From Yediot Aharonot's Alex Fishman, translated by Yoel:

...The rift [between Israel and the US] was worsened [in 2012] when it became clear that the CIA, headed by general David Petraeus, tried hard to recruit Israeli citizens that served in classified units and worked for Israeli and American high-tech firms on US soil. The move was probably approved by Obama.
The CIA had CVs of some of these Israelis and knew their military background. In some cases Israeli high-tech employees were stopped at JFK and questioned for hours, which later turned out to be an attempt to recruit them to the CIA. These attempts involved former IDF soldiers who served in classified units, one of them being questioned for over ten hours. Eventually the Israeli consul and his security officer arrived on the scene. They quickly understood this isn't a mere innocent questioning and got the Israelis out of the airport.
Israel strongly protested this to the highest echelons of the US government. The Americans denied these were recruitment attempts, claiming instead that these were mere bureaucratic delays due to problems with the Israelis' work permits and fears they may be trying to immigrate to the US.But after these high-tech employees were questioned in Israel it became clear that the one questioning them wasn't an immigration official but a CIA recruitment officer who was interested in their military background.
The Americans were looking for ways to access the IDF's classified units so they can know Israel's strike plans for Iran.
...It turns out that [in 2011-2012] Israel had a substantial contribution to US intelligence, providing it with intelligence it couldn't obtain on Iran's nuclear facilities.
As exposed by Edward Snowden, at that time the Israeli Prime Minister, the Defense Minister and their aids were under constant US that time Israel also cancelled the joint military exercise with the US army. More over, Israel even prevented an Aegis guided missile cruiser to enter its territorial waters.
...The White House likes to portray the crisis as a result of Israel launching planes to Iran in preparation for striking its nuclear reactor. But leaking Israeli classified material in order to portray it as rash and irresponsible when it comes to Iran has become a US hobby.
In Israel they were those who thought this kind of treatment would end once the Americans reached an agreement with Iran. But old habits die hard. The latest leak is probably part of a "warm welcome" for Defense Minister Yaalon, who will be visiting the US this week, and Netanyahu, who will be visiting it next month.
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