Monday, June 18, 2007

  • Monday, June 18, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Soccer Dad pointed out to me that the irate head of the Gaza's Latin church, upset over Hamas' desecration of his church property, is in fact a totally anti-semitic and anti-Western nutcase.

Here are some MEMRI quotes of Father Manuel Musalam:
"Had we lived in the days when the Church was a [real] Church that controls the world - a Crusader war crueler than the Crusader wars of the past would have been waged [against Israel]… Where is Christianity?!… We called upon them: 'Save Jesus.' But it appears that the Christians [in the West] have no connection to us… We told the Christians in the West: In Afghanistan, you moved heaven and earth to protect the Buddha statue; in your belief and ours, Bethlehem and the Church of the Nativity are much greater than a Buddha statue…"

"Therefore I, the Christian Palestinian, say in all rage and daring to the Christians of the world: You are loathsome! You are contemptible! You are cowards! – because you cannot carry the message of Jesus in your hearts. The message of Jesus is one of love, sacrifice, mercy, life, and manhood, and these Christians of the world have no mercy, no compassion, no manliness, no sacrifice. I do not mean only towards us, but even towards the Jews, as not only do the Jews kill us – we also kill them, because we are in a war of self-defense…"

"We – and I say this brutally, because he who remains silent is Satan – are facing the filthy Christians of the West… We hear that the American Congress is demanding that Bush unleash Israel to slaughter the Palestinians. What kind of Christian is this?! This is not Christianity; it is not even paganism. This is Christianity of the jungle. Our New Testament is not their New Testament, our Jesus is not their Jesus, our [Church of the] Nativity is not their [Church of the] Nativity, and our peace is not their peace. I will say still more: Our God is not their God…"

Father Manuel Musalam compared the armed Palestinians in the Church of the Nativity to Jesus on the cross: "…We kneel before the Palestinian in the besieged Church [of the Nativity]. He hungers, but he is steadfast; he thirsts, but he is steadfast. These words were not born in a vacuum. The one who said 'I am hungry' when he was on the cross was our Lord Jesus himself… Our Palestinian people in Bethlehem died like a crucified martyr, on the rock guarded by the Israeli soldiers armed from head to foot who have no compassion, love, life, or tolerance…"

"The Jew has a principle from which we suffer and which he tries to impose on people: the principle of the 'gentiles.' To him, the gentile is a slave. They [the Jews] give the [Palestinians] working in Israel only a piece of bread, and tell them: 'This piece of bread that you eat is taken from our children, and we give it to you so you will live not as free men on your land, but as a proletariat and slaves in Israel, to serve us…' The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are based on this principle, and anyone who reads the Protocols feels that we are in this period with the Jews …"

"The Church, the Pope, the Christians, and the New Testament clearly state that, according to Christian belief, the ones who killed Jesus are the Jews, and there is no way to deny or renounce this… The Jews are the ones who killed Jesus; after him, [they killed] the Christians, and after them, the Muslims. Now they are again killing both the Muslims and the Christians. Throughout history, we have seen that the Jews persecuted the Christians at the beginning of the Church, and now they are again persecuting the Church, and Islam…"

"As is known throughout the world, even in our time, they always accuse the Christians… The case of Pope Pius XII is bad enough. They accused him of terrible things… They attack the Church because the Pope was not as strict as they wanted in protecting the Jews from Nazism – while the Jews found shelter only in the Church and with Christian families…"[9]

So far in my series of the Psychological History of Palestinian Arabs I have only briefly touched on the attitude of Palestinian Arab Christians towards Jews. Many feel that they imported classical anti-semitism to the Arab Muslims at the turn of the 20th century. Even recently, Palestinian Arab Christian anti-semitism appears deep and endemic.

UPDATE: Hamas is threatening the Gaza Christians even as it denies attacking them:
By Aaron Klein
© 2007

JERUSALEM – Christians can continue living safely in the Gaza Strip only if they accept Islamic law, including a ban on alcohol and on women roaming publicly without proper head coverings, an Islamist militant leader in Gaza told WND in an exclusive interview.

The militant leader said Christians in Gaza who engage in "missionary activity" will be "dealt with harshly."

The threats come two days after a church and Christian school in Gaza was attacked following the seizure of power in the territory by the Hamas terror group.

"I expect our Christian neighbors to understand the new Hamas rule means real changes. They must be ready for Islamic rule if they want to live in peace in Gaza," said Sheik Abu Saqer, leader of Jihadia Salafiya, an Islamic outreach movement that recently announced the opening of a "military wing" to enforce Muslim law in Gaza.

Jihadia Salafiya is suspected of attacking a United Nations school in Gaza last month, after the school allowed boys and girls to participate in the same sporting event. One person was killed in that attack.

"The situation has now changed 180 degrees in Gaza," said Abu Saqer, speaking from Gaza yesterday.

"Jihadia Salafiya and other Islamic movements will ensure Christian schools and institutions show publicly what they are teaching to be sure they are not carrying out missionary activity. No more alcohol on the streets. All women, including non-Muslims, need to understand they must be covered at all times while in public," Abu Asqer told WND.

"Also the activities of Internet cafes, pool halls and bars must be stopped," he said. "If it goes on, we'll attack these things very harshly."

Abu Saqer accused the leadership of the Gaza Christian community of "proselytizing and trying to convert Muslims with funding from American evangelicals."

"This missionary activity is endangering the entire Christian community in Gaza," he said.

Abu Saqer claimed there was "no need" for the thousands of Christians in Gaza to maintain a large number of institutions in the territory.

About 2,000 Christians live in the Gaza Strip, which has a population of over 1 million.

Abu Saqer said Hamas "must work to impose an Islamic rule or it will lose the authority it has and the will of the people."

His comments come after gunmen Sunday attacked Gaza's Latin Church and adjacent Rosary Sisters School, reportedly destroying crosses, bibles, pictures of Jesus and furniture and equipment. The attackers also stole a number of computers.

The attack was the first targeting of Christian institutions since Hamas last week staged a coup against the rival Fatah party of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, seizing all Fatah positions and security compounds, essentially taking complete control of the Gaza Strip.

Hamas officials in Gaza claimed to WND Fatah was behind Sunday's church attack in an attempt to discredit Hamas to the international community.

Abu Saqer claimed he had "good information" the attack actually was a robbery aimed at the church's school computers, even though Bibles and Christian holy objects were destroyed.

  • Monday, June 18, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the July 9, 1942 Palestine Post, a small article showing how excited the local Arabs were at the founding of a new Jewish settlement in the Negev named Dorot:

  • Monday, June 18, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
The world is rushing to embrace the conventional wisdom of "Gaza=extremist Hamas, West Bank=moderate Fatah" and therefore use this as a basis of pushing the "peace" process forward, rewarding Mahmoud Abbas for his "moderation," and so forth.

The problem is that, like most conventional wisdom, this is a gross oversimplification.

In the local PA elections of 2005, before the Hamas victory in the legislative elections, Hamas won the majority of seats in Nablus (73% of the vote to Fatah's 13%) , Al-Bireh (72% of the vote) and Jenin (winning eight seats to Fatah's four.) Fatah didn't even win a majority in Ramallah; although it outpolled Hamas there it ended up tied with the Popular Front.

In other words, backing the corrupt and tattered PLO government in the West Bank may be as stupid as supporting Fatah in Gaza was.

Palestinian Arabs like to support winners, and Fatah is anything but a winner. Its inability to stand up to the numerically smaller Hamas forces in Gaza was nothing less than disgraceful in the Arab mind. Betting on Fatah now is as foolhardy as it ever has been.

One would hope, in vain, that the "experts" in the State Department and Kadima would know this.
  • Monday, June 18, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
And it appears that the US has not learned its lesson yet:
American officials have asked the U.S. Congress to restore funding that was to beef up weapons, ammunition and other materiel for Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s Force 17 personal militia last year.

The reason: Fatah lost a massive amount of military supplies when its Gaza forces were vanquished by Hamas last week in the PA civil war.

A PA official warned during the Hamas takeover that the terrorist faction had succeeded in grabbing “thousands of rifles, large amounts of ammunition and dozens of vehicles,” including armored jeeps and armored personnel carriers supplied by the U.S., Egypt and Israel. “This is really bad news for all,” he said.

According to the State Department, Assistant Secretary of State David Welch submitted the request at the end of recent Congressional hearings to restore $27 million in aid to the Fatah militia in order to help Force 17 re-arm.

The original aid package, more than $50 million, was approved six months ago to help train the Fatah forces under the direct supervision of U.S. military envoy Lt.-Gen. Keith Dayton.

The package was trimmed by half however, after Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice warned she could not guarantee that Hamas would not end up with the equipment supplied by the U.S.

Thousands of weapons and other materiel were shipped to the PA militia from American allies Egypt and Jordan, with Israel’s full knowledge and approval. Of those, however, many were confiscated by Hamas as it won smaller skirmishes with Fatah over the year.

Lt.-Gen. Dayton’s performance is now being questioned in the wake of his protégés’ stunning defeat at the hands of Hamas terrorists in Gaza, who honed their military skills under the tutelage of Iranian-backed Hizbullah terrorists in Syria, Lebanon and possibly Iran.

Hamas' Al Aqsa Television broadcast footage on Thursday and Friday of Hamas gunmen brandishing American assault rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, rocket launchers and ammunition the U.S. reportedly provided to Fatah over the past few months. Hamas fighters also showed what they said were 10 American-provided armored personnel carriers the terror group said it seized from U.S.-backed Fatah security compounds it took over Tuesday.

Most of the American aid and weapons were transferred to Fatah's Force 17 fighters unit, which serves as Abbas' Presidential Guard and de facto police officers in Gaza and Judea and Samaria.

Many members of Force 17 are openly members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group, Fatah's declared "military wing" which took responsibility for many suicide bombings in Israel the past two years. The Jewish state regularly arrests Force 17 members accused of carrying out shooting attacks against Israelis.
  • Monday, June 18, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Surprise, surprise - Islamic extremists also happen to be Islamic supremacists. From AP:
A school and convent belonging to the Gaza Strip's tiny Roman Catholic community were ransacked, burned and looted during clashes around a major security headquarters, the head of the community said Monday.

Crosses were broken, a statue of Jesus was damaged, and prayer books were burnt at the Rosary Sisters School and nearby convent, said Father Manuel Musallem, head of Gaza's Latin church.

The damage took place on Thursday, but wasn't reported until days later because of the chaos that has prevailed since Islamic Hamas militants wrested power in Gaza, Musallem said. The religious compound is located near a key security headquarters Hamas captured Thursday on the final day of its Gaza takeover.

Gunmen used the roof of the school during the fighting, and the convent was "desecrated," Mussalem said.

"Nothing happens by mistake these days," he said.

Haniyeh condemned the attack on the religious compound and President Mahmoud Abbas of the rival Fatah movement said in statement late Sunday that the "barbaric" attack was the act of Hamas' militia.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

  • Sunday, June 17, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
MEMRI translated an article written in May by liberal Egyptian author Kamal Gabriel, before the Hamas coup, that describes Palestinian Arab psychology perfectly.

"The All-Against-All Infighting… [Has] Become the Mental and Psychological Makeup of the Palestinian People"

"What is going on now in the Gaza Strip, since Israel withdrew from it, is a clear example that exposes the faults of what we have done. The domestic infighting among brothers of the same homeland, wretched from the occupation and wretched from the yielding of their culture, is too great and too dangerous to be [just] the result of differences of opinion among the factions, or the absence of a strong central government, or even of what they call the weapons anarchy.

"It is definitely all of this. But the most dangerous thing about this, and that which the bilateral meetings between the sides, or meetings under the auspices of a third party… or even the folkloric Arab League summits have been unable to overcome, is that the all-against-all infighting and its basic code have become the mental and psychological makeup of the Palestinian people, as a natural result of the predominant discourse of hostility and incitement. [This discourse] has been adopted by Palestinians of all persuasions and in all the factions - religious, pan-Arab revolutionary, and leftist. It is a discourse whose aim was sowing hatred, having recourse to violence, and enjoying spilling blood.

"At first it was directed against the so-called the Israeli enemy, and it uprooted any possibility of or tendency towards rational mutual comprehension or of recourse to discussion, dialogue, and negotiation - what is known as peaceful resolution - and it raised the slogan of 'clinging to the choice of resistance.' But one clings to goals, not methods, and resistance (meaning armed resistance) cannot, psychologically and culturally, be the only choice for peoples to achieve their goals, without there being any alternative…

"Perhaps this is [an example of] the only [psychological] state in which the goal and the means are seen to become united in the choice of violence. This occurs when someone is overcome with the spirit of vengeance…

"The culture and psychology of violence has been able to take possession of the Palestinian people for two reasons. The first is that the discourse of violence had already managed to be the only one on the scene, which was emptied of any counter-discourse when the rational thinkers fled or were forced to keep out of sight - [either] out of desperation or in order to preserve the wellbeing of themselves and their families amidst the vast flood of feelings of violence that began to sweep away everything in its path.

"The second reason is that the predominant discourse of violence, most of which was formed by the religious discourse, was not the discourse of a means that attempts to achieve a goal - for instance, the liberation of the homeland - but rather was a discourse of violence and sacred killing in the name of jihad, which the literature of violence considered to be a duty that had been neglected and which needed to be carried out by every believer. [This was written,] for instance, in 'Abd Al-Salam Farag's book The Neglected Duty, which has been an authoritative source for the jurisprudence of jihad since the 1970s."

"The Hatred was Transformed from Hatred of Zionism to Hatred of Jews, the Sons Of Apes and Pigs"

"This was translated into political language in the slogan that the Arab-Israeli struggle is an existential struggle, and not a struggle over borders, and its implementation in practice was the so-called martyrdom-seeking operations for killing Israeli civilians. The hatred was transformed from hatred of Zionism to hatred of Jews, the sons of apes and pigs.

"Perhaps no one has noticed - for where are we to find someone to notice, in the absence of reason and rationality? - that when you take an individual or a group away from the culture of using reason and peaceful dialogue, and replace it with the culture of violence and of killing those who are different, you cannot then afterwards control it and direct it to be used against one single side.

"This is what we said: It starts with the Zionist enemy who is occupying the Holy Land, and then the violence and the hatred spread dangerously, like fire, in the psyche of the one over which they have gained mastery. They consume everything around them - and the first thing they consume is the light of reason. The individual loses his natural balance, which is based on the balance between peaceful tendencies [that encourage] peace, and angry tendencies that incite to violence…

"Thus we observed, and gave our blessing to, the conflagrations of violence and hatred, and they extended from [being aimed at] the Zionist enemy to [being aimed at] anyone who befriended it or helped it - even if they helped us as well, and even if it was someone on whom we depended for medicine, food, and everything.

"Our violence and hatred extended to America, England, and the other Western countries, and there is a BBC journalist who is still a prisoner of our jihad-fighting organizations…"

"The Natural Consequence of… the Culture and Psychology of Violence… is the Fraternal Violence We See [Today]"

"The natural consequence of the rule of the culture and psychology of violence and its expansion is the fraternal violence we see [today], which has defied and will [continue to] defy all attempts to contain it - [violence among brothers] whom we all agree are miserable by any standard.

"The state of the Palestinian territories is perhaps the most critical in this respect… but we can give similar examples from all corners of what is called the greater Middle East - among them what is happening in Iraq among the Sunnis, the Shi'ites, and the Ba'thists as a result of the influence of the Ba'thist-Saddamist discourse…

"There are thousands of other examples, which seem at first sight less important and less acute in their level of violence, but that we assess as more serious because they indicate the expansion of the culture and psychology of violence and the rejection of discussion… This is among regular people in their daily lives…

"Violence naturally exists at all times and in every place. But we are in the midst of a striking growth in violence, not to say an increase at a catastrophic rate. In my estimation, this is the fruit that we are harvesting because we sowed thorns for over half a century.

"Thus, the crisis in the region is not the amount of disagreements in points of view or differences in interests [between ourselves] and our neighbors or the world. In both of these [cases], reason and dialogue can find solutions, whether comprehensive or partial, that are completely satisfactory, acceptable, or at least can be borne.

"Rather, the true crisis in the region is that the peoples of the region need psychological and cultural reeducation - which must necessarily be preceded by halting the discourse of violence, incitement, and hatred, in all its colors and classifications.

"But can this come about when the fires of hatred have already broken out [everywhere]?"
Any Westerner who dared to write this in a mass-media publication would be branded a racist.
  • Sunday, June 17, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights has counted the Gaza dead from last Sunday to today, and counts 160 people. This is higher than I had counted - I was at 146 including some West Bank murders as well. So the revised total is now 289 (my count as of last Sunday morning) +160+3 West Bank deaths I've documented+5 dead civilians that Hamas killed but blamed on Israel=457 killed this year by each other.

They also count 769 injuries.

UPDATE: Another execution of a Hamas dude by Fatah in the West Bank. 458.

"Popular Resistance Committees" shoot at PalArabs waiting at the Erez crossing, killing one. PalArab media uniformly and wrongly blames Israel. 459. (Fatah also claimed that Hamas executed 5 in Gaza this morning, but I could find no corroboration.)

UPDATE 3: PalArab murdered Wednesday, arriving at a hospital with multiple gunshot wounds. 460.

UPDATE 4: A second executed today. Wafa mentioned two dead today. It is very interesting that Wafa has this news and Ma'an does not. 461.

  • Sunday, June 17, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Israel and the US again seem hell-bent on propping up the nonexistent leadership of Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank. Olmert is close to giving him some $800 million and resuming negotiations for Israel's abandonment of the West Bank. The US is not likely to act more pro-Israel than Olmert is and will likely end the (also nonexistent) "embargo" of aid to the PalArabs. Yasir Arafat's Fatah is once again being viewed as moderate pragmatists who want nothing more than peace.

No one is willing to bring up the uncomfortable fact that the Al-Aqsa Martyr's Brigades is still terrorizing, still threatening, and still on the Fatah payroll, as most of them moonlight as "policemen."

Lately, Al Aqsa has been busy mopping up Hamas members in the West Bank. But they are also effectively importing Gaza-style chaos to the West Bank that Olmert is longing to give away. In the words of one Palestinian Arab journalist who claims to have just spoken to the new Fatah prime minister last night (after turning down his offer of being the new Minister of Information):
Q: Fatah-affiliated bands have been rampaging throughout the West Bank, abducting suspected Hamas members, vandalizing charitable and educational institutions and setting institutions, buildings and businesses on fire. Do you think the PA police and security agencies are accomplices in these criminal acts?

A: I don’t know for sure, but my impression is that these thugs couldn’t have done what they have done without at least a green light from the PA police forces.

Q: So why didn’t the PA stop these acts of terror against innocent people and their property? What kind of a government is that which allows this chaos and lawlessness to happen, without even criticizing it verbally?

A: I am as frustrated as you are. A few hours ago I asked Fayyadh how he was going to reestablish the rule of law in Nablus and Jenin and Tulkarm in light of what has been happening. He had no answer.

Q: Who exactly are those carrying out these acts of terror and vandalism?

A: They are faceless, masked people who claim to be members of Fatah’s military wing, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. But any thug or criminal, or indeed any Israeli collaborator, could put a mask on his face and then claim to be a member of al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. Strange things are happening here.

Q: What do you think is the end game of all of this?

A: I think we are probably witnessing the penultimate step before the collapse of the Palestinian Authority. And if that happens, there will widespread turmoil, chaos and lawlessness, which could prompt many people to ask for Jordanian intervention.

Q: Is this a serious possibility?

A: It might be a kind of last-resort eventuality.

Q: And would the Israelis allow this to happen?

A: Israel and Jordan are old friends.

Now, the interviewer is a notoriously rabid Israel basher and the interview was published in a "news" outlet that has a history of printing pure anti-semitic articles. Nevertheless, assuming that it is accurate, it shows that even the PalArabs admit publicly that Al-Aqsa is wreaking havoc and that the PA has no real way to stop them.

The PA judicial system seems to have collapsed already years ago. The PA "police" use jails at their convenience and there is no consistent rule of law. And all evidence points to there being no real distinction between the "police" that the West wants to arm and train and the terrorists that threaten not only Israel but ordinary Palestinian Arabs as well. Al-Aqsa has taken responsibility for a large number of rockets aimed at Sderot and Abbas never lifted a finger to stop them. For all intents and purposes, Al-Aqsa is the PA.

Another point that no one is talking about: While Hamas didn't get the majority of votes in the West Bank during the 2006 elections, it did quite well. The November 2005 local elections showed that Hamas had won 35% of the West Bank seats. Hamas - ideologically consistent, not nearly as corrupt as the PA, unwavering in its antipathy towards the West - is far more likely to gain power in the West Bank than anyone is willing to admit. The historic "boosting" of Abbas has been spectacularly unsuccessful in helping Abbas gain popular support.

Giving hundreds of millions of dollars to the corrupt, terror-infested PA now is breathtakingly stupid. Giving them international legitimacy is even worse. And throwing billions at a government that could easily go the way of Gaza is the ultimate expression of how the starry-eyed desire for "peace" is a recipe for disaster.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

  • Saturday, June 16, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:
Unknown gunmen on Saturday killed Fatah member, Nafith Mustafa, aged 20, in Deir al Balah, in the central Gaza Strip.

Director of the ambulance and emergency services in the Palestinian ministry of health, Dr Mu'awiya Hassanein, stated that Mustafa's corpse arrived at hospital with bullets in several areas of his body.

In a separate incident, a Palestinian boy, Tamir Abu Ghalya, aged 15, succumbed to wounds which he sustained as a result of an explosive device.
Hamas' military wing, the Qassam Brigades, announced on Saturday that one of its members, Awad Al Juju, was found dead inside the main preventive security headquarters of Tal al Hawa, in Gaza City.

The brigades said that Al Juju was kidnapped five days ago and his body was found on Saturday during investigations. The brigades stated that he had been killed.
And a Hamas "charitable society" was burned down.

Meanwhile, Fatah is burning Nablus.

Our PalArab self-death count for 2007 is now at 424.

UPDATE: YNet has six killed Saturday - two Fatah, two Hamas, two civilians. 427.

UPDATE 2: YNet adds that seven bodies of Hamas members were found Saturday as well; they were killed earlier, as well as a corpse of a Fatah commander. Not sure if the Fatah guy was counted above, so we are at 434.

Alleged "collaborator" with Israel murdered in a West Bank hospital by Fatah. And a 19-year old also murdered in Nablus for reasons unknown. 436.

Friday, June 15, 2007

  • Friday, June 15, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
They go to the office just like everyone else:

...and the restroom...

or just hanging out:

The cult of terror is so strong, that they keep their faces covered like criminals even in victory.
  • Friday, June 15, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Things are winding down in Gaza with the lesser-equipped but far more hateful Hamas destroying the Western backed corrupt, yet moderate terrorists of Fatah.

So far today:
Hamas executed two Fatah men suspected of being evil in the eyes of Allah,
A Fatah man sprayed bullets at a pro-Hamas rally, killing one,
Hundreds are looting PA buildings in Gaza;
"Gunmen" entered a hospital and executed a patient and also shot two women.

Ma'an points out (in an article that has since disappeared) that the only journalists left in Gaza are too scared to tell the truth about Hamas atrocities. The public executions of Hamas' enemies seem to have had a, shall we say, chilling effect on free speech. This helps explain why Ma'an reported Hamas' claims of an Israeli tank killing a family as credible, when it was in fact a Hamas explosive blowing up a car. Also, yesterday there were five killed in a "gas cylinder explosion" in Gaza - but was it really?

Our count of PalArabs violently killed by each other this year is now at 421.
A shortened version of the article remains here.

  • Friday, June 15, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
To a large extent, US policy has allowed Hamas to create its terror statelet in Gaza.

The 2006 elections where Hamas beat Fatah took place mostly because Bush was on his democracy kick - and he made the mistake of confusing democracy with elections. He read and admired Natan Sharansky's book, and misunderstood it. Real democracy requires freedom as a prerequisite, something that certainly didn't apply in the PalArab territories.

As a result, Hamas emerged stronger than ever and is now on its way to building an Islamist thugocracy - the exact opposite of the Bush administration's intent.

And it appears that the lessons have not yet been learned.

(Blogging from Blackberry so no links to relevant articles, sorry.)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

  • Thursday, June 14, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon

People are asking what a Gaza officially run by Hamas will mean.

I had a tiny moment of optimism after the initial Hamas victory in January 2006, followed immediately with a much worse case scenario that can easily happen:
My initial lack of concern over the Hamas victory may be premature. I had forgotten one of my own recent blog themes.

There is a way for Hamas to refuse to talk to Israel, ignore Western economic pressure, stay true to its Islamist roots and to appear to help the Palestinian Arabs in their day-to-day lives.

And the answer is Iran.

Iran would be overjoyed to have an Islamist fundamentalist terror statelet right next to Israel. It will provide more than enough money to offset the shortfall from any chance of the EU refusing to give aid to a terror group. It would increase Iran's influence and further its goals of being the world Islamist power. It would help Iran's popularity among the faithful, and it will solidify Iran's leadership role as the major threat to the West and eventual Islamist world domination.

As long as the world is willing to pay huge amounts of money to Iran for oil, the world will end up subsidizing the Hamastan terror statelet. For only a billion petrodollars a year, Iran can replace the EU, UN and US funds. (And the European twisted logic will then continue to find ways to give money to Hamas as a way to "maintain influence" over a bunch of thugs.)

Iranian missiles in Gaza could reach all of Europe.

Ultimately, Iran views Hamastan as the perfect delivery vehicle for nuclear weapons - an entire "nation" that would happily vaporize itself to destroy Israel.
Hamas initially claimed that they had no immediate designs on building an Islamic theocracy when they won the election, but statements made today show that this is no longer the case. Their commonalities with Iran far outweigh the Shia/Sunni divide. Al-Qaeda is not worrisome Gaza wildcard - it remains Iran, which will now have the opportunity to sandwich Israel between Hezbollah in the north and Hamas in the south.

The EU has already cut off aid to Gaza in the wake of Hamas' steamrolling Fatah. It is way past time for Israel to follow suit - cut off water, medical help and electricity towards a reichlet that is intent to destroy Israel. There is no occupation and Israel has no moral or legal obligation to prop up an entity that is dedicated to destroying it. Iran will be happy to try to fill the gap - but Iran is already stretched economically and I don't believe it can afford the billions of dollars annually that it would take to even keep the status quo, and its own domestic problems will only increase.

It is critical for Israel to speak up now to the world: Gaza shows what happens when you give Palestinian Arabs autonomy. Gaza is the model for the Palestine that the world insists is needed. In less than two years Gaza went from a functioning society to a violent Islamic terror statelet under Palestinian Arab rule. Staying silent now is a wasted opportunity.

Ultimately, Israel will invade Gaza again, especially when Hamas solidifies its victory and turns once again against Israel. This time Israel cannot be as concerned about civilians as she has in the past, because in war, total victory ends up saving more lives than the cease-fires that have been imposed on Israel in the past.

UPDATE: Charles Krauthammer agrees about the Iranian scenario. (h/t Daled Amos)
  • Thursday, June 14, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
One of the corollaries of the honor/shame culture in the Arab world is that you don't only desire honor for yourself, but you want to humiliate the enemy. Fear of disgrace is a much bigger incentive than seeking honor.

So it is not surprising that Hamas is showing Fatah members this morning on TV in their underwear. Even Ma'an News, which is the only PalArabic news source that is not openly partisan, describes it as humiliating. And note the juxtaposition of humiliating Fatah and declaring the greatness of Hamas (autotranslated):
Broadcast space Aqsa loyal to Hamas pictures of dozens of soldiers and officers of the Force are without clothes, except their underwear while raising their hands while elements of the Qassam shooting over their heads in humiliating and insulting.

Hamas leader Sami Zuhri Ayo on the background of these pictures said : "Allah Akbar Allah Akbar, praise be to God a lot, It was a moment of victory and say to the nation and the people that this is the second liberation of Gaza Liberalization of the first settlers and the second liberation of these clients.
Notice also that Hamas' promises not to turn Palestine into an Islamic state during the election have gone out the window.
  • Thursday, June 14, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ha'aretz:
Fatah officials said seven of their fighters were shot dead in the street outside Preventive Security building. A witness, Jihad Abu Ayad, said the men were being killed before their wives and children.

"They are executing them one by one," Abu Ayad said. "They are carrying one of them on their shoulders, putting him on a sand dune, turning him around and shooting."

Some of the Hamas fighters kneeled down outside the building, touching their foreheads to the ground in prayer. Others led Fatah fighters out of the building, some of them shirtless or in their underwear, holding their arms in the air. Several of the Fatah men flinched as the crack of gunfire split the air.

"We are telling our people that the past era has ended and will not return," Islam Shahawan, a spokesman for Hamas' militia, told Hamas radio. "The era of justice and Islamic rule have arrived."
  • Thursday, June 14, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Let's play Find the Bias:

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Violent Muslim, Christian and Jewish extremists invoke the same rhetoric of "good" and "evil" and the best way to fight them is to tackle the problems that drive people to extremism, according to a report obtained by Reuters.

It said extremists from each of the three faiths often have tangible grievances -- social, economic or political -- but they invoke religion to recruit followers and to justify breaking the law, including killing civilians and members of their own faith.

The report was commissioned by security think tank EastWest Institute ahead of a conference on Thursday in New York titled "Towards a Common Response: New Thinking Against Violent Extremism and Radicalization." The report will be updated and published after the conference.

The authors compared ideologies, recruitment tactics and responses to violent religious extremists in three places -- Muslims in Britain, Jews in Israel and Christians in the United States.

"What is striking ... is the similarity of the worldview and the rationale for violence," the report said.

It said that while Muslims were often perceived by the West as "the principal perpetrators of terrorist activity," there are violent extremists of other faiths. Always focusing on Muslim extremists alienates mainstream Muslims, it said.

The report said it was important to examine the root causes of violence by those of different faiths, without prejudice.

"It is, in each situation, a case of 'us' versus 'them,'" it said. "That God did not intend for civilization to take its current shape; and that the state had failed the righteous and genuine members of that nation, and therefore God's law supersedes man's law."


This worldview was common to ultranationalist Jews, like Yigal Amir, who killed Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995, to U.S. groups like Christian Identity, which is linked to white supremacist groups, and to other Christian groups that attacked abortion providers, it said.

"Extremists should never be dismissed simply as evil," said the report. "Trying to engage in a competition with religious extremists over who can offer a simpler answer to complex problems will be a losing proposition every time."

Harvard University lecturer Jessica Stern, the conference's keynote speaker, spent five years interviewing extremists for her 2003 book "Terror in the Name of God: Why Religious Militants Kill."

She said it was dangerous for U.S. President George W. Bush to use terms such as "crusade" or "ridding the world of evil."

"It really is falling into the same trap that these terrorists fall into, black and white thinking," Stern told Reuters on Wednesday. "It's very exciting to extremists to hear an American president talking that way."

Stern said to compare violent extremists from the three faiths was not to suggest that the threat was the same.

"These are not equivalent," she said. "The problems arising from Christian or Jewish extremism are not threatening to the world in the same way as Muslim extremism is."

Conference organizers say their aim is to develop a nonpartisan strategy to combat religious extremism.

The guest list includes representatives of the State Department, Homeland Security, the New York Police Department and the U.N. missions of Israel, Iraq, Britain and the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

Reuters is excited to have obtained an exclusive report from an obscure conference that seems to confirm what they've been saying for years.

The conference had, as its principal aim, to find a non-partisan way to combat extremism - and lo and behold, it wrote a report that made all extremism sound the same!

And even though the keynote speaker notes that Islamic extremism is qualitatively and quantitatively in a different ballpark than Jewish and Christian extremism, that opinion is buried at the bottom of the article, after a quote from her saying that Bush's use of the word "evil" is stupid.

Apparently, to consider a people who send pregnant women to blow up women and children as "evil" is just way too simplistic and just as bad as Islam calling all infidels "evil."
  • Thursday, June 14, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
JPost puts Wednesday's count at 35.

Ha'aretz adds 8 for Thursday.

Out PalArab self-death count for 2007 is now at 390.

Rumors that Fatah will finally take off their gloves are today's news, but it is unclear how many gloves they have left.

Fatah is discovering tunnels filled with explosives under their buildings; Hamas seems to have been busy in recent weeks. Hamas, of course, claim that the tunnels were meant to kill Jews. Yesterday some 10 Fatah members were killed when Hamas detonated a one ton bomb under their building in Khan Younis.

Ma'an English has the best description of the current state of the civil war as it is spreading beyond Gaza to the West Bank:
The main headquarters of the Preventive Security service in the Gaza Strip, known as Tal Al-Hawa, and the main building of the general intelligence services, known as Al-Mashtal, in western Gaza City, were the prime targets of Hamas' attacks on Wednesday night.

Our correspondent stated that the death toll in Gaza since Wednesday afternoon rose to 33 after the clashes between Hamas forces and the Bakr family came to an end. Five members of the Bakr family were killed. Dozens more were abducted in addition to three others who were killed earlier.

Furthermore, two brothers from the Afana family were killed in clashes which erupted in the centre of the city, and both were Fatah activists. A Hamas operative was also killed in Tal Al-Hawa.

Earlier, 11 Palestinians were killed and around a hundred were injured in clashes in Khan Younis, in the south of the Gaza Strip, after which Hamas took control of the headquarters of the national and preventive security forces.

Haniyeh and Abbas vainly call for a ceasefire

On Wednesday night, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Isma'il Haniyeh called for all hostilities to cease.

In a telephone call, Abbas and Haniyeh stressed that "efforts must be exerted in order to reach a ceasefire agreement." They called on all parties to cease hostilities, resume dialogue and to respect the previous agreements, especially the Mecca accord, in order to protect the national unity.

Fatah gunmen retaliate in the West Bank

However, the fighting continued and spread to the West Bank where Fatah-affiliated gunmen responded to the attacks on its facilities in Gaza by attacking Hamas' headquarters and institutions.

In the city of Ramallah in the central West Bank, Hamas accused Fatah of launching a campaign of arrests and break-ins against Hamas members.

Hamas sources told Ma'an that large numbers of Fatah-affiliated security services broke into Hamas members' homes in Ramallah and its suburb of Beitunia, arresting many and ransacking homes.

Hamas affirmed in telephone call to Ma'an that Fatah gunmen abducted attorney Rabi' Rabi', who is a member of the local council of Ramallah, after setting fire to his office in the city centre on Thursday morning.

Hamas also accused the security services of arresting the director of the Islamic endowment department in Ramallah, Majid Saqir, on Thursday. They added that Fatah gunmen also opened fire at the West Bank director of Hamas' Al-Aqsa Satellite TV, Muhammad Shtewi.

Hamas also said that gunmen opened fire at the home of the imam of the Beitunia mosque, Sheikh Iyad Ajlouni, at 3:00 am.

In the northern West Bank city of Salfit, south of Nablus, Hamas said that gunmen set fire to the local office of the Hamas bloc in the Palestinian Legislative Council, which is located in the village of Bidya, north of Salfit. The gunmen, according to Hamas sources, broke into the Nahda Society for Orphans, which is also Hamas-affiliated. In addition, the Juthour centre and the 'Bayan As-Sahafi' offices, also Hamas-affiliated, were broken into and equipment stolen.

In Tulkarem, also in the northern West Bank, our correspondent reported that unidentified gunmen opened fire at the 'Mass Press' information office, also Hamas-affiliated, causing huge material damage. No casualties or injuries were reported.

Unidentified people also torched 2 cars belonging to the Isra' schools, which belong to the Islamic alms-giving committee in Tulkarem.

In Jenin in the north of the West Bank, about 200 gunmen set ablaze the building of the Islamic club and damaged the property. They also besieged the Al-Iman school and raised the flags of Fatah and Fatah's armed wing, the Al-Aqsa Brigades, on the rooftops.

Unidentified gunmen also opened fire at Hamas members in the villages of Silat Al-Harithiya and Al-Yamun, located north west of Jenin city. Gunmen broke into homes of Hamas activists, intending to arrest them, but they were not at home.

Thursday's copies of 'Filasteen' ('Palestine') newspaper, which is considered close to Hamas, were also burned on Thursday morning by gunmen while being delivered from Ramallah to Jenin.

In Bethlehem in the southern West Bank, unidentified people torched the car of the Mufti of Bethlehem, Abdul Majid Ata, in front of his home in Dheishah refugee camp in the south of the city

UPDATE: JPost counts 14 dead in morning fighting in Gaza City, which presumably doesn't count the one from early this morning I mentioned in my last post on the topic. So my best guess on the death count is now up to 397. Grim milestone ahead!

UPDATE 2: Ma'an Arabic counts 16 today, but they might be including this morning's guy. So we are conservatively at 398.

JPost has the death toll at 25 by mid-afternoon. Also, Hamas claims to have found documentation of ties between Fatah and the CIA. 407.

Ma'an Arabic counts 27. 409.

UPDATE 5: PCHR counted 36 on Tuesday, I only had 35. 410.

Hamas blew up a family, including 4 kids, in a car in Rafah - and are claiming that it was from an Israeli tank. Israel denies being anywhere near there. Witnesses said it was from Hamas/Fatah fighting. 415.

UPDATE 7: The first West Bank death. 416.

UPDATE 8: A Hamas terrorist dies of his wounds Friday morning. 417.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Al-Husayni, as the head of religious affairs in Jerusalem, used his position to increase his influence not only among Muslims in Palestine but throughout the Arab world. One way he accomplished this was by fundraising for the Al-Aqsa Mosque built on the Temple Mount.

Despite the often mentioned phrase that "Jerusalem is the third-holiest city in Islam," Islam has never treated Jerusalem as anything other than a slum before modern Zionism. Pictures of the Al-Aqsa mosque from before 1922 show an empty ruin, strewn with weeds and with visible damage.

As photos and history show, Jerusalem was never a place of pilgrimage in Islam. The politically astute Husayni had ample reason to increase Muslim awareness of Jerusalem and increase his own power. He went on a fundraising tour of the Arab world, saying that he was defending the Al Aqsa Mosque from being destroyed by the Jews.

By the late 1920s he had raised enough money to repair and renovate the Dome, he had increased his influence in the Arab world at large as a real Arab leader, and his prestige among Palestnian Muslims skyrocketed. Not incidentally, he also managed to marginalize his family's major Jerusalem rivals, the Nashashibi family. To a large extent, the myth of the extent of Jerusalem's holiness to Muslims is a direct result of the Mufti's activities in te 1920s.

Palestine's Muslims, thirsting for Arab leadership, mostly accepted Husayni in that role. Together with his control of ever-increasing amounts of money his influence continued to grow. And his unbridled hatred for Jews colored every move he made.

Incensed at the Jews who continuously flocked to the Western Wall, Husayni created a story that Mohammed tethered his winged horse to the Wall during his mythical "Night Journey" and therefore the Wall itself was a holy Muslim place as well. Palestine's Muslims were more than willing to believe this new claim, and the Mufti knew his audience well enough to be able to incite them to any violence whenever he wanted.

An interesting aspect of "honor" is that, in the context of conflict, it is something that can be defended but not something that can be initiated. Throwing the first punch is not honorable. Defending one's family, people and religion, however, is praiseworthy.

An Arab leader who seeks the honor that comes from being a great warrior, therefore, needs to find a pretext for attacking - a reason to make his attack look defensive. The flimsiest excuse will do, and the Arab mentality provides the ability to interpret anything at all as a gross insult to the Arab people or to Islam. Here's why:

The guilt culture of the West is based, at least nominally, on reality - facts and results and accomplishments are the building blocks of the Western mindset..

The shame culture of the East, on the other hand, is based on perception, on how one is viewed rather than what he has actually done.

The importance of perception gives rise to the importance of symbolism in Arab culture. A symbol is, after all, only a representation. Symbols do not have any tangible value., but they have huge perceptional value - and perception is everything to Arabs.

The supreme importance of symbols in the Arab world leads to a number of corollaries.

Arab projection will assume that the West places the same importance on symbolism that Arabs do. As a result, during wartime, Arabs choose targets based on symbolic value more often that their strategic value. 9-11 is only one example.

Projection will also assume that the enemy places the same importance on symbolism, and as a result even innocuous actions by the enemy are perceived as huge (symbolic) insults to Arabs - because that is their entire frame of reference. A torn Koran, a damaged mosque, an offhand comment can all take on gigantic importance.

al-Husayni and his fellow religious leaders had already identified his enemy - the Jews. He had already identified his battleground - the Western Wall. Now all he had to do was wait for an event that he could spin as a gross offense that would provide cover for his retaliation, and that he could use to whip up the emotions of the Arabs that accepted him as their leader.

His chance occurred on September 23, 1928, on the afternoon before Yom Kippur. The Jews had erected a temporary, cloth screen to separate men and women during the holy day, and the Arabs sheikhs complained to the British that it must be taken down immediately or else "they would not be responsible for what happened." Such temporary mechitzot had been placed at the Kotel in years and decades past, but coupled with the Mufti's claims of the Jews wanting to take over the Temple Mount, any physical alteration of the site was taken to be an intense provocation and proof of Jewish designs on the entire area.

The British wanted to avoid antagonizing the Arabs, and even when they suggested that perhaps the screen can stay up until the end of the fast day, the Arabs continued to threaten violence. So the British dismantled the screen on Yom Kippur morning, and Husayni won the first round for control of the Western Wall with only threats of violence. But he got his supposed Jewish provocation that he could use an an excuse for violence. He then proceeded to distribute leaflets accusing the Jews of planning to take over the mosque.

In early 1929, the Arabs started their own prayer service opposite the Wall at precisely the same times as the Jewish prayer services. They started herding mules through the area. They "accidentally" dropped bricks from new construction on the mosque above onto the Jewish worshippers. They also applied for, and received, permission from the British for the building adjacent to the Kotel to be converted to a mosque. The British continued to prove to be cowed by threats of Arab violence.

On August 15, 1929, on Tisha B'Av, members of the Betar youth movement held a peaceful demonstration in front of the Wall. The Arabs then started a rumor that Betar attacked Muslims and cursed Mohammed. The very next day, the Supreme Muslim Council marched on the Wall and burned prayer books and notes in the Wall. The day after that, on the Jewish Sabbath, riots continued an an Arab mob killed a Jew in Jerusalem. The "disturbances" of 1929 had started.

Everyone knew that the riots would spread throughout Palestine. The British were warned but did nothing, and some reports had them standing by during actual murders. The Haganah organized and repulsed attacks against some areas, but others - particularly old Jewish communities who had lived in relative harmony with their Arab neighbors for centuries - refused help. Hebron bore the brunt of the Arab gangs, who not only killed all the Jews they could find but also raped and mutilated women and children. (Many of the Hebron victims were American yeshiva students.) In the end, over a hundred Jews had been murdered by the murderous Arab mobs.

It is notable that the victims were, by and large, not Zionist and not new immigrants - Hebron, Safed and Jerusalem each hosted ancient Jewish communities. The attacks, instigated by the Mufti and his cronies, were the purest manifestation of anti-semitism imaginable.

It is unclear who actually participated in the riots. Accounts of the Hebron massacre do not mention any of the victims knowing the Arabs who were attacking. Many in Hebron were in fact saved by their Arab neighbors. It can be guessed that the mobs were most likely comprised of young, unemployed men who were loyal to the Mufti, and this loyalty came both from his charisma and his power. But in the aftermath of these pogroms we find none of the self-criticism that followed the 1921 riots - al-Husayni was now an unchallenged leader and the Arabs who had no problem with the Jews were not going to stand up to him.

The British did their part in the Mufti's playbook as well, recommending in the wake of the Arab riots that they were a reaction to Zionist immigration and recommending to limit the number of Jews that could move to Palestine. The Shaw Commission exonerated the Mufti for his part of the riots, although a later commission in 1937 found that he was far more involved than the British were at first willing to admit. In addition, the British declared that the Wall was owned by the Muslims but allowed certain, specific kinds of worship by Jews there. (The Jews did not claim to own the Wall, saying that it belonged to God.) The British also agreed that the Wall was al-Buraq and holy to Muslims, even while they admitted that the claim that al-Buraq coincided with the Western Wall was relatively new.

The pogrom instigated by the Mufti ended up giving him more power than ever, and the Jews wound up being punished by the British desire to not upset the Arabs. Violence against Jews, proven to be effective twice, was now the preferred modus operandi of the Palestinian Arab leaders for political gain.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
  • Wednesday, June 13, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
While all the infighting between moderate terrorists and extreme terrorists is well and good, it is important to remember the depths of depravity and pure hate that they all have for Jews:
Details of a foiled double suicide attack in Netanya and Tel Aviv were released for publication Wednesday afternoon. Two Palestinian women were arrested last month at the Erez Crossing. They admitted to have planned to carry out a double suicide attack in Netanya and Tel Aviv. Both women are mothers of children and one of them is also pregnant.

The Islamic Jihad is the organization that sent the two women to commit the attacks in a restaurant, a wedding hall or a location with a concentration of IDF soldiers.
Ha'aretz adds more sickening detail:
Fatma Yunes Hassan Zak, 39, a resident of Gaza, mother of eight children and pregnant with her ninth, had been responsible for an Islamic Jihad Gaza women's labor office for four years. She had been in contact with Islamic Jihad terrorists and coordinated contacts on their behalf with women who had volunteered to be suicide bombers.

Approximately three months ago, her niece, Ruda Ibrahim Yunes Haviv, 30, a resident of Gaza and mother of four children, sought her assistance in perpetrating a suicide attack. Zak, who decided to participate in the attack as well, contacted her Islamic Jihad liaison, who aided the two women in putting their plan into operation.

Haviv requested the Israeli authorities' permission to travel to Ramallah, falsely claiming she needed to undergo medical tests. Zak was supposed to accompany her to the fabricated treatment in Ramallah.

The Shin Bet maintains that the two were due to meet with an Islamic Jihad militant in Ramallah, who was supposed to give them explosive belts and take them to the the locations of the planned attacks.
Pure, unadulterated evil that is cheered by Palestinian Arabs across the board when it is "successful."
  • Wednesday, June 13, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
We all knew what a good liar Saeb Erekat is - but his comedy career is about to get a boost as well:
Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) chief negotiator, Saeb Erekat, said on Wednesday that he expects Palestinians to overcome the current crisis and that the dangerous deterioration in the Gaza Strip should have a positive affect on the international community and encourage it to enact its responsibilities towards the Palestinian people.

Erekat spoke following a meeting with the EU Special Representative for the Middle East Peace Process, Marc Otte, and head of the EU observers at Rafah Crossing, Major-General Pietro Pistolese.

Erekat urged the EU observers to continue their job despite the descent into violent conflict in the Gaza Strip. Erekat said that the Rafah Crossing is the only access point for Gazans to the outside world.

Finally, Erekat stressed the responsibility of the international community towards the Palestinian people and urged the UN and the EU to help the Palestinians and submit more aid to ease the lives of people living in dire conditions in the Palestinian territories.
I wonder what possible circumstances would ever occur that would make Erekat say that the Palestinian Arabs should not get more free money from the civilized world?
  • Wednesday, June 13, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Did you hear that Fatah and Hamas are burying the hatchet and going to merge?

They'll now be known as Fatass.

(h/t TreeHugger )
UPDATE: Aussie Dave has a prior claim - plus proof - on that joke.

  • Wednesday, June 13, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Daily Telegraph (h/t Dry Bones):
"They're firing at us, firing RPGs, firing mortars. We're not Jews," the brother of Jamal Abu Jediyan, a Fatah commander, pleaded during a live telephone conversation with a Palestinian radio station.

Minutes later both men were dragged into the streets and riddled with bullets.

I guess in times of stress it gets very hard to remember to substitute "Zionists" for "Jews."
  • Wednesday, June 13, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Most sources put today's death count at 9 so far, including a 16-year old boy.

It appears that Hamas is close to winning that wonderful prize known as Gaza.

Hamas prepared a hit list of Fatah leaders it wants dead. Wisely, most of those "leaders" happen to be out of the area while their people are killing each other.

Meanwhile, a retiring UN Jerusalem envoy wrote a 53-page report complaining that the UN wasn't anti-Israel enough.

And just because they are killing each other doesn't mean that PalArab terrorists can't take out a few minutes for some R&R, shooting Qassams at Jews.

Our count of Palestinian Arabs violently killed by each other this year is now at 354.

Ma'an Arabic now counts 14 for today. 359.
And during a rally against the violence, 15 marchers were injured.

UPDATE 2: One of those marchers was killed (Ha'aretz still has the total at 14 but Ma'an did not count the dead civilian earlier.) Also, two PalArab UNRWA workers were killed too. 362.

UPDATE 3: Ynet counts at least 27 dead today. Conservatively, this makes the self-death count 372, assuming they are including everyone mentioned above.

UPDATE 4:YNet has upwardly revised Wdnesday's total death count to 33. 380.

Thursday's first victim, a "senior" Hamas member. 381.

PalToday Arabic reports on the bodies of two women found Wednesday evening. No idea if they were counted by the other counts. I will update the number of women killed but not the total number.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

  • Tuesday, June 12, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Another article about how Palestinian Arabs would prefer Israeli occupation to Hamastan:
Even before the civil war which Hamas and Fatah are starting in the Strip, Professor Jarbawi of Bir Zeit University maintained that the Palestinian Authority was a mere illusion of power: occupation under the guise of self government, and therefore useless.

On Tuesday, a Palestinian journalist likened the Palestinian Authority to a smoke-belching car wreck, adding that it was time to toss the keys to the Israelis. His view is shared by many Palestinian civilians in Gaza, who in recent days have told the media that they are fed up. "We've had enough, we should be so lucky as to see the return of the Israeli occupation."

Another article on how Jewish Israeli doctors keep saving Palestinian Arab lives:
In the Gaza Strip's Jab aliya refugee camp, Aref Suleiman was raised on Palestinian struggle against the Jewish state. Today he lies in an Israeli hospital bed, his body riddled with Palestinian bullets, his wounds tended daily by Israeli nurses.

For the 22-year-old Mr Suleiman, who was shot five times point blank by Hamas militants last month during a renewed bout of Palestinian infighting, this is not the Arab-Israeli conflict he learnt about as a child growing up in Gaza's desperate, rubbish-strewn alleys.

"Palestinians shoot me and Jews treat me," he laughs bitterly. "It was supposed to be different.

As Hamas destroys Fatah in northern Gaza, and as Fatah starts fighting back in the West Bank, let's go back in memory lane in those rosy days after Hamas' election when Jimmy Carter expressed his profound love for all things Hamas in February 2006 on the Larry King show:
KING: We're back with President Carter. You were there. Is there any chance of Hamas turning away from the violent statements in their concept?

CARTER: Yes, I think there's a good chance, Larry. After Arafat was elected ten years ago, I was there and he knew me and he asked me to intercede with Hamas leaders to see if at that time they wouldn't accept the new Palestinian government, the parliament members and Arafat as president.

And, I spent a while with them but some of their leaders were out of the country, so I arranged to meet with the leadership in Cairo after I left Palestine. But when the time came they canceled on the meeting, so I haven't had any contact with them since until two days after this election.

I did meet with some of the same Hamas members in Ramallah and I think they told me they want to have a peaceful administration. They want to have a unity government, bring in the Fatah members and the independent members and I think that there's a good chance that they will, of course, what they say, what they do is two different matters.

One thing they pointed out and Israeli security confirmed this to me, Hamas leadership in August of 2004 pledged themselves to apply a cease-fire and they haven't committed any actions of violence in the last 18 months. [Here is proof of that Hamas "truce" during those 18 months - EoZ]

This indicates what they might do in the future but it also indicates another thing I think is quite interesting. That is that Hamas is a highly-disciplined organization and if they say "We will not have any violence from our people," I think they can enforce what they say.
It's eerie. Almost like Jimmy was a prophet or something. He just nailed it - the discipline, the desire for peace, the chances of Hamas becoming peaceful. An amazing job.
  • Tuesday, June 12, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon

The Guidebook for Taking a Life

We were in a small house in Zarqa, Jordan, trying to interview two heavily bearded Islamic militants about their distribution of recruitment videos when one of us asked one too many questions.

“He’s American?” one of the militants growled. “Let’s kidnap and kill him.”

The room fell silent. But before anyone could act on this impulse, the rules of jihadi etiquette kicked in. You can’t just slaughter a visitor, militants are taught by sympathetic Islamic scholars. You need permission from whoever arranges the meeting. And in this case, the arranger who helped us to meet this pair declined to sign off.

“He’s my guest,” Marwan Shehadeh, a Jordanian researcher, told the bearded men.

With Islamist violence brewing in various parts of the world, the set of rules that seek to guide and justify the killing that militants do is growing more complex.

This jihad etiquette is not written down, and for good reason. It varies as much in interpretation and practice as extremist groups vary in their goals. But the rules have some general themes that underlie actions ranging from the recent rash of suicide bombings in Algeria and Somalia, to the surge in beheadings and bombings by separatist Muslims in Thailand.

Some of these rules have deep roots in the Middle East, where, for example, the Egyptian Islamic scholar Yusuf al-Qaradawi has argued it is fine to kill Israeli citizens because their compulsory military service means they are not truly civilians.

The war in Iraq is reshaping the etiquette, too. Suicide bombers from radical Sunni and Shiite Muslim groups have long been called martyrs, a locution that avoids the Koran’s ban on killing oneself in favor of the honor it accords death in battle against infidels. Now some Sunni militants are urging the killing of Shiites, alleging that they are not true Muslims. If there seems to be no published playbook, there are informal rules, and these were gathered by interviewing militants and their leaders, Islamic clerics and scholars in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and England, along with government intelligence officials in the Middle East, Europe and the United States.

Islamic militants who embrace violence may account for a minuscule fraction of Muslims in the world, but they lay claim to the breadth of Islamic teachings in their efforts to justify their actions. “No jihadi will do any action until he is certain this action is morally acceptable,” says Dr. Mohammad al-Massari, a Saudi dissident who runs a leading jihad Internet forum,, in London, where he now lives.

Here are six of the more striking jihadi tenets, as militant Islamists describe them:

Rule No. 1: You can kill bystanders without feeling a lot of guilt.

The Koran, as translated by the University of Southern California Muslim Student Association’s Compendium of Muslim Texts, generally prohibits the slaying of innocents, as in Verse 33 in Chapter 17 (Isra’, The Night Journey, Children of Israel): “Nor take life, which Allah has made sacred, except for just cause.”

But the Koran also orders Muslims to resist oppression, as verses 190 and 191 of Chapter 2 (The Cow) instruct: “Fight in the cause of Allah with those who fight with you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors. And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out, for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter. ...”

In the typical car bombing, some Islamists say, God will identify those who deserve to die — for example, anyone helping the enemy — and send them to hell. The other victims will go to paradise. “The innocent who is hurt, he won’t suffer,” Dr. Massari says. “He becomes a martyr himself.”

There is one gray area. If you are a Muslim who has sinned, getting killed by a suicide bomber will clean some of your slate for Judgment Day, but precisely where God draws the line between those who go to heaven or hell is not spelled out.

Rule No. 2: You can kill children, too, without needing to feel distress.

True, Islamic texts say it is unlawful to kill children, women, the old and the infirm. In the Sahih Bukhari, a respected collection of sermons and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, verse 4:52:257 refers to Ghazawat, a battle in which Muhammad took part. “Narrated Abdullah: During some of the Ghazawat of the Prophet a woman was found killed. Allah’s Apostle disapproved the killing of women and children.”

But militant Islamists including extremists in Jordan who embrace Al Qaeda’s ideology teach recruits that children receive special consideration in death. They are not held accountable for any sins until puberty, and if they are killed in a jihad operation they will go straight to heaven. There, they will instantly age to their late 20s, and enjoy the same access to virgins and other benefits as martyrs receive.

Islamic militants are hardly alone in seeking to rationalize innocent deaths, says John O. Voll, a professor of Islamic history at Georgetown University. “Whether you are talking about leftist radicals here in the 1960s, or the apologies for civilian collateral damage in Iraq that you get from the Pentagon, the argument is that if the action is just, the collateral damage is justifiable,” he says.

Rule No. 3: Sometimes, you can single out civilians for killing; bankers are an example.

In principle, nonfighters cannot be targeted in a militant operation, Islamist scholars say. But the list of exceptions is long and growing.

Civilians can be killed in retribution for an enemy attack on Muslim civilians, argue some scholars like the Saudi cleric Abdullah bin Nasser al-Rashid, whose writings and those of other prominent Islamic scholars have been analyzed by the Combating Terrorism Center, a research group at the United States Military Academy at West Point, N.Y.

Shakir al-Abssi, whose Qaeda-minded group, Fatah Al Islam, has been fighting Lebanese soldiers since May 20, says some government officials are fair game. He was sentenced to death in Jordan for helping to organize the slaying of the American diplomat Laurence Foley in 2002, and said in an interview with The New York Times that while he did not specifically choose Mr. Foley to be killed, “Any person that comes to our region with a military, security or political aim, then he is a legitimate target.”

Others like Atilla Ahmet, a 42-year-old Briton of Cypriot descent who is awaiting trial in England on terrorism charges, take a broader view. “It would be legitimate to attack banks because they charge interest, and this is in violation of Islamic law,” Mr. Ahmet said last year.

Rule No. 4: You cannot kill in the country where you reside unless you were born there.

Militants living in a country that respects the rights of Muslims have something like a peace contract with the country, says Omar Bakri, a radical sheik who moved from London to Lebanon two years ago under pressure from British authorities.

Militants who go to Iraq get a pass as expeditionary warriors. And the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks did not violate this rule since the hijackers came from outside the United States, Mr. Bakri said.

“When I heard about the London bombings, I prayed that no bombers from Britain were involved,” he said, fearing immigrants were responsible. As it turned out, the July 7, 2005, attack largely complied with this rule. Three of the four men who set off the bombs had been born in Britain; the fourth moved there from Jamaica as an infant.

Mr. Bakri says he does not condone violence against innocent people anywhere. But some of the several hundred young men who studied Islam with him say they have no such qualms.

“We have a voting system here in Britain, so anyone who is voting for Tony Blair is not a civilian and therefore would be a legitimate target,” says Khalid Kelly, an Irish-born Islamic convert who says he studied with Mr. Bakri in London.

Rule No. 5: You can lie or hide your religion if you do this for jihad.

Muslims are instructed by the Koran to be true to their religion. “Therefore stand firm (in the straight Path) as thou art commanded, thou and those who with thee turn (unto Allah), and transgress not (from the Path), for He seeth well all that you do,” says verse 112 of Chapter 11 (Hud). Lying is allowed only when it is deemed a necessity, for example when being tortured, or when an innocuous deception serves a good purpose, scholars say.

But some militants appear to shirk this rule to blend in with non-Muslim surroundings or deflect suspicion, says Maj. Gen. Achraf Rifi, the general director of Lebanon’s internal security force who oversaw a surveillance last year of a Lebanese man suspected of plotting to blow up the PATH train under the Hudson River.

“We thought the story couldn’t be true, especially when we followed this young man,” General Rifi said. “He was going out, drinking, chasing girls, drove a red MG.” But he says the man, who is now awaiting trial in Lebanon, confessed, and Mr. Rifi recalled that the Sept. 11 hijacker who came from Lebanon frequented discos in Beirut.

Mr. Voll takes a different view of the playboy-turned-militant phenomenon. He says the Sept. 11 hijackers might simply have been “guys who enjoyed a good drink” and that militant leaders may be seeking to do a “post facto scrubbing up of their image” by portraying sins as a ruse.

Rule No. 6. You may need to ask your parents for their consent.

Militant Islamists interpret the Koran and the separate teachings of Muhammad that are known as the Sunna as laying out five criteria to be met by people wanting to be jihadis. They must be Muslim, at least 15 and mature, of sound mind, debt free and have parental permission.

The parental rule is currently waived inside Iraq, where Islamists say it is every Muslim’s duty to fight the Americans, Dr. Massari says. It is optional for residents of nearby countries, like Jordan.

In Zarqa, Jordan, the 24-year-old Abu Ibrahim says he is waiting for another chance to be a jihadi after Syrian officials caught him in the fall heading to Iraq. He is taking the parental rule one step further, he said. His family is arranging for him to marry, and he feels obligated to disclose his jihad plans to any potential bride.

“I will inform my future wife of course about my plans, and I hope that, God willing, she might join me,” he said.

Notice that the minimum age for a jihadi is 15.

Also notice that the NYT bends over backwards to minimize as "miniscule" the number of jihadis who believe in this philosophy, all the while quoting Yusuf al-Qaradawi in his support of terror - and Qaradawi has a huge influence in the Muslim world.
  • Tuesday, June 12, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Fatah executed the nephew of former Hamas leader Rantisi this morning.

Fatah was killing Hamas members taken to hospitals, so now Hamas has taken over three hospitals in Gaza.

Fatah attacked "Prime Minister" Haniyeh's house twice and his office once.

A woman died of her wounds from shelling yesterday. For some reason YNet is not including her in its grand total.

Ha'aretz adds:
Both Hamas and Fatah, on Web sites and in text messages to activists, called for the execution of the other side's military and political leaders. Both sides described the fighting, which is turning more brutal with each day, as all-out civil war.

Fatah is threatening to spread the violence to the West Bank of Hamas keeps winning in Gaza. (Already there was some gunfire in Nablus.)

Tough to keep track but I believe that the count of Palestinian Arabs violently killed by each other in 2007 is now up to 310.

UPDATE: PalToday confirms total number at 19 since Monday, also that Fatah kidnapped four Hamas-niks in Ramallah, in the West Bank.

UPDATE 2: Since daybreak, it looks like the score is Hamas 1, Fatah 1 (even though Hamas appears to be winning the war hands-down.) 312.

UPDATE 3: Ma'an Arabic (6:30 PM) counts 22 dead since Monday, making our total 315. YNet (8 PM) adds two more Hamas dead terrorists in the evening, making it 317.

Ma'an English reports a total of 43 dead since Monday including 21 on Tuesday evening (10 Fatah, 11 Hamas) as Hamas seemd to capture the last Fatah post in northern Gaza. This puts our count at 336.

Ma'an Arabic, always more up to date, counts 50 dead since Monday. 343.

UPDATE 6: Two more died from their wounds. 345.


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