Showing posts with label Jews control the world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jews control the world. Show all posts

Monday, September 18, 2023

Al-Khanadeq, a Lebanese pro-Iranian Shiite news site, describes how Jews control the United States. It was written by Nasib Shams, who has had bylines in other popular Arabic media. 
There has always been talk about the Jews in the United States , their power and influence in decision-making, and there has also been talk about the power of the Israeli lobby. But how did the Jews get to the United States? What is their history in this country?

The history of Jews in America begins with the beginning of Christopher Columbus, when more than 300,000 Jews were expelled from Spain on August 2, 1492, and Columbus sailed, carrying a number of Jews with him. His first letter explaining his discoveries was addressed to a Jew. Columbus's supporters were rewarded with a number of privileges. As for him, he became the victim of the conspiracy hatched by the ship's Jewish doctor.

Since that time, Jews began to look to America and began to immigrate there, and more and more to South America, especially Brazil . When the conflict occurred between the Dutch and the Brazilians, they were forced to immigrate again to the Dutch colony, which is today called “New York.”

The Jews controlled the cinema, sugar and tobacco industries, half of the canned meat industry, the shoe industry, etc., and trade in particular. Which made the American people dissatisfied with the global Jewish plan to transfer financial markets to the United States.

The Jews enjoy a strong and absolute influence in America, and they do not hide it. They claim that “the essence of American life is Jewish, not Christian,” and that “American history must be rewritten to recognize the glories of Judas and the virtue of the Jews.” Also, the problem is not a problem of the Jewish people, but rather a problem of Jewish thought and the use of the people as a tool to harness the idea. One of its primary goals is to destroy the true values ​​of workers. The influence of the Jews on the thinking of the workers was very bad. The other area of ​​the Jewish idea focused on the churches. They invaded hundreds of Christian churches. They controlled the church in its doctrines.

Jewish ideas have invaded the minds of university students, as Jews led all revolutionary or anarchist movements in the student field. They worked to secularize public schools, and to keep children in their early stages of education away from any word that might help the American child learn about the “Jewish element.” Through the secularization of schools, it became possible to “Judaize universities.”

The Jews are mostly men without religion, and they use the slogan "religious persecution" to arouse people's feelings, but the issue is a matter of race and nationality, not a religious issue. No president of the United States dares to include in his first presidential speech any excerpts from the New Testament for fear of being exposed to the wrath and denunciation of the Jews. No man in the public service in America can say that the Christian religion is the one he believes in, because in this case he would be exposed to blame and classification of the Jews. Because the Jews' hopes were in the Jewish prophecy (the elimination of Christianity).

The number of Jews in America is not really known by non-Jews, as the numbers are the property of the Jewish authorities alone, and whenever US circles try to find out, Jewish influence is on the lookout to prevent that.

The increase in Jewish immigration to the United States made the Jews call it “the Land of the Jews,” where the Jew does these:

He opposes any legislation restricting his entry into the country.
He opposes any racial classification of his group after they enter the country.
He claims in front of others that he represents a religion, not a race.
He has two opinions: he confronts non-Jews with one of them, and keeps the second for himself and does not express it publicly except in front of Jews.
Therefore, there will be no census of Jews in the United States.

If we want to talk about the nationality or religion of the Jew... then “every Jew, whether he wishes to or not, is closely linked to all Jewish nationalism.” And that "the Jewish religion above all Jewish patriotism." The United States Supreme Court justice said, “Our instincts and actions have determined for us the meaning of the word Jew.”

What is noteworthy is that the opening ceremony of the “American Jewish Committee” in 1906 was attended by delegates representing 222 Jewish associations, religious, political, industrial, and sectarian. A year later, the organizations subject to this committee became 688 organizations, and then the number rose in 1921 to more than 1,000. After that, the statistics are no longer known.

The Jews also tried to make New York a Jewish city, and thus the United States, a Jewish country. The conservative Jews were terrified as they expected that the American people would not tolerate this. In the beginning, it was the committee called Kehilla New York, then it expanded its work and became called the World Jewish Congress. The Jews of New York constituted the driving force of the international Jewish apparatus.

This is the tip of the iceberg about the history of the Jews in the United States, and this is how they began in the United States.   
The article is illustrated this way:

Because that's what the Jews who control the US look like.

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Monday, September 11, 2023

It is always interesting to trace the history of Palestinian "anti-Zionism" from the beginnings of Zionism, when its antisemitism was explicit, to today, when it is hidden behind multiple layers of pretense of not having any problem with Jews at all.

So this from an article in June 1956, by syndicated columnist John B. Crane, before the Suez campaign, is instructive.

He interviewed Palestinian refugees in Lebanon:

 ACTING as spokesman, 28-year- old camp leader Mahmoud Rashid, a former railway employee in Palestine, told us with an intensity often found among inmates of concentration and refugee camps: "

If things keep on as at present and war should break out, the Arabs will fight on the side of Russians. 

"You Americans are not neutral, as your government claims, but you are pro-Israel and are giving more aid to tiny Israel than all Arab countries combined. 

"Do you think it wise for America to lose the friendship of 70 million Arabs and 400,000,000 Moslems to secure the friendship of 10 million Jews scattered all over the world?"

 Another Palestinian refugee at the same briefing session, a former commando leader in Israel- Arab war, declared:

"The fight against Israel is not just a fight of the Moslem Arabs against the Israeli. I am a Christian Arab and I say it is the of all Christians everywhere to drive the Jews from the Holy Land, for we must not forget that it the Jews who crucified Christ.".

At the end of the article, we read:

HERE ARE some popular beliefs among the Arabs and it is these beliefs which are likely to determine future Arab behavior, whether the beliefs have any basis in fact or not: 
Israel Is out to build a modern Jewish empire stretching from Baghdad to Alexandria. This is the reason for their subsidizing thousands of Jews from all over the world to come to Israel when the country is already too small to support the Jews already there. 
America is determined to see that Israel survives and prospers because the millions of Jews in America--(1) control the press, (2) control the radio, (3) control the movies, (4) control the government, and (5) control the United Nations. 
Most Arabs believe the above they cite these convictions to explain why their side of the Arab- Israel conflict is not given more publicity in the American press and over the American radio and why America gives far more aid to Israel than to the Arab countries. The anti-Zionism of the Arabs is as intense as the earlier anti-semitism of the Nazis.   


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Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Egypt now has more restored synagogues than it has Jews. 

There are only three Jewish women left in Egypt, the youngest of whom is 70. But Egypt has, in recent years, restored five synagogues to their former glory, with seven or eight more still in disrepair.

The most recent restoration was the Ibn Ezra Synagogue which re-opened last week. To tourists only, of course. 

While Egypt is presiding over these multi-million dollar restorations, Egypt's Muslims are complaining that the government is destroying Islamic historic sites to make way for development projects. 

Muslims are seeing not only Jewish but Christian, Roman, Greek, and Pharaonic antiquities being preserved, while laws to preserve Islamic sites are apparently much more onerous.  Resentment is being expressed in Arabic news media.

Egyptian media lists three reasons why Egypt's government is spending so much money and time restoring Jewish synagogues and preserving the Jewish cemetery even as a Muslim cemetery is being relocated for development work.

One reason is that the Egyptians want to stay on the good side of the US, and they think (probably because Jews run the world) that restoring synagogue will pay political dividends.

The second is that it is simply to promote tourism. Tourism went down after the last coup, and they want to attract Jews to Cairo..

The third reason is to make President Sisi look moderate to the world and to his own people. This is the sort of no-risk move that makes him look tolerant of a virtually nonexistent minority. And in 2018, Sisi passed a law allowing him to stay in office until 2030, and the optics were bad - he wants to change them

All three of the reasons are using Jews as a means to an end. 

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Recently, a new website has been indexed on Google News, called Sinai Arabia. 

It is not a very professional site and it really doesn't cover news, rather items of interest to the Arab  Muslim reader. 

I cannot tell what country it comes from. My best guess is Egypt.

A lot of its stories are about Jews, many of them antisemitic but written in a matter of fact way rather than with rancor. So it will discuss things like how the final battle between Muslims and Jews will happen,  or how the Rothschild family controls 80% of the world's wealth.

Today, it describes Islamic law on cursing of Jews and Israel. And according to this article, it is perfectly allowed for a Muslim to curse Jews, but not to curse Israel!

Cursing Jews (or Christians) is allowed since they are unbelievers. Allah cursed the Jews in the Quran because of their disobedience to Allah and their supposed attacks on and hatred of prophets. 

But Israel may not be cursed - because it was the name of Jacob, who is a revered prophet, and one may not curse the name of a prophet even if it is also the name of a hated Jewish state!

If this article is accurate, then from the perspective of cursing, the Muslim attitude is that it really is antisemitism, not "anti-Zionism." And by any religious yardstick, hating Jews is the reason for hating Israel - not the other way around.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the Houthi slogan says  "Curse the Jews" but only "Death to Israel." 

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Thursday, August 17, 2023

Professor Boštjan M. Zupančič is a former judge and former president of the Third Chamber at the European Court of Human Rights.  He was previously a judge at the Constitutional Court of Slovenia and vice-chair of the U.N. Committee against Torture (Geneva). He graduated from Harvard Law School and now acts as a legal consultant. In 2020,Zupančič  joined the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ) as an associate research fellow.

He is also a Jew-hater.

Zupančič's hate isn't subtle. He doesn't hide it behind "anti-Zionism." He doesn't insist that he doesn't hate Jews. His hatred is explicit and continuous. 

His former Twitter account, bmz9453, had plenty  of antisemitic posts.  It was closed down but his replacement account is filled with anti-Jewish tweets - even quoting antisemitic sites like The Daily Stormer and the Holocaust revisionists at the Institute of Historical Review.

Here is a selection of his tweets for just the past few months, often direct quotes from antisemitic websites like

He posted a 37 minute film that accuses Jews of systematically engaging in incest with their children. 

Since the Ukraine war started, Zupančič has obsessively blamed the Jews for their supposed role in the war.

And he reposts the most vile antisemitic conspiracy theories he can find every day - here are two from yesterday:

Today's leaders of human rights groups insist that they cannot be antisemitic because their fighting for human rights precludes any prejudice. The truth is that no one is immune from bigoted beliefs, and any philosophy can be twisted into Jew-hatred. 

Boštjan M. Zupančič was a human rights judge for 18 years. It hasn't stopped hum from openly engaging in spreading hate for Jews every single day. On the contrary - his biography gives his hatred legitimacy.

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Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Mohamed Salama is a regular columnist in Jordan's Ad-Dustour, a fairly well-known mainstream news site.

Lately he has been on an antisemitic kick.

On Sunday he wrote a column entitled "The Jews: .a wicked race." He doesn't even pretend to be talking about "Zionists."

In that article he writes:
The Protestant thinker Martin Luther described the Jews as a vicious race, persecuting people with usury, plunder and robbery, while the overall view of them was negative in Europe. And in the United States of America, President George Washington, the first American president, described them (i.e. the Jews) as the most dangerous  external enemy against his country.. Were they right and why?!. not the only one who believed that the Jews had a malicious role in the wars of Europe, in overthrowing its hegemony and in dividing it and dragging it into deep-rooted enmities. There are thinkers who believe that the first and second world wars had the Jews playing a major role in them. Palestine, and after the end of WWII they announced the establishment of their state on the land of Palestine, and the malice in both cases is related to money and their control over the financial system, which was the main center of Britain before Germany competed with it, and then France to a lesser extent. It alone is unique in its hegemony over the two parties rolling for power in the United States, which are..the Republican Party and its Democratic rival, and from within it is monopolizing the decisions that concern the entire Middle East in the hands of the Jews today..America today, like Europe almost a hundred years ago, cannot refuse to implement the interests of the Jews. .This is what the most controversial US President, Donald Trump, said a few weeks ago..and he added...that their loyalty (i.e. the Jews) is not to America but to Israel, and described them as full of treachery and betrayal..and he is now facing charges of corruption, theft, assault on the Capitol building, etc.
...Were Luther and Washington right in calling [Jews] malicious and dangerous?!
The answer is simply yes..Malice leads to bloody endings and danger threatens everyone in the Middle East..As long as Israel is in this geographical area, the cycles of open wars, violence and terrorism in all forms will not stop except with the demise of Israel once and for all.
"Anti-Zionism" and Jew-hatred, all tie up in bow.

But as powerful as the Jews are in Sundays' column, today Salama added in a new column that the Jews were about to be toppled:
The Jews of the world have reached a crushing height and immoral corruption, in which they stole the wealth of the world. Their global financial system has come to control America, and has spread corruption on the ground, so they have become, through their political, social and financial organizations, tools of sabotage and destruction..Do you see that we are witnessing their descent from the throne of economy and money, and thus from politics?!.
...The Jews of the world have reached a crushing height and immoral corruption..and the end of Israel will be with the removal of the global Jewish cover from any case, the government of Netanyahu and his extremist coalition is behind the height and corruption..and will be behind its demise once and for all.
When Jordanians read these sort of insane antisemitic rants, with not a word published in any Arabic media disagreeing with the hate, how can anyone be surprised that Jordan is one of the most antisemitic countries in the world?

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Friday, August 11, 2023

The Samer Theatre in the Agouza district of Cairo is showing a production of The Jew of Malta, a play written in 1590 by Christopher Marlowe, several years before Shakespeare wrote The Merchant of Venice. This follows a successful run of the play in Alexandria earlier this year.

The main character, Barabas, is a Jew whose fortune was confiscated by the governor of Malta. He devises plans of revenge that end up becoming murder sprees to silence witnesses. He engages in political intrigue and double-crosses to pit the Muslim and Christian leaders jockeying for rulership of the island against each other. In the end, he dies in a fiery cauldron that he had built for his enemies.

Like The Merchant of Venice, there is controversy about whether The Jew of Malta is truly an antisemitic play, since it appears to be critical of all religions. But the Egyptian production, starring Sameh Basioony, is certainly antipathetic to Jews.

One review says that as Barabas "breathes his last, in a concluding scene, he affirms that he 'will not end' and many will come after him to realize the great (eternal) dream of 'ruling the world.'"

Marlowe's play has no such text.  

Which means that the director modified the play to ensure that its message was one of a Jewish plot to control the world.

Popular Egyptian news site Youm7 writes in its review:
The show reviews Zionist deceptions and control of the world through the character of Barabas, the cunning rich man who lives on the island of Malta and works to spread the wedge between the Christian governor of  Malta and the Turks. His plots were not limited to only them,  rather, they extended to the split between countries, and he succeeds in that.

The antisemitic (and anti-Zionist) message of the play is being received loudly and clearly by Egyptian audiences.

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Thursday, August 10, 2023

Radwan Abdullah, a well-known Palestinian writer, has an article in Nidaal al-Watan where he freely admits that he makes no distinction between Jews and Israelis - the Jews are, according to him, just as despicable today as they were in Mohammed's time.

It is noted in many of the writings of media figures, and Arab intellectuals in general, that the hostility of the Jews to the Arabs and Muslims is limited to the occupation of Palestine. They ignore or forget the Jewish history of hostility to Islam and Muslims since the first cradle of Islam in Medina.

This thing, the enmity of course, which the Messenger of God Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, suffered from continued, even at intermittent periods, between the Jewish plots of the Prophet’s time, to their multiple misfortunes in more than one Arab country, with the incitement of states and emirates against other states and emirates, as Arab history has proven in several previous stages up to the catastrophe of Palestine and the subsequent massacres and calamities that they perpetrated in Palestine, Syria, Egypt and in several other Arab countries. They take advantage of their multiple nationalities and use their hateful malice and cunning to corrupt the land, starting from the areas of their presence in the Arab and regional countries and even the rest of the world. The Jewish hostility to Arabs and Muslims began since the dawn of Islam and was completed at the collapse of the Ottoman Sultanate, leading to the occupation of our dear homeland, Palestine.

Palestine leads its war against the Jews with all their black and volatile faces on behalf of the Arabs and Muslims.  Despite this, many Arabs and Muslims think and may believe that limiting the hostility to the Jews to the occupation of Palestine makes the occupation of Palestine a Palestinian issue only, as if the Palestinians alone are concerned with defending Palestine and perhaps all Arabs and Muslims. This is contrary to the truth.. Since we all know that the occupation of Palestine is intended to strike our Arab unity and our Islamic addition to displacing our people and stealing their homeland and its Christian and Islamic sanctities, and that the occupation of Palestine is nothing but an extension of the crusaders’ fierce campaigns against the Arab nation and Islam together, and it is actually an extension of the hostility of Banu Qurayza...
It is refreshing to read an Arab writer who admits the truth - that he hates Jews, not Zionists or Israelis. That he stereotypes all Jews as evil from the time of Mohammed. That the Jews have always been scheming thieves whose only aim is to corrupt everyone else, apparently for fun. 

Not once have I seen an Arabic writer contradict any antisemitic article in Arab media. 

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Thursday, August 03, 2023

The most antisemitic media in the world comes from the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen.

Here is an excerpt from a (now) Houthi newspaper, Al Thawra about Jewish influence in the world. 

The autotranslation of the top is pretty representative.

The licentious life of the Italian clergy was prostitution, filth, and indulgence, natural or unnatural. Macchio described the monks and the Brotherhood as "servants of the devil." They indulge in debauchery, homosexuality, gluttony, selling religious functions, and deviating from religion, and they say that the men of the army are of better morals than the clerics.
As the monasteries of men and women were close enough to allow those in it to share from time to time in one bed. The monasteries' records contain twenty volumes of trials due to sexual intercourse between monks and nuns... and others.
It is clear from this section of the Christian legacy that the Jews controlled the clergy with lust and moral corruption and made them, under these scandals, their slaves.. Hence the collapse began.
They were able to control the popes, and thus society lost its confidence in them, and the process of moral and ethical collapse began.

The Jewish movement sought to create an alternative lifestyle for the wealthy in order to challenge social norms. Its main focus was the pursuit of pleasure, especially sexual pleasure. This pursuit often involved non-traditional relationships between men and women as well as same-sex relationships or same-sex relationships between women. It started with the Industrial Revolution and has grown ever since. The Decadent Movement is characterized by an emphasis on luxury and excess, with an emphasis on extravagance, decadence, and hedonism, and women were given greater rights over their own bodies.
With the emergence of this degenerate movement made by the Jews, the beginning of Western civilization (barbaric civilization) can be calculated.
This mimics Nazi antisemitic literature. 

Yet there are close to no academic studies that look at Houthi antisemitism.

If Jew-hatred doesn't come from the Right, no one is interested - even when the hatred is clearly influenced by Nazi sources.

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Monday, July 24, 2023

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Iraqi news site Buraitha News, which is a Shi'ite site, has an "analysis" of Israel-Turkish relations by journalist and TV presenter Tabarak al-Raadi. She recently earned her PhD in International Relations from the University of Baghdad.

It starts off with:

The issue of the role of the Jewish lobby in Turkey may shed light on the Israeli-Turkish relations, which are frequently talked about these days, and which cannot be separated from their historical course.
A Jewish lobby in Turkey? Who knew? 

You see, this expert has traced back the Jewish influence on Turkey to Shabbati Zevi, the famous false messiah who converted to Islam. According to her his followers converted to Islam but remained Jewish and continue their secret Jewish influence in Turkey today. 

As she writes, "Since those times, they assassinate the sultans, support the generals, promote this and oppress that, and sign secret treaties."

Her conspiracy theory extends into classic Western-style antisemitism, as she claims that Turkey's major media are all controlled by these secret Jews. She then adds some legitimate anecdotes of Israeli-Turkish cooperation and agreements, as if that proves that Turkey has been infiltrated by Jews. 

It is hard for Westerners to wrap their heads around this sort of pseudo-intellectual antisemitism that is widespread even among the Arab intelligentsia. But it is there, and it drives a lot of decisions. 

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Sunday, July 16, 2023

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.., made headlines this weekend when he seemed to claim that COVID-19 could have been genetically engineered to target certain populations, and then mentioned there have been studies that suggested that Chinese people and Ashkenazic Jews are less susceptible to the virus.

"COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese," the Democratic presidential candidate said in a video that the New York Post published.

There is indeed such a study, from 2020, which he gets slightly wrong. The two groups that the study claimed were less likely to be susceptible to COVID-19, based on an analysis of two specific genes, were Ashkenazic Jews and the Amish. Latino, South and East Asian, and Finnish people were less susceptible than other groups as well. 

Kennedy later clarified, saying he “never, ever suggested that the COVID-19 virus was targeted to spare Jews. I do not believe and never implied that the ethnic effect was deliberately engineered.” 

Obviously, a large number (and percentage) of Ashkenazic Jews died of COVID-19, so the study did not predict anything accurately. 

But the cat is out of the bag, and conspiracy theorists now have more ammunition to attack Jews. 

And they are the most likely people to be antisemitic to begin with. 

A new study published in Nature shows that antisemitism is not so much associated with the political Right or Left as it is with extremist thinking and conspiracy theories.

The researchers checked the association between antisemitic attitudes and likelihood to believe in other theories. For example, they found a high correlation between antisemites that those who believed in totalitarianism:

•To bring about great changes for the benefit of mankind often requires cruelty and even ruthlessness.
•Soft and idealistic people can never be the doers of great events.
•Almost any unfairness or brutality may have to be justified when some great purpose is being carried out.
•The unhappiness of a few people simply doesn’t matter when it is a question of a step forward for the majority of the people.
•Sometimes when a new society is in its early stages, the masses have to be ruled with an iron hand for their own good
Similarly, antisemitic attitudes were correlated with belief in conspiracy theories, such as:

•The government permits or perpetrates acts of terrorism on its own soil, disguising its involvement.
•The power held by heads of state is second to that of small unknown groups who really control world politics
.•A small secret group of people is responsible for making all major world decisions such as going to war.
•Secret organizations communicate with extraterrestrials, but keep this fact from the public
•The spread of certain viruses and/or diseases is the result of the deliberate, concealed efforts of some organisations.
•Technology with mind-control capacities is used on people without their knowledge.
And they are also associated with support for authoritarianism, both associated with the Right:
•What our country needs most is discipline, with everyone following our leaders in unity.   
•An ideal society requires some groups to be on top and others to be on the bottom.

•Some groups of people are simply inferior to other groups

And the Left::
•Rich people should be forced to give up virtually all of their wealth.
•Most investment bankers need to be thrown in prison.
•Political violence can be constructive when it serves the cause of social justice.

 •Books that contain racism or racial language should be censored.

•I should have the right not to be exposed to views I find offensive.

While both the Right and the Left attack each other as antisemites, they usually remain blind to the antisemitism that is on their own side.  And too many on their own sides want to see an authoritarian government that supports their viewpoints - and violently represses others. 

Which indicates that antisemites are often some of the worst people on Earth.  And those who find antisemites on their own political side should be in the forefront of denouncing them, not accommodating them. 

Incidentally, the introduction to the study cited quite a few studies that showed a strong correlation between Judeoiphobic antisemitism and anti-Zionist antisemitism. And the people who would self-describe as anti-Zionists were just as likely to believe in the other noxious theories listed here as those who espouse the "old" antisemitism.

(h/t Irene)

our country needs most is discipline, with everyone following our leaders in unity.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Thursday, July 13, 2023

From the Jerusalem Post/Reuters:

Muslim states including Iran and Pakistan on Tuesday said desecration of the Koran amounted to inciting religious hatred and called for accountability, as the UN rights body debated a contentious motion in the wake of a Koran burning in Sweden.

The motion, brought by Pakistan in response to last month's incident, seeks a report from the UN rights chief on the topic and calls on states to review their laws and plug gaps that may "impede the prevention and prosecution of acts and advocacy of religious hatred."

The debate highlighted rifts in the UN Human Rights Council between the OIC, a Muslim grouping, and Western members concerned about the motion's implications for free speech and challenges posed to long-held practices in rights protection.
Yes, Iran and Pakistan - two of the most antisemitic countries out there - are claiming to care so much about "religious hatred."

The country that sponsors the Holocaust Cartoon Contest is telling others that they shouldn't hurt Muslim feelings.

The country whose foreign minister went on CNN in 2021 and said in the context of Israel, "they are very influential people. I mean, they control media" is railing against anyone disrespecting Islam.

And here's a twofer: The Tehran Times, which is either officially or effectively state media, published earlier this year a Holocaust denial article written by a Pakistani political scientist and "pro-Palestine activist"  Dr. Sabir Abu Maryam:

The Holocaust refers to those people belonging to the Jewish religion, about whom the Zionists have propagated to the world on the basis of lies and deception that they were brutally murdered by the German Nazis between the years 1933 and 1945. 

Zionists called the Nazi killing of Jews a systematic state-sponsored massacre, and hence it is now referred to as the "Holocaust."
The Zionists, who were responsible for starting the First World War in the world, have always made efforts to destabilize governments through riots in different countries around the world. The fall of the Ottoman Caliphate was also an example of the Zionist rebellion.

After the First World War, there was a number of Jews in Germany. In the First World War, Germany had to suffer a lot, which was actually the Zionist movement under the guise of which the First World War was started. In fact, the Zionists wanted to burn the world in the fire of war and implement the plan of occupying Palestine only so that their influence in the future region would be established.

It is said that the German Nazis hated all these Jews and Zionists and this hatred may have been the reason why they asked the Jews to leave Germany. 

These people are  not in a position to tell anyone else about inciting religious hatred. 

I myself do consider the deliberate burning of the Quran specifically to hurt Muslim feelings to be a hate crime.  But everything depends on context, and the Muslim desire to make the entire world prohibit such acts is not out of concern for religious hatred but a means to exert control.

Especially when Palestinian Muslims already have a rich history of desecrating Jewish holy books, including handwritten Torahs - and the Muslim world remained silent.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For 20 years and 40,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.


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