On October 13,
major media reported:Palestinian factions signed a reconciliation deal in Algiers on Thursday, vowing to hold elections by next October in their latest attempt to end a rift that has now lasted more than 15 years.
The deal was signed by a leading figure from the Fatah party of President Mahmud Abbas and by the chief of Islamist movement Hamas, which rules Gaza.
But Abbas himself, president of the Palestinian Authority since 2005, was not present.
"We signed this agreement to get rid of the malignant cancer of division that has entered the Palestinian body," said the head of the Fatah delegation, Azzam al-Ahmed.
"We are optimistic that it will be implemented and will not remain ink on paper."
Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh said it was "a day of joy in Palestine and Algeria and for those who love the Palestinian cause, but a day of sadness for the Zionist entity (Israel)".
I didn't even bother to discuss it, because we've
seen this movie
before. Fatah and Hamas have made these sorts of agreements before - in fact, most of them have been supposedly more comprehensive, with the promise of "unity" between the rival factions.
After the agreement, nobody said much about it. But Mahmoud Abbas
sent a message of thanks to Algerian President Abdel Majid Taboun for his role in the meaningless gesture.
But Palestinian Sama News held an online poll for its readers, asking "Will the Palestinian reconciliation succeed under the auspices of Algeria?"
As of Sunday afternoon, the results are 93% saying that the agreement is meaningless, and only 4% think it will succeed.
The Palestinians know that the rift between the PA and Hamas is irreconcilable. Only Western media takes these performative "agreements" seriously.
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