Yet he is. And the reason is because Israel's "peace partners" look at this person who explicitly wanted to destroy all Jews as their role model.
Here is Mahmoud Abbas praising the Mufti in a 2013 speech, one where he specifically also praised Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists as "martyrs."
History is important - because every claim of Palestinian Arabs against Israel is based on false history.
It starts with the myth that there was a separate, distinguishable "Palestinian people" before 1948. There wasn't. There were Arabs who did not think in terms of national borders, who freely moved between Syria and Palestine and Morocco and Egypt as they needed to for economic of other reasons. the idea that the people who happened to be in the area of British Mandate Palestine in 1948 are magically labeled "Palestinian" is an arbitrary fiction. They fully expected to be integrated into neighboring Arab nations the same way many of them had moved to Palestine over the previous century.
That is just one of many myths that animate the Palestinians today.
If the entire Palestinian Arab claim is based on false history, it is Israel's obligation to keep correcting it.
But the case of the Mufti is even worse, because the praise for him is happening today.
If a Confederate flag is offensive today, then how much more offensive is praise for a man who openly espoused and helped participate in the murder of millions of people?
The Mufti gave a speech in November 1943, after he was aware of the Final Solution:
26 years ago the Jews received the Balfour Declaration so they could build a national Jewish homeland. The British betrayed the Arabs and Islam by supporting the Jews. Jews are selfish.He may have even been planning to build death camps in Palestine for the Jews (same link.)
They think they are the chosen people and that all the other people of the world are meant to serve them. The Jews are the enemy of Islam – they are the ones killed the prophet Mohammad!” The Mufti continues, “The Jewish British minister [Benjamin] Disraeli bought the Suez Canal, thus paving the way for the British to conquer Egypt. And Algerian Jews helped France occupy Algeria. ...The Arabs – and especially the Muslims – must expel the Jews from Arab countries.
This is the ultimate solution.
The prophet Mohammad used this solution 1,300 years ago.
The Treaty of Versailles was a disaster for Germany and for the Arabs, but the Germans know how to get rid of the Jews, and this is why the Arab world has such close relations with Germany.
The most important thing is that they have found the final solution to the Jewish problem. Time is working against the Jews even though the Allies are helping them.
So, yes, the Mufti is important to remember - because by praising the Mufti, the Palestinian Arabs are condoning his hate. And that is a big deal.
The irony is that this "father of Palestinian nationalism" was in the forefront of wanting Palestine to become part of Syria in the early 1920s.
Which indicates the real truth we can learn from history, and is borne out even today:
Arabs in Palestine never really wanted a state so much as they wanted to ensure that the Jews didn't have one.