During Hillary Clinton’s tenure as America’s top diplomat, the State Department vetoed at least two planned events involving former President Bill Clinton due to concerns they could upset delicate Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations, according to emails newly obtained by POLITICO.Why would Bill Clinton's meeting with Bibi or speaking at an event upset the State Department?
Top aides to Hillary Clinton were involved in heading off a meeting between former President Clinton and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in July 2010, as well as a speech the former president was planning to give at an event later that month marking the tenth anniversary of unsuccessful Camp David peace talks at the end of Bill Clinton’s term, the records show.
The email messages underscore how Middle East-related issues were among the most sensitive the State Department and the former president’s team sought to navigate while his wife was secretary of state.
Bill Clinton’s attempt to meet Netanyahu in New York in July 2010 was derailed after National Security Council Mideast staffer Dan Shapiro flagged NSC Chief of Staff Denis McDonough to the plan based on information picked up from top Netanyahu adviser Ron Dermer.
“Dermer told me that President Clinton asked to see the PM when he is in NYC,” Shapiro wrote. “The PM will also do interviews, a Jewish community event and a speech at CFR [the Council on Foreign Relations].” Dermer is now Israel's ambassador to the U.S., while Shapiro serves as the U.S. ambassador to Israel.
I cannto find a legitimate reason. It just feels like petty, anti-Israel politics where Israel cannot be seen as being "rewarded" by talking with the former president.
Notice that the State Department had no problem with another former president, Jimmy Carter, from meeting with Palestinian leaders including Hamas leaders, and Muslim groups, over the past six years.