Friday, October 09, 2015

  • Friday, October 09, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here are two photos from Gaza rallies exhorting Arabs to stab Jews today:

Note the "bloodstains" on both knives.

A preacher in Gaza also brandished a knife during his sermon today while telling his congregants to stab Jews.

Muslims worldwide immediately denounced the juxtaposition of the holy Koran with violence, saying that these people are not true Muslims and that their use of the Koran and religion as excuse to murder innocent Jews is not acceptable.

Just kidding! You won't find a word of condemnation in any of the major Islamic websites against Muslims attacking Jews.

But it is not worth reporting. The media, by not highlighting and denouncing the daily and explicit Jew-hatred among Muslims, is condoning it.

There are a number of reasons for the lack of mainstream media reporting of every day hate like this.

One is that liberal reporters believe that Muslims really are inherently violent and it is not newsworthy when they do things like this. This means, of course, that reporters are bigoted.

Another is that journalists are worried that if they draw attention to these sorts of things, Muslims will more publicly defend terror in English and they will look bad. Hotheads might then make Islamophobic statements.

Yet another is that reporters don't care. Jews behaving badly is a major story; Arabs behaving worse is simply not interesting.

Finally, there is the meme that Arabs and Jews are the same, and they have equal moral claims to the land. By showing how, by any conceivable measure, the Arab side is far more supportive of violence than the Jews, it might weaken this meme of both sides being equal.

So accurate reporting be damned. Some stories must be buried, for the greater good.

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