Niece of terrorist prisoner Muhammad Aref Oudeh: “They came to say that my homeland is their homeland
My land, my history, my residence have become their land
Jerusalem – could it be, people, that it would become the occupiers’ property?
Is it the capital of the impure?
No, it is the capital of Palestine
So it will remain, and so we will remain” …
Daughter of prisoner Husam Al-Dik: “O Palestine, the days of Saladin will return
If you only knew, the victory that you will have is the victory of Hattin
A Jew defiled Jerusalem and behaved tyrannically and violently
He gathered the world’s dogs inside you and [placed] a military camp on your land
Resistance is a weapon and a rock, you will never lose
Resistance is a weapon and a rock, Allahu Akbar (“Allah is greatest”)”
Clueless Westerners still think that if only Israel would give more concessions, there will be peace. Palestinians teach their kids that there can never be peace as long as there is an Israel.