Showing posts with label Palestinian education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palestinian education. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

From Naharnet:

An explosion was heard at dawn inside the Palestinian refugee camp of Ain el-Helweh in the southern city of Sidon, the state-run National News Agency said.

The explosion resulted from “a hand grenade that was hurled near a school belonging to the UNRWA agency in the camp’s al-Fawqani street,” NNA said, adding that the incident caused no casualties.

UNRWA had reported Saturday that another school compound was taken over by armed groups in the camp.

“This brings the total number of schools taken over by armed groups in the camp to eight, risking the start of the school year in time for 5,900 children,” UNRWA warned.

“We are getting credible reports of severe damage to the school buildings and looting of children’s education material and equipment from the schools,” it said.
The Lebanese camp of Ein el-Hilweh gets worse and worse, but since there is no actual shooting and Israel can't be blamed, no one cares too much.

Just like you almost never read about the concrete wall surrounding the camp since 2017.

Yes, Lebanon really keeps Palestinians in an open-air prison. Banksy doesn't seem to care too much

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Sunday, July 23, 2023

During May and June, Palestinian high school students were studying hard to pass their matriculation exams. When families receive positive results, as they did last week, there are huge celebrations throughout the territories.

The study material for the matriculation exams comes from the Palestinian Authority. And according to the IMAPCT-SE NGO, they were filled with anti-Israel propaganda.

Study materials and questions on the matriculation exams administered by the Palestinian Authority incite to violence, glorify murderous terrorism and promote anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel, a report found. 

The Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) released a review of Palestinian matriculation exams for June 2023 in Arabic, Islamic Education, geography, and history. 

The report's findings offer an ominous insight into an education system where school books are filled with dubious claims, outright falsifications and incitement to violence, both in the name of Palestinian nationalism and Islamist jihadism. 

In one example included in the report, a geography exam includes a “map of Palestine” that ignores the existence of Israel and charts the entire territory as being Palestine.

Throughout the books, Jewish people's historic links to Jerusalem are dismissed as “baseless claims,” “fairy tales,” “myths,” “illusions,” and “distorted narratives.”

Further troubling examples include an Islamic Education exam describing violent jihad as “the apex of Islam.” The chapter of the textbook on which students are tested also teaches that jihad is “one of the gates to achieving martyrdom,” describing the martyrs as "knights," while a poem in an Arabic language exam describes a Palestinian returning to his homeland with a “weapon in [his] hand.”
There is no new report on the IMPACT-SE website, so it sounds like the exam materials are pretty much the same as they were in 2019 when they looked at them.

I just did a quick look at a Palestinian Authority website that publishes these educational materials, and came across this worksheet on Zionism for the current year.

It teaches Palestinian students that:

The basic rule of the Jewish state is settlement.
Settlement means replacing one people with another people.
The Zionist settlements are distinguished from other settlements because it is based on the destruction of Palestinian society.
The Zionist philosophy is based on racism and the negation of the other.
The relationship of the Jews with other peoples is based on hostility and conflict.

This is official, state-sanctioned antisemitism. 

Islamic Jihad published a new picture of one of the students who passed the exam, but unfortunately was not alive to enjoy it.

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Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Sometimes I can get the message across in a cartoon or meme far better than I can in an article. 

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Thursday, February 16, 2023

Lately, Palestinian social media has been including the hashtag "Cubs of Revenge" (#أشبال_الثأر)  on social media. (Palestinians refer to child militants as lion "cubs.")

They are celebrating and encouraging children to attack Israelis.

The poster above is not a memorial to children tragically killed - it is a tribute to how wonderful these children are, both dead and alive, for attacking Israelis. 

Al Resalah gushes, "In the squares of Al-Aqsa and Damascus Gate, and in every neighborhood and alley of the towns and camps of Jerusalem, a new generation is growing that sees in Israel nothing but an enemy that will only be defeated through resistance and jihad." 

Other articles in Palestinian media are also praising the child terrorists. 

And, still, silence from "human rights" NGOs, including those that are specifically meant to protect children. 

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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Here are videos from the TikTok channel of a Palestinian kindergarten showing the kids play-acting being attacked and then attacking Israeli soldiers, and a funeral complete with the "mother" kissing her "martyr" son.

And another showing the kids as masked terrorists.

This is not the kids play-acting. This is the teachers of a school telling the kids to do these performances - so they grow up to do it in real life.

They are depraved.

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Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Dr. Nasser Lahham, editor in chief of the relatively moderate Ma'an News site which is not affiliated with any terror groups, seems to have a problem with Israelis.

When natural disasters happen, whether earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, or even polar depressions, beasts stop fighting, and animals stop fighting. Except for the Israeli occupation, which has degenerated to a lower degree than animals and corrupted the whole earth with its horrible moral decline. Today, I write without hesitation that Israel's decline and lack of laws has become a contagious virus that can spread to the rest of the world.

The people of Palestine, including the settlers, felt the earthquake on Monday, yet the occupation was blocking the roads in Hawara, Beit Rima and Beit Ummar. The world was racing to extend a helping hand to Syria and Turkey, and the occupation was carrying out a mass execution of young men in Aqabat Al-Jabr camp. All of humanity was mourning and respecting the thousands of victims of the earthquake, and Israel was literally writing in its press "there are no Jews among the victims in Turkey."

What dirt! What depravity! And what a stigma in the forehead of humanity!

Instead of offering aid to the Palestinians under its military rule, Israel, "the state of the Jews and God's chosen people," as they claim, began striking at all meanings of religion, morality, and honor. And prove that she is without religion, dignity, honor, or morals. Indeed, the mafia gangs have morals and red lines, but Israel is stripped of them.

Hate blinded the hearts of the Zionists, and blinded their insight. They became monsters who drank the blood of the victims and ate the flesh of the dead.

...Today, with this devastating earthquake that killed the victims and the innocent. No one expects Israel to actually send relief missions or aid to the victims because it is among the humanitarian groups. No and a thousand times no. Perhaps  these missions are for the Mossad or for some security conspiracy or political blackmail. But not for relief.

Israel is the scum of morals on earth. It cannot be believed that it contributes to the relief of any other people.

And I want to remind the liberals and the deceived, that the Palestinian Authority sent the Palestinian Civil Defense youth years ago to help Israel extinguish the big fire that broke out in the Damon Mountains. Indeed, with the testimony of the Hebrew press. Palestine firefighters were heroes in fighting the fire. And when Israel held a ceremony honoring the firefighters, it refused to grant the Palestinian firefighters passage permits to enter the Green Line!!

Has humanity heard or seen more despicable morals than this people!
I'm not copying all of his false examples of Israeli "immorality," which are all lies, but just pointing out:

There is nothing wrong with being relieved that no Jews are earthquake victims, just as Palestinians are following how many Palestinians have been killed in Turkey and Syria. (And there are Jews missing and apparently killed in Turkey.) 

Out of ten Palestinian firefighters who helped out in the Carmel fire disaster, due to a bureaucratic screwup, three of them did not get permits. Israel apologized 

Israel has been widely praised for its selfless support in the case of natural disasters. Lahham is so filled with hate that he simply cannot accept any examples of Jews acting nicely. They are simply hiding their evil!

And this is not a member of Hamas or Islamic Jihad. This is a mainstream Palestinian news editor. Compared to most other Palestinians, he would be considered a moderate.

If you want to know why there is no peace - it is because Palestinians are fed a steady diet of lies and hate their entire lives, across the board, from every source. Anyone whose only source of information about Israelis are Palestinian schools and media would of course hate them. 

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Wednesday, December 28, 2022

On Sunday, the Acre Secondary Girls School in Khan Younis, Gaza, along with many other schools,  hosted a Palestinian official over video link who spoke about the evils of normalization and the necessity of boycotting the "Zionist entity."

Afterwards the girls held up signs against normalization for their Facebook page.

Here's one of the photos.

Let's look at this in more detail.

Most of the signs say "No to normalization" and "don't pay for Israeli bullets."

Gaza stores are filled with products from Israel. Hamas controls Gaza. They could ban all Israeli goods - but they don't, because this is what Gazans want. 

And since Gazans started working in Israel again, everyone is trying to get work permits.

Hamas itself isn't boycotting Israel, and every Gazan knows this. So what is this about? Why a school day wasted on having the girls make posters and pose?

Because the point isn't boycott. It is to instill hate for Israel. That hate has to be reinforced day in and day out, and "normalization" is another vector, along with whipping up anger at Israel in other ways.

Let's look closer at the people in the picture.

Front and center, we have a girl holding a sign that says, "Normalization is treachery."

With a dagger on her sign.

No one has a problem with a violent image.

Now let's look at the principals of the school in the background:

They look like they are in Afghanistan. 

The heads of the school are teaching the girls that a burqa is the preferable way to cover up, not just a hijab. Students can barely read their expressions. 

Finally, the name of the school itself - Acre, named after a city in Israel. The school's very name is meant to teach the girls that they will "return" to Acre and other Israeli towns, and they will get rid of the Jews there. 

This is an ordinary photo from Gaza - but it teaches a lot, if you are willing to learn it.

(h/t Ibn Boutros) 

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Monday, October 03, 2022

FAIR - Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting - issued a report by Nora Lester Murad that claims that books for toddlers and youngsters that introduce kids to Israel are pretty much racist against Palestinians, because - they aren't about Palestinians.

However, Murad's critique exposes her own disdain for Arabs who live in Israel as well as her own hate for Israeli Jews.

Even though the books aren't about Palestinians, and aren't meant to be, she says that they"erase" Palestinians.

First, Murad claims that they erase through "appropriation:"

Rah! Rah! Mujadara!
, for example, is a 12-page board book for ages 1–4 that has an attractive tagline: “Everybody likes hummus, but that’s just one of the great variety of foods found in Israel among its diverse cultures.”

There’s a subtlety in that tagline that may be lost on some. While diversity is acknowledged, it is represented only within the Israeli sphere, without its own history and separate identity. This is a political position that  jibes with Israel’s intentional deployment of the term “Israeli Arabs” to refer to Palestinians with Israeli citizenship, whom Israel wants to incorporate as an Israeli minority, fragmenting them from the larger Palestinian community and from their national identity.
To progressives, referring to someone in ways that they object to - say, by using the wrong pronoun - is an unforgivable crime. But only a small percentage of Israeli Arabs refer to themselves as "Palestinian." According to a 2020 poll from  Jewish People Policy Institute, only 7% referred to themselves as "Palestinian" while 74% referred to themselves as "Arab Israeli" or simply "Israeli." 

FAIR is showing great disrespect to the people they are claiming to be defending from this book. And the simple children's book is far more accurate in its depiction of Arabs in Israel than FAIR is. 

The critique then veers into the absurd:
Newbies to the the Israeli/Palestinian narrative war may also not realize that food is an active battleground. Palestinians consider Israel’s claiming of hummus and falafel, among other foods, to be cultural appropriation.

Palestinians, therefore, are likely to consider both the people and the food appropriated  when the same [Muslim] girl is featured behind the text:

    Blow, slow.
    Taste. Whoa!
    Brown fa-LA-fel,
    big green mouthful!
Since the state of Israel is not even 75 years old, any food with a longer pedigree must have been originated by someone else. But while Kar-Ben Publishing is surely aware of this contention, they either choose to ignore it or intentionally intend to steer readers towards the Israeli narrative—by hiding the Palestinian one.
But does the book say that falafel is an Israeli-created dish, or does it say that it is a dish that Israeli citizens of all backgrounds enjoy? Clearly it is the latter - "the great variety of foods found in Israel among its diverse cultures." It mentions bagels too - does anyone claim that they are Israeli? Other foods in the book are meant to highlight the different cultures that come together in Israeli society: nowhere does it claim that malawach, mujadara, hummus, or bourekas were created by Israelis except in the fevered imagination of Nora Lester Murad.

Murad is apparently opposed to kids from different backgrounds finding things in common that they like from different cultures. This hardly seems progressive.

Murad then says that books about Israel that show the Dome of the Rock are "erasure through deception" because, she claims, "east Jerusalem" is not part of Israel. However, Israel disagrees, and so do many international jurists. To Jews, the idea of an Israel without the holy places is anathema and extraordinarily offensive.  There is no deception there - people who say that all of Jerusalem is part of Israel have that right. 

But FAIR doesn't recognize that right. We must all believe as they do, or we are racists. So tolerant!

The next "erasure" is "Erasure through both-sidesism." Yes, books about Israel that go out of their way to show Arab Israelis are awful, too - and her main target is, believe it or not, Sesame Street.

Welcome to Israel With Sesame Street (Christy Peterson, Lerner Publishing, 2021)...[has a] “both sides” approach, starting by teaching children how to say hello in both Hebrew and Arabic (pages 4–5).  This “both sides” approach makes a nice visual while hiding Israel’s disrespect for Arabic and Arabic speakers, which is clear in the fact that Arabic had been an official language of Israel until it was officially downgraded in the 2018 Jewish Nation State Law.

Of course, Murad pointedly doesn't mention that the use of Arabic in government documents and in the public sphere is still mandated under Israeli law. Israel still supports and funds its Arabic-language schools. There is no disrespect in reality. But why let the facts get in the way of anti-Israel soundbites?

Presenting “both sides” is a device used to appear neutral, which conjures a sense of objectivity and truth. It is also a way to stake a claim to antiracism and respect. For example, page 11 says that Jerusalem is “special to people of many religions,” over a  photo of Palestinian school girls, some wearing the Muslim hijab.

But presenting Palestinians only as linguistic and religious minorities of Israel, and not as a national group in and of itself, is an Israeli narrative tactic that dehumanizes  Palestinians and undermines readers’ ability to understand Israel. While appearing respectful of diversity, the text and photo cleverly omit that Israel is an explicitly, self-declared Jewish state, that enshrines Jewish supremacy over non-Jews (and the corresponding inequality of Palestinians) by saying, in law, that only Jews have the right to self-determination.
A book for children that celebrates Israel's diversity is regarded as flawed because it should show what Murad declares to be the truth, that Israel is a racist state that doesn't give its Arab citizens equal rights. 

This is all a lie, of course. The same poll I mentioned above shows that virtually the same percentage of non-Jews as Jews feel comfortable being themselves as Israeli citizens. Most Arab citizens of Israel are proud to be Israelis - but Murad the racist wants them to be considered part of a different nation that the vast majority want little or nothing to do with. The bigotry is in Murad's head and in her poison pen, not in the reality of Israel's non-Jewish citizens.

And by the way, virtually every Arab state declares itself to be an Arab state in their constitutions. By Murad's logic, they are all enforcing Arab supremacy. Does anyone think FAIR will ever mention that?

In Murad's twisted mind, Israel is by definition racist, so any children's book that doesn't highlight how terrible Israel is must be guilty of racism as well. The most bizarre part of her argument is that while it is obvious to all that children's books are meant to teach tolerance, which these books are doing, she is against it. Murad is the racist. Her arguments are as racist as those of a white supremacist upset at American schoolbooks that show white children playing with children of color without mentioning comparative crime rates for different groups. 

Finally, Murad freaks out over a map in the Sesame Street book:

The 1949 armistice lines are clearly drawn, and Israel is only shown inside those lines. Egypt, Jordan and Syria are not named. But Murad looks hard to find bias, and of course she succeeds:
Page 6 of Welcome to Israel With Sesame Street incorrectly displays a map of Israel (“and Surrounding Area”) including the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the same shade of yellow. The outlines of the occupied Palestinian territory are visible but not labeled. 
This is her entire argument - the yellow on the map of the territories is slightly different than the yellow of other countries. The actual lines that represent borders, prominently displayed, are meaningless to Murad's bizarre brain - the shade of yellow is offensive.

Hilariously, she sent this litany of paranoid complaints to Sesame Workshop, and they properly ignored her:
Welcome to Israel With Sesame Street, however, is not harmless. It uses subtle messages to contribute to erasure and distortion of Palestinians, which should cause concern among people who care about the educational reputation of the brand. Unfortunately, Sesame Workshop failed to respond to my several inquiries about this book.
Maybe because if she was honestly being as fair as FAIR pretends to be, she would realize that every single one of her complaints is baseless.

It would be amusing to see the same methodology used for children's books about "Palestine." Do they even mention or show pictures of Jews? Do they admit that Jews have the right to live in their historic homeland? Or are Jews not mentioned at best, and called "sons of apes and pigs" at worst?

If FAIR was fair, they would have a Zionist Jew do the exact same type of analysis on books pushing the Palestinian narrative, and see how they fare. Like the alphabet book that says "I is for Intifada." How are Jews represented there? How do they represent the emotional Jewish ties to Jerusalem? How are the feelings of millions of Jews taken into account? 

Which side actually tries for coexistence, and which side wants to see the other be ethnically cleansed in the books meant for children? 

The books being critiqued by her show smiling Arab children, some in hijabs. Find me a single children's book about Palestine that shows a smiling child in a yarmulke or tzitzit.

Just one.

That is the comparison that needs to be made to see which side is the side of progressiveness and tolerance, and which side is both implicitly and explicitly antisemitic. 

For example, this drawing for Palestinian children contrasting Arabs and Jews is not exactly sending  tolerant message. Yet I suspect it is a message that Murad wholeheartedly endorses all children should be exposed to..

Pro-Israel books go out of their way to teach tolerance. Pro-Palestinian books do the opposite. FAIR promotes the former as racist and doesn't want you to look at the latter.

FAIR isn't fair, and this article is exhibit A.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2022

This TikTok video shows a large assembly at the Anata Secondary School east of Jerusalem, where students play-acted a kidnapping of religious Jews.

This is the Palestinian version of woke.

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Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Here is the cover of Palestinian Arab textbook "National Education, Grade 2", published in 2001:

Let's look a little closer at the stamp pictured in the lower right:

Now compare it with the actual stamp it was taken from:

What is missing in the textbook image?

Why, it is the Hebrew part of the British Mandate stamp that says "Palestine (Eretz Yisroel)"!

Palestinian Arabs always accuse Israel of trying to erase Arab and Muslim culture, but as usual it is just projection for what they do, day in and day out, in trying to erase any vestiges of Jewish presence from the historic Land of Israel - from even as recently as 70 years ago.

Besides the outrageous airbrushing of history that this represents, more subtly, the textbook takes an item from the time of British rule and pretends that it somehow represents a historic nation of Palestine that never existed.

(In fact, other stamps in the same series depicted Jewish and Christian holy sites, as the British tried to be even-handed when they issued stamps.)

The preamble for the UNESCO constitution declares:
...[T]he States Parties to this Constitution, believing in full and equal opportunities for education for all, in the unrestricted pursuit of objective truth, and in the free exchange of ideas and knowledge, are agreed and determined to develop and to increase the means of communication between their peoples and to employ these means for the purposes of mutual understanding and a truer and more perfect knowledge of each other's lives.

This single example shows that Palestinian Arabs have zero interest in the noble original goals of UNESCO,and instead are interested in furthering their own selfish agenda at the expense of the truth, of other people and other cultures.

(photos from IMPACT-SE and, h/t JPost and Ian)



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