Continuing the series showing what an absolute tool Asa Winstanley is based solely on a
truly fatuous article he wrote for Middle East Monitor.
Winstanley wrote:
Prior to the rise of Christianity as the established religion of the Roman Empire, Judaism was very much a proselytising faith. As such, it spread widely all over the Mediterranean basin, into Egypt and further afield. Indeed, as late as the eighth century CE, the ruling classes of the Khazar Empire (a confederation of Turkic-speaking tribes in what is today the south-eastern part of European Russia) apparently converted en masse to Judaism.
As such, it is illogical to suppose – as Zionists do – that the ancestral "homeland" of all Jewish people in the world is Palestine. Such a view is actually anti-Semitic.
There is some evidence for some proselytizing by Jews from the first century BCE to the first century CE. Some scholars
don't even agree with that. In fact,
many think that while Jews didn't discourage conversion for those who wanted it, there was no active outreach or proselytization.
Winstanley, however wants to make it sound like the vast majority of Jews are descended from converts and therefore have no ancestral ties to Israel. DNA evidence shows this to be completely false, as well as the absence of any rabbinical writings that discuss the huge legal implications of mass conversions.
The Khazar theory is complete garbage and has been disproven a hundred different ways.
To claim that most Jews are descended from Jews is antisemitic???
Asa Winstanley is a blooming idiot.
And, of course, he is an antisemite too. He goes on to try to tie Zionist Jews in Europe with the Nazis, which is pure antisemitism. The Zionists who were trying to save the Jews in Europe are painted as collaborators with the Nazis, which is as disgusting as it gets.
Asa Winstanley is an antisemitic, lying, hateful piece of trash. And this article proves it over and over again.