Caroline Glick: Abbas must be stopped
As for the incitement, the government needs to go to the source of the problem – Abbas’s blood libel regarding Jewish rights to the Temple Mount.Why is the world ignoring a wave of terror in Israel?
As things stand, Abbas is exacting a price in human lives for his obscene anti-Jewish propaganda about our “filthy feet defiling” the most sacred site in Judaism. By barring elected officials from visiting the Temple Mount, not only is the government failing to exact a price for Abbas’ obscene propaganda. It is rewarding him and so inviting Abbas to expand his rhetorical offensive.
To remedy the situation an opposite approach is required. Rather than bar elected officials from visiting the Temple Mount, Netanyahu should encourage them to do so. Just as he sent a letter to Jordan’s King Abdullah telling him that Israel is preserving the status quo on the Temple Mount, so he should write a similar letter to our lawmakers.
In his letter, Netanyahu should say that in keeping with the status quo, which protects the rights of members of all religions to freely enter the Temple Mount, so he commits the government to protect the rights of all believers of all religions to ascend the Mount.
The Palestinian terrorist onslaught now raging against us is not spontaneous. Abbas has incited it and is directing it. To stop this assault, Israel must finally take action against Abbas and his machinery of war. Anything less can bring us nothing more than a temporary respite in the carnage that Abbas will be free to end whenever he wishes.
Not only has the Palestinian Authority failed to condemn these barbaric terror attacks, they have now, incredibly, sought to condemn Israel for defending ourselves. Abbas is surely giving new meaning to the term "chutzpah". Is this really a sign of a leader who yearns for peace?
Only when the Palestinian leadership unequivocally renounces terrorism and roots out and condemns all those who preach violence against Israel and hatred of the Jewish people, can there be hope for real peace.
As the PA continues to insist that the world recognize a Palestinian state, one must ask exactly what type of state it wants: one that teaches the virtues of peace, or incites and glorifies terror?
In a groundbreaking speech on Islamic extremism this July, the British Prime Minister David Cameron made clear, if you say “violence in London isn’t justified, but suicide bombs in Israel are a different matter” – then you too are part of the problem.”
To all those people who fail to condemn this Palestinian terror, or find ways to excuse, equivocate or minimize it, I say the same – "then you too are part of the problem."
Palestinians: What will happen to the Israelis when you take back Palestine of 1948 (Israel)?
David Horovitz: Netanyahu’s message to Israelis: Trust me, and we’ll beat this terror war, too
Amid a new terror phase, marked by a surge over recent days in what might be described as Palestinian “suicide stabbings” — relentless attacks by lone terrorists, across Israel and in the West Bank — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened a press conference Thursday night to try to reassure an increasingly worried public.Khaled Abu Toameh: Abbas to Israeli government: Stay away from our Islamic and Christian holy sites
He didn’t announce a raft of new measures, but he and his security chiefs set out several central themes that served to underline that Israel is again on something akin to a war footing:
1. This is part of an endless battle against those who want to kill us: Israel has been fighting terrorism since “the start of the Zionist enterprise,” Netanyahu said early in his press conference. Fighting it, and beating it. Today we’re tackling “terrorists who have been incited and are filled with hatred.” And Israel, he promised, will prevail in this phase of the ongoing struggle too. (Half of the hundreds of Palestinians arrested as terror suspects in recent weeks are minors, Internal Security Minister Gilad Erdan said a little later — hundreds of young minds incited to violence.)
Palestinian factions on Thursday called to step up protests in the West Bank and east Jerusalem following prayers on Friday.How not to respond to Palestinian violence
The appeal came as Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas voiced support for a “peaceful popular resistance.”
“We won’t be dragged to their [Israel’s] level.
We won’t use violence or force. We believe in peace and peaceful popular resistance, which is our right and must continue as long as there is aggression,” he told reporters in Ramallah.
Abbas expressed support for Palestinians “who are defending the Aksa Mosque and are suffering a lot for the sake of defending it.”
Addressing the Israeli government, he said: “Stay away from our Islamic and Christian holy sites. We want peace and our hands will continue to be extended toward peace despite all our suffering at your hands.”
Abbas said that the Palestinian flag would be raised over the Aksa Mosque and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre when a Palestinian state is established.
The Netanyahu government stands at a strategic crossroads in shaping this country's security future. The wrong response to the current round of Palestinian violence and terrorism will not only inflame the situation, but will weaken Israel for the long term.Israel is one major terror attack away from Operation Defensive Shield 2
Israel should avoid making the following conceptual and tactical mistakes:
Don't buy into the nonsense that the violence in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, Kiryat Gat, Petach Tikva, Tel Aviv and elsewhere is "uncoordinated" and "spontaneous," or conducted by "lone wolves" and "volunteer martyrs" without direction.
The youths conducting most of the attacks know very well how to read signals from above. They have excellent ears. Which leads to my next point:
Don't ignore the incitement to violence coming from Palestinian political and religious leadership.
From Mahmoud Abbas' repeated lies about Israeli threats to destroy the Jerusalem mosques, to his ugly talk about "filthy Israeli feet" invading the Temple Mount, to his exaltation of terrorists and his salary payments to families of terrorists, to the bloody glorification of knifing and bombing attacks that is running around the clock on Palestinian Authority television stations and Internet sites (as graphically documented this week by a shocking documentary on Channel 10) -- it is clear that Palestinian leadership is stoking, not stifling, the violence.
When Netanyahu asked defense officials, he was told: "No, this is not an intifada." But reality is lying. An intifada is a popular uprising aimed at a civilian population with the goal of harming innocents. We are one successful terrorist attack away from Operation Defensive Shield 2.Counter-Terror Expert: Hamas Behind Latest Violence, Abetted By Fatah Incitement
If the Itamar attack would have ended with the murder of not just the Henkin couple but also their four children, you can be certain that we would be in the midst of Defensive Shield 2, just as the Passover bombing of the Park Hotel in 2002 led to Defensive Shield 1.
What to make of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas? Is he an inciter? Or is he working to calm things down? While Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon adamantly claim that the head of the PA is inciting to violence, IDF officers say the opposite is the case.
According to senior military officials, Abbas is the man most responsible in the West Bank for curbing terrorism. He has ordered his security forces to thwart attacks and maintain security cooperation with Israel. He is exercising his power to ensure that all is being done to prevent acts of terrorism.
One could be forgiven for thinking that Netanyahu is just waiting for this wave of terrorism to pass. There is no doubt, however, that we are dealing with one of many waves of terrorism. Those that are forthcoming will be much more violent, much more severe.
The terrorist organization Hamas is behind the latest wave of violence in Israel and the West Bank, aided by incitement from the Fatah party of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, counter-terror expert and Likud MK Anat Berko said today.With terror raging, Abbas is in a state of denial
Berko noted that both Hamas and Fatah will sometimes claim credit for terror attacks perpetrated by the rival group, so it was likely that many of the waves of stabbings and vehicular attacks were being done by Hamas cells, even though Fatah-affiliated groups have taken ownership of them.
“I remember a few years ago when I interviewed a terrorist and he told me, ‘I wake up in the morning Hamas and go to sleep Fatah,'” Berko said. “Many times it’s playing a role, especially if they want to empower themselves or they want not to take responsibility.”
Berko stated that a third intifada is not yet underway, since Abbas and the PA are trying to stifle things lest they “lose…their position and Hamas will take over in the same process we saw in the Gaza Strip.” She also pointed out that while Abbas may try to calm things down, he is also responsible for “a lot of incitement…especially around the Temple Mount.” Unfortunately, she warned, Abbas may not have the ability to control the passions his incitement has stirred.
Unlike Abbas, Prime Minister Hamdallah addressed what he called a “popular awakening” focused in Jerusalem.Toward the Abyss in Jerusalem?
“What is taking place is a popular awakening caused primarily by the attempts of the Israeli occupation to divide the al-Aqsa Mosque according to [visiting] time. If it succeeded in doing so, it will certainly move to a physical division,” he told Palestinian news website Dunya al-Watan.
Abbas and his government have effectively been echoing the rumors and misinformation disseminated on Palestinian social media, rather than refuting them. By doing so, the PA leadership has pandered to populism, keeping the debate in the emotional realm rather than attempting to bring it into the rational.
By consistently demonizing Israel and its government in Palestinian public opinion, Abbas is cutting the branch on which he is perched. His followers will find it difficult to forgive a leader who accuses the Israeli government of executing a toddler in cold blood while at the same time calling for the resumption of negotiations, as he did on Tuesday. If Abbas’s propaganda is to be believed, Hamas is the only credible alternative.
We are not quite beyond the point of no return. The PA leadership is trying now belatedly to turn back from the course of confrontation. The factors listed above have not vanished. But the Palestinian Arab Muslim population of the West Bank is closer to a new uprising than at any time over the last ten years.Police brace for new attacks ahead of Friday prayers
This time around, the ‘uprising’ has so far taken the form of nihilistic and barbaric attacks on individual Jews (including a small child in the case of the attack in Jerusalem’s Old City).
In 2000, the model for Palestinian armed activity was Hizballah. This time, the current model of local successful ‘resistance’ is obvious. It is the Islamic State. There is still time for the Palestinians to turn back from the course of collision. Hopefully they will choose to do so. The monsters likely to surface west of the Jordan River in the course of a new Intifada will serve the interests of neither people.
Security forces were gearing up Friday morning for anticipated violence ahead of Friday prayers in Jerusalem, following a 48-hour period that saw seven stabbing attacks on Israelis throughout the country.Israel hit with 4 stabbings in second day of widespread terror
Thousands of troops were set to be deployed in Jerusalem’s Old City and throughout the West Bank in a bid to quell the spate of attacks that swept Israel in the past week, in which dozens of Israelis were injured and two men — Aharon Banita and Nehemia Lavi — were knifed to death in Jerusalem.
Meanwhile, Hamas officials called a “day of rage” Friday in the West Bank, prompting fears of widespread rioting. Hassan Yousef, a West Bank leader in the Islamist group, released a statement urging Palestinians to carry out attacks, according to the Ynet news site. Yousef threatened that the West Bank and Gaza Strip would “burn.” The report noted that the statement was unusual for Yousef, who has been trying to keep a low profile.
A second consecutive day of multiple terror attacks and nationwide unrest rocked Israel Thursday, with four stabbings and numerous other clashes leaving some 20 people injured.Israelis buy pepper spray, sign up to self-defense courses as stabbing attacks surge
A 25-year-old yeshiva student was in serious condition after he was stabbed near a Jerusalem Light Rail station on Thursday morning. A second Israeli was lightly hurt after he wrestled the Palestinian attacker in an attempt to prevent him from fleeing the scene. (By Friday, the student had regained consciousness and was in stable, moderate condition.)
Three hours later, five people were lightly injured in Tel Aviv when a Palestinian assailant attacked passerby with a screwdriver. Another Israeli man was seriously wounded in a stabbing attack near Hebron in the West Bank on Thursday afternoon. Following hours of surgery, his condition was said to be stable. (He too regained consciousness on Friday.) In Afula, in northern Israel, an Israel Defense Forces soldier was moderately hurt in a stabbing around 7 p.m.
The Tel Aviv terrorist was killed by a soldier on the spot, while the Afula and Jerusalem attackers were taken into police custody. The Hebron stabber remained at large.
Clashes, stone-throwing, and demonstrations were also reported throughout the country.
Haboleshet Spy Shop on Ibn Gavirol Street in the heart of Tel Aviv is usually a quiet place. The store sells spy equipment such as surveillance cameras and voice recorders concealed in pens, as well as electric shockers, clubs and pepper spray.Israeli injured in Kiryat Arba stabbing, teen wounded in Jerusalem
But Thursday was not quiet at all, say co-owners Avi Wachsman and Eyal Daniel.
“We completely sold out of pepper spray, shockers and clubs,” Daniel told The Times of Israel. “We sold three weeks’ worth of inventory in a single day, about 100 items in total.”
Daniel said the customers were from all walks of life: men, women, teenagers, even children and elderly people. “They all said they’re here because of the unpleasant security situation we’re in.”
The last several days have seen a wave of stabbing attacks throughout Israel. Amid the ongoing wave of terror, Israelis are seizing on the means to protect themselves.
“You can tell that people are feeling stressed,” said Daniel. “They want a tool to defend themselves if they get attacked.”
On Israel Radio Friday morning, another shopkeeper reported selling out his entire stock of pepper sprayin the past two days. “It’s legal,” he said, “and people feel they need protection.”
A Palestinian man stabbed a 47-year-old police officer during a security check at the back entrance to the Kiryat Arba settlement on Friday, a day after a 31-year-old Israeli sustained serious stab wounds in an attack in the same location.Attempted Afula stabber identified as Nazareth woman
Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics arrived at Kiryat Arba security gate, by the road that leads to Hebron and evacuated the officer to the Sha'arei Tzedek Medical Center with light wounds, MDA said.
On Thursday, MDA paramedics found a seriously injured man suffering from stab wounds to his chest, stomach, and back.
The hospital listed him as being in serious condition.
Moti Onger, a senior MDA paramedics who reached the scene on Thursday, said he found a fully conscious man with stab wounds, and began providing him with life-saving medical treatment on the spot, which included bandaging the wounds, providing liquids, and blood infusions.
A woman shot by security forces in the northern city of Afula on Friday morning after trying to stab a security guard was identified as a resident of the predominantly Arab Israeli city of Nazareth.Stabbing in Jerusalem, One Wounded Terrorist stabs Jews in Shmuel Hanavi north of Old City
The woman, whose name has yet to be announced, was shot after she brandished a knife and attempted to stab a security guard, police said.
Footage captured at the scene shows the woman holding a knife, while surrounded by IDF soldiers and security guards. In Hebrew and English, they instructed the woman to put down her weapon.
Israel Police arrived at the scene and again told the woman to drop the knife. When she refused again, soldiers and police officers shot her in the lower body.
The woman sustained moderate wounds and was evacuated to the city’s Ha’emek Hospital, emergency medical services said.
An Arab terrorist stabbed and lightly wounded a 16 year-old Jewish teenager on Friday on Shmuel Hanavi Street in Jerusalem, located north of the Old City between it and Hebrew University's Mount Scopus campus.Mob Attack on Car Caught on Video
Security forces managed to arrest the terrorist shortly after the stabbing occurred, following a brief manhunt.
Magen David Adom (MDA) and United Hatzalah medics were dispatched to the scene to treat the victim, who suffered wounds to his upper body and was listed in light condition; he was transferred to Hadassah Medical Center at Mount Scopus.
"When we arrived at the scene, there were a lot of security forces and witnesses there," MDA medic Zohar Maman stated Friday afternoon. "They took us to the 16-year-old teenager who was fully conscious, he was up and walking around and complained of a pain in his shoulder, after a medical examination we found the stabbing wound, we gave him medical treatment and transferred him to hospital in light and stable condition."
An initial investigation into the attack suggests the terrorist - a Palestinian Arab - first approached the Jewish teenager and began punching him before stabbing him; the victim claimed that he did not initially feel the stabbing, and began chasing after his attacker. Police are still searching for the weapon used in the crime.
Video footage shot Thursday, apparently by a security camera, documented an attack by an Arab mob on an army vehicle at Hazayit Junction on Highway 35, which crosses Judea.Second Stabbing in Kiryat Arba, Terrorist Eliminated
Miraculously, the terrorists did not attack a car that had been driving in front of the military vehicle, in which a woman and three children were travelling.
The officer escaped unharmed. The car was rock-proofed, although despite the reinforcing considerable damage can be discerned on the windshield.
It appears the IDF officer was not in the vehicle during the moments documented in the video, having managed to flee the scene beforehand.
An Arab terrorist on Friday afternoon stabbed a police officer at the western gate of Kiryat Arba leading to the adjacent city of Hevron in Judea.Watch the Madness: Terror Stabbing in Afula
The victim was lightly wounded, reportedly in his hand and leg, and the terrorist tried to escape after stealing the officer's gun. He was shot and eliminated by Hevron district police.
After receiving medical treatment on the scene, the wounded officer was evacuated to Shaare Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem by Magen David Adom (MDA) medics.
The attack reportedly took place near the Hazon David Synagogue, where just minutes later dozens of people were scheduled to gather for afternoon prayers.
The terrorist apparently was aware of the imminent prayers, but attacked early before numerous other potential victims arrived at the scene.
Video from a security camera shows the moment at which an Arab man attacked an IDF soldier in Afula Thursday.Israeli youth stabs four Arabs in Dimona attack
The attack took place on Arlozorov Street. Magen David Adom (MDA) and United Hatzalah crews were called to the scene and provided medical treatment, afterwards evacuating him to Ha'emek Hospital in the city.
An update from the hospital revealed that the soldier was suffering from moderate to serious wounds, and had been taken to the trauma unit for treatment.
An angry group of passersby tried to hit the terrorist after he stabbed the soldier, and then as police officers tried to protect the terrorist they reportedly clashed with the officers. According to the reports, several were arrested in the altercation and taken in to Afula police station.
An Israeli teenager on Friday morning went on a stabbing spree in the southern city of Dimona, wounding three Palestinian men and a Bedouin Arab.PreOccupiedTerritory: Now That Jews Have Also Attacked Arabs, BBC To Report Violence (satire)
Two men were moderately to seriously wounded, while two other victims were being treated for light wounds, the Magen David Adom first-aid service and police said. Three were evacuated to Soroka Hospital in nearby Beersheba, MDA said.
The stabber attacked one man at a shopping center and then advanced to another location next to a local school, where he stabbed three others. A security guard then tackled and restrained the suspect, 17, until police arrived.
Police called the attack “nationalistic,” indicating that it was likely retaliation for a rash of recent Palestinian attacks against Israelis, which have triggered an escalation in anti-Arab rhetoric in recent days.
The suspect, who reports said has a criminal background, confessed to the stabbing, saying that he thinks “all Arabs are terrorists.”
According to the city’s mayor, Benny Biton, three of the victims are municipal employees. In a statement, Biton expressed sorrow and called on residents to “exercise restraint” in the wake of the attack.
Editors at the British Broadcasting Corporation’s Jerusalem Bureau have given correspondents the green light to report on the spasms of deadly Arab violence hitting Israel over the last two weeks, now that there is also at least one incident of a Jew attacking Arabs.Police Bust Terror Cell With 13 Pipe Bombs for Temple Mount
Nigel Bias, BBC Jerusalem Bureau Chief, sent a Twitter message to the reporters under his aegis today, informing them they were free to begin filing articles and tweeting about the violence. “Rprts of Jew stabbing Arab, attempted lynch mean u may process stories on violence now,” he wrote.
A Jewish teen stabbed four Arabs in the southern town of Dimona this morning and police rescued several Arabs from a potential lynch mob in coastal Natanya last night, after more than a week-and-a-half of intense stoning, stabbing, shooting, and other deadly actions by Palestinians against Israelis. The many Arab-on-Jew incidents garnered no mention in BBC materials during that time, despite numbering more than two hundred, but now that the British journalists have a story involving violence perpetrated by Jews, they are clear to report on the situation.
The correspondents will continue to adhere to other editorial guidelines regarding Israel common in British, European, and most American media, such as omission of the Palestinian leadership’s corruption and central role in their people’s misery, and the constant incitement in official Palestinian media to attack Jews. In several cases a BBC correspondent has been disciplined for neglecting to cast doubt on Israeli humanity and adherence to norms of behavior, but Bias said he believes the staff have been properly trained and vetted following embarrassing missteps that forced the organization to apologize.
Three Arabs were arrested in a joint operation by the Israel Police and the Israel Security Agency (ISA or Shin Bet), it was cleared for publication Friday, for preparing a weapons cache to use against security forces on the Temple Mount.At least 5 Palestinians die in clash with IDF along Gaza border
The Jerusalem District Attorney filed an indictment against the three - two adults and one minor from the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber - in the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court.
The accused acted together to make tube-type explosives to hurl at security forces over the High Holidays in light of Palestinian Authority (PA) incitement over the Temple Mount, the indictment states.
Two adults purchased equipment and explosives for the cache from PA controlled territories, and transported them to the minor's home, where he would assemble the bombs. Security forces found some 13 pipe bombs in his home.
The ISA and the Israel Police carried out the raid on the three last month, finding ten of the pipe bombs in the minor's home in the middle of the night in the days before Rosh Hashanah. The minor, who was not home, was arrested several hours later.
At least five Palestinians from the Gaza Strip were killed and 19 hurt when IDF soldiers opened fire on a crowd of protesters from Hamas and Islamic Jihad as they approached the border fence with Israel on Friday, Palestinian sources said.'Jerusalem intifada' hashtag widely being shared among Palestinian activists
One of those killed was a 15-year-old boy, Palestinian sources said.
The incident began with some 200 Palestinians approaching the security fence in northern Gaza, closest to Kibbutz Nahal Oz.
“They began throwing stones and rolling burning tires at Israeli forces,” an Israeli army spokesperson said.
IDF troops, who remained on the Israeli side of the border, opened fire at the protesters, who were approximately 150 feet (50 meters) away, in order to break up the protest and push them from the fence, the spokesman said.
As violence continues to rock the holyland over the past several days, the hashtag "#Jerusalem intifada" is widely being shared online among Palestinian youth activists, AFP reported Friday.The Social Media Intifada: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube Used Extensively for Promoting Violence Against Israelis
A Facebook page adorned with masked youth throwing stones, declaring in Arabic "the (uprising) has been launched," has also been setup as clashes and stabbings continue to persist.
In the age of smartphones and social media, Palestinians have at their disposal a range of tools to help spread images of protest and violence that is having a profound impact on this latest round of violence.
This week, footage of a 19-year-old suspect being shot and killed by police after allegedly stabbing and wounding a teenager in West Jerusalem last Sunday garnered over 100,000 views.
"Every day we see a new martyr and the least that we can do to show solidarity is to change our profile pictures and share images," a Palestinian youth told told AFP on condition of anonymity.
Still, Nahshon admits, “It is not certain that removing such clips from social media will have an effect” on the current security situation in Israel, or on the Palestinian populace.Activists Hold 'Jewish Lives Matter' Rally in New York City
“Remember, social media sites cannot do anything of this sort in advance,” he said. “They react to what is reported by other users and then flagged. So, for every film they remove, another one crops up.”
But, he insisted, “We have to continue being vigilant.”
According to Nahshon, the Foreign Ministry – which has a digital media department — is aided in this “vigilance” by organizations like Palestinian Media Watch and other hasbara (public diplomacy) agencies, “as well as by our embassies throughout the world – because not all of the material is in English.”
Watchdog bloggers also keeps regular tabs on antisemitic and anti-Israel activity on social media. In particular, pro-Israel blogger “Elder Of Ziyon” has been following the hate-filled posts of teachers employed by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), funded mainly by Europe and the United States. Complaints to the relief organization and the U.N. often lead to the removal of particular posts. New ones continue to appear on a regular basis, however.
Asked why the Israeli government should allocate resources to what he described as an uphill battle, if the Sisyphean challenge may not bear fruit, Nahshon was adamant in his conclusion: “This is an ongoing struggle, which could take a very long time. But we are obligated to conduct it. Ultimately, it will have been worth the effort.
In the face of the terror war being perpetrated against Israeli Jews, hundreds of Chabad Lubavitch Jews and a contingent from Americans for a Safe Israel (AFSI) demonstrated in front of the Israeli UN Embassy in New York City Thursday.Congressman: Abbas is Not a Partner for Peace
Showing solidarity with their Jewish brethren in Israel, the protesters carried placards that read “Jewish Lives Matter.”
The Chabad flyers stated “Send the message: the Israeli Government must respond to 36+ terror attacks in 3 days,” and, “We can not remain silent.” Supporters were directed to #JEWISHBLOODISNOTCHEAP on Twitter.
The numerous speakers included New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind, and Judy Kadish and Helen Freedman, Co-Executive Directors of AFSI.
“The demonstration was an attempt to strengthen the resolve to live and settle the Land of Israel, and to encourage Prime Minister (Binyamin) Netanyahu and his government not to buckle under the intense international pressures now being orchestrated by the Obama Administration, the EU and the UN,” Freedman stated.
The recent terror wave in Israel is “treacherous”, Congressman Peter King, the Representative for New York's 2nd congressional district, told Arutz Sheva in a special interview on Thursday.New York Congressman: PA Leaders Seek to Destroy Israel
“This is an example of what Israel has to live with every day,” he said, adding, “The fact is you have Palestinian terrorists and no matter how much Israel tries to reach out, no matter how much the international community tries to justify the Palestinians, the fact is Israel lives under the gun, lives under the knife, and their people are always at risk.”
“Too many people outside Israel, including people outside the United States, don’t realize how dangerous it is to be an Israeli in Israel,” continued King.
Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas, said King, “has too often tried to have it both ways. He’s tried to pose as a world statesman but the reality is that too often he looks the other way and even encourages Palestinian violence.”
Republican Congressman Lee Zeldin of New York's first district told Arutz Sheva that the Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership seeks to destroy Israel, and as long as that is the case there is no "peace partner."MEMRI: Columnist In Palestinian Authority Daily: My Daughter Made Me Happy Me When She Said, 'I Want To Carry Out A Martyrdom Operation And Kill Some Israeli Soldiers'
"It is unfortunate that the Palestinian Authority is still influenced by an element that will not rest until Israel is wiped off the map," said the congressman, stressing that the "two state solution" seeking to divide Israel is certainly not viable as long as that reality continues.
The PA is allowing itself to be controlled by an element seeking Israel's destruction, said Zeldin, and there is "no room for any tolerance; I don't see the right type of discipline and message from leadership."
The congressman slammed the PA for seeking to "use media propaganda... to change facts and legitimacy," and slammed PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas for going to the UN to preach "hatred and intolerance."
On October 8, 2015, the Palestinian Authority (PA) daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida published an article by a Gazan Palestinian writer known by her pen name Sama Hassan. In it, she expressed her joy that her 15-year-old daughter was "avidly following the news about the popular uprising" in Jerusalem and the West Bank (namely the wave of stabbings in the recent days) and showing her admiration for the perpetrators by decorating her mobile phone with their pictures and watching videos about them. She wrote how happy she was when her daughter said she wished to "carry out a martyrdom operation and kill some Israeli soldiers."Only 0.3% of Yearly Visitors to Temple Mount Are Jews
Only 12,000 entries by Jews to the Temple Mount were recorded last year, compared with nearly 4,000,000 for Muslims, according to statistic provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Arab MK Zoabi Who Swore Allegiance to Jewish State: I Don’t Take Orders from Israel
That comes out to 0.3 percent.
There also were approximately 200,000 entries by Christians.
So what is this business about the Jews taking over the Temple Mount?
Even if police were to allow more Jews to ascend the holy site, the numbers would not increase significantly. The Chief Rabbinate forbids entry to the holy site for reasons of Jewish law concerning impurity since the destruction of the Second Temple.
MK Haneen Zoabi, serving in Israel’s Knesset since 2009, on Thursday told Gulf News: “We do not receive orders from Netanyahu and Israel.” This was in response to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s barring of cabinet ministers and lawmakers from visiting the Temple Mount, fearing that high-profile visitors, Jewish or Arab, would further inflame tensions in the already high strung Jerusalem.PM seeks to outlaw Islamic Movement for inciting terror
Zoabi, who’s been presenting herself as a Palestinian member of Israel’s parliament—although she is a registered Israeli citizen, also told Gulf News Netanyahu’s order was “a mere hysteric reaction,” and declared: “We challenge this ban order. Let them try us. We will regularly and increasingly visit Al Haram Al Sharif (the Arab name for the Temple Mount) to protect it. We do not receive orders from Netanyahu and Israel. Our relationship with occupied East Jerusalem and Al Haram Al Sharif does not pass through Israel and Netanyahu does not have anything to do with it.”
The problem is, MK Zoabi is beholden to both Netanyahu and Israel, in accordance with the 1958 Knesset Laws: “A Knesset member shall make a declaration of allegiance; the declaration shall read as follows: ‘I pledge myself to bear allegiance to the State of Israel and faithfully to discharge my mandate in the Knesset.’ Where the Chairman of the Knesset has called upon a member of the Knesset to make his declaration of allegiance and the member has not done so, the member shall not enjoy the rights of a member of the Knesset so long as he has not made the declaration.”
The unrest began with clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli police within the Jerusalem hilltop compound. But in recent days the violence has intensified and a series of shooting, stabbing and stoning attacks by Palestinians, carried out mainly by young people with no known links to terrorist groups, has shocked Israelis and raised fears of a new uprising.Radical Cleric: Netanyahu is Responsible for the Terror
"Israelis are acting with bravery, courage, restraint and determination to neutralize and kill the terrorists in the act," Netanyahu told reporters at a press conference with top defense officials. "With persistence, systematically and with determination, we will prove that terrorism doesn't pay."
The prime minister blamed the violence on a campaign of incitement waged by Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, the Islamic Movement in Israel and "other states in the region," saying that they were spreading lies and suggesting that Israel is planning to expand its presence on the Temple Mount. Netanyahu categorically denied these allegations, stressing that Israel has no intention of altering the existing status quo.
Netanyahu backed the initiative to outlaw the Islamic Movement in Israel and instructed the attorney general and law enforcement bodies to devise measures to curb the movement's incitement.
"We are conducting exhaustive and meaningful discussions into the question of outlawing them," he told reporters. "There is no question that we will take strong action against them."
Sheikh Raed Salah, head of the radical Islamic Movement in Israel who is known for his continuous incitement against Israel, on Thursday blamed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for the unrest in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.Hamas leader declares ‘intifada’ in the West Bank
Speaking to the Turkish Anadolu news agency, Salah said, "The Prime Minister of the Israeli occupation, Netanyahu, is fully responsible for the escalation in the West Bank and Jerusalem because of his attempt to harm the Al-Aqsa Mosque, on the basis of an assessment that Arab weakness will allow him to divide the Al-Aqsa Mosque between Muslims and Jews."
"In my view,” continued the radical sheikh, “the present events will not stop, but rather will turn into an all-out intifada, unless Netanyahu realizes the mistake he made when he hurt the feelings of Muslims with the police attack on the women who are clinging to the Al-Aqsa Mosque."
Hamas’s chief in Gaza on Friday called violence that has hit Israel and the West Bank in recent days an “intifada” and urged further unrest.Arab League Chief Blasts 'Racist' Israel
“We are calling for the strengthening and increasing of the intifada… It is the only path that will lead to liberation,” Ismail Haniyeh said during a sermon for weekly Muslim prayers at a mosque in Gaza City.
“Gaza will fulfill its role in the Jerusalem intifada and it is more than ready for confrontation,” he added.
The Islamic terror movement Hamas rules Gaza, the Palestinian enclave squeezed between Egypt and Israel and separated from the West Bank.
Arab League chief Nabil al-Arabi on Thursday condemned what he branded Israel's "racist and aggressive" practices towards the Palestinians and urged the United Nations and international community to intervene.Huffington Post Cites Hamas Media in Anti-Israel Hit Piece
Arabi's statement came amid continued clashes between Palestinian rock throwers and Israeli security forces in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and amid continued terrorist attacks against Israelis.
"The international community and the United Nations must take up their responsibilities in countering the aggressive and racist Israeli practices towards the Palestinian people," Arabi was quoted by the AFP news agency as having said.
"The continuing escalation of attacks on the Palestinian people by the Israeli occupation authorities and settlers threaten to exacerbate the situation in the entire region as the international community remains silent to these crimes," he added.
Arabi said the "arbitrary arrests of Palestinians, burning of their homes and preventing them from performing religious rituals constitute flagrant violation" of UN human rights resolutions, according to AFP.
His statement failed to mention any of the recent terrorist attacks carried out against Israelis.
Amid widespread terrorism being carried out by Palestinian jihadists throughout the State of Israel and the West Bank, the Huffington Post carried an incredibly misleading title in a report on Palestinian rioting, headlined: “Undercover Gunmen Open Fire At Palestinian Stone-Throwers.”Guardian’s verdict on terror wave in Israel: Palestinians are not responsible
After hours of being pelted by rocks, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) succeeded in infiltrating a Palestinian riot mob by using undercover agents to infiltrate the group’s hierarchy and stop the mob from causing injuries and destruction.
In writing the piece, the Huffington Post’s Jessica Schulberg used the term “gunmen” a whopping six times in the 350-word story to describe the undercover operatives, likening them to the terrorists that they were apprehending, even as IDF spokesman Peter Lerner identified the fake rioters as members of the IDF’s special forces “Duvdevan” unit.
Additionally, Schulberg cites a tweet incorrectly stating that the undercover operatives incited the riots. In fact, as multiple outlets have reported, various Palestinian mobs were pelting innocents with rocks for hours beforehand.
The inversion of reality is astonishing.After terror spree against Jews, Guardian highlights Palestinian victim
Beaumont’s first major “root cause” – “a campaign by some fundamentalist Jews and their supporters for expanding their rights to worship” – reads like a talking point by the al-Aqsa rioters themselves. Though there’s no serious possibility that the ban on Jewish prayer will be lifted, is Beaumont really suggesting that the mere possibility of Jews praying at their holiest site is sufficient to “incite” otherwise peaceful Palestinians to attack police and kill Jewish civilians?
Moreover, the “Israeli actions” at the Temple Mount he references were of course all in response to Palestinian violence – or planned violence – at the site. The Guardian is egregiously misleading readers by conflating the cause and effect.
Beaumont also fails to so much as mention the campaign of incitement about the mosque by Palestinians extremists and even “moderate” Palestinian leaders.
Though the report by Shuttleworth provided few details about the death of the 20-year-old Palestinian at the Shuafat refugee camp, Al Jazeera noted that she reportedly was shot by Israeli forces while soldiers were being attacked by hundreds of stone and firebomb throwing Palestinians during an attempted arrest of a suspect in an earlier attack.BBC News describes Henkin family attackers as “alleged militants”
The Israelis intentionally stabbed that day by Palestinians were targeted because they were Jews.
The Palestinian killed at Shuafat was evidently killed when soldiers found themselves confronted by violent Palestinian rioting.
Of course, the fact that the headline focused on the Palestinian, and not the multiple Jewish Israeli victims, would only be surprising to those completely unfamiliar with the Guardian’s institutional bias against the Jewish state.
The next day, the security services also recovered the weapon used in the attack.BBC News reporting on October 7 terror attacks avoids the word terror
Despite having covered the terror attack on the Henkin family (without actually naming it as such, of course), the BBC News website did not produce any stand-alone follow-up reporting on the subject of the arrests and the only brief mention of them came in an article titled “Palestinian youths killed in West Bank clashes” which appeared on the website’s Middle East page on October 5th.
Although the terrorists had admitted their involvement in the shooting attack (as well as two previous ones which fortunately did not result in fatalities) by the time the public announcement concerning their arrest was made, and although Hamas welcomed the announcement and again praised the attack, the language used by the BBC in its brief mention of the arrests curiously suggests to readers that the men might not after all be “Hamas militants”.
There are several notable points concerning this evolving article. No attempt was made to clarify to readers that the three specific attacks reported in the various versions of this article were by no means the only attacks to have taken place on that day.Four Seasons Evades Questions About Hosting Hamas Terror Leader
Whilst the reports named the towns of Kiryat Gat and Petah Tikva, no clarification was provided to readers with regard to the fact that the attacks in those places represent an expansion of what was described in the article’s early versions as “a surge in violence in Jerusalem and the West Bank”. In addition, there was no BBC reporting on the protests – some of which turned violent – in towns such as Jaffa and Lod.
Notable too is the fact that the BBC’s reporting adopts and promotes the notion of equivalence between victims of terrorism and their attackers, as well as those engaged in violent rioting, by means of the use of phrasing such as “a surge in violence in Jerusalem and the West Bank that has left eight people dead” and – immediately following a description of Israelis injured in terror attacks:
The Four Seasons hotel chain is continuing to avoid questions about its recent hosting of a senior Hamas terror leader during a press conference held at the resort’s Doha location, sparking further questions about the hotel’s relationship with one of the terror group’s top leaders.Syria: ‘We want UN Resolutions too!’ (satire)
Following the Washington Free Beacon’s disclosure last month that the Four Seasons in Doha had hosted a press conference by Khaled Meshaal, a senior Hamas leader who is designated by the United States as a terrorist, the hotel chain quickly pushed back, accusing this outlet of fabricating the story.
“We can confirm with certainty that this press conference was not held at Four Seasons Hotel Doha,” the hotel insisted on its official Twitter feed on Sept. 10.
Less than 24 hours later, and under mounting pressure from the Free Beacon and other outlets for further comment, the Four Seasons admitted it had in fact hosted Meshaal.
“On further investigation learned event held at [Four Seasons] Doha,” the hotel tweeted the following day. “Hotel not informed of nature of or organization related to event.”
The hotel chain continues to avoid further questions about the nature of its relationship with Hamas and Meshaal, who is widely reported to spend significant amounts of time at the Four Seasons and has been sighted residing there.
“Why does Israel get all of the UN’s attention?” That’s the question Syrian officials have been asking lately. “Would it kill the UN Security Council to pass a few resolutions our way? There are more UN resolutions against Israel than against North Korea, Iraq, and us combined. I mean, come on! We’ve killed 10 times more people in three years than the entire death toll of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict since 1967! Would it be so bad for the Human Rights Council to give us a spanking every once in a while? No, it’s always about the Jews”, said one Syrian government official.
They ‘knock on roofs’ and get 10 resolutions; we just fire in every direction…and nothing! We even tried chemicals – we’re competitive like that – and still Israel gets more news attention, more resolutions, more everything. What do we have to do to get that kind of publicity?” asked one Syrian General.
“So, Israel’s fighting Hamas. Big f#*king deal! Hamas is basically the ISIS’ Mini-Me. We’re fighting over 200 groups. Israel ain’t got nothing on us! Well, except for more resolutions…seriously, how do they do that?