Yesterday I reported that Moroccan Jews were alarmed at an anti-Israel demonstration where there was a performance showing supposedly orthodox Jews trying to demolish the Dome of the Rock when they are stopped by heroic Arabs, "stabbed" and "executed."
One of the organizers of the rally named Osidon responded by saying that the Jews are making a big deal out of nothing, because Moroccan jews don't dress the way the characters in the play did.
He then attacked the victims for even mentioning it.
He said that "those who promote the petition critical of what happened in the rally are trying to exploit the nobility of being against racism in general, and forget that the occupation of Palestine is based on racism. They are trying to create an atmosphere of tension and intimidation of members of the Jewish community to things they were not exposed to in Morocco. "
Osidon said that "those who try to exaggerate such facts to convince the Moroccan Jews that they are in danger are inciting them, and these attempts are fully compatible with the Zionist schemes intending to twist the conflict into a religious conflict, as well as to push the fine Jewish community of Morocco to escape, by promoting a climate of intimidation, which does not have a factual basis."
There you have it. Those who call out explicit Jew-hatred are the racists.