UNRWA is non-political in nature and orientation. Our mandate rests on humanitarian and human development work and is underpinned by core United Nations precepts of neutrality and impartiality.
Last week, UNRWA students in Lebanon held a rally "supporting the Jerusalem intifada and supporting the Al Aqsa Mosque":
They were saying things like "With our blood and soul we will redeem you, oh Al-Aqsa" and "Million martyrs marching towards Jerusalem."
This rally was ostensibly organized only by the students of an UNRWA school, not the staff, even though it seems unlikely that students themselves could organize such a rally without logistical help from adults.
It also is difficult to conceive that these students that happen to go to an UNRWA school decided on their own to do something that contradicts the supposedly non-political nature of their lessons.
Moreover, this article indicates that a similar rally held yesterday in Lebanon was organized by UNRWA itself.
On Sunday, UNRWA schools in Lebanon organized a rally of solidarity with the Palestinian people and their legitimate struggle for freedom, return and independence, and in condemnation of the "Israeli" aggression and the repeated incursions at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
UNRWA's pretense to be non-political is more and more absurd every day.
(h/t Ibn Boutros)