Friday, October 30, 2015

From Ian:

Caroline Glick: Rabin's true legacy
Abbas’s actions at the UN this week, where he called for the world to protect the Palestinians from Israel while back at home he simultaneously continued his calls for Palestinians to take up knives and take to the wheel of their cars to murder Israelis, cannot come as a surprise.
They are of a piece with the PLO’s previous diplomatic machinations from 2000 to 2003 in the wake of its terrorist war against Israel.
Those machinations led the US to form the so-called Quartet with the UN, Russia and the EU and embrace the road map for peace, the most anti-Israel diplomatic document to have ever seen the light of day, in 2003.
Today Abbas uses terrorism at home to convince the UN to dictate the terms of Israeli surrender in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem to the PLO.
Abbas and Arafat succeeded 12 years ago and may succeed today for a number of reasons beyond Israel’s control, but also for one reason that Israel does control.
Abbas is able to succeed at the UN in part because Israel refuses to acknowledge that there never was a peace process. Arafat lied to us, and to the world, about his intentions, and we lied to ourselves about the nature of the Palestinian war against us. So long as we continue to play along with this tired charade, we will be unable to conceive and implement a diplomatic defense that is coherent and effective against the mountains of lies and murder on which the PLO has based its war against Israel for the past 55 years.
Israel contributes to the PLO’s diplomatic success at the UN because it refuses to do what Rabin recognized was necessary 20 years ago.
Rather than learn from his record, Israel has spent the past 20 years distorting his record.
The time has come to do justice to Rabin and end the Oslo process once and for all.
Vic Rosenthal: If you live in the Middle East, act like it
Yesterday, international talks on the ‘crisis’ (funny word, since it’s been going on for several years) in Syria were scheduled to start in Vienna.
Participating will be at least Russia, the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Iran. CNN reports that “18 nations, plus the European Union, were invited to the meeting.”
I don’t need to tell you which particular nation, which just happens to border on Syria, which has been hit recently by ordinance fired from Syria, and which has a great stake in the outcome of events there, was not invited.
In the case of the Syria talks, Israel should demand, loudly, to be included. If the US or anyone would prefer not, then they should be forced to publicly explain just why they are taking this racist (because that is what it is) position.
The editors of Ha’aretz and the tiny elite that they serve don’t think Israel ought to be a Middle Eastern country. They would pick it up and fly it to Canada if they could. But it is, and it should act like one.
Shabbat shalom to everyone!
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Blasts UNRWA, Praises UN Watch for Exposing Antisemitic Incitement

Knesset Education Committee slams incitement in Palestinian schools
Palestinian Media Watch director Itamar Marcus presented his organization’s report on Palestinian Authority education, which assessed the prominent educational messages that could impact peace with Israel.
The report documents that in formal and informal educational frameworks, killers of Israelis are portrayed as heroes and role models, and that children are taught that Israel will eventually be replaced by “Palestine.”
At least 25 Palestinian Authority schools are named after terrorists; three are named after Dalal Mughrabi, who led the most lethal terrorist attack in Israeli history in 1978, killing 37 civilians, 12 of them children.
Marcus showed the MKs a film from PA television, in which a student expressed pride “to attend the Dalal Mughrabi School, which bears this pioneering name,” and another student said her “life’s ambition is to reach the level that the martyr fighter Dalal Mughrabi reached.”
Another clip from televised news in the PA showed a boy saying he learned in school to “fight the Jews, kill them and defeat them,” and another told children that Jews are “Satan with a tail.”
The report also contains chapters on incitement in Palestinian textbooks, educational materials glorifying Hitler, and the PA policy of blocking joint peace-building activities between Palestinian and Israeli children.
Marcus explained that the messages Palestinian children are receiving are nationalist – that Israel is not legitimate on any borders and its existence since 1948 is an occupation – and anti-Semitic – that Jews are evil by nature, descendants of monkeys and pigs, and fated to be killed by Muslims.

Watch: 'Israel is allowing terror education in its capital'
An unusual discussion was held in the Knesset's Education Committee on Thursday, in which Palestinian Authority (PA) education system incitement to terror was analyzed.
Arutz Sheva spoke with activist David Bedein to learn more about why the event was so important.
Bedein noted that in the meeting, a researcher presented findings regarding the contents of the roughly 200 books published and used by the PA school system.
"The Arab members of the Knesset went a little bit crazy and started and started screaming and tried to disrupt him but that didn't matter, because he proved that the kids are learning jihad, the kids are learning suicide bombings, the kids are learning how to 'liberate all of Palestine.'"
He noted that a particularly telling revelation was made by representatives of the Foreign Ministry and the Education Ministry who were present.
Fighting PA Incitement

Melanie Phillips: Netanyahu’s mufti firestorm
These enemies react with fury to evidence of the grand mufti’s Nazi enthusiasm because this destroys the fiction that the Palestinian cause so dear to their hearts is noble. This cause is in fact the direct heir to a genocidal project.
We know that Nazi doctrine whipped millions of Germans into murderous frenzy. We also know Soviet propaganda turned truth and lies inside out and brainwashed millions.
Yasser Arafat learned from the Soviet Union how to rewrite history and capture the minds of the credulous. Mahmoud Abbas, whose doctoral thesis denied the Holocaust, hero-worships Husseini. Palestinian propaganda reproduces vile Nazi tropes of Jew-hatred.
Last century’s Islamist ideologues drew on both Communism and Nazism. The Palestinian cause likewise fuses Islamist and Nazi ambitions with Soviet psychological warfare. This explains not just the frenzied war against Israel, but why so many in the West are cheering it on.
That is the context of Netanyahu’s mufti firestorm.
The mufti's mysterious escape
During the recent uproar over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks on the WWII-era grand mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, the media failed to underline the important fact that although the mufti had collaborated with the Nazis, he was never brought to trial. The story of his detention in France and his subsequent escape is little known to the public, but has significant repercussions.
In May 1945, with the German surrender, the mufti chose to turn himself in to the French occupying troops in Konstanz, believing France to be the most convenient asylum. The French authorities granted him numerous VIP privileges: a comfortable villa in the Paris region, free correspondence, telephone calls, and special food from restaurants. He was allowed to receive visitors and money and keep his two faithful secretaries, and afforded some degree of freedom of movement.
The French police guarding the villa were apparently more preoccupied with securing the mufti's safety than with preventing his escape. The French authorities were also preoccupied with the demands of Great Britain, Yugoslavia, the Jewish Agency and Jewish American organizations to extradite the mufti in order to bring him to trial as a war criminal. The French realized that rejecting this demand could harm their relations with their allies. On the other hand, they were under massive pressure by the Arab states and feared that allowing the extradition might undermine their prestige in the Arab and Muslim world. Hence the mufti's detention in France became a "hot potato" for the French authorities.
In May 1946, the mufti escaped by taking a TWA flight to Cairo using a fake passport. It took 12 days for the seemingly relieved French authorities to report his disappearance from the loosely guarded villa. The local police chief was held responsible and punished. In their internal reports, however, the French concluded with satisfaction that the mufti affair had been successfully handled and that it had boosted French prestige in the Arab world.
'Intifada'? More like The Empire Strikes Back
One month on since the current escalation in Arab terrorist attacks began, it seems clear that the latest "intifada" has been a spectacular failure.
Far from cowing Israelis into submission or even utterly annihilating every Jew - down to the last man, woman and child - as its advocates vow repeatedly to do, a stoically resilient Israel has thumbed its nose at the "knife intifada." Yes, it has hurt at times, and yes people are more wary, but a nation that withstood the horrific suicide bombings and mass-shootings of 2000-2005 are not about to be defeated by a few suicidal thugs wielding knives, axes and sharpened rulers, intoxicated by social media incitement and a misplaced sense of Arab-Islamic supremacy.
That Israeli resilience is pointedly (if somewhat crudely) summed-up in a recent satirical video mocking threats by ISIS to join the fray, featuring lyrics such as: "You don't get it? Here we aren't afraid of terrorist attacks. Ten of you dead for every one of us injured!"
Even the very Palestinian groups inciting this latest convulsion of terrorism - Hamas, Fatah and co - quite clearly do not buy their own bravado
Why Hamas Has Not Unleashed Violence From Gaza
Israel’s internal security services, the Shin Bet, said earlier this month that the Palestinian militant group Hamas is among the key drivers of the violence raging in the West Bank and Jerusalem. The group’s leader, Ismail Haniyeh, has called for an intifada, or uprising. Yet, he hasn’t unleashed Hamas’ huge arsenal of rockets or its trained fighting forces from the Gaza Strip, the territory he controls. Hamas has one foot in the uprising and one foot out.
Gaza has hardly been calm. Clashes along the border between Gaza and Israel have been happening daily, with breaches prompting the Israel Defense Forces to fire on the crowd. But, as Israeli journalist Amos Harel points out, Palestinian Islamic Jihad – the smaller Iran-backed militant group – was believed to be behind the border incidents, while Gaza’s Salafi groups that have been firing the rockets.
The absence of a concerted push for violence out of Gaza can be traced to a Qatar-led initiative to facilitate the reconstruction of Gaza after last summer’s war. Doha is a strong financial and political patron of Hamas. The Qataris are no friends of Israel, but they currently share with the Jewish state a fear that the next war between Hamas and Israel could topple their proxy and leave a chaotic power vacuum that would be filled by Salafi groups and Islamic State wannabes in the Gaza Strip.
Though Hamas is surely tempted to join the unrest, it is restrained by the memory of last summer’s devastating conflict and the certain knowledge that a new war would only compound Gazans’ misery. And they also know how difficult it has been to negotiate reconstruction after last summer’s war.
The Egyptians have, since the rise of Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, destroyed more than 1,700 smuggling tunnels and recently flooded the border with seawater to destroy additional tunnels. This, coupled with Israel’s tight control over its own border and its blockade of Gaza from the sea, has made it impossible for Hamas to rebuild on its own.
To compensate, Qatar negotiated a quiet agreement with Israel to facilitate reconstruction in Gaza, selling it to both sides as a means to forestall the next conflict. Qatar is now operating multi-million dollar projects in Gaza. It even offered to fund an electricity generating facility based in Israel, no less.
JCPA: Stabbing at a West Bank Supermarket – A Blow to Coexistence?
The stabbing attack of a woman outside of the Rami Levy supermarket in the Etzion Bloc on October 28, 2015, will require a special investigation.
According to Western logic, including Israelis’, Palestinians have a vested interest in keeping their jobs in stores and factories near the Jewish settlements in the territories. Common wisdom generally believes that cooperation between Palestinians and Israelis must be a role model and encouraged, not a target for attack.
But some Palestinians – including the Palestinian Authority – see things differently. They fear that being involved in economic cooperation with Israelis will alienate the Palestinian people from “the struggle” and therefore must be prevented. This includes the Rami Levy stores.
It is important to recall that as soon as the Etzion Bloc complex opened, Palestinian police put up checkpoints, confiscated the shopping bags of Palestinians and chased the workers. The Palestinian Authority is also opposed to workers who work in Israeli industrial zones in the West Bank.
Therefore, Israel’s policy of positive economic gestures may convince the West of its good intentions, but the Palestinian Authority itself is opposed to these gestures and sees them as an obstacle to maintaining their struggle against Israel.
Police shoot one Palestinian, run over second in Ramallah clashes
Two Palestinians were moderately wounded Friday afternoon during fierce clashes with Border Police in the West Bank city of Ramallah.
A police unit shot and wounded a Palestinian who was about to throw a Molotov cocktail. As medical officers dispensed first aid to the wounded Palestinian, a second Palestinian approached the first responders with a sharp object in his hand. Identifying a clear danger to the officers on the scene, the commander in a jeep ordered his driver to get closer in order to prevent a stabbing, police spokeswoman Luba Samri said.
The driver struck the second Palestinian, wounding him. Both Palestinians were moderately hurt, and no Israeli forces incurred any injuries, the police said.
2 hurt in stabbing attack in Jerusalem; attacker shot
Two people were injured as a result of a stabbing attack in Jerusalem on Friday.
According to police, an Israeli man in his 20s sustained moderate injuries after being stabbed near the Ammunition Hill light rail station on Bar-Lev Street by a 23-year-old resident of Kfar Akeb in East Jerusalem. A second man was injured by police gunfire when security forces tried to subdue the attacker, who was shot and critically wounded.
“From our initial investigation we believe that a terrorist armed with a knife arrived at the station and stabbed a civilian, injuring him. He then attempted to stab another civilian, but did not succeed,” police spokeswoman Luba Samri said.
“Light rail guards that were on the scene, other civilians and Border Police officers that were nearby subdued the terrorist. As a result of the gunfire, an additional civilian was injured, with a gunshot wound to the leg,” Samri said.
The victim with the stab wounds was treated on the scene by paramedics before being taken to Shaare Zedek Medical Center. According to Magen David Adom, he was in stable condition.
Two Palestinians attempt stabbing attack in West Bank; 1 shot dead, 1 injured
Two Palestinian men attempted to stab a group of Border Police officers at the Tapuah Junction in the West Bank on Friday morning and were shot by security forces. One died of his wounds and the other was in critical condition, according to police.
The Border Police troops were not hurt in the attempted attack.
According to a police statement, the two Palestinians arrived at the junction on a motorcycle, dismounted and advanced toward a Border Police officer knives in hand. Another officer spotted the two and opened fire at them.
The incident was the latest in over 60 separate attacks against Israeli civilians and security forces over the past month. Ten Israelis have been killed and dozens wounded in a spate of stabbings or attempted stabbings by Palestinian assailants since October 1.
Drive-by shooting attempt in Samaria
Arab terrorists on Thursday launched a drive-by shooting at a hitchhiking station adjacent to the town of Ofra, located in the Binyamin region of Samaria.
IDF forces on the scene responded by opening fire at the terrorists' car, which fled towards the Arab town of Yabrud.
Currently the soldiers are conducting a pursuit after the terrorists.
No one was wounded in the drive-by shooting.
The incident comes less than an hour after Arab terrorists hurled firebombs at an Israeli car adjacent to Ofra.
No damage or wounds were reported in the firebomb attack.
2 Israeli women hurt in separate stone-throwing attacks
Two Israeli women were injured Thursday night in separate stone-throwing attacks on their cars.
A woman was lightly hurt when stones were thrown at her car on Route 60, near the Karmei Tzur settlement, north of the West Bank city of Hebron. The woman, who is pregnant and was cut by glass shards, was taken by Magen David Adom rescue personnel to Shaare Zedek hospital in Jerusalem.
Hours earlier, a woman in her 60s was lightly wounded in a stone-throwing attack on her car on Route 431, close to the central town of Ramle.
Magen David Adom paramedics administered first aid treatment at the scene before evacuating the woman to Assaf Harofeh hospital near Rishon Letzion, the Maariv website reported. She sustained wounds to her face from the stones and from shattered glass.
The woman was travelling with her 8-month-old grandson at the time. The child was unhurt in the incident.
Yehuda Glick Attacked 1 Year, 1 Hour, 1 Minute after Murder Attempt
Rabbi Yehuda Glick escaped injury and even death in a rock-throwing attack Thursday night, exactly one year, one hour and one minute after a Jerusalem Arab tried to murder him.
Glick was critically wounded by four gunshots at point-blank range but made a miraculous recovery.
He was riding last night in a car driven by Rabbi Re’am HaCohen of Otniel, where Glick lives.
The car was pelted in a rock ambush between Beit Omar and Karmei Tzur, one of the favorite places for Palestinian Authority terrorists to try to murder Jews with a direct hit in the face or by causing the driver to lose control of his vehicle and crash.
Glick’s wife told The that the Arabs had ambushed several Jewish motorists and that a woman in a vehicle ahead of Glick and HaCohen’s was injured.
IDF imposes new restrictions on West Bank Palestinians as attacks persist
The army began implementing a series of dramatic new measures on Thursday to separate the Jewish and Palestinians populations in the West Bank in an attempt to curb the stabbing attacks that have plagued the area in recent weeks, an IDF official said.
Hebron and the Etzion Bloc have seen nearly daily attacks against civilians and security forces in the past week. In response, the Israel Defense Forces said that it would not allow Palestinian males between the ages of 15 and 25 to pass through Hebron’s Jewish settlement, except those that live in the surrounding area, who will be forced to undergo a thorough security check.
Meanwhile, an Etzion Bloc council leader said soldiers would separate Palestinian and Jewish residents at the Gush Etzion Junction, which has been the site of multiple terror attacks.
“In Hebron, since October 1, a total of 13 stabbing attacks or foiled attempts were carried out by Palestinians against civilians and security forces,” an IDF spokeswoman told The Times of Israel.
Watch: Border Police train for stabbing attacks
Border Police Platoon Commander Course trainees are being taught how to deal with Arab knife attacks as the Arab campaign of terror continues.
Video from Channel 2 shows the trainees practicing various scenarios and learning from mistakes made in previous attacks, some of which were documented on video.
The trainer teaches the trainees that Arab attackers aim for the neck because they know that policemen wear bulletproof vests.
One scenario practiced involves a food vendor who suddenly attacks police. A similar situation occurred earlier this week, when an Arab terrorist tried to stab a security guard at the Jalame checkpoint, near Jenin, before being shot and killed. The 16-year-old terrorist was able to approach the guard by pretending to sell snacks called Krembo, which are made of a creamy filling coated with chocolate.
Terrorist drew a heart for his parents, went out to murder Jews
According to the indictment, over the last two years the terrorist frequently stayed and worked illegally at a barber shop in Kafr Qassem, located just northeast of Petah Tikva.
While staying in sovereign Israel without a permit, he decided to launch an attack to murder Jews, and therefore obtained a knife and hid it in his pants pocket. He picked central Petah Tikva as a target given the high concentration of potential Jewish victims.
Before setting out from Kafr Qassem to launch the attack, Waridat left a letter written in Arabic at the barber shop, addressed to his parents.
"(Al-)Aqsa you are not alone," he wrote in the letter, declaring the need to "defend" the mosque on the Temple Mount, and his decision to become a "martyr," while asking his parents' forgiveness.
At the end of the letter, the terrorist drew a heart, and in it wrote: "the Aqsa in our hearts." He then got on a bus for Petah Tikva.
Once there the terrorist took up a position in front of Ofer Mall and picked out a Jewish victim. He snuck up behind the man, whipped out the knife and while shouting "Allahu akbar" (Allah is greater) and "Al-Aqsa" forcefully stabbed him repeatedly.
18-Year-Old Female Terrorist Charged With Attempted Murder; Indictment Includes Details of Near-Deadly Attack
A Palestinian girl was indicted on Thursday morning for the attempted murder of a Jewish man in Jerusalem earlier this month, the Israeli news website nrg reported.
Eighteen-year-old Shorouq Dwayyat, a resident of east Jerusalem’s Tsur Baher neighborhood and a student at the University of Bethlehem, was charged with inflicting multiple stab wounds on 36-year-old Daniel Rosenfeld near the Lions’ Gate of the Old City.
During the attack, Rosenfeld managed to reach for his gun and shoot Dwayyat, and both were treated on the scene by paramedics, before being evacuated to the Hadassah Medical Center in Ein Kerem.
A detailed account of the attack in the indictment, summarized by nrg, reveals that Dwayyat left her house in the morning of October 7 with a 12-inch kitchen knife and screwdriver in her purse – and murder on her mind.
13-year-old terrorist indicted, says 'wanted to be a shahid'
Thirteen-year-old Ahmed Manasra, who together with his cousin stabbed and critically wounded an Israeli boy in Jerusalem earlier this month, was charged with two counts of attempted murder on Friday.
Manasra made headlines in recent weeks when Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas claimed in an Oct. 14 speech that the boy had been "executed" by Israeli security. In reality, he was being treated at an Israeli hospital.
On Oct. 12, Manasra and his 15-year-old cousin stabbed a man, 20, who was walking along a Pisgat Ze'ev street, and then a boy, 13, as he was getting on his bicycle after exiting a candy shop. Both victims survived the attack.
The indictment said that Manasra had met his cousin, Hassan, on his way home from school that day. The two "talked about the situation at Al-Aqsa mosque, the living conditions in Gaza, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, and decided to be shahids [martyrs] -- to be killed in the battle for Islam by way of committing a stabbing attack in effort to kill Jews," the indictment said.
Activist killed by terrorists led Facebook incitement suit
An American educator and peace activist who died this week of wounds sustained in a Palestinian terrorist attack two weeks ago was the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit against Facebook for allowing the posting of Palestinian pages that incite violence, his son said Thursday.
The lawsuit was filed in the United States by Israeli rights group Shurat Hadin days before the attack that critically injured Richard Lakin, 76. Lakin, an elementary school principal and 1960s civil rights activist in the U.S., worked for peace and coexistence after moving to Israel. On Oct. 13, two Palestinians boarded a bus in Jerusalem and began shooting and stabbing passengers. Two men were killed in the attack and Lakin was critically injured. Ten other passengers were wounded.
The lawsuit argues that the Palestinian posts include caricatures and videos demonizing Israelis, graphics with instructions on "how to stab a Jew," and calls for attacks against them. Other posts glorify recent attacks and hail the murderers as heroes.
Jews, Christians rally for Israel in Kiev
Around a thousand Ukrainians held a solidarity rally outside the Israeli Embassy in Kiev on Wednesday, waving flags and banners proclaiming “No to terrorism” and, “The Christians of Ukraine for Israel.”
A number of Jewish and non-Jewish organizations jointly organized the demonstration, which brought together Jewish tycoons and MPs such as Vadim Rabinovich, who runs the All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress, and Oleksandr Feldman, the founder of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee.
“Peaceful people are dying on the streets of Israel from the knife murderers and terrorists,” declared Rabinovich, according to local website “Many have come today because we in Ukraine have felt what terrorism is. We know what it is to lose our homes. We know what it is, when people are dying.
“You see today the shared representatives of different faiths. All these people hate terrorism,” he continued.
“I am very grateful to everyone who came. I think that Ukraine will always carry in its heart hatred of terrorism.”
Peace partner? Abbas's Fatah discusses expansion of 'intifada'
The West claims that Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas is a “peace partner” for Israel, even as his Fatah party continues to encourage terrorist attacks against Israelis.
On Thursday, representatives of Abbas’s Fatah movement met in Beirut with representatives of Hamas, headed by Khaled Mashaal, to discuss ways to expand the wave of terrorism, which they call an "intifada" against Israel.
According to a report on Hamas’s website, the two sides agreed on the need to thwart "the Israeli plan" allow religious Jews to worship on the Temple Mount, to bring an end to the "occupation", dismantle the Israeli "settlements" and protect the holy places, headed by Jerusalem.
The report further said that the sides also agreed to coordinate the work of the Palestinian Arab factions in the struggle against Israel and in promoting the implementation of the national reconciliation plan.
The Hamas delegation was headed by Mousa Abu Marzouk and the Fatah delegation was headed by Azzam al-Ahmed, a member of the group’s central committee.
Abbas to meet ICC prosecutor as terror attacks persist
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas will meet on Friday with ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda at The Hague, Palestinian officials said, amid the current wave of Palestinian terror against Israeli civilians and security forces in Israel and across the West Bank.
It will be Abbas’s first meeting with the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court since the Palestinian Authority sparked controversy by joining the tribunal in January, an official with the Palestinian mission in The Hague told AFP.
Abbas, who is in the Netherlands as part of a European tour, would visit Bensouda “in the context of the grave Israeli escalation in occupied Palestine,” the official said, asking not to be identified. Israel has accused Abbas of helping fuel the terror surge, in part by peddling “lies” about purported Israeli plans to change the status quo at Jerusalem’s contested Temple Mount holy site.
Hamas declares another 'Day of Rage' Friday
Hamas is calling for a “Day of Rage” on Friday throughout Judea and Samaria and encouraging rioting and clashes with IDF forces.
In a statement issued by Hamas on Thursday evening, the organization welcomed the "heroic actions" of young Palestinians, saying "the enemy understands only the language of force".
Meanwhile, the deputy leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, called on Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas, to rebuild the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and to act to preserve the “Al-Quds Intifada”, as he calls the current wave of terror.
Speaking to the Hamas newspaper Palestine, Haniyeh said that Abbas should summon a meeting of the PLO's interim leadership to establish a unity government and prepare for elections.
Haniyeh demanded a discussion on the “Palestinian national strategy” in order to protect the "Al-Quds Intifada" and put an end to any intervention (a hint at the United States’ initiative) which seeks to “stifle” the intifada’s goals.
Palestinian Arab terrorist groups have called for a “Day of Rage” nearly every Friday over the last few weeks.
ADL chief: Western media's pursuit of equivalence warps Israel reporting
The western media frequently misrepresent events in Israel, Anti-Defamation League national director Jonathan Greenblatt said during a brief 48 hour solidarity visit to the Jewish state on Thursday.
Greenblatt, who recently succeeded longtime ADL chief Abraham Foxman, told The Jerusalem Post, “Much of the media reporting doesn’t contextualize what’s been happening here,” and so he wanted to come and “see for myself, talk to people, and understand first hand.”
People abroad often get a skewed view of events here, he continued, explaining that the “Western media often looks for equivalence, and so in that effort to find equivalence and a quote on quote ‘story,’ they often end up warping the reality and the facts on the ground.”
BBC WS ‘Newshour’ amplifies Israel delegitimising lawfare campaign
Coomarasamy did not tell listeners is that the incident portrayed in this exhibit took place during the 51-day conflict between Israel and terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip in the summer of 2014 or that the Tannur neighbourhood is located in Rafah and that the August 1st 2014 counter-offensive there took place because Hamas had broken a ceasefire by kidnapping Lt Hadar Goldin. Neither did Coomarasamy clarify that of the 41 Gazans killed in that particular counter-offensive in Rafah, 12 have been identified as terrorists and 13 as civilians, with the rest categorized as undetermined, but “of fighting age”.
Coomarasamy also refrained from informing audiences that Amnesty International’s campaign of ‘lawfare’ against Israel includes the use of this incident and he likewise made no effort to explain what the organization called ‘Forensic Architecture’ is and who is behind it or that it also partnered Amnesty International in the production of an app called ‘the Gaza Platform’ which reproduces and promotes one-sided and inaccurate information put out by two of AI’s lawfare partners – Al Mezan and the PCHR.
So, whilst failing to make any effort to provide BBC audiences worldwide with either the context or insight into the political motivations behind the exhibit to which he gave amplification, Coomarasamy did propagate the notion that Israeli actions during a military campaign brought about by terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians should be lumped into the same “ultimate crime” category as criminal murders, political murders and genocide.
Times of London journo buys into Amnesty’s latest anti-Israel smear
Earlier we posted about a Guardian report which legitimized baseless accusations that Israeli police are planting knives on innocent Palestinians after summarily executing them.
Additionally, a new Amnesty International report on Israel buttresses this Palestinian ‘narrative’ in a report which suggests a “clear pattern…of lethal force being used unlawfully by Israeli forces” against Palestinians.
As NGO Monitor and the blogger Elder of Ziyon demonstrated, however, the Amnesty report relies almost exclusively on anonymous testimony, and presents nothing in the way of hard evidence to support its allegations.
Evidently, Times of London journo David Aaronovitch is among those who uncritically accept the claims of such egregiously biased NGOs, as he wrote the following in an article which actually condemned, as divisive and anti-peace, efforts to boycott Israel.
BBC WS ‘Newsday’ passes up opportunity to inform on Palestinian politics
However, if listeners were expecting to hear analysis and information which would enhance their understanding of an issue which the BBC has repeatedly cited over the past few weeks as a factor driving the current wave of terror in Israel, they would have come away disappointed.
Although [Denis] Ross provided some interesting anecdotes and insight into his negotiations with Yasser Arafat, unfortunately the brief item did little to counter the chronic deficit of information suffered by BBC audiences on the topic of why negotiations have repeatedly failed or to provide them with a view of Ross’ broader approach to the issue.
That wasted opportunity gives all the more reason to expect BBC promotion of the selectively framed theme of ‘Palestinian frustration’ as a cause for terrorism to continue.
Terrorist? Motorist? It’s all the same to the BBC’s Kevin Connolly
He next promoted a theme which has been dominant in his own previous reports and in other BBC coverage: the description of attacks directed at Jews (rather than “Israelis” as Connolly suggests) as ‘random’ events. Concurrently, Connolly ignored the known affiliations of some of the attackers with terrorist organisations and, predictably, refrained from telling listeners about the connecting thread between all those ‘random’ attacks: incitement.
“Israelis see their country as an island of democracy in a region of chaos and Islamic extremism and they crave a sense of normality. The attacks of the last few weeks have punctured that sense. They have been the work of individual Palestinians who’ve decided to take knives from their kitchens to randomly stab Israelis – soldiers, police officers and civilians. In one case a motorist drove his own car into a queue of pedestrians, with deadly intent. Those knives tear at the fabric of daily life here. Jewish Jerusalem is an edgy place these days where people suddenly feel that any Palestinian might be a knife attacker; any passing car might pose a deadly danger.”
But just in case listeners were by now drifting off message, Connolly brought them back with more promotion of equal suffering and inaccurate portrayal of violent riots as “protests”.
Yogev urges Zoabi to 'go away to Syria' in angry debate
"We must put an end to the dispossession and occupation," Zoabi ranted. "That is the real terror - murdering Palestinian children, shooting them straight in the head. For this, [Israeli will be] prosecuted by the International Criminal Court at The Hague."
At that point, committee chairman and United Torah Judaism MK Yaakov Margi burst in, asking Zoabi "was an 'I' (for the IDF - ed.) written on the knives they used to stab Israeli civilians?"
The radical Arab MK dismissed Margi's question, charging: "How many Palestinians have been killed in the last two weeks?"
She was eventually kicked out of the meeting after refusing to apologize - not before prompting laughter from the audience as she paused to retrieve her cell phone charger.
MK Moti Yogev (Jewish Home), sitting near Zoabi at that moment, turned to her and snickered: "In Syria, there are no chargers."
Margi tried to silence the Jewish Home MK, who continued by urging Zoabi to "go to Syria - you'll get your charger there."

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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For 20 years and 40,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.


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