Showing posts with label martyrdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label martyrdom. Show all posts

Sunday, July 23, 2023

During May and June, Palestinian high school students were studying hard to pass their matriculation exams. When families receive positive results, as they did last week, there are huge celebrations throughout the territories.

The study material for the matriculation exams comes from the Palestinian Authority. And according to the IMAPCT-SE NGO, they were filled with anti-Israel propaganda.

Study materials and questions on the matriculation exams administered by the Palestinian Authority incite to violence, glorify murderous terrorism and promote anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel, a report found. 

The Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) released a review of Palestinian matriculation exams for June 2023 in Arabic, Islamic Education, geography, and history. 

The report's findings offer an ominous insight into an education system where school books are filled with dubious claims, outright falsifications and incitement to violence, both in the name of Palestinian nationalism and Islamist jihadism. 

In one example included in the report, a geography exam includes a “map of Palestine” that ignores the existence of Israel and charts the entire territory as being Palestine.

Throughout the books, Jewish people's historic links to Jerusalem are dismissed as “baseless claims,” “fairy tales,” “myths,” “illusions,” and “distorted narratives.”

Further troubling examples include an Islamic Education exam describing violent jihad as “the apex of Islam.” The chapter of the textbook on which students are tested also teaches that jihad is “one of the gates to achieving martyrdom,” describing the martyrs as "knights," while a poem in an Arabic language exam describes a Palestinian returning to his homeland with a “weapon in [his] hand.”
There is no new report on the IMPACT-SE website, so it sounds like the exam materials are pretty much the same as they were in 2019 when they looked at them.

I just did a quick look at a Palestinian Authority website that publishes these educational materials, and came across this worksheet on Zionism for the current year.

It teaches Palestinian students that:

The basic rule of the Jewish state is settlement.
Settlement means replacing one people with another people.
The Zionist settlements are distinguished from other settlements because it is based on the destruction of Palestinian society.
The Zionist philosophy is based on racism and the negation of the other.
The relationship of the Jews with other peoples is based on hostility and conflict.

This is official, state-sanctioned antisemitism. 

Islamic Jihad published a new picture of one of the students who passed the exam, but unfortunately was not alive to enjoy it.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Read all about it here!



Thursday, June 29, 2023

Arab leaders and pundits habitually warn, in English, that Israel is threatening to threatening to turn the conflict into a religious war. 

A recent example comes from Ramzy Baroud in Arab News, saying, 

What is currently taking place in Palestine is not a religious war, but some Israeli officials and political parties are keen on turning it into one. 

Though warnings against “religious wars” in Palestine — in fact, the entire region — have been mostly linked to Israel’s current “most rightwing government in history,” religious discourses have been the most dominant since the establishment of Israel’s founding ideology, Zionism, in the late-19th century. 
This is absurd to the extreme. 

This has been a religious war for decades, and it has been Palestinians making it one.

From their first leader, the Mufti of Jerusalem, their claims have been based primarily on religious themes and arguments. Religion suffuses everything they do - their words, their actions, their thinking - all the way back to the Mufti's claim that "Al Aqsa is in danger!" from Jews.

The Palestinian Arab armed forces in both the 1936 riots and the 1948 war were called the "Army of the Holy War."

The Palestinian constitution says, "Islam is the official religion in Palestine. ...  The principles of Islamic Shari’a shall be a principal source of legislation."

The Palestinian Authority has a Ministry of Religious Endowments.

Members of the PLO executive Committee marked Eid yesterday by laying a wreath on the grave of Yasir Arafat. 

Mahmoud Abbas' speeches - even to the UN - all begin with "In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful."

Abbas referred to rebuilding Gaza in 2016 as a "jihad."

Every Palestinian media outlet refers to those killed by Israeli forces as "martyrs," not "victims."

The religious aspect is so ingrained that a supposedly secular UNRWA is asking for Muslims to give it "zakat" (religious charity) funds, quoting the Quran. Do any other UN agencies ever quote any other religious texts?  (I found an exception that proves the rule.)

And, of course, Gaza groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad are Islamic extremist groups which use Islam to justify attacking Jews. 

It isn't Israel that seeks a religious war. It is the Palestinians, and their own religious justifications are accepted without any objection by the world.

But whenever Jews assert their own religious desires in the land of the Torah, they are demeaned - not only by Palestinians - for acting in such a primitive, non-enlightened manner.

The Palestinians claim, and much of the world accepts, the idea that only Muslims have an unquestioned religious claim on the land and the holy sites that were all invariably Jewish holy sites 1500 years before Mohammed was born. 

Jewish religious claims are treated with scorn while Muslim religious claims are accepted without question. And part of the reason is exactly because religion is the major component of the Palestinian nationalist philosophy.

Disparaging the Jewish religious claims to the land - especially while not questioning the Palestinian Islamic-based claims - is another manifestation of the antisemitism that is accepted as normal nowadays.. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Tuesday, June 20, 2023


It is a depressingly familiar scene:

Four Israelis were killed and another four were wounded in a shooting attack by two terrorists at a gas station outside of the West Bank settlement of Eli on Tuesday afternoon. 

"Two terrorists entered a restaurant near the gas station [where they] shot and killed three civilians. They then came out and fatally shot a civilian who was refueling his car. Another citizen who was at the gas station opened fire and managed to neutralize one of the terrorists, the other apparently fled the scene," ZAKA (rescue and recovery organization) spokesman Moti Bookchin said.

I'm not talking about the attack, although that is sadly familiar as well.  I'm talking about the things that happen after these attacks. 

The script is identical, yet the media avoids describing it.

1. One terrorist was killed immediately and Israel tracked down and eliminated the remaining terrorist. Palestinian media and anti-Israel social media report on those deaths as if they are the main story. 

2. Palestinians celebrate dead Jews.

Here is a photo of handing out sweets in Gaza, and video of a mosque in Gaza celebrating the murders.

3. Human rights groups refuse to condemn the targeting of Jewish civilians, and they won't say a word until Israel retaliates = and then when they condemn Israel, they might mention something briefly about the murders.

As a reminder,. Jews living in Judea and Samaria are civilians according to international law. They must be protected like any other civilians are. Their choice of living in their ancient Jewish homeland also claimed by some Arabs does not mitigate their right to life in the least. 

But the human rights community treats them as subhuman, at best as if they are to blame for their deaths, when their murders are even mentioned. They are consistently referred to by "human rights" leaders as "illegal" - a term never used for those who murder them. 

This always happens,. The media ignores it. And it proves that Jewish lives don't matter.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Zamalek Sports Club  is one of Egypt's most prominent and successful football teams.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Zamalek, Mortada Mansour, announced at a noon press conference today that he will name one of the team's facilities  “Martyr Mohamed Salah,” after the Egyptian police officer who murdered three IDF soldiers on Saturday.

The honor is meant "to perpetuate his memory and what he gave to the homeland."

"The martyr Muhammad Salah is a hero and a man who played a heroic role in defending his country," Mansour told the media.

Mortada added, "We intend to do something befitting the name of the martyr Mohamed Salah, in the Zamalek club, in order to perpetuate his memory, and I am here speaking as a citizen, and I am not a politician or responsible for a party."

It is difficult to know how many Egyptians support the attack and how many oppose it. But it is clear that there is no stigma whatsoever to wholeheartedly, publicly, support the murder of soldiers from an army Egypt is at peace with.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Tuesday, February 14, 2023

An op-ed in Al Quds, a UK-based news site for Palestinians, says, "The uprising this time must start from a clear political vision of how to coexist in peace and avoid internal strife, as the region is full of boiling factors, and there is enough misery and suffering because of  them. With all that is happening, there is nothing left for the Arabs, except for a little face, which may be shed cheaply in front of the world's ridicule and the laughter of time. 

'What is left of face can be preserved by a third intifada, led by youth in the spring of life, and boys whose buds have not yet blossomed, chanting the words of Ghassan Kanafani: “Beware of natural death, and do not die except between showers of bullets.' "

To this Arab writer, seeing children attacking Israelis, and dying, is a point of pride. He wants Palestinian children to die, as long as it makes Palestinians feel honorable. And honor comes from attacking Jews.

This is mainstream thinking among Palestinians and many other Arabs - this writer is from Egypt.

One cannot emphasize enough how sick the culture of Palestinianism is.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Monday, February 13, 2023

Earlier this year, Israel transferred some 70 prisoners to a new prison where they were isolated from each other, causing bitter complaints by Palestinian "prisoner rights" groups. 

We may now have a reason why.

Earlier this month, Israel released Ahmed Abu Jazar after he finished a 19 year prison sentence. He is a member of Islamic Jihad, which is celebrating his release.

And the terror group notes that his arrest was not only on the charge of being a member, but also for participating in multiple terror attacks. His original sentence was extended when he tried to smuggle mobile phones into the prison. 

In an interview with the Al Quds Brigades site, Abu Jazar says that Israeli prisons are training schools for terror: He said "the heroic prisoners were able to transform their detention centers into militant and revolutionary schools that contribute to raising the pace of their belonging and devotion to their people and their national cause, despite the deprivation, harassment and attacks they are subjected to."

Electronic Intifada had a fawning article about him when his sentence was extended in September, pretending that he was arrested for no legitimate reason and implying that he was practically a child. It also noted that he received a master's degree while in the inhumane Israeli prisons.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The last time we looked at Jordanian columnist Bassam Al Yassin, he was spewing Nazi-level Jew-hatred:
The Jew is the epitome of evil and deceit, a professor of greed and deceit, a genius who plots against creation, a superman who spies wherever he is. The Jew is selfish, self-centered, and believes that God created no one but Him, and that the goyim – other peoples, were created to serve Him. That is why the Jew lives behind a false mask of oppression and the Holocaust. 
He remains a columnist at Sawaleif, of course. Today he writes, "All of humanity has come together and unanimously agreed that the Jews are behind all the destruction and sabotage on earth, and the leaders of the invisible, murderous hand in the world."

So it is no surprise that he fully supports murdering Jewish civilians as he praises Jerusalem murderer  Alqam Khairi:

A man who defeats an army, washes away the shame of a nation ...It is not terrorism nor an “attack on the civilized world”, but rather a sacred right guaranteed by God to the oppressed on earth.

Who else - Oh Alqam - embodied the resistance, and made the Jews taste the bitterness of bark, without slogans. You alone ignited a revolution without microphones, and exposed the security cooperation between the regimes and the Zionists, with a smuggled gun. Blessed are you in martyrdom, and the highest levels of Paradise are permissible for you. God gave you the task when the nation neglected it. 

 Your legitimate project: A homeland without Jews and a nation without borders... #Palestine without occupation and a citizen without humiliation. The hidden truths were revealed, and the hidden scandals spread under false names, foremost of which was the fear of the normalizers against the Jews as if they were angels, not murderers. And it was the distinguishing mark, between those who worship God and exalt His name in His exaltedness, and those whom the White House kisses, may God curse him.
Just "anti-Zionism," right?

The silence from the self-described "anti-Zionists" in the face of consistent, public Jew hatred in Arab media proves that their avowed opposition to antisemitism is mere words. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Thursday, January 26, 2023

On Wednesday, Muhammad Ali Abd Musa Muhammad Ali, 16, was killed after aiming a (fake) gun at IDF soldiers in Shuafat.

That is the fifth Palestinian child soldier killed this year - fully 25% of all the Palestinian militants killed by Israel this year have been children.

All of them were claimed as members of terror groups.

These include:

1/2 Fuad Mohammad ‘Aabed, 17 (Hamas)
1/3 Adam Essam Ayyad, 15 (PFLP)
1/5 Amer Abu Zeitoun, 16 (Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades)
1/16 Amro Khaled Al-Khumour, 14 (PFLP)
1/25 Muhammad Ali Abd Musa Muhammad Ali, 16 (Hamas)

These kids are being groomed to be cannon fodder. Some of them wrote notes to their families, meaning that they intended to be killed. 

I have not seen one word from "human rights groups." about Palestinian child soldiers this year. Nothing from UNICEF. Nothing from Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese.  Nothing from the EU. Nothing from the State Department. Nothing in the Western media.

And each "child" is promoted as an innocent victim by those who want to destroy Israel,with no fact checking.

The child soldiers is a scandal. The lack of information about them in the West (indeed, the fact that the media has not once mentioned that nearly every Palestinian killed was participating in fighting at the time) is perhaps an even greater scandal.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Wednesday, January 25, 2023

In what has become a daily occurrence, a Palestinian man was shot and killed as he tried to stab Israelis.

Aref Abdel Nasser Aref Lahlouh attempted the attack at a checkpoint near Kedumim.

Palestinian media went through their usual ritual. At first, they claimed that he was shot for no reason.

Then they say that he was "allegedly" trying to stab a soldier but the Israelis killed him in cold blood. And that the heartless Israelis killed him in front of his mother and brother.

And then, when it becomes clear that he actually did try to stab people, they turn him from an innocent victim into a heroic martyr.

Here's video of the incident that appears to show that Lahlouh tried to go around the soldier to attack civilians at the checkpoint, who ran away as the soldier shot him.

Originally, the "Resistance News Network" tweeted, "In yet another cowardly act of cold-blooded execution, zionist forces shot the martyr Aref Abdelnasser Lahlouh (21)  from Jenin the settlement of Kedumim, east of #Qalqilya after being forcibly removed from his car. Aref was shot in front of his mother and epileptic brother."

After the video evidence, there was a complete about face. They proudly show the video, saying "Martyr Aref Lahlouh attempted to carry out a stabbing operation on IOF soldiers in #Qalqilya before his ascendance to martyrdom."

Hamas also tries to have it both ways, but they choose to give one message in English to the West and another in Arabic.

In English:

 The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas mourns Palestinian citizen Aref Lahlouh, 20, who was extrajudicially killed by the Israeli occupation forces in the occupied West Bank city of Qalqilia.  

In Arabic:

 The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) mourns to the masses of our stationed Palestinian people, its  fighter martyr: Aref Abdel Nasser Aref Lahlouh (20 years), from the Jenin refugee camp, who rose to fame while carrying out a heroic stabbing operation against the occupation forces near Qalqilya, this afternoon, Wednesday.

The choice of our people is to escalate the confrontation by igniting the land under the feet of the occupation and its settlers, and that the resistance will confront the crimes of the occupation and its aggression against the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque with sacrifices, lives, and all available means so that it remains purely Islamic, and a title for our people and our Arab and Islamic nation.

But the most unusual take comes from the socialist PFLP. The PFLP requires both narratives - from the socialist viewpoint, Palestinians are always victims and therefore always right, while from a Palestinian perspective, they love brave heroic "martyrs." Plus they need to add some antisemitism as well. So their statement includes all three:

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine mourned the death of Aref Abdel Nasser Aref Lahlouh (22 years old), who was shot dead by the occupation army near Qalqilya while trying to carry out a stabbing attack.

The PFLP considered that the Zionist enemy's continued commission of murders against Palestinian youth at checkpoints is at the heart of the killing doctrine rooted in the official Zionist institution, which is dominated by a fascist and bloody military character based on criminal Talmudic religious fatwas.

Interestingly, Ma'an has an analysis that says that Hamas is encouraging these "lone wolf" attacks in order to take IDF attention away from Gaza, and that many Palestinians are critical of these "martyrdom operations" because they often have to pay the price in being unable to go to their jobs in Israel. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Monday, January 16, 2023

From famed journalist and historian Jon Kimche, writing for the Palestine Post, January 14, 1948:

A leading Arab personality, close to leaders of the [Arab] Higher Executive, who has just returned from a tour of most of the Arab capitals, yesterday gave me a picture of the Palestine situation as top Arab leaders see it.

... Conflict in Palestine was unavoidable, he thought , and it would be accompanied by the close economic blockade of thc Jewish State , which would go on until one side or the other was prepared to surrender unconditionally. 

The Arabs would call off the fight, he said, if the Jews abandoned the Jewish State  and immigration. No other terms would be acceptable.

The Husseinis, he said , were confident that in the long run - perhaps three or four years—they could break the Jewish State and force the submission of Palestine Jewry though this might cost the Palestine Arabs an enormous number of casualties. The Arabs had a great advantage, as they held life cheaply and had little to lose in Palestine in contrast to the Jews.

Discussing the military line-up inside Palestine, he estimated that in the opening phases, the Jews would have an actual striking force of about 10,000 men, and that the striking force available for the Arabs would be about 5,000 active guerrillas . He calculated that the incidence of fighting and terrorist actions against nonparticipating Arabs will gradually draw into the conflict Arabs who at present are opposed and unwilling to join in the battle, and this wonkl become a constant source for the reinforcement of Arab strength. 

He also banked on changes in the international situation which would create great difficulties in the long run for the Jewish State, which would have to draw its resources and food supplies largely from overseas. 

"This is how we see it," concluded this Arab personality. "We do not underrate the strength of the Jews, and we think that the issue will be decided not so much by pure weapon power, but ultimately on the decision of who will crack first politically, psychologically and morally. On that we place all our cards. It will be a long struggle and it will require taut nerves."
The highlighted text is more telling than it seems. He is saying that Palestinian Arabs did not have as emotional a tie to the land as the Jews do, so they had "little to lose" - they could go elsewhere in the Arab world if necessary. The Jews don't have that luxury.

The Arab thinking is that the Jewish regard for human life would demoralize them and force them to flee, but they had nowhere else to go. That is why this analyst had it exactly backward - the Arab fighters had little incentive to risk their lives, while the Jews had no choice but to stand and defend their land.

An analogy could be made to Ukraine today - one side is fighting for their homeland, and while the other side also claims the same land, its fighters don't care much about it, even though they seem to have far more military assets available. And just like the Arab world at the time, the Russian side is happy to play the long game, thinking that they will force the other side to surrender by running out of resources and food.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Tuesday, January 10, 2023

In a recent interview in Hamodia, US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides said, when asked about a recent poll that showed 72%  of Palestinians support terror groups like Lion's Den, "I firmly believe, and you might disagree with me, but the vast, vast majority among the average Palestinians doesn’t wake up in the morning wanting to kill someone who happens to be Jewish. They want to live just like you and I do."

Stephen Flatow responded quite nicely in JNS to this.

I would like to add my own observations.

Nides was careful in his words. He didn't say that the vast majority of Palestinians don't support terror, only that most of them don't want to personally kill Jews.

I've been closely following Palestinian polls for over 15 years.  I suspect Nides knows that polls show consistently over the years that a majority of Palestinians support terror attacks as part of a strategy to gain independence. Those questions are asked in the abstract.

But when Palestinians are asked about specific terror attacks, support goes way up.

In 2008, a terrorist entered the Mercaz Harav yeshiva and started mowing down students. 8 were killed, including 4 children. When Palestinians were asked if they supported that attack, an astonishing 84% said they did.

You can see how Palestinians consistently support specific terror attacks that murder Jews more than general attacks in the abstract from that March 2008 poll.

This is more than simply supporting terror for political gain. This is bloodlust against Jews. 

Nothing has changed since then. In 2014, after a string of stabbing attacks including the massacre of four rabbis in Har Nof, not only were celebrations shown on Palestinian TV. A survey shortly after the event asked, "Recently there has been an increase in Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank in attempts to stab or run over Israelis. Do you support or oppose these attempts?" Four out of five Palestinians supported murdering Jews, and one in three emphasized that they strongly support such attacks.

Although the media and government officials try hard to wave this away, the truth is in these surveys.

It goes beyond that. You will never find a Palestinian official on Arabic TV condemning these attacks - besides when Mahmoud Abbas is pressured to do so by the US. On the contrary, the murderers are "martyrs" and "heroes," virtually every time. 

Do well-meaning lies and obfuscations from people like Nides, and New York Times reporters, and Europeans, help the cause of peace? No, they don't. When the West gives Palestinians who support terror the benefit of the doubt, they learn an important lesson: that the West is on their side. By downplaying explicit and overwhelming Palestinian support for terror, they leaves the door open for "human rights" groups and Western parliaments to demonize Israel as the obstacle to peace, and the Palestinians as hapless, defenseless victims. 

This emboldens the terrorists and results in more dead people on both sides.

It is important to note that Gulf countries, in Arabic, have been criticizing Palestinians for nearly a decade now, even as their own support for suicide terror has plummeted in other surveys. The Abraham Accords is in no small part a result of a refreshing honesty in parts of the Arab world about the real situation. 

The West needs to stop its default stance of "don't upset the Palestinians." It hasn't worked and it has empowered them to be more intransigent, thinking that the West is doing their bidding. 

Palestinians live in an honor/shame society. Therefore, upsetting them is exactly what needs to be done. Palestinians must be shamed into stopping support for terror in their schools and media.  

If Tom Nides really wants peace, that is the most effective tool he has. 

Coddling and covering up Palestinian support for terror does the exact opposite - and we see how well that has worked.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Friday, January 06, 2023

Yesterday I noted that Defence for Children International - Palestine falsely claimed that Israel had killed 3 children so far this year - one of them was 25, and the other two were active militants at the time of their deaths.

One of them, 15 year old Adam Ayyad, was killed throwing Molotov cocktails. 

It might be thought that he was just like a stone thrower, play-acting at being a hero, and Israel shot him for no legitimate reason. But Arab media sites have been showing that not only was Ayyad an active fighter - but he planned to die that day.

He had a note in his pocket, written in his handwriting, with a message he intended to be seen after his death.

“I am very happy that our Lord fulfilled one of my dreams, martyrdom..and I tell you that martyrdom is not just a martyrdom death, but pride in yourself and pride in the whole world.”

He continued: “Martyrdom is a real victory. Your life is over, but it's over and you're happy."

He ended the note with, “Do not forget me, I do not want to say goodbye to you, we have a meeting in paradise.”

This was "suicide by Zionist."

Ayyad had been brainwashed to want to die a martyr's death. This is the child abuse that every single Palestinian child is exposed to - they are taught this in schools, indoctrinated with music videos, inundated with martyr posters glorifying death. 

Where is the world outrage over a generation of Palestinian kids who are told by adults that they should want to die? 

Perhaps there is none left over after it was expended over a man taking a walk on a hilltop.

In fact, these kids are dying because the world doesn't want to criticize this cult of death. Whether it is because of baseless fears of being accused of Islamophobia, or because they want to shore up the false narrative of Israel as evil and Palestinians as oppressed victims, the world's refusal to get involved is what allows Palestinian leaders to think it is OK to raise children this way.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Monday, January 02, 2023

From Ian:

The New York Times in Bibi-land
The New York Times is in panic mode. A front-page article by Jerusalem reporter Isabel Kershner (Dec. 30) began with an expression of trepidation that Israel’s “right-wing and religiously conservative government,” led by newly elected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, “will undermine the country’s liberal democracy.”

How so? By ensuring “increased tensions with Palestinians,” “undermining” judicial independence, and “the rolling back of protections for the L.G.B.T.Q. community” and “other” (unidentified) “sectors of society.”

But for Kershner it gets even worse. The Netanyahu governing coalition has “declared the Jewish people’s exclusive and inalienable right to all parts of the Land of Israel,” including biblical Judea and Samaria (until the Six-Day War identified as Jordan’s “West Bank”). It has also “pledged to bolster Jewish settlement in the West Bank,” which would undercut the “recognized formula for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on establishing a Palestinian state alongside Israel.” In translation, Israel would reclaim its biblical heritage.

Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition, Kershner writes, might “complicate” Israeli-American relations. Although President Biden proclaimed his eagerness to work with Netanyahu (“my friend for decades”), he reiterated American support for “the two state solution” that the Palestinian Authority and President Mahmoud Abbas (now beginning the 18th year of his four-year term) have repeatedly rejected.
A new book challenges progressive Jews
David Bernstein’s “Woke Antisemitism: How a Progressive Ideology Harms Jews” is making waves in Jewish communities across the Western world.

David Bernstein is the founder and CEO of the Maryland-based Jewish Institute for Liberal Values (JILV), as in classical liberalism and moderate politics. He has been involved with Jewish organizations throughout his life, leading several, and identifies as politically liberal. But changes in recent years inspired him to leave these organizations and create a new one.

“I have spent my entire career in the Jewish world, and had always felt proud of the openness to varied opinions, even if the organizations ultimately took sides on an issue,” Bernstein shared with JNS. But starting “around 2020….People refused to discuss and debate key topics, especially on sensitive issues.”

He soon realized that the same ideology that was shutting down debate was also fueling antisemitism.

Realizing the harm that this does by labeling Israel and Jews as “oppressors,” he was inspired to write his book, “Woke Antisemitism: How a Progressive Ideology Harms Jews.” The tome is full of Bernstein’s anecdotes on his journey from being a child bullied in school for being Jewish, to a liberal Jewish student on college campus witnessing a new form of antisemitism.

He also details the origins of woke ideology on the far left and how it has begun to attack Jews and Zionism. Troublingly, it is being gradually adopted by many mainstream American Jewish organizations.

In the book, Bernstein isn’t shy about admitting that he considers himself a Democrat and supports socially-liberal causes. Yet he points out that much of the political movement he considered himself a part of has drifted away from the values it claims to espouse.

He says that American Jews must fight against antisemitism from all fronts–Islamists, the far right and the far left–or else American Jews will begin to feel disenfranchised and see life become unbearable.
Posters Glorifying Palestinian “Martyrs” Found in LA
Various posters glorifying Palestinian “martyrs” were found in Los Angeles on December 16.

The Palestinian Youth Movement announced in an Instagram post that they had put the posters around Los Angeles, Orange County and the Inland Empire; some posters were found on Wilshire Boulevard. The posters stated, “Glory to our marytrs!” and featured the faces of various Palestinians that were killed by “Zionist forces.” One such face was Shireen Abu Akleh, the Al Jazeera journalist who was shot and killed while covering an Israel Defense Force (IDF) raid in Jenin in May. The State Department announced in July that their investigation concluded that the bullet that killed Abu Akleh “likely” came from the IDF but was probably unintentional; however, damage to the bullet “prevented a clear conclusion.” A separate CNN investigation, on the other hand, concluded that the IDF had intentionally fired at Abu Akleh.

Other faces included on the posters included Oday al-Tamimi and Tamer al-Kilani, who were both members of the Lion’s Den terror group, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The ADL listed al-Kilani as a founding member of the terror group. The poster also included faces of those killed during clashes between the IDF and Palestinians in the West Bank, such as Omar Manna. Manna was killed on December 5 when the IDF were executing a raid to arrest three members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP); the IDF said at the time that “during the operation, suspects threw stones, Molotov cocktails, and explosives at the troops, who responded by shooting.”

The posters on Wilshire Boulevard were taken down on December 21.

Jewish groups denounced the posters in statements to the Journal.

“There is nothing wrong with mourning those who die from the tragic and ongoing violence between Palestinians and Israelis,” StandWithUs CEO and Co-Founder Roz Rothstein said. “However, this anti-Israel poster includes and glorifies terrorists, such as former Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) commander Farooq Salameh. It implies Israel alone is to blame, ignoring that groups like PIJ seek to destroy Israel and trap both peoples in an endless cycle of suffering and conflict. Hopefully one day Palestinian leaders will accept that Israel is in the region to stay, so both peoples can focus on building a better future together.”

Simon Wiesenthal Center Associate Dean and Director of Global Social Action Agenda Rabbi Abraham Cooper also said, “Importing [a] culture of death where children are brainwashed to believe [that] martyrs are not mere cannon fodder for genocide-seeking Hamas and corrupt pay-to-slay Jews Palestinian Authority teaches youngsters here to hate Jews is a disaster in the making.”

“Their martyrs are our murderers,” Stop Antisemitism Executive Director Liora Rez said. “It’s always disturbing to see people idolizing terrorists like this.”

Monday, December 26, 2022

From the official English translation of Mahmoud Abbas' Christmas message:

Today we are facing the policies and actions of our occupier with unity, commitment to our national values, steadfastness on our land, and with the world standing on the side of truth and justice. We will not accept the continuation of the occupation’s colonial-settlement policies targeting the Christian presence and Christianity in our region, which is an integral part of the social fabric of our people and of our region, something we always affirm and will continue to encourage all to preserve the mosaic of religious heritage that Palestine is proud of.

On this occasion we commend the positions of the Heads of Churches in Jerusalem, in which they accused extremist Zionist groups of carrying out continuous attacks on churches, intimidating Christians, attempting at expelling them and seizing their property.

We assure that we will continue to present our Palestinian narrative, refuting the false Zionist narrative, confronting any racist measures aimed at erasing our national identity, including our Christian and Muslim heritage. We will confront attacks on the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Holy Sepulcher, Mount of Olives, Jaffa Gate, New Gate, the Armenian Quarter and others and attacks on every inch of the homeland.

We will not accept the practices of the colonial-settlement occupation and will confront them with peaceful popular resistance, in all international forums and courts. On this blessed occasion we call upon the international community break its silence and take concrete measures to stop  Israeli crimes, including  colonial-settlement expansion and ongoing annexation, the consolidation of a racist Apartheid regime, attempts at changing the identity and the character of the city of Jerusalem, the desecration of its Christian and Muslim holy sites ,  the seizure of church properties and all Palestinian properties, the forcible displacement of Palestinians from their homes,  demolitions, as well as murders and other crimes and violations of international law. The homeland is mourning its martyrs, and we shall do everything we can to hold the criminals accountable.  

Our hearts are squeezed with pain and suffering due to the killings of the Israeli occupation that led to the martyrdom of hundreds during this year, including the martyr journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, as well as the recent martyrdom of the hero Nasser Abu Hmeid, who died denied of his basic human rights as he was in the last stages of his struggle with cancer. We insist in the need for the international community to assume its responsibility to protect our people.

We affirm that the only way for our people, and all peoples of the region, to enjoy security, stability, prosperity and good neighborliness is for  Palestinians to fulfil their legitimate and long overdue rights in accordance with international law and resolutions, including the end of the Israeli occupation and the freedom of the State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital, including our Muslims and Christian sanctities, the right of return of our people and living in our homeland in freedom and dignity. 

I extend my greetings and congratulations to our people wherever they are, and I say to them, be proud of your history and identity, tell the world that Christmas is a Palestinian message of hope which  our people continues to embrace with love and hope to achieve justice, freedom and peace in the Holy Land.
In short:  Jews are criminals who have no business to live here, people who murder Jews are heroes and we intend to destroy the Jewish state via "return."

7 paragraphs that were anti-Israel, and only two that talked about the usual Christmas messages of peace on Earth, goodwill towards men,

This is what happens when you define your entire purpose - and the purpose of your people - as destroying the Jewish state.

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From Ian:

EU document proves ‘what we’ve been seeing on the ground’
A recently leaked European Union document outlining E.U. strategy to help extend Palestinian control over Area C of Judea and Samaria reveals “a gross violation of Israel’s sovereignty and jurisdiction by purported allies,” Naomi Kahn, director of the International Division for Regavim, an Israeli NGO that deals with land issues, told JNS.

Under the Oslo Accords, Area C, covering 60% of Judea and Samaria, commonly known as the West Bank, falls fully under Israeli authority.

The document, which came to light last week, for the first time reveals that official E.U. policy is to help the Palestinian Authority take over Area C, Kahn said. The document declares the ultimate objective is to integrate Area C with Areas A and B, which fall under Palestinian control.

“The goal of the Europeans is to encourage Palestinians to register land in Area C; land under someone else’s legal jurisdiction. It’s a violation of international law and treaty,” Kahn said. “The government of Israel has to make it clear to the European Union that foreign intervention that is changing the map and undermining its ability to negotiate a resolution will no longer be accepted.”

Forty Knesset members sent a strongly worded protest to E.U. leaders saying it constituted a “grave breach” of the Israel-E.U. relationship. A Knesset committee will hold a special hearing on the issue.

The E.U. document, dating from June and obtained by JNS, was composed by the E.U.’s mission in eastern Jerusalem and is marked “confidential—not for circulation.” It outlines a plan for “defending the rights of Palestinians living in Area C and preserving Area C as part of a future Palestinian State, in line with the Oslo Accords.”

The document focuses on the E.U.’s plan to strengthen the P.A.’s illegal holdings in Area C and suggests various improvements— a “strategic evolution”—to that plan. The document said the current plan rests on four pillars: 1) Planning and mapping; 2) Social and public infrastructure projects; 3) Private sector development, particularly in agriculture and green energy; and 4) Local governance.

“It’s essentially proof of what we’ve been seeing on the ground,” Kahn said. “Mapping, first of all, is an act that expresses some sort of sovereignty. If something is registered, that is legally binding and can be acted upon. It accrues rights and responsibilities.”

The P.A., which employs 600 people in its land registry department, doesn’t hesitate to register Israeli territory.

“Palestinians have shown up in Israeli courts when there’s a dispute over land, and said, ‘It’s registered to my name, or it’s registered in the State of Palestine.’ The [Israeli] Supreme Court hasn’t yet accepted these land registrations, but neither has it thrown them out,” Kahn said.

In 1967, Israel suspended land registration in Judea and Samaria. “We’ve created a vacuum and we’re allowing the other side to fill the vacuum,” she said.

Emmanuel Navon, a senior fellow at the Jerusalem Institute for Security Studies (JISS), agreed that Israel shares responsibility for the situation.
PMW: PA’s incitement to terror and murder continues
The incitement of the Palestinian Authority to murder Israelis takes many forms. In some instances, the incitement is clear and direct, such as when PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas called to take revenge for the death of three terrorists and “dish out to them [Israel] twice as much as we’ve received.” In other instances, the incitement is more complex and subtle, and takes the form of glorifying imprisoned terrorist murderers and inventing libels to blame Israel for their deaths.

While the latter form of incitement is less direct, for the PA it is often sufficient in order to drive Palestinians to participate in terror, especially when the claim is made over and over and over again, ad nauseam.

This was the case with terrorist Muhammad Kabha, who cited the insidious PA incitement regarding the death of his imprisoned terrorist murderer friend, as his reasoning and motivation to murder Israeli Esther Horgen, on December 20, 2020.

Imprisoned terrorist murderer Nasser Abu Hmeid died on Dec. 20, 2022 after a year and a half long battle with lung cancer. He was serving 7 life sentences and 50 additional years in prison for his part in the murder of 7 Israeli civilians and the injury of many others in multiple terror attacks, during the 2000-2005 PA-instigated terror war.

Following the same pattern of incitement that drove Kabha to murder Ester Horgen, and as if they were quoting from a pre-prepared message sheet the PA, its officials and other Palestinians are again banging the same drum of incitement. According to the PA libel, Abu Hmeid died as a result of cancer, that was intentionally injected into his body, and was then left to die in his cell as part of a premeditated policy of medical negligence.

While the incitement was led, as Palestinian Media Watch already exposed, by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh, and their Fatah party, many others also joined the effort.

PLO Executive Committee Secretary Hussein Al-Sheikh, who also serves as Head of the PLO Negotiations Affairs Department, Fatah Central Committee member, and Head of Civil Affairs in the PA combined the “medical neglect” libel with praise for the terrorist, whose body he said should be returned to his family to “honor him as is fitting for a Martyr,” and for his extended family:
For a long time we have been investing great efforts on the regional and international level to release Nasser Abu Hmeid, who was subjected to deliberate and planned medical neglect. What interests us now is that we sent a direct request to hand over his body to his family, his friends, and his people, so that they will honor him as is fitting for a Martyr and fitting for his family, the fighting family, which all words are dumbstruck before the greatness of this family and this mother.”

[Official PA TV News, Dec. 20, 2022]

Abu Hmeid’s family, especially the mother of the family Latifa Abu Hmeid, who is also known as Um Nasser Abu Hmeid, enjoys a special status in the PA since 6 of their children actively participated in terror and murdering Israelis. Prior to Nasser Abu Hemid’s death, the family claimed one “Martyr” - i.e. a dead terrorist - and 5 sons serving life sentences for murder. In recognition of her terrorist children, as PMW exposed, Abbas even asked Latifa Abu Hmeid to symbolically lead the PA’s effort to gain full state membership in the UN.
Shin Bet foils Palestinian bomb plot targeting inside Israel
The Shin Bet domestic intelligence agency announced on Monday that it thwarted a Palestinian terrorist bomb plot and a separate suicide bombing targeting areas inside Green Line Israel, involving operatives from Judea and Samaria who were being directed by handlers from the Gaza Strip.

A working bomb hidden in a fire extinguisher was seized.

According to the Shin Bet, a joint investigation with the Israel Defense Forces saw the plot foiled on Dec. 14, adding that the Popular Resistance Committees directed it together with Shuhada Al-Aqsa, both of them terrorist organizations based in the Gaza Strip.

Four suspected terror operatives from Judea and Samaria are under arrest, the Shin Bet said.

The Israeli security operation focused on known terrorist operatives in the Strip headed by Ahmad Fathi Hajaj, an explosives expert who lives in Jabalia in northern Gaza, the agency said.

The thwarting of the plot is “part of an ongoing campaign that the Shin Bet together with the IDF and the Israel Police are conducting, to foil terrorism in Israel while using a range of techniques and tools,” the Shin Bet said.

Prime Minister Yair Lapid said, “Following an operation that lasted several weeks, the security forces have arrested terrorists in Judea and Samaria who were planning to carry out a large-scale bomb attack in Israel, assisted by terrorist organizations from the Gaza Strip. The war against terrorists and their cells continues on a daily basis in all sectors. The security forces are constantly working to thwart all attempts to attack us.”

Thursday, December 22, 2022

The messages about a Palestinian killed last night being sent to the West and for internal consumption are quite different.

Under the Oslo Accords, Jews should have free access to  Joseph's Tomb in Shechem (Nablus), but because the PA refuses to follow the agreement, every few weeks scores of Jews visit the tomb in the middle of the night - so as to minimize any impact on area residents - and they are protected by IDF soldiers from the Palestinians who want to stop them from praying.

Make no mistake: the Palestinian opposition to Jews visiting Nablus is pure Jew-hatred. The religious Jews are not coming to build a settlement or to evict Arabs from their homes - they just want to pray and then to go home.

Overnight, Israeli forces protecting the worshipers came under heavy gunfire from the antisemites who hate the idea of Jews visiting a holy spot that existed way before anyone ever heard of "Palestinians." They fired back, injuring several of the militants. One, Ahmed Atef Daraghmeh, died.

Keep in mind that this happened the middle of the night. The only reason anyone would be outside the tomb at the time was to confront and try to block the Jews from worshipping. 

Now, as is so often the case, the messages that the Palestinians send to the world are completely different than the ones they tell themselves.

Palestinian prime minister Mohamed Shtayyeh sent a formal complaint to FIFA, demanding that they condemn Israel's "assassination" of Daraghmeh - because he was a member of the Thaqafi Tulkarm football team. Shtayyeh is telling the West that Daraghmeh was an innocent person who was deliberately targeted and murdered by Israel.  

At the exact same time, Hamas media is referring to Daraghmeh as a "mujahid martyr":
 The Islamic Resistance Movement " Hamas " celebrated the masses of our Palestinian people and our Arab and Islamic nation, its fighter martyr, Ahmed Atef Mustafa Daraghmeh (23 years), from Tubas, who rose at dawn today in an armed clash while confronting the occupation forces' incursion into the eastern region of Nablus. 

In a statement today, Thursday, the movement confirmed that the martyrdom of the Mujahid Daraghmeh in the field of pride and honor while he was defending our people sends a message to the brutal enemy that he will not pass safely and our people are alert and ready to respond to the call of the homeland, and that the settlers who brag about storming Nablus with the protection of the occupation forces will find In their faces only bullets.
Daraghmeh lived in Tubas, some 20 kilometers away - meaning that he specifically traveled there just to try to stop Jews from worshiping at their holy site. And as such, he is now a hero.

But good luck seeing any Palestinian or Arab media mention that in English. 

UPDATE: Video of this innocent soccer player taking out and shooting his gun. Not for long. (h/t Adin Haykin)

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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

On Saturday night, two Palestinian brothers whose car was having some problems were hit by an Israeli car, which killed them.

Immediately, Palestinian leaders and Arab and Muslim media accused the Israeli "settler" of "deliberately" ramming the car into them to kill them. Gruesome video of the dead brothers sprawled on the road incited Palestinian hate. Palestinian leaders called for an investigation for what they already determined was a deliberate double murder.

It was clearly not deliberate. It was a hit and run accident.

The Jerusalem Post shows photos of the car, heavily damaged and pushed into a ditch so hard it was on its side.

Here's a classic case of psychological projection.

Palestinians ram their (expensive) cars into Jews, not worried about the damage to the car, for two reasons: it is easier to get closer to the victim than with shooting, and because they don't expect to survive the incident - if they are killed during the attempt, they don't care about damage to the car.

Israelis have no incentive to crash their cars into another car - heavily damaging their own. They don't risk their lives (or even their property) to attack Palestinians. That's something only Palestinians do.

My guess is that the driver didn't see the brothers on the road, crashed into them, panicked, crashed into their car pushing it into the ditch and then drove away. 

Israeli police are assuming it was an accident based on their initial evaluation.

The immediate rush to judgment by the Palestinians, accusing Jews of acting towards Palestinians the way Palestinians act towards Israelis,  is another manifestation of antisemitism.

UPDATE: Apparently it wasn't even a hit and run. Israellycool found a video of the damaged Israeli vehicle at the scene.

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