The Lebanese army seized a truckload of weapons coming from Syria intended for use in new battle fronts to ease pressure on Fatah al-Islam militants locked up in fierce fighting with army troops trying to crush the terrorists entrenched inside the Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr al-Bared.But wait - the plot thickens:
The daily An Nahar on Wednesday said Lebanese authorities also discovered a depot containing more than 200 kilograms of explosives in house raids on suspected Fatah al-Islam militants in the northern Akkar province.
Meanwhile, Lebanese troops maintained their siege of Nahr al-Bared for a 17th day, fighting on-again off-again gunbattles with militants on Wednesday.
Security officials told the Associated Press the arms belonged to Hizbullah.So were the weapons meant for Fatah al-Islam, for a sympathetic Islamist group allied with Fatah al-Islam, or for Hezbollah?
They said the shipment of Grad rockets and ammunition for automatic rifles and machine guns was seized late Tuesday at a random army checkpoint at Douriss near Baalbek, a Hizbullah stronghold in east Lebanon's Bekaa valley.
Six Hizbullah members in the truck were let go but the confiscated weapons were taken to the nearby Ablah army barracks, the officials said.
There was no immediate comment from Hizbullah on the weapons' seizure.
Since they are all supported by Syria anyway, and they all share the same Muslim supremacist ideology, these are distinctions without a difference. But here we have Hezbollah clearly implicated in smuggling arms to be used against the Lebanese army while Hezbollah is part of the Lebanese government - and yet no one has been talking about any possible Hezbollah connection to the Fatah al-Islam terrorists, until now:
The big question on everyone’s mind Ahmad Yasseen, a local analyst told Ya Libnan : “Is Hezbollah siding with the terrorists? “. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah last week warned the government not to enter the Nahr el Bared camp where the army is engaged with Fatah al Islam terrorists and trying to finish them off for the past 17 days. Nasrallah called entering the camp a “ red line” . Many anti Syrian March 14th politicians ridiculed Nasrallah for his “Red Line “. But the fact that Syria is the common denominator between Hezbollah and Fatah al Islam according to Yasseen , this has raised the question about Hezbollah position and whether it is siding with the terrorists to please Syria .The naivete of the "analyst" in the last paragraph is particularly funny. To the Lebanese people, however, the fact that Hezbollah is still being treated with kid gloves despite its involvement in Lebanese terror is insanity.Many analysts have criticized Hezbollah for not offering to help the army in its war on terror. One analyst Ali Hussein suggested : “ Hezbollah has a lot of experience in dealing with such warfare and should offer the army a helping hand . The way the battles are going, the army does not seem to need any help but it would have been a good gesture from Hezbollah , in showing allegiance to Lebanon”
Last summer, Hezbollah copied Hamas by kidnapping Israeli soldiers. This summer, will Hezbollah copy Hamas again by shooting rockets into Israel to try to stop a Lebanese civil war?