Showing posts with label jew hatred. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jew hatred. Show all posts

Sunday, June 09, 2024

The infographic above shows some of the drivers for people believing misinformation. we see a lot of that in the sheer amount of anti-Israel propaganda and bias in the news media, especially since October 7. 

One topic not often focused on, however, is the tendency of normal people to fill in information gaps with internally developed narratives that fit their biases.

During wartime especially, we only hear maybe 10% of what's really going on. We are all ignorant.  As the dramatic rescue operation on Saturday showed again, there is a lot happening  behind the scenes that we are not aware of. 

When we are given incomplete information, it is natural as humans to fill in the blanks with whatever stories seem to make the most sense to us. We have a hard time accepting that we don't understand something; we look for familiar patterns and attempt to fit the little we do know into a framework where we feel that we are on more solid ground. 

And that's where people reveal their biases, specifically, cognitive biases.

Imagine a video of a heated confrontation between a white person and a person of color in a mostly white neighborhood. Without audio or any other context, some people will assume the person of color was doing something that justifiably  upset the white person, others would assume the white person is a racist who is attacking the person of color for no reason and would not act the same way if the other person was white.  Bias will determine which of those scenarios people favor, and most people will subconsciously fill in the gaps to fit their biases as they watch the video, and cement those beliefs when watching it repeatedly, looking for hints like facial expressions and posture to justify their initial judgements.

During this war, we are seeing this play out every hour of every day. Modern antisemites invariably fill in the knowledge  gaps with lurid narratives of Israeli evil. They project their bias that Jews are bloodthirsty, malicious, liars, and uncaring about anyone but other Jews. Subconsciously or consciously they take fragmentary narratives and turn them into anti-Israel screeds. 

A great example is UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese's tweet yesterday soon after news of the hostage rescue raid in Gaza. 

She doesn't know how many civilians were killed, and how many militants were killed, but she believes the only source available at the time - the Hamas propaganda outlet the Gaza Media Office.

She believes the lie that the IDF soldiers were hiding in an "aid truck" when even the truck identified by Al Jazeera as an "aid trucK' had a logo for a dishwashing soap (and even 24 hours later it is not at all clear that this was the truck that was used, some Gazans claim it was a furniture truck.)

She believes that Israel had a choice of only two positions: give up all terrorists, thus legitimizing Hamas' kidnappings, or use the hostages as an excuse to wantonly attack Gaza civilians in a planned genocide. There is no other option. It is an oversimplification of reality that fits her biases perfectly. 

And she then concludes, based on her obvious ignorance, that the  rescue is a "genocidal action" and not really meant to rescue hostages. Not only that, but her antisemitic interpretation of incorrect, biased and fragmentary data is is "crystal clear."

Albanese is not stupid. But her bias against Jews prompts her to take a very incomplete view of a situation and fill in the gaps to fit her anti-Israel and antisemitic bias, of Jews who suffered genocide now maliciously engaging in genocide themselves. 

This is the pattern that nearly everyone uses: they look for evidence to back up their stories, and ignore anything that contradicts them.  But the important fact is that the stories precede the evidence, and the evidence is cherry-picked to support the story, not the other way around.

Israelis who have been in the IDF know how important it is as a basic  underlying principle to adhere to international law, to avoid harming civilians as much as possible. They are trained in the Laws of Armed Conflict more than 95% of journalists or human rights workers. They also know that LOAC doesn't mean sacrificing yourself or your fellow soldiers or your own civilians to save enemy civilians, that the lives of your own side take precedence when they are in danger. (Don't trust me, read the Geneva Conventions yourself. )

But too many in the media and NGOs and even other governments, who should definitely know better, make assumptions of Israeli malice that have no basis in reality. Whether the gaps in knowledge are a result the IDF not wanting to reveal its intel, or in their believing Hamas lies, or an unwillingness to look at how the IDF actually works (which is documented or those who care to know,) is not a as important as the fact that they choose to fill in the gaps with the worst possible interpretation and stories about Jews. 

Israel is objectively doing more to protect enemy civilians than any army in history ever has. (Feel free to find counterexamples. The US has gotten close in some limited operations.) Hamas has engineered the war to maximize its own side's civilian casualties because its main weapon is world pressure on Israel; dead civilians are the best way to achieve that. Hamas lies from the Al Ahli hospital to today are obvious and proven. 

Given all that, any assumption of Israeli malice or indifference towards Gaza civilians - and any assumption that Hamas cares one whit about Gaza lives or tells the truth in its accusations against Israel  - is not a reflection of reality but a projection of antisemitic attitudes onto the IDF and Israel as a whole. 

Of course, I have biases too. I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to Israel, with my own research into how the IDF works, my own knowledge of how Israelis really think from actually speaking to them and interviewing them, my knowledge about how large organizations like the IDF work and how difficult it is for emotions like "revenge" to be part of multi-layer decision-making with layers of legal oversight, and a history of hindsight that almost always shows that the Israelis did everything that could be expected of any moral army - and when they fell short, they worked hard to fix the mistakes. 

Sometimes I am wrong in my assumptions of giving the IDF the benefit of the doubt, but not very often.  

Anyone who looks at the Gaza rescue operation and sees only an anti-Israel narrative is not objective. But beyond that, none of us outside a few decision-makers know the extent of Israeli preparation, the amount of intelligence it had, the alternatives considered and debated, the amount of time available and other limitations, the chances that the hostages would be moved elsewhere during the preparations, the controls put into place to minimize civilian casualties, how many were actually killed and how many of them were legal combatants. These are all pieces of information that are necessary to evaluate the morality of the operation, and almost no one knows it all.  Creating an anti-Israel story based on a tiny percentage of facts available is not analysis - it is propaganda.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Sunday, October 22, 2023

Lebanese actress Pamela El-Kik, who has over 2 million Instagram followers, got into trouble for an antisemitic statement that wasn't antisemitic enough.

She said in an interview on Lebanon's MTV, “What I love about the Jews is that they bring each other together in the right way. This is the only thing that is right about them. Other than that, I do not like them at all.”

El-Kik was immediately pilloried for her statement that Jews have one attribute that is praiseworthy while everything else about them is awful. 

She immediately issued a statement that her interview was recorded before the current fighting in Gaza, calling the Hamas terrorists "heroes." 

She then posted photos of herself posing as a masked Palestinian terrorist, much to the delight of her fans.

All is forgiven!

The Lebanese might hate Hezbollah, but their antisemitism is bone-deep.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Thursday, October 05, 2023

Earlier this week, some religious Jews were captured on video spitting in front of Christian pilgrims  in Jerusalem.

A thoroughly stupid extremist named Elisha Yered posted on X that the custom of spitting next to a church or near priests  is an “ancient and long-standing custom.”

His statements and the spitting incidents themselves were roundly condemned by Israeli officials and prominent rabbis. 

Rabbi Shlomo Aviner wrote Tuesday: “There is no Jewish law that you have to spit at idol worship. There is no such rule in the Gemara, nor in Maimonides, nor in the Shulchan Aruch. ... It simply causes disputes and quarrels and we lose from it. We have to educate the children to behave respectfully.”

Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of Israel David Lau said, "These immoral phenomena have certainly nothing to do with Jewish law."

After an earlier such incident in the summer, many prominent rabbis condemned the practice, including Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem Shlomo Amar issued a strong statement condemning the practice and said that those who spit at non-Jews are a chilul Hashem, desecrators of God's name, one of the most serious prohibitions in Jewish law:

But according to BBC Arabic, there are no rabbis who condemn spitting at or near Christians. On the contrary - religious Jews all agree that spitting on Christians is exactly how Jews are expected to celebrate Sukkot!

BBC Arabic released a video on their website and on X that both describes the spitting incidents and how Jews celebrate the Sukkot holiday, as if the two topics are related. Here's the headline translated into English:

One of the sections of the video says this (Arabic screenshot above; this is the screenshot translated into English:)

"Observant Jews consider spitting on Christians a holiday ritual." 

Then they showed Yered's tweet.

Even the most disgusting apologists for the spitting don't say it is associated with celebrating Jewish holidays, let alone all religious Jews.

This is stright-up antisemitism and anti-Jewish incitement published by the BBC Arabic. And it isn't the first time....this week. 

The BBC should not only remove the videos. They should not only publicly apologize - in English and Arabic -  for posting these lies. 

The BBC must immediately fire whomever wrote that hateful lie. That person has no journalistic integrity; on the contrary, the video producer is simply a hatemonger. If the BBC allows that person to remain in their job, any claims of impartiality that the BBC pretends to maintain are shown to be simple lies. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Sunday, September 24, 2023

On Saturday, over a dozen Palestinian and Arab news sites reported  a story about "Talmudic rituals in the vicinity of Al Aqsa Mosque."

Not "in Al Aqsa." Not "in the courtyards of Al Aqsa." No, their complaint is Jews singing somewhere in the Old City adjacent to one of the gates leading to the Temple Mount that Jews are not allowed to enter.

Jews don't visit the Temple Mount on Saturdays, but Palestinian and Arab media publishes stories about their "Talmudic rituals" and "provocative dances" every day even on days they do not ascend.

Which means that even if Jews were completely banned from their holiest spot, the Palestinians wouldn't be happy until the Jews are driven out of the wall of the Old City altogether. 

Here's the video that is so upsetting to them. The Jews are singing "Shir Hamaalot" (Psalms 126) to the tune of "Hatikvah." Notice that the Arab shopkeeper right next to them nearby doesn't seem to be bothered at all.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Thursday, September 21, 2023

MPower Change, the Muslim advocacy group co-founded by Linda Sarsour, just sent out an action alert to its email list with the title "Take Action: No autonomous drones from Israel:"

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) just approved a request by Airobotics, an Israeli government-funded company,¹ to fly “autonomous” drones over U.S. neighborhoods.²

We don’t want unaccountable, autonomous “crime-fighting” drones snooping on us, filling our skies, and making life-or-death decisions.

Tell the FAA: We need safety where we live, not spy drones funded by apartheid Israel.
Airobotics is not funded by the Israeli government. It received a specific grant at the end of August of $540,000 from the Israel Innovation Authority, which is funded by but independent of the Israeli government. The grant has nothing to do with the drone that the FAA approved. The Muslim group is stretching to find any connection, no matter how tenuous, to associate Israel with a myth of drones meant to spy on Muslims and people of color in cities. 

But what does Airobotics' Israel connections have to do with what the drone does? The email pretends that it is trying to protect civil rights of people of color who they imagine will be surveilled disproportionately by these autonomous drones - but if that was really MPower Change's concern, what difference does it make whether they were manufactured or even funded by Israel?  It is up to the people who actually purchase and deploy the drones to determine how they will be used, whether for good or evil purposes. The source has nothing to do with it. 

This is hatemongering, not a concern for human rights. And the implication that a drone company is especially pernicious because it is Israeli is simple bigotry.  

Notably, while the email mentions Israel eight times to whip up their subscribers into a frenzy, their auto-email to the FAA doesn't mention Israel once. Telling the FAA not to approve a drone because it is Israeli would be obvious bigotry. The advocacy group only tells that to fellow Muslims. MPower Change knows that Israel has nothing to do with the issue, but they also know that their email list is filled with people who hate Israel and Jews - and they want to leverage that hate to get them to take action (and raise their own profile.)

This email shows that the word "Israel" is now a dog-whistle for modern antisemites. They use "Israel" the way "Jew" used to be used, as a means to make people angry. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



At the UK-based Al Quds al Arabi, Palestinian writer Ismail Juma Al-Rimawigoes on an antisemitic rant as he describes "The Curse of the  Jewish Holidays:"

In this month of every year, the occupied city of Jerusalem and all of the occupied territories are experiencing their worst and most bitter stages, when thousands of extremist Jews desecrate the sanctity  of the Holy City, and begin spreading their poison and unleashing their Talmudic and racist rituals that exceed the limits of humanity and religious freedom, which have disappeared from the dictionary of the “Hebrew State.” “.

During the Jewish holiday season, which falls in September of each year, the Holy City turns into a military barracks whose entrances and exits are controlled by the occupation forces, to besiege, harass, and oppress the Jerusalemites, under the pretext of securing the settlers’ celebrations, while the heavy hand of the settlers is unleashed to oppress, steal, orgy, and assault the residents under heavy protection from the occupation police.

With the beginning of the holidays, the settlers who live in the Old City turn their homes and the surrounding areas into shrines in order to receive other settlers from the surrounding settlement outposts, of all ages, to eat the holiday meal and sleep inside or outside those homes.

The holiday season not only affected Jerusalemites through assaulting and humiliating them at checkpoints and in the streets, but also turned into an economic curse, forcing many merchants to close their shops and leave the city until these seasons, which the people of Jerusalem call “the curse of the Jewish holidays,” ended.
I was curious how popular this phrase "the curse of the Jewish holidays" is. I found it in exactly two other unique articles (which were copied to other sites.)

It turns out that this article was plagiarized, word for word, from an article written in 2018 by Nader Al-Safadi at Noon Post.

This guy couldn't even come up with original antisemitism!

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Tuesday, September 12, 2023

As mentioned yesterday, a group of Palestinian expatriates issued an open letter over the weekend condemning Mahmoud Abbas' antisemitic statements. but really their letter was more anti-Israel than anti-Abbas, as they accused him of toeing the Zionist line.

We the undersigned, Palestinian academics, writers, artists, activists, and people of all walks of life, unequivocally condemn the morally and politically reprehensible comments made by President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas about the Holocaust. Rooted in a racial theory widespread in European culture and science at the time, the Nazi genocide of the Jewish people was born of antisemitism, fascism, and racism. We adamantly reject any attempt to diminish, misrepresent, or justify antisemitism, Nazi crimes against humanity, or historical revisionism vis-a-vis the Holocaust. 

The Palestinian people are sufficiently burdened by Israeli settler colonialism, dispossession, occupation, and oppression without having to bear the negative effect of such ignorant and profoundly antisemitic narratives perpetuated by those who claim to speak in our name. We are also burdened by the PA’s increasingly authoritarian and draconian rule, which disproportionately impacts those living under occupation. Having held onto power nearly a decade and a half after his presidential mandate expired in 2009, supported by Western and pro-Israel forces seeking to perpetuate Israeli apartheid, Abbas and his political entourage have forfeited any claim to represent the Palestinian people and our struggle for justice, freedom, and equality, a struggle that stands against all forms of systemic racism and oppression. 

This letter, signed mostly by American and British citizens, was not meant for Palestinians to read. It was not translated into Arabic.  It was meant for the West, as the signatories could self-righteously pretend to oppose antisemitism while at the same time attack Abbas, since they prefer Hamas and Islamic Jihad as more reflective of adhering to the Palestinian will. 

The are just as antisemitic as Abbas is, but some of them try a little harder to hide it.  (Some don't!) Many of them have engaged in Holocaust inversion themselves. 

However, we do live in an online age, and it was inevitable that Palestinians would see this letter. And their reaction was anger at opposing antisemitism:

A statement issued by a number of expatriate Palestinian academics and activists, regarding what President Mahmoud Abbas mentioned during a recent meeting of the Fatah Revolutionary Council about the Holocaust, sparked disapproval and condemnation from various Palestinian circles, especially since the statement was fragmentary and consistent with the Israeli and Zionist campaign, and without reference to the occupation, its positions and policies announced by his senior leaders, which are based on the idea of ​​denying the existence of a Palestinian people, in addition to the massacres committed against them.

Former Minister Hassan Asfour commented on this statement by the academics and wrote: “In a strange and surprising way, a group of Palestinian figures, including the names of ‘academics,’ ‘experts,’ and analysts, most of whom hold foreign American and British nationalities, issued a statement attacking the president’s speech about ‘Ashkenazi Jews’ and Germany...a revealing statement. Ignorance of history is not limited only to those who do not read it, but it seems that “understanding has become without teaching from the beginning of the line... Be ashamed and apologize to your people, you pretenders of knowledge.”

Notice that both the letter and the reaction by Palestinians accused their opponents of being on the same side as the Jews. 

It is all theatre.

But it points to a rarely mentioned fact: the Palestinian academics in the West are eager to write papers and speak at panel discussions where they pretend to represent the majority of Palestinian. They claim to support progressive, liberal standards, but they most definitely do not. Their speeches about the Palestinian cause being liberal begin and end with the Jews; they really don't care when the Arab world shows its bigotry or when Palestinians themselves show their illiberal beliefs  - anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-environment, anti-animal rights. 

Like Yasir Arafat before them, they tailor their message to the audience, lying as easily as they breathe, and hoping the world won't see their hypocrisy. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Tuesday, September 05, 2023

One of the consequences of the Arab honor/shame culture is the zero-sum mentality. If one party is honored, then their rival is considered shamed, even if there is nothing in reality  that shames the other party.

This is illustrated by the statement issued today by the PFLP terror group. 

The PFLP announced that "the opening of a headquarters for the Zionist embassy in the Bahraini capital, Manama, represents a state of increasing decline of the Bahraini regime" and hat continued normalization between Israel and Bahrain is "an integral part of the aggression against our people."

Has Bahrain turned anti-Palestinian? I don't see any evidence of it. But to Palestinians, if Israel gains something, then they lose - by definition. 

It is a very childish way of looking at the world but it is accepted as normal, at least for Palestinians and most Arabs. 

A great part of the profound changes happening in the Gulf, and the reason that the Abraham Accords are so important, is that they represent a sea change in the old zero-sum mentality, and towards a win/win culture in the UAE and Bahrain. There is no contradiction between having relations with Israel and supporting Palestinian nationalism, unless you look at everything as zero-sum - or if you view a Palestinian state not as a goal but as a means to destroy Israel. 

The PFLP goes on "warn of the dangers of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia embarking on normalization with the Zionist entity, especially since there are channels that have been opened in the sports and media fields, in addition to opening Saudi airspace for the passage of Zionist planes, which paves the way for the possibility of announcing full normalization with this entity. This would represent a major stab wound to the Palestinian cause."

If Israel wins, Palestinians lose - and vice versa. Which partially explains the celebrations and glee that accompany terror attacks that kill Jews. To Palestinians, any dead Jew is a loss for Israel and therefore a gain for Palestinians.

It is a sick mindset. And not enough people are fighting against it. Which is another reason why the Abraham Accords is so important - it introduces a different way of thinking into the Arab world, one that is attractive both because it is more optimistic but also because it is true. 

It is worth mentioning that while the West generally adheres to a win/win mentality, socialists like the PFLP and those in the "progressive" Left indeed do believe in a zero-sum game - that the world has a fixed amount of resources and if the rich gain, the rest of the world inevitably loses. Simplistic and ultimately wrong zero-sum thinking is something that the far Right and far Left have in common.

It cannot be a coincidence that the main fans of zero sum thinking also happen to hate Jews. I don't know whether that is a cause or an effect, probably both, but eradicating the zero sum mentality is perhaps the best  and most comprehensive way to combat antisemitism. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Friday, September 01, 2023

The fallout in Libya of the discovery that Israeli and Libyan officials have been meeting secretly for years, and those officials denials, has prompted many other Libyans to pledge that they will never, ever, ever do anything that could be considered the slightest bit of normalization with Israel.

For example, the mayors of Libyan towns felt it was necessary to issue a statement that they "expressed their complete rejection of establishing any relationship of any kind with the criminal Zionist entity."

But perhaps the strangest announcement of people trying to out-Arab the Palestinians - who do indeed speak to Israeli officials - comes from the Libyan Ministry of Oil and Gas, which said 
The Ministry of Oil and Gas announces its rejection of state officials calling joining organizations or forums attended by the Zionist entity or in which it is a member, especially in areas related to the oil and gas sector.
I don't know how many international energy organizations Israel is a member of, but Israel certainly has been a member of the World Petroleum Council for decades - and so is Libya, and Iran,. 

Is it really going to quit those organizations now? A Libyan boycott of these, and probably many more, international organizations that include Israel would only hurt Libya - it wouldn't affect Israel at all.

Moreover, Israel and Libya have both been members of these organizations for quite a while, and Libya never said a word against it - even though Libya's official laws rejecting normalization of Israel have been in force since 1957.

Just like the announcement of the mayors, this is all posturing. Libya was shamed by the foreign minister's meeting with her Israeli counterpart, and now they are scrambling to regain their "honor." Honor has nothing to do with reality - public declarations of solidarity with Palestinians mean much more than privately insulting them, or privately accpeting Israel's membership in these international organizations. 

Put it this way - none of Israel's enemies have quit the UN yet despite Israel being a member.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Thursday, August 31, 2023

It isn't only in newspapers that one can see naked Jew-hatred in Jordan.

It is in their parliament, too.

MEMRI, for example, translated some of the more antisemitic statements spoken in Jordan's parliament in 2021:
 Suleiman Abu Yahya:"The Jews, Allah's curses upon them, are described in the Quran as the slayers of the prophets....The Jews are cowards. The diapers that the Israeli soldiers wear attest to that. May Allah curse them and their diapers."

Safaa Momani: "We must annul all the accords and agreements, because the Jews are the slayers of the prophets, who have betrayed all the pacts and contracts. From the beginning of time, they had no respect for treaties. They violated their pact with the Prophet Muhammad, so why do we expect them to abide by their promises? All our agreements with them should be annulled."

Salamah Al-Bluwi: "What happened and is happening in occupied Palestine constitutes a war crime by the criminal Zionists, the sons of apes and pigs, Allah's curses and curses by the Prophet Muhammad upon them. ..Our conflict with the Jews is of a historical, religious nature. The Jews do not abide by any agreement, contract, or pact."

In Jordan's parliament on Wednesday, former MP Saleh Abdul Karim Al-Armouti continued this tradition.

He directed a series of questions to Prime Minister Bishr Al-Khasawneh about "Jewish and Zionist tourism" in Jordan.

All the questions pre-suppose Jewish plots against Jordan being implemented by tourists and others. 

Here are his questions:

1. How many Jews have come to Jordan during the past three years, what are the reasons for the visit and what are the areas they visited?

2. Is it true that there are groups of Zionists who come to Jordan with foreign nationalities, as well as Israelis, who begin long rounds of hiking in the southern regions of Aqaba, passing through Ma’an, Tafilah, Karak, and Madaba, cities, deserts, and valleys? What do these groups do during their trips? Does the government monitor these groups and their movements, and stand up to the goals and objectives behind them?

3. Is it true that there are Jewish plots that were transferred from Iraq to Jordan and from Jordan to the Zionist entity in occupied Palestine, and who are the middlemen who conducted these operations if they took place in the past years, and through what channels, and what are the connections between this issue and the Zionist entity’s embassy in Amman?

4. Are there antiquity traders in Jordan who search and buy what is called “ancient Jewish gold”, is there “ancient Jewish gold” in Jordan at all or is the Zionist entity burying ancient Hebrew antiquities in Jordanian land for dishonorable and illegal goals and purposes?

5. Does the enemy’s embassy in Amman smuggle antiquities, and what are the means it uses to smuggle these antiquities, if any, and does the government check, monitor, and monitor the mail issued by the embassy that travels across the border, and are the embassy cars that travel across the border merely cars carrying passengers or are they doing illegal acts?

6. Does the government know that there is a Jordanian photography association that has prepared a competition celebrating the city of Madaba called Mosaic Land? Does the government know that the Jordanian photography association has made the Jewish Nakhshtan erected on Mount Nebo an emblem of the Jordanian city of Madaba?

7.- Does the government know that Nakhshtan is a Hebrew word taken from "Nakhash" which means snake in Hebrew?

8. Does the government know what prompted the group of Franciscans who control Mount Nebo to construct that huge, ugly Jewish Nakhshtan monument?

9. Does the government know that the first act of the Franciscans was to change the Arabic name of Mount Naba to the Hebrew name “Nebo” and does the government know that planting that Jewish symbol Nakhshtan, especially on the top of Mount Naba’a/Nebo overlooking occupied Jerusalem, is a challenge to the feelings of people and Jordanians?

10. Who is the body now that takes care of the religious affairs of the monastery in that mountain? Is it a national body from the people of the country, or are they strangers from outside the country?

11. Does the government have the intention to cancel this Jewish-Zionist symbol that provokes the feelings of Muslims and Christians and transgresses all higher values ​​and morals, and which is also sed as a symbol for one of our cities that we are proud of?
And please accept respect,,,
Attorney Attorney
Saleh Abdul Karim Al Armouti

The last few questions appear to be referring to the "Brazen Serpent" sculpture on the summit of Mount Nebo, which is meant to symbolize the copper snake on a pole that Moses crafted and the Israelites who suffered snakebites would look at it and live, together with a Christian cross. The Franciscans own the site of an ancient Byzantine church on the mountain. 

This is the kind of Jew-hatred that one sees literally every day in Jordanian media. Wore than Iraq, worse than Algeria, worse than Lebanon, worse than Egypt, worse than Syria. 

(h/t Ibn Boutros)

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The story about the meeting between Israel's Foreign Minister Eli Cohen with his Libyan counterpart Najla Mangoush, and the angry reactions from Libya, have dominated the news cycle.

Looking at Libyan newspapers, people are falling over themselves to distance themselves from any possibility that they support talking to Israelis. 

Besides the opposition political parties who are using this episode as an opportunity to slam the government, we have the Women and Children Affairs Committee in the Libyan House of Representatives which felt obligated to announce that the meeting "does not represent the national and national constants of Libyan women towards the Palestinian cause," adding that "this meeting is high treason and a moral crime."

Meanwhile Libyans burned photos of Cohen and Mangoush.

Just another day of unbridled hate that is considered normal in the Middle East.

I don't know whether Eli Cohen's explanation that the news of the meeting was about to be leaked is true. And almost certainly Cohen did not handle this as professionally as he should have. But the US reaction to the announcement is almost as insane as the Libyan reactions. 
US President Joe Biden’s administration is reportedly furious with Jerusalem for revealing last week’s meeting between the foreign ministers of Israel and Libya.

US officials told Israel that the episode will deter other countries from embarking on a normalization process with Israel, multiple Hebrew media outlets reported Monday.

A US official also said it “killed” the conversation channel with Libya about recognizing Israel.
Something is not adding up here.

Everyone is talking about Saudi normalization with Israel, quite publicly, including top US officials. Everyone knows there have been secret talks between Saudi and Israeli officials. Somehow, those discussions and the angry response from Israel haters is not deterring the discussions. Somehow, Saudi conciliatory moves - like opening up its airspace to Israeli aircraft - is not deterring other countries from considering peace with Israel.

But for the subject to be broached for Libya, this is the end of the world?

The reason is simple. Over the past few years, the Saudi leadership started acting like adults, and the Libyans are still stuck in their old paradigm.

The US had a golden opportunity here. Instead of castigating Israel's Foreign Ministry, it could have told Libya and the rest of the Arab world, "Israel exists. Talking with a regional superpower about common interests is normal behavior for any state leaders who care about their own people's welfare. It is literally the job of top diplomats to talk to leaders of other countries, even and sometimes especially enemies. Acting as if this is a major crime is infantile. There are real problems in the world, and having a conversation with an Israeli official is not in the top 5,000. Stop acting like babies."

The reason that countries like Libya have managed to remain steeped in their childishness concerning Israel is because the West lets them. Antisemitism is a given as part of the Arab world and not something that must be combatted - it is a cultural right, you see. Crazed hate is expected behavior for Arabs so they are never chided for reinforcing that attitude. 

Instead of demanding that Libya's top politicians act like leaders who have the best interests of their people in mind, the US rewards their mad dash to outdo themselves as to how much they publicly hate Israel. 

Instead of getting angry at the Arabs who are proud of their hate, the US is angry at Israel for not bending over backwards to accommodate their obsessive hate of Jews and Israelis. 

And while Israel needs to be sensitive to cultural mores when trying to establish relations - including, sadly, antisemitism - it shouldn't have to apologize for treating other countries as if they aren't filled with childish, Jew hating idiots. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Sunday, August 27, 2023

In September 1941, AP reported on the latest Nazi war crime - and the excuse given for it
Herding Jews Into Chapel Of Cemetery 

HANNOVER Germany, Sept 8 (AP) 
German authorities began herding Hannover's Jews into the mortuary hall of the Jewish Cemetery here tonight following the mayor's order evicting them from their homes on 24 hour's notice. 

Scores of men, women and children were conducted to this fastcrowding provisional abode. The eviction orders also provided for the sale of their property, the proceeds to be turned over to them "at a given time." 

The orders cited, as one reason for the ousters, a book written by "The Jew Kaufman in New York," ("Germany Must Perish" by Theodore N. Kaufman) demanding "sterilization of all Germans and employment of German soldiers as coolies in foreign lands." 
So because an obscure Jew wrote an anti-German book, all Jews must be punished. In the end, nearly all the Jews of Hanover were murdered.

The book itself was self-published by Kaufman, an advertising man. It received a little coverage because Kaufman sent copies to newspapers and magazines with a miniature coffin to drum up publicity. I can find no one who took the book seriously or praised it. 

It was mentioned in Time magazine where Kaufman was dismissed as a nutjob who, in 1939, suggested that all Americans be sterilized "so that their children might not become homicidal monsters." 

The book itself, more a pamphlet, does not mention the word "Jew" once. It was an obscure text by a publicity-seeker whose eugenics ideas were no more accepted in the West than those of the Nazis he opposed. 

But today's Nazis are resurrecting the book - not mentioning that it was used as an excuse to murder Jews.

A scumbag named Keith Woods (who boasts 50,000 followers on Twitter as well as on  Youtube) resurrected the Nazi propaganda for today's antisemites, blaming Jews for German suffering, just like the Nazis did. 

Nearly a thousand people "liked" this incitement against Jews. 

Antisemitism is alive and well, and Jew-haters are as open about it as they were in the 1930s.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Gaza-based cartoonist Bahaa Yaseen published this yesterday, the anniversary of the burning of Al Aqsa Mosque by a mentally ill Christian.

A Muslim woman prays "O Allah, protect our al-Aqsa" on a prayer mat with a pile of stones next to it. 

A snake dressed as a Jew, with Stars of David on his skin, wearing a black hat, tallit and tefillin, with a flamethrower shofar, hisses at her.

Another snake, holding a Temple menorah and machine gun, is next to him.

Both of them are dreaming of burning down the mosque. 

This is the same artist who, in 2015, published a cartoon showing a religious Jewish man raping a Palestinian woman and shooting a baby while a nearby PA soldier does nothing.  Palestinians were scandalized - not by the Jew-hatred, but by the depiction of rape.

Usually the Western Israel haters deny any Palestinian antisemitism. When shown things like these, they often retreat back to "Can you blame the Palestinians for hating Jews?" 

And from there is only a small step to "Can you blame us for hating Jews?"

(h/t @MoranT555)

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Thursday, August 17, 2023

Professor Boštjan M. Zupančič is a former judge and former president of the Third Chamber at the European Court of Human Rights.  He was previously a judge at the Constitutional Court of Slovenia and vice-chair of the U.N. Committee against Torture (Geneva). He graduated from Harvard Law School and now acts as a legal consultant. In 2020,Zupančič  joined the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ) as an associate research fellow.

He is also a Jew-hater.

Zupančič's hate isn't subtle. He doesn't hide it behind "anti-Zionism." He doesn't insist that he doesn't hate Jews. His hatred is explicit and continuous. 

His former Twitter account, bmz9453, had plenty  of antisemitic posts.  It was closed down but his replacement account is filled with anti-Jewish tweets - even quoting antisemitic sites like The Daily Stormer and the Holocaust revisionists at the Institute of Historical Review.

Here is a selection of his tweets for just the past few months, often direct quotes from antisemitic websites like

He posted a 37 minute film that accuses Jews of systematically engaging in incest with their children. 

Since the Ukraine war started, Zupančič has obsessively blamed the Jews for their supposed role in the war.

And he reposts the most vile antisemitic conspiracy theories he can find every day - here are two from yesterday:

Today's leaders of human rights groups insist that they cannot be antisemitic because their fighting for human rights precludes any prejudice. The truth is that no one is immune from bigoted beliefs, and any philosophy can be twisted into Jew-hatred. 

Boštjan M. Zupančič was a human rights judge for 18 years. It hasn't stopped hum from openly engaging in spreading hate for Jews every single day. On the contrary - his biography gives his hatred legitimacy.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!





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