Muhammad Hassan: If the Jews would hear the scream of the Umma (i.e. the Islamic Nation) like it is in football (stadiums), they would flee from Palestine
Sheikh Muhammad Hassan, the Salafi preacher, condemned the attacks of the Zionist entity against the Palestinians and the defilement of Al-Aqsa, calling upon the Islamic and the Arabic umma to unite in order to repel this tyrannical aggression against the Palestinian people.
Hassan said, in a statement: “If the Jews would hear the umma’s scream like it is (heard) in football stadiums, and if the umma would yell “Allah Akbar” on Jerusalem’s soil with these excited throats, like it yells (to cheer) a player and a stupid, miserable piece of leather (football) then by Allah, the Jews would flee from the land of Palestine.”
The Salafi preacher added that the Jews made football into the peak of seriousness and heroism in order to distract the Muslims and the Arabs from Palestine.
(h/t Ibn Boutros)