Showing posts with label Talmudic rituals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Talmudic rituals. Show all posts

Sunday, September 24, 2023

On Saturday, over a dozen Palestinian and Arab news sites reported  a story about "Talmudic rituals in the vicinity of Al Aqsa Mosque."

Not "in Al Aqsa." Not "in the courtyards of Al Aqsa." No, their complaint is Jews singing somewhere in the Old City adjacent to one of the gates leading to the Temple Mount that Jews are not allowed to enter.

Jews don't visit the Temple Mount on Saturdays, but Palestinian and Arab media publishes stories about their "Talmudic rituals" and "provocative dances" every day even on days they do not ascend.

Which means that even if Jews were completely banned from their holiest spot, the Palestinians wouldn't be happy until the Jews are driven out of the wall of the Old City altogether. 

Here's the video that is so upsetting to them. The Jews are singing "Shir Hamaalot" (Psalms 126) to the tune of "Hatikvah." Notice that the Arab shopkeeper right next to them nearby doesn't seem to be bothered at all.

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Monday, September 11, 2023

Palestine Today published this poster warning about all the upcoming Jewish holidays and how Jews use them as excuses to defile Al Aqsa Mosque.

And when they say "Al Aqsa Mosque," it is obvious that they are referring to the Kotel (Western Wall) as part of it.

The photo is a Photoshop, showing the twin threats that Palestinians see: Zionists and religious Jews. 

The poster gives a description of how Jews supposedly celebrate their holidays, some of which are mysteries to me. They know some amazing things about Judaism.

Jewish holidays
An imminent danger that violates the sanctity of Al-Aqsa

Hebrew New Year's Day
From  September 15-17, includes major raids with the participation of occupation leaders, during which the trumpet is blown.

Yom Kippur
From September 24 - 25, it includes massive raids into the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque, during which bird sacrifices are offered.

Throne Festival
From September 30 to October 5, massive raids take place, plant sacrifices are made, and a canopy of palm trees is set up.

Eid Simchat Torah
On October 7, the Torah scrolls are brought into the courtyards of Al-Aqsa and circulated around them

Feast of Isru Hag
On October 8, its most prominent pillar was the dining table, which is a Talmudic ritual performed by settlers in the courtyards of Al-Aqsa.

The feast of Hosea, our Lord
On October 10, the settlers hold a Talmudic ritual in the courtyards of Al-Aqsa

The Feast of Prostration 
is on November 13, during which Al-Aqsa is stormed and Talmudic prayers are performed

From 8 to 12 December, Al-Aqsa is stormed in large numbers, and lit by candles with huge candlesticks
Interestingly, they do not mention the tens of thousands of Jews who have gone to the Kotel every day this Hebrew month to say Selichot prayers.

It is clear that to Palestinian Muslims, a Jew worshiping at the Kotel is just as offensive as one worshiping on the Temple Mount. 

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Wednesday, April 26, 2023

The official Palestinian Wafa news agency is incensed:

The Minister of National Security in the extremist occupation government, Itamar Ben Gvir, stormed today, Wednesday, the Ibrahimi Mosque, in the city of Hebron.

And local sources reported that the storming of Ben Gvir comes as part of a series of continuous incursions by the occupation and its settlers into the Haram since yesterday, Tuesday, as the settlers performed Talmudic dances inside it, to celebrate the so-called "Independence Day."

The Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs, Sheikh Hatem Al-Bakri, denounced this incursion, considering it a flagrant violation of the holy places and places of worship.

Al-Bakri warned that the occupation, and through the continuous Judaization operations, including broadcasting pictures of settlers dancing inside and outside it with comfort and reassurance, is working to displace Palestinian citizens from the places that it wants to control in Old Hebron in particular, according to a systematic plan implemented by the occupation government with the settlers.

He pointed out that what the occupation is doing is a flagrant violation of the sanctity of the Ibrahimi Mosque and a special endowment property for Muslims that no one else has the right to practice worship in, and this requires serious work to stop it and limit it completely and with all force by flocking to the sanctuary.
Here's that Talmudic dance:

Hamas' Felesteen was no less upset at those Talmudic dances:

Today, Wednesday, the extremist minister of the settler government, Itamar Ben Gvir, performed Talmudic dances in the courtyards of the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron. And "Ben Gvir" appeared in a video clip, accompanied by a number of settlers, while they were performing Talmudic dances and Jewish rituals inside the Ibrahimi Mosque.

To Palestinians, Jews dancing openly and safely in a Jewish holy place is a horrendous crime. Soon their "human rights" NGOs will be calling it a war crime. 

Issa Amro, who is considered the most moderate Palestinian and a hero to the Jewish Left, was equally upset at those dances, tweeting, "They are dancing for what Baruch Goldstein did in 1994." 

Now, people who celebrate are rarely shy about saying why they are celebrating. They will openly tell you the reason - in this case, of course, celebrating Israel's Independence Day.

But Palestinians are equally open about why they celebrate. They openly celebrate in the streets every time one of them manages to kill a Jew, handing out candy and shooting off fireworks. They aren't shy about telling the world why they are celebrating.

Issa Amro must have gotten mixed up between the Palestinians who celebrate death and the Jews who celebrate life. 

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Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Watanserb is a popular US-based Arab news site. They have a new, breathless story based on a tweet by Israel in the Gulf showing UAE's Chabad Rabbi Levi Duchman:

In the manner of “soft settlement,” Jews residing in the United Arab Emirates continue to buy homes to live in, at a time when Israel is demolishing the homes of Palestinians in the occupied territories and the homes in Gaza.

The “Israel in the Gulf” page, the mouthpiece of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, published on its Twitter account a picture of one of these houses.

Rabbi Levi Duchman appeared next to a girl carrying a paper scroll, and wrote a comment saying: "Little by little, the number of Jewish homes is growing in the Emirates , the country of tolerance."

...In the past two years, since the so-called Abraham Accords that brought an influx of Jewish and Israeli tourists and businessmen to the Emirates, the local community has grown by hundreds of people, Rabbi Levi Duchman, the chief rabbi of the United Arab Emirates, told Yedioth Ahronoth .

And the Abraham Accords between Israel and the Arab countries led to the flourishing of Jewish life in the Gulf - according to the newspaper's expression - where it became possible to walk around with the "kippah" - the hat of the Jewish extremists - without fear, celebrate at Jewish weddings, and enjoy Jewish "kosher" food , and a way of life that Israelis did not dream of in the streets and cities of the Gulf before.
Their caption on the photo was "Rabbi Levi Duchman and a scroll bearing Talmudic inscriptions."

Yup, the Jews are extremist Talmudic settlers in the UAE, ready to take over!

The article even says most of the Jews living in the UAE come from United States, Argentina, South Africa, France and England, not Israel. But they are Jews, and therefore a danger to Arabs. 

At least to those who read Watanserb.

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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Before MEMRI, there was The Middle East Record. 

Starting in 1960 (I'm not sure how long it lasted for), a group of Israelis issued detailed analysis of the situation in the Middle East and North Africa, and also translated articles and radio broadcasts from the Arab world and the general region. It's annual report was over 700 pages.

People who claim that Arabs aren't antisemitic and only anti-Zionist clearly don't read MEMRI or Palestinian Media Watch or this blog. But it would be hard for them not to admit that the examples brought here, from the Egyptian (UAR) "Voice of the Arabs" broadcast in 1961, are not pure antisemitism:

In March-April, Ahmad Sa'id, the director of the Cairo "Voice of the Arabs" broadcasts, devoted a series of talks to the "Jewish story throughout the world." Following are the major points in these talks as recorded by the BBC Monitoring Service: 

The "Depravity of the Jews." Sa'id rejected the claim that Zionism was established to end the persecution of the Jews (V of A, March 4-5 [7]). The Jews, he said, had a traditional solidarity and a hostility to all that was non-Jewish; this went back to rabbinical precepts, which had urged them to disregard all moral considerations in their pursuit of riches (V of A, March 6 [8]). Jews had always been skilled in imposing conditions on the countries and peoples among whom they lived; dur-ing wars they welcomed invaders and had themselves caused many wars. (V of A, March 7 [9]) The ancient high priests of Israel (Arabic: ahbdr) introduced into Judaism things to arouse the feelings of the Jewish people and prompt them to seek means of dominating the Christians and all other peoples, particularly when the tide of belief in Judaism was halted with the birth of Christ. (V of A, March 9 [11]) 

The "Immoral Teachings of the Talmud." The Talmud said this to the Children of Israel, Sa'id continued: 
Every Israelite should endeavour to prevent other nations from becoming sovereigns on earth; the Children of Israel must have absolute authority wherever they may be. Without this they are considered exiles and captives. When the real Messiah comes, the awaited victory will be realized. The Messiah will then accept gifts from all peoples, and reject those of the Christians. The nation of Israel will then be extremely rich, because it will have acquired all the wealth of the world. 

The Talmud states, Sa'id continued, that in God's eyes an Israelite is respected more than angels, and that the difference between Israel and other nations is as that between men and animals. According to the Talmud and the high priests of Israel, theft from the foreigner is no theft, but simply a restoration of Israel's property. An Israelite may not make a loan to a foreigner except with interest. Jewish religious authorities said: An Israelite may cheat a customs inspector outside the pale of Israel's laws, and may take a false oath provided he can succeed in his lies. God commanded the Jews to take interest from the Gentile, and not to lend him anything except on this condition; "otherwise, we would be helping him, while it is our duty to harm him." The Israelites meet every week and boast among themselves about the acts of cheating and trickery they have committed. 

Finally, the Talmud says: The oath taken by an Israelite in his dealings with other peoples is no oath, because he would be making an oath to an animal; and an oath to an animal is no oath. Sa'id concluded: These are a few of the main points which the high priests introduced into Judaism, revealed in the true Torah. They sought thereby to create a people devoid of moral values, who would rob other peoples of their riches and dominate their fortunes and destinies. (V of A, March 9 [11]) 

A prominent Shaykh of Al-Azhar attributed similar sayings to the Talmud (Akhir Sdah, Jan 11, in an article on alleged forgeries of the Qur'an). It was reported in Cairo that parts of the Talmud were being translated for dissemination in Africa; according to this report the Talmud assured of Paradise whoever killed a non-Jew. (Ahram, Jan 20) 

The "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" —"The Basic Zionist Document." ...At the Basle conference in 1897, Jews adopted both public and secret resolutions. The secret ones, however, had leaked out; they were "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion." The Zionists decided to fight virtue and honesty, to present religion and morality as old-fashioned, to encourage the use of alcohol, to destroy moral sense, to dominate the press, to raise prices to meet wage increases, and to encourage foreign countries to fear their neighbours, so as to make them devote their resources to arms.

Zionism and the Power of World Jewry. Ahmad Sa'id said that Herzl, the founder of the Zionist movement, had planned that the Zionists should hold the economic and political reins of the big Powers: statistics showed that the Zionists controlled a great many newspapers and news agencies in Britain, the USA, France and South Africa. (V of A, March 15 [17]) The Jews in France had been able to gain control of the French economy, and consequently of the media of information, including three radio stations, as a result of having pretended to embrace Christianity when threatened with anti-Jewish measures by Louis XII. (V of A, March 16 [18]) In America the Jews became so powerful that as early as 1789 Benjamin Franklin, in one of his speeches, re-ferred to "the Jewish danger." (V of A, March 17 [20]) In Britain there were 450,000 Jews, who despite their small numbers dominated many commercial houses and most of the organizations in direct contact with the public. British Jews, Sa'id said, were more intelligent than Jews elsewhere; they were aware of the British people's dislike of any interference in their affairs, and therefore adopted British nationality. (V of A, March 19 [21]) Said said that Britain had acted as a guardian of world Zionism when it was administering Palestine (V of A, March 26 [28]). He said that Zionist propaganda used to allege that the Arabs had sold their land willingly, because of the high prices offered; in truth the British had collaborated with the Zionists to compel the Arabs to sell the land. (V of A, April 3, 4 [6]) 

"Zionist Plot For World's Nuclear Annihilation." An article in the [semi-official] Al-Gumhuriyah attributed to Zionism a plot to annihilate the world with nuclear weapons. The writer cited four "facts" in support of his theory. (1) The aim of world Zionism, the writer alleged, was to sow destruction in the world in order to dominate it. In support of this "fact" the writer purported to quote Winston Churchill from an alleged article on world Jewry in the "Sunday Herald of Feb 8, 1920" saying that this "brutal movement" intended to establish "a new world society on the basis of tyranny, hate and sucking the blood of the peoples." Also, a Rabbi had allegedly written in the "American monthly Century of Jan 1928" that the Jews were behind all the wars and great revolutions in history, had sown among the gentiles the seeds of anarchy and despair, and were still ruling them. (2-3) The Jews had originated the atomic bomb— the article mentioned Albert Einstein and Robert Oppenheimer—and in order to make sure of the destruction of the world, the Jewish Rosenberg family had handed the atomic secrets to Russia. (4) President Harry Truman had given the order to drop the atomic bombs on Japan in "his capacity as a Zionist agent." 

The more you study, the more you see that there is no distinction between anti-Zionism and antisemitism - the stated foci of the hate are supposedly different but both of them are genocidal philosophies centered on Jews.

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Friday, December 30, 2022

Al Jazeera's headline says it all:

The year 2022 is the worst in terms of occupation violations at Al-Aqsa Mosque.. More than 48,000 settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque

Remember, this isn't a Palestinian news site. This is Al Jazeera, trusted and praised throughout the world.

The article says,

The Director General of the Department of Islamic Endowments and Affairs of the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh Azzam Al-Khatib, described the year 2022 as the worst and highest in terms of violations by the Israeli occupation and extremist settlers of the Holy Mosque.

Al-Khatib said in a statement yesterday, Thursday, that "the intensity and pace of the raids increased during this year, bringing the total number of Jewish extremists who stormed from the Mughrabi Gate side of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque to 48,238 extremists."

He pointed out that the unprecedented provocative actions included prayers, prostrations, and the performance of public Talmudic rituals, chants, singing, and dancing inside the courtyards, in addition to raising Israeli flags inside the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque on Jewish occasions and holidays during this year.


For context, the average Friday sees about 50,000 Muslims visiting the holiest Jewish site. Their provocative actions include multiple prostrations, raising Hamas flags, singing, summer camps, screaming at Jewish visitors, studying, playing soccer and volleyball, gymnastics, throwing stones and storing weapons.

But hey, we don't need to care about the feelings of Jews.

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Thursday, November 24, 2022

Often, when Israel-haters accuse Israel of some crime, they use terminology that they have given a completely different definition than it has in any other context. 

This is quite deliberate. They first choose the crime they want to accuse Israel of, and then change the definition of the crime to fit (or pretend to fit) Israel.

Some examples include "apartheid," "racism,"  "colonialism" and "settler colonialism," "ethnic cleansing," "international law," and "occupation," which the haters have redefined at least twice.

Related is how the word "refugee" means something different for Palestinians than it does for everyone else.

These are all words with precise, legal meanings, whose very definitions are different when Israel is involved.

There are other, less precise words, that are also misused by the haters in ways that are not obvious unless one knows what to listen for. They include "justice" - no one is against justice, but only one side is allowed to seek it. Also "peace activists," "human rights activists" and "pro-Palestinian activists" that really mean "anti-Israel activists" (cf. the Mavi Marmara.)

These are the terms that have made it to the mainstream, despite their clear inaccuracies. 

Palestinians themselves have plenty more absurd words they use and are trying to spread to be as mainstream as the others. They are just waiting for these terms to be used by first the far Left and eventually "human rights" organizations and mainstream media. These include "cultural genocide," "legitimate resistance," "holocausts," "peace activists," "storming," "Talmudic rituals," "settlers" (referring to any Jew in Israel,) "civilian," "child," "open air prison," "concentration camp," "Judaization," "indigenous," "struggle," "defense," "surrounded,"  "martyrs..." the list is really endless, and Orwell himself couldn't have come up with some of these.

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Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Palestinian terror apologists like to say to clueless Westerners, "Don't Palestinians have the right to defend themselves?"

On the surface, it sounds like a reasonable question. Only when you know a little about what's going on do you realize that shooting rockets at civilians is in no way "self defense." It is terror.

We now have proof positive that Palestinians are not motivated by self defense but by Jew-hatred.

Palestinian armed groups announced on Tuesday afternoon that they intended to start a battle in Nablus last night. 

The reason? To stop Jews from performing "Talmudic prayers" at Joseph's Tomb.

The IDF entered Nablus last night, not to arrest a wanted militant, or to frustrate a planned terror attack. Unlike most incursions, this one was known to all ahead of time. Because the terrorists knew that the Jewish pilgrims were visiting and they wanted to stop them from visiting, and that the IDF would be there to protect them.

The terrorists - part of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, which is part of the Fatah group headed by Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas - started shooting towards the worshipers. The IDF fired back. 

One of the attackers was apparently killed when the homemade bomb he was holding exploded before he could throw it to the IDF, although the specific circumstances are unclear - the IDF admits to shooting towards him.

The dead terrorist was apparently 15 years old, although some Palestinian media say he was 17. Either way, he was a child soldier - another little fact that won't get mentioned by self-proclaimed progressives whose interest in such matters vanishes when it comes to Palestinian antisemites.

There was no pretense of "self defense." The entire reason to attack, freely admitted by the Palestinians themselves, was to stop Jewish prayer at a Jewish pilgrimage site. 

It is pure hatred of Jews and denial of Jewish rights. 

In fact, the terrorists complained that the Jewish pilgrims apparently didn't arrive on buses, as they usually do, but in armored vehicles - making it more difficult for them to kill Jews.

This isn't "self defense." This is hate for Jews.


A few more points:

Under existing agreements, Jews should have the right to freely visit Joseph's Tomb anytime they want without fear of being fired upon. Clearly, the Palestinian Authority has not held up their end of the deal.'

Usually, Palestinians pretend that the site isn't really Joseph's tomb, but a tomb of a Muslim scholar coincidentally named Joseph (Yusuf) as well. But Iranian media, reporting this story, refers to the site as the tomb of The Prophet Joseph, meaning that they agree that this is a Jewish holy site. 

Whether it is indeed the exact site of Joseph's real burial place is controversial, but there is no doubt that Jews have been visiting and praying at this site for hundreds of years, as this 1839 account attests - and local Muslims in the 19th century didn't dispute that this was Joseph's burial spot.

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Tuesday, November 08, 2022

There have been many different excuses given for hatred of Jews over the millenia. 

Pharaoh: "Let us deal shrewdly with them, so that they may not increase; otherwise in the event of war they may join our enemies in fighting against us and rise from the ground."

Haman: "[Their]  laws are different from those of any other people and [they] do not obey the king’s laws."

Voltaire: “The Jews are an ignorant and barbarous people, who have long united the most sordid avarice with the most detestable superstition and the most invincible hatred for every people by whom they are tolerated and enriched.”

Luther: "Wherever they have their synagogues, nothing is found but a den of devils in which sheer self-glory, conceit, lies, blasphemy, and defaming of God and men are practiced most maliciously and veheming his eyes on them."

Marx: "What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money."

Wagner: "[The Jews is] incapable ... of artistic expression, neither through his outer appearance, nor through his language and least of all through his singing." 

Wilhelm Marr: "Jewry has ...corrupted all society with its views. It has driven out any kind of idealism, possesses the controlling position in commerce, infiltrates increasingly into state offices, rules the theater, constitutes a sociopolitical phalanx, and finally has left you little more than the hard manual labor that it always despised. "

For most of these, the hate of Jews came before their theories and justifications for their hate, but they tried to create a consistent philosophy that would allow them to justify the hate and not feel like monsters.

Palestinian antisemitism has no such interest in consistency. It isn't a philosophy. It freely steals from any and all other flavors of antisemitism, even those that contradict each other. As long as someone has something to say against Jews, the Palestinians will parrot it. 

Palestinians have embraced traditional Muslim antisemitism where Jews are considered liars and betrayers of prophets since Biblical times. Yet they also embrace the antisemitic Khazar theory that says that most Jews aren't real Jews to begin with. 

Palestinians have denied the Holocaust, but when it is convenient they compare Israel to Nazis - and then pivot again and claim that they are the real victims of the Holocaust.

Palestinians attack Jews as a people, as a nation, as a culture, and as a religion. But they also claim that the Jewish people do not exist, and it is only a religion.

Palestinian articles will describe the absolute Jewish control over the world, but they also write how Jews are as weak as a spider web and frightened Jews will run away from Israel as soon as they encounter any resistance. 

They say they are not antisemitic and that they respect Judaism as a sacred religion, but just today, not for the first time, the official Palestinian news agency referred to everyday Jewish prayer as "racist Talmudic rituals."

The far-Left PFLP and the Islamist Hamas and Islamic Jihad have no public disputes over their contradictory philosophies. Their worldviews have almost nothing in common. But what they have in common is considered far more important than the philosophies that separate them: they both hate Jews. The far-Right Islamists will happily borrow the far-Left language of "racism" and "apartheid" even though they are far more guilty of those crimes; the far-Left will enthusiastically sign on to "defending Jerusalem from being Judaized" even when they are ostensibly atheist. They have allied and cooperated in terror attacks against Jews. 

Palestinians claim a Jewish state is racist while they say they want an Islamic-based, pure Arab state of their own. They say that Jews practice apartheid towards Arabs but they want hundreds of thousands of Arabs to move to Israel  to live in that environment. 

The only consistency in Palestinian philosophy is their hate for Jews. 

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Sunday, October 16, 2022

The Kotel last week during Sukkot

The official Palestinian Authority news agency Wafa, which reflects the official Palestinian Authority positions, reported about Jews worshipping at the Kotel, the Western Wall on Saturday. 

Not on the Temple Mount - but the Western Wall that Jews visit and pray at every single day.

The article says:
Hundreds of settlers performed today, Saturday, racist Talmudic rituals, at Al-Buraq Wall (the western wall of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque) .

Our correspondent reported that hundreds of settlers stormed the western area of ​​the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and performed Talmudic rituals, on the sixth day of the Hebrew "Sukkot", under the strict protection of the Israeli occupation forces, which launched a reconnaissance plane in the sky of the city .
There is no difference between the Shabbat prayers yesterday at the Kotel from the prayers at every traditional synagogue on Earth.

The official position of the Palestinian Authority is that every Jew who visits the Kotel is a "settler."
The official position of the Palestinian Authority is that every Jew who visits the Kotel is has no right to be there and is "storming" a Muslim site.
The official position of the Palestinian Authority is that the term "Talmudic," which is the source for virtually every detailed Jewish law from kosher to Chanukah, is an epithet.
The official position of the Palestinian Authority is that everyday Jewish prayer said daily, worldwide, is considered "racist Talmudic rituals."

Wafa has previously used the phrase "racist Talmudic rituals" to describe Jewish prayer, but up until now it was always in the context of Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount. This is the first time, as far as I can tell, that they are mimicking the same antisemitic language attacking Jewish worship on the Temple Mount to apply to the Kotel as well. 

By extending its bigoted language to apply to mainstream Jewish worship at the Western Wall, the PA is saying that all Jewish worship is racist and therefore immoral.

This is officially sanctioned antisemitism, and officially sanctioned antisemitic incitement, by the Palestinian Authority.

It is undeniable - and indefensible. 

Which means that it will be almost certainly be roundly ignored.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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Friday, October 14, 2022

Because the antisemitism from Palestinian and Arab media and personalities is so pervasive, they need to keep upping the ante in order to get their incitement to break through the line noise of normal Jew-hate.

Enter the preacher of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and "Grand Mufti" of Jerusalem, Sheikh Muhammad Hussein.

In response to Jews visiting the Temple Mount on Sukkot, Hussein said that they "performed racist Talmudic rituals"  and "carried out collective recitation of excerpts from their Talmud in the mosque’s courtyards."

But calling Jewish prayer racist is not nearly inflammatory enough nowadays. Modern Jew-haters need a new hook. 

So the Mufti added that the goal of Jews who quietly walk around Islamic buildings designed to supplant Judaism's holiest site are "attempts to obliterate Islamic civilization."

Who knew that Jews pushing their kids in baby strollers could have such far-reaching abilities as to destroy entire civilizations? We Jews are even more powerful than I thought!

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Sunday, September 25, 2022

From Ian:

JPost Editorial: Welcoming the year of 5783
Rosh Hashanah 5783 begins at sundown this evening, September 25, and ends at nightfall on Tuesday, September 27. The holiday celebrates not only the Jewish New Year, but also the birth of the universe and the beginning of the Days of Awe – 10 days of repentance and renewal that culminate in Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar.

The past year, 5782, has been a difficult one for Israel and the world. Although we appear to be emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been some disturbing global developments – from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine seven months ago to the Vienna negotiations on a new Iran nuclear deal.

Historically, this period will be remembered for the death of Queen Elizabeth II after an almost-record sovereign reign of 70 years (Louis XIV of France reigned almost two years longer) and the beginning of a new era under her son, King Charles III.

In Israel, we are witnessing a turbulent period as the country braces for its fifth election in less than four years (the first was on April 9, 2019). Security has been tightened ahead of Rosh Hashanah as the country also faces a resurgence of Palestinian terrorism. Are there any good news for a change?

On the positive side, the Israeli economy is showing signs of bouncing back. The Central Bureau of Statistics reported, for example, that the employment rate rose in August to the highest level in four years.

Israel’s ties with Arab and Muslim states are advancing well – especially in the Gulf – as evidenced most recently in talks on a free-trade agreement with Bahrain and Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s meeting with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan in New York on Tuesday, the first such meeting since December 2008.

Britain’s Prime Minister Liz Truss told Lapid on Wednesday at the United Nations that she is reviewing a relocation of her country’s embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which would also be a welcome development.

Poll: 65% of Israelis Think Country is ‘Good Place to Live’
Nearly 65 percent of the country’s population say Israel is a good place to live, while 33 percent of the respondents think the opposite, according to a poll published ahead of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.

The survey conducted by Maariv, showed that the degree of satisfaction is higher among the older respondents: 77 percent of those aged 61 and over said they are satisfied, compared to 51 percent of people under 29.

The positive perception of life in Israel is also more widespread among religious (79 percent) and ultra-Orthodox (69 percent) respondents, compared to 59 percent of people who identify themselves as secular.

The majority of respondents (62 percent) also believe that the State of Israel is immutable, while 23 percent, on the contrary, believe that it faces existential dangers.

Asked about what worries them the most in Israel, 68 percent of respondents said it was the cost of living. It was followed by Palestinian terrorism (32 percent), housing prices (18 percent), crime (13 percent) and political instability (12 percent).

The majority of those worried about terrorism are supporters of Opposition Leader Benjamin Netanyahu (47 percent), while Arab respondents are much more concerned about crime (39 percent) and Jewish-Arab relations (21 percent).
Caroline Glick: and the Anti-Semitic Zeitgeist
As for the zeitgeist, repeated surveys of public opinion show Europeans are largely hostile to Israel. For instance, a 2019 survey of European opinion by Bertelsman Stiftung Foundation found that whereas 61% of Israelis were positively disposed toward Europeans, a mere 20% of Europeans held positive opinions of Israel.

Regarding the Netherlands specifically, a 2018 study carried out by Israel’s left-leaning Institute for National Security Studies showed that the Dutch media collectively cover Israel in a manner that delegitimizes Israel’s existence and dehumanizes Israeli Jews. A popular Dutch media tactic for demonizing Israel is to claim that Israel cannot be a democracy, since during the period under review, the Knesset was debating a bill aimed at curbing the hostile activities of Dutch-funded anti-Israel NGOs.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MN) spoke to the now-rising anti-Israel, and increasingly outright anti-Jewish zeitgeist in progressive America on September 20. In remarks to an online forum hosted by a pro-Palestinian group, Tlaib said, “Among progressives, it has become clear that you cannot claim to hold progressive values, yet back Israel’s apartheid government.” She added, “We will not accept this idea that you are progressive, except for Palestine, any longer.”

Tlaib’s call for pro-Israel Americans to be shunned by progressives was roundly condemned by a handful of predominantly but not exclusively Jewish Democratic lawmakers, who rightly characterized her statement, and Tlaib herself, as anti-Semitic. On the other hand, there were several other lawmakers who participated in the online conference with Tlaib—and none expressed any qualms about her remarks. Moreover, President Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and the rest of the Biden administration and Democratic congressional leadership felt no need to condemn Tlaib. To the contrary, they have embraced Tlaib. When Tlaib condemned U.S. support for Israel during last year’s Hamas missile offensive against the Jewish state, Biden gushed over Tlaib; he expressed his “admiration” for the anti-Semitic lawmaker, applauded her “passion” and “intellect,” and called her a “fighter.”

When seen in the broader context of Europe’s political war against Israel and the dominant anti-Israel and anti-Jewish zeitgeist in Europe and progressive America,’s action cannot be dismissed as the mere bloviation of overpaid, woke corporate executives. Instead, it must be seen as a sign of what is already happening, and a warning of an even worse situation that perhaps awaits us, as anti-Semitism again becomes the condition for entry into high society in Europe and America.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Shehab News Agency last week published video of "Settlers performing Talmudic rituals during their storming of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque."

Turn up your sound to hear how disruptive they are to the sanctity of Al Haram al Sharif:

Starting at 0:12, you can hear the birds who are clearly in distress at the desecration they are witnessing.

Even worse, here we see the extremist usurping Jewish settlers provoking Muslims by smiling during their storming.

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Sunday, September 11, 2022

Palestinian media is reporting:

Today, Sunday, September 11, 2022, a group of settlers, accompanied by the Israeli occupation forces, stormed the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron.

The director of the Ibrahimi Mosque, Ghassan Al-Rajabi, said that a group of settlers accompanied by the occupation forces stormed the Ishaqiah (Isaac) section and the prayer hall in the Ibrahimi Mosque, coinciding with the noon prayer.

Al-Rajbi added that the guardians of the Ibrahimi Mosque tried to prevent a group of settlers dressed in obscene clothes from entering the Ishaqiah chapel...

For his part, Minister of Awqaf Hatem Al-Bakry denounced the settlers storming the Ibrahimi Mosque in obscene clothes to perform Talmudic rituals.

Al-Bakri said: "The continuation of these crimes from time to time, with the blessing of the Israeli political level and in public, obliges the world to stand up to its responsibilities and to intervene seriously to put an end to these violations."
So what did these "Jewish settlers in obscene clothing" look like?

Needless to say, these are not "Jewish settlers." They are non-Jewish tourists, visiting the Muslim side of the holy site (the centotaph of Isaac is on the Muslim side.) The guards have been known to ask tourists if they are Jewish and will not admit Jews to begin with. 

Apparently, the Muslim bigots have been so enthralled at the publicity they received by falsely claiming that Jews were dressing obscenely at the Temple Mount that they have decided to play the same trick on the world by pretending that non-Jewish tourists, dressed like normal tourists, are really "Jewish settlers".

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Friday, September 09, 2022

Every weekday from Sunday through Thursday, Arab media has articles that sound roughly the same: "This morning, groups of settlers stormed the courtyards of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque in the occupied city of Jerusalem. Dozens of settlers stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque, toured it and performed Talmudic rituals, under heavy guard from the Israeli occupation police."

I imagine it gets boring after a while, trying to incite violence against Jews when all they do is quietly walk around and, sometimes, silently pray. 

Now some Palestinian media are upping the ante, and referring to the Jews visiting the holy spot as "terrorist settlers."

It's rhetoric inflation!

The earliest I can find the phrase "terrorist settlers" referring to Jews visiting the Temple Mount is from Al Shabab Radio, last year. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ma'an reports:

The guards of Al-Aqsa Mosque confronted today, Thursday, a settler who stormed Al-Aqsa, along with a candlestick and biblical artifacts.

The settler was among a group of tourists who stormed the mosque through the Mughrabi Gate, and the guards were able to seize him and prevent him from taking pictures in Al-Aqsa.
Here the guard shows off the contraband:

Good to know that the Waqf is protecting Muslims from these terrible weapons.

A reminder: In 2017, two Israeli guards in the Old City were murdered with guns that had been stored on the Temple Mount. So Muslims can bring guns but Jews (or, more likely, Christians) cannot bring a Kabbalistic "sh'viti" diagram meant for meditation.

(h/t Eliyahu who pointed out that Christian tourists buy seven branched menorahs)

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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