those Jews was my 28-year-old cousin,
Yehuda Yanovsky. He’d gone to the hotel that day to invite his former
co-workers to his engagement party, to be held that evening.
Yehuda had clerked for the British, a fact that made him a
reviled figure in the eyes of much of the family. They saw him
as a traitor compared to say, his Aunt Leah who went to America and on
her return, smuggled in guns for the Etzel, under her clothes. Yehuda
didn’t care. He’d hitched his star to the Brits to the point that after some years
at his desk job at the King David, Yehuda had volunteered for the RAF. Now home
from the war, he was all set to marry his sweetheart.
It was not to be.
Yehuda Yanovsky 1918-1946.
That, however, was not the fault of the Etzel (Irgun Tzvai
Leumi). Headed by Menachem Begin, the paramilitary organization founded by Zeev
Jabotinsky had done everything in its power to minimize casualties. Warning
calls were made to the Palestine Post
(today the Jerusalem Post), the
French Consulate, and the hotel desk, 22 minutes before the bombing. The
Palestine Post subsequently reported the warning to the police. The French
Consulate, located next door to the hotel, heeded the warning and as directed,
opened the windows to prevent them from shattering in the blast. The Etzel
itself herded the hotel staff into the kitchen and shooed them out the door,
ten minutes before the bombing occurred. But whoever was manning the hotel
switchboard that day, chose to ignore the warning and as a result, 91 people
died that day, including my cousin Yehuda.
Casualty list from the Palestine Post, July 24, 1946.
From that day forward, Menachem Begin would forever be
branded “that terrorist” by those on the Israeli left. The Likud Party, too,
the party founded by Begin and headed today by Benjamin Netanyahu, was (and in
some quarters still is) thought of as a party of terrorists. Outside of Israel,
the anti-Israel crowd loves to point to the King David Hotel bombing as the
perfect example of Jewish terror,
which they say, is no different than Arab
terror, except the diabolical Jews get a pass in the eyes of the world.
Wanted by the British. Menachem Begin at upper left.
You might be tempted to point to the sheer number of Arab
terror attacks (and attendant casualties) as the thing that distinguishes them
from this single episode of a Jewish hotel bombing. But that is not what makes
them different. For while the antisemites like to pretend that the King David
Hotel bombing is no different than, for example, the Arab bus bombings of the 1st
Intifada, or the Sbarro Pizzeria Massacre, they aren’t fooling anyone. Go
ahead, recite the death count of the King David Hotel bombing all you want, but
no Arab terrorist ever gave a Jew advanced warning prior to an attack. No one
told Malki Roth to leave her pizza and run. Unlike Menachem Begin’s Etzel, which
gave multiple warnings to multiple parties and evacuated the hotel’s personnel
to safety.
Menachem Begin was no terrorist. The British were the
terrorists. They turned their backs in Hebron and Safed as Arab terrorists
murdered innocent men, women, and children, including my husband's cousin Jacob
Wexler. They imprisoned Jews and hung them when they tried to defend themselves
against Arab terror.
If only the world
would mind its own business and leave the Jews alone.
But they won’t and they didn’t. And so the Etzel decided to
make a show of might and force. And a show—albeit with a landmark building destroyed—it
would have been, had the call to the hotel not been ignored. In his book, “The
Revolt: Story of the Irgun,” Begin quotes a British official who refused to
evacuate the building: “We don’t take orders from the Jews.”
But this is the attitude the Jews had long encountered under the British the British. As far back as 1929, Rabbi Yaakov Slonim of Hebron was attacked in the street, by Arabs with knives and stones, as Jews watched on from their windows, helpless.
A Jewish woman who was at the rabbi’s house, dared to go out
to the British Chief of Police (who participated in egging on the mob), and
begged him to save the rabbi. His answer was: “This is no matter for a dumb,
Jewish woman. Go home and stay there. Usually, it is the Jews who are to blame
in these cases.”
Though these remarks were said in English, the mob heard and
was encouraged by them.
The rabbi’s daughter Rivka Slonim, having survived the pogrom, relates what
happened next:
Soon after my father and I shut ourselves up in our home,
our neighbor Abu-Shaker appeared on his white horse.
He tied up his horse and sat down on our doorstep. From what
he told us – that the British police were aiding the rioters, standing aside
when the mob stormed Jewish houses and slaughtered their inhabitants – we knew
our final hour had come.
After the massacre, the British made a show of conducting an
The investigative committee sent out by the British Colonial
Office accepted testimony from Arabs only, as well as the infamous police chief
Cafferata and Governor Abdullah Kardos.
Jews were not permitted to present their version to the
committee, with the exception of Rabbi Yaakov Slonim, the father of the murdered
E. D. Slonim.
Rabbi Slonim related the events of the two days in Hebron,
of the murder of at least 67 Jews, the destruction of approximately 80 Torah
scrolls, and the responsibility of the authorities, particularly Cafferata and
Kardos who failed to prevent the pogrom. The committee disallowed Rabbi
Slonim’s testimony.
On October 15, 1929, the trials of the murderers began.
Sheik Marka, leader of the mob in Hebron, received a two-year prison term which
was changed to house arrest, and everything “fizzled away."
Two of the four who murdered Rabbi Meir Shmuel Castel were
acquitted due to “lack of evidence.” The two others were sentenced to death.
The trials were a show for the gallery. Almost all the murderers went free and
kept what they had plundered and stolen. This drove the Jewish community into a
deep depression. The clear, positive attitude the British had towards the
killers was visible. For most of the trials, a date for proceedings wasn’t even
set. . .
. . . The British reaction to the pogrom was to expel about
1,000 Jews out of Hebron.
This is what happened in Hebron with the British in charge.
Under their watch, the “City of Forefathers” became a Jew-free zone in 1929. Only
in 1967 were the Jews able to return.
British complicity in the 1929 riots in Hebron and in Safed,
too, was illustrative of British feeling toward the Jewish population of Mandate
Palestine. The Brits were indulgent with the Arabs, but scorned, sneered at,
and persecuted the Jews. What happened in Hebron was one very large piece of
evidence—evidence of British hatred for the Jews they ruled. For in essence, the British assisted the
Arabs in emptying out the Jews from an entire Jewish city—the city that until
today houses the remains of the Jewish forefathers.
Why should anyone with even a smattering of understanding of
what it was like for Jews living under these people in their own land, imagine that
they would just shut up and take it—just lie down and die because to the
British, like so many other antisemites, the Jews are only so much vermin?
Grave of Yehuda Yanovsky, Mount of Olives Cemetery, Jerusalem
For some Jews—proud Jews like Menachem Begin—that was
impossible. No Jew should be treated like that, have to live like that, on
Jewish soil. The balance of power was out of whack. So the Etzel bombed a
building. But they first told the people to leave: the occupants of the hotel and the people next
door at the French Consulate. The Etzel gave advance notice of the bombing to the English-language paper of record and
personally evacuated the hotel workers.
No one was supposed to be hurt. But the Brits didn’t think
the Jews had it in them. So they failed to leave the building and save
themselves. They also failed to share that information with others in the
building who were loyal to them, such as my cousin Yehuda, who clearly made the
wrong choice.
This is not terror. This is stupid people who hate and underestimate the Jews
so much they won’t leave a building about to be bombed, even with advanced
When someone calls to alert you on the phone, telling you exactly what is
going to happen when, and leaving you plenty of time to leave--that’s not terror. It’s the world once more refusing to mind its own
business and leave the Jews alone. Especially within the borders of Eretz Israel.
An Arab terrorist isn’t in the business of making a show. Rather than minimizing casualties, he aims to maximize them. And of course, the Arab terrorist’s biggest advantage is the element
of surprise.
Arab terrorists come through windows and kill little girls like
Hallel Yaffa Ariel. They explode pizzerias and kill little girls like Malki
Roth. They burst into homes and decapitate babies like 3-month-old Hadas Fogel.
They point their rifles at babies in their strollers taking sun in the park,
like 10-month-old Shalhevet Pass. They ram into babies in their strollers at
bus stops and kill them, like 3-month-old Chaya Zissel Braun.
And they never warn a soul. Because the entire purpose of
terror is to terrorize. Which is what Yehuda Yanovsky would be the first to
tell you, were he alive today. My cousin was not a victim of “Jewish terror”
but of British scorn for the Jewish people.
Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!
Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.
Later today, there will be an extensive interview with Arnold Roth on this site by columnist Varda Epstein. Roth is the father of Malki Roth, a 15 year old girl with American citizenship who was one of 15 civilians killed, including six other children and a pregnant American woman, at the Sbarro Restaurant massacre of August 9, 2001.
One of the terrorists who engineered the attack is Ahlam Tamimi, who was released from Israeli prison in 2011 in a prisoner swap and now lives as a celebrity in Jordan.
Even though Jordan has an extradition treaty with the United States it has refused to honor that treaty to have Tamimi tried in the US and brought to justice.
Arnold Roth, along with his wife Frimet, have been very frustrated these last few days. Last week, Jordan's King abdullah visited the US for the third time since Joe Biden became president. Yet not only was the topic of Ahlam Tamimi not brought up by any US government official, but not one mainstream media outlet even mentioned this ongoing travesty - no questions in any White House or State Department briefings about what the US is doing.
I was reminded of this seeming conspiracy of silence as I read this book review of Jeffrey Herf's Israel’s Moment: International Support for and Opposition to Establishing the Jewish State, 1945–1949 by Sol Stern in Quilette.
Herf notes that the notorious Nazi collaborator and Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, was under house arrest in Paris after World War II. Yugoslavia requested extradition of the Mufti to try him for war crimes he committed in the Balkans for the Nazis.
French Foreign Ministry documents unearthed by Herf explain why this was never going to happen. A diplomatic memo put the matter quite directly: If the French government complied with the extradition request from Yugoslavia, or indeed from any other allied government, “we would unleash a new wave of hostility against us in all the Arab countries, and would also deprive ourselves of the interesting and fruitful contacts that the Mufti maintains with important figures from the Arab world.”
In June 1946, French security forces guarding the house where Husseini was detained conveniently left the door open and he “escaped” to Egypt. The Mufti was granted asylum by King Farouk and received a rapturous reception upon his return. In Cairo, he was greeted as a conquering hero by the founder of the islamofascist Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan al-Banna. The Mufti, al-Banna declared, was a great leader who “challenged an empire and fought Zionism with the help of Hitler and Germany. Germany and Hitler are gone, but Amin al-Husseini will continue the struggle.”
Doing the right thing takes a back seat to pretending that monsters can be useful, directly or indirectly.
Like the Mufti, Ahlam Tamimi is popular in the Arab world. The US wants to maintain friendly relations with Jordan. Instead of acting like a superpower, giving a message to the world that the US will pursue justice, the Biden administration is continuing the policy of sending hundreds of millions of dollars annually to Jordan to prop up its "moderate" king.
Like post WWII France, the US has decided that a murderous war criminal is an ally in achieving its foreign policy aims.
There is one significant difference between the Mufti and Ahlam Tamimi, though.
American progressives and leftists who later pushed for Israel’s independence first came together to launch a public campaign to bring the Mufti to justice for his collaboration with the Nazis and for possible war crimes. But Husseini was shielded from prosecution by high-level government officials in the US and France who were determined to protect Western influence in the Arab world. In Washington, the sudden concern for the Mufti’s safety came from the same anti-Zionist faction within the Truman administration that later tried to block the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.
The people fighting for justice in the 1940s were progressives and liberals. The people who are fighting against justice today are progressives and liberals.
The media in 1946 were aghast at how the allies allowed the Mufti to escape to freedom.
But the media today has erected a wall of silence to protect the murderer of Jews and Americans.
Even though the Roths and others have tirelessly contacted media outlets and fought for coverage of the Tamimi case, the people who pretend to care so much about "justice" in other contexts have decided to bury this story.
And the people who are shielding the criminals then and now happen to also be the people who are the most critical of Israel in the name of the same "justice" they trample.
Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!
Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.
The IMF has raised its growth outlook for Israel by 0.3 percentage points in a new World Economic Outlook report published today, on the eve of the World Bank Group and IMF 2007 Annual Meeting.
...It now predicts 4.8% growth in 2007, and 4.2% growth in 2008. The IMF’s growth forecast for Israel is one of the highest for developed countries; the IMF categorizes Israel as such.
The IMF predicts higher growth rates in 2007 for Hong Kong and Singapore, at 5.5% each, and for Ireland, at 5%. It predicts 4.4% growth for South Korean, 2.9% growth for the UK, 2.3% for Japan, 2.2% for the US, and 1.8% for Germany.
The IMF also predicts 0.1% deflation for Israel this year; the only developed country for which it predicts this.
The IMF predicts that Israel’s unemployment rate will fall to 7.5% of the civilian labor force in 2007 and 7.2% in 2008, down from 9% in 2005 and 8.4% in 2006.
I've mentioned before how when Arab nations enforced a boycott against Palestinian Jews in 1946 it backfired spectacularly. One would think that they and their Jew-hating colleagues would learn by now.
This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For 20 years and 40,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.
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