Friday, April 30, 2021

  • Friday, April 30, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
CJ Werleman, the obsessively anti-Israel author and journalist, gives a master class in how to lie with facts in this article in Inside Arabia:

Israel Has Made a Habit Out of Bombing Gaza During Ramadan

Four days after the start of the holy month of Ramadan this April, Israeli warplanes began pounding the encaged and blockaded Palestinian enclave of Gaza, carrying out multiple bombing raids over two consecutive days against what it claimed without evidence to be “terror targets.”

“We strongly condemn Israel’s airstrike on Gaza during the [Muslim] holy month of Ramadan,” said Turkey’s presidential spokesperson Ibrahim Kalin on April 16, echoing similar calls from leaders throughout the Muslim world.

In a world filled with unpredictable and unforeseeable events, Israeli military attacks on the Gaza Strip during Ramadan has reached the level of predictable certainty,
Somehow, Werleman fails to mention that those attacks came as a direct response to rocket fire from Gaza on both days.

Even Al Jazeera admits that!

 Werleman would say "you cannot find a single lie in my piece." Maybe. But misleading readers by withholding context is just a more sophisticated lie. And this is no oversight - he is deliberately framing Israeli responses to attacks as being driven by Jewish bigotry.

Let's use Werleman's own techniques to "prove" the converse to what he says - Palestinian Muslims love to attack Jews during Ramadan.

The double suicide bombings on Ben Yehuda Street in 2001, killing 11. 
The Kiryat Menachem bus bombing in 2002, killing 15.
The Hadera Market bombing in 2005, killing 7.
4 killed in a shooting attack in Kiryat Arba, 2010.
August 20, 2011, one killed Beersheva during a barrage of 70 rockets from Gaza.

This is only some of the fatal attacks, and a tiny percentage of total attacks.

It sure sounds like Palestinians love to attack Jews on the holy month of Ramadan, doesn't it?

Except that it is not true. They attack whenever they want, Ramadan included. It may be statistically more likely that attacks happen during Ramadan, but it is far from obvious - if someone is seeking to report the truth. 

But what is clearly true is that Muslims are no less likely to attack during the holy month of Ramadan. After all, Egypt calls the Yom Kippur War that they started the "Ramadan War." They are quite proud of that fact. 

Werleman - who brags that he used to be an anti-Muslim bigot before he saw the light - is as bigoted as he ever was. 


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