Palestinian Media Watch
translated a column in the official PA newspaper Al Hayat al-Jadida, by Muwaffaq Matar.
Matar is a member of Fatah's Revolutionary Council and a regular columnist for the official newspaper.
On November 21, he wrote:
It would not be an exaggeration if we say that the racist occupation government has worked to export the ‘COVID-19’ (Coronavirus) epidemic to us, after our institutions succeeded in limiting and reducing the scope of its spread, as [Israel] used the virus as a new weapon to weaken the scope of economic life to the lowest point, and to leave it in an almost fateful dependency on its economy!
Jews purposefully infecting non-Jews just so they become richer?
Nah, nothing antisemitic about that.
It is worth repeating that the outrageous part isn't that some idiot writes something racist. It isn't even outrageous that the editors of the newspaper have no problem publishing bigotry.
The outrageous part is that this pure Jew-hatred is published every day, and there is no Palestinian media that disagrees. There is no debate in Palestinian media about this - Jews are evil, and that is accepted as fact.
People who claim they want peace are curiously unconcerned about this.