Sunday, September 15, 2024

  • Sunday, September 15, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

Last week the Toronto Blue Jays gave the ceremonial first pitch to 97-year old Holocaust survivor Irene Kurtz. Here's the video, courtesy Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Center:

A heartwarming story, right?

Not entirely. Because antisemites started attacking Kurtz online.

And not just the right-wing neo-Nazi types, but self-styled "progressive anti-Zionists."

Absolutely disgusting that they had a  Israeli with a state of Israel committing genocide against the Palestinians open up for the Blue Jays

Well then she should be an expert on the Holocaust Israel is committing now.

A genocide does not justify another genocide. Fuck you Zionists

The resilience to colonize a country, kill off and drive out its inhabitants, institute an apartheid regime and finish it off with a genocide. The Zionist movement is one of the most criminal movements of the last 100 years.

She must've thrown a 6,000,000 miles per hour pitch 😳

hopefully the blue jays lose, and the genocidal state of israel is dismantled like nazi germany 🍾

People like Irene are still alive today, they live in Palestine and are victims of a genocide by Israel
I understand that one cannot generalize from social media idiots. But the evidence of true antisemitism from people who claim to be "pro-Palestinians" or "anti-Zionist" or "progressive" is so overwhelming, one would think that these people who claim they hate antisemitism along with all types of racism and bigotry  would loudly denounce the Jew-hatred from their allies, wouldn't you?

But there is no pushback. No criticism. Only silence.

In this case, the anti-Zionists and the proud antisemites share the same space, post the same bile, and are indistinguishable from each other. 

As much as the "progressive" side claims that they are motivated by morality and a genuine concern for human life, their viciousness is easily recognizable as being old-fashioned hatred of Jews. The ceremony wasn't celebrating Israel but a Jewish survivor of genocide. And left-wing antisemites are no less tolerant of anything that makes Jews appear sympathetic than neo-Nazi antisemites are. 

The Nazis of the 1930s put their antisemitism in moral terms as well, claiming that Jews must be removed because they were a threat to the purity of the Aryan race. Todays' anti-Zionist arguments are just as meritless - and just as based on hate - as the Nazis were.

And it is getting worse every day. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Read all about it here!




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