Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Al-Husayni, as the head of religious affairs in Jerusalem, used his position to increase his influence not only among Muslims in Palestine but throughout the Arab world. One way he accomplished this was by fundraising for the Al-Aqsa Mosque built on the Temple Mount.

Despite the often mentioned phrase that "Jerusalem is the third-holiest city in Islam," Islam has never treated Jerusalem as anything other than a slum before modern Zionism. Pictures of the Al-Aqsa mosque from before 1922 show an empty ruin, strewn with weeds and with visible damage.

As photos and history show, Jerusalem was never a place of pilgrimage in Islam. The politically astute Husayni had ample reason to increase Muslim awareness of Jerusalem and increase his own power. He went on a fundraising tour of the Arab world, saying that he was defending the Al Aqsa Mosque from being destroyed by the Jews.

By the late 1920s he had raised enough money to repair and renovate the Dome, he had increased his influence in the Arab world at large as a real Arab leader, and his prestige among Palestnian Muslims skyrocketed. Not incidentally, he also managed to marginalize his family's major Jerusalem rivals, the Nashashibi family. To a large extent, the myth of the extent of Jerusalem's holiness to Muslims is a direct result of the Mufti's activities in te 1920s.

Palestine's Muslims, thirsting for Arab leadership, mostly accepted Husayni in that role. Together with his control of ever-increasing amounts of money his influence continued to grow. And his unbridled hatred for Jews colored every move he made.

Incensed at the Jews who continuously flocked to the Western Wall, Husayni created a story that Mohammed tethered his winged horse to the Wall during his mythical "Night Journey" and therefore the Wall itself was a holy Muslim place as well. Palestine's Muslims were more than willing to believe this new claim, and the Mufti knew his audience well enough to be able to incite them to any violence whenever he wanted.

An interesting aspect of "honor" is that, in the context of conflict, it is something that can be defended but not something that can be initiated. Throwing the first punch is not honorable. Defending one's family, people and religion, however, is praiseworthy.

An Arab leader who seeks the honor that comes from being a great warrior, therefore, needs to find a pretext for attacking - a reason to make his attack look defensive. The flimsiest excuse will do, and the Arab mentality provides the ability to interpret anything at all as a gross insult to the Arab people or to Islam. Here's why:

The guilt culture of the West is based, at least nominally, on reality - facts and results and accomplishments are the building blocks of the Western mindset..

The shame culture of the East, on the other hand, is based on perception, on how one is viewed rather than what he has actually done.

The importance of perception gives rise to the importance of symbolism in Arab culture. A symbol is, after all, only a representation. Symbols do not have any tangible value., but they have huge perceptional value - and perception is everything to Arabs.

The supreme importance of symbols in the Arab world leads to a number of corollaries.

Arab projection will assume that the West places the same importance on symbolism that Arabs do. As a result, during wartime, Arabs choose targets based on symbolic value more often that their strategic value. 9-11 is only one example.

Projection will also assume that the enemy places the same importance on symbolism, and as a result even innocuous actions by the enemy are perceived as huge (symbolic) insults to Arabs - because that is their entire frame of reference. A torn Koran, a damaged mosque, an offhand comment can all take on gigantic importance.

al-Husayni and his fellow religious leaders had already identified his enemy - the Jews. He had already identified his battleground - the Western Wall. Now all he had to do was wait for an event that he could spin as a gross offense that would provide cover for his retaliation, and that he could use to whip up the emotions of the Arabs that accepted him as their leader.

His chance occurred on September 23, 1928, on the afternoon before Yom Kippur. The Jews had erected a temporary, cloth screen to separate men and women during the holy day, and the Arabs sheikhs complained to the British that it must be taken down immediately or else "they would not be responsible for what happened." Such temporary mechitzot had been placed at the Kotel in years and decades past, but coupled with the Mufti's claims of the Jews wanting to take over the Temple Mount, any physical alteration of the site was taken to be an intense provocation and proof of Jewish designs on the entire area.

The British wanted to avoid antagonizing the Arabs, and even when they suggested that perhaps the screen can stay up until the end of the fast day, the Arabs continued to threaten violence. So the British dismantled the screen on Yom Kippur morning, and Husayni won the first round for control of the Western Wall with only threats of violence. But he got his supposed Jewish provocation that he could use an an excuse for violence. He then proceeded to distribute leaflets accusing the Jews of planning to take over the mosque.

In early 1929, the Arabs started their own prayer service opposite the Wall at precisely the same times as the Jewish prayer services. They started herding mules through the area. They "accidentally" dropped bricks from new construction on the mosque above onto the Jewish worshippers. They also applied for, and received, permission from the British for the building adjacent to the Kotel to be converted to a mosque. The British continued to prove to be cowed by threats of Arab violence.

On August 15, 1929, on Tisha B'Av, members of the Betar youth movement held a peaceful demonstration in front of the Wall. The Arabs then started a rumor that Betar attacked Muslims and cursed Mohammed. The very next day, the Supreme Muslim Council marched on the Wall and burned prayer books and notes in the Wall. The day after that, on the Jewish Sabbath, riots continued an an Arab mob killed a Jew in Jerusalem. The "disturbances" of 1929 had started.

Everyone knew that the riots would spread throughout Palestine. The British were warned but did nothing, and some reports had them standing by during actual murders. The Haganah organized and repulsed attacks against some areas, but others - particularly old Jewish communities who had lived in relative harmony with their Arab neighbors for centuries - refused help. Hebron bore the brunt of the Arab gangs, who not only killed all the Jews they could find but also raped and mutilated women and children. (Many of the Hebron victims were American yeshiva students.) In the end, over a hundred Jews had been murdered by the murderous Arab mobs.

It is notable that the victims were, by and large, not Zionist and not new immigrants - Hebron, Safed and Jerusalem each hosted ancient Jewish communities. The attacks, instigated by the Mufti and his cronies, were the purest manifestation of anti-semitism imaginable.

It is unclear who actually participated in the riots. Accounts of the Hebron massacre do not mention any of the victims knowing the Arabs who were attacking. Many in Hebron were in fact saved by their Arab neighbors. It can be guessed that the mobs were most likely comprised of young, unemployed men who were loyal to the Mufti, and this loyalty came both from his charisma and his power. But in the aftermath of these pogroms we find none of the self-criticism that followed the 1921 riots - al-Husayni was now an unchallenged leader and the Arabs who had no problem with the Jews were not going to stand up to him.

The British did their part in the Mufti's playbook as well, recommending in the wake of the Arab riots that they were a reaction to Zionist immigration and recommending to limit the number of Jews that could move to Palestine. The Shaw Commission exonerated the Mufti for his part of the riots, although a later commission in 1937 found that he was far more involved than the British were at first willing to admit. In addition, the British declared that the Wall was owned by the Muslims but allowed certain, specific kinds of worship by Jews there. (The Jews did not claim to own the Wall, saying that it belonged to God.) The British also agreed that the Wall was al-Buraq and holy to Muslims, even while they admitted that the claim that al-Buraq coincided with the Western Wall was relatively new.

The pogrom instigated by the Mufti ended up giving him more power than ever, and the Jews wound up being punished by the British desire to not upset the Arabs. Violence against Jews, proven to be effective twice, was now the preferred modus operandi of the Palestinian Arab leaders for political gain.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
  • Wednesday, June 13, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
While all the infighting between moderate terrorists and extreme terrorists is well and good, it is important to remember the depths of depravity and pure hate that they all have for Jews:
Details of a foiled double suicide attack in Netanya and Tel Aviv were released for publication Wednesday afternoon. Two Palestinian women were arrested last month at the Erez Crossing. They admitted to have planned to carry out a double suicide attack in Netanya and Tel Aviv. Both women are mothers of children and one of them is also pregnant.

The Islamic Jihad is the organization that sent the two women to commit the attacks in a restaurant, a wedding hall or a location with a concentration of IDF soldiers.
Ha'aretz adds more sickening detail:
Fatma Yunes Hassan Zak, 39, a resident of Gaza, mother of eight children and pregnant with her ninth, had been responsible for an Islamic Jihad Gaza women's labor office for four years. She had been in contact with Islamic Jihad terrorists and coordinated contacts on their behalf with women who had volunteered to be suicide bombers.

Approximately three months ago, her niece, Ruda Ibrahim Yunes Haviv, 30, a resident of Gaza and mother of four children, sought her assistance in perpetrating a suicide attack. Zak, who decided to participate in the attack as well, contacted her Islamic Jihad liaison, who aided the two women in putting their plan into operation.

Haviv requested the Israeli authorities' permission to travel to Ramallah, falsely claiming she needed to undergo medical tests. Zak was supposed to accompany her to the fabricated treatment in Ramallah.

The Shin Bet maintains that the two were due to meet with an Islamic Jihad militant in Ramallah, who was supposed to give them explosive belts and take them to the the locations of the planned attacks.
Pure, unadulterated evil that is cheered by Palestinian Arabs across the board when it is "successful."
  • Wednesday, June 13, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
We all knew what a good liar Saeb Erekat is - but his comedy career is about to get a boost as well:
Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) chief negotiator, Saeb Erekat, said on Wednesday that he expects Palestinians to overcome the current crisis and that the dangerous deterioration in the Gaza Strip should have a positive affect on the international community and encourage it to enact its responsibilities towards the Palestinian people.

Erekat spoke following a meeting with the EU Special Representative for the Middle East Peace Process, Marc Otte, and head of the EU observers at Rafah Crossing, Major-General Pietro Pistolese.

Erekat urged the EU observers to continue their job despite the descent into violent conflict in the Gaza Strip. Erekat said that the Rafah Crossing is the only access point for Gazans to the outside world.

Finally, Erekat stressed the responsibility of the international community towards the Palestinian people and urged the UN and the EU to help the Palestinians and submit more aid to ease the lives of people living in dire conditions in the Palestinian territories.
I wonder what possible circumstances would ever occur that would make Erekat say that the Palestinian Arabs should not get more free money from the civilized world?
  • Wednesday, June 13, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Did you hear that Fatah and Hamas are burying the hatchet and going to merge?

They'll now be known as Fatass.

(h/t TreeHugger )
UPDATE: Aussie Dave has a prior claim - plus proof - on that joke.

  • Wednesday, June 13, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Daily Telegraph (h/t Dry Bones):
"They're firing at us, firing RPGs, firing mortars. We're not Jews," the brother of Jamal Abu Jediyan, a Fatah commander, pleaded during a live telephone conversation with a Palestinian radio station.

Minutes later both men were dragged into the streets and riddled with bullets.

I guess in times of stress it gets very hard to remember to substitute "Zionists" for "Jews."
  • Wednesday, June 13, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Most sources put today's death count at 9 so far, including a 16-year old boy.

It appears that Hamas is close to winning that wonderful prize known as Gaza.

Hamas prepared a hit list of Fatah leaders it wants dead. Wisely, most of those "leaders" happen to be out of the area while their people are killing each other.

Meanwhile, a retiring UN Jerusalem envoy wrote a 53-page report complaining that the UN wasn't anti-Israel enough.

And just because they are killing each other doesn't mean that PalArab terrorists can't take out a few minutes for some R&R, shooting Qassams at Jews.

Our count of Palestinian Arabs violently killed by each other this year is now at 354.

Ma'an Arabic now counts 14 for today. 359.
And during a rally against the violence, 15 marchers were injured.

UPDATE 2: One of those marchers was killed (Ha'aretz still has the total at 14 but Ma'an did not count the dead civilian earlier.) Also, two PalArab UNRWA workers were killed too. 362.

UPDATE 3: Ynet counts at least 27 dead today. Conservatively, this makes the self-death count 372, assuming they are including everyone mentioned above.

UPDATE 4:YNet has upwardly revised Wdnesday's total death count to 33. 380.

Thursday's first victim, a "senior" Hamas member. 381.

PalToday Arabic reports on the bodies of two women found Wednesday evening. No idea if they were counted by the other counts. I will update the number of women killed but not the total number.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

  • Tuesday, June 12, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Another article about how Palestinian Arabs would prefer Israeli occupation to Hamastan:
Even before the civil war which Hamas and Fatah are starting in the Strip, Professor Jarbawi of Bir Zeit University maintained that the Palestinian Authority was a mere illusion of power: occupation under the guise of self government, and therefore useless.

On Tuesday, a Palestinian journalist likened the Palestinian Authority to a smoke-belching car wreck, adding that it was time to toss the keys to the Israelis. His view is shared by many Palestinian civilians in Gaza, who in recent days have told the media that they are fed up. "We've had enough, we should be so lucky as to see the return of the Israeli occupation."

Another article on how Jewish Israeli doctors keep saving Palestinian Arab lives:
In the Gaza Strip's Jab aliya refugee camp, Aref Suleiman was raised on Palestinian struggle against the Jewish state. Today he lies in an Israeli hospital bed, his body riddled with Palestinian bullets, his wounds tended daily by Israeli nurses.

For the 22-year-old Mr Suleiman, who was shot five times point blank by Hamas militants last month during a renewed bout of Palestinian infighting, this is not the Arab-Israeli conflict he learnt about as a child growing up in Gaza's desperate, rubbish-strewn alleys.

"Palestinians shoot me and Jews treat me," he laughs bitterly. "It was supposed to be different.

As Hamas destroys Fatah in northern Gaza, and as Fatah starts fighting back in the West Bank, let's go back in memory lane in those rosy days after Hamas' election when Jimmy Carter expressed his profound love for all things Hamas in February 2006 on the Larry King show:
KING: We're back with President Carter. You were there. Is there any chance of Hamas turning away from the violent statements in their concept?

CARTER: Yes, I think there's a good chance, Larry. After Arafat was elected ten years ago, I was there and he knew me and he asked me to intercede with Hamas leaders to see if at that time they wouldn't accept the new Palestinian government, the parliament members and Arafat as president.

And, I spent a while with them but some of their leaders were out of the country, so I arranged to meet with the leadership in Cairo after I left Palestine. But when the time came they canceled on the meeting, so I haven't had any contact with them since until two days after this election.

I did meet with some of the same Hamas members in Ramallah and I think they told me they want to have a peaceful administration. They want to have a unity government, bring in the Fatah members and the independent members and I think that there's a good chance that they will, of course, what they say, what they do is two different matters.

One thing they pointed out and Israeli security confirmed this to me, Hamas leadership in August of 2004 pledged themselves to apply a cease-fire and they haven't committed any actions of violence in the last 18 months. [Here is proof of that Hamas "truce" during those 18 months - EoZ]

This indicates what they might do in the future but it also indicates another thing I think is quite interesting. That is that Hamas is a highly-disciplined organization and if they say "We will not have any violence from our people," I think they can enforce what they say.
It's eerie. Almost like Jimmy was a prophet or something. He just nailed it - the discipline, the desire for peace, the chances of Hamas becoming peaceful. An amazing job.
  • Tuesday, June 12, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon

The Guidebook for Taking a Life

We were in a small house in Zarqa, Jordan, trying to interview two heavily bearded Islamic militants about their distribution of recruitment videos when one of us asked one too many questions.

“He’s American?” one of the militants growled. “Let’s kidnap and kill him.”

The room fell silent. But before anyone could act on this impulse, the rules of jihadi etiquette kicked in. You can’t just slaughter a visitor, militants are taught by sympathetic Islamic scholars. You need permission from whoever arranges the meeting. And in this case, the arranger who helped us to meet this pair declined to sign off.

“He’s my guest,” Marwan Shehadeh, a Jordanian researcher, told the bearded men.

With Islamist violence brewing in various parts of the world, the set of rules that seek to guide and justify the killing that militants do is growing more complex.

This jihad etiquette is not written down, and for good reason. It varies as much in interpretation and practice as extremist groups vary in their goals. But the rules have some general themes that underlie actions ranging from the recent rash of suicide bombings in Algeria and Somalia, to the surge in beheadings and bombings by separatist Muslims in Thailand.

Some of these rules have deep roots in the Middle East, where, for example, the Egyptian Islamic scholar Yusuf al-Qaradawi has argued it is fine to kill Israeli citizens because their compulsory military service means they are not truly civilians.

The war in Iraq is reshaping the etiquette, too. Suicide bombers from radical Sunni and Shiite Muslim groups have long been called martyrs, a locution that avoids the Koran’s ban on killing oneself in favor of the honor it accords death in battle against infidels. Now some Sunni militants are urging the killing of Shiites, alleging that they are not true Muslims. If there seems to be no published playbook, there are informal rules, and these were gathered by interviewing militants and their leaders, Islamic clerics and scholars in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and England, along with government intelligence officials in the Middle East, Europe and the United States.

Islamic militants who embrace violence may account for a minuscule fraction of Muslims in the world, but they lay claim to the breadth of Islamic teachings in their efforts to justify their actions. “No jihadi will do any action until he is certain this action is morally acceptable,” says Dr. Mohammad al-Massari, a Saudi dissident who runs a leading jihad Internet forum,, in London, where he now lives.

Here are six of the more striking jihadi tenets, as militant Islamists describe them:

Rule No. 1: You can kill bystanders without feeling a lot of guilt.

The Koran, as translated by the University of Southern California Muslim Student Association’s Compendium of Muslim Texts, generally prohibits the slaying of innocents, as in Verse 33 in Chapter 17 (Isra’, The Night Journey, Children of Israel): “Nor take life, which Allah has made sacred, except for just cause.”

But the Koran also orders Muslims to resist oppression, as verses 190 and 191 of Chapter 2 (The Cow) instruct: “Fight in the cause of Allah with those who fight with you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors. And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out, for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter. ...”

In the typical car bombing, some Islamists say, God will identify those who deserve to die — for example, anyone helping the enemy — and send them to hell. The other victims will go to paradise. “The innocent who is hurt, he won’t suffer,” Dr. Massari says. “He becomes a martyr himself.”

There is one gray area. If you are a Muslim who has sinned, getting killed by a suicide bomber will clean some of your slate for Judgment Day, but precisely where God draws the line between those who go to heaven or hell is not spelled out.

Rule No. 2: You can kill children, too, without needing to feel distress.

True, Islamic texts say it is unlawful to kill children, women, the old and the infirm. In the Sahih Bukhari, a respected collection of sermons and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, verse 4:52:257 refers to Ghazawat, a battle in which Muhammad took part. “Narrated Abdullah: During some of the Ghazawat of the Prophet a woman was found killed. Allah’s Apostle disapproved the killing of women and children.”

But militant Islamists including extremists in Jordan who embrace Al Qaeda’s ideology teach recruits that children receive special consideration in death. They are not held accountable for any sins until puberty, and if they are killed in a jihad operation they will go straight to heaven. There, they will instantly age to their late 20s, and enjoy the same access to virgins and other benefits as martyrs receive.

Islamic militants are hardly alone in seeking to rationalize innocent deaths, says John O. Voll, a professor of Islamic history at Georgetown University. “Whether you are talking about leftist radicals here in the 1960s, or the apologies for civilian collateral damage in Iraq that you get from the Pentagon, the argument is that if the action is just, the collateral damage is justifiable,” he says.

Rule No. 3: Sometimes, you can single out civilians for killing; bankers are an example.

In principle, nonfighters cannot be targeted in a militant operation, Islamist scholars say. But the list of exceptions is long and growing.

Civilians can be killed in retribution for an enemy attack on Muslim civilians, argue some scholars like the Saudi cleric Abdullah bin Nasser al-Rashid, whose writings and those of other prominent Islamic scholars have been analyzed by the Combating Terrorism Center, a research group at the United States Military Academy at West Point, N.Y.

Shakir al-Abssi, whose Qaeda-minded group, Fatah Al Islam, has been fighting Lebanese soldiers since May 20, says some government officials are fair game. He was sentenced to death in Jordan for helping to organize the slaying of the American diplomat Laurence Foley in 2002, and said in an interview with The New York Times that while he did not specifically choose Mr. Foley to be killed, “Any person that comes to our region with a military, security or political aim, then he is a legitimate target.”

Others like Atilla Ahmet, a 42-year-old Briton of Cypriot descent who is awaiting trial in England on terrorism charges, take a broader view. “It would be legitimate to attack banks because they charge interest, and this is in violation of Islamic law,” Mr. Ahmet said last year.

Rule No. 4: You cannot kill in the country where you reside unless you were born there.

Militants living in a country that respects the rights of Muslims have something like a peace contract with the country, says Omar Bakri, a radical sheik who moved from London to Lebanon two years ago under pressure from British authorities.

Militants who go to Iraq get a pass as expeditionary warriors. And the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks did not violate this rule since the hijackers came from outside the United States, Mr. Bakri said.

“When I heard about the London bombings, I prayed that no bombers from Britain were involved,” he said, fearing immigrants were responsible. As it turned out, the July 7, 2005, attack largely complied with this rule. Three of the four men who set off the bombs had been born in Britain; the fourth moved there from Jamaica as an infant.

Mr. Bakri says he does not condone violence against innocent people anywhere. But some of the several hundred young men who studied Islam with him say they have no such qualms.

“We have a voting system here in Britain, so anyone who is voting for Tony Blair is not a civilian and therefore would be a legitimate target,” says Khalid Kelly, an Irish-born Islamic convert who says he studied with Mr. Bakri in London.

Rule No. 5: You can lie or hide your religion if you do this for jihad.

Muslims are instructed by the Koran to be true to their religion. “Therefore stand firm (in the straight Path) as thou art commanded, thou and those who with thee turn (unto Allah), and transgress not (from the Path), for He seeth well all that you do,” says verse 112 of Chapter 11 (Hud). Lying is allowed only when it is deemed a necessity, for example when being tortured, or when an innocuous deception serves a good purpose, scholars say.

But some militants appear to shirk this rule to blend in with non-Muslim surroundings or deflect suspicion, says Maj. Gen. Achraf Rifi, the general director of Lebanon’s internal security force who oversaw a surveillance last year of a Lebanese man suspected of plotting to blow up the PATH train under the Hudson River.

“We thought the story couldn’t be true, especially when we followed this young man,” General Rifi said. “He was going out, drinking, chasing girls, drove a red MG.” But he says the man, who is now awaiting trial in Lebanon, confessed, and Mr. Rifi recalled that the Sept. 11 hijacker who came from Lebanon frequented discos in Beirut.

Mr. Voll takes a different view of the playboy-turned-militant phenomenon. He says the Sept. 11 hijackers might simply have been “guys who enjoyed a good drink” and that militant leaders may be seeking to do a “post facto scrubbing up of their image” by portraying sins as a ruse.

Rule No. 6. You may need to ask your parents for their consent.

Militant Islamists interpret the Koran and the separate teachings of Muhammad that are known as the Sunna as laying out five criteria to be met by people wanting to be jihadis. They must be Muslim, at least 15 and mature, of sound mind, debt free and have parental permission.

The parental rule is currently waived inside Iraq, where Islamists say it is every Muslim’s duty to fight the Americans, Dr. Massari says. It is optional for residents of nearby countries, like Jordan.

In Zarqa, Jordan, the 24-year-old Abu Ibrahim says he is waiting for another chance to be a jihadi after Syrian officials caught him in the fall heading to Iraq. He is taking the parental rule one step further, he said. His family is arranging for him to marry, and he feels obligated to disclose his jihad plans to any potential bride.

“I will inform my future wife of course about my plans, and I hope that, God willing, she might join me,” he said.

Notice that the minimum age for a jihadi is 15.

Also notice that the NYT bends over backwards to minimize as "miniscule" the number of jihadis who believe in this philosophy, all the while quoting Yusuf al-Qaradawi in his support of terror - and Qaradawi has a huge influence in the Muslim world.
  • Tuesday, June 12, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Fatah executed the nephew of former Hamas leader Rantisi this morning.

Fatah was killing Hamas members taken to hospitals, so now Hamas has taken over three hospitals in Gaza.

Fatah attacked "Prime Minister" Haniyeh's house twice and his office once.

A woman died of her wounds from shelling yesterday. For some reason YNet is not including her in its grand total.

Ha'aretz adds:
Both Hamas and Fatah, on Web sites and in text messages to activists, called for the execution of the other side's military and political leaders. Both sides described the fighting, which is turning more brutal with each day, as all-out civil war.

Fatah is threatening to spread the violence to the West Bank of Hamas keeps winning in Gaza. (Already there was some gunfire in Nablus.)

Tough to keep track but I believe that the count of Palestinian Arabs violently killed by each other in 2007 is now up to 310.

UPDATE: PalToday confirms total number at 19 since Monday, also that Fatah kidnapped four Hamas-niks in Ramallah, in the West Bank.

UPDATE 2: Since daybreak, it looks like the score is Hamas 1, Fatah 1 (even though Hamas appears to be winning the war hands-down.) 312.

UPDATE 3: Ma'an Arabic (6:30 PM) counts 22 dead since Monday, making our total 315. YNet (8 PM) adds two more Hamas dead terrorists in the evening, making it 317.

Ma'an English reports a total of 43 dead since Monday including 21 on Tuesday evening (10 Fatah, 11 Hamas) as Hamas seemd to capture the last Fatah post in northern Gaza. This puts our count at 336.

Ma'an Arabic, always more up to date, counts 50 dead since Monday. 343.

UPDATE 6: Two more died from their wounds. 345.

Monday, June 11, 2007

  • Monday, June 11, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Some Palestinian Arabic news services autotranslate better than others. With the Wafa News Agency, it is sometimes hard to figure out exactly what is going on. But that doesn't mean I should deprive my readers of the pleasure of trying to puzzle it out:
Injuring a number of citizens shot by Qassam and operational orientation of the house during the martyr Abu Billygoats

Beit Lahia - 11-6-2007 Lofa security sources today, injured a number of citizens shot by the Qassam Brigades and the executive power, on their way to the house of the martyr leader Jamal Abu Billygoats leadership in the "open" in the draft of Beit Lahia, north of Gaza.

The correspondent, said that a group of citizens had entered the house of Abu Billygoats besieged, where they get his body, and go to the nearest hospital, and then shot and operational elements of the Qassam fire intensity, which led to a number of them.

Recall, that Colonel Abu Billygoats a secretary of the Movement "Fatah" in the north, was killed in an attack by groups of Qassam Brigades and executive at his house in the town of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip.

The house of Abu Billygoats subjected to a blockade of Qassam and operational for four hours and they bombed missile and showered him with a barrage of bullets, which led to the destruction of parts of the house and wounding a number of his family members.

  • Monday, June 11, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an Arabic reports (autotranslated, somewhat cleaned up):
Data revealed by the international observers working at the Rafah crossing show that about 14 thousand Palestinians migrated from the Gaza Strip since the Israeli withdrawal from the sector in 2005.

The phenomenon of migration was attributed by Palestinian experts, in the Israeli Maariv newspaper which published the news, to poverty, pressure from the Israeli military and political infighting going on between Fatah and Hamas. Those factors which rose levels of despair among the Palestinians and driving them into the brain of Gaza confirmed the high magnitude of the phenomenon since the families of the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit and the concomitant pressure an Israeli military.

226,396 people have left to Egypt via the Rafah crossing since it was handed over to the Palestinian Authority, and 212,660 have returned to the Gaza Strip. This means that the residents of Gaza had declined in that period by about 14 thousand, which is equivalent to more than 1% of the total population.
I see some analogies between the Palestinian Arabs who are leaving now and the ones who left in late 1947 and early 1948. The first wave of Palestinian "refugees" were the smart and rich ones who didn't want to be around while a war was going on, so they moved to family and friends in other Arab countries by the tens of thousands right after the UN partition vote. The ones who were left behind were the ones who were most susceptible to rumor and false reports., and they were by definition less stable than their more intelligent and wealthier brothers. (I hope to get to that episode in a few weeks - I'm only up to 1928.)
  • Monday, June 11, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Nine dead today so far, including a father and two of his sons. Don't know if they are minors.

Which means that we have reached one of those grim milestones: the PalArab self-death count for 2007 is now at an even 300.

YNet counts 11 killed today, including a high-ranking Hamas member whose body was tossed near a TV station. 302.

13 today. 304.

17 today according to Haaretz. 308.

The Jerusalem Post reports 3 women and a child killed at a Fatah home early Tuesday morning. Haaretz adds a 16-year old killed earlier. It appears that these were included in the earlier count.

  • Monday, June 11, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
One would think that this news would be a bit more publicized:

It's not 1979, and we're not watching it every night on television. But Iran has taken hostages again. Does anyone care? The sounds of near silence out of Washington suggest, "not as much as we should."

On May 8, the tyrannical regime in Tehran formally arrested a 67-year-old grandmother, Haleh Esfandiari. Not a sailor or marine -- like the 15 Brits Iran held hostage earlier this spring -- Esfandiari is a U.S.-Beltway-policy wonk: She is director of the Middle East program at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars. She was forbidden exit from the mullahcracy, where she had been to visit her sick mother. At the airport, her passports were taken, and she's spent 2007 under house arrest -- and is now in the hellish Evin Prison. The regime says she's a pawn of the evil neocon Bush administration's plot to take over Iran.

Esfandiari is not the only American recently taken hostage by Iran. Her prison mate is another supposed American spy: Kian Tajbakhsh, a sociologist from the Open Society Institute (a New York group that promotes democracy). Iran has also detained a peace activist named Ali Shakeri and a journalist, Parnaz Azima, from the Persian version of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. A fifth American is missing there: Robert A. Levinson, a former FBI agent. (You can imagine what they think of him.)

That a number of these Americans do not exactly sound like likely members of the vast-right-wing-Jewish-conspiracy to do Zionist and Ugly American bidding means nothing to the terror regime in Iran, which thrives on "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" propaganda.

The news of the Shakeri arrest came down from the State Department days after the United States held talks with Iran for the first time in 25 years.

While I don't have easy answers ready for how to solve the problem that is a nuclear, jihadist Iran, I also have the hardest time squaring these negotiations with President George W. Bush's brave and morally clear insistence of "you're either with us or against us." He named Iran as part of an "axis of evil," encouraging terrorism against American citizens, of the sort we saw when jihadists killed some 3,000 Americans on our soil, none too far from where I work and live.

As its humiliation of Britain earlier this year proved, Iran is clearly in the mood to test how far it can go -- how much the United Nations and the United States will let it get away with. The answer appears to be, pretty far. A recent report from the International Atomic Energy Agency tells us that over the course of a year, Iran has gone from 164 centrifuges to 1,312. Maybe 8,000 by year's end? Clearly, we have no time to be messing around. I'm all for diplomacy in general -- but with Iran? The country fomenting violence against our troops and allies in Iraq? The country that wants to wipe Israel off the map? The country that answers our diplomatic olive branches with hostage-taking?

But we're in diplomatic mode anyway. A diplomatic mode that -- with the names Parnaz Azima, Haleh Esfandiari, Ali Shakeri, Tajbakhsh and Robert Levinson on our minds -- should have all Americans angry, nervous and praying that the Bush administration is working on something good they're keeping close to the vest. Praying that they are as skeptical of Iran as they should be. Praying that they are willing to put in place a debilitating sanctions policy and send clear signals of support to the good men and women of Iran who want another kind of life there, free of the terrorists who run the country.

George W. Bush has had his good moments of leadership on Iran. A big believer in the yearning of all men and women for democracy, he's sent signs to the democracy activists and dissidents in Iran, some of them being held in the same Evin Prison some of our American compatriots are in right now. But, as far as we know, they are not getting the help they need from us, the West.

The State Department presumably won't be as outraged as it should be by the abduction of American citizens because they care about "engaging" those who would rather talk about "Death to America." Something's got to give. And it better be us making them do the giving, one way or another.

Kathryn Lopez is the editor of National Review Online ( She can be contacted at

The State Department is not giving good signals:
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Friday the detentions show ''what kind of regime this is.'' But Rice said the situation was not akin to the seizure of U.S. diplomats three decades ago.

In an interview with The Associated Press, the top U.S. diplomat said the detentions are unwarranted but will not stop the United States from trying to engage Iran on other matters, including its disputed nuclear program and alleged support of insurgents in Iraq.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

  • Sunday, June 10, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Besides the two killed and 40 injured yesterday:

A PalArab taxi driver was murdered in Nablus;
The director of sports in the Sports Ministry said that Hamas threatened to kill him if her doesn't hire four Hamas members;
A Fatah member was pushed off a 15-story building to his death;
Fatah terrorists killed a Hamas preacher;
and Ha'aretz adds one more Fatah member killed from yesterday.

Our PalArab self-death count is rising again, with the number of Palestinian Arabs violently killed by each other this year now at 288.

UPDATE: Fatah seems to like the "throw your enemies off a building" idea. Perhaps it is not considered murder in some Koranic interpretation because it is gravity that kills him, not the guy who tossed him. Either way, they threw a Hamas guy off a 12-story building, adding to the year's count: 289.

UPDATE 2: Ma'an Arabic reports a fourth man died from Sunday injuries. 290.

PalArab "police" had a shootout with suspected drug traffickers in the Jabalya camp on Saturday, killing a 54-year old man and putting a bullet into the head of a 3 year old. If the 3-year old dies, as usual, no one will know and my count will remain under-reported. For now, we are at 291.

  • Sunday, June 10, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Asharq al-Awsat published an op-ed that is extremely rare in its honesty and criticism of the Arab world.

Ironically, the author succumbs himself to the same bigotry against Palestinian Arabs that he reveals:

Regarded by some as a temporary issue, the tragedy of the Palestinians is rarely presented to the Arab and international public opinion through the media or during political occasions. Even some Arabs and Palestinians intentionally turn a blind eye to the issue so as not to expose abuses. What is happening in Lebanon's Nahr al Bared camp today is just one such example where battles have raised an overwhelming number of questions: who are these people? How long have they lived in the camp and how? What are their rights? The answers can be found on the UNRWA's website. Tens of thousands of people crammed in undignified houses, where many of them were born and have lived for five decades.

Some Arab countries “hosting” refugees ban them from leaving [camps], from occupying a large number of positions and deny them any other legal rights. Some of them have to jump over walls and sneak out to complete their chores or to breathe and experience the outside world. One can imagine these randomly and poorly built houses during the winter chill and sweltering heat of the summer among the sewage and insufficient services. It is a shame. How can we talk about the liberation of Palestine, which we simply associate with stolen land, a desecrated mosque and a powerful enemy, while we do not allow Palestinians to settle down, earn a living or travel like all other human beings?

Our insistence to lock the Palestinians in camps and treat them like animals in the name of preserving the issue is far worse a crime than Israel stealing land and causing the displacement of people. The 60 year-old camps only signify our inhumanity and double standards. Israel can claim that it treats the Palestinians better than their Arab brothers do. It gives citizenship to the Palestinians of 1948 as well as the right to work and the right to lead a somewhat normal life, although they are treated as second-class citizens.

In Nahr al Bared and other camps, however, they are neither citizens nor humans based on weak pretexts. I cannot believe Lebanese allegations that state that they have been confining the Palestinians, being Sunnis, to camps so as not to disturb the demographic balance between the Shia and Christians. It is a ridiculous excuse that even Israel would not try to use. No one is asking for citizenship or permanent settlement for them—only permission to live like any other foreigner. Blame lies with the Arab League and Arab governments that took part in or kept silent about this moral scandal. Rather than seeking to help them or provide for their demands, they preoccupy Arab public opinion with conferences and hollow rhetoric on the issue and on refugees.

Finally, we have to be true to ourselves and ask whether the way of life of these one million people is fair.

While the article is scathing within its own context, the author still managed to soft pedal Arab abuses against Palestinian Arabs and inadvertently show how deep the Arab bigotry against Palestinian Arabs really is.

He pointedly ignores Jordan's killing over 7000 Palestinian Arab civilians in a single month - probably more civilians than Israel has killed in 40 years. He doesn't mention Syria or Egypt by name, only Lebanon. He says only that Israel can "claim" to treat PalArabs better than Arabs do - he cannot bring himself to actually admit it as a fact. And he mentions a million Palestinian Arabs in "refugee" camps - the number according to UNRWA is over 1.3 million.

Perhaps most egregiously, he himself accepts the idea that alone among all Arabs, Palestinian Arabs cannot become full citizens of most Arab countries. The idea of Palestinian Arabs becoming citizens is dismissed without discussion - of course it is absurd, of course they must remain stateless, of course we cannot treat them as true brothers.

Because, when all is said and done, even the most moderate and understanding Arab still hates Israel more than he loves his Palestinian brethren.

Friday, June 08, 2007


A single Arab family decides not to sell their house in the middle of one of the most important archaeological sites on the planet. Their neighbors do.

Israel does not condemn and demolish the Arab house. New Jewish neighbors try to be friendly, only to be rebuffed by the Arab family. The Arab can sell her house for a fortune if she decides to. She might be killed by Arabs if she does decide to sell to Jews.

The artifacts that are found at an undeniably Jewish historical site that belong to the Islamic period are not destroyed but sent to museums, including a dedicated Islamic museum in Jerusalem.

All of these facts are in the article below - but they are written in such a way as to make the homeowner some sort of hero and Israel to be the villain. Every Arab claim is made first, with an Israeli response afterwards. Indisputable facts are treated as claims. Comparisons to how Arabs have historically treated Jews in Jerusalem are never brought up. (Israel's birth is also distorted in a single, amazingly inaccurate sentence.) And Reuters proves yet again that it has an agenda, including a headline that generalizes the situation in an absurd way:
Jewish history crowds out Jerusalem Arabs
Fri Jun 8, 2007 9:09AM BST

By Dan Williams

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Widad Sha'abani is living history -- and not liking it much.

Many of the Palestinian widow's original neighbours are gone, bought out by an Israeli heritage trust. Now there are Jewish settlers next door. Beyond sprawls an archeological dig with a political programme in which she is, at best, a guest.

"We used to have a sense of community here, but I find myself a stranger among all these people," Sha'abani, 74, said in the courtyard of her two-room home, which forms an uncanny centrepiece to the open-air museum known as City of David.

Carved out of the teeming Silwan valley, below the walls of the Old City, the development is among several projects Israel has pursued in Arab East Jerusalem since capturing it 40 years ago this week -- in the Six Day War of 1967 that many Jews saw heralding a "return" to the biblical Zion of King David.

For Palestinians like Sha'abani, Israeli annexation -- never recognised abroad -- has brought some improvement in conditions but also a sense of innate alienation under the Jewish state.

Resentment runs especially deep in Jerusalem, where vying religious claims underscore a national struggle that, decades after the city's physical unification, is nowhere near resolved.

City of David's organisers receive funding from foreign donors and the Israeli government. They make no bones about their vision of boosting the nationalist Jewish population in parts of the city abounding with 3,000-year-old Judean relics.

"In the state of Israel today we have Jews and Arabs living side by side, and also in City of David are Jews and Arabs living side by side," said Doron Spielman, the project's international director of development.

"However, we believe City of David -- biblical Jerusalem, this little 14 acres of land -- should be a project which is uniquely Jewish," he said. "The roots go back to King David."

Sha'abani, a Christian who was married to a Muslim, endures a daily din of archaeologists' drilling. Tourists peer at her from City of David's reconstructed ramparts, and sometimes wander into her property thinking it is part of the dig.


There are also visits from City of David's financiers, who try to persuade her, or her sons, to sell the house and leave.

"Once they offered $50,000, and another time a blank cheque on which they said we could write any sum we wanted. But no, we refused, and we will continue to refuse," Sha'abani said.

She recalled efforts by some of her Jewish neighbours to be friendly but said cultural difference and political mistrust were insurmountable problems: "You have to be careful of their intentions. As an Arab, you know you could be manipulated."

Palestinian officials complain that East Jerusalem Arabs who sell their property to Jews often do so after years of exasperation with an Israeli municipality that is less than attentive to Muslim and Christian residents of the city.

Israelis say the transactions -- sometimes in the millions of dollars -- are legal and consensual, and brokered amid vigilante death threats to the Palestinian seller. An East Jerusalem Arab was shot dead in the West Bank last year after it emerged that a house he had sold ended up in Jewish hands.

City of David's sleekly produced Web site includes a timeline of history at the site. It skips though from 70 A.D., when the Romans razed the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, to 1882, when modern Zionism first took wing.

Israel was founded amid a war in 1948 as imperial Britain withdrew from Palestine.

Spielman acknowledged that the intervening 18 centuries after the destruction of the Temple saw extended Arab, Crusader and Ottoman rule in Jerusalem. Non-Judaic antiquities uncovered at City of David are handed over to Israeli museums, including one in Jerusalem dedicated to Islamic culture, he said.

"Our dream is to have the entire world come to Jerusalem and look to the city and see the fact that Jewish families have returned after 2000 years of exile," Spielman said.

"They live above ground and beneath their feet there is Jewish history, Arab history and Christian history."

Hat tip: Zionist Spy
  • Friday, June 08, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Any feedback on my series, A Psychological History of Palestinian Arabs, is much appreciated. I'm trying to write it as quickly and thoroughly as possible but it is certainly not as well-researched or as well-annotated as a book or published article would be. Please point out any mistakes you may think I am making.

I'm really trying to get to the 1948 post, and all that I am writing now is meant to lead up to that point. (I am very surprised that I still haven't made it to the 1929 pogroms.) That would be the end of Part 1; the PalArab psychology changes dramatically from 1948 to today and that is a series of posts in itself, if people are interested.

So far, in default word processing formatting it is nine pages long, so it is already a long magazine article. I don't think that it will end up anywhere near book-length but the topic can easily fill a book. I anticipate the next post to cover the 1929 riots and political aftermath up until 1936, part 6 will be the 1936-39 disturbances and strikes, part 7 would cover World War II. I have a feeling that part 8 may go from 1945-47 and then part 9 would be the "naqba" itself. But things can change.

On the meta level, I am wondering if I am an "historian." I know when I am making conjectures, and anything that I write that is not based on solid fact bothers me, but from what I can tell "real" historians do exactly the same thing - making assumptions about the reasons events occur that can only be based on educated guesses. Historians clearly have biases as well, and their histories reflect their biases, something I am undoubtedly guilty of.

My method is that I try hard to find consistencies in behavior that can be explained by a mindset. This is harder to do than I had thought originally in this case, because the Palestinian Arabs at this point in my history had not yet coalesced into a "people" so there are a number of competing mindsets that need to be accounted for.

But, besides the fact that I am not being as careful in writing this as I would if it was for publication, am I doing anything different than historians? I do not have access to original source materials but I am relying heavily on contemporaneous newspaper articles and books that are online, as well as more conventional histories that are also online. (Google Scholar and Google Books helped tremendously for the first two parts; the Palestine Post archives will be my major source through 1948. I expect the Time magazine archives will be invaluable during the 1950s and 60s.) I have nothing but the highest regard for historians who discover and study original source material in the original languages, but I suspect that many of them are doing pretty much the same thing I am here.

Either way, I am learning a great deal that I was unaware of and I hope my readers are learning as well.
  • Friday, June 08, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
As the 1920s went on, the Arabs of Palestine underwent some changes.

While the majority stayed the same, not caring about the political issues of the day as long as they got their pay, the Mufti's power grew. He was able to use his political and financial influence, as well as his ability to manipulate Arab masses with a well-placed rumor.

At the same time, there was an explosion in illegal Arab immigration. A drought in Hauran started in 1927 and as a result over 35,000 Hauranites moved from Syria to Palestine over the next few years, many sending money back to families they left behind. They were not alone - despite an economic recession in Palestine that started in 1926, things were still better there than in the Arab countries, and tens of thousands of immigrants, mostly illegal, streamed in from Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Transjordan and the Hejaz area of Arabia, and even as far as Yemen. In all, one demographer estimated 100,000 illegal Arab immigrants into Palestine from 1922-1931, and possibly another 100,000 between 1931 and 1933.

This influx increased Arab unemployment and crime in Palestine. It brought more uncertainty and less security to the existing Arab residents. There were complaints about foreign Arabs willing to work for less than the already settled Arabs. These newly unemployed and disgruntled Arabs were more receptive to the Mufti's racist ideology, as well as to be on his side as he fought his own political battles.

Inevitably, contact between Jews and Arabs increased as Jews continued to immigrate to Palestine as well. The Arab leaders feared the possibility of persecuted Jews moving to Palestine by the millions and raised this issue as their single biggest concern to the British, constantly hammering away at that theme.

The Arab senses of honor and community started combining in a way that reverberates today. Not only is one's individual honor fantastically important in Arab culture, but also the honor of the Arab people as well. Just as personal disgrace is to be avoided at all costs, so is disgrace to the larger Arab community.

When these two factors are put together, it means that Arabs will almost never accept the blame for anything they do - to accept blame is to bring disgrace on the community. If there is someone else to blame for any problems, no matter how far-fetched, the natural Arab tendency will be to grab onto any possible tenuous thread that supports the ability to blame the Others and escape responsibility.

In this early example, the illegal Arab immigration that caused the economic problems was swept under the rug, and a new scapegoat had to be found. Jews were the obvious first choice for that role. Even Arabs who were happily employed as a direct result of Jewish capital would side with their brethren in any conflict - to break ranks was unthinkable. Arab projection meant that rather than blame their own immigration for their problems, Arabs would blame Jewish immigration, even though all data showed that Jewish immigration improved the economy and Arab immigration degraded it.

Arab leaders know how much the people abhor breaking ranks with the larger Arab world, and they take advantage of it. As long as their selfish actions can be construed as being for the Arab community, any public disagreements or dissent is self-censored. In private, Arab individuals can and do argue and criticize their leaders, but their ability to organize any real opposition is hampered by this fear of disgracing the community at large and embarrassing the Arab world in view of the West.

In 1920 there were no real Palestinian Arab leaders so ordinary Arabs could criticize that year's riots without fear of either retribution or of disgracing the Arab nation. But by the end of the decade the Mufti had enough power, partially conferred by the British, that he knew that he could use the Arab population as yet another tool in his power base without fear of serious dissension from the masses.

His main target was the Jewish population of Jerusalem.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
  • Friday, June 08, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
In 1966 and 1967, Jordan did not exactly see eye-to-eye with Syria and the PLO. By any measure, King Hussein was far more moderate and pro-Western than other Arab leaders, and the US naturally wanted him to stay in power.

Nevertheless, it is a bit disconcerting to see the first highlighted paragraph in the following news story from January, 1967:

So the US sent arms to prop up a "moderate" Arab ruler in danger from more radical Arabs, and five months later those weapons meant to be used against the terrorists were used against Israel.

And the terrorists the weapons were meant to be used against are the same people whom the US now considers "moderate" and in need of bolstering by sending support and allowing weapons shipments....

Thursday, June 07, 2007

  • Thursday, June 07, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
The amount of paranoia and perceived victimhood among the uber-left is a wonder to behold.

Because, of course, the Zionists control the merely ultra-left.

From the first phrase:
I have never been one for conspiracy theories..."
to the final conclusion:
Just WHO is really running the show at the Daily Kos?

To this civilian journalist, justice and peace activist, politically progressive Christian, it sure smells like a right wing Zionist cabal.

This rambling posting shows how messed up the "progressive" thinkers are.
But it is really, really funny.

  • Thursday, June 07, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
It has been pointed out that the PLO was founded before there were any "territories" to be "liberated" and that this proto-terror organization never tried to fight to gain the West Bank as an independent state from Jordan.

This didn't mean that the Palestinian Arabs were happy with Jordan, though. The PalArabs who lived in the West Bank in those days, under Arab rule, were thirsting to fight Israel - and were upset that Jordan wouldn't let them, as this November 25, 1966 UPI report shows:

The PLO tried to take advantage of the situation (UPI, December 27, 1966):

The PLO, using religious imagery ("Hussein betrayed God, the Prophet and Palestine"), was complaining that Jordan didn't hate Israel enough. Because Jordan wouldn't allow Iraqi and Saudi troops into Jordan to help destroy Israel, the PLO threatened to overthrow King Hussein and replace him with someone who would.

But nowhere did they say they wanted a Palestinian Arab state in part or all of Jordan! If a Palestinian Arab textbook at the time would have shown "Palestine," no doubt, it would have shown Israel in its pre-1967 borders. People who lived in Jordanian-occupied Ramallah and Nablus didn't want to fight Jordan for independence, but Israel.

And if Israel was reduced to the size of a postage stamp, the Arab desire to wipe it out would not be diminished one bit.
  • Thursday, June 07, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
It looks like my PalArab self-death count is fairly accurate:
In its annual report, the Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizens' Rights said 345 Palestinians were killed in factional fighting in 2006.

In the first five months of 2007, another 271 Palestinians were killed in factional fighting, the commission said.
I don't know PICCR's methodology, and this annual report is not yet on their website. I don't know if they are counting clan clashes, "work accidents," "honor killings," terrorists crushed in tunnel collapses or kids who find their parents' weapons and kill themselves, all of which I count. My count was 277 as of the end of May.
  • Thursday, June 07, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
One of the sanest Arabs on the planet weighs in on the 40th anniversary of the Six Day War:
Forty Years Later, Doing Nothing Is the Best Policy


In this week's torrent of 40th anniversary recollections about the Six-Day War, one TV image cut straight to the chase: King Faisal of Saudi Arabia staring into a camera to say, "The essential point remains the total elimination of Israel."

The king's statement of principles was captured in "Six Days in June," an impressive two-hour documentary that aired Monday on PBS. It included footage from a September 1967 meeting of Arab heads of state on how to deal with Israel's crushing military victory. For all the noise about peace in the 40 years since, the Saudi monarch's silver bullet solution is still the basic Arab mindset, so much so that Faisal is still feted as a purist Arab — Al Arabi Al Assil.

For their part, Israeli leaders have come and gone since General Moshe Dayan walked up to reclaim Jerusalem's Western Wall, but none has improved on his formula — decisive force in the face of implacable enmity.

As do-gooders and militants reflect on what Israel should have done, what Arabs failed to do, what the United Nations ought to do, I vote for doing nothing.

Here is why immobility serves a higher purpose: Regardless of the peace treaties with Israel forged by President Sadat of Egypt and King Hussein of Jordan, the overwhelming majority of Arabs need more time to dismantle their war posture.

At this point, Israel's primary antagonists in this conflict, the Palestinian Arabs, are no longer an entity that can be engaged. Having dissolved into a myriad of warring gangs, there is no one to settle with. The best offer to Israel from the "democratically elected" Palestinian leadership of Hamas is a hudna — Islamist jargon for the kind of truce the Prophet Muhammad offered his enemies, a respite during which the non-Muslim party should decide to surrender or prepare to die.

On the broader Arab horizon, the best offer on the table is a revived Saudi Peace plan from one of King Faisal's successors, King Abdullah, which demands a right of return to Israel for all 5 million Palestinian Arab refugees. As generous as this seems to Palestinian Arabs, half the other Arab countries in the region insist that it should be coupled with a rolling back of Israel's frontiers to its pre-1967 borders.

Clearly, more time is needed for Arab minds to clear themselves of their confusion.

And still more time is necessary for those who would mediate peace to contemplate whether what has been achieved can be retained. Egypt's 1979 peace accord will not survive a day if the Muslim Brotherhood succeeds in its decades-old effort to topple President Mubarak's dynastic military reign.

If anything, the Brotherhood is significantly closer to that goal now than when its terrorist networks succeeded in assassinating Sadat in 1981. Like Hamas, Egypt's Brotherhood believes in the utter expulsion of what its literature refers to as the "Zionist foreign entity," and it may very well take power upon Mr. Mubarak's death, an imminent prospect for a man now in his 80s.

In Jordan, since the peace treaty of 1994, the anti-Semitic discourse has grown thicker than a coat of tar, leaving little room to imagine that peace with Israel could survive a change in leadership. There, too, the Muslim Brotherhood is perched on the treetops, waiting to pick over what it hopes will be a royal carcass.

And in Syria, Bashar Al-Assad's profoundly anti-Western, anti-Israeli, and pro-Iranian government, particularly when coupled with Hezbollah militants in Lebanon, leaves no room for peace with even the most dovish conceptions of Israel.

Indeed, it can be argued that, all around the Middle East, a no-action plan in the Arab-Israeli conflict will only help accelerate these rotting fruits' fall to the ground.

Moreover, no alternative is available. A lot of time is needed to see if there is any chance of ever going back to Iraq 2002, a place where even Saddam Hussein's rule of terror delivered more social cohesion than is evident today.

In Lebanon, a lot of waiting is necessary to find out whether it can recover even a modicum of the ethnic tolerance and civil discourse that existed prior to its 1975 civil war and the emergence of Hezbollah.

It is pointless even to think about structuring new accords with Arab societies that are relentlessly marching toward various stages of radicalism, Islamic or otherwise. It would not help, it cannot stop their macabre march, and it would not hold. A look at just the two biggest countries of the Middle East — Iran and Egypt — shows that recapturing the 1970s ethos of secularism and separation of mosque and state is an iffy proposition for the near future.

As for Israel, going forward with more unilateral evacuations, as in Lebanon and Gaza, has only liberated land for terrorist operations. But reoccupying either spot is unacceptable to the Israeli public.

All that's left is time, the great healer. The Middle East has had 40 years to appreciate the meaning of the 1967 war. A few decades more may convince all the parties that this is as good as it gets.

  • Thursday, June 07, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
9 injuries and one death so far today as Fatah/Hamas fighting flared up again. A Fatah terrorist named Fuad Wael Wahbi was killed in Rafah; in retaliation Fatah broke into the house of a Hamas member and shot him, injuring him seriously. 3 children were also hurt.

Ha'aretz adds that this round may have started when Fatah discovered a tunnel built by Hamas apparently to kill high-ranking Fatah officials at a checkpoint used by Fatah VIPs.

Our PalArab self-death count for 2007 is now at 282.

Hamas lost Saturdays round. 283.
It turns out two were killed and 40 injured on Saturday. 284.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

  • Wednesday, June 06, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
From PalToday (autotranslated):
A report issued by the assembly of the Palestinian right on the situation of children in Palestine that the larger percentage of Palestinian children suffer from chronic mental illness, including bedwetting and many other diseases due to the conditions they are experiencing psychological.

The report quoted a study prepared by a medical specialist that the Israeli practices which exceeded all limits bombing houses and tearing apart their occupants to stand behind the bad psychological situation of children.

He called the international and regional institutions and Arab intervention to rescue Palestinian children from the barbarity of the occupation and send delegations for close to reality and the establishment in Palestine of psychiatric clinics for the treatment of children.
I am amazed at how these experts just know that the unfortunate bedwetting is from fear of Jewish bullets, not Arab bullets.

Similarly, a new camp is being set up to help children get over the trauma of those Jewish overlords. From WAFA (autotranslated):
The Happy Childhood Center of the Municipality of Gaza today, the start of his summer holiday, the implementation of the first actors linger summer and lasts two weeks with two hundred children from 7-15 years.

A report by the Center for a copy of the "Wafa", the summer camp I fall into four summer camps organized by the Center during the summer vacation for schools, targeting investment of time for the long holiday in meaningful activities for the benefit of children, and alleviate the psychological pressure on the large to which children are exposed. the result of bombing and assassination, intimidation and the constant Israeli aggression on our people.

The camp programs and recreational activities and sports, cultural and artistic targeted, in addition to raising the sense of participants about good citizenship, and social support and reinforcement required for children.
  • Wednesday, June 06, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions counts about 18,000 Arab houses demolished by Israel in the 40 years since 1967. They aren't breaking down the circumstances behind the demolitions - like how many are from illegal building permits, how many from terrorists living in them, how many are on each side of the Green Line, how many Arab citizens are compensated for their houses, how many are because of unsafe living conditions, how many are from building on lands zoned for public utilities or parks, or any other meaningful statistics.

The implication, of course, is that every single home demolished by Israel is a kind of apartheid against Palestinian Arabs. There is a reason they don't break down the numbers - because the truth will not sound nearly as bad as the scary number "18,000" taken out of context.

So, let's try to provide some context with what little information we can find:

18,000 homes over 40 years comes out to 450 homes a year. So barely more than one house every day over 40 years is being destroyed in the entire country. Hardly what one would expect from systematic ethnic cleansing.

In 2005, Israel destroyed 1200 Jewish homes in Gaza alone, and I don't know how many were demolished in "illegal" settlements in the past few years but it is probably in the hundreds. Israel also destroys illegal Jewish homes within the Green Line and destroys illegal extensions on Jewish homes in Jerusalem. So for this decade, it appears that Israel has destroyed about as many Jewish homes as Arab homes.

According to the EPA, over 300,000 homes are destroyed every year in the US, mostly in inner cities. Assuming that the US is about 50 times bigger than Israel, this means that the US destroys about 13 times as many homes per capita as Israel every year.

In addition, Palestinian Arabs are building illegal homes much, much faster than Israel is destroying them. 6000 illegal Arab homes were built between 2001-2005, far dwarfing the numbers demolished by Israel for not having building permits.

But advocates for Palestinian Arabs at the expense of Palestinian Jews do not have the intellectual honesty to give any information out that might weaken their cases.
  • Wednesday, June 06, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
I've talked about Google News before and how it has an unfortunate tendency to index hate sites and anti-semitic articles as "news."

For fun, I decided to submit my site as a news site and see what they would respond. Here's the reply back from Google:
Thank you for your note. We reviewed and
are unable to include it in Google News at this time. We currently only
include articles from sources that could be considered organizations
generally characterized by multiple writers and editors, availability of
organizational information, and accessible contact information. When we
reviewed your site we weren't able to find this evidence of an

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That's all well and good, as long as they are consistent about it.

Well, they aren't.

Google News indexes a "peace" blog (Google says it is called "Baqa'a Refugee Camp, UK", while the blog itself calls itself "Desert Peace" and is based out of Jerusalem. )

Like me, he uses an alias; like me, he has no organization behind him. But unlike me, he is unremittingly critical of Israel and religious Jews, yet hardly has a bad word to say about Arab terrorists not Islamists.

"Desert Peace" is not generally a hate site (except against Orthodox Jews) and I wouldn't put it in the same category as the slime that comes out of some other Google News indexed websites like The People's Voice or Uruknet.

But if that site is considered a news site, why is mine not?
  • Wednesday, June 06, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Tens of thousands of rockets and tons of explosives to Hezbollah intended to be used against Israel can pass under the Lebanese army's eyes without a problem, but they suddenly become a bit more vigilant when the weapons will be used against them:
The Lebanese army seized a truckload of weapons coming from Syria intended for use in new battle fronts to ease pressure on Fatah al-Islam militants locked up in fierce fighting with army troops trying to crush the terrorists entrenched inside the Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr al-Bared.

The daily An Nahar on Wednesday said Lebanese authorities also discovered a depot containing more than 200 kilograms of explosives in house raids on suspected Fatah al-Islam militants in the northern Akkar province.

Meanwhile, Lebanese troops maintained their siege of Nahr al-Bared for a 17th day, fighting on-again off-again gunbattles with militants on Wednesday.
But wait - the plot thickens:
Security officials told the Associated Press the arms belonged to Hizbullah.

They said the shipment of Grad rockets and ammunition for automatic rifles and machine guns was seized late Tuesday at a random army checkpoint at Douriss near Baalbek, a Hizbullah stronghold in east Lebanon's Bekaa valley.

Six Hizbullah members in the truck were let go but the confiscated weapons were taken to the nearby Ablah army barracks, the officials said.

There was no immediate comment from Hizbullah on the weapons' seizure.
So were the weapons meant for Fatah al-Islam, for a sympathetic Islamist group allied with Fatah al-Islam, or for Hezbollah?

Since they are all supported by Syria anyway, and they all share the same Muslim supremacist ideology, these are distinctions without a difference. But here we have Hezbollah clearly implicated in smuggling arms to be used against the Lebanese army while Hezbollah is part of the Lebanese government - and yet no one has been talking about any possible Hezbollah connection to the Fatah al-Islam terrorists, until now:
The big question on everyone’s mind Ahmad Yasseen, a local analyst told Ya Libnan : “Is Hezbollah siding with the terrorists? “. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah last week warned the government not to enter the Nahr el Bared camp where the army is engaged with Fatah al Islam terrorists and trying to finish them off for the past 17 days. Nasrallah called entering the camp a “ red line” . Many anti Syrian March 14th politicians ridiculed Nasrallah for his “Red Line “. But the fact that Syria is the common denominator between Hezbollah and Fatah al Islam according to Yasseen , this has raised the question about Hezbollah position and whether it is siding with the terrorists to please Syria .

Many analysts have criticized Hezbollah for not offering to help the army in its war on terror. One analyst Ali Hussein suggested : “ Hezbollah has a lot of experience in dealing with such warfare and should offer the army a helping hand . The way the battles are going, the army does not seem to need any help but it would have been a good gesture from Hezbollah , in showing allegiance to Lebanon”

The naivete of the "analyst" in the last paragraph is particularly funny. To the Lebanese people, however, the fact that Hezbollah is still being treated with kid gloves despite its involvement in Lebanese terror is insanity.

Last summer, Hezbollah copied Hamas by kidnapping Israeli soldiers. This summer, will Hezbollah copy Hamas again by shooting rockets into Israel to try to stop a Lebanese civil war?
  • Wednesday, June 06, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon

A Palestinian Islamic militant shouts at a photographer for allegedly pointing his camera at his wife at the Ein el-Hilweh refugee camp in the southern city of Sidon, Lebanon Tuesday, June 5, 2007. (AP Photo / Mohammed Zaatari)

How does he know that that's his wife?

UPDATE: Dave at Israellycool notices that the wire service photographers love this guy. He has lots of pictures of Big Bicep Guy at his blog.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

  • Tuesday, June 05, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
The New York Times has taken notice of a MEMRI article describing how some Palestinian Arabs are saying an obvious fact t hat was previously unthinkable for them - that Israel's terrible "occupation" was better than what they can accomplish on their own:
Recently, a few Palestinian columnists have broken a political taboo by referring to the Israeli occupation as perhaps preferable to the current chaos.

For example, Majed Azzam wrote in the Hamas-affiliated weekly Al Risala in Gaza that Palestinians “should have the courage to acknowledge the truth,” that the only thing that “prevents the chaos and turmoil in Gaza from spreading to the West Bank is the presence of the Israeli occupation.”

Another Palestinian writer, Bassem al-Nabris, a poet from Khan Yunis, in the Gaza Strip, wrote in the Arabic electronic newspaper Elaph that if there was a referendum in the Gaza Strip on the question of whether people would like the Israeli occupation to return, “half the population would vote ‘yes.’ But in practice,” he continued, “I believe that the number of those in favor is at least 70 percent, if not more.”

If the occupation returns,” Mr. Nabris added, “at least there will be no civil war, and the occupier will have a moral and legal obligation to provide the occupied people with employment and food, which they now lack.”

Not surprisingly, the NYT implies that it is only the security chaos and Hamas-Fatah battles that are the reasons for this attitude, but al-Nabris went much further:
[It did not begin] with the internal conflicts, but even earlier, in the days of the previous Palestinian administration, which was corrupt and did not give the people even the tiniest [ray of] hope. The fundamentalist forces which came into power [after it] also promised change and reform, but [instead, people] got a siege, with no security and no [chance of] making a living...
MEMRI clearly gets under the skin of Arabs and terror supporters, because it shows the Arab people in such a bad light. This article accuses MEMRI of cherry-picking articles to make Arabs look bad and of being Zionist, which is of course a crime to the critics. These critics (including Norman Finkelstein, Juan Cole and Ken Livingstone) seem to believe that the blood libel accusations, videos designed to encourage children to blow themselves up to reach an amusement park paradise, and Holocaust denial is not nearly as bad as MEMRI choosing not to translate Arabic weather reports. But not once do they accuse MEMRI of mistranslating.
(H/T EBoZ)
  • Tuesday, June 05, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
There are a lot of revisionist historians out there today making absurd claims about how Israel was the aggressor in 1967. History books rarely capture the atmosphere of the time, and understanding the fear and concern in the days before the war is critical to understanding it.

From a single small newspaper, the Columbia Missourian from May 28, 1967, here are all of the stories about the Middle East situation for just that one day, on pages 1-3 of the paper:

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  • Tuesday, June 05, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:
Employees in the Nablus education directorate office were shocked to hear shooting on Tuesday coming from inside the office of the director, Lutfi Yassin. When they rushed to the office, they found an armed member of the public; there were no casualties or injuries.

Yassin, 50, told Ma'an, "An armed man broke into the office and shot inside it when we refused to give him approval to sit the 'Tawjihi' [end of school] exams because he did not meet the conditions for such exams."

Eyewitnesses said that the angry man repeated shooting in front of the department when he was forced to leave by other employees.
Why are people surprised that PalArabs who grow up learning that violence solves all problems start using violence to solve all their problems?

Keep in mind that this is not even in Gaza.
  • Tuesday, June 05, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
It doesn't get better than this:
Some 300 activists from the left-wing group Peace Now gathered in Hebron on Tuesday for a demonstration marking 40 years since Israel annexed the West Bank in the Six Day War...

However, local Palestinians threw stones at the Peace Now bus and a police vehicle after the demonstration. No one was hurt in the incident.
How perfect is that - Jews demonstrating against the "occupation" and PalArabs throwing stones at them. Makes one think that perhaps the real object of their enmity is not "occupation," but "Jews."

The Jerusalem Post, editing this article from AP, inexplicably lets this sentence get through:
The group was protesting, among other things, the occupation of a Palestinian house by local settlers in April.
I guess AP thinks that this is more accurate than saying "the legal purchase of a house by Jews in March." Because when truth and the MSM myths intersect, the myth always wins.

(H/T Shrinkwrapped)
  • Tuesday, June 05, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
HAS, which uses innovative methods to raise money for Israeli charities, now has a browser toolbar available. If you download the toolbar, JNF will plant a tree in Northern Israel, and for every 180 Google searches done through the toolbar, another tree will be planted. They have a goal for 10,000 trees.

They have a neat Flash showing the names of the people who are responsible for the trees.

The toolbar can be found here.


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