Naturally, Arab media outlets love an American-born supposed international law expert. (So does France24, where he is a frequent guest.)
He writes for Ma'an:
This comfortable situation for Jewish Israelis, with the occupation being essentially free of costs and even inconvenience, must change. It could change either through nonviolent economic and political pressure sustained by the Western world or through violent insecurity sustained by the occupied Palestinian people.Yes, this international lawyer has just written his official justification for terrorism. But only the type of terrorism that he approves, that gets the proper results.
European states could apply meaningful and intensifying economic sanctions to Israel until it complies with international law and relevant UN resolutions and withdraws fully from occupied Palestine. Simultaneously, European states could apply strict visa regulations to all Israelis, requiring those seeking to visit Europe to provide clear documentary evidence that they neither live nor work in occupied Palestine.
In light of the years that the European Union has spent agonizing over even properly labeling the produce of illegal settlements sold in Europe, there can be scant optimism that European politicians will soon see it as in their personal interests to play such a principled and constructive nonviolent role.
Unfortunately, that leaves only violent insecurity. While one cannot advocate violence against civilians, one can nevertheless hope that such violence as does occur is limited in nature and produces constructive results. The current low-tech, knives-and-screwdrivers violence, producing a great deal of fear and anxiety but relatively few Jewish Israeli fatalities, may be the most effective and lowest-cost form of violence capable of producing the essential change in Jewish Israeli perceptions of their own interests.
If seemingly random and unpredictable attacks on Jewish Israelis were to continue for a significant period of time, they just might cause a critical mass of Jewish Israelis to conclude that perpetual occupation and oppression are not, in fact, the best of all possible worlds for them and that the quality of their lives would be enhanced by ending the occupation and permitting the Palestinian people to enjoy the same freedom and human dignity – whether in two states or in one – that Jewish Israelis demand for themselves.
You have to break a few eggs, or kill a few Jews, to make a really delicious omelet.
Whitbeck doesn't think it is worth mentioning that many of the attacks are happening within the Green Line. He doesn't seem to think that perhaps the wave of attacks is forcing Israelis to re-evaluate whether Palestinian Arabs could ever be a peace partner, and is pushing them to the right.
Which means, in Whitbeck's bizarre worldview, if Israelis are too stubborn to give in to terror as he demands, then the terror will have to be ratcheted up, and up again, until they realize that they must do the right thing that the murderers want them to do. Because "occupation" is a far worse evil than murdering lots and lots of Jews.
Whitbeck is a truly disgusting person.