Friday, April 02, 2021
Friday, April 02, 2021
Elder of Ziyon
The ADL's David Andrew Weinberg reviewed the currently used Jordanian textbooks, which are all online.
Of course, the answer is (D).
He found some explicit antisemitism.
In the Seventh Grade Islamic Education textbook (first semester) children are taught that “treason and the breaking of pacts are among the characteristics of the Jews and the hypocrites.” The chapter ends with the multiple-choice question: “Among the characteristics of the Jews for which they are renowned are: (A) the breaking of pacts, (B) treachery and treason, (C) hating Muslims, or (D) all of the above.”
A 12th grade Arab and world history book denies any Jewish history in the region. It lists the various rulers of the region of Palestine throughout history but doesn't mention Jews or Israelites until the 19th century, where it discusses “Zionist greed in Palestine,” in league with imperialist powers. It defines the Zionist movement as “a racist, settler political movement aimed at establishing a national homeland for the Jews in Palestine, founded on historical claims without basis in truth.”
The book also says that that Israel is trying to "Judaize Jerusalem and obliterate its Arab, Muslim and Christian landmarks" and that Jewish links to Jerusalem are “founded on historical and religious claims without any actual grounds on which to base them.”
This section says that Israeli archaeological research is meant to "fake Talmudic narratives" and that they destroy Muslim and Christian antiquities.
Here is more proof that the peace agreement with Jordan has nothing to do with actual peace, and that Jordanians continue to teach antisemitism and anti-Israel lies to their children.