Prominent leaders in the field of antisemitism and anti-Zionism will be speaking. Most of their testimonies have been published ahead of time. Here are some highlights.
In the Soviet
Union, where I grew up,...each time
when official Soviet propaganda starts a new round of attacks
on Israel, every Jew, whether he knows what Zionism means
or not, knows that he has a problem. They are all treated as
not loyal to the Soviet Union, but loyal to Zionist Israel.
Attacks on the Jews have always been a convenient platform
for attacks on Israel and vice versa. Assuming that all this is a
direct result of the dictatorial regime of the Soviet Union,
which needs a convenient scapegoat for accusations, an
external and internal enemy, and a more convenient
scapegoat than the Jews and Israel cannot be imagined.
Therefore, when in 1975 the Soviet Union initiated a
resolution that Zionism is racism, it was adopted only thanks
to the communist bloc. The Free World voted against it.
I thought that in the free world, this would not happen.
It was all the more surprising when at the beginning of 2000
at the first U.N. conference against global racism in Durban -
the only result of this conference was the accusation of Israel
as an apartheid state. Soon the cartoons published in the
international press against Israel surprisingly began to
resemble those in the Soviet and Nazi press against the Jews.
Israel, which fights against terrorist attacks daily in defense of
itself, has been declared to be fighting the Palestinians, as the
Nazis fought the Jews, and Palestinian refugee camps were
compared to Auschwitz. All this had nothing to do with
constructive criticism of the policies of Israel, which deserved
this or that criticism like any other democratic country. It was
then, 20 years ago, that I proposed my three-D test to
distinguish justified criticism of Israel from new antisemitism.
Over the 20 years, I have visited about 100 American
campuses, where I have clearly seen how the new
antisemitism is creating a very difficult environment for
Jewish students who consider themselves Zionists. There is
much evidence of how the growing attacks on the Jews are
encouraged, developed and reinforced by the attacks on
Israel, like colonial white racism. Much like in Soviet times,
antisemitic attacks on Israel are weakening the sense of
security of Jewish students at American universities. And
attacks on Jews are often accompanied by anti-Israeli slogans.
It is impossible today to analyze the growth of antisemitism
without seeing that these phenomena are very closely linked.
That is why there must be one explanation linking the
demonization of the Jews, the double standard towards the
Jews, the denial of the Jews as a nation with the
demonization of the State of Israel, the double standard
towards the State of Israel and the denial of Israel's right to
There can be no success in the fight against antisemitism if
we do not fight it on all fronts. Therefore, the exact definition
of antisemitism is crucial.
It is very important that the US administration adheres to this
definition of antisemitism in its policy.
Prof. Eugene Kontorovich shows why the IHRA Working Definition is important and how the "Nexus Document" that was welcomed in the Administration's strategy plan against antisemitism is an effort to whitewash modern antisemitism:
Not surprisingly, the IHRA definition is opposed by those who wish to engage in precisely
the kind of anti-Israel double standards that it warns of. In an effort to confound or counteract the
legitimacy and clarity of the IHRA working definition, a few other groups have offered definitions of
antisemitism that greatly minimize the role of Israel-focused antisemitism. One such effort is the
Nexus Document, a project hosted by Bard University. The Nexus definition differs from IHRA primarily in its treatment of Israel-focused conduct. Nexus does not regard as presumptively
antisemitic either the questioning the basic legitimacy of Israel’s existence or the application of double
standards to Israel. According to Nexus, such views may have legitimate grounds.
Unlike IHRA’s adoption by a wide range of countries (including many states that are often
sharply critical of Israel), not one single country has adopted the Nexus Declaration. The IHRA
definition was developed by an international group of scholars not known for their views on Israel or
their politics one way or another. The Nexus Advisory Board, by contrast, is overwhelmingly left-wing
and includes people, like the head of J-Street, who can only be described as professionals in the field
of Israel bashing. Members of Nexus’s advisory board have described Israel as “fascist,” denounced
it as an “apartheid state,” and justified those who say it should have never existed.
While IHRA has become the global benchmark, the narrow Nexus definition has languished
in total obscurity—that is, until the White House suddenly announced its “welcome and appreciation”
of the Nexus Document last month, while still “embracing” IHRA. Nexus leaped from the
discussions of like-minded academics straight into a White House policy document. While the IHRA
definition remains the only one officially used by the government, the White House’s National Strategy
harms efforts to respond to antisemitism by referring to two different, and fundamentally
contradictory, definitions
...The obsessive focus on the supposed wrongs of this one tiny group has resurfaced across an amazing array of cultures and epochs. From the Romans to the Crusades. From the Reformation to the Inquisition. From National to International Socialism. The justifications change, the target remains same. Then after two thousand years, the Jewish people reconstituted their nation—and immediately found it the subject of unparalleled international defamation and libel—accompanied by ongoing efforts at physical elimination. Jews have been hated sometimes as adherents of a faith, sometimes as members of a people. Now the extraordinary enmity is aimed at their State. The coin lands on the same side on every toss. The segue from earlier modes of antisemitism to “anti-Zionism” is a remarkable coincidence.
...The accusations leveled against Israel often resemble those made by antisemites throughout
history. Instead of the Jews being accused of killing Gentile children, Israel is accused of deliberately
killing Palestinian children; instead of Jews being accused of causing plague among Gentiles, Israel
is accused of causing disease among Palestinians. And the accusation of “apartheid” is a modern
blood libel—an absurd “Big Lie,” but inciteful in ways that cannot be rectified by mere refutation.
Just as the classic blood libel resonated with the theological preoccupations of earlier ages, today’s
claims resonate with the ethnic justice concerns of our times.
Yair Rosenberg of The Atlantic ties all forms of antisemitism, from Left to Right, to conspiracy theory:
For almost as long as there have been Jewish people, there has been anti-Jewish prejudice. This
bigotry predates the United States of America and the modern state of Israel. It is older than
capitalism and communism, Republicans and Democrats, progressives and conservatives. And it
precedes Christianity and Islam. Because of this, while antisemitism is expressed by these
communities, it cannot be caused by them. The source is something much more fundamental.
Consider recent antisemitic incidents that on the surface seem to have little connection to each
other. In 2018, a white supremacist massacred 11 congregants in Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life
synagogue. In 2019, assailants tied to the Black Hebrew Israelite movement shot up a kosher
supermarket in Jersey City, killing three. And in 2022, an Islamic extremist held an entire
congregation hostage in Colleyville, Texas, for much of the Jewish Sabbath.
To take another odd example: Both the supreme leader of Iran’s Islamic theocracy and Robert
Bowers, the Pittsburgh shooter who hated Muslims, posted memes on social media alleging
Zionist control of American politics. During the 2016 presidential race, supporters at campaign
events for both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders were captured on tape claiming that
“Zionists” run America’s finances.
What unites all of these seemingly disparate antisemitic actors? Not their identity or background,
but their adherence to a conspiracy of Jewish control. The Pittsburgh white supremacist believed
that Jews were responsible for flooding the country with the brown people he hated, as part of
the so-called “great replacement” of the white race. One of the Black Hebrew Israelite
sympathizers in Jersey City wrote on social media about how Jews controlled the government.
And the British Islamic extremist who targeted the Texas synagogue did so because he thought
American rabbis held sway over the U.S. authorities and could free someone from prison.
...Because people have long been
conditioned to conceive of Jews in an underhanded fashion, it doesn’t take much to update the
ancient conspiracy theory to persuade contemporary audiences. And thanks to centuries of
material blaming the world’s problems on its Jews, conspiracy theorists seeking a scapegoat for
their sorrows inevitably discover that the invisible hand of their oppressor belongs to an invisible
Itamar Marcus of Palestinian Media Watch explains how antisemitism forms the core of Palestinian Authority ideology:
PA Antisemitism is not a collection of disconnected hate-speech; it is a
systematically disseminated ideology that is by now deeply ingrained in
the Palestinian national and political identity. It serves as a primary
source of loathing towards Jews and Israelis and is a significant
motivator for Palestinian terror.
The PA’s Political Antisemitism asserts the following:
1. Jews are inherently evil, endangering not only Palestinians but all of
2. Accordingly, Jews themselves are responsible for the antisemitism
and hatred they have faced throughout history.
3. The PA turns this demonization of Jews into its political ideology: the
Western countries were anxious to get rid of the Jews and solve their
"Jewish problem,” so they initiated the establishment of a Jewish state.
The Jews would never have come to Palestine on their own because the
Jews have no history in the land. Israel is defined as an illegitimate
result of "settler-colonialism" with no right to exist.
This ideology is disseminated by PA leaders, Mahmoud Abbas
appointees, and through the structures controlled by the PA.
Other speakers include Hillel Neuer from UN Watch, Yona Schiffmiller from NGO Monitor, and the ADL's Sharon Nazarian, all of whom show how anti-Israel bigotry is a proxy for anti-Jewish bigotry.
We've seen this before, and we'll see it again. And the West will continue to ignore this open incitement to terror aimed at children from official Palestinian Authority TV:
Song: “Mother, in a new dress accompany me to [my] wedding. I came to you as a Martyr, O mother, O mother.”
Official PA TV host: “This song was spread on social media and shows one of the youths during the confrontations with the occupation soldiers in Hebron. Perhaps there is a message in it: That even the living youth will not return to their mothers alive, but will be married off in a procession as Martyrs.
The video from social media is shown.
Young Palestinian: “Mother, in a new dress accompany me to [my] wedding. I came to you as a Martyr, O mother, O mother.
[Official PA TV, A Tour of Social Media, Oct. 28, 2022]
Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!
Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.
The Palestinian objection to the 1917 Balfour Declaration is one of the most explicit expressions of the Palestinian rejection of Israel’s right to exist. This year, as in previous years, the Palestinian Authority and its leaders marked the historical event with a barrage of statements condemning the declaration, that ranged from outright rejection to elaborate conspiracy theories.
The common theme of all the statements, as Palestinian Media Watch has conclusively demonstrated, is the denial of the internationally and historically recognized connection of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and the rejection of the legitimacy of the State of Israel, in any borders.
Leading the barrage was the PA Ministry of Information which claimed that the declaration was “the crime of the era” which “exceeded the crimes of colonialism”, and called on the Britain to “be ashamed of their sin”.
“The [PA] Ministry of Information said that the black Balfour Promise in its 105th year is the crime of the era, … this unjust promise is a dangerous precedent in the history of international relations… that … exceeded the crimes of colonialism…
The Ministry of Information reemphasized that Britain and all its diplomats should be ashamed of their sin, their historical injustice, and their denial of all the laws and conventions…” – which obligates them to recognize the State of Palestine and stop blindly siding with injustice, occupation, and colonialism.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 2, 2022]
PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh also condemned the declaration, claiming that “Britain gave that which it did not have ownership over to one who has no right”. Shtayyeh added his demand that Britain correct its historical mistake by recognizing the “State of Palestine: “[At the weekly PA governmental meeting, PA] Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh said… that the anniversary of the ominous Balfour Declaration will take place in two days, Wednesday [Nov. 2, 2022], ‘and through it Britain gave that which it did not have ownership over to one who has no right. We are still paying the price of this ominous declaration’s consequences in political, material, humanitarian, geographical, and other terms, and Britain must correct its historical mistake and recognize the sovereign and contiguous State of Palestine whose capital is Jerusalem, and the [Palestinian] refugees’ right of return.’”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 1, 2022]
The Palestinians, who keep complaining about the rise of the right-wing parties in Israeli elections, are the ones who brought the terrorist Hamas group to power.
In 2006, a majority of Palestinians voted for Hamas, whose charter openly calls for the elimination of Israel.
The Palestinians who voted for a jihadist terror group would therefore seem to have little justification to complain about the outcome of any Israeli election.
The statements that Palestinian leaders and officials are making in response to the latest elections are identical to those they issued after previous rounds of voting in Israel.
After Israel's 2020 election, Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum... urged Palestinians to step up the "resistance" against Israel to thwart then US President Donald J. Trump's plan for peace in the Middle East, titled "Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People."
As far as the Palestinians are concerned, any elected government in Israel that does not submit to 100% of their demands is a bad and dangerous government.
The second camp, represented by Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and several other armed groups, is seeking to replace Israel with an Islamist state. This camp does not believe in Israel's right to exist....
The Palestinians... continue to engage in fear-mongering after each Israeli election in efforts to intimidate the Israeli public into complying with their demands. They also have used this tactic for three decades to frighten the international community into pressuring Israel to make dangerous territorial concessions.
The Palestinian claim that there is no partner for peace in Israel is totally false. In fact, the opposite is true.... The sad fact is that there is no partner for peace on the Palestinian side.
The next time the Palestinians wring their hands about Israeli elections, the international community might remind them that it is Palestinian terrorism that drives the Israeli ballot-box results.
The Palestinians also need to be reminded that it is their own leaders, and not those of Israel, who reject peace.
Rather than bemoaning the Israeli election results, Palestinian leaders should be granting their own people even a part of what the Israelis wish for them in the Abraham Accords: equal justice under the law, freedom to speak and publish without fear of retribution, freedom to become prosperous, and freedom to live lives that have opportunity apart from the cottage industry of terrorism -- lives free from their own leaders' corrupt, unending suppression.
Bibi Netanyahu’s triumphal return as Israel’s next Prime Minister affords him the opportunity to fulfil one of his major election promises: Ending the 100-years old unresolved Arab-Jewish conflict.
It has been a long and arduous road for Netanyahu to travel since he told the United Nations on 11 December 1984: “Those who accept the notion of a Palestinian people must therefore wonder: how many Palestinian Arab peoples are there? Is there a western Palestinian Arab people and, just across that narrow stream known as the Jordan River an eastern Palestinian Arab people? How many Arab States in Palestine does Palestinian self-determination require? Clearly, in eastern and western Palestine there are only two peoples, the Arabs and the Jews; and, just as clearly, there are only two States in that area, Jordan and Israel.
The Arab State of Jordan, containing some 3 million Arabs, does not allow a single Jew 10 live there. It contains four fifths of the territory originally allocated by the predecessor of the United Nations. the League of Nations, for the Jewish national home. The other State, Israel, has a population of a little over 4 million, of which one sixth IS Arab. It contains less than one fifth of the territory originally allocated to the Jews under the Mandate.
The claim of self-determination, then, is misleading, for the inhabitants of Jordan which, incidentally,Hussein's grandfather, King Abdullah, wanted originally to call the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine - are largely Palestinian Arabs, and within that population, western Palestinian Arabs are the majority. It cannot be said, therefore, that the Arabs of Palestine are lacking a State or their own, the ultimate expression of self-determination. The demand for a second Palestinian Arab State in western Palestine, and the twenty-second Arab State in the world, is merely the latest attempt to push Israel back into the hopelessly vulnerable armistice lines of 1949.”
The United Nations rejected Netanyahu’s warning - pushing ahead instead to try and create that 23nd Arab state between Israel and Jordan in territories allocated to the Jews to reconstitute the Jewish National Home under article 6 of the Mandate for Palestine and article 80 of the UN Charter.
Both the Security Council and General Assembly subsequently passed a plethora of anti-Israel resolutions using highly-inflammatory language such as “Occupied Palestinian Territories” and recognising two separate peoples in the process – “Jordanians” and “Palestinians” – even granting observer status to the non-existent “State of Palestine”
In light of the recent surge in antisemitic rhetoric, messages and memes, Amnesty International USA reiterates its condemnation of antisemitism in the strongest possible terms and demands action to counter antisemitism by the US government, Twitter and other social media companies.
Antisemitism is hatred. It attacks the rights and well-being of Jews around the world and the very notion of universal human rights. The right to be free from discrimination is a fundamental principle of human rights law, and all governments are obliged to combat discrimination in all its forms.
Antisemitism is the most commonly reported anti-religious hate crime in the United States, which is a crisis we must work to end. We must hold accountable — in our personal interactions, in our workplaces, in our communities, and in our activism — those who commit, encourage or acquiesce in such abuse against Jewish people, whenever and wherever it is inflicted.
For the purposes of this article, I will talk about one further proof that Amnesty does not care about antisemitism, even in the form that they pretend to condemn here.
Amnesty has never condemned antisemitism from media in the Arab world.
"Jews are spreading corruption, usury, the spreading of lies and myths"
I see these kinds of articles several times a week.
Every single antisemitic myth that has ever been uttered over history - from medieval Christian hate to "Elders of Zion" conspiracy theories to Nazi literature - is rife in Arabic media.
But that's not even the worst part.
Palestinian media feature lots of purely antisemitic cartoons.
Some are incitement to hate Jews.
Others are incitement to murder Jews.
Amnesty has never said a word. And Western media, taking its cue from organizations like Amnesty and HRW, keep silent - if human rights groups aren't concerned, it must not be an issue.
As bad as antisemitism is on Twitter, outside of people like Kanye West, most of the antisemitic posts are only seen by a very small number of people. But those in Arab media are seen by tens or hundreds of thousands.
Not to mention the anti-Jewish incitement is in Arab schools and textbooks as well.
Thousands of Jews have been killed because of this incitement in Palestinian society. And as much as Amnesty likes to pretend that they only hate "Zionists," their own media often says "Jews."
Amnesty, which pretends to care about incitement and antisemitism, has not mentioned these things once - even though this is far worse than nearly all of the antisemitism in American social media.
So when Amnesty pretends to suddenly care about antisemitism in rightwing social media, ask them where they have been for the past couple of decades when direct incitement to murder Jews has been a feature in Palestinian media?
Amnesty doesn''t say a word because they agree with the underlying message that Jews have no right to their own nation, and if they refuse to commit national suicide they must be expelled from the Middle East.
Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!
Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.
In recent months, many young Palestinians have died as “Martyrs” while carrying out terror attacks against Israelis – be it throwing Molotov cocktails and rocks, stabbings or shootings. What is it that make kids want this? The answer is what Palestinian Media Watch has pointed out for years: That the PA and its leading party Fatah – both led by Mahmoud Abbas – as policy encourage kids (and adults) to carry out terror and seek Martyrdom - and thereby become heroes.
Now that the summer holiday is over it is important to examine the values the PA and Fatah decided to bestow on Palestinian kids via their summer camps – one of the “tools” the PA uses to inculcate the ideals of terror against Israel and Martyrdom.
One distinctive PA message was that terrorist murderers are heroes. Being presented with this strong role modeling for decades impacts on kids, and many young Palestinians set out to die as Martyrs, seeking to earn the ultimate glory in Palestinian society.
Announcing the opening of the summer camps, PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports Head Jibril Rajoub explained that 42,000 young Palestinians were to participate in 600 camps. Rajoub stated that: Fatah Central Committee Secretary and Head of the PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports Jibril Rajoub: “The goal of these camps is to serve as a melting pot and formulate the consciousness of these children according to the Palestinian national ideology.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 19, 2022]
Same Rajoub strongly hinted at the content of the teachings in the PA/Fatah summer camps when he in his opening speech singled out terrorist murderer Thaer Hammad who killed 10 Israelis as “deserving of blessings”: Jibril Rajoub: “[Silwad] is the town of Thaer Hammad (i.e., terrorist, murdered 10), who deserves blessings, and who constituted a milestone in proactive national action. Blessings to him, his family, and our prisoners from Silwad and from throughout the homeland.”
[Facebook page of Fatah Central Committee Secretary Jibril Rajoub, July 18, 2022]
Prior to Rajoub’s opening of the camps, a Fatah “registration announcement” for participation in a camp under Fatah’s military unit Al-Asifa explained the camp activities which clearly sound like military training and combat, among them: “military order and discipline, infantry, combat skills and Shooting live ammunition at a shooting range”; (emphasis added)
It has often been said that the media is a pillar of democracy because it keeps our politicians honest.
Lifting the veil of secrecy in which authorities like to cloak themselves, revealing inconvenient truths that expose the inadequacies and worse of government actions and subjecting all politicians to forensic questioning without bias—this is how the media acts in the public interest.
But when the media doesn’t deliver, truthfulness goes out of the window, propaganda and ignorance take over and democracy stumbles.
We see this in much Western coverage of Israel, with newspapers often delivering nothing more than thinly disguised Palestinian propaganda. So, people with no knowledge of Israel or Jewish history get a wholly false impression.
It’s in America, however, that we see most graphically and frighteningly the media’s abdication of its professional role.
The most influential mainstream media outlets have turned into brazen shills for the Democratic Party and became willing accomplices in the attempt to remove President Donald Trump via the bogus Russian conspiracy smear, which involved elements of the FBI, Justice Department and the Democrats.
At same time, the media refused to report troubling revelations of corruption involving President Joe Biden’s son Hunter’s dealings with Ukraine, which implicated Biden senior as well.
And they have left Americans largely in the dark about the acute peril into which Biden’s policies are putting America, Israel and the West.
Unfortunately, however, the Americans clearly hope that strong-arming Israel in order to help Iran-proxy Hezbollah—which will presumably profit, directly or indirectly, from Lebanon’s natural-gas business—will influence its masters in Tehran to stop stalling and sign a new, and even weaker, nuclear deal with the West.
If this happens after more humiliating U.S. concessions to Iran in the negotiations that will likely resume after the midterms, it ought to get Iranian oil flowing freely to the West. That could impact the price of oil in the long term and help the Democrats’ efforts to hold onto the White House in 2024, even if it also guarantees that the Iranians will eventually obtain a nuclear weapon. It will also constitute a betrayal of the courageous demonstrators who have taken to the streets in Iranian cities to resist the theocratic regime.
Lapid walked into this trap because he is committed to a strategy of avoiding public disputes with Biden at all costs. For months, as the Americans moved closer to an agreement with Iran that he knew was antithetical to any notion of protecting the security of Israel or its Arab allies, he spoke of trying to influence the U.S. not to go down the path of appeasement.
Iran’s hardline stance in negotiations momentarily seemed to vindicate him. Yet, when Biden gave him his marching orders on Lebanon, he appeared to have believed that he had no choice but to blindly obey.
Seen from this perspective, it’s clear that Lapid was not so much surrendering to Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah as he was to Biden, though the blow to Israel’s national interests was much the same.
It remains to be seen whether Biden will tolerate, even if only for the five weeks until the election, Lapid’s act of political survival in moving away from the Lebanon pact that the U.S. administration has ordered him to accept. What is obvious, however, is that Lapid has not yet learned what Netanyahu came to understand during the course of his 15 years as prime minister.
Managing relations with Israel’s sole superpower ally is the nation’s top foreign-policy priority. And though doing so is vitally important, Washington can’t be allowed to dictate to its small Israeli ally. The true measure of an Israeli prime minister’s diplomatic acumen is not how close he can stay to an American president. The real test is showing that a premier can say “no” to the Americans when it’s absolutely necessary, as it was with respect to the natural-gas-fields dispute.
Lapid failed that test. Biden and his team now understand how far they can push him, even when Israeli security is on the line. That’s a fatal flaw in any leader.
Behnam Ben Taleblu: You cannot stand with Iran’s women while seeking a deal with Tehran
The supreme test for a stable, sustainable and legitimate state is a monopoly on the use of force within the territories it controls. In the case of the P.A., this territory is currently composed of Areas A and B of Judea and Samaria—constituting around 40% of the area. The P.A. does not have the capability or willingness to confront the armed factions in these areas, never mind an expanded area provided for a Palestinian state. Moreover, the P.A. does not control an inch of the Gaza Strip, which is under the control of the terrorist entity Hamas, which sometimes appears to hate the P.A. and its chief Mahmoud Abbas even more than the Jews.
According to Melanne Civic and Michael Miklaucic in their book Monopoly of Force, “While no state has an absolute monopoly of force, to be accountable for actions taken within its borders, a state must have at least a preponderance of force; it must be able to prevent hostile acts toward other states. This is a minimum assumption of effective sovereignty.” The belief that the P.A. would be capable of this minimal level of sovereignty is wishful thinking.
The current unrest in Judea and Samaria is a perfect example of the P.A.’s ineptitude. The cities of Jenin and Nablus in Area A and B are lawless spaces controlled by a toxic mixture of armed elements of Abbas’ Fatah Party, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, among others. If Israel were not doing the P.A.’s dirty work, these groups would not only attack citizens of the Jewish state but, within a short time, overthrow the P.A. itself.
According to Efraim Inbar, the president of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, “To a significant extent, the P.A. is a failed state, defined by the lack of a monopoly on the use of force. … Abbas shied away from confronting the armed gangs and failed to centralize the security services. Indeed, the P.A. lost control of Gaza to Hamas and has continuous difficulties dismantling militias in the territory under its formal control.”
Ordinary Palestinian citizens are responding to this by arming themselves—a logical decision under the circumstances. As former U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis said, “We need to recognize that in an imperfect world, we cannot blame a man for wanting to maintain his arms for the protection of his family, land and community when all around him is chaos, lawlessness and corruption, with little or no opportunity.” This is the environment created by an impotent P.A. The vacuum is being filled by terrorists, thugs and Islamist fanatics.
The willful delusion that the P.A. would have a monopoly of force in any proposed state would be laughable if it were not so dangerous. Indeed, the most likely outcome of the creation of a Palestinian state is a Hamas coup. One can support the two-state solution, but refusing to acknowledge that there is no entity capable of a monopoly of force in a Palestinian state—except perhaps for Hamas—is a danger to Israel’s existence and undermines American interests, which depend on a stable Israel. For the foreseeable future, the only realistic option is the status quo.
Clearly, the Jordanians have a poor record when it comes to safeguarding the rights of non-Muslims. Thus, it is quite hypocritical for the current Jordanian monarch to criticize Israel’s policies on religious freedom, especially since the Jewish state lifted the aforementioned discriminatory laws imposed on non-Muslim religious minorities once it assumed control over the West Bank and reunified Jerusalem.
Unfortunately, King Abdullah II’s hypocrisy is not limited to the matter of protecting religious freedom. The Hashemite ruler also used his speech at the General Assembly to call for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, saying that the Palestinians “cannot be denied the right to self-determination.” But who has been denying the Palestinians their right to self-determination? Not Israel, whose leaders have offered the Palestinians statehood on several occasions, only to be turned down and met with terrorist violence at the urging of the Palestinian leadership. In fact, if anyone has been standing in the way of the Palestinians’ right to self-determination, it is King Abdullah II’s Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
The Palestinians could have had a country of their own as far back as 1921, when the British literally handed the territory of their Mandate of Palestine east of the Jordan River to King Abdullah II’s Hashemite clan, instead of giving it to the Palestinian Arab population for which it was originally intended. Then, during the 1948 war, the Jordanians captured what they labeled the West Bank, including eastern Jerusalem and all its holy places. But did they end up giving this territory to the Palestinians so that they would have a country of their own? Nope. Instead, the Jordanians annexed the newly-conquered territory — an annexation that was not even recognized by the other Arab states.
The bottom line is that King Abdullah II and his Hashemite clan have stood in the way of Palestinian statehood, not Israel. The king’s diatribe about a two-state solution is as hypocritical as his argument that the Jewish state threatens the rights of Christians. Besides, without Israeli support, the Jordanian monarch would probably not have his kingdom, so I think it’s time he stopped biting the hand that feeds him.
The emergence of the Saudi Solution offered these reticent politicians a real choice – yet not one of them has had the intestinal fortitude finally – if belatedly and unrealistically – displayed by Lapid.
The Saudi Solution – in distinct contrast to the United Nations Solution – offers Israel the following concessions before negotiations are even commenced on implementing the proposal:
· -Jerusalem will be the capital of Israel only
· - No new State will be created between Israel and Jordan
· - The right of return by Palestinian Arabs to Israel will be abandoned
· -Jewish sovereignty in part of Judea and Samaria ('West Bank') will be recognised for the first time in 3000 years
· -Saudi Peace proposals made in 1981 and 2002 that were unacceptable to Israel will be superseded.
The universal silence by Israeli politicians on the Saudi Solution since its publication almost four months ago is shameful.
One cannot expect every Israeli politician to embrace the Saudi Solution, but then they should publicly state their opposition.
But is there not one Israeli politician – Jew or Arab – other than Lapid - prepared to express his own opinion on conducting negotiations to determine if agreement can be reached on the Saudi Solutions’ groundbreaking proposals?
In particular why have the leaders of sixteen of the major Israeli political parties contesting the elections – Netanyahu, Gantz, Sa’ar, Smotrich, Ben-Gvir, Deri, Litzman, Gafni, Shehadeh,Odeh, Tibi, Michaeli, Galon, Abbas, Shaked, Liberman and Hendel - refused to comment on the Saudi Solution since its publication?
Hopefully these leaders - like Lapid – will break their silence on the Saudi Solution well before November 1.
Leaders lead from the front – not cower and huddle silently together behind the voters whose votes they seek.
The emerging maritime boundary deal between Israel and Lebanon, brokered by the Biden administration, constitutes a “total capitulation” to the terrorist organization Hezbollah, a senior jurist argued Sunday, adding that the Lapid government is violating Israeli constitutional rules by pursuing an agreement.
Eugene Kontorovich, Director of International Law at the Jerusalem-based Kohelet Policy Forum and director of the Center for the Middle East & International Law at George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School, blasted Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s cabinet address Sunday, in which he confirmed that Israel has made concessions in US-brokered maritime border talks with Lebanon.
"Over the weekend, Israel and Lebanon received the American mediator's proposal for an agreement on a maritime line between the two countries. We are discussing the final details, so it is not yet possible to praise a done deal; however, as we have demanded from the start, the proposal safeguards Israel's full security-diplomatic interests, as well as our economic interests," Lapid said.
Lapid argued that ceding natural gas reserves to Lebanon would help the country become independent of Tehran, and ultimately curb the strength of groups like Hezbollah.
Kontorovich pushed back on Lapid’s claims, calling the concessions “capitulation” to Hezbollah, and arguing that pursuing such an agreement during an interim government violates Israeli constitutional norms.
“The proposed natural gas agreement between Israel and Lebanon represents a total capitulation to Hezbollah, and a transfer of sovereign Israeli territory to an Iranian puppet state.”
“As the people of Iran fight for their freedom, Israel is surrendering to Tehran via Beirut without even getting an acknowledgement of its existence in return, let alone peace.”
“After being proposed and rejected a decade ago, the deal is being rammed through, just weeks before the Israeli elections - in violation of Israeli constitutional rules - because the Biden Administration and Hezbollah understand the desperation and weakness of the Lapid-Bennett government.”
The emerging maritime agreement with Lebanon has benefits. These include negotiations between Israel and Lebanon, albeit indirect and mediated by the U.S. We should not underestimate the importance of an agreement, even if partial, with an enemy state. The ability to generate and implement common interests is a calming and restraining element.
Lebanon is a broken, insolvent country on the verge of anarchy, and the money it would gain from gas drilling would help it stabilize. In addition, Israel could start producing gas from the Karish field immediately, and at a time when the world is hungry for natural gas and prices are increasing. It will do so without a physical threat to its rigs.
The main disadvantage of the deal is the possible loss of maritime assets. Had Israel wanted to, it could have drilled in more extensive areas and extracted gas, but that would involve a considerable risk of an escalation. In other words, Israel has made a tactical concession for a strategic gain of stability on the northern border.
However, Israel must make sure to let Hizbullah know that it wasn't its threats that brought about the results. Hizbullah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah will not hesitate to challenge Israel if he senses weakness on its part.
Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said Monday that the decision to all but endorse a U.S. plan to redraw the maritime border between Lebanon and Israel was a squandered opportunity that put to waste years of hard work. "We spent years trying to broker a deal between Israel and Lebanon on the disputed maritime gas fields. Got very close with proposed splits of 55-60% for Lebanon and 45-40% for Israel. No one then imagined 100% to Lebanon and 0% to Israel. Would love to understand how we got here," Friedman tweeted.
Lebanon on Monday denied a US-brokered maritime deal with Israel would see Beirut pay royalties to the Jewish state in exchange for access to disputed gas fields.
Deputy Parliament Speaker Elias Bou Saab, who has been involved in the maritime talks, told the interview the Al-Mayadeen TV station on Monday that Israel has made more significant concessions than its northern neighbor, which he claimed the Israeli government has also acknowledged.
Saab pledged that “Lebanon would not pay royalties to the Israeli enemy.”
Lebanon’s president Michel Aoun made similar claims to Saab, telling Lebanese citizens that “there will be no partnership with the Israeli side.”
Speaking earlier Monday, Prime Minister Yair Lapid said Lebanon would pay royalties to the Jewish state.
“Israel gets 100 percent of its security needs, 100% of Karish and even some of the profits from the Lebanese reserve,” the premier said.
Israel’s lead negotiator in the U.S.-mediated maritime border talks with Lebanon quit last week due to disagreements with the Prime Minister’s Office over how the process was being handled, Israeli media reported on Monday.
Ehud Adiri reportedly resigned just days before U.S. senior energy adviser Amos Hochstein on Saturday submitted to Jerusalem and Beirut what is widely being portrayed as a final proposal to end the two countries’ longstanding dispute over gas-rich waters in the Eastern Mediterranean.
According to the reports, Adiri opposed the terms of the emerging agreement and how National Security Adviser Eyal Hulata conducted the negotiations after their purview was transferred to the PMO.
Israeli opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday accused Prime Minister Yair Lapid of caving in to Hezbollah with regard to the emerging agreement.
“Yair Lapid shamefully surrendered to [Hezbollah chief Hassan] Nasrallah’s threats,” Netanyahu reportedly stated, adding: “He is giving Hezbollah sovereign territory of the State of Israel with a huge gas reservoir that belongs to you, the citizens of Israel.”
On August 30, five religious Jews stupids tries to visit Joseph's tomb without coordinating their visit with the Israeli army.
The result was predictable: they were almost lynched, two of them including a child were shot, their car was burned.
They were not armed and couldn't defend themselves.
Right after the incident, Fatah's Al Aqsa Brigades took responsibility for the shootings and burning their car.
What was unusual was that Fatah itself took credit. Instead of pretending that the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade are a separate and unofficial offshoot of the party headed by Mahmoud Abbas, their violence was celebrated as a Fatah victory on the official Fatah Facebook page - to attack five civilians whose only "crime" was being Jewish.
Palestinian Media Watch translated their music video and poster:
In the video gunshots are heard, apparently from the shooting attack targeting Jews visiting Joseph’s Tomb, and a car is seen going up in flames, while a song is played in the background.
Lyrics: “Shake them and burn them, O knights of the night.”
Text on screen: “The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, Fatah’s military wing, target a car of settlers. As a result, 5 Zionists were wounded (sic.).”
Posted text: “🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸✌️✌️✌️”
The image shows a masked terrorist holding an assault rifle.
Text on image: “Urgent:
The enemy admits the wounding of 5 Zionist settlers (sic.) in a shooting operation carried out by a squad of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, the Fatah Movement’s military wing against their car as they attempted to infiltrate Nablus early this morning [Aug. 30, 2022].”
Fatah is literally inciting Palestinians to burn religious Jews.
Mahmoud Abbas Fatah's leader, is a war criminal.
Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!
Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.
Remember the signs in Nazi Germany saying “Jews not allowed” at the entrance to some shops?
Now Salfit District Governor Abdallah Kamil has “issued a series of important decisions” of which one brings the term “Jews not allowed” to mind. It specifically “forbids” Palestinian businesses to “receive any settler” – i.e., Israelis/Jews. Whoever violates this rule risks closure of his business by the PA Security Forces:
It is completely forbidden to have commercial relations with the settlers, according to Law No. 4 of 2010. It is forbidden to receive any settler in our places of business. We have conveyed clear instructions to the relevant [PA] Security Forces to close any store that violates this decision and to put its owners on trial.
All signs written in the Hebrew language placed in the various places of business and workshops must be removed within a week at the latest. The required legal procedures will be taken against those who do not fulfill this.
We emphasize once more that one must not carry out any action of selling lands, and specifically in Area C , without first receiving security permission from the district.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Aug. 28, 2022]
These decisions in force in the Salfit district in the northwestern West Bank have been made to hinder any kind of peace building between Palestinians and Israelis/Jews as their goal is “to fight the settlement enterprise and the relations with the settlers in the district.” District Governor Kamil added that the Palestinian people “will not agree to any manner of coexistence or normalization with the settlers.” The PA routinely refers to all of Israel as "occupied Palestine" and all Israelis as "settlers."
Columnist Mowaffaq Matar at Raya is very upset at Palestinian Media Watch's analogy between how Nazis boycotted Jews and how the Salfit governorate is boycotting Jews. (He would have no problem with Israeli Arabs doing business in Salfit.)
Unfortunately, not only is the analogy apt, but his defense of the policies sound a bit Nazi-like as well.
It is our right to use all means to protect our existence, our economy, and the life of the Palestinian citizen. ...As for the settler, we do not look at his faith, but rather as an element in an army of invasion, colonialism and occupation, and the owners of this organization know very well that we are not hostile to the Jews because they are Jews, but rather we struggle to recover our public and private land that was usurped by the government of their system and their parties, and expelled its owners and provided it to the settlers to establish bases on it, but In a seemingly civil form, but in fact, they are bases for terrorism, murder, and the seizure of the rights and livelihoods of others. Their crimes are unprecedented except in the Middle Ages, and they have no place in the list of morals and laws of the civilized peoples of the twenty-first century. Settlements have become bases for aggression against the original owners of the land are the citizens of Palestine whom Pal Media Watch should know that state terrorism has not broken the Palestinian people who are determined to resist occupation and settlement with tools, the most important of which are victory for themselves, their identity, culture and economy, and loyalty to the martyrs and prisoners.
In other words, the Palestinian Fatherland is under attack by immoral, depraved, thieving and murderous Jews whose only interest is to destroy the beautiful Palestinian culture, which includes celebrating those who kill Jews.
Why would anyone think that this sounds like Nazis?
"Forbidden for Jews" sign in Nazi-occupied Netherlands
Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!
Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.
Right after two Lebanese ministers proudly videoed themselves hurling rocks towards the border with Israel, Palestinian Media Watch found this news story about the Palestinian Museum in Ramallah, where there is a new interactive "intifada" exhibit.
Director of The Palestinian Museum’s Information and Communication Technology Unit Nasri Shtayyeh: “The user can choose one of these interactive stories. The first story is the intifada, and they have a kind of emotion, because the moment [the museum visitor] enters the story he needs to respond, since he is entering an environment of intifada that could contain throwing rocks, it could have road closures, it could have vehicles entering.”
Official PA TV host: “Let’s try it.”
Nasri Shtayyeh: “It’s really nice, and it’s interactive.”
[Official PA TV, At the Museum, Aug. 24, 2022]
We always wondered what a Palestinian museum would include. Now we know - it glorifies terror, the major Palestinian accomplishment.
Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!
Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.
Don't tell me how to spend the money the West sends me!
The International Monetary Fund visited Israel and the territories this month to give advice on helping the Palestinian economy.
They issued a final statement with a summary of their findings. But there was something missing:
A single word about the Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund or the other programs that pay terrorists and their families.
The PA spends about $270 million every year on prisoner salaries and "martyr" family payments, a significant chunk of the PA budget altogether (a few years ago, it was 8%, it has probably increased since then.) It is nearly 2% of the total Palestinian GDP!
This is similar to the April World Bank report that also didn't mention "Pay for Slay" as a potential target for cost cutting.
Mahmoud Abbas has said many times that the top priority of spending for the Palestinians is on paying these terrorists - more than healthcare, more than education, more than retirement benefits.
That appears to be the reason the IMF and World Bank don't bother making the recommendations to cut a program that throws hundreds of millions of dollars away annually to terrorists and their families - because they know that the PA will ignore them. But that is a profoundly bad reason - their job is to make the best recommendations they can, and then report if the PA refuses to comply.
By hiding a huge source of the PA's financial woes, these world financial organizations are not doing anyone any favors. On the contrary - they become complicit in supporting terrorism.
Say the truth, and let the PA defend the indefensible.
Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!
Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.
Life is a supreme Jewish value. So much so that it’s
customary to make charitable donations or monetary gifts in multiples of 18:
the numerical value of the Hebrew word for life: chai. When we drink in celebration we say, “L’Chaim,” as
popularized by the song from Fiddler on the Roof.
We Jews place life on a pedestal not only in times of celebration
but in times of mourning too. Anglo-Jews from Britain and communities in the
former Commonwealth, for example, are likely to conclude a condolence call with
“I wish you long life.”
In Islam, on the other hand, life appears to take a
backseat to death. The goriest murders, butchery, death, and suicide seem not to
faze Muslims at all. Whereas Jews are preoccupied with life, the Muslim thinks
more about death. In a 2004 op-ed, Aspiration
not Desperation, Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook detailed the final words
of a suicide bomber, describing her joy at the prospect of blowing herself to
“I always wanted to
be the first woman who sacrifices her life for Allah. My joy will be complete
when my body parts fly in all directions.”
These are the words of female suicide terrorist Reem
Reyashi, videotaped just before she killed four Israelis and herself two weeks
ago in Gaza. What is surprising about this horrific statement is that she put a
positive value on her dismemberment and death, distinct from her goal to kill
others. She was driven by her aspiration to achieve what the Palestinians call
“shahada,” death for Allah. She had two distinct goals: To kill and to be
killed. These independent objectives, both positive in her mind, were goals
greater than her obligations and emotional ties to her two children. This
aspiration to die, which contradicts the basic human instinct for survival, is
at the core of the suicide terrorism fervor.
Contrast this with the Jewish concept of dying “al Kidush Hashem,” in sanctification of
God’s name. Every Holocaust victim, every Jewish terror victim, is considered
to be a holy martyr. But Jews don’t strive for that holy eventuality—we don’t court
death for the sake of martyrdom. Which is what all too many Muslims seem to do.
Most people can't stand the sight of blood, but blood doesn't seem to generate the same revulsion in Muslims. Take the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, which commemorates
what we Jews still call the Akedat
Yitzchak, the binding of Isaac. The Muslim version, which of course
postdates Jewish scripture substitutes “Ibrahim” for Abraham, and “Ismail” for
Isaac. Jews remember the Akedah by reciting
the story from the Torah before the congregation on the second day of Rosh Hashanah.
Muslims, on the other hand, celebrate their version of the story with mass
slaughter of livestock. So many animals are killed on this holiday, that in
2016, the streets of Dhaka, Bangladesh ran red with blood.
Judaism is possibly the only religion that prohibits all
forms of castration. This taboo creates grave challenges to pet owners, modern
animal farming and scientific research. However, when one becomes aware of the ubiquity
of sterilization in the utilization of animals, one may also appreciate the
subtle protest Judaism articulates against the mechanical exploitation of
animals. The prohibition on sterilization of animals and humans underscores
further the special regard in Judaism to the capacity to generate life.
According to Sefer Ha’hinnukh, castration articulates a nihilistic attitude
towards life. Contemporary scholarship on Judaism and human rights also
interpret God’s admonition “Choose life!” as a call for hope and engagement in
worldly life, not as a strict refusal to recognize situations in which loss of
life is the more dignified and just course of action.
In regard to shedding blood, Barilan writes,
Ironically, the first prohibition on bloodshed is
articulated in terms of the death penalty. “Whoso sheds man’s blood, by man
shall his blood be shed, for in the Image of God made he man.”
The Torah does not tell us directly, “do not kill” the way
God proscribed eating from the tree of knowledge. From the story on Cain and
Abel we learn that this knowledge is self-evident; every person must recognize
it naturally.
Many Muslims, apparently do not. There is ample evidence of the
Muslim thirst for bloodshed.
As Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook documented in their
aforementioned op-ed, “Palestinian society actively promotes the religious
belief that their deity craves their deaths. Note the words of a popular music
video directed at children, broadcast hundreds of times on PA TV, which depicts
the earth thirsting for the blood of children: ‘How sweet is the fragrance of
the shahids, how sweet is the scent of the earth, its thirst quenched by the
gush of blood, flowing from the youthful body.’”
Life is so important to Jews that we are allowed to break
just about any religious commandment in order to save the life of a human
being. Look at that last sentence carefully. There is rabbinical
consensus that we are commanded to breach Torah laws not only in order to
save Jewish lives, but in order to
save the life of any human being in
In Jewish law, human life comes first. We understand how
important a man’s life is—any man’s life—by the early mention of the concept in
“And God created man in His image, in the image of God He
created him.” (Genesis 1:27)
Judaism is life-affirming. Islam, on the other hand, cares
little for life, and instead embraces death with a whole heart. More from
Marcus and Crook:
PA ideology rejects the value of ‘life’ that other societies
hold supreme. As expressed by a senior historian, Professor Issam Sissalem, in
a lecture on PA TV: “We are not afraid to die, and do not love life.”
This attitude was echoed by Nidal Malik Hasan in wrapping up
a presentation he created for his fellow doctors, two years before he killed
thirteen and wounded 29 at Fort Hood: “We love death more than you love life!”
According to the National
Post, the sentence originates with “a 7th-century Muslim commander who
threatened his enemies with the prospect of ‘an army of men that love death as
you love life.’”
The Post then
references a 2004 interview with Hezbollah head Hassan Nasrallah. Professor
Richard Landes quotes the same interview in Lessons
from Kafr Qana:
“We have discovered how to hit the Jews where they are the
most vulnerable. The Jews love life, so that is what we shall take away from
them. We are going to win, because they love life and we love death.”
Landes, describing Muslim awareness of their own obsession
with death, writes:
“Why do expressions of tolerance, moderation, rationalism,
compromise, and negotiation horrify us [Muslims], but [when we hear] fervent
cries for vengeance, we all dance the war dance?… Why do other people love
life, while we love death and violence, slaughter and suicide, and [even] call
it heroism and martyrdom?”
Hatred towards death and love of the world is the outcome of
an ignorant person's mind, who thinks that the happiness of this world is his
prosperity and good fortune. The world beset with numerous troubles and
anxieties is about to end in misery and does not enjoy eternity, perpetuity and
sincerity. A poet has referred to this in the following words - “Do not give
your heart to this world, for its example is of an unfaithful bride who has never
loved you, even for a night.”
Unknown also writes:
[Hazrat Qasim], the son of [Imam Hasan Al-Mujtaba], when
asked concerning death at Karbala, answered: “death to me is sweeter than
He continues (emphasis added):
Usually, most of the people are alarmed and fearful upon hearing the word
`death', and to them, death appears dreadful and terrifying, whereas, according
to the Islamic ideology, this terminology or this subject has a different
appearance and can be perceived in a different way. Basically it can be said
that those who fear death, consider it to be a negative entity.
According to this insight, death is an end of life and a
moment of everlasting separation of man with his life. They believe that with
death, the compounded substances of the body suffer a breakdown and return to
nature and man too, is nothing except this very broken-down body. Hence, with
death, everything ends with no hope remaining!
Indeed, with this view and insight, death is darker and more
dreadful than every other thing and perhaps, no calamity, pain, sorrow and
tragedy can be greater and more painful than the tragedy of death, because
death would mean the burial of all the desires, hopes, longings and in short,
the termination of all things for man - that man who loved life and eternity
very dearly.
Anyway, Islam does
not possess such a dark and fear-instilling view of death because according to
the Islamic view, death is a positive entity.
The idea of death as a “positive entity” is informative, here--perhaps more than anything else. Jews and incalculable numbers of Muslims stand in diametric opposition to each other when it comes to our most essential and sacred beliefs.
But it is more than that, of course. It’s more than our differing views on life and death, but the gruesomeness of the Muslim culture of death, the horrifying bloodlust that accompanies those beliefs; the nature of the killings; and the lack of even the tiniest drop of the milk of human compassion when choosing their victims.
Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!
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