In 2007, I formulated Elder's First Rule of Arab Projection, saying that whenever Arabs accuse Israel of doing some crime, they are doing that exact crime, usually on a far grander scale than their accusations.
Since then we have the Abraham Accords, so I cannot generalize this to all Arabs, but the rule still applies to Palestinians perfectly.
A quick summary of accusations against Israel since I formulated that rule:
They claim Jews celebrate Palestinian deaths - while they openly cheer every Jewish civilian death.
They claim Israel practices "apartheid" - while they say they will not accept a single Israeli on their land.
They call Israel "Nazi"- while they consider the Nazi-collaborating founder of Palestinian nationalism, the Mufti of Jerusalem, a hero.
They say Israel is trying to turn it into a religious conflict - while they quote the Quran to prove Jews are liars and cheaters.
They claim Israelis are ethnonationalist - while their own constitution defines "Palestine" as exclusively Arab.
They say Israel is the obstacle to peace - while they have rejected every single peace plan.
They claim they want a ceasefire in Gaza - while they fully support Hamas' desire to destroy Israel.
They call Israel a "terror state" - while every Palestinian political party has a "military" (i.e., terrorist) wing.
They claim that Israel is guilty of "genocide" - when polls show Palestinians overwhelmingly support October 7 massacres targeting civilians.
Every single thing they accuse Israelis and Jews of is a projection of what they do or what they aspire to doing.
Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!
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