Showing posts with label PEZ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PEZ. Show all posts

Monday, September 18, 2023

Al-Khanadeq, a Lebanese pro-Iranian Shiite news site, describes how Jews control the United States. It was written by Nasib Shams, who has had bylines in other popular Arabic media. 
There has always been talk about the Jews in the United States , their power and influence in decision-making, and there has also been talk about the power of the Israeli lobby. But how did the Jews get to the United States? What is their history in this country?

The history of Jews in America begins with the beginning of Christopher Columbus, when more than 300,000 Jews were expelled from Spain on August 2, 1492, and Columbus sailed, carrying a number of Jews with him. His first letter explaining his discoveries was addressed to a Jew. Columbus's supporters were rewarded with a number of privileges. As for him, he became the victim of the conspiracy hatched by the ship's Jewish doctor.

Since that time, Jews began to look to America and began to immigrate there, and more and more to South America, especially Brazil . When the conflict occurred between the Dutch and the Brazilians, they were forced to immigrate again to the Dutch colony, which is today called “New York.”

The Jews controlled the cinema, sugar and tobacco industries, half of the canned meat industry, the shoe industry, etc., and trade in particular. Which made the American people dissatisfied with the global Jewish plan to transfer financial markets to the United States.

The Jews enjoy a strong and absolute influence in America, and they do not hide it. They claim that “the essence of American life is Jewish, not Christian,” and that “American history must be rewritten to recognize the glories of Judas and the virtue of the Jews.” Also, the problem is not a problem of the Jewish people, but rather a problem of Jewish thought and the use of the people as a tool to harness the idea. One of its primary goals is to destroy the true values ​​of workers. The influence of the Jews on the thinking of the workers was very bad. The other area of ​​the Jewish idea focused on the churches. They invaded hundreds of Christian churches. They controlled the church in its doctrines.

Jewish ideas have invaded the minds of university students, as Jews led all revolutionary or anarchist movements in the student field. They worked to secularize public schools, and to keep children in their early stages of education away from any word that might help the American child learn about the “Jewish element.” Through the secularization of schools, it became possible to “Judaize universities.”

The Jews are mostly men without religion, and they use the slogan "religious persecution" to arouse people's feelings, but the issue is a matter of race and nationality, not a religious issue. No president of the United States dares to include in his first presidential speech any excerpts from the New Testament for fear of being exposed to the wrath and denunciation of the Jews. No man in the public service in America can say that the Christian religion is the one he believes in, because in this case he would be exposed to blame and classification of the Jews. Because the Jews' hopes were in the Jewish prophecy (the elimination of Christianity).

The number of Jews in America is not really known by non-Jews, as the numbers are the property of the Jewish authorities alone, and whenever US circles try to find out, Jewish influence is on the lookout to prevent that.

The increase in Jewish immigration to the United States made the Jews call it “the Land of the Jews,” where the Jew does these:

He opposes any legislation restricting his entry into the country.
He opposes any racial classification of his group after they enter the country.
He claims in front of others that he represents a religion, not a race.
He has two opinions: he confronts non-Jews with one of them, and keeps the second for himself and does not express it publicly except in front of Jews.
Therefore, there will be no census of Jews in the United States.

If we want to talk about the nationality or religion of the Jew... then “every Jew, whether he wishes to or not, is closely linked to all Jewish nationalism.” And that "the Jewish religion above all Jewish patriotism." The United States Supreme Court justice said, “Our instincts and actions have determined for us the meaning of the word Jew.”

What is noteworthy is that the opening ceremony of the “American Jewish Committee” in 1906 was attended by delegates representing 222 Jewish associations, religious, political, industrial, and sectarian. A year later, the organizations subject to this committee became 688 organizations, and then the number rose in 1921 to more than 1,000. After that, the statistics are no longer known.

The Jews also tried to make New York a Jewish city, and thus the United States, a Jewish country. The conservative Jews were terrified as they expected that the American people would not tolerate this. In the beginning, it was the committee called Kehilla New York, then it expanded its work and became called the World Jewish Congress. The Jews of New York constituted the driving force of the international Jewish apparatus.

This is the tip of the iceberg about the history of the Jews in the United States, and this is how they began in the United States.   
The article is illustrated this way:

Because that's what the Jews who control the US look like.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Wednesday, August 30, 2023

MEMRI found this gem:

Iraqi Shi'ite Militia Leader (allied with Iran) Qais Al-Khazali: "The Devil is not a theoretical enemy. He has a party that abides by his orders. As will be shown, this party of the Devil is led by the Jews.

"The Jews are the soldiers who serve the Devil – this is the Jewish lobby that controls the decision-making, the media, the economy, the dollar, the weapons trade, and so on. This is no longer a conspiracy theory. This has become clear.

"it was the Jews – the Jewish lobby – that murdered the fathers and forefathers of the Prophet Muhammad. This point does not require further proof, right? Secondly, it was the Jewish lobby that assassinated the Prophet Muhammad. You can check it out to see that I am right. Thirdly, I say – and Allah willing, I will prove – that it was the Jewish lobby that murdered Ali bin Abu Taleb.

"Fourthly, I say – and Allah willing, I will prove – that it was the Jewish lobby who was behind the murder of all the Imams.

"Regardless of who was the actual perpetrator... The Jewish lobby is the reason for the occultation of the Hidden Imam. It is the Jewish lobby that is searching for the Hidden Imam, and they might do anything in order to murder him."
I found this highly amusing article in a Jordanian site.  The author, Rashid Abdul Rahman Al-Najab, has been reading the works of the late Libyan thinker Al-Sadiq Al-Nihum - who was known as a satirist - and apparently took seriously one of his satirical pieces making fun of Arab conspiracy theories. This is wild:

The global capitalist banking system began five thousand years ago at the hands of goldsmiths in Egypt, when most of the Jews' interest there turned to the banking trade and project financing. The Egyptian banks, which were controlled by the Jews, financed around the year 2400 BC the wars of the Pharaohs.

...When the Hebrews were expelled from Egypt, in the thirteenth century BC during the reign of King Ramesses II, under the influence of the hatred that had generated in the past, and not as history shows it as an escape of an enslaved people seeking freedom, the Hebrew banking capital created the idea of ​​“the chosen people” and "The Promised Land", and the Hebrews wrote the constitution of the modern capitalist state in the arid Sinai. It is a constitution based on reducing the authority of the king, distributing administrative organs among twelve Israeli tribes and ensuring the legitimacy of usury, and even making usury a religious duty to lend to foreigners and protect banks, at a time when it was forbidden Their constitution charged usury among the Jews themselves and urged the liquidation of their debts by general discharge once every seven years. 

In the era of King Solomon, in the tenth century B.C., the Jews were managing the entire economy of the Middle East, and they did not hesitate to finance suspicious projects to achieve quick profit, such as financing bars, gambling clubs, equipping pirates, and so on, and this reached an extent that made Christ enter the temple and expel money changers and usurers from its area.
Al Najab certainly doesn't present these absurd facts as satire, although he seems to know that some of them don't quite add up. He says that while the historic facts might not be exactly true, they point to the truth. 

(h/t Ibn Boutros)

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Thursday, August 17, 2023

Professor Boštjan M. Zupančič is a former judge and former president of the Third Chamber at the European Court of Human Rights.  He was previously a judge at the Constitutional Court of Slovenia and vice-chair of the U.N. Committee against Torture (Geneva). He graduated from Harvard Law School and now acts as a legal consultant. In 2020,Zupančič  joined the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ) as an associate research fellow.

He is also a Jew-hater.

Zupančič's hate isn't subtle. He doesn't hide it behind "anti-Zionism." He doesn't insist that he doesn't hate Jews. His hatred is explicit and continuous. 

His former Twitter account, bmz9453, had plenty  of antisemitic posts.  It was closed down but his replacement account is filled with anti-Jewish tweets - even quoting antisemitic sites like The Daily Stormer and the Holocaust revisionists at the Institute of Historical Review.

Here is a selection of his tweets for just the past few months, often direct quotes from antisemitic websites like

He posted a 37 minute film that accuses Jews of systematically engaging in incest with their children. 

Since the Ukraine war started, Zupančič has obsessively blamed the Jews for their supposed role in the war.

And he reposts the most vile antisemitic conspiracy theories he can find every day - here are two from yesterday:

Today's leaders of human rights groups insist that they cannot be antisemitic because their fighting for human rights precludes any prejudice. The truth is that no one is immune from bigoted beliefs, and any philosophy can be twisted into Jew-hatred. 

Boštjan M. Zupančič was a human rights judge for 18 years. It hasn't stopped hum from openly engaging in spreading hate for Jews every single day. On the contrary - his biography gives his hatred legitimacy.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Mohamed Salama is a regular columnist in Jordan's Ad-Dustour, a fairly well-known mainstream news site.

Lately he has been on an antisemitic kick.

On Sunday he wrote a column entitled "The Jews: .a wicked race." He doesn't even pretend to be talking about "Zionists."

In that article he writes:
The Protestant thinker Martin Luther described the Jews as a vicious race, persecuting people with usury, plunder and robbery, while the overall view of them was negative in Europe. And in the United States of America, President George Washington, the first American president, described them (i.e. the Jews) as the most dangerous  external enemy against his country.. Were they right and why?!. not the only one who believed that the Jews had a malicious role in the wars of Europe, in overthrowing its hegemony and in dividing it and dragging it into deep-rooted enmities. There are thinkers who believe that the first and second world wars had the Jews playing a major role in them. Palestine, and after the end of WWII they announced the establishment of their state on the land of Palestine, and the malice in both cases is related to money and their control over the financial system, which was the main center of Britain before Germany competed with it, and then France to a lesser extent. It alone is unique in its hegemony over the two parties rolling for power in the United States, which are..the Republican Party and its Democratic rival, and from within it is monopolizing the decisions that concern the entire Middle East in the hands of the Jews today..America today, like Europe almost a hundred years ago, cannot refuse to implement the interests of the Jews. .This is what the most controversial US President, Donald Trump, said a few weeks ago..and he added...that their loyalty (i.e. the Jews) is not to America but to Israel, and described them as full of treachery and betrayal..and he is now facing charges of corruption, theft, assault on the Capitol building, etc.
...Were Luther and Washington right in calling [Jews] malicious and dangerous?!
The answer is simply yes..Malice leads to bloody endings and danger threatens everyone in the Middle East..As long as Israel is in this geographical area, the cycles of open wars, violence and terrorism in all forms will not stop except with the demise of Israel once and for all.
"Anti-Zionism" and Jew-hatred, all tie up in bow.

But as powerful as the Jews are in Sundays' column, today Salama added in a new column that the Jews were about to be toppled:
The Jews of the world have reached a crushing height and immoral corruption, in which they stole the wealth of the world. Their global financial system has come to control America, and has spread corruption on the ground, so they have become, through their political, social and financial organizations, tools of sabotage and destruction..Do you see that we are witnessing their descent from the throne of economy and money, and thus from politics?!.
...The Jews of the world have reached a crushing height and immoral corruption..and the end of Israel will be with the removal of the global Jewish cover from any case, the government of Netanyahu and his extremist coalition is behind the height and corruption..and will be behind its demise once and for all.
When Jordanians read these sort of insane antisemitic rants, with not a word published in any Arabic media disagreeing with the hate, how can anyone be surprised that Jordan is one of the most antisemitic countries in the world?

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Friday, August 11, 2023

The Samer Theatre in the Agouza district of Cairo is showing a production of The Jew of Malta, a play written in 1590 by Christopher Marlowe, several years before Shakespeare wrote The Merchant of Venice. This follows a successful run of the play in Alexandria earlier this year.

The main character, Barabas, is a Jew whose fortune was confiscated by the governor of Malta. He devises plans of revenge that end up becoming murder sprees to silence witnesses. He engages in political intrigue and double-crosses to pit the Muslim and Christian leaders jockeying for rulership of the island against each other. In the end, he dies in a fiery cauldron that he had built for his enemies.

Like The Merchant of Venice, there is controversy about whether The Jew of Malta is truly an antisemitic play, since it appears to be critical of all religions. But the Egyptian production, starring Sameh Basioony, is certainly antipathetic to Jews.

One review says that as Barabas "breathes his last, in a concluding scene, he affirms that he 'will not end' and many will come after him to realize the great (eternal) dream of 'ruling the world.'"

Marlowe's play has no such text.  

Which means that the director modified the play to ensure that its message was one of a Jewish plot to control the world.

Popular Egyptian news site Youm7 writes in its review:
The show reviews Zionist deceptions and control of the world through the character of Barabas, the cunning rich man who lives on the island of Malta and works to spread the wedge between the Christian governor of  Malta and the Turks. His plots were not limited to only them,  rather, they extended to the split between countries, and he succeeds in that.

The antisemitic (and anti-Zionist) message of the play is being received loudly and clearly by Egyptian audiences.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Thursday, August 03, 2023

The most antisemitic media in the world comes from the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen.

Here is an excerpt from a (now) Houthi newspaper, Al Thawra about Jewish influence in the world. 

The autotranslation of the top is pretty representative.

The licentious life of the Italian clergy was prostitution, filth, and indulgence, natural or unnatural. Macchio described the monks and the Brotherhood as "servants of the devil." They indulge in debauchery, homosexuality, gluttony, selling religious functions, and deviating from religion, and they say that the men of the army are of better morals than the clerics.
As the monasteries of men and women were close enough to allow those in it to share from time to time in one bed. The monasteries' records contain twenty volumes of trials due to sexual intercourse between monks and nuns... and others.
It is clear from this section of the Christian legacy that the Jews controlled the clergy with lust and moral corruption and made them, under these scandals, their slaves.. Hence the collapse began.
They were able to control the popes, and thus society lost its confidence in them, and the process of moral and ethical collapse began.

The Jewish movement sought to create an alternative lifestyle for the wealthy in order to challenge social norms. Its main focus was the pursuit of pleasure, especially sexual pleasure. This pursuit often involved non-traditional relationships between men and women as well as same-sex relationships or same-sex relationships between women. It started with the Industrial Revolution and has grown ever since. The Decadent Movement is characterized by an emphasis on luxury and excess, with an emphasis on extravagance, decadence, and hedonism, and women were given greater rights over their own bodies.
With the emergence of this degenerate movement made by the Jews, the beginning of Western civilization (barbaric civilization) can be calculated.
This mimics Nazi antisemitic literature. 

Yet there are close to no academic studies that look at Houthi antisemitism.

If Jew-hatred doesn't come from the Right, no one is interested - even when the hatred is clearly influenced by Nazi sources.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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Thursday, July 13, 2023

From the Jerusalem Post/Reuters:

Muslim states including Iran and Pakistan on Tuesday said desecration of the Koran amounted to inciting religious hatred and called for accountability, as the UN rights body debated a contentious motion in the wake of a Koran burning in Sweden.

The motion, brought by Pakistan in response to last month's incident, seeks a report from the UN rights chief on the topic and calls on states to review their laws and plug gaps that may "impede the prevention and prosecution of acts and advocacy of religious hatred."

The debate highlighted rifts in the UN Human Rights Council between the OIC, a Muslim grouping, and Western members concerned about the motion's implications for free speech and challenges posed to long-held practices in rights protection.
Yes, Iran and Pakistan - two of the most antisemitic countries out there - are claiming to care so much about "religious hatred."

The country that sponsors the Holocaust Cartoon Contest is telling others that they shouldn't hurt Muslim feelings.

The country whose foreign minister went on CNN in 2021 and said in the context of Israel, "they are very influential people. I mean, they control media" is railing against anyone disrespecting Islam.

And here's a twofer: The Tehran Times, which is either officially or effectively state media, published earlier this year a Holocaust denial article written by a Pakistani political scientist and "pro-Palestine activist"  Dr. Sabir Abu Maryam:

The Holocaust refers to those people belonging to the Jewish religion, about whom the Zionists have propagated to the world on the basis of lies and deception that they were brutally murdered by the German Nazis between the years 1933 and 1945. 

Zionists called the Nazi killing of Jews a systematic state-sponsored massacre, and hence it is now referred to as the "Holocaust."
The Zionists, who were responsible for starting the First World War in the world, have always made efforts to destabilize governments through riots in different countries around the world. The fall of the Ottoman Caliphate was also an example of the Zionist rebellion.

After the First World War, there was a number of Jews in Germany. In the First World War, Germany had to suffer a lot, which was actually the Zionist movement under the guise of which the First World War was started. In fact, the Zionists wanted to burn the world in the fire of war and implement the plan of occupying Palestine only so that their influence in the future region would be established.

It is said that the German Nazis hated all these Jews and Zionists and this hatred may have been the reason why they asked the Jews to leave Germany. 

These people are  not in a position to tell anyone else about inciting religious hatred. 

I myself do consider the deliberate burning of the Quran specifically to hurt Muslim feelings to be a hate crime.  But everything depends on context, and the Muslim desire to make the entire world prohibit such acts is not out of concern for religious hatred but a means to exert control.

Especially when Palestinian Muslims already have a rich history of desecrating Jewish holy books, including handwritten Torahs - and the Muslim world remained silent.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The absurd charge of "pinkwashing" says that Israel promotes gay rights in order to distract the world from its treatment of Palestinians. In short, the progressive argument states, when Israel does something progressive, it must be done for evil purposes. 

But what about the hundreds of millions of Muslims who are explicitly homophobic? 

Well, they have a different take on Jews, Zionism and gays.

The Iraq-based Buratha News Agency asked 35 Muslim writers, political analysts, and academics to give their opinions on what they called "Western countries’ calls for perversion and pornography."

Several of them blame Jews and Zionists for spreading homosexuality through the world.

Writer Adnan Jawad says that the West, "led by Washington and with the Zionist mentality," spread homosexuality to help destroy the "golden billion" Muslims in order to get to their natural resources. 

Similarly, political analyst Dr. Ali Al-Taweel claimed, "The golden billion plan that floated to the forefront of the media these days through the statements of American officials and Zionists is not separate from the issue of homosexuality, which they are promoting strongly."

Political science professor Dr. Jassim Al-Hariri responded that "The Zionists encourage homosexuality, as the head of the first international group of male homosexuals was a Jew, Magnus Hirschfeld, with his Jewish assistant, Kurt Heller,  as they found spreading vice the best way to deviate humanity from its human nature."

Political analyst Sabah Al-Aqili responded, "The world is going through a period of transformation on the moral level and rebellion against the natural laws that the monotheistic religions came to establish and preserve, and we find that the West and the Jews have the biggest role in overcoming those limits under the title of liberation and freedom."

Finally, we have political analyst Majed Al-Shuwaili, who says, "The Jews, who control the largest and most international banks, use this issue to guarantee hegemony and control over the world with this steady growth in the hearts of the world and Muslims in particular."

It looks like they agree with the pinkwashers that Israel promotes homosexuality. They also agree that the Jews are up to no good. 

They just disagree on the specifics. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Friday, June 09, 2023

Every day in Arabic media, the claim that antisemitism and anti-Zionism have nothing to do with each other is shown to be a lie, agaim and again.

Today's example comes from Watanserb, where Muhammad Al-Walidi writes:

 The division of Palestine by the United Nations in 1947 was the largest operation of deception and forgery in history committed by this international organization and the Jewish masters and their usurers...

What was important to global Zionism was to propose a legal division of Palestine at the United Nations, after which the role of Jewish money would come in bringing votes in favor of them, in another fraud.

Despite all the efforts of the Zionists, America and the West to make the decision to partition Palestine at the United Nations a success , the first vote, which took place on November 25, 1947, failed.

This prompted the intensification of the Jewish pressure for a re-vote and its success.....
There were two partition votes, and when the first one failed, the Jews managed to schedule another round?

Mr. al-Walidi is mixing up the vote by the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) recommending partition and the actual UN General Assembly vote. I doubt this was a mistake.

He gives many examples of pressure by the US and Israel for voting for partition. Some of those are true - but why is lobbying by Jews any less moral than lobbying by everyone else? The Arab nations lobbied intensely as well, and threatened multiple times that partition would lead to a slaughter of all the Jews in the Middle East, as well as threats of an oil embargo or to tilt against the US to the Soviets if the partition vote passed - all to sway delegates to their side. 

The representative of Guatemala carried out extensive activity within the corridors of the United Nations in order to advance the partition decision - British documents confirmed that he had received bribes from American Jewish organizations, not to mention his relationship with a Jewish girl.
I cannot find any record of these supposed British documents, but Guatemala representative Jorge García Granados was a committed Zionist, writing an entire book in 1948 detailing the birth of Israel that shows his love of the land and the people. It doesn't sound like the actions of a person who was bribed.

As usual, this piece of "anti-Zionist" writing is pure antisemitism. Jews are a nefarious force who cheat, bribe and steal to get their way. And the only reason is because...that's just how Jews are.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Wednesday, May 03, 2023

At first it looks like an article about the fighting in Sudan, but writer Muhammad Kamel Al-Ayadi quickly gets to the root of the matter: Jews!

The media is one of the most important priorities of the Jews to control the world, as expressed by this Jewish Rabbi “Rashoron” in the year 1869 AD, when he said: "If gold is the first power, then the press must be our second power."

In the year 1897 AD, the Jews said in a conference held for him In the “Swiss Basel” the plan for the establishment of the state of “Israel” cannot be achieved without complete control of the media, especially the press, so that we have the ability to stir up people’s minds when we want and calm down whenever we want, just as our enemies should not have media through which they express their opinions. Rather, the press must be ridden and reined in.

And the Jews have a lot of dirty methods, which they are good at using, as a means of money, sex, and intellect, and to question political and religious symbols, and to work to end the role models, and spread  competition between brothers, with the abhorrent partisanship, which is fueled by the global Zionist gangs, in order to serve their interests and aspirations to rule and control the Arab world, the genie that, if recovered, will devour all civilizations, not with injustice, but with the justice of its message, so they hatched conspiracies, spread strife, and ignited sectarian and tribal wars, to reach the ultimate goal, which is world rule, under the rule of one government, because they are the most deserving and deserving of its rule.

The Zionist conspiracies do not end, and the world saw what happened after the World Trade Tower was struck. Iraq was struck, and successive strife was stirred up in Libya, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, and now Sudan, knowing that Sudan has a large percentage of the Jews of the Israeli community, who lived in it. As part of the social structure, they succeeded in establishing political, economic, and social relations, to collect money to achieve their aspirations, and to implement the “Bernard Lewis” plan in dividing Sudan into four states...

Since the fifties, the Jews have been working in order to reach and seize Khartoum, so they set up separatist movements in the south...

Wake up. And unite before our hands are shackled, and we cannot defend our lands, and we become between the walls of the occupation, we have no power or strength, may God protect Egypt, and the entire Arab world.
Of course, there are many Egyptians who wrote angry comments about how offensive this antisemitism is. Just kidding!

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Sunday, April 16, 2023

From Juedische Allgemeine (Germany):

The Central Council of Palestinians in Germany has apologized for displaying a copy of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion".

The book had been in the shop window of the Central Council's association center in Berlin-Schoeneberg, where it was photographed by employees of the Jewish Forum for Democracy and Against Anti-Semitism.

When asked by the Jewish General, the Central Council of the Palestinians declared: "This display was a mistake." We apologize for that. "The book was disposed of." The organization is "a non-profit association that does not pursue any political purposes" and "only promotes culture and art".

The club also said on Twitter that they "resolutely reject" the protocols and "expressly distance themselves from this atrocity". The organization explained the incident as follows: “We are constantly receiving donations in the form of books for our library. The newest ones are then displayed. This book was interpreted by someone who cannot even read Arabic."
And if you believe that one....

Here's this edition of the book, which is sold today at a UAE book chain called Magrudy's:

The Arabic-deprived window display designer can easily see a skull embedded within a Star of David, another Star of David with an octopus tentacles emerging  and strangling people and institutions, and the words "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in English, which in German is "Protokolle der Weisen von Zion," which would not be a hard thing to translate for a native German speaker.

In other words, they are lying because they don't want the German authorities to shut down their store.

Just like they are lying when they say that they are not a political organization, only cultural. This is on their Facebook page:

Sure looks political to me.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Tuesday, March 14, 2023

From Bassem Yassin in Sawaleif:

The brutal actions of the Jews in #Palestine indicate that the personality of the Jew is still a prisoner of the Holocaust, and locked in the mentality of the castle. A sick, bipolar personality, fluctuating between moods of superiority and oppression. Actors who are good at marketing themselves, according to the seasons. Sometimes they mourn in front of the Wailing Wall, and at other times they rant that they are God's chosen people. You see them for their malice, they turned Judaism from a heavenly religion into a political identity.

The Jews found what they were looking for in a soft land - Palestine - to build a state, where they took all aggressive means to embody their dream. They were helped by the absolute support of Britain - and the absolute absence of the Arabs . The Jew was rejected by the whole world, and there was international contempt for his hateful personality that was, practiced it in Palestine.

The Jewish psychologist Freud said about Judaism: The God of the Jews, “Yahweh,” is violent and evil, and promised them a fertile land (Palestine) and the annihilation of its people. As for the Jewish philosopher Spinoza, he said: "The divine revelation inspired them to abandon paganism and materialism, but the Jewish community remained disobedient, inclined to usury and aggression."

 The Holy Qur’an was the deepest, most comprehensive, and most creative, in dissecting the sick, fluctuating, dialectical Jewish personality, as it said: “They forgot God, so He made them forget themselves.” A priori the Jew does not believe in resurrection or reckoning. This is what pushes him to disassociate himself from values ​​and principles and renounce morals, because he does not hope for a reward from God or punishment in the Hereafter. With the spread of the lack of modesty in the Jewish community, modesty in the Jewish society has become an exception. Women are investment projects, Hollywood is king. They own pornographic films, they control usurious banks.

The other shortcomings for which they became famous throughout history are their breach of covenants and reversal of covenants: “Because of their breach of their covenant, we cursed them and made their hearts hard.” And they reap its fruits. The Arabs of normalization emerged...And here is Israel working on what comes after peace, from expanding on the ground, and seizing water, gas and commercial markets along the Gulf. Therefore, we remind the normalized Arabs, of Ben Gvir’s sayings about Al-Aqsa, and what is mentioned in their lying Talmud: “God admitted his mistake by declaring the destruction of the Temple.”

Peace treaties have dissolved, leaving only a stench of them. The two-state solution is rejected by the Jew, because the structure of the Jew is built on the rejection of the other, and the complete lack of coexistence. The famous psychoanalyst Shinkel  says in this regard. "The Jews refuse to merge with others.” In the Holy Qur’an, God Almighty says in Surat Al-Ahzab: “And He sent down those who supported them among the People of the Book from their fortresses – their fortresses – but in Surat Al-Hashr, God Almighty says in His greatness: “They do not fight you all except in fortified villages or from behind Walls “...and this is definitive evidence of the isolation of the Jews. Likewise, in Europe, they lived alone, residing in their own ghettos, and lanes bearing their names, so it is not a fortiori the impossibility of their coexistence with the Palestinians, in one geographical spot?! We discover that the Jew is a mine of lies. And the establishment of Israel is a big lie that should not continue, otherwise future generations will curse us in our graves. 
He hits all the popular antisemitic themes: Jews as liars, who fake their victimhood, breakers of covenants, aggressors, supremacists, who control the banks and Hollywood.

This is mainstream. And the media keeps ignoring it.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Friday, February 24, 2023

The Muslim paranoia about something that doesn't exist remains high.

The new "Abrahamic religion"... a threat whose goal is to destroy Islam 
 Ali Demir23/02/2023

Intellectuals, preachers, and academics are raising their voices to warn of the danger of the new so-called “Abrahamic religion,” pointing out that its goal is to destroy the Islamic religion with attempts that will end in failure.

According to observers, the sources of the promotion of this religion are huge and mysterious research centers that have recently spread around the world and called themselves "centers of spiritual diplomacy", funded by the largest and most important international bodies such as the European Union, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the United States of America.

Observers warned that “the apparent vision and message of these research centers depends on the assertion that religions are the main and fundamental reason for igniting the most violent conflicts throughout the ages, and the reason for not accepting the other is because of the lack of understanding of the texts of their religion.”

And the “spiritual diplomacy centers” that work within the framework of spreading love and tolerance have taken upon themselves the task of inviting the senior clerics of the three Abrahamic religions, in order to find general common values ​​between religions such as “love, tolerance, equality, coexistence and acceptance of the other” and other good values, and then proceed to broadcast it, especially among the new generations, in order to instill a hidden hatred for the religions they follow and create a tendency towards embracing the new Abrahamic religion. And the “spiritual diplomacy centers” have already begun to implement their plans on a large scale, according to observers.

Warnings were raised that “what is taking place is a process of brainwashing with the aim of preparing generations to accept the adoption of the new Abrahamic religion when it is presented in the near future as the global public religion, and then the research centers will turn into sacred places and shrines that will replace the temple, church and mosque.

The preacher and researcher, Mustafa Ibrahim, criticized the advocates of the so-called Abrahamic religion, stressing that “Abraham was Muslim according to what was confirmed by the Holy Qur’an."

Ibrahim added that “all the messengers sent by God Almighty were Muslims and called to Islam, and this matter is mentioned and confirmed in many verses in the Holy Qur’an, including the words of God Almighty on the tongue of Jacob, peace be upon him.

And he continued, “The advocates of the Abrahamic religion want to dilute Islam and mix the three heavenly laws of Islam, Judaism and Christianity into one religion in order to open the door to normalization with the Israeli occupation, and to end the cause of Palestine and honorable Jerusalem."

For his part, the doctor in comparative jurisprudence, Muhammad Musa al-Dali, said in a post on his Facebook account, “The people of falsehood claimed that there is a religion that includes Islam, adding to it what they call Judaism and Christianity, and that this religion is the Abrahamic religion in relation to the true Muslim, the Prophet of God Almighty, Abraham, upon him....This is a false claim, and a pure slander, because the Prophet of God, Abraham, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is a Muslim according to the text of the Qur’an, God Almighty denied that he was a Jew or a Christian."
Sounds like a Jewish plot!

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



M. Sameh Mohamed Bassiouni is the head of Egypt's Islamist Nour Party (which has seven seats in Egypt's Parliament) and is also a member of the Presidential Council.

He published an antisemitic screed on his Facebook page, summarized by Fath-News which he linked to on his Twitter account:
The Jews are people of treachery and not people of peace. Throughout history, they are killers of the prophets. They kill children, women, and the elderly in cold blood. They do not respect a believer except for a covenant. They see themselves as above human beings and consider it lawful to kill others and enslave them, as stated in their books and on the tongues of their rabbis.

... On the false claims of normalization, what they promote of an alleged Abrahamic religion or a manufactured Abrahamic house is very dangerous, with which they domesticate generations of Muslims so that they become coexistent with murder, treachery, and the abhorrent Jewish occupation.

Earlier this week, Bassiouni claimed that the synagogue opened in Abu Dhabi was meant to "achieve the fixed strategic Zionist plans to implement the Talmudic dream of a Jewish state from the Nile to the Euphrates."

Don't worry though - human rights groups won't say a word, and if pushed, they'll just say he is anti-Zionist.

Because according to them, only Nazis are antisemitic. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Sunday, February 19, 2023

Over the past week, there's been a blockbuster journalistic scoop revealing the existence of an Israeli hacking team that was influencing elections and other world events. The Guardian summarizes:

A team of Israeli contractors who claim to have manipulated more than 30 elections around the world using hacking, sabotage and automated disinformation on social media has been exposed in a new investigation.

The unit is run by Tal Hanan, a 50-year-old former Israeli special forces operative who now works privately using the pseudonym “Jorge”, and appears to have been working under the radar in elections in various countries for more than two decades.

He is being unmasked by an international consortium of journalists. Hanan and his unit, which uses the codename “Team Jorge”, have been exposed by undercover footage and documents leaked to the Guardian.
From what I can tell, the reporting looks solid. A private Israeli firm does appear to have created an army of fake accounts that were being used to manipulate the news. It is highly unethical and probably illegal. 

From what is being reported, there is no link to the Israeli government; this was a private company doing very shady things. 

But because it is Israeli, the reporting is somewhat more sensationalist. And the Arab media is quick to associate "Team Jorge" with - the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

The crimes of the “Israeli groups” that aim to spread chaos in the world bring back to the world’s memory the controversy that took place around the truth of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, which includes 24 protocols, including: brutal repression, brainwashing, abuse of power, arrest of opponents, economic wars, and methods of Invasion, the method of control, world wars, transitional governments, re-education, readiness to take over, the totalitarian state, control over the press, and others.
The global journalistic survey, with the participation of 4 major European newspapers, has revived talk about the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", after the investigative report revealed the "dangerous" role of the Israelis in the world and through the formation of various institutions and entities that carry out tasks aimed at spreading chaos in the world.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!





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