Gaza NGO PCHR's weekly report went through all the the major Israeli attacks in Gaza last weekend, of course without mentioning the hundreds of rockets shot towards Israel.
Besides the people I already mentioned who it incorrectly called "civilian" in its daily report, there were another couple of anomalies that show that Western NGOs and reporters can never trust PCHR to say who a "civilian" is.
This paragraph is self-contradictory:
At approximately 13:10 (May 5), an Israeli warplane launched a missile at a group of Palestinian civilians, who were in the east of al-Sheja’eya neighborhood, east of Gaza City. As a result, Bilal Mohammed Abdul Banna (29) and Abdullah Nofal Mohammed Abu al-‘Ata (21), members of the Islamic Jihad Movement, were killed.
If Israel shot at a group of civilians, how can it be that the only people killed are terrorists?
At approximately 14:45, Israeli warplanes launched a missile at a car driven by Hamed Ahmed Abdul Khudari (34), from al-Tuffah neighborhood, east of Gaza City. The targeting was in the vicinity of al-Sedrah area in the abovementioned neighborhood. As a result, al-Khudari , who works in Currency Exchange, was killed.
Also, Hamas had an event to celebrate the deaths of two of its members the previous Friday, which included these disturbing photos showing what is presumably one of their sons in full terrorist gear.
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PCHR, the Palestine Center for Human Rights - the organization that Amnesty International relied on to claim that there were far more civilians killed in Gaza in 2014 than there actually were - says:
At approximately 22:10 on Saturday evening, 04 May 2019, Israeli drone fired a missile at a group of civilians, who were in the vicinity of the American School former site, west of Beit Lahia, killing Khalid Mohammed Selmi Abu Qaliq (24), from the city, after he was hit with shrapnel throughout his body. Moreover, another civilan was seriously injured.
At approximately 17:35 on Sunday evening, the Israeli forces fired an artillery sheel at a house belonging to Abdul Rahim Mustafa al-Madhoun (60), south of the American School, west of Beit Lahia. As a result, the house was destroyed and 4 civilians were killed, including a woman, and 9 were injured. Those killed civilians, including Abdul Rahim, were identified as: Abdul Rahim’s son Abdullah Abdul Rahim Mustafa al-Madhooun (21), Fadi Ragheb Yusuf Badran (33), Amani ‘Etfat Sha;ban al-Madhoun (36), who was pregnant at her ninth month.
At approximately 17:45, the Israeli warplenes launched 2 missiles at the ground floor and first floor in Zu’rob’s Building near al-Shuhada’a Square (al-Nejmah), in the center of Rafah. As a result, 3 civlians were killed namely: ‘Ali Ahmed Abdul Jawad (51), who was in al-Awa’el Educational Center, Mousa Husein Lafi Mo’amer (35) and Hani Hamdan Abu Sha’ar (37), who were at al-Fakher Cofe.
Mo'amer and Sha'ar were at least associated with Fatah's Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, based on the flags used as their shrouds and flags waved at their funeral.
PCHR goes on:
At approximately 19:50, the Israeli warplanes launched a missile at the fifth floor in Building no. (12) at Sheikh Zayed Buildings, north of the Gaza Strip. As a result, 6 civilians were killed namely: Ahmed Ramadan Rajab al-Ghazali (30), his wife Eman Abdullah Mousa al-Ghazali (29), their child Maria (5 months), Abdul Rahman Talal Abu al-Jedyan (12), his parents Tala ‘Atiyah Abu al-Jedyan (48) and Raghdah Mohammed Abu al-Jedyan (46), whose dead bodies were recovered todays morning from under the rubble.
This one I'm not quite as certain about, but apparently at least one of the dead- probably Ahmed - was associated with Hamas. At least two members of the family were wrapped in Hamas flags as a courtesy.
PCHR has a long history of immediately labeling terrorists as "civilian" going back to the 2009 war
when over 300 supposed "civilians" were found to be in fact members of terror groups.
PCHR says that 9 additional of Gaza's dead were indeed militants, but it only mentions the name of one from Hamas. Islamic Jihad admits 8 "martyrs" including Al Madhoun, above.
As we can see here, apparently 100% of the people killed in Gaza this weekend were either terrorists, human shields for terrorists or collateral damage as Israel targeted terrorists - legitimate targets under international law.
We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
Nearly six years ago I gave a lecture at Yeshiva University on how to answer anti-Israel arguments. Since the lecture was over an hour and twenty minutes, I decided to break it up into 20 sections, one each to answer one popular anti-Israel argument.
Here is part 18..
We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.3
This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For 20 years and 40,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.
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