Showing posts with label Amad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amad. Show all posts

Monday, July 24, 2023

Palestinian news site Amad as well as other sites have an opinion piece by Jordanian Ibrahim Abu Atila that asks Arabs to stop being coy and admit that their enemy is Jews, not "Zionists."

Those of us who speak simply and who do not know theorizing and embellishment of speech and those who are not affected by what the media promotes say that those who are hostile to us are the Jews.. while those who assume in themselves culture and openness to the world say that those who are hostile to us are the Zionists... Both of these statements are true...
He then goes on to say that while Israel was founded by secular Zionists, now it is run by "Talmudists." And now the judicial reform debate in Israel is between the seculars and the "Talmudists."
And now, as we are on the verge of approving those laws that diminish the role of the judiciary and increase the control of religious Jews over the occupation entity, a major conflict has begun between the two currents.

Although the existence of the two currents depends on the Talmudic approach, and that both of them are considered a real enemy for us, our enemy is the Zionist in both its religious and secular forms. It is necessary and necessary for us to return to the conviction of the simple and elderly among us that the Jews are our enemies, no matter how hidden they are and whatever clothes they wear. 

Then, somehow, he says that both sides are really Talmudists anyway.  

Finally, he expresses his fervent wish for a civil war that will wipe out Israel and allow the Palestinians to take over.
We hope that the conflict will intensify and escalate openly so that we will reach advanced steps in it, leading them to a civil war that will help us get rid of both streams and liberate the entire Palestinian land from them....
This has been a popular theme, as the Palestinian and other Arab media have been closely following every Israeli news story that predicts doomsday is imminent. They just have to wait, they believe, and then allow the Jews to destroy themselves.

According to Jewish tradition, the major reason the Temples were destroyed was "sinat chinam," baseless hatred between Jews.  It is saddening that we are seeing such baseless hatred today in Israel, and the judicial reform debate has been allowed by both sides to degenerate into an emotional fight between conservative and liberal, between religious and non-religious, and it is used as an excuse to widen fissures that have nothing or little to do with actual judicial reform. 

Take away the rhetoric and absurd name calling, and thoughtful people on both sides have a lot they can agree on. But those voices are being drowned out.  

I have my own opinions on the debate, but at this time judicial reform is not the debate anymore. Right now the enemies of Israel are the people who are eagerly widening the split between the two sides, and this is happening on both sides of the debate.

The way I see it, the two sides at this time are not the pro- and anti-judicial reform sides. The two sides are those who want to widen the split in Israeli society and those who want to narrow it: those who want to fuel sinat chinam and those who want to stop it. 

The Israelis fueling the baseless hatred on either side of the debate are the allies of the Arab antisemites like Abu Atila who are cheering them on.

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Thursday, April 27, 2023

Remember last September when Israel haters went crazy with the announcement that the upcoming Captain America movie would include an Israeli superhero?

Since then, the Israeli actress Shira Haas who plays the role of Sabra has apparently already done her scenes, so the campaign has now shifted from trying to pressure Marvel not to have the character to saying that the movie will be boycotted.

A bunch of Palestinian cultural and artistic institutions decided to sign a letter calling for the boycott, saying that Marvel was racist for including an Israeli character. 

We call for the broadest boycott of the upcoming Marvel movie, “Captain America: New World Order,” which is scheduled to be released in the market during the year 2024, until the company cancels the character “Sabra” or “Ruth” from the movie, as it embodies the Israeli apartheid regime. 

The backstory of the aforementioned character includes working for the Israeli government and the Israeli occupation forces. Marvel's revival of this racist character - in any way - means the company's promotion of the brutal Israeli oppression of Palestinians. 

We also call for creative and peaceful events and demonstrations to put pressure on Marvel Studios - owned by Disney - to end its complicity in anti-Palestinian racism and Israeli propaganda and the glorification of the settler-colonial regime's violence against the indigenous Palestinian people. 
No one knows the character's role, her new backstory, her part of the plot, or really anything. Unlike with Gal Gadot, they aren't calling for a boycott because the actress is Israeli, but because the character is Israeli.

Has there ever in history been such a demand from any studio or other medium that they should be forbidden from even including fictional characters from a specific country?

And the signatories are from Palestinian cultural centers, theater groups, circus groups and others. Normally artists are in the forefront of freedom of expression - but Palestinian artists are the leaders in being against those freedoms.

The crazed reactions, the lies that the character was named after a massacre in Lebanon, the support of censorship and boycotts by groups that would normally oppose such actions - it all adds up, as always, to proving that this opposition isn't political. 

It is old fashioned hatred of Jews dressed up to appear more respectable. 

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Monday, April 03, 2023

Palestinian site Amad reports:
Hebrew sources announced, on Sunday evening, that Israel is considering increasing the number of work permits from the Gaza Strip, and the number of regular work permits may reach about fifty thousand in the coming months.

An informed Israeli security source indicated that the number could be increased as well, and this contributes to improving the economic situation of the residents of the Gaza Strip.
I didn't see this in Hebrew media, but there is little reason to think this isn't true. 

And it is representative of the type of story that the news media isn't interested in.

Israel spends a great deal of time and money trying to ensure that Palestinians' lives can be as good as possible while not compromising the security of Israelis. 

It is a very difficult job. 

Another recent example of Israel taking great efforts to help ordinary Palestinians  is that Israel is starting to operate the crossing into Jordan for 24 hours a day to make things easier for Palestinian travelers.

A nation's first priority is the safety of its own citizens. There have been countless cases of Palestinians taking advantage of Israeli efforts at being humane - suicide bombs smuggled in by hospital patients, for example. 

In this case I cannot blame the media completely for avoiding stories where Israel acts humanely towards Palestinians.  Bad news is news and drives ratings; good news doesn't.

But when coverage of Israel is so unrelentingly negative, no one even considers that the truth is not what is being reported.  People who do not follow news in Hebrew and Arabic are left completely in the dark. 

Gaza is a mess, and giving Gazans jobs is the single most important thing that can be done to help them out. Gaza is also run by a terrorist organization. 

The line between helping people who haven't done anything wrong and not helping their leaders who openly preach genocide against the Jewish people is one that is a real news story. And it is one that the media is not interested in covering.

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Monday, March 20, 2023

Ibrahim Abrash, writing in Palestinian news site Amad, says that Bezalel Smotrich is ignoring the Jewish Scripture when he says there were no such thing as the Palestinian people. 

Because look at the many times that the Torah mentions Philistines and the Land of the Philistines!

It's been a while since Palestinians claimed to be Philistines. It was a common claim at the UN in the 1940s, when the Syrian representative stated, "The Palestinian Arabs are the descendants of the same inhabitants of that country of forty centuries ago who fought in the first campaign which the Jews waged against Palestine in the fifteenth century before Christ. In the Bible, they are called the Philistines. After about the thirteenth century, they adopted the Arabic language, which was later replaced by the Syrian language, a language closely related to the former. These people have not changed. They are the same people who were living there then. They have been there for forty centuries--since prehistoric times."

(Note his backhanded way of saying that Palestine is really a part of Greater Syria.)

The claim that Palestinians were Syrians became less popular as the term "philistine" in English is equated with narrow-mindedness and being uncultured. 

The obvious next move was for Palestinians to claim to be Canaanites, because that way they can say that the Jews ethically cleansed them twice, and Canaanites were definitely in the bulk of the Land of Israel before the Jews.

But when Jerusalem became an issue, Palestinians suddenly became Jebusites, a people who have no independent known history outside the Torah. But they lived around Jerusalem, so therefore Palestinians must have been Jebusites.

Of course, the same Bible that says Jebusites existed says that they legally sold Jerusalem to King David.

Notice that there is never the slightest bit of historical, scientific, linguistic or cultural evidence for these contradictory and supposedly unbroken histories of Palestinians.

So now we are back to Philistines, since that is the most convenient lie for the current threat. 

Any lie will do, as long as they counter Jews' claims. 

Which reminds me of a recent comic of mine:

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Sunday, March 05, 2023

Aziz Mohammed Balousha writes in an op-ed:
For those who wreak havoc on the earth in the Holy City, and in its Al-Aqsa Mosque, from desecration and almost daily raids, and to Judaize the landmarks of the Holy City and the first two qiblahs, and in historical Palestine, by killing, demolishing, and terrorizing children, women, and the elderly...

Those who make lies and lie to God, violated the covenants, and on top of that, they tried to kill the Chosen Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family and companions - several times, but God - blessed and exalted - saved him and preserved him.

They have nothing in their dictionary except crime and bloodshed. They are the ones who killed the Prophet of God, Zacharias,....And they killed Ezekiel, peace be upon him, and the Jews tried to kill Jesus Christ , peace be upon him, but God lifted him up and saved him from their plot, and many, many others, so only the Jews were killed by the prophets of God, and whenever they made a covenant, a group of them rejected it, and it is their nature to break the covenants, betrayal, and distort the words, Their hearts are hard as stones and devoid of mercy, and they are creative in igniting strife and wars.

The Jews, gentlemen!!!! 
They aren't even trying to hide their Jew-hatred. 

But Allah forbid you call Palestinians antisemitic - that is just a means to demonize them, you see.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The Palestinian Amad news site shows this photo of another "child" killed by Israeli forces as they engaged in a battle upon entering the Al-Faraa camp to arrest terrorists that the Palestinian Authority refuses to.

Hmmm. 17-year old Mahmoud al-Aidi seems to be carrying something. A laptop bag, perhaps? 

Not quite.

In this case, the IDF says that al-Aidi approached them with an explosive device.

In related "child martyr" news, 14-year old Qusai Radwan Waked, who was killed Sunday, appears to have been linked to Islamic Jihad, and was referred to as a "mujahid" in the Jenin Qassam Telegram channel while wearing the PIJ headband and showing the "tawhid" hand gesture popularized by ISIS and now used by Palestinian jihadists.

The martyr, the mujahid cub, Qusai Wakada, son of the town of Al-Arqa in Jenin, who was martyred yesterday while confronting the invading occupation forces in Jenin..

Palestinian militias are recruiting children and encouraging them to attack Israeli soldiers, knowing that their deaths are worth far more in public relations value than their military skills. 

And yet NGOs that supposedly care about the welfare of children have been completely silent - because that dilutes from the false narrative of Israeli forces wantonly shooting children, which is also worth far more to them in fundraising value. 

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Sunday, December 04, 2022

A report in Amad says that, somehow, the "Israeli occupation" has the biggest violent effects on Palestinian women.

But then, in a distant second place, it mentions real statistics on violence against Palestinian women - from Palestinian men.

In 2015, 15 killings of Palestinian women and girls were monitored and documented, while 18 other killings were documented during 2016, and in 2017, the Women’s Center recorded 30 killings. In 2018, 24 Palestinian women were murdered.

In 2019, the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics conducted a survey showing that about 59.3% of married or ever-married Palestinian women / girls in the age group (15-64 years) have been subjected to violence (including psychological and economic) by their husbands: 70.4% in Gaza compared to 52.3% in the West Bank. The highest percentage, 66.9%, were in the 20-24 age group.  More than half of ever married girls and young women aged between 15 to 19-years-old have been exposed to violence by their husbands.

For physical violence 18.5% experienced it in the previous 12 months from their husband, and 9.5% suffered sexual violence from him.  An astounding 12% suffered from sexual violence in the Jericho area not from their husbands.

15%  of married women in Gaza experienced incidents of sexual abuse by husbands over the previous year. More than half of these experienced it repeatedly (3+ times).

As long as Palestinians pretend that all problems are from Israel, Palestinian women are not ever going to get the help they need. 

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Thursday, September 22, 2022

No, the headline is not hyperbole.

Amad reports that the Council of Arab Information Ministers held its 52nd meeting on Thursday, and the top of the agenda is  "continuing Arab media support for the Palestinian cause, at the center of which is occupied Jerusalem....emphasizing all decisions related to the Palestinian cause, and working to keep the issue of Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Islamic and Christian holy sites alive in the minds and hearts of Arabs and Muslims through media awareness programs." 

Abu Rudeineh, representing the PA, said that "the current battle taking place on the Palestinian land is the vision and Arabism of Jerusalem, noting that there is a movement on the international arena to confirm that East Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Palestine, and that there are Palestinian Islamic and Christian people and sanctities, which calls for collective Arab action to support the Palestinian vision and expose the Israeli lies targeting the city and its people."

There was a somewhat interesting autotranslation, where he added that a mini-committee will meet to set up mechanisms for urgent action on the international scene "to reveal the Israeli facts and establish the Palestinian narrative."

Indeed, Israel has facts and Palestinians only have a narrative. And the "information ministers" - really, propaganda ministers who can tell news media what to cover - are ready to push those lies. 

They also want to make May 11 a "global day of solidarity with the Palestinian media, which coincides with the anniversary of the assassination of the media martyr, Sherine Abu Akleh, as an expression of absolute solidarity with all Palestinian journalists and media professionals." 

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Wednesday, September 14, 2022

This morning, an IDF soldier was shot and killed by two Palestinian militants during an arrest operation.

One of the terrorists, Ahmed Abed, worked for the Palestinian Authority security forces.

Both of the terrorists, who appear to be relatives, were claimed by Fatah's Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.

There has been a significant increase in Palestinian Authority forces directly attacking Israel in recent months. Under signed agreements, the Palestinian police and security forces are supposed to work with Israeli security to arrest and imprison terrorists - but lately they have become the terrorists.

Joe Truzman writes in the Long War Journal:

Since last year, IDF troops have increasingly engaged in armed clashes with members of the Palestinian Authority Security Services (PSS) in the West Bank. In some cases, PSS members belonged to militant organizations.

The trend began in June 2021 when two members of the PA’s military intelligence, Adham Tawfiq and Tayseer Issa, were killed after they fired at Israeli special forces who were attempting to arrest Jamil al-Amouri, a member of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in Jenin.

In May 2022, IDF troops arrested an officer of the PA’s Palestinian Preventative Corps during an anti-terrorism raid near Jenin. Three months later, Israeli forces arrested a member of the PA’s customs police after a lengthy armed clash in the town of Rujeib, near the city of Nablus. 

In late July, a Palestinian police officer named Mahmoud Hujeer, fired at Israeli troops at the Huwarra checkpoint in the West Bank. Hujeer was arrested after he was critically injured during the attack.

Other examples involve militants and their supporters working for the PSS. In May, Dawood Zubeidi, a member of the PSS, was shot and wounded in Jenin by Israeli forces during an anti-terrorism raid. He later died in an Israeli hospital and was lauded by al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades as a commander belonging to the organization.  

The evidence suggests the PA is ostensibly losing control of its security services. While the number of PSS members launching attacks against IDF troops has not reached the level of the second intifada, the upward trend should be noted. Adding to the PA’s problems is the erosion of its authority in pockets of the West Bank.
The question is whether this is the PA losing control - or making an active decision to play both sides of the fence. The public appearances of Fatah's Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in recent months indicates that this might be an conscious decision to go back to Yasir Arafat's game of controlling both the "good guys" and "bad guys" and telling the West that he needs more help to control his own terrorists.

Just as Hamas policemen are also members of Hamas' terrorist Al Qassam Brigades, Palestinian Authority policemen are members of Fatah's terror group (that was supposed to have been dismantled 15 years ago.) 

It is also possible that this is part of the larger fight of who is to succeed Mahmoud Abbas, and that these "rogue" militants are being led by one of the aspiring new Palestinian leaders.

The trend of Palestinian security forces attacking the IDF has also been noted approvingly in Palestinian media, some of whom call for a new violent intifada led by the Palestinians who were armed by the West. From an Amad editorial:

The developments that characterized the act of resistance in recent months are the practical participation of the Palestinian security forces as a vital and active part...Those services and their sons, who fought with a people and under the leadership of the Founder, the longest military confrontation with the army of the national enemy for 4 years from 2000 to 2004, confirmed that the conflict will not be without the Palestinian’s right to his full national entity,...
This is a difficult and complex situation. 

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Monday, September 12, 2022

An editorial at Amad shows anger at various Arab states for declaring days of mourning for Queen Elizabeth, saying that this is an insult to...Palestinians.

Hassan Asfour, the editor of Amad, wrote an article saying that various Arab countries who declared days of mourning and that flags should fly at half-mast are showing support of the British Balfour Declaration and of Zionism, and insulting Palestinians. 

The Arab countries that declared days of mourning include Jordan, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Kuwait. 

Asfour notes that none of these countries did anything similar when Yasir Arafat was "assassinated," or when Gamal Abdel Nasser died. 
Far from empty compliments, what these countries have done is a new attack on the Palestinian people and their national cause, as if they are blessing what [Great Britain has]done. Just days ago, the Prime Minister of Her Majesty’s Government announced that if Israel did not exist, it would need to be created..and that it is more Zionist than the Zionists themselves.
(I couldn't find that Liz Truss quote.)

As always, Palestinians need to make everything about themselves, and when any other world event happens that knocks their position in the daily news items down a peg or two, they are livid that they aren't the top story. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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Sunday, August 28, 2022

Because no one else is doing it....

Amad (Palestinian): The Popular Struggle Front accuses Israel of stealing the organs of Palestinians who were killed during terror attacks,

Ad Dustour (Jordan): "Palestine is an Arab Palestinian from the sea to the river, and there is no place for the Jews in it, and they have to go back to where their fathers and grandfathers came on one black night.. to land on our shores as locusts landed, to eat the vegetation."

Freedom and Justice Gate (Egypt): Asks why the UAE, in allowing a synagogue to be built in its territory, is "embracing of the enemies of Islam."

Alsaa (Jordan): The Holocaust industry continues: this  time against the Argentinian president.

Al-Ahram (Egypt): The UN's recognition of the American Zionist Movement as an advisory NGO is the "whitening" of Zionism and shows support by the UN of "systematic racist policies practiced by Israel against the Palestinian people."

Sama News (Palestinian): A poll of Palestinian academics shows that 94.9% support the position of Abbas not to apologize for the Munich massacre vs. only 0.02% who opposed it.  85.9%, agreed that Israel perpretates "holocausts" against Palestinians, while 7.1% opposed the use of this term.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

After Mahmoud Abbas yet again spouted antisemitic lies in Germany on Tuesday, Palestinian officials and pundits unanimously supported him. 

Bassam al-Salihi, head of the People's Party and PLO Executive Committee member,  wrote that Abbas' statement that Israel committed fifty "holocausts" against Palestinians was true. "President Abbas' statements express the position of all the Palestinians, and the unrelenting Israeli incitement against the Palestinian president is totally and completely rejected," he wrote on his Facebook page.

Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement also supported his statement. Fatah spokesman Munther al-Hayek said that Abbas' words were meant "to remind the world of the suffering of the Palestinian people and the massacres committed by Israel." If there is to be any apology, al-Hayek said, it should be to the Palestinian people "whose land was occupied and the most heinous crimes were committed in front of the eyes and ears of the world without the killer being held accountable."

Ma'an News Agency reported Abbas' statements as "bold" and dismissed criticism by Israel as "hysteria."

The editor of Amad strongly defended Abbas' antisemitism, saying that "the patriot must stand without hesitation, conditionality, or thinking in the battle to defend President Abbas’s words, and that they represent what every Palestinian inside and outside the homeland believes… It is a political moment that never accepts neutrality. Silence on the fascist entity's war against the content of President Abbas's words is a partnership in it..there is no consolation for the cowards and the trembling." even went beyond Abbas' words, with a Jew-hating screed that said that Israel is guilty of far more than 50 "holocausts." By insisting that the Holocaust is a unique event, the editorial says, Jews believe that their lives are worth more than anyone else's. "The Zionist extremist voices that have become addicted to blackmailing the world are nothing but a follow-up to the idea of ​​ethnic or religious discrimination linked to the illusion and myth of 'God’s Chosen People'  attributed to a racist god, and a real estate and land dealer who is intolerant of a part of his creation, which does not fit the description of the Creator."

I could not find one condemnation of Abbas' words in Palestinian media. 

For his part, Abbas' fake apology was an excuse to insult Israel again. He didn't apologize at all, but merely said that he "condemned the Holocaust in the strongest terms," which is as low a bar as one can imagine. 

But Abbas then attacked Israel, and implied that what Israel does is worse than the Holocaust, saying, "the crimes and massacres committed against the Palestinian people since the Nakba at the hands of the Israeli forces... have not stopped to this day." Meaning, the Holocaust ended in the 1940s but Palestinian suffering has lasted for over seven decades. (This theme has been used often in Palestinian media.)

Among the anti-Israel activists I follow on social media, I could not find one condemning Abbas' words besides J-Street. This includes the self-described experts on antisemitism who follow he Middle East extensively like Linda Sarsour, Rashida Tlaib, Marc Lamont Hill, and Peter Beinart. Because to them, if antisemitism doesn't come from a white nationalist, it isn't antisemitism

Their silence condones Abbas.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Palestinian site Amad discusses a new song by anti-Israel folksinger David Rovics, celebrating British antisemites who broke into Elbit Systems and destroyed equipment.

I hadn't heard that name in years. 

Back in 2010, I saw that Rovics had a series of really bad, barely sung songs that were rabidly anti-Israel and aligned with other "social justice" issues.

While Rovics has a song to praise the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, he seems to lose interest in Jews fighting when they actually win. Similarly, he has a song about how terrible it was for Jews and Muslims to be expelled from Christian Europe - but he says that Jews are European and Israelis are Nazis.

And while I am sure he would insist he is not in any way antisemitic, one of his more recent songs ironically titled "God Bless the USA"  lists the things he hates about America - which includes "Jewish bankers." 

Here are the lyrics from the beginning so no one can accuse me of taking it out of context.

God bless all the Indians living in their reservations
God bless all the strippers and their bodily gyrations
God bless Trump Towers reaching up so high
God bless the Blue Angels screaming through the sky
God bless Appalachia, mountains and moonshine
God bless the creeks, bulldozers and strip mines
God bless the megachurches and all of those who speak in tongues
God bless the corporate ladder, every single rung
God bless the homeless families living under bridges
God bless the golden valleys and the mountain ridges
God bless the beaches and the swamps and the alligators
God bless the NFL and the Oakland Raiders
God bless the USA

God bless the conspiracy theorists and the Jewish bankers
God bless ExxonMobil and all their oil tankers
God bless Clearchannel, Toby Keith and Taylor Swift
God bless anorexia, lyposuction and facelifts
God bless the mighty rivers and the nuclear reactors
God bless Fox, Rupert Murdoch and X Factor
God bless the USA
Yeah, this sounds antisemitic to me. (He could have said "their Jewish bankers" if he meant that they were part of the conspiracy theory.)

At the time, I wrote my own song, with an accurate history of the Palestinian people, called "Pawns of the Middle East." I didn't bother working too hard on rhyming and meter, because Rovics sure doesn't.

The pawns of the Middle East

In 1948 their leaders abandoned them
The rich Arabs packed up and went to Lebanon
Their confident leaders told them to get out of the way
So the Jews could be slaughtered and then they'll be back to stay

But that's not what happened. Their fighters didn't fight.
Wild rumors scared them, and most then joined the flight
They ended up in Egypt, Syria, Jordan
The Palestinian Arabs thought they'd start over again

They thought that they'd be welcomed by the Arabs who said that they loved them
But they were placed in giant camps, and had to stay in tents
They thought that they were all Arabs, but they were only that in name
The other Arabs didn't want them to remind them of their shame

Decade after decade, the Arabs let them down
They treated them like animals, and just used them as pawns
They thought that their problem was that they didn't have a state
But the real problem was that they were taught only to hate.

They wanted jobs, they wanted land, they wanted to fit in
Their hosts only wanted the millions given by the UN
They kept them stuck in camps, in disgusting misery
They did everything possible to ensure they'd never be free.

The Arab states passed laws to let them know where they stand
They couldn't work in certain jobs, couldn't own any land
They had no choice, no rights, no control over their fate
And they raised a generation who was taught nothing but hate.


Jordan never gave them an inch of "historic Palestine"
The entire world had no problem. They thought that this was fine.
The only land that Arabs would allow them to receive
Was the land that would be left over when they forced the Jews to leave.

Their new leaders taught terror, for them not to be so meek
Jordan slaughtered thousands of them in a matter of just weeks
And so it went, year after year, kept in dire straits
400,000 of them got kicked out of Kuwait

Decade after decade, the Arabs let them down
They treated them like animals, and just used them as pawns
They thought that their problem was that they didn't have a state
But the real problem was that they were taught only to hate.

At the time, I found someone to actually sing this for me, but unfortunately my YouTube channel was taken down and I cannot find the original video anymore.

So if anyone wants to record this folksong, I'll make a new video.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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Monday, July 18, 2022

This doesn't happen often, but Amad published a column by Abdulaziz Al Zayed that emphasizes that Palestinians should hate Zionists, not Jews.

Is Judaism really an insult? I say: “Wake up the nation of Islam, for this is not from the religion of Muhammad.” I say: “Wake up my people, for your blame on the Jews is a mistake that must be corrected."

So why blind hatred against Jews and Judaism? Judaism is a divinely respected religion in Islam, and the Jews are our brothers among us. And they have many commonalities and ties.... Is the Islamic religion really a religion of tolerance and kindness? So why blind hatred against Jews and Judaism? Judaism is a divinely respected religion in Islam, and the Jews are our brothers among us. 

Unfortunately, there are thinkers who have overstepped their position and floated in the balance, and did not do justice to the Jews from themselves, and the Qur’an threatens by saying: (Woe to the delinquents), when will we sheath the sword of grudges? And when will we raise the banner of love? 
Of course, Zionists should be loathed. But this is a very rare article that calls out Muslim antisemitism. 

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Israel Hayom has a scoop:
The defense establishment and Finance Ministry are operating a secret, extra-budgetary fund, through which money is transferred to the Palestinian Authority.

The fund's existence was revealed in the state's answer to the Supreme Court in response to a petition filed by the Kohelet Policy Forum. State's attorney Yael Morag Yako-El wrote that Israel had committed to transferring the Palestinians a "loan" of NIS 100 million ($28.86 million). "The source of this amount is an extra-budgetary fund managed by the Civil Administration and Finance Ministry's Budgets Department," she wrote.

Attorney Ariel Erlich, who submitted the petition on behalf of the Kohelet Policy Forum, said..."Theoretically, this is a gross violation of the law. After all, if the law stipulates what and how you are permitted to transfer to the PA, the state cannot create extra-budgetary funds to bypass this prohibition."

He added: "This whole story reeks of a cover-up, breaking the law, and funding terror. We hope the court won't allow the Finance Ministry to continue obscuring and blowing smoke. The citizens of Israel need to know whether public funds are transferred to fund terror through the circumvention of the Knesset's laws."

The Finance Ministry said in response that the "fund is sourced from payments pertaining to the use of lands, including quarries, along with media bodies as well. The sums that are deposited in the fund are earmarked for such matters. It should be noted we have answered questions posed by various Knesset members before, within the relevant contexts, about the loan."
It turns out that Palestinians are also suspicious of money they are receiving from Israel. 

Hassan Asfour, editor of Amad, thinks that this is evidence of Palestinian Authority corruption:

The Hebrew report, if true, reveals that Palestinian Authority officials agreed to accept money in exchange for “special services,” and that the authority has become like some countries that receive money in exchange for non-national services, provided to serve the national enemy, and not what is announced about explicit relations.
While Israelis are worried that the funds will go towards terrorism, Asfour is concerned that the funds will not go towards terror. His fear is that Israel is outsourcing some functions to the PA, like security,  that would not be in the Palestinian national interest. And to him, as with most Palestinians with zero-sum mentalities, anything that benefits Israel is by definition against the Palestinian national interest.

Who says Palestinians and Israelis cannot agree on something?

Any way you look at it, there should be no room for secret money transfers to the PA. The chances that the money will go towards terrorism are too high, and anything that is not transparent is almost invariably ripe for misuse. And, as Kohelet says, it is very possibly illegal. 

Not only do we need to know what this money is used for, but also under which government this fund was started.

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Sunday, June 12, 2022

Palestinian site Amad reports:

 Local sources reported on Thursday afternoon that there was an exchange of fire between Hamas security forces and residents of the Bedouin village area [in Northern Gaza], and that there were a number of casualties.

The sources indicated that the Hamas Land Authority demolished homes in the Bedouin village in the northern Gaza Strip.

Shooting took place in the Bedouin village at Hamas policemen while they were demolishing a house in the Bedouin village belonging to Tawfiq Abu Hashish.

According to the sources, there was intense shooting and a number of injuries, one of them seriously, they were transferred to the Indonesian Hospital.

Evicting people from their homes? Demolishing houses?  Using gunfire against a violent riot? 

When Israel is blamed for these things, they are considered the worst human rights abuses in the Middle East. 

When Hamas does them - there is next to no coverage in Western media. The only reason any Israeli media covered it at all was because some gunfire reached an Israeli community, causing slight damage and a light injury - to an Arab worker. 

When Palestinians do to Palestinians what Israel is accused of doing to Palestinians, no one cares. Not even the people who claim to be "pro-Palestinian."

Which proves, yet again, that practically nobody is really pro-Palestinian. They are anti-Israel. And since they only care what happens to Palestinians when they can blame Jews, they are antisemitic, by definition.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!





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