Showing posts with label Prisoners. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prisoners. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Israeli pundits are falling over each other to explain why Hamas chose to release the video showing that captive Avera Mengistu is alive, when they normally don't give proof of life without demanding something in return.

But Hamas media has its own analysis, which is probably more accurate because, well, they are controlled by Hamas.

Majid Al-Zibda writes in Hamas' Al Resalah that Hamas is trying to exploit supposed Israeli racism against its Ethiopian Jewish population at a time when Israelis are already divided.

By publishing the video message of the soldier [sic] Mengistu, the Palestinian resistance succeeded in scoring a point in its favor in the context of its ongoing psychological battle with the occupation. On the one hand, it provoked Netanyahu's extremist government, which is keen not to raise the issue of the captured soldiers in light of the exacerbating internal conflicts it faces, and at the same time this message deepens sectarian conflicts within the entity by provoking the sect of "Falasha Jews" to whom the soldier "Mengistu" belongs, and who suffer from a state of deliberate marginalization from the occupation governments.
Other reasons are given: as a response to Itamar Ben Gvir's crackdown on Palestinian prisoner perks, 
as a message to the incoming IDF Chief of Staff (which is explicit in the video,) to stoke Israeli hope that Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul might still be alive as well.

But stoking racism really seems to be Hamas' main goal. This video released by Hamas' Felesteen newspaper, "Who Is Avera Mengistu," claims that Israel negotiated for the return of other soldiers  but not Mengistu, because they are racist and he is black. (Mengistu was never a soldier.) 

The video also says that "racist rabbis" never accepted Ethiopians as Jewish. 

Hamss has tried the race card before, tweeting in 2015 that Israel doesn't care about people of color.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Palestinian Legislative Council building

Over the summer, the Jerusalem Media and Communications Center surveyed Palestinians and asked them, out of a list of prominent potential successors to Mahmoud Abbas, how much they trust them.

The results are abysmal for nearly everyone who has a chance to be the next leader of the PA, the PLO and Fatah.

Q17. How much trust do you have in the following people: Much, somewhat, no trust or don’t know? 

 1. Mahmoud Al Aloul  
Much trust 8.0 
Somewhat trust 18.9 
No trust 25.8 

2. Jibril Rajoub 
Much trust 8.6 
Somewhat trust 25.0
No trust 38.3 

3. Nasser Qidwa 
Much trust 7.6
Somewhat trust 23.3
No trust 27.6

4. Marwan Barghouthi 
Much trust 55.2
 Somewhat trust 26.3 
No trust 7.2

5. Hussein Al Sheikh
Much trust 8.2 
Somewhat trust 22.0 
No trust 39.8

6. Mohammad Shtayeh 
Much trust 13.3 
Somewhat trust 31.1
No trust 41.9 

7. Ismail Haniyeh 
Much trust 17.4 
Somewhat trust 23.7 
No trust 42.3 

8. Yehya Sinwar
Much trust 16.4 
Somewhat trust 20.8
No trust 39.4 

9. Khaled Meshaal
Much trust 14.6 
Somewhat trust 20.5
No trust 42.0

10. Mohammad Dahlan 
Much trust 8.8 
Somewhat trust 21.8
No trust 47.7

11. Mostafa Al Barghouthi 
Much trust 19.3
Somewhat trust 35.6
No trust 24.3 
The only person they really trust is a terrorist, in Israeli prison for his part in murdering five Israelis.

The only one they somewhat trust, Mostafa Barghouti, is General Secretary of the Palestinian National Initiative and would be considered a moderate by most Westerners; he is not a terrorist and says he does not support violence. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Thursday, June 23, 2022

Jezebel had an article recently about Palestinian female prisoners and how awful their lives supposedly are behind bars. 

Written by Wafa Aludaini, a Gaza activist, the entire article praises these prisoners as it describes their supposed plight. And they are all wonderful people:

Far from the eye of international media, 32 Palestinian women are currently political prisoners languishing in Israeli occupation prisons, according to Addameer, a Palestinian NGO that monitors the treatment of Palestinian prisoners and offers legal support. Behind the walls of Hasharon and Damon in Israel wait mothers, students, journalists, teachers.

Oh, they also happen to be terrorists.

The article never describes the crimes that put them in prison to begin with. They are innocent lambs, all 32 of them.

There is one exception, which shows how little Jezebel cares about fact checking- the story of Israa Jaabis:

On October 11, 2015, Israa was transporting some household items to her new home near her place of work in Jerusalem. On that fateful day, she was carrying a gas cylinder in the car, according to her sister Mona Jaabis. As she headed down the road towards an Israeli checkpoint, the gas canister burst into flames. The car’s airbag activated, causing an explosion. Israa ran out of the car, calling for help from the Israeli police manning the checkpoint. But the police summoned more security, and asked Israa to enter the burning car, causing her to suffer severe burns that have greatly affected her mobility. She was arrested and given an 11-year sentence for attempted murder; Israeli authorities claimed she intended to explode the car. No evidence was presented, and she vehemently denied the charges. 
Here's what really happened:
On Oct. 11, 2015, Israa Jaabis, 31, was en route to her home in Jerusalem, about 500 meters away from the A-Zaim checkpoint in Jerusalem's eastern suburbs on the road from Ma'aleh Adumim. Stopped by a police office for suspicious driving, she exited the vehicle.

"The driver then shouted 'Allah Hu Akbar'  and detonated an explosive device," a police spokeswoman said. The rigged cooking gas cylinder inside the car caused the vehicle to burst into flames.

Security forces found hand-written notes in her possession that contained messages of support for "martyrs," a euphemism for those killed in the commission of a terrorist act.
Her cousin was involved in a tractor attack the year before.

The police officer who stopped her was burned by the explosion. 

These women are terrorists and Wafa Aludaini knows it. This is a propaganda piece. Aludaini's Twitter feed includes conspiracy theories that have no basis, like Israel is planning to build a synagogue on Al Aqsa or that Israel shoots "acid bullets" to further hurt the people they shoot. 

She is so extreme that she bragged three times that she was tweeting to support Al Aqsa with one hand while taking care of her sick child with her other:

holding my son who is feverish,while still tweeting 4Al Aqsa.2prove tha AlAqsa is no less precious 2me than my son #SaveAlaqsa

nursing my son,who is feverish and tweeting for Al Aqsa in the same time, Alaqsa is no less precious to me than my son #SaveAlAqsa

nursing my son &tweeting 4Al Aqsa in thsametime,2prove tha AlAqsa is noless precious 2me than myson #Alaqsamosque
Anyone who thinks that tweeting is equally important to caring for a sick child is despicable. Her tweets aren't "saving Al Aqsa." This is demonstrative garbage to make her feel righteous while ignoring her kid.

And the idiots at Jezebel eat this stuff up.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Tuesday, May 02, 2017

About 12 pathetic terror supporters took time out of their meaningless lives to "stand for freedom and dignity for Palestinian prisoners" in front of an electronics store in New York City last Friday.

Passers-by didn't even want to make eye contact as they were badgered to accept propaganda sheets.

Of course, "freedom and dignity" means the right to have more Arab satellite TV channels and the right to cook their own food in prisons. Not to mention air-conditioning.

Since the organizers weren't sure they would get enough people, they added that they were also protesting Hewlett Packard because, why not?

(By the way, I found a list of prisoner demands from 2004. They had even more demands then, like not to be searched and to keep cell doors open!)

There were similar protests in support of freeing Palestinian terrorists to kill more Jews in Brussels and Berlin.

Meanwhile, the Action Group for Palestinians in Syria have counted 220 Palestinian children who have been killed in Syria during the fighting so far from munitions or starvation.

For some reason, the "pro-Palestinian" crowd are more interested in releasing people who kill Israeli children than they are in helping out Palestinian children.

Perhaps their  real agenda has nothing to do with human rights. Just a thought.

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Friday, March 17, 2017

For years, NGOs and the UN have railed against the supposed inhumanity of Israel's using administrative detention against various terrorist suspects.

Which makes this small comment by the UN's High Commissioner for Human Rights earlier this month all the more interesting:
In the State of Palestine, my Office is also concerned that both the Palestinian Authority and the authorities in Gaza have increased use of administrative and arbitrary detention, with increasing allegations of torture and ill-treatment in both the West Bank and Gaza against political opponents, journalists and activists. 
So where are the NGOs? Where are the hundred-page reports with interviews of the victims? Where are the calls for justice from the "pro-Palestinian" activists? Where are the conferences?

Apparently, no one really cares about human rights.

"Human rights" is simply an excuse to bash whoever your political opponent is. Actual or alleged victims of human rights abuses are useful when they are used to further your political agenda, otherwise, if you have been tortured or otherwise abused, don't bother wasting the time of these so-called "human rights" advocates.

There are more NGOs in the Palestinian-administered territories than anywhere else on Earth. But they get their money from those who only want to bash Israel, not to protect Palestinians from human rights abuses by their own people. So most of them take their EU funds and rehash the information they have to write yet another anti-Israel reports while actual victims of daily human rights abuses have nowhere safe to turn for help.

(h/t Irene)

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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Palestine Press Agency (Fatah-leaning) has an article about the inhumane conditions in Hamas prisons and detention centers in Gaza.

According to the article, Hamas prison cells meant for 20 people routinely have as many as 80.

In the summer, temperatures can go past 40 degrees C (104F) with no ventilation.

Prisoners with deadly contagious diseases are herded next to others. There are no doctors available, ever.

Prisons are also filled with bugs because of how filthy they are.

And, of course, some prisoners are tortured and killed. The Independent Commission for Human Rights documented 21 cases of Hamas prisoners who died last year, most of them executed. They also received 996 complaints about torture in 2014.

Too bad Gaza doesn't have any internationally funded "pro-Palestinian"  NGOs around who are interested in documenting these issues and publicizing them. It would be nice if Amnesty, HRW and Oxfam showed interest in the issue of prison conditions in Gaza. (HRW did once issue a report on Hamas torture, in 2012.)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

From Palestinian Media Watch:

Unabashedly praising the murderers for capturing their "prey - a child," the song puts them on a pedestal:
"You are from Hebron, O hawk, and all are proud of you."
The song encourages further kidnappings as a means of freeing terrorist prisoners.


Osama Hamdan: The Israelis concentrate on killing children. I believe that this is engraved in the historical Zionist and Jewish mentality, which has become addicted to the killing of women and children.

We all remember how the Jews used to slaughter Christians, in order to mix their blood in their holy matzos. This is not a figment of imagination or something taken from a film. It is a fact, acknowledged by their own books and by historical evidence. It happened everywhere, here and there.

But of course all those "pro-Palestinian" protesters with "We are all Hamas" posters aren't antisemitic in the least.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

From Times of Israel:
The Israel Prison Service published the names late Sunday night of 26 Palestinian prisoners set to be released over the next 48 hours as part of a deal to keep the US-brokered Israeli-Palestinian peace talks on course. All are convicted murderers.

Among the prisoners to go free is Damouni Saad Mohammed Ahmed, who was convicted in the 1990 lynch of IDF reservist Amnon Pomerantz in the Gaza Strip — Pomerantz’s car was set on fire while he was inside.

The killer behind the 1993 murder of South-African-born Ian Feinberg, a 30-year-old lawyer and activist working with Palestinians in Gaza, will also be set free. Masoud Issa Rajeb Amer, a member of the PFLP, was sentenced to three life sentences for the killing, which was perpetrated with a hatchet. On April 18, 1993, Feinberg participated in a meeting in the Gaza offices of a European-funded NGO involved in aid projects when terrorists burst in, ordered everyone, except Feinberg, to the floor, and proceeded to kill him.

Massalha Awwad Mohammed Yusuf and Amawi Hamed Alabad Halmi, both Hamas members who killed 22-year-old Yigal Vaknin in 1993, are also on the list. Vaknin was lured with a plea for help and stabbed to death. His body was found in a field near his home in Moshav Bazra in the Sharon region, two hours before the start on Yom Kippur that year. Yusuf was originally sentenced to two life terms for the killing.

Also included is Haga Salim Mahmud Mo’id who in May 1992 swam from Aqaba, Jordan to Eilat along with three other terrorists and shot 62-year-old Yosef Shirazi to death. Various weapons were found on Mo’id which led authorities to believe they planned a much larger attack.
JPost adds:
Samarin Mustafa Kalib Asrar and Kra'an Azat Musa Musa, the two Fatah terrorists who abducted and murdered Israeli soldier Tzvi Klein in the West Bank in 1992 are also scheduled to be released this week.

Abu-Dahila Hasan Atik Sharif, a Fatah operative who was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Avi Osher, his Israeli employer at the Jordan Valley farm he owned, in 1991, is also among those to be freed this week.

Gnimat Amar Mahmad Mustafa and Gnimat Mahmoud Mahmad Ziad, two Palestinian men convicted in the murder of Meir Ben-Yair and Michal Cohen while they sat in a car in Judean foothills in 1985 are also set to be freed.

The two Palestinians convicted of killing Yoself Eliyahu and Leah Elmakayes are also among the 26 names announced by the IPS late Sunday. Yosef Mahmad Haza Haza and Beni-Hasan Abdalla Mahmud Otman were serving life sentences for the murder of Eliyahu and Elmakayes, two hikers trekking across a forest in the Gilboa Mountains.

Asor Masbach Khalil Mahmad, who was serving a 30-year jail term for the murder of Israeli taxi driver David Kaspi in 1985, will also go free this week, the IPS announced.

Abed al Raba Nimr Jabril Issa, the Palestinian man convicted of killing Revital Seri and Ron Levy while they were hiking in 1984, is also on the list of prisoners scheduled to be released this week.

Sabbag Ahmed Mahmud Mahmed was a young Fatah operative who was given a life term in prison for the torture and murder of three Palestinians suspected of collaborating with Israel in 1990. He, too, will be released this week.
YNet has the full list of murderers being released. Here are some additional victims I could identify from various lists of attacks:

Rafi Farhoud Karajeh, arrested in May 1985, had murdered Aharon Avidar, who was 28.

Hazem Kassem Shbair was one of the killers of Isaac Rotenberg, who was 67 when he was murdered with an axe. He was a Holocaust survivor. Shbair's partner in murder was released during the earlier release.

Najeh Mohamed Muqbel, together with his friend, murdered his employer. Ya'akov Shalom.

Abdel Rahman Yusef al- Haj murdered 42-year old Genia Friedman in 1992 on the street in Kfar Sava. He stabbed three others as well. Genia left behind am 11 year old daughter.

Osama Zakariya Abu Hanani and Mohamed Yusef Turkeman shot and killed Moshe Biton and injured his wife Mali  near a convenience store. Ahmed Said Abdel Aziz, also being released, planned the attack.

Monday, August 12, 2013

From Ma'an:
The Palestinian Authority Minister of Detainees said Monday that Israel's decision to release the first group of Palestinian prisoners was an important step for promoting peace.

"President Abu Mazen has succeeded in putting the issue of prisoners as a political and national priority and saved it from unfair conditions imposed by Israel," Issa Qaraqe said.

The first stage of the prisoner release is a strategic step to toward the liberation of all Palestinian detainees, he added.

Abbas Zaki, a member of Fatah's Central Committee, also welcomed the prisoner release, saying freeing all Palestinian detainees was a key priority.

Israeli attempts to use the issue of prisoners as a bargaining chip is doomed to fail, he added.
You see that? Releasing murderers is a step towards "peace"!

Orwell lives!

In Arabic, the word "peace" isn't mentioned. Abbas Zaki in fact mentioned that this was a reminder of the first lopsided prisoner release to the PLO, a 1983 swap of 4700 Lebanese and Palestinian Arabs for 6 Israeli soldiers.

Also in Arabic the Palestinian leaders are complaining about the release of prisoners, saying that some of them would have been released soon anyway, and that 16 of them were unjustly sentenced to begin with (they were only "accomplices.") These were also not the most senior prisoners, nor the ones that have become "symbols." They are literally saying that this release is an insult and a "stab in the back" and the list is "childish" and an attempt to thwart negotiations.  Furthermore, they are complaining that some of the prisoners are being released to Gaza instead of the West Bank.

Ma'an has a list of the prisoners being released, but of course nothing about the victims.

Here is the list of terrorists being released by Israel on August 14 in exchange for literally nothing.

Date of Arrest
Names of Victim(s)
Fayez Mutawi al-Khur
MurderAttempted Murder
Solomon AbuKassis, Menahem Dadon
Salah Ibrahim Ahmed Mugdad
Israel Tannenbaum (night watchman in Netanya)
Israel Tenenbaum was born in Poland on 11 September 1921. His father was Zorah Tenenbaum. He immigrated to Israel in 1957, at age 36, and settled in Moshav Ein Vered. He worked in agriculture on the moshav for many years, and was well regarded by the other residents as a quiet, modest man.
On Monday, 14 June 1993, Israel’s body was found at the Sirens Hotel in Netanya, where he had been working as a night watchman. A terrorist had murdered him on the job.
Samir Nayef al-Na’neesh  
Binyamin Meisner
Binyamin Meisner was born to Ruth and Eric Meisner in El Salvador on 30 April 1964. His family immigrated to Israel when he was 3.5 and settled in Kiryat Tivon. In January 1983, Binyamin joined the IDF.
On 24 February 1989, Binyamin fell while patrolling the Casbah in Shechem (Nablus) during reserve duty.
Binyamin was survived by his parents; his brother, Raphael; and his sister, Tamar.
Yusef Abdel Hamid Irshaid
Murder, Attempted Murder
Nidal Rabo Ja'ab, Adnan Aj'ad Dib, Mofid Can'an, Tawfik Jaradat, Ibrahim Said
Mustafa Othman al-Haj
Friedrich Rosenfeld
Steven Frederick Rosenfeld was born to Eugene and Ethel Rosenfeld in New York on 29 August 1941. He immigrated to Israel in 1968 and volunteered at Kibbutz Masada, where he was injured when a truck he was driving hit a landmine. Following rehabilitation, Frederick began working on archaeological digs in the Ein Bokek area, where he met his wife, Rachel. He was a Zionist with a great love the for the Land of Israel.
On Saturday, 7 June 1989, Frederick went on a hike in the hills near Ariel, where he lived. He encountered a group of shepherds who stole a knife that he had in his possession, stabbed him to death, and hid his body on the side of the path. A different shepherd who was passing through the area found the body the next day.
Frederick was 48 at the time of his death. He was survived by his wife and brother.
Salameh Abdallah Musleh
David Reuben
Atiyeh Salem Musa
Aizik Rotenberg (Holocaust survivor, 67)
Isaac Rotenberg was born to Natan and Miriam Rotenberg in Poland on 15 March 1927. A selektzia was held in his city following the outbreak of the Second World War, and his family was sent to the Sobibór extermination camp. With the exception of him, his younger brother, and his sister, his entire family perished. He was taken with his brother to a labor camp. When a revolt broke out, the two succeeded in escaping the camp, but they lost track of each other in the ensuing commotion. Isaac then made his way to the forest and joined the partisans.
In April 1947, Isaac reached the Land of Israel. He joined the IDF the next year, and fought in the War of Liberation in the north, near Kibbutz Manara.
Isaac was married to Riva, and they had two children, Tzipora and Pinhas. He worked as a plasterer, and was a founder of the city of Holon. Upon reaching retirement age, he decided to continue working a few hours per day to keep himself busy.
On 29 March 1994, during the Passover holiday, as Isaac was hunched on his knees, fixing a floor in his workplace in Petah Tikva, two of the Arab laborers on site attacked him and struck the back of his neck with axes. He was critically wounded, and entered a coma. Two days later, on 31 March, he died.
Salah Mahmoud Mukled
Murder, Attempted Murder
Joshua Deutsch
Mohamed Abdel Majid Sawalha
Murder, Attempted Murder
Baruch Heisler
Atef Izzat Sha’ath
Accessory to Murder
Simha Levi
Simcha Levy was born to Jiran and Yosef in 1942, and immigrated to Israel in 1950. In 1992 Simcha moved to Midreshet Hadarom in Gush Katif, where she made a living providing transportation to local workers. Simcha was a small woman with a big spirit. She was a proud Jew who lived among the Arabs in order to make ends meet. She loved the people of Midreshet Hadarom among whom she lived. She was a helpful person and would discreetly provide assistance to those less fortunate; she would donate boxes of produce to needy Jewish and Arab families.
On 12 March 1993, Simcha picked up a group of female agricultural workers in Khan Yunis. Among them were three male terrorists dressed as women. As the workers looked on, the three murdered Simcha in her vehicle with blows and stabs from a knife, then fled. The subsequent investigation revealed that many workers had received instructions not to come to work that day, so that there would be space for the terrorists.
Simcha was 51 at the time of her death, and was survived by brothers and sisters. She was interred at Ofakim Cemetery.
Yusef Said al-Al
Throwing a bomb, Accessory to Murder
Ian Feinberg, Sami Ramadan
Midhat Fayez Barbakh
Moshe Becker, citrus grower

Ali Ibrahim al-Rai
Morris Eisenstadt
Mohamed Jaber Nashbat
Accessory to Murder
Amnon Pomerantz
Amnon Pomeranz was born to Tzipora and Moshe Pomeranz on 15 August 1944. He was an electric engineer and scientist, and worked in research and development. Amnon was an original and creative thinker, theoretical and practical at once. During his time at Raphael he worked on missile and robotics development. For him, work was a challenge. He did not pursue honor, and did not compete for social standing. Amnon also was an outstanding athlete.
On 20 September, Rosh Hashanah 1990, Amnon left his home in Havatzelet Hasharon for reserve duty in Gaza. Three hours later, he was brutally murdered by a horde of murderous rioters thirsty for Jewish blood when he made a wrong turn on the way to his base and accidentally entered Al Burj Refugee Camp. He was stoned and murdered, and his car set on fire.
Amnon was 46 at the time of his death. He was survived by his wife and three children: Hofit, Snapir, and Gideon.
Samir Hussein Murtaji
Kidnapping, Manslaughter
Samir al-Silawi, Khaled Malaceh, Nasser Akilah, Ali al Zaabot
Hosni Faregh Sawalha
Murder, Attempted Murder
Baruch Heisler, 24
On 2 December 1990, Yaacov missed his ride to his yeshiva and instead boarded bus 66 from Petah Tikva to Tel Aviv. Three Arab terrorists boarded at the Pardes Katz stop, and immediately thereafter, at the junction of Ben Gurion Road and Jabotinsky Road in Ramat Gan, began stabbing passengers. Baruch Yaacov was murdered; three others were injured. 
Faraj Saleh al-Rimahi
Abraham Kinstler, 84
Avraham Kinstler was born to Zissel and Rabbi Kalman Kinstler in Kańczuga, in Polish Galicia, on the eve of Shavuot, 4 June 1908. At the age of 20 he founded the town’s branch of Hovevei Zion, and in addition to his work there he taught his friends Hebrew. In 1935 he married Hannah, and the two immigrated to the Land of Israel, where they reared their daughters: Ada, Shlomit, and Batya.
Avraham was an individualist and an original thinker, a multi-talented person, studious, as well as a Torah scholar. He was highly familiar with both general and Jewish culture, while especially treasuring Jewish thought and studying it to the last of his days, seeking to bring the world of Judaism to the young generation. Above all, though, Avraham was a working man. He believed in work, made it a value, and kept at it his entire life.
On 7 July 1992, Avraham went to work as usual. There was a heavy dust storm that day, and the trees had to be watered. But he didn’t get to the point of turning on the water: a terrorist ambushed him and murdered him with an ax. The terrorist was caught several months later, brought to trial, and sentenced to life in prison.
Ala eddin Ahmed Abu Sitteh
David Daddi, 43 
Haim Weitzman, 33
David Dadi was born to Shimon and Miha Dadi in Tunis on 1 September 1950. He immigrated to Israel as a child and settled in Ramla. David had a beautiful voice and loved to sing. He had a greatjoie de vivre and laughed and smiled much. He also loved to study Torah, and was a true scholar.
Hayim Weizman was born to Annette and Hanania Weizman in Morocco on 4 July 1960. His family immigrated to Israel in 1962 and settled in Ramla. As an adult he married and had a son, Eliran. Hayim was a lively and happy person. He enjoyed bungy jumping and even won a championship in it.
On 31 December 1993, David was stabbed to death along with his acquaintance Hayim Weizman in his apartment in Ramla: Arab workers from Gaza who were working in a neighboring apartment entered the apartment while they slept and killed them.

Ayman taleb Abu Sitteh
David Daddi, Haim Weitzman
Esmat Omar Mansour
Accessory to Murder
Haim Mizrachi
Hayim Mizrahi was born to Mazal and Pinhas Mizrahi on 8 December 1963. He grew up in Bat Yam and Holon with his sisters, Margalit and Asnat, and his brother, Itzik. As a child, Hayim belonged to the junior league soccer team of Hapoel Tel Aviv. Following is army service, he became religious, moved to Beit El, and married Iris.
On Friday, 29 October 1993, Hayim went to buy eggs from an Arab-owned farm near his home, as he was wont to do. He was greeted by terrorists who attacked him and fled in his vehicle after wounding him and stuffing him into the trunk. The terrorists proceeded to murder Hayim, then burned and abandoned the vehicle north of Ramallah.
Hayim was 30 at the time of his death. He was put to rest in Holon Cemetery. Hayim was survived by his pregnant wife, his parents, his sisters, and his brother. Half-a-year after his murder, his daughter, Tehilla, was born.
Khaled Mohamed Asakreh
Annie Lee
Nihad Yusef Jundiyeh
Zalman Schlein
Mohamed Mahmoud Hamdiyeh
Zalman Schlein
Jamil Abdel Wahab Natsheh
Accessory to Murder
Shmuel Gersh
Taher Mohamed Zaboud
Abraham Cohen
Sabih Abed Hammed Borhan
Jamil Muhamad Naim Sabih, Aisha Abdullah Kharadin

I once made an infographic about what Israel gets back from "goodwill gestures."

Hebrew list here.

There are apparently 12 Arab victims, presumably Israeli Arabs, listed here. Since no reporter seems to bother asking the families of Jewish victims how they feel knowing that the murderers of their loved ones are being freed for no reason, I wonder whether anyone will ask the Arab families what they think about this deal.

(h/t Josh K)

UPDATE: Added victim details from Al Magor.



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