Tuesday, June 12, 2007

  • Tuesday, June 12, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Fatah executed the nephew of former Hamas leader Rantisi this morning.

Fatah was killing Hamas members taken to hospitals, so now Hamas has taken over three hospitals in Gaza.

Fatah attacked "Prime Minister" Haniyeh's house twice and his office once.

A woman died of her wounds from shelling yesterday. For some reason YNet is not including her in its grand total.

Ha'aretz adds:
Both Hamas and Fatah, on Web sites and in text messages to activists, called for the execution of the other side's military and political leaders. Both sides described the fighting, which is turning more brutal with each day, as all-out civil war.

Fatah is threatening to spread the violence to the West Bank of Hamas keeps winning in Gaza. (Already there was some gunfire in Nablus.)

Tough to keep track but I believe that the count of Palestinian Arabs violently killed by each other in 2007 is now up to 310.

UPDATE: PalToday confirms total number at 19 since Monday, also that Fatah kidnapped four Hamas-niks in Ramallah, in the West Bank.

UPDATE 2: Since daybreak, it looks like the score is Hamas 1, Fatah 1 (even though Hamas appears to be winning the war hands-down.) 312.

UPDATE 3: Ma'an Arabic (6:30 PM) counts 22 dead since Monday, making our total 315. YNet (8 PM) adds two more Hamas dead terrorists in the evening, making it 317.

Ma'an English reports a total of 43 dead since Monday including 21 on Tuesday evening (10 Fatah, 11 Hamas) as Hamas seemd to capture the last Fatah post in northern Gaza. This puts our count at 336.

Ma'an Arabic, always more up to date, counts 50 dead since Monday. 343.

UPDATE 6: Two more died from their wounds. 345.

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